All Episodes

July 31, 2019 63 mins

Bachelor Nation this finale was savage.

Tyler C is here as guest co-host and he’s opening up about EVERYTHING.

 Did Hannah make the right decision?

Do Tyler and Hannah have a chance at reconciliation?

 People thought Tyler was a player at first… how did he break down that barrier with Hannah? Why did everyone seem to implode except for Tyler?

Tyler reveals something shocking about how he got involved with the show.

 We learn what Tyler thinks about Jed and "girlfriendgate".

Ben has some advice for Tyler as he continues his journey through the Bachelor world.

Plus Jade and Tanner had a baby in their closet!!!... yep in their closet... and Ashley was one of the first people they called!


Plus BIP is less than a week away and we are getting you ready!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with i R Radio.
We've done this podcast for two years. It's been an
amazing two years and exciting two years. We've met some
incredible people and also some not so incredible people. I
have never in my two years of hosting this show
with Ashley had texts. I'm in Denver, so I'm only
an hour away from Los Angeles. Have text until three

in the morning with excitement and passion towards a guest,
but surprise, surprise, America's Sweethearts in studio Tyler Ce, Welcome
to co host the Almost Fas podcast Oh my gosh, Um,
Tyler I. According to social media, if you go by

follower accounts, you are the most popular male member of
the Bachelor franchise, I guess. And he's humble. Guys, So,
I mean, how overwhelming has this whole thing been for you?
You're not only like such a Bachelor fan favorite, but
it's almost like you would be on the cover of

People's Most Eligible Bachelors are Like, what is did the
the sexiest man alive? Like that's the status that you're
at right now. I'll take it. And it's been. It's
been an incredible experience. Um, it's been crazy been. You know,
I never would expect it to be what it has
become when I, you know, signed up for this and
went for it. But I'm super grateful for like my

mom my, pops, my brothers, and like my best friends
that are no kind of you know, know, how to
take the jabs at me to keep me humble and
and just kind of you know, also help me, like,
go through this whole process because it's a lot. It's been,
it's been a whole lot, but super grateful for this
whole experience. Well, Tyler Man, a man here, I've gone
through this wild deal. I know where you're from. I've

been to Jupiter many times. That's a great spot. My
uncle's actually the town manager down there, so in Jupiter Island,
So yeah, I've been down there, bunch. You know, it
is a wild deal. And I think our listeners always
enjoy hearing the behind the scenes. And I want to
set the stage and I want you to tell me
if I'm completely wrong, because we've met some I mean

studs from this show. I mean there's been a lot
of studs. You have definitely retrieved the most and received,
I should say retrieved, received the most, like i'd say
love and when it comes to just adoration and just
admiration for you. But you go on this show, you
sign up thinking this could work. It could not. You know,

you're a good looking dude like that. You've been told
that your whole life. Uh you you mean you post
pictures on Instagram, you know, looking like what's his face? Um,
Paul Newman, So you know you know what you got
going for you. Paul Newman was a great comparison. Oh yeah,
I just thought that since the beginning. I'm a big
Paul Newman fan. Um. So anyways, you you know this

going to the show, you know that there's gonna be
a lot of good looking guys there. What has the
response done to you personally? Has it blown you away?
Is it what you expected? Um? And now what do
you do with it? No? I mean I never would
have expected it to be this, you know, I was.
I came into this not no what to expect. Um,
And uh, it's been blown away by It's been so

much love and everyone. Everyone's been amazing. Uh. I guess
going forward, you know, I was just trying to use,
you know, this platform that I've been given for for
good things, and uh, you know I'm gonna try and
promote you know, ABC food tours and things I do
with kids and and try and bring those up around me. Know,
It's always been my goal is if I come up,
everyone's gonna come up with me that I can bring up.
You know, you're actually kind of a dark horse in
the beginning of all this. I think the first five

weeks four weeks before your date in Newport, Rhode Island,
you were just you were kind of flying under the radar.
I think a lot of girls were like, Oh, she
can't go there. He's gonna be a player. You can't
trust a guy with a face like that. And then
he turned around and that date was like, wait, this
guy is like so comforting and he knows all the

right things to do to get her in a better
mood and all the right things to say. Um, how
do you feel about just like to the different stages
of your your bachelor I had experience yeah, no, uh,
you know, starting in in Newport's kind of when me
and Hannat really made that first big connection on one
on one time. Um, I was given a great opportunity

and you know, she was upset, she was down, and
it was the opportunity for me to show that I
can pick her up in those tough times. And uh,
I was able to do that, And I think it
just kind of springboarded our relationship and allow us to
really take each other serious moving forward, because I think
she didn't really take me that serious ahead of that.
She didn't because I know this because I met with
her before your date in Newport, Jared and I had

a little cameo and it was a couple of days
before your date, and I was like, what about Tyler
because he's creating the most buzz online based on profile pictures.
Everybody is talking about how Tyler is like the only
cute stand out. And then she was like, yeah, I
don't know, like I'm worried he's a player and no

she I mean she had those talks with me and
and I was able to kind of air out, you know,
my past with her, and I kind of helped us
get past that, and um, you know, it was just
I think we don't know, just that time where she
was really upset, it really allowed us to really kind
of build that bond and see the show that there
could be something here that could be more than just
you know, just looks and this and that. And it's

been so much more ever since. Is that frustrating that
you're getting this you were getting this player reped just
based on your good appearance. I don't know if it
was frustrating, it was just it was just what another
way for me to break down and bury with her
and connect with her more and show that I'm more
than just that and more than what she sees. And
and I think we took those steps and allowed us

to have the listship we had the the Tyler, I
think I've never met you in person. I'm sure you're
a great dude. Um, and you're a good looking guy.
You got a lot going for you, say the right things.
You're a good dancer. I haven't seen anything in you
yet that Uh. I get what I ashould said. Get
why my phone was blowing up to three and forcing
me to have no sleep. Um, but I was laying

a bed last night, I was like, all right, why
and and I want you to disagree with me here
if you if you do, and listeners please, emails have
been in Ashley iHeart meat dot com. I was laying
in bed last night. I was like, Hey, Tyler's a
good dude. He's got a lot going for him. He
should be getting the reception he is. I love that
you are. I think that you're gonna do great things
with this. I love that I really do think you

mean it because I've seen it and what you've done,
that everybody's gonna come up along with you and this
and and that you want this to be used for
good and you're gonna have fun while doing it as well.
I will tell you this, I think you had the
easiest journey on the Bachelorette of all time. And I
say that because everybody around you blew up. I mean

that you you were gonna be a star, like granted
you deserved it, and granted you're good looking and you're kind,
you're nice. I've never seen one contestant kind of fly
beneath the radar and then have everything around him self
destruct like you. I mean, even Peter, who we love
on this show and we can't wait to talk to him.
Even Peter made the headlines for having a girl five

months before the show happened, like it was unbelievable. Everybody
blew up, but you, Yeah, no, I mean for me
like that, I would just see it happen. I would
see people, you know, I think, to be to try
and good successful relationship on the on this show, you
need to be truly confident in yourself and in your relationship.
And I saw that a lot of people you know
wouldn't be confident in the relationship with themselves with Hannah,

and you could just see it starting a teeter and
starting to implode and and I just it was everyone
was like a ticking time bomb. Just people blew up
one after another, and and then all the other stuff
that came out, you know, post shows is you know,
it made even more kind of bizarre. What were you
thinking when that People magazine article came out about Jed
having a girlfriend? Um, I was. I was disappointed, you know,

because when that when it got down to me Peter
and Jed, I thought that anyway she goes, she's gonna
be in good hands and you truly care and left
with somebody that you want them to be happy, and
wherever she goes, she was going to be happy, and
I felt like they would be able to take care
of her. And just to see all that go down
the way it did, it's just it's just really disappointing.
And I think Jed could have, you know, he had

his chances to make things right and at Leasta explained
to her what's going on and come clean, and it
didn't happen that way. And you know, it's just disappointing,
and because that God deserves the world and and I
just hated, you know, my heart ached for her to
see her go through that, because you know, I wanted
her to be the happiest person ever, and she went
through some tough times. Do you think that if he
had said anything earlier it would have changed the relationship

for the better. I think it would have if he
had said it during the show. I think she just
would have eliminated him. Yeah, but that's still better for her,
Absolutely better for Tyler. I wonder if that brings up
a question. I'm thinking, did you after being around it
and looking back and seeing how he reacted and kind
of the conversation you're having, do you think at any
point it hit him, Oh, no, like this is bad

for me, Like there's no way out of this, Like
I care about her. Probably I'm still assuming he does.
Do you think he did really care about her? I
mean I was very close with Jed in the house,
like we were roommates in the Netherlands, and and you know,
he's a guy who I really grew close to. And
I truly believe that guy had genuinely, like like serious
feelings for her and loved her and cared for like.

I truly believe that. I just think, you know, he
could have when he got home, he could have hand
all things with his ex better and he could have
handled things with Hannah better and and and communicated things
a lot better than he did, like be honest right away. Yeah.
So I just think that, you know, I do believe
that he really did catch those serious feelings for Hannah

and and just didn't know how to, you know, pivot
off of that and make the and do the right thing.
It was just that he got caught in lies and lies,
like he kind of told her a little bit, and
then the People magazine came out and he even tried
to deny it even further, and she was like, I
have this information, why you keep you knowing it? And
then he just got caught in such a serious supplies. Yeah, yeah, No,

it's it's just disappointing, you know. I just it sucks
that Hannah how to go through this and how this
season how to end. But you know, Hannah is is
going to come out on top. And she's I mean,
she killed it last night. She was amazing, and she's
so powerful and she's the world's hurt. She can do
whatever she wants and she's gonna have I don't know,
she's she's gonna whatever she wants to do. She's gonna

crush it. I'm just constantly in awe of how she's
able to take her articulate herself so well. She's so intelligent.
Do you want to be a part of that powerful
world that she's creating. We'll see, We'll see what happens. No, no, no, no, no,
we'll see. Do you want to know? Wait, let's not
put him in a corner the way he was last night. Um,

you know, I think we need to just you know,
like we need to have a drink. We need to
hang out and just see how you know it is
with no pressure. I don't think we need to put
any pressure on anything, any expectations or anything. Just be
around each other, away from cameras, away from everything, and
and hang out and just enjoy each other. I mean
we we have, we had a great relationship. You know.
I have value and cherish her so much and all

that she's taught myself and I'm gonna have learned from her,
and and I just you know, I just want to like,
that's someone I would never just like cut off from
being my friend because it didn't work out. I think
that you should totally go get a drink. But did
you feel pressure from Hannah Chris Harrison in the audience
last night when she asked you out. No there, I
didn't feel like much pressure. I mean, I thought we

were going to eventually one day, you know, I have
a drink and dinner or something like that. You know,
I thought that was inevitable, inevitable and going to happen.
And Chris Harrison was just throwing fuel on the fire.
And that's Chris. But it was fun and it was
a great way to end on a good note. And
you know, and you know that that chapter closes, the
Bachelrettes over and you know there's a new chapter to begin,

and you know, who knows what happens. You know, I think, Tyler,
you're gonna be pushing the corner right and you're dating
on national television, and I get it, like Chris has
to do his job. You're sitting up there on stage.
I don't I feel bad for your I don't think
there's a right answer there, um, But going through your
head as you sit there and not you know, months
before you had been broken up with by this girl.

She chose somebody else. She's obviously hurt, but she obviously
cares a ton about you, um, And looking back on
that does that change your feelings towards her? And as
you say, you have so much respect and love for her.
What is your thoughts on Hannah? Now? I mean you
were broken up with by this girl, like you were
told to go home and kind of leave life as
she moved on with somebody else. Is there any resentment there? Um,

there's no resentment. And that's why, you know, I think
we need to take it very slowly when you just
have a drink and just see how we are around
each other. Because if we would have just rushed into
something right away and try and be boyfriend and girlfriend
you know at the mint or at the after the
final rows, like it would just not be healthy for us,
it would be good. Part of me felt like that's
kind of how they presented it. It It was like, well,

guess what guys they're dating now? Yeah, I mean, it's
just gonna push and take it, you know, you know,
one step at a time. Have a drink, just see
how it is to be around each other again with
no pressure, no cameras or nothing, and see how it's
how it is. So you didn't feel like a backup
plan or a fallback. No, no, I mean if anything
like I still want to be in contact with Hannah,

like even if she was still with Jail, still going
to be their biggest supporters and biggest fans and see
them when I see them, And and now I still
you know, they're not together, but I'll still I still
want to grab a drink with her, and you know,
see what happens. And you know, if nothing happens in
a relationship, at least someone like a friendship that always
cherish and have and be thankful for. And you were

so classy during your exit. I have never seen anybody
get dumped on that show and be as kind and
gracious as you were. It is amazing. Well, I think
I don't know what it was, but something came over
me as soon as like she stopped me, and I
was like, I said, like, this isn't it, And uh,
something that kind of came over me right away is

like take care of this girl because this is her
big day? Are you? Who are you? Tyler? And before
I got in here, I read your Instagram caption to
her and it's just like, what kind of planet did
you come from? And why don't more men come from
that planet? My fiance totally came from the planet but
there's there's not The Eastern came from the planet, that's
for sure. But and Ben came from the planet. Be

just sucks Ben. There's four guys I know that came
from this planet then started the planet. And um, hey
Tyler for a second, Yeah, I want to talk to
you about some stuff because I do think you're good dude.
And uh, and I've seen you know, I've been around
this world, not to I mean in comparison four years

about and uh, I've seen a lot of people, good
people coming in out of this And I want to
spend like two minutes here you're just chatting with you,
because I don't know when the next time we'll see you.
We're not get to see is this thing gets crazy.
And I do I feel for you last night because
even if you're into Hannah and this thing works out
for you, you know, we'll all celebrate that. That would
be awesome. But there is a pressure that was put

on you last night to respond in some way, to
have people react in a positive way. If you would
have looked at that camera and said, you know what, now,
this isn't gonna work. The story is bad for you,
and it's bad for everybody, but you now have an
attention on you that you've never probably felt before. You
have millions of people following around the social media. You

have women that are flocking to you. You have a
ton of women that are commenting on your instagrams, and
we'll see you in person and they'll they'll cry when
they see you. Try it will happen to you. And
I want to hear, like, now, does that change the
way you're gonna date? Does that change when you sit
across from Hannah, a woman that you knew six months

ago before all this happened. Is your mindset different? Has
it changed you? Um? You know, I don't think it's
when it comes to dating, Like I'm still I don't know.
I haven't really put myself out there to date at all,
you know, so I don't don't know what to expect.
But you know, this has been craziness and you know,
actually don't know what to expect. And so I don't

look at handed any differently because I have more followers
or because anything like that. You know, hand is handed
to me and that's how you know it is. And
I don't know, I just you know, I'll see how
dating goes from here and I'm not trying to put
any pressure on anything, but you know, it's definitely, you know,
I definitely it's crazy. I don't even know what to expect.
To be honest, can I give you? Can I give

you one piece? Then to finish out our guy talk,
some unsolicited advice, bring it off. This thing will change you, buddy,
it will it. I say every year at the end
of the season that my best advice I ever ever
was given. But it was from Chris Harrison, who said,
let this world enhanced life you already had and not
changed your life completely, but it will change pieces of you.

It just happens. But there's nothing There's nothing fulfilling about
chasing the fame. There's nothing fulfilling about eating attention. There's
nothing fulfilling about looking for the next conquest. There's nothing
good about it. And it's happened, and it's been done,
and it's been done for years and years and years.
But the most cool thing that happens from the show

is when men like you, who have it all, who
have been given a lot, who now have a platform,
say I'm gonna go against the grain and I'm not
gonna let the critics put paralyze me and put me down.
And I'm not gonna let the positive comments lift me
up and make my head bigger than it ever should be.
I'm gonna stay neutral, I'm gonna stay sane. I'm gonna
keep things into perspective and know that you are not God.

You never will be. But at the end of all this,
in four or five, six years, you can look back
on all and I promise you this. But like I
promise you, you'll look back on this if you do
it well, and it will all make sense. It'll all
be a blast, and you'll get more attention and more
love and more support than you ever dreamed of. And
this whole thing will be worth it no matter where

are you in Hannah go, I don't know, and I'm
not gonna put that pressure on you my only to
simplify everything. Don't let your head get too big. It
will destroy you. Know. I appreciate that, And I mean,
I've heard so many great things about you, how you've
handled things Phos Show and and you know, since being
the Bachelor, and you know, it's great to hear that
from you, because I have most respect for you from
what I've heard from everybody, Because everyone has so much

respect for you. So I'll definitely keep that, you know,
and and run with what you just said. I have
a blast with it anyways, Hey, Ashley, I'll bring it
back in. I just want to make sure at some
point in this talk when the guy like Tyler comes
in and you can feel the presents and everybody's gonna
be swooning over you, and they should have a blast
with it. But I want to make sure I got
to tell you that because the worst thing that can

happen is that this thing you know spits you up
and or tears you up and spitch out, and it's
just not it's not fun when you see that from
a distance. Yeah. No, I greatly appreciate that, and I'll
definitely be in touch with you about all this. He's
the mentor for all the guys coming off the show.
It's pretty amazing. Ben makes a good friend every couple
every season. All Right, we gotta take a break real quick,

and we'll be back with so many more questions for
Tyler Cameron. I think everybody knows that amazing feeling that
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Start your Crate and Barrel Registry at Creating Barrel dot
com slash Wedding dash Registry. Actually, we've got big news
in your world. I know that your wedding is coming up.
We've talked about your wedding a lot, and for whatever reason,

you're very hesitant to continue to talk about it. Um,
I just feel like it's overkill. I feel bad for
our listeners. Yes, no, it's all good. But hey, I
know you're pumped about the possibility of Jade still making
it to the wedding. But we've got big news. Jaden
Tanner just had their second baby in a closet. Especially

on the last podcast, you talked about some salad that
you brought her. What's going on? Can you break this
whole thing down for us now that it's happened in
the baby's healthy. Yes, it's so crazy because when I
was talking to you last it was just about forty
eight hours ago, and I was like, well, she doesn't
have the baby in like forty eight hours, she probably
can't come to the wedding. Because Jade kind of said
that August first was her cut off for traveling. She

didn't want to, well, she couldn't travel. It was her
cut off for like being comfortable bringing a baby on
a plane. Um, so you know, I was kind of
trying to cope with the fact that Jade probably wouldn't
be there. But as a kind of a joke and
you know, a fun experiment when we went down to

have a little adult sleepover, which sounds really weird when
I say adult sleepover, but like just a sleep over
at Jade Tanner's in Orange County on Friday night. I
brought her this salad that has totally as a reputation
for inducing labor. A lot of celebrities use it. I'm
not sure if I said this on the podcast, but
Carson Daly's wife went into labor twice after eating the salad,

or at least drinking the salad dressing, which she did.
She actually drank it from the bottle. And then Hillary
Duff was also spotted like nine months ago before her
last child was born, going to get the salad, and
I was like, Okay, this will be fun and like
it will be something for like everybody to kind of
laugh at. And Um. When she was eating the salad

on Saturday morning, we were kind of just deciding how
long we were how long we were going to give
the salad credit if she did go into labor right like,
so we came to the conclusion that we would give
the salad the credit for inducing her labor if she
went in to labor within forty eight hours of eating it.

So she went into labor fifty five hours after eating it.
So you guys tell us that Ben and ashleytt iHeart
media dot com if that means that you think that
she went into labor because of the salad or just
because the baby wanted to come. I know, just because
the baby wanted to come. Right, she still was early.
She was decently early. Um, but it's so crazy. It's

very crazy. So when her water broke on Monday night,
it was like nine something here on the Pacific coast,
and they texted us. Tanner was like it's go time,
and we're like yeah, and they can't think you sent
a video of like her in the background saying like
the water broke, and so we were very excited because
she had made it within that time. From that we

needed her to start delivering in but uh, then under
an hour and a half later, we got a text
from Tanner that said, Wow, that was wild. That was it?
Like cryptic? And I'm like with both Jared, I were like,
was it a false alarm? Like is everything okay? And
he's like, everything, everything's okay. He's here. I'm like, wait,

you're telling me that her water broke and she delivered
the baby within two hours and that was the case.
So then, um, they face timed us a little bit
after and she was in the hospital room feeding the
baby and everybody was happy and healthy, and it was
just very traumatic for her because what happened was she

her water broke. She thought that she'd have like, you know,
at least seven hours. I think Emmy took about seven
or eight hours, which is still pretty short for your
first pregnancy, but for your second pregnancy to deliver within
two hours is just insane. That's like something you hear
from people who have had like eight children. Um, so
she was she took a shower, and she went to

go pack up her stuff, and while in the closet
getting her stuff, she was like, Tanner, I can't move
And then she was like, though, the baby is like
on his way out right now, and it was his mom,
her mom, and that was it, and they basically almost

delivered the baby. The head was out by the time
the paramedics came, and then the paramedics, like, the paramedics
came and like pulled the body out and that was it. Insane.
Emmy was sleeping the entire time. Emmy's Emmy's brother was
being born in the closet and she was just just sleeping.
How crazy is this? That's what you'd hope. I mean, Okay,

so tell you hear stories like this. You know, babies
are being born from the Bachelor franchise. I don't know
how many of the people from Bachelor franchises that you've
gotten to meet. But does this excite you for what
the future could hold? Um? Yeah, I mean I would
love to have a huge family one day. I would
love to have my own little basketball team. So uh,
just kind of you know that, doesn't it's exciting? So yeah,

it's really scared me too at the same time. So
it's always going to be scary until it actually happens too,
and then it's just wonderful. Right. But I also just
want to say I still don't want to put any
pressure for Jade to have to come to the wedding,
you know. I mean I didn't even I didn't talk
to her about that at all. I don't want you
guys to be like, oh, she's definitely going to come now.

It's like, I'm no. I mean, I'm not even I'll
be super stoked to see her there if she's there,
but it's still very close to when the baby was born,
and it's whatever she feels comfortable with. Oh, Ashley, you're
so sweet. No, I mean, like I do. I don't
want people like din My Throat being like you're gonna
make a a woman get on a plane now. No,
I'm not. This is it's all Jade's decision and I'm

not putting any pressure on her. You're here, Ashley right now.
I mean she has been she has involved herself in
this franchise for years. She's invested a ton of time
and effort. She talk to me for two years on
this podcast. She still gets so hyped to meet people
like Tyler. And get to know them and support them well.

And because of a few negative comments, now Ashley is
so nervous. Let's everything that comes out of your mouth.
This is this week's deal. I want you to go
on Twitter and hashtag almost Famous podcast and tag Ashley
I can eddie in it. Then go to all of
her Instagram photos and say something nice that you love

about Ashley because we're gonna get her through this. She's
gonna realize that the criticism will fade and we're gonna
love on her hard this week. Can we do that?
It's leading up to her wedding week. She deserves it.
I want it for her. She would never ask for herself.
And so everybody out there listening spread the news. This
is love on Ashley I weeks. Well, that's very sweet.
I definitely don't need it, but I I appreciate it,

and I do just want to say that Jade may
have made that plan before the baby came, but of
course it would make sense if she wanted to change
her mind afterwards. That's all. I'm just not a crazy friend.
I don't want people to be a crazy friend. Uh.
Tyler Demi Levado was at the finale. What do you
know about that. Uh, I just saw her on Peter's

finale that I didn't see her at all when I
was there. She was there last night and the audience
next to Demi not Lovado. Yeah, big fan of Demi
not Levado as well. She's I just met her actually
prior to coming here, and she's amazing. Yeah, she's super sweet,
she's so sweet, so beautiful. That she was she was awesome.
So you have I mean, did you get to meet
Demi Levado? That's a Bigvado. I did not ask. I missed.

I missed that. On that one. Demi wants to date Mike.
Apparently they've been going back and forth in the d M.
I see that. Go for a Mike, see what happens.
Speaking of the d M, I know that you have
a drink to have with Hannah. But Gigi did did
follow you, and then you followed her back. And I
don't want to make this seem like you know, you

guys are going to date or anything, but are you
going to date? You definitely talked, we just follow each other.
You haven't d M at all? No, No, I've been
busy with the show and everything. Okay, Well, you're not
a liar, I know you're not Ali. Are you kidding me? Tyler?
I don't knows is one of the many models that

I'm sure it is after Tyler, who's your celebrity crush?
We love this question here on the Almost Famous podcast,
tells you a lot about somebody. The biggest crush ever
was Jessica Alba from Into the Blue. Jessica Alba commented
under Jade's picture yesterday. So she may watch The Bachelor,

and she may have watched you, but she is married
with three kids. Yeah, but Jessica Alba into the biggest
crush ever. Very good, very good crush choice. M that's
a good one. I like that. I just like that
brings back good memories. Thanks. Thanks for in that form. Hey, Tyler,
we have a couple of things to talk to you about,
but I want to hear your thoughts. Uh, put on

your host cap for a second. We've seen the previews
now to Bachelor in Paradise, your buddies have been there,
and some of the women that you know and you've
met along the way. What is your thoughts because Ashley
and I don't really know much about it, and so
let's spend a couple of minutes now and talk about
what we can see happening in Bachelor in Paradise. I
want to start asking you, after looking at the promo,

what's your first reaction. My first reaction is Dylan, John,
Paul Jones, and Demi are going to own the beach.
It's it's their beach, because well, no one got to
really see Dylan's personality on the bachel right this season.
And he's incredibly funny, he's whitty, he's fun to be around,
like he's just gonna absolutely crush it. All right, we'll

watch out for him. He was in the promo a
good amount. Yeah, who was was? He wasn't the one though,
And what's your thoughts about, because again, you don't have
any idea for certain who it was. There's the promost.
Continue to excite me because there's a fight on the beach.
Who do you think that fight was between? To be honest,
I don't even know people's names besides the guys on
my cast, so I can't tell you who it was.

You never watched the show before I saw, Yeah, that's it.
So I mean I've seen I saw a little bit
of JoJo's season when I was dating my ex and
like we watched it with their family a couple of times,
and like that was the extent of my Bachelor experience.
So who signed you up for the show? Uh? Did
you did? Okay? So finally yeah, um somebody else who

signed themselves up? Because I signed myself up. But I
feel like everybody's like I was nominated. I was nominated,
Like they were like, we're we're cool. Do you want yes?
You know. I was just like I just got done
with football and I got hurt. I was like finishing
on my NBA. So just studying being a broke jock.
But you have an m B A. Y, you have
an m B A No way, where are you? Where'd

you come from? That's awesome? That planet? Okay? But uh no,
I Um. I was just like I was like in
the middle of like taking a break from studying, and
I saw something for it. I was like, why the
hell not like the boisl thing? This is funny and
it just kind of snowball from there and I'm here
hanging with you guys. Oh that's amazing. I like feel

bad that I even said who signed you up? Because
I'm so used to being like, well, so and so
I sign me up, but I'm so glad I found where.
I was like, I'm just you know, beat up, broke
jock trying to get my m B A. I was like,
you know what, this could be fun, and you know
it was turned out to be so much more than
I ever expected. Where do you want to go now?
I mean, you have all this stuff in your favor, say,

let's take the following aside. Because the phone's gonna bring
you an income and you're gonna do some things in entertainment.
I'm sure there's gonna be opportunities for you, either on
the franchise or outside the franchise to make money in entertainment.
But if all that were to go away, what what
is the next like few years of your life? What
is your dream job? Kind of where do you want
to go? Yeah? I know the next steps for me
is uh, I'm filing from my g C license, So

I've passed those exams for that in December, but my
dad got six. I kind of put that on the
wayside and kind of help taking care of him and
all that. So I want to get my own construction
company started and get that rolling. I got a partner
that I'm trying to team up with and so he
could be like the eyes and be down there and
I can bounce around do I need to do? And uh,
but also you know, put a lot of energy and

focus into ABC Food Tours, the thing that me and
my one of my best friends run in New York
City and tell us about that. So ABC Food Tours is, uh.
What we do is we take underprivileged kids in our
area and we bring them on fitness and food discursions
and we basically just surrounded by people from different career
paths and kind of show them what there is in
their own city and what they have access to. And

it's just about getting them out of the neighborhood and
seeing what there is and and exploring new career opportunities.
Because a lot of these kids, we asked them, what
do you want to be? When the girl up, they say,
I want to be a fool player, I want to
be a basketblayer, want to be a rapper, which is great,
That's what I wanted to be too. But there's so
much more to also know about and learn about. And
so that's what we ryan do and we're trying to
put the curriculum for them, and we want to you know,
get him in with you know tech building, you know

tech companies and finance companies and and and other chefs
and just fitness companies just to see what there is
for them. That's incredible. That's a great idea. Yeah, it's
and it's so much fun to work with kids, Like
it's the most rewarding, you know feeling. And I mean
the other day we were we just did it. We
just got done, uh eating pizza and we just finished
the chacous slide in Talpson Square Park and the Lower

east Side and I'm sitting there with one of the
kids eating pizza and he was like, this is the
best day I've ever had. And I'm just like, Holy God,
Like I've have no idea what kind of you know,
the impact we're having on these kids. So, you know,
everyone's been super supportive and like helping out and sponsoring
more kids tours and we've been able to reach out.
We just did another one in Brooklyn and uh so
we just we gained access to twenty more schools in Brooklyn,

twenty seven more schools. So we're gonna be working with
them and we got another food tour coming up with
the kids in Brooklyn. And the next week. So it's
through the schools that you kind of recruit kids to
go out on these field trips. Like the schools will
kind of set us up with the kids. So we
were play fourth and fifth graders mainly. Right now, what's
the best way for people to help, Like, you know,
I don't know how it's set up, but obviously watching

the tour probably helpful, or or donate the tour, but
can you give us a quick rundown? And if somebody's
listening to go I want to get involved in something
like this, how they can help? Yeah, I know a
lot of people who have you know, asked us how
they want to help. We tell them to uh be
basically d M ABC food tours and and and tell
us how they want to help. You know, a lot
of people give an ideas of what they want to
do and how do they want to help us. And
we truly believe if you want to help out, tell

us what you want to do, and if we can
make it work, you'll be more willing to do something
for us. If it's something that you want to do,
that's something we tell you to do. But then also
people who can help out by spatshoring kids tours by
going on to our website and doing that and whatnot. Awesome, man,
good for you, dude, that's gonna be awesome. If I
can ever help you, please let Ashley and I know
the podcast would love to back you. It's one of

the coolest things. So hey, Tyler, A part of this
whole uh adventure includes a lot of really fun things,
and one of the most fun we have as a
Bachelor family every year is going to the I Heart
Music Fest. Uh. It's something that we've done, I think
Ashley right now for for at least three years. This

will probably our fourth, I'm assuming. Every year it brings
about new stories, new people, we meet some of the
coolest of artists. Uh. This year's line up is gonna
be Alicia Keys, Backstreet Boys, kg el Fant, Camilla Cabello,
Death Leopard, French Montana, Tanna Halsey, Her Hooting, the Blowfish, Marshmallow,
Miley Cyrus, Mumford and Son, Stevie Okey, Tim McGraw and

the Zach Brown Band and many many more. Tyler, I
want to invite you if you're not the Bachelor, of course,
because that's still out there and still in the open.
We don't know, but if you're not the Batchel, I
want to invite you to Las Vegas, Nevada um to
celebrate the r Heart Music Fest two thousand nineteen with us.
I'm there. Her will give me my feelings a little bit,

so I gotta be alone while I'm watching her perform it. Yeah,
I'm there. Okay, Well, I hope you're the bachelor at
that point, but you know you have my support. Appreciate it. Yes,
I'm voting. Let out there listening. No tickets around sale now?
Uh so, Ashley, can you get us the website where
people can go and purchase these tickets. It's a XS

dot com, a x S dot com. Sweet Hey, we
hope to see you all there, and Tyler, I hope
to be able to spend some time with you. It
is it is. Honestly, I think ash and I could
both valued. It is one of the coolest times a
year because we get to beat meet so many people
who have been on the show and who kind of
just starting this experiment, and uh, it's it's a blast.
So please come hang out, enjoy yourself. It's super super cool. Yeah,

I'm there, I mean here, I am being careful about
what I'm saying. I would support either you as bachelor
or with Hannah. I've been traumatized lately. It's all good,
all right. I have a couple questions for you there.
They're a little out of order. They're kind of things
that we haven't touched on yet that I think everybody
wants to know about. So I'm going to go through

those for the next couple of minutes. Are you already
what did you think about learning that Hannah well, actually
not not slept with Peter in the in the windmill.
You've already pretty much to explain your feelings about that,
but I want to know if you thought she really

needed to say that they had slept together four times
during after the final rows. Um, I think you know
she's I had no problem with that. You know, she's
she's powerful. She's empowering women to be free to speak
about their sex life. I think that's important. Um. I
think you know I'm no one to judge Harry because
I have a past too, So go for it, you know,

because you want, And I had no problem with it
at all. If you were engaged to her, you sure,
what though? No? Because because I told her to when
we were when we were having a fantasy sweet date,
I was like, look, I need you to figure out
everything you to figure out in these fancies. I don't
care what you do because I've had to pass and
so have you. So who am I to judge you?
And there's like a song that Chris Brown sings and says,

please don't judge me, because if you judge me and
get ugly before it gets beautiful. And so I just
think there's no room for me to judge her on
what she's doing because she needs it. Because if she
was going to pick me at the end, I wanted
her to make sure there was no second guessing, and
she did everything she needed to do to figure out
where she wanted to be. I guess if you were
engaged to her, and then she said to America while
you were engaged that she didn't have sex twice, she

actually had sex four times. That would kind of rep
be the wrong way. I think she was totally fine
saying that because she's single, but I think it was
definitely a cue to the audience that she was single. Yeah, no,
I you know, I don't know. I don't I've never
I was in that situation. But I think that's something
that if she were engaged, we probably would have already
discussed before. And I don't I mean, like I said,

I don't. I don't think i'd really take it that
bad because I'm not I want to judge her for
any of her actions because I have a passed two.
I think that's the key right there for all of
us listening and watching. Um we've talked about it too
great extence on this podcast, but so I'm not going
to get into you know, who can talk about sex, when, where, how,

But the biggest thing is when you are engaged. I
do think there is in my mom, this is part
of the conversation my mom and I had, there is
a responsibility if the if your partner wants to know,
they don't have to, but if they want to know,
you should be as honest with them as they want,
you know, and and in the freedom of your relationship
to know that there's no judgment. But for whatever reason,

it's gonna make that relationship stronger. At least you're gonna
know where each other stands. So I do think that,
as Tyler just said, if she was I didn't see
it as necessarily by her saying it she was automatically single,
because I do think I'm with Tyler on well, if
I was her fiance, we probably would have already talked
about it. Not that I would have loved hearing it again,
but it would have been yeah, and untell in the public,

I think there would have been been that. The part
that I thought was the weird, just about this whole
sex thing, even outside of luke P's comments that still
disrupt me to this day and disturb every ounce of
my being. Um, because he's just doubling down. I don't
get it anyways. Uh. The thing that still makes me
the most confused. The biggest issue I've had with all

the sex talk is the fact that this is said
in front of Peter's parents but the same room, and
they're like, it's so weird, right am I alone on
that her laugh like took over the whole audio, racking
up like it was just like a screech, like it

was hilarious. I guess you know that doesn't really matter.
It was four times. I was just thinking that, what's one?
What's the difference between one and four? Yeah, I mean
that's just no matter what, that's weird. I remember kissing
on this show and Ashton I've talked about it and
having the family watch and that you can hear it
like that was a mic drop for sure. Anyways, that's

the weirdest part for me from this whole thing, because
the thing I had the biggest issue with is that
her we had to like sit there and watch the
parents like laugh and awkwardly like sh real as this
was being discussed eleven weeks ago, it was about eleven
weeks ago that you were dumped by Hannah. How long
did it take you to recover from that heartbreak and

did you really fully think you did? Um? I think
it's something that's still kind of ongoing. The more you
see Harry kind of you know, it still brings out
those yeah your heart drop when you saw her come
out last night or you came out. I was super
excited to see here there was you know, I wasn't
it was. I was just stacked to see and be
around it because she she brings so much great energy
and I that's one thing I was so tried to

was I'm more of a low key, laid back kind
of person and she's such a fireball. Yeah, it's a
nice balance. Yeah, it makes it a lot of fun.
And uh, but what was your question? It was how
long did it take to recover from your heartbreak? Do
you think that you actually did? I don't think. It's
still something that's you know, ongoing, and I'm I'm learning
from you know, it's I don't know, it's how long

did it take to recover? I don't know. I don't know,
it's something that's still I've you know, I see her,
I still feel certain ways and and but I'm definitely
put it this way. I almost lost my dad and
I've known him for twenty six years. You know, I
knew Hannah for the duration I was on the show,

you know, almost losing my dad. I knew I was
gonna be able to get over this and get over
this hump, you know it was. It was definitely a
hump to get over, but definitely like you know, think
the world would feel so much for this girl. So
so it really put things into perspective. Yeah, Tyler with
two things. We can talk offline about this too. But
I think it was a week before I started The Bachelor,

my dad had a triple bypassed unexpectedly, and I wanted
the show thinking he was you know, he wasn't gonna
make it because he had had some issues in the past. Uh,
And we talked about it a few weeks ago on
this show of how kind of hard that was, but
yet why I decided to still do the show and
and and kind of how actually great it all ended
up being for me as a distraction from some tough stuff.

So if you ever want to chat, get my number
after the podcast, I'd love to talk through how how
you how I managed all that and what I saw
was good and bad and ugly about it. No, definitely
I a truly appreciate that. That's that's amazing. How's your
dad today? He's doing much better. He's he's a fighter,
so's he's killing it. So your parents were divorced, but
I felt like they seem like to have a good

relationship on hometowns. So, you know, so much came out
of my dad being sick, and it's truly you know,
it was a tough thing for him to go through,
and he's still having his complications and he's fighting, but
it's been such a blessing in disguise, you know, kind
of got him on the straight narrow path and get
doing the right thing. But it also brought our families
so much more closer together, and my mom and dad

were able to really put a lot of differences aside,
and it's so amazing to see, like they do dinners
together all the time. They do so much stuff together,
and they help each other out with work. My mom's
a real estate age and my dad's a general contractor perfect,
so it's like they're able to help each other out
work together, and it's really it's really amazing to see,
you know, just how how everything's kind of come full
circle and how they can have a great relationship still.

And I think it showed on the show. I mean
definitely did. I didn't think they were divorced. Yeah, No,
that hometown was so special and I'm so grateful and
there for that because that's something I can always have
documented and save with my pops. You know, I've always
I had a professor in college who told me you
shouldn't you should sit down with your folks and you
should interview them and ask them tough questions and about
you know, their life and how growing up and something

I've always wanted to do. And the show kind of
gave me an opportunity to do that. So that's so nice.
I hear that hometowns like those conversations that get cut
down so so much that you really have like an
hour conversation with each parent. Is that true? Yeah, it was.
It was a pretty long talk with him, and uh,
it was one of the best talks I've ever had
with him. And I owe a lot of that to
hand because she I've always been someone that doesn't really
open up at all, kind of just you know, my

it's always been very guarded and protect myself and don't
really show emotion there a lot of people, and uh,
Hannah really pulled a lot of that out of me
and really forced me to to be vulnerable and to
open up. And that allowed me to have such great
talks with my mom and my dad during that during
that time, and I literally had probably one of the
best conversations I ever had my pops at night. Isn't

it wild how that happens? Kind of? I mean during
this whole show, is you feel I do feel like
it brings out a whole new side of you when
it I mean, I've had a great lest by parents
my whole life, and it was the show that I
think really allowed us as friends and as a family
to get to know each other even better because they
had they had it was forced for them to to

be in these romantic moments with me and to be
my counsel and my guide and and Tyler, I think
for you, we saw that during your hometown when your
dad told you though, and I want to hear what
your perspective is on this. Now that Hannah was your wife,
he goes, that's your wife. And now that this is
all kind of coming full circle, what is his thoughts
on you guys know, at least giving it a shot. Yeah,

you know, I think you know, like I said earlier,
there's we don't need to set too many high expectations
on what we're going through. We just need to have
a drink and see where it goes from there. I
think we need to take it like a normal person
takes on a first date, you know, and just see
what happens and and go from there. And and that's
kind of all the pressure I want to put on it.
I don't think she needs pressure. I don't think I
need pressure. I think we just need to kind of

take it easy and and then just enjoy each other's companies.
See what happens. Yeah, that makes sense, as so as
your dad had any you know, how's your family had
any kind of direct advice for you here in the
last few days at least about like Hannah. I mean,
all this happening and Hannah and everything going on. No,
I mean, they're all just super proud of me and

how I've conducted myself. And but I mean it's all
a testament to them and how they've raised me and
my two little brothers. You know, I'm super thankful and
grateful for them. And my dad's always been a very humbling,
you know person for me. He's always knows how to
how to put me in my place and make sure,
you know, I take care of other people and stuff
like that. So he just, you know, he always says,

you know, make sure you take your time out of
your data to be good everyone who comes by you
and sees you and and just be humble. Good for you. Man,
that's awesome. Actually, I'll keep I'll let you go keep going.
I just want to make sure we we poured in
a little bit because I think that's such a cool
thing he brought up, is how close this experience experience
actually brings you to your family or how it can

bring you so close to your family. I have just
a couple more and I know we have to wrap up,
but I'm going to get into Jed after this break. Okay, Tyler, So,
Jed was one of your better friends on the show.
What's your friendship with? Like with him? Now? Did you
saw him for the first time since the season yesterday?

He didn't see him last night. Um, you know, we've
we've touched face a little bit, you know, but there
hasn't been much said between each other. And you know,
he's kind of I think he just needs his space,
and I think he just needs his space and his
time right out. And there's a time that we'll talk
and you know, kind of talk about what happened and
what's going on, and you know, he's got, you know,

some things he needs to figure out and take care
of on his end. So, being that you haven't talked
to him very much, I'm assuming you don't know what
it meant when Hannah said four four four in the
text message, no idea. Okay, that's a mystery that none
of us will know, but it seems to be a
secret code for something for Jed. When it comes to

girls that he's dating, and then did you think that, like,
just let's be honest here, did you cringe a little
bit when he brought the guitar out for the proposal?
Hell and laughs all around? Um, yeah, it was. Yeah,

you know, I think there's you know, that time right
there he could have spent just focusing on him and her. Yeah,
and I think he did. I think I think music
just his way of expressing himself the best. Yeah, you know,
maybe that's how he feels about it, and I don't know,
to reach his own How do you feel about John
Baer would never pull that stunt. I'm just saying it there,
and he's he's got a lot going for That was weird.

That was weird. Yeah. What do you think about him
referring to just saying that he had won the show
instead of the fact that he was engaged when he
was talking with his friends in Nashville. Um, I think
that's you know, that's a very tough, you know, a
tough way to put how the show ended for you.
I think it kind of puts it in the context

of being a competition when it shouldn't be. It should
be you know, about building a relationship with somebody. I
truly believe that's how a lot of people took this,
and um, like, for instance, Luke saying I loved you
after knowing Hannah for twelve minutes, Like, I think that
was just all competition based. And I think there's an
element of the show because obviously, you know, dirty guys

competing for one girl. You know, there is a competition
based to it. But it should be about building a relationship.
And uh so, yeah, saying you one is it's definitely
not the best way to go about saying, how you
just got engaged to Hannah. You're you're one of the
biggest heart throbs in the country now and you seem

to be wanting to get married. You still want to
get married right now? Yeah, I mean if right now,
my dad always says, it'll slap you in the face,
you know, and you'll know. And so if it happens,
you know, if it comes tomorrow, great, if it comes
a few years from now, you know, so'll be. So
I'm just you know, taking it. I take every day

day by day because uh, you never know what's gonna happen.
It's gonna walk into your life or where it goes
from here. So there's so many guys your age on
social media apps or like dating apps, and they're saying,
brother to get off tender. Yeah, why Ryan, if you listening,
stay off that thing just because you don't need it. Like, like,

I believe in the building organic relationships, although the Beschlard
is not the most organic relationship. But I was like,
you don't need to be doing that. You need to
go be a regular kid to go meet you know,
girls in your college to college and and and and
date the right way. You don't need to be on
these apps dating people. And it just I don't think
it's a good look or a good thing to be doing.
My friend, I bring it up because my friend there

are some sex stories from Oh, there's so many. I
don't think we can, you know, crap on dating apps here.
But I do like the way that you're trying to
promote people just like talking and communicating in real life
and not having to rely on the back and forth
via text message. I think that's kind of what you're saying, right. Um,
but there's so many guys out there that my friends,

my single friends will go on dates with, will be
on the apps. It seems like they're looking for somebody
to date, and then in real life they'll say I'm
not looking for anything serious, and they'll tell them this
on the first date, and I'm just glad that you're
not one of them. I think those apps, like a
lot of it has to do with the instant gratification.
You can swipe right and you like somebody, and if

they match, he's like, oh cool, someone likes me, you know,
And I think that's has to do a lot with it.
Ego stroking. Yeah, ego stroking. It's a good way to
put it. My last question, and then Ben, I'll have
you give your last questions. I don't think you're gonna
like mine because you're too humble for this. But do
you feel like Hannah asking you out last night hinges

on your chance of being the Bachelor, because now people
are gonna want to see you end up with Hannah
more and have her get her happy ending than you
be the bachelor. I don't know. I haven't really put
too much thoughts into being the Bachelor. I need to
sit down and think about all this. I mean, it's
everything has been a firestorm since last night. So yeah,
I have no idea. I just kind of taken a

day by day and seeing what happens, and we'll have
our drink and we'll see where it goes. But you know,
if this, if that's what deters me from being the Bachelor,
then it's not meant to be. It's it's whatever happens happens,
and its supposed to happen, why it's supposed to so,
and no end with this. What planet are you from? Jupiter?
Then the teller, I don't have a lot of questions

to follow up with you. We like to give every
uh kind of fan favorite at the end of the
season this opportunity because you know, with the hundreds of
thousands of people that listen to the podcast, we we
do have a platform to speak on um and we
don't take that lightly. I want to give you the chance,
Tyler to who to answer this question and then we'll
say goodbye to you. Teller. Who is the man that

you want to be? Who's the man that I want
to be? Yeah? Who do you want to become? Who? What?
What do you want your legacy to be? Would maybe
a better way of asking it? Uh, just one that
is able to take care of his family and generations
to be and it's one to you know, spread love
and show what you know how great love can be.
And I don't know, I just just be a good example,

lead by example. And I don't know that's the man
I want to be is. I think it's undefined right now.
The thing I'm just writing itself as I go. And
so I don't mean two years from two years ago.
I never thought i'd be doing this today. I mean
the man I am today and two years from now
may be completely different than the man I want to
be now. So it's all unwritten and I'm just enjoying

the ride and seeing where it goes. Well, man, you
definitely have a brand new platform to explore all of
this with, as we talked about earlier, don't take that lightly.
I encourage you to start the process who you want
to become, where you want this to go, what you
want this to do, and what decisions will be made
here Really the next you know, month or so, that

could completely change your future forever. But until then, Tyler,
you're a good dude. Thanks for coming on the podcast,
Thanks for sharing your heart with us, um, thanks for
being extremely good looking so that my phone can buzz
all night last night, and uh, but most importantly, man,
I'm wishing you the absolute best. Please do not hesitate
to reach out or chat with Ashley and I about

anything with that. Ladies and gentlemen, That was Tyler Cameron
on the Almost Famous podcast. Yeah, what a podcast, this
has been. What a season, this has been. Until next time,
we're gonna be sitting here talking in the off season. Well,
I guess we don't really have an off season. Bachelor
in Paradise is coming up soon. Make sure you continue
to tune into the Almost Famous podcast. Get all the updates,

behind the scenes, exclusives, and interviews with the current contestants
right here, right here at the Almost Famous Podcast. Hannah,
you did great. We're sorry you didn't end in love
with that. Uh. We just hope the best for you
in the future, if that's with Tyler on this little
drink day, or if that's with any of these guys,
or if it's with a guy that you don't quite

know yet, just know the Almost Famous Podcast fully is
behind you. I want to think my co host Ashley,
I can Eddie who who convinced me, quite honestly that
Hannah was gonna be a great bachelor. I was right.
I have got good people reading skills. You really do. Actually,
I think this is a great season of The Bachelorette. Uh.
It was fantastic, so great. I'm all in support of

Hannah being the Bachelor. I feel like most of America
would be with me on that. But I guess we'll
have to see who is on the next season of
The Bachelor and if anyone could possibly be more rootable
and lovable as rubal and lovable as Hannah. I want
to ask you, Ashley before we head out here. I

think all of the storyline surrounding this season has kind
of overshadowed how this season actually ended, and listeners, I
want your opinion as well, because I want to give
you some some honest feedback for me, I don't I'm not.
I woke up this morning and I watched last night
not feeling that sad for Hannah for whatever reason, even
though the ending of the season was incredibly sad, But
I didn't feel as sad for Hannah as I probably

should have because there's so many other storylines that I
felt I was trying to process. Do you feel the
same way, um, I think Hannah has been so strong
throughout this process that we just think she can take
another blow. You know. We we're like, oh, she's gonna
handle herself. She's so kick ass. We don't have to
worry about Hannah. And it's actually really sad she went

through all of this. She became the bachelorette, she got
that opportunity, and she didn't end up with anyone in
the end. So yeah, I feel I do feel bad.
I have no doubt that she's gonna find her person
and it's going to work out the way it's supposed to.
But I mean as as an ending, and for somebody
we've just rooted on so much and who wanted to
be loved fiercely, it is kind of sad to see

that didn't happen. M I think it's a good, good
lesson for all of us. So listeners, let's take a second, um,
because actually brings up a great point is you probably
have people in your own life who have just shown
incredible strength that they don't let any emotion and they
don't let their their issues kind of fall on anybody else.
They kind of take it all in themselves and they

move through it. We know people like that. It's in
all of our lives, and this time take a little second, um,
think about who this people are and wrap your arms
around them, because it's unfair to them that we don't
show them the support. Even when you lead with a
humble courage and a humble strength and a humble confidence,
we still need support. And it's oftentimes the squeaky people

who are begging for attention that get the most attention.
And the Hannah Browns of the world who just got
told that her fiance want somebody that she cared about,
had a girlfriend for the most part throughout the show.
She's now sitting there today once this is all done,
processing it all, and I guarantee she needs a love
and support that that we all deserve in moments like this.

So reach out to Hannah Brown, reach out to Ashley
can Eddie. On Ashley I Can Eddie's Love Week, We're
gonna show her so much support and so much love.
But Hannah Brown, thank you for a great season. You've
been great. Also, I want to give a thank you
to Dunkin Donuts. Shout out the Dunkin Donuts from making
our morning a little sweeter. Uh. You guys know that
I'm the huge just Duncan fan. Me and Jared truly

run on Duncan, and I want to thank them for
teasing me with bagels and doughnuts in front of me
this entire podcast, when I really shouldn't be eating them
because my wedding is really coming up close. But let's
face it, not only do they have the best doughnuts,
but they also serve well the best coffee. It is
the best coffee in the world, hands down coffee incomparable,

no except for generous. Yes, darnet, Why do I always
do this to you? Ben? It's very awkward because I'm
such a Duncan fan and there's a chance that they
might be doing a little something for our wedding because
Jared and I have been so outspoken about them. But
I love generous. I love generous. Yeah, well, hey, we
can be fans of both. There's a lot of coffee

to be spreading this world. We're all drinking it. Or Duncan,
I'm a fan of you as well. Um to say
it's the best coffee, well, I'll have to let that
be decided by the asta Can eddies of the world.
But until then, visit your local Dunkin Donuts today. It's
worth it, and we have one more thank you thank
you to Bennett the executive producer on The Bachelor. UM,

he is the best. He helps with this show a
lot and b I p looks awesome. Congrats to our
producer friend Louis Louis for taking over over there in Mexico.
That's right, Yeah, we we do. We every time. We
want to pause at the end of the season and
say thanks to to everybody that works on this show

that helps us out to get the episodes early, to
get the behind the scenes exclusives. UM. Also thank you
the people at I Heart UM, the Easton's and Marks
and Amy's and Danielle and tories of the world for
helping us continue this podcast in a fashion that is
successful and fun. UM. I want to also give a
time to say thanks to my co host Ashley con

Eddie for dealing with me for another season, for breaking
down this season, for taking all of this on in
the midst of planning a beautiful wedding. So please don't
forget to love on her this week. Uh, what a
podcast it's been, What a season it's been. We look
forward to talking to you soon about Bachelor in Paradise,
one of our favorite times of the year. With that

I've been been, Hey Ben, what planet do you come from?
Were Sandy in it Warsaw? That sounds like a planet,
not really, okay, but you come from the same planet
that that Tyler does. I've been Ashley Got five guys? YEA.
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