All Episodes

January 15, 2019 86 mins

The Bachelor himself, Colton Underwood is here with Ben and Ashley, and he’s answering ALL your questions.

Ashley and Colton compare their experiences of being Bachelor virgins, and we find out if he wished he had lost his virginity BEFORE going the show. Also, we hear how he’s been handling the constant virgin talk. We find out why he sent the Sloth Girl home, and then we talk to the Sloth to get her side! And we find out an exclusive secret from Colton about what happened in the shower! Plus, Ben and Ashley break down all the details from Kaitlyn and Jason’s new relationship, and a happy event in Bachelor nation, Arie and Lauren’s Maui wedding!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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I almost famous podcast with on our radio. Oh man,
it almost doesn't even get nervous anymore. I feel like

we're just pros. You've gotten nervous for the past almost
two years. Yeah. I give really anxious sometimes for this thing.
Sometimes we just have really big guests on. I don't
feel like we have that today, so um. But yeah,
sometimes you have such a big guests on that I
get like my hands a little sweaty. We want to

reduce our guests a little bit. But before we do that, actually,
and I got it round down through this episode. The
Bachelor season had started this episode two of Colton season
to find love, um Ashley. Yeah, let's start with the
first group date. The first group rate from episode two.
From episode two, Okay, what do you think? So again?

I thought that the Megan allowed Mallowe and nick Offerman thing,
it's kinda yucky. I didn't. I didn't love their part.
I loved the part when the girls started getting on
stage the redhead a lease Hers was bomb. I thought
Colton's was awesome. Colton's part of that date made all

the virginity talk tasteful, But Megan, Mallowy, nick Offermand made
it so cringe e. I was like frowning through the
entire thing. I just didn't like it. It was so
not Bachelor, you know, it wasn't wholesome at all. And
they're funny, like they're witty, they're funny, they work off

each other well. And I'm sure like if you were there,
probably uh felt like a little more like less like
just intrusive and more like flowy and fun. I'm with you.
I love dates on The Bachelor that first off put
people out of their comfort zones, but second off, you
actually get to like, I know them as people. And
I thought this when I first heard the idea when

they when they first announced though, this is a date
to talk about your first I was like, this is ridiculous. Same,
but then when the women got on stage, it wasn't
just about virginity and it wasn't just about sex, and
it didn't have to be about that. It was like,
here's my first time feeling pain, here's my first time
feeling love, here's my first time whatever. And I was like,

this is what I love. And I bet, uh, if
we ever get the chance to talk to Colton, I
bet like that was a really good moment for him
because I know when I was the bachelor, those moments
broke through like the traditional kind of uh dates and
allowed you to get to know the women really well.
You know, Ben, It kind of reminded me of what
I've always told you was the moment that I thought

you shine for the first time. It was the sex
talk date with the kids, and it's like it's like
a it's like a it's a sex topic, right, But
then you made it so wholesome and that's what the
girls on stage and Colton on the stage did. But
I thought Nick and Megan, I thought she looked fantastic.
But I don't think they're bit went well. She did

look good. I've never thought she looked good. She looked good.
She looked hot, like she's like really aging. Yeah. Yeah,
Nick kind of looked good too. He's a funny guy.
Was with him at the Cubs game. Watch he's a
Cubs fan, so I like him. Um, he looked good too. Uh,
you know, the women shine. We were getting a little
hit here. Actually, we're starting to see that some of
the crazies come out before we move on to the
next date here, what's your thoughts? Is Demmi crazy? Is

she just obsessed with Colton? What is her thing? Because
we haven't quite like, it's not very clear yet. Demi
is the classic girl who's like, I'm so mature even
though I'm young. But she's definitely the most immature of
the group. Yeah, it's weird, and she keeps wanting to
bring it up. It makes it feel a little awkward.
All right, let's move on. We've got then the first

one on one date. Uh. Really hard to watch, like
really hard to watch. I hate when the Bachelor makes
things awkward, Like I mean, and I'm sure it was
awkward in real life. I'm sure it felt weird in
real life, but when you watch it on TV and
it's like played out and there's just moments of silence
where you're sitting in a room watching a television screen.
You don't have said it many times and everybody on

the podcast listening will know this. You know, those moments
like watching Saved by the Bell as a kid, we
have to put your hand over your face and you
kind of look through your fingers because you can't watch anymore.
That's how I felt. Okay, so I tried to put
myself in Hannah's shoes, and I remember how awkward those
particular gular dates are because it's dead silent, like you're
not even like by the ocean where there's sound of

waves like there was just it was just desolate silence.
And then I don't think it always makes you feel
more awkward and more self conscious about everything that comes
out of your mace, your mouth. So I'm giving her
the benefit of the doubt. There, I get it. I
do have to give Colton credit here, and I have
to give her credit. This is something that I that
I really think was good. I was waiting to see

what how coltoner to respond um to these situations like this.
Do you kiss right away. So as soon as it
starts eating quiet, do you lean in and just start
making out? Because he did it. He did it, not
on this date. He did one other time, but on
this date he held his own and just sat in it.
He sat in the awkwardness. And I think that was
a power. I think it's a great move for both

of them, like, let's just sit here and make this
thing work and if it's not, then we're just done. Yeah. Well,
what got her out of her shell to open up was,
of course, bringing up the virginity topic again. Really, we
thought we already got the explanation as to why he's
a virgin in episode one from a girl whose name
I don't remember. But I thought we got like the

explanation and we were gonna have to explain it anymore
and it was going to be done. And then I
was even thinking. I was like, I think we've gone
ten fifteen minutes without bringing up the word virgin, and
there she goes. That was her in on getting herself
to open up, and I was just like, come on,
be more creative than that. You totally took like the
easy way out. But Ashley, listen, did she get the explanation.

So she so she didn't see it. I get why
she asked. It's the thing but coldness. So many things
going for him, And ask him about his big muscles,
ask him about you know, his perfect jawline, Like, ask
him something else. Don't ask him about being a virgin.
It's that you just be creative, like she knows everybody
else is asking it. And if I was a girl

on the Bachelor right now, I just try to get
creative for me too, Like how about you come up
with something like what's your most embarrassing moment? Like that
that opens up a vulnerable story. Yeah, I'm not against it,
all right, Next group date, moving on here, Um, you
like this group date? I like the first group date,

but I liked I like these physical activity group dates.
I like the ones that people can get sweaty, dirty,
and that you know what, it kind of breaks down
those walls as well. Yeah, I like the first one
better because it's more like an emotional opener. But and
you you can tell more about the personality. I'm not
you know that I'm not a lover of physical group dates,
but I loved head. There's a moment on this group date.

It was so cute. I don't know why she was
so nervous telling Colton that she's never been kissed before,
because I'm pretty sure he was going to feel a
big sense of relief that there was somebody there that
was more inexperience than him, more pure than the guy himself.
I mean, I'm telling you, I was kissing girls in
the sixth grade. Like how she's made it this long,
I don't know, but good on her any time. Those

two always come up like pretty proud of them. But
my first kiss was nineteen, so I was like, girl,
don't worry, And I'm gonna definitely ask Calton this if
we ever have him on one his first kissed us. Uh. Well,
lucky enough, um, lady and gentlemen, boys and girls, people
of all ages. Ashley and I are lucky enough to
welcome on the guest to this podcast, the man himself,

the Bachelor of all time. Why do you think that
his secret the entire time? It's in the description of
the podcast. We're just so corny. I was just sitting
here listening you compliment me on my Yeah. Well, don't listen,
all yeah, don't listen all that. Colton, Welcome to the podcast.

Thanks for coming on. Take a deep breath. I know
you've got a busy day. You've been doing press and
and you know all this promotion stuff for weeks now,
and so just hang out with Ashley. Now you've been
on before your pro at this. Uh, let's get started.
Are you holding up? You know? I'm actually I'm good.
I got these last two days, I got some sleep,

so we're all good. Traveling back and forth obviously is tough,
but I actually enjoy it. I really like the hustle
on the grind. Do you really like tell the listeners
out there. I know actually can relate on this, but
tell the listeners out there kind of what your schedule
has looked like post Bachelor. Yeah, Um, there's been obviously

set press days here in l A. Whether it's conference calls,
whether it's um remotes where you just have a camera
and other people like sort of tap into the feed. Um,
it's long hours. I'm not gonna lie. And then it's
always you always have to be on right And not
that I change who I am, but when you're on
in present, and you know, if I do an interview
and I like look tired and dragging, like they could

take my comments and twist them another way. Um, so
that parts, I guess like a little exhausting, going back
and forth between New York and moraining thing. Yes, it's
just turning yourself on. It's like I love this, but
it's not like you're changing who you are. But it's
like happy having to be bubbly and happy all the
time always. But um no, I'm I got lots of sleep.

I'm ready to be happy and bubbly for you guys today,
She's turn it off. Man, we want the worst version
of you. That would be so well for us if
we could just get you angry and mad and irritated.
I don't think I can ever be mad at you. Ben, Well,
come on, let's not. Let's not start throwing compliments there,
even though, man, you look good right now. Hey, um
we're sitting in this is one thing I do want

to take a second. Cool and this is all about you,
and this whole season is about you. It should be
about you. This podcast about you. Last night I literally
make our living because of you. Right now, but thank you, Calton,
I do want to take a second. And you brought
up a really good topic that we sit and we
use Ryan create a Seacrest Studio for this podcast right
and we're sitting in there right now. There's a big
sign of his name being. You know, you aren't an

entertainment Like, you're not an entertainer. You are yourself on
this show and people love you because you're yourself, and
you're dating these women because you're yourself. But when you
do the press and you do talk to people, you
have to be like, you can't have a bad day.
And like the Ryan Seacrest of the world, they do
radio and TV every day, they can't have a bad day.
I need to ask you, Colden, like is it at

all draining on you? And and I be honest, like
do you feel like at all? Because I know for
me when I was in your situation, I felt like
at some level my soul wasn't getting sucked, but I
just couldn't be myself and it hurt and it started
to feel like I was a robot. And I've had
my days. I've had my my breakdowns, Like I'll self
admit that whether it's um and you know, I try

to say like and I've even said before like, oh
I don't pay attention to that. Yeah I'm lying. Um,
I mean I've read the comments, I've read the tweets.
I've yeah, I've read things I probably should have stayed
away from. So of course it gets to be too
much at times. Um And I think the one thing
that I have to keep reminding myself is like this
doesn't like this all right now is so much fun

and I'm having a blast with it, but it doesn't
define who I am as a person. Um. And I
think one one piece of advice Ben, that you gave
me a long time ago that it really sticks with
me is letting this enhance my life and letting this
provide opportunities and meeting crazy people and um, really using
it to enhance my life and not define my life. Yeah.

I mean Chris Harrison gave me that advice, smart man.
He is the host of the show. And I've been
passing it down to any Bachelor or Bachelor I can.
That's what the main thing that stuck stuck with me
from our conversations before I even started, uh, you know,
going on the Bachelor. It's it's a wild world, actually,
And I obviously sit here and we talk about you
every week, and people are celebrating you. Actually as you

sit there and you watch Colton so far this year.
I think I want to know from you, what are
some things in the first two episodes that have stood
out to you that you really enjoy about Cold But
we just played footsie something. I don't know what. I
was like, I'm sorry, what have I really enjoyed about Colton? Okay, Colton,

I I hope you take this as a comment. I
appreciate your nerves night one. It was so endearing and
it made me feel like you're a regular person and
not like this like male model robot. Yeah. I was
actually a lot. I was way more nervous than I
thought I was gonna be. Yeah, I thought like, and
here was like one thing that I realized, and I
realized that more as like filming went on. I came

into it having filmed The Bachelor, went to Paradise, and
then went straight into the Bachelor, So I'm back to
back to back, and I came in like, Okay, I
got this, Like this is how this goes, this is
this camera operator, this is this audio guy. Like I
felt super comfortable, but still the sense of the reality
of me meeting thirty women like that's obviously nobody could

prepare you for that. Nothing, no experience could prepare you
for that, And I think, like I just realized I
don't have it all figured out, And I think that's
the beauty of what you know, how this this season
is it seems so it was like a real guy
meeting thirty women, not somebody just like And then my
other favorite thing about you is that you just you
just so very easy to talk to. I feel like

looking at every other bachelor, even you included Ben, you're
like a little bit more intimidating because like I guess
it's on the same way, like you're just more boyish
and more I just find you less intimidating, but in
a good way. Is that like is that offensive sounding? No? No,

not at all, because like I feel like I could
actually sit next to you the first night and be
like just ji vy, but with Ben, I'd probably be like,
oh my goodness, this man, um he's so smooth and
he knows exactly all the right things to say. But
like I don't, Like, I think I realized that too,
is like I don't want people to say just the
right things. And then question are you just saying that

because there's a camera in your face? Yeah, you know, approachable.
That's the word approachable. He approachable. And also I think
it helps Colton that you've been so vulnerable, like I know,
we've we've hated you know, over and over again hearing
about you know what your history UM and BED has been,
but it has made you vulnerable, like it's forced you

to be authentic and genuine something that's maybe one of
the things that most of us hid the most about
our selves and talk about the least. We've known about
it for a long time. I should probably mention that
that's probably why I find Culton the most approachable because
I went in on The Bachelor being a virgin? Did
you did you disclose that in casting? Yeah? Did you?

No way? No, they didn't, And I could, like for
sure say like there is no way they knew because
I didn't, Like I hadn't really told that many people,
and the people I did were like tight lipped about it.
So beck Attilly also didn't talk about it in casting,
and I didn't. I never thought it was going to
be that big of a deal. Yeah, I just casually
talked about it in an interview or I think I

was talking in one of my demand chats. UM and
I brought it up, and then it became like everybody,
you know, everybody had their opinions on it, which is
what the show is, right. I mean people they like
when people have opinions about certain things. Um, but I
never I never thought it was going to be like this.
I don't even want to say powerful because it's not
like that. But its just it's like a label. And

that's the one thing that's driving me nuts the most
about it now is just the label. Yeah, and you
can't get away with it. They're focusing more it seems
like on you finding your first unless of you finding
your wife or maybe they're one and the same hopefully.
I mean that's the reason. Is this for me is
like now where I'm at in my life, It's like,

when that moment happens, I wanted to be with somebody
who I could see myself spending the rest of my
life with. I think Ashley, you know from the talks
with with you, actually I bet you would agree. Hey,
we gotta take a second. We have a huge fan
of massive fan of Colton on the line right now.
Who is called in Steph P Are you out there?
I'm here? Hi? Hi, stuff, how are you good? How

are you guys? Great? I'm like, thanks for having me on.
I feel like I'm such a random person. Is that?
What do you guys are doing today? Talk to random people?
Calling it? We just heard you are a great enthusiastic
Bachelor fan. That is in fact true. I love you guys,
I love but you're a massive fan of Colton. Correct.

I'm a massive fan of everyone. But yes, I love cool.
Thank you, hi that you love so much? Um, I
think he seems like a very nice guy. You feel
like one of the nicer backs, which is nice after Okay,
I got I lied. I don't like everyone. I gotta

be honest. It's not like I lied. I didn't like
or at all. So it's really nice to have a
nice bachelor back on who seems like a good person. Well,
thank you, I appreciate that. I'll tell are you what
you said? To go ahead? I can't care like I'll
tell it. No, that's not true. I totally wouldn't do
that to pick. We can't hate on our He just

got married this weekend. That's a massive deal that I'm
sure he honestly, obviously, he would not give a crap
what I think about him. It's like, who's this chick?
But I'm happy for him as long as they're happy. Uh, Step,
I know there's something on your heart. I know there's
something you're feeling deep inside. You have questions for Colton,
and so take it away. Okay, So okay, here's my

first late in one. And so I know you're probably
sick of talking about this, Colton. I know you love
you must be so sick of talking about how you're
a virgin, but or maybe you're not now I don't
even know. I have no clue, but on a scale
of one to ten, how sick of you were talking
about that? UM, I would say the hardest part for
it right now I knew they it was obviously going

to come up with my relationships with the ladies and
the women on my show. Um, the hardest part now,
I think post show is like watching every single UM
article have the headline of virgin bachelor. I think that's
what is sort of tough for me because I've gone
through it in my life before. With football is like
I've dealt with my family and my relationships with my

friends being dependent on Oh, how's the next season going
to go? So I've already been in a comparable situation
where people wanted to find me and stick me in
the box of you know, well, now it's Virgin Bachelor,
before it was football Colton and there's nothing and they
just act like there's nothing more to me. Yeah, that sucks.
I guess yeah, Well do do you think do you
think that they picked you because of that? And you're

kind of like, there's more to me than this. I mean,
it's one thing. I'm not in a position to say
why exactly they picked me? Is this part of is
this part of the storyline? Is people going are people
going to be invested in? Absolutely? Um? I hope that
that's not the only reason that they picked me in.
I mean, I just I think there there is a

lot more to me. There is a lot more information
to be said about the Virgin, and you will find
it out on this season. Oh good, I can't wait
because I was so I don't know how much you guys.
I don't know how much you guys know about me
or not that I'm a fitness instructor. But today in class,
I was telling everyone that was gonna be on the show,
and that was like, I was like, what do you
guys want to know? The most, like what because most
of my writers are big fans too, and we're all

in like a fantasy league together that I'm losing already,
which I'm very embarrassed. But one thing we were all wondering,
We're like, do wish after all this, do you wish
you lost your virginity earlier during someone who you were
maybe in love within your past that it was just
not the whole thing? Or are you like a no
regret whatever, you know, a type of person just move on.

I think in regards to my virgin I stand by
the man who I was. I stay by the man
who I am today. Um. And I feel like, you know,
it's made me not only like while I say it's
such a small part of who I am, I just
think it's a set of morals, a set of values
that I've carried in my personal life for so long now.
Um that I don't regret. I don't regret the decision

that I made. I don't regret talking about it on
National TV. I just never thought it would get to
this point. Wait, I have something to say about this
because after I got off The Bachelor, I was like,
I just wish I hadn't gone in like that I
wish that. I really I had a moment where I
wish that I had lost it to somebody that I
was seeing before the show, and I was like, that

was a huge mistake, Like he was the one I
wanted to really do that with. And now this is
all out there, and now there's so much pressure on
me from other guys. Like every guy I'm gonna date
going forward is going to know this, and it's gonna
turn a lot of guys off. But it's gonna it's
going to turn the wrong I know. So for years

I was like people would tell me that and I'd
be like, oh, I know, I know. But then you know,
when you get older and you do find the right relationship,
then you like know that that's really what you should
stick to. You need to keep reminding yourself that as
annoying as it is, no in the the whole topic

of it as a whole, I'm not annoyed. I'm annoyed
by the cheapening of it. I'm annoyed when it's just
used as clickbait or um when people want to bring
it up sort of in a in a cheap way,
or take shots at it or discredit it like I'm
not like I didn't open up about it to say like, hey,
I'm better than this person. It's just part. It's just
like if i'm if you're going to get to know

who I am, Like that's just part of me. Do
people ever think that you're that you are? Like, I
don't know what I'm going to say this. It's like
the opposite of virgin shaming. People say that if you
throw it in their face. Yeah, the word like you
think it's better you are pure? No, Like, And that's
the thing, Like, I don't really talk about it that much.

I've talked about it when it's appropriate in the relationship. Um,
obviously I talked about it on the show, but I
don't have final say like what sound bites get used.
And so I mean that's a whole another conversation. But
I mean, I don't I don't walk around and wear
it like on my chest like that. I'll admit to it,
I'll own who I am as a person, but I'm
I'm not leading any type of conversation. That's why, Like

you didn't hear me talk to Becca about it until
it was appropriate, until it was a week before hometown,
until she had to make a decision whether she wanted
to move our relationship forward or not. Yeah, it was
totally the appropriate time. Yeah, I'm not going to just
hit him with at night one, you know. Yeah, Steph,
I know you're still out there. Anything else you want
to ask Colton before you go? Sure? What about? Okay?
Here's one thing that did set me about your first

night alright, the first episode? Why did you get rid
of the favorite? I'm a big chemistry and connection guy,
and it just wasn't there. It's one of those things
that's hard to really explain it when you have a
feeling like and also keep in mind there's twenty nine
other incredible women as well, So it just all for

me came down to chemistry and connection. I respect the move.
I was expect how in character she was the whole
entire night. And I know it's not easy staying in
that outfit because she had to stay in that the
whole night. It's cold, ye warm in the tree, crawling
around whatever she was. But you know what, I'll say
that I personally I mad respect she's stayed in character

the whole time. Well, you do have a lot of
good girls to choose from this season. Yeah. Absolutely, Well,
I have a special announcement to make this Sloth will
be on during the last segment of the show today.
Oh my gosh, yes, like I really I love the
interest so much. I always think if I whoever went
on the show, which I wouldn't because I'm married, but uh,

I wouldn't do something crazy and weird like that. It
was like that girl is my girl. Hey, Steph, thank
you so much for on the podcast. Thanks for having
me you guys can't wait to watch to night. Calton,
thank you. I can't wait to watch two. Good Bye. Okay, Colton,
I want to just revisit the the fact that you
didn't bring it up in asting and that you brought

it up when you were just having a casual conversation
in the house. Did you get used to having these
casual conversations, because like last night you talked about, um,
how you told one of your teammates when you just
asked you the question point blank, and You're like, I
was searching for a lie, honestly, and then you just
came out with the truth, which is a scenario that

I was in a zillion times whenever the topic of
sex would come up anywhere in school with my friends
straight to lying or did you pivot? I would pivot.
I'd be like if it was a girl talk, does
anybody need any water? And like I get up to
go the fridge, or like I gotta go to the bathroom,
and you know, I just walk away from the conversation
or I got super quiet and it was just so awkward.

People must have been like, why doesn't you ever participate
in these conversations? So did you get used to it
before going to the Bachelorhouse about talking and talking about it?
You know? But this is the interest, like the reason,
the whole reason why I wanted to do the Bachelor
and I went on was it was a point in
my life where I just wanted to start coming into

my own I want to start owning who I was
as a person, and I wanted to start like really
focusing on my personal life. So that was just one
of those moments where I'm like, all right, I'm in, Like,
I'm in this, let's do this. I gotta work and
I gotta like I have to continue to push myself.
And I think you and I have talked about it before.
I don't even know where I would be personally, like
the growth that you have on these shows is unbelievable.

I'm sure have been You've been through it too. I
don't even know if I would have been able to
start dating changes the way it changes the way that
you go about every other conversation in your personal life,
whether you're dating them or not. It's just it's so
refreshing to be direct, say what's on your mind, and
then also just not be afraid to be vulnerable, like
if like I don't know now now it's just like

my friendships have even gotten stronger. We went from one
extreme being totally secret of it to be like, Okay,
you can ask me. I'm an open book. I'll tell
you everything. And I think it's I think it's a
better healthier way to live everyday to start out with
now I start out with, I am Ben. Did you
know at one point I was the Bachelor? Hey before
before we continue, actually, uh, something that's on your mind

and something you're really proud of, something you love very
much you have to tell our fans about. Jared and
I went to Janner Manor Part two this weekend down
in Orange County, California, and everything in their house is
from Curt and barrel because we found out that they
had a Crton Barrel registry for their wedding and we're like,
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at Crate and Barrel dot com. So when you did
have that conversation and you were like, oh, actually our
supposide somebody on Beck of Season, did they like pull
you into an interview right away? Um, as far as
what they were like, oh my god, we just got
amazing during this guy. Uh no, now because they knew
about it because I brought it up in the house

into it, Oh you did, Yeah, So I didn't drink.
You were interviewing about it. I was interviewing and I
think I was having a conversation with Jason. I don't
know which one came first um in the house, and
then they started yeah, and then we just started having
a conversation. And like I said before, like that's where
the growth comes in is because the more that I realized,
like as you talked through things and they kept asking

me why, like or what was it? Like how what
did you do in your other relationship? Like how how
is this dynamic? And like for the first time, I'm
actually putting it into words for myself to hear too,
And I think that was that's what was so cool
about it. That was the question that I hate. Not
only did I hate the question when when you'd have
sex talks around you and you tried to avoid them.

I not only dreaded just saying I'm a virgin, I
dreaded being having my friend be like why how because
I didn't really even know how to describe it. Well,
it's not like for me too, and I don't know
about like you. But it's not a simple answer, No,
it's not. I had like a whole bunch of different reasonings.
I think as our society is, especially today, and how um,

I don't I want to say this in a tasteful
way and not lazy, but we just look for that simple.
We just look for the simple answer and to move on.
So if you have to think about it at all,
it's just like, Okay, well he must be lying or
he must be doing this. It's because you just don't
want to put the effort in to like actually understand
or get the reasoning why. And you just didn't want
to be thought that you were weird. And I don't.

I mean, if I really were to explain this to
you wouldn't think I was weird. But immediately you're gonna think,
like in the world, right, So well cool. I can
talk about this forever because you have any that really
we understand each other a lot on I get it.
I get it, and I'm glad you guys got to talk. Actually,
you've had a lot of thoughts I've known, uh Colton,

you know you're a lot more than this conversation. So
I promise you one thing from here and out, No,
nothing we're gonna talk about is going to be about you.
I don't really want to hear about it. I don't
like thinking about I would never have brought it up
if you didn't. You and I didn't have similar situations
more interesting because we've bulled been identical situations, except for

you're the Bachelor and I was never like the lead,
and that I can't even imagine how annoying. All right,
here we go, Colton. Yes, you're two weeks in. Uh,
it's no secret to most that you've been through this.
Now you're sitting here and you're talking about it. Do
you still believe the Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, Bachelor, I

can find you or anybody else love. I will go
to bat and I will back the franchise up until
my last breath. I probably I always said to, And
I don't do the apps I've watched, and I have
friends who would have dating apps. But I actually think
what I've experienced on The Bachelor and in Paradise and
on the Bachelor has been some of the most real

connections that I've I've ever had and where I think
people can because when the phones go away and you
actually have a genuine conversation, you talk about meaningful things
like it's so powerful, how it can advance a relationship.
It really is. It's it's just like microcosm is like space.
I was just telling somebody other day, Um, I've started
dating again. This is big news, right, I am dating

an app No, no, no, I'm actually dating one person
that we'll talk about in a couple of weeks on
the pod. Yeah. So so just um, you know what,
why not? And and so I'm excited about So here's
the thing. We're talking to their night and I was
saying the Bachelor is a really great thing because it

is it forces you to have conversations. And right now,
the girl that I'm talking to is long distance, and
so we face time a lot, and it feels very
similiar because we don't get time together. It's very intentional,
it's very focused. And if we're gonna we're gonna spend
any time with each other, it's gonna be in conversation. Um.
And she's like the best purest person I know, and
so like a lot of those conversations are about our lives.

So anyways, Colton, I think you're spot on. I do
believe also the show can find you love. Second question,
This is a two part question. Uh so let me
finish you. I'm gonna say first, the first part of
this question is what's one thing that bothers you most
about watching yourself on TV? You've had enough time now
on television. You've seen this and the second part of
that is what makes you and I promise this is
going to get better unlikable. Um, I would say what

bothers me the most on TV? I just I think
right now, like just the constant conversations that even I'm
articulating with the virginity thing and how the sexual undertone
of is of the whole show is Like I had
an idea of that before I went on, but knowing
like my Grandma's watching, and my aunts and my family's
and my little brother, like, and that almost answers your

other question to where it's unwatching, Like that's the part
I'm just like sort of cringing when I hear myself
even talk back, Like when I hear myself talking about it,
that that hurts, right, Like those intimate moments, even the kissing.
I remember I was watching episode four at my house
in Warsaw with my parents and their friends, right, and
so they had a watch party. I was able to
get home for that, and so I was sitting watching

my episode and there's just like really heated makeout scene, right,
and so you can hear it, Like the show loves
to like do the noise effects where it's like, and
I'm sitting there in this room full of like my
family and my friends and my pastor, which is great.
I'm sure he's all for it. I have nothing against
making out, but it feels weird. Ben. I did a

watch party on The Bachelor at the Children's Hospital for
my hometowns to celebrate, Like I went back with the
kids that back and I visited and I completely like.
I was like, oh, this is a great idea. Like
we'll tie it into like the same day like Beck
and I. And then I was like, oh my gosh,
I forgot I tell her I love her at the
end of this and like we have a full on
makeout session and I'm sitting there with the kids and
their parents and we're all watching them. I was like,

all right, we could go do something else now, Like
to watch this part, you should definitely go watch it
at Children's Hospital. For the shower scene that I've been
seeing all the previews that you have coming up showers,
I took the one where the showers coming down and
some girl jumps to you and you're holding and you're
ready for this. This is like a spoiler alert. We
had a shower b roll day pickups what, Yes, it

was awesome. That's a lot. I don't mind watching the
shower and strong. Hey, okay, what makes you most likable?
What are you watching yourself? I remember when I was
doing it. There's a couple of things. I was like,
you know what you're you're carrying yourself. Well, you're doing
all right, You're looking at them in the eye, You're
you're intentional by your conversation. Has been nice work? What

is that about you? Um? I think like the one
thing that I tried to do well on my season
was sort of what you were talking about earlier. I
had been through us before, and I had been on
the other side, and I know at times it could
be hard. I know at times it could be challenging
to open up, um, And you actually see that in
the episode. I tried to make everybody feel as comfortable

as they could so that I can get the best
out of them and I can also get the best
out of myself. So I really prided myself on trying
to really relate to them without speaking for them, and
I think there's a fine balance of that. But then
I mean, I also wanted to challenge them and push
them to where it's like I don't want to have
to carry the conversation, but I just feel like making
sure that they were comfortable in our moments together was

very important. That's so poor. That is a couple of secrets. Actually,
I don't know what was it for you why you
were doing uh the show, Ashley or even now and
you go on you know, all these access Hollywood, all
these things you do. What is it that makes you
feel comfortable in front of the cameras m H experience. Yeah,
I was gonna say just being used to it at

this point. Yeah, yeah, I don't really think there's a trick.
It all depends on, like whether it's live or not too.
I thought we did last week with the live premiere
was nerve racking, but tape things are like, oh, you know,
I get to cut that out. I thought you killed
it too, by the way you jured because I sat
in the green room the whole time. I know, I

saw that you liked my Instagram and commented under I
was like, what is this man doing during his live
premiere that he still I wasn't green. I was in
a green room being hit from the Hollywood party until
like my big reveal. So I actually got to sit
and watch the show, and it was it was really cool.
Then you did really well to your super fan was cute?
Oh she was adorable. Yeah. I got about two minutes
two minutes out there, and I made the most of it.

I screamed and I picked her up. He did a
great job. This is a question for both of you. Actually,
I'd love for you to answer this first. Cold Nancy,
say what makes a good bachelor? Olden goes first or
I go first? You know I want you to go first. Oh,
I think approachability makes a really good bachelor. I think
somebody who brings out, somebody who just makes all the

girls as comfortable as possible. And uh, yeah, that's what
I was saying. Honesty that works, That's important. Attractiveness works.
You need that, Um Ben whatever, you guys are you too? Well.

It's interesting you bring that up, because before I left
for filming, I didn't like anything that I do. I
try to do some of the best of my abilities,
and I try to do my homework. So I obviously
watched Ben back. And because was there any other season
that you watched back, I've watched obviously, I watched Aris,
I watched Ben's and I watched Nicks, and one thing

that I realized from talking to all three is like,
you're gonna have your own experience with this and you're
not going to do things perfectly all the time, and
everybody has your unique things. So like, as much as
I wanted to be like, oh, I want to be
like Ben, in this moment, it's like, no, I want
to be Colton. Like I want to be true to
who I am and if I make a mistake, and
if I say something wrong, then I say something wrong,

I'm gonna own it and move on. But what could
you really stay wrong? I don't know. I mean, if
that's the thing is, it's like you, Ken, I could
have done things better though, like you could always do
things better, Like I'm looking back at this, like, oh man,
I could have handled that conversation better. Really, even in
these two episodes. Yeah, I mean, I think there's always
obviously room for improvement, But like, I don't know. I

will say, like I just feel this season I stayed
true to who I was. That's the only thing. I mean.
As you sit there and you talk to these women
and you can walk away going, hey, I'm not done
that perfectly. You know you're not going into these going
I'm gonna be perfect. You're going in saying I'm gonna
be cold in there, I'm gonna be better, I'm gonna
be Ashley, and you hope to walk away feeling that
same way. I think the one thing that you could

do wrong to answer that for both of you, I
think arrogance and a lack of humility. Uh. And this
entitlement comes off terribly on the show, and I think
you can see that. And I think the bachelor Bachelor
I oftentimes struggle with that because they get this big head.
They go into it feeling like they're Prince Charming or
or you know that the Queen of the world, and

it comes off on the show cold and you haven't
shown the yet. I'm still waiting. Here's Here's something I
always bring up on this podcast. I think the best
Bachelor's and Bachelorettes it's how they react to really hard situations.
I was humbled on the show. I got humbled, did
you Yeah? There was there was a moment where, like
I said, coming into it is like I have this
all figured out. I've been on two of these things before,
like watch watch me do what I need to do

and I got Yeah, I was humbled. Huh. I mean
I think that's exciting. I think for me. Uh and
actually tell me if you disagree. I think for me,
that's not exciting to watch. That's good for me to
watch because it means it's real. That's a real moment
humility and being humbled is an authentic, genuine moment that
you can't force or fake. Yeah, I mean, it's just

And that's that's when, like it really got I was
obviously pushed. The most, too, is when things didn't go
my way. It looks like adversity, right, And that's when
you grow the most, is when things don't go your way.
But see, that's that's what everybody thinks, but that's not
always the case. Interesting. Interesting, Alright. My final question for you, Colton,

until I send it over to ash to plug away
for a couple of minutes here is what is the
one thing Colton, now that you're sitting here in week
two and the rest of the season is in front
of you that you've learned from doing this whole experience.
It's hard to pick one. I've learned so much obviously

about myself that it's been so good of my needs
and my wants in my life. But I think just
coming into my own as a person and as a
human being, and I'm still working on how I can
be better. Um, I think we always are. But I
just what this opportunity has done for me in my

personal life and how comfortable I am owning who I
am now has been like the the best thing about it,
hands down. I agree. I agree for you. That's awesome,
really great. Hey uh actually before I simmed over to you,
I do have a question for anybody in the room.
This can be anybody when that we wanted to ask

and nobody knows anything about. Is the Bachelor Mansion going
to be used ever? Again? Yeah? It's fine, Fine, we
have people in here that are confirming this for sure.
I am my producers in your shout out to Lady Kay.
She always kills it. Yeah, new haircut right now? It
looks bomb. Um. I read this sto. It was like
a meme or something that the word virgin was mentioned

so much this season that the devil who created the virus.
This is like, we can't even go there, We can't
even go hit that house. It's sacred ground. Okay. Anyway,
I have fun questions for you are you ready? Is
this Jurgen's tan that you have on right now? Face
moisturizer this morning. He's a big fan of Jorgens. I

think he's trying to get a sponsorship. Is unbelievable. Oh
they messaged me, Oh they did. Yeah, we'd like to
send you all the Jurorgon products. You'd like, what's your favorite? Ye? Awesome,
Well it looks Instagram influencer. Now, guys, it looks awesome.
As my producer is like cringing over there, She's like, no,
I like to break the fourth wall. You know. Yeah,

me too. I wish they did that more everything. Come on, Megan,
I see lady, Kay, you do want to break that
fourth wall more? It's so good. Alright, fun questions, Ben's stop. Okay, Yeah,
I know Trure Falls, your monthly skincareteen costs five dollars. True.
I just found that out. I actually just started using

like what I was what I was using, I didn't
know how much it costs. So you were okay, so
another sponsored thing? No, Well, the Bachelor blessed me with um,
you know, obviously hair and makeup. So yeah, so then
you got addicted to what they were giving you Gina. Yeah,
she's awesome. Yeah, Gina is the show's hair and makeup. Um,

and she did an amazing job with all like the
products and sitting down with me and like really finding
out like what I like, what I feel comfortable using.
She's the best. But then what she was using on me,
like I was like, I want, I need this in
like my daily life. So you saw a difference, that's awesome. Well,
you want to give a shout out to what you've
been using Jurgen's shout out to Jarragans, just Jurgen's we're

just getting sponsored by Jorgens right now. Well, I I
give you props for having an expensive kin guarantein I
do too. Um, let's talk about Jason and Caitlin, your
buddy Jason. Yeah, what are those two together? This week?
They've been very obvious that they're together. He was on
the show about a month ago now and he got

a lot of giggles out of his system but never
said why he was giggly. And uh, I think they've
been together for a bit. Do you know exactly how long?
I think they've been together for a bit too, But
I don't, Honestly, I don't know, and as somebody who's
speculating on my um relationship right now, I feel like

when they are comfortable to make their official announcement. Although
I feel like it's happened because they've been all over
each other on social media, you know, I mean, good
for them. He seems very happy from what I've seen
on her, she seems very happy. They are both good people.
So I hope have you hung out with them? Yeah? Together? No,
I have not. What is the tattoo on your arm?

I have a tattoo eleven and then I have a
cross on my wrist. What's Jeremiah? What does it mean?
And it's like hope for a future and it's been
something that I've always stuck with since football is God
has a plan for you, and just trust in his
plans and everything. It's almost like everything will happen for
a reason, but just trust in him and you'll be good. Well,

God's on your side right now. Make sure, yeah are
what when was your first kiss? My first kiss was
my freshman year of high school. How old are you
and you're a freshman. I don't know your fourteen? Fourteen?
So fourteen? Okay? Tell us about it? Um. I was

watching a movie laying down. You had a girl over
to watch a movie when you're fourteen. Um, I don't
remember what movie was playing because obviously on my first kiss,
so that's all I remember from uh and it was
really awkward, really bad, but yeah, it just wasn't It
wasn't like the best Okay, was it sloppy that she

used tongue or something like too much? You know? It
was just like a quick peck and then like an
awkward like staring at each other's that just happened. Are
you going to give Heather her first kiss this season? Um?
You never know. I mean there's obviously more conversations that
need to be had, and um, if anybody understands where

she's coming from and how hard it was for it,
open up. It's me, trust me. Yeah, I know right,
you get it. You guys want to understanding. My last
question is the feature of the Hannah and Kaylin duel.
These two are obviously going to go at it. Fantastic
decisions on castings parts for this drama. I do not

read spoilers. I do not know if they go on
a two on one, but I'm assuming they do because
there couldn't be a better two on one. They're gonna
beat my two on one for sure. Yeah. Um, I
think it's gonna be interesting. It's gonna be interesting for
you guys to like really watch the dynamic of that
all happen, because it was very intriguing for me as well.

And just keep in mind, like and you know this,
producers don't tell you what's going on in the house,
so you get to hear and experience things from what
they tell you. And there's obviously a lot of conversations
that that happen. So my point of view on this
right now is that, um, Hannah is made out to
look like the more dramatic girl, the one that's a

little bit more high strung, a little bit more emotional,
and Caitlin's really chill. I always find that on the show,
the girls who are chill end up winning out. But
I'm not really sure you ever heard like like less
is More. I'm a believer in less is More, but
I don't I can't speak to who is I think
tuning in because I don't want to say anything that
you take out of that people take out of context
because it hasn't played back yet. But you will get

answers and clarity to that, and I think you'll It's
just it was also an interesting dynamic for me to
have to deal with too, and and really like figure
out and ask the right questions. Okay, okay. So and
then I have a more last question, now that you
brought this up. How close was Hannah to really getting
the acts on that one on one very Yeah? If

it was later in the season, would you just let
her go? No? And I think I think what I
realized too after after our date was I feel like,
you know, sort of what you were saying earlier, is like,
you know, how awkward and silent time and making toasts
and how intimidating that can be. I didn't because I'm

coming from the two previous so I'm used to it.
I'm ready to go. I'm like, okay, this is easy.
You should you should be like, this is her first
time being filmed doing something, and I forgot. I forgot
about that when the toast that I would just like hide,
I'd be like, do not look at me, do not
ask me to do the toast. I That's when I blink. Yeah,
So what I mean, I don't know, Ben? What what

was your Ben obviously was a Master toaster. Yeah, what
do you mean whinning doubt? Just compliment Like that's my
whole thing is like went in to make words, speaking
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purchase a routine online. I don't know what you guys
were talking about before the break. I don't think I
fluff words. It's it's really easy to give the toast.
You look at the woman in the eyes, you call
them beautiful because they are. You say there's compliment, and

you look at them and you say, I know this
is hard, I know this is difficult. None of this
is easy. This is all weird for each one of
us in this room. I forgot that, Like I really
didn't have that perspective. I don't know. I felt like
I was like, Okay, I want this one to go
really well, like it's the first one. And I think
that was the first time where I was like, oh,
I don't have this all figured out, because that was

like the moment where I'm like, isn't one on ones
supposed to go great? Like when the ones are supposed
to be like showing for sure, here's your rose, like
we have a great connection, and that wasn't the case.
And that was like the first time I'm like, oh, boy,
like right off the bat, here we go, like I
don't have this thing figured out? Did you try to
lead the conversation more than we saw? It was almost
like you're waiting for her, But I was because I
was I want to, like, just as much as I

want to be challenging in a relationship, I wanted to
challenge her to and really see what, you know, what
she brought to the relationship. All Right, Well, if I
had to say who I think your favorite is at
this point, and Ben, I'm going to ask you who
you think his favorite is at this point, I would
say it was Hannah g You're like all up in

Handahgee's girl. Yeah, I mean you're basing that off of
the first in the first two episodes. Yeah, I mean yeah,
Like I said, it was all it was all chemistry,
chemistry and connection from very early on. Alright, Ben, who
do you think he's into right now? I mean, Hannah
Gee's gotta be it? From from episode two, I mean

episode two, there's no question my mind. When Cold looks
in those those big old eyes of Hannah Geees, he
sees a future will change. We don't know. But when
we do know is Colton survived his season to The
Bachelor because he's in studious with us today. So far,
here's my critique of view. You're doing great, don't change.

You're a good man with a good heart, who who's
gonna make an amazing difference in this world, way past
this show that's gonna be way bigger than this show
ever was. So far on The Bachelor, you've been sensitive,
you've been kind, you've been supportive, you've been honest, and
I know that you cry, which is important to me.
I think there's a Bachelor of a few years ago
that said they've never cried during the show. I said, well,

that's just ridiculous. The world I forget. But if you
don't cry during this show, I don't know if you
have a heart. I don't know if you didn't, it
might have been Colton with that. Actually, I really support
you coming in. Thank you for taking time. I know
you're a busy guy. I know you've got a lot
going on, um, but thank you for coming in and

talking with us. If you ever want to stop by again,
I bet we could find some time for you. Until then,
we'll just be talking about you behind your back. Perfect.
I tuned in. I know, I know what what word
did you say that I used? Too much? Awesome? Yeah?
I know I need to extend my vocabulary. Actually funny,
like a little behind the scenes thing. Caitlin um, my
producer on the show, bought me a vocabulary book, like

a word book. That's not that, but it is like
I continue to grow my vocabulary, like I I was
becoming a better person every day I do this podcast.
I think I need that book. Do you want to
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weird anymore. I'm really happy that two years into this

this is where we're at. But we've gotten our questions
out of the way. You're probably sick of you know
where actionized minds are. But our fans out there there's
a Facebook group for the Almost Famous podcast that's active
and ready to ask Colton all the questions they've been wondering.
Ashley has the questions in front of her. Ashley after

it there, Colton from Katie, what is your biggest turn
off when you're getting to know a girl. I'm I'm
a hygiene guy, like brush your teeth, put some deater,
and on, shower every once in a while. Does she
have to shower every day? Uh? No, it just I
mean smell decent, okay, because eyes are so hygiene. Um

from Sam, how long? I mean, how does it differ
from being one of the guys on back to season
to being the leading man? Are the emotions similar? Well,
it changes because I hand the roses out instead of
being handed a rose, So that's so that's nice. Um.

Are the emotions similar, No, but they're they're different in
are in it just in a different way. But yes,
it's as emotional, just in a different way hold up
time out that that did not do it for me.
Why are they similar? No, they're just different in a
different way. What do you mean answer the question you
just said, No, they're different and different. We read the questions.

Are the emotions similar? Like what what are the motions?
Like what, let's go into a little bit emotions not motions. Emotions, Yeah,
but what are the two different emotions you felt during?
The emotions are different because you're on the other side,
like you're you're sitting there and you have to break
up with women. Yeah, there's well, not only guilt, but

it's just like the trust factor. Are you trusting your gut?
Are you really? Like you have to be confident And
you said that to me too, Ben, And one of
our chat is like, you just have to be confident
in the decisions that you make because it's going to
eat you up. Um. So like, then there's always that
emotion that's in it. But then it just was an
emotional roller coaster because you leave these dates where it's like, oh,

this is amazing, I'm on a high, and then you
find something out about another relationship You're like, oh, this
could be pivotal. So it's like the ups and the
downs are higher when you're the lead. Did you bet
all feel weird golden when? Because there's two two elements here,
there's a deleted scene that you and I men. I
get why it's deleted. You had a lot going on,

there's a big show in front of us, but I did.
We sat down. I was like, hey man, you're I
know you've got a heart on you, like it's gonna
hurt to break up with these girls. And you're like, well,
then how do I do it? It's like you just
do it like and it sounds like shallow and it
just sounds simple. But once you feel it, you almost
you think it through and make sure it's the right thing.
But you just got to do it and be confident,
especially early on. Was there ever a moment this season

that you you let somebody go and you go, oh no, wait,
that's so weird? That was our next question from Laurie weird.
I like Laurie well, she basically she asked if that
happened on night one, but in general or night one,
I tried. I actually tried my hardest. I remained confident
in all the decisions that I made in going into
every Rose ceremony or any time that I was about

to let somebody go. I really sat with it and
I really let it process through, Like how does this change?
You know? How does this change moving forward? How I feel?
And I really owned it, like I made sure that
I sat with it long enough before I made any decisions.
So did you know a couple of hours going into
the rose ceremony for the most part, Yes, yep. This

is from Matt. He says, I feel like all the
virginity talk makes me wonder if these girls are there
for the right reasons. Do you feel the same. I
think I'm going to interpret that by saying, do you
think that some of them are objectifying you and making
it seem like they just want to take it? I
will say this, Um, if this was the and I
don't talk about this last I don't. I don't want.

I don't want to come off like weird when I says,
but if this was a bachelorette and could you imagine
if a like a guy walked up and I had
fun with it? But could you imagine if a guy
walked up with like a cherry and popped it? Like? No,
I thought that was just if the roles were reversed.
It's just a much different conversation that we'd be having
right now. We talked about that last week. Do can
I have fun with it and play along with it? Absolutely,
because that's just like, that's just who I am. Um.

I think will we get into more of this serious
side of it for me later on and in the
later episodes when it's appropriate for me to share that.
But um, I don't think the virginity talk correlates with
the right reasons per se. I think it just relates
with like when it is appropriate in our relationship to
discuss it. Creepy would it be if I was on

a season with Ashley? Ashley was the bachelor at and
I walked up and I said, I don't know what's
going to happen, but I wouldn't mind taking that virginity
That is so creepy for it. I agree, And it's
just like the double standard that we're in with society
and people can make their jokes and make their and

I think, like that's I guess the hardest part two
is just a punch line and stuff. So um yeah,
all right, this question is for Molly. What advice would
you give to other young men who are choosing to
remain a virgin in adulthood. Um, I think I really
struggled with owning who I was as a person, and

I think right now with being the Bachelor and having
if there's any silver lining in all of this, it's
just that I hope that the young men out there
see it as an example of, like, there's nothing wrong
with waiting, and there's nothing wrong with like losing it
whenever you it's your personal choices, your body, your choice.

But I just hope that people see that there's nothing
wrong with waiting and it's okay to be different, and
in fact, I encourage people to be different. I encourage
people to stand up for what they believe in and
own who they are exactly. And my last question from
Facebook is from Danny and it says, is there any
specific part of the show that you're super nervous will

or will not air? Mm hmm here's what here. Yeah,
Here's something that's always been on my mind. And I
think people forget this too, is like I'm going through
this and my family is super excited that I had
this opportunity to find love and like be the Bachelor,

but like my Grandma watches this, My little cousins watch this. Um,
these women in these ladies, fathers and mothers watch this.
So I just it's in my hopes that it stays
respectful through and through and it is remained of a
show finding love instead of chasing a virginity. Yeah. I

hope that's that's that would be my My only thing
that I would be nervous upon is like the tastefulness
towards the end um and dealing like the fantasist week. Yeah,
could you give us a little taste though, Colden, you
probably get a pretty good sense of where this goes
and what the dates are structured around, what the conversations
were like. Um, do you think it changes at some point?

I mean we're two weeks in. Obviously we love the Bachelor.
We love the Bachelor. This is a show that we
have a podcast on. I would like to see it
if my we've talked about last week, we'll talk about
it this week. I would like to see it change
gears and go away from just talks about you being
a virgin and whoever else is a virgin. Do you
feel like it does? Would you get a sense that
it does? I will say yes it does. Um. Week

four probably is going to be the most pivotal, I
think in terms of that gives people a better understanding,
and it sort of goes away after that, like it's
just it's one of the things you were talking about earlier.
It's like how many times does you have to address this?
How many times you have to talk about it? And
I think it finally gets to a point where it's
like everybody has their answers, everybody has their clarity that
it's just like not a topic anymore. All right. People

are excited about that. I'm sure, yeah, because I mean,
you brought up a good point. It's like, well why
do you keep asking? It's like, well, just because one
person asked doesn't mean they get to see that or
here out of my mouth. So yes, I was on
repeat a lot of the times throughout this season. I
prepared myself for that. I knew that I was going
to have to talk about it. I just wonder if
it's like why it's making the cut so many times.

I don't know. That's I mean, it's not up to me. Hey,
that's our Facebook questions. We appreciate our Facebook group supporters
and fans out They are always encouraging, loving, talking, laughing
and making fun Ashley and I and we couldn't be
happy about it. Thank you to everybody out there on
the almost famous Facebook group. We will be continuing to
pull your questions, talk about your conversations on there. Let's

build this group to be a behemoth. Let's make it
something great. Hey Colton, for anybody out there listening, they
love you, they support you. I have a feeling you'renna
walk away being one of America's favorite bachelors of all time.
But to say goodbye, I think we gotta give you
the platform to speak to all of your fans out
there and then Mike, drop this thing and get out

of here. You've got a lot of things to do today.
We appreciate you, Colton, thanks for coming on. Thank you
guys so much for having me on, and you guys,
I have a feeling thank you. That means a lot
coming from you Ben specifically, but yeah, I think it's
thank anybody out there listening give a little message. I

just want. I mean, I would say this own who
you are. Um. I went through a lot of years
of my life like just really trying to come into
my own and there's nothing wrong with that. You can
always get better, you can always do things better in
your life. I think just having that understanding too. But
um no, I mean, I just want to thank you
for the to thank you for the support, and just

let you know that in week four it's all just
go away. Yeah, if I have any message stick with us.
There's more than just the virginity topic this season. I'm
sick of picturing you my head losing your virginity every
time I hear it. All I think about is just
Colton and whatever is going to happen in the end
of this thing, and it gets weird for me. That's
the weirdest thing you've ever heard from Ben Now, Golden appreciate,

thank you so much. Actually, we love our our sponsors. Uh,
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Terms apply as normal. Colton as a great guest. I
want to thank everybody out there who allowed Colton to
come on. I know he's protected right now. Right he
rocks in with an entourage of people and they pointed
to the Almost Famous podcast and they thought this would
be a good platform for him to get for all
the listeners out there to get to know him better.
And we just want to thank you to anybody that
made that happen. Uh. Colton was genuine as usual, authentic

as usual, UM and and he was also honest as usual.
Our next guest has seen Colton's honesty up close. And Personal.
After being eliminated on night one, she's now on the
podcast we know her as Sloth Girl. Are you out there,
fie guys? How are you doing? Girl? Good? Hi? What's

your name? I know it, but tell everybody my name's
al se Alston Alex. How does it feel being known
as the sloth Girl this week? It's fine, I'll take it.
It's definitely new carry stories for me. But I guess
it's kind of cute, sounds kind of sexty, so I
can work. Girl. Is it weird that you've got eliminary

night one and yet you are still one of the
most talked about girls? Um? I mean, as it makes sense,
it's because it's such a strong gimmick. Um, So no,
it's not weird. It is just a little funny though,
because so many people, including cold and I'm sure I
do not know my actual names, which is just so
funny to me. But yeah, no, it's been nice so far.

It's been kind of cute. There's been some love and
then there's been some negative comments as well, so it's
been all across the board with the whole slow gimmick.
You know, we've recently from the Bachelor season, we've had
Joe grocery Store. Joe go from being eliminated on Night
one to Dancing with the Stars. Do you see yourself
from Dancing with the Stars. Um, so, I'm not really

the best dancers. Um, not to that's really a factor here.
But so when I'm getting the comparison with So, I mean,
obviously I love that comparison. It's still flattering. At the
same time, I think it's just so vastly different. Um.
From my understanding, what Joe did was he was one
on the show and was like, I like, you look
so beautiful, and that was it, and that America just

fell in love with him was just so fascinting to
whereas with me, it's a totally different story. I went
up there and I was a slot that I was
hanging from trees. It's a totally different ends of the spectrum. Um.
I do apologist for going up that candon there, but
of course I definitely opens the Dancer with the Stars
not the best dancer. But you know, we'll see. Well,

do you think that your gimmick failed you in the
end or do you think you would have been eliminated
either way? Oh that's a different question. Um. Well, exacinitely
didn't fail me because I did not get a rose.
But at the same time, I did talk to Colson
and it was just me without the costume. It was
as on Colson and I just word bonded all over him. So,

knowing me and how excited, I guess that would have
happened regardless, and I probably would have been something just
is weird, but a little more subtle if I did
not have the costume on so prost the Coles and
even awesome dude. But I think and if I somehow
was able to continue on in the show, I don't
think it would have worked out in that kind of

way that makes maybe even kind of harsh towards myself.
Maybe not, but and there's no way to tell, but
knowing me, I'd be kind of freaking no matter what,
not work. How does it feel like the feeling of
going home at night? One, it's obviously light out. We
saw on TV you walk in its dark and then
you walk out its light. What was your what was
the emotions? I was tired, Oh my god, I was tired.

And it was actually my birthday that day, which is needed.
Everything was better. And remember as I was leaving one
of the girls. She was not being patty whatsoever. She'son
sweet like well happy birthday, like a nice slide home.
I was like, oh my god, thank you. That's great. Um,
it was so talking that I think it was okay.
But you know what movies when you're outside and everything

just it's just such disaster and then it starts raining
and then it's like they can't constantly get any worse.
It was that kind of feeling, which is why I
was like, all right, well I'm gonna go home now,
and so it like that, Um yeah, does that answer
your question? And my word vomiting again because I feel
like I am No, Alex, You're doing great. Don't be
don't be nervous. This is just a podcast. It's Ashley Night.

We just hang out and talk to each other. We
were a word vomit on each other all day and
people still listen. Alex, we really appreciate coming on the podcast.
We hope to see the sloth around more. Ashley. I
know you're wondering this final question, could we and would
we see you in paradise? That's the question. That's a

fair question. I'm definitely open to anything. I'm probably just
going at it. I don't really know what I'm doing
with this kind of stuff, but I'm so open to anything.
I'm definitely single, so I don't see why not, but
I can't confirm anything before. Oh so that sounds like
maybe you're not open to it because maybe you have
a bullet friend. No, I'm open to it, of first,

I am. It sounds very fun. I heard I don't
like him that much. He can go, he can we
very quickly. He's not back. Hey, Alex, thank you so
much for coming on. Welcome to Almost Famous podcast and
we will talk to you soon. Perfect. Thanks to go
talk to you, to talk to you, Ashley. To close

up the podcast today, we have a couple listener emails.
What what an episode? I mean again, we bring Colton
the Bachelor on the episode, and we still have reader
emails or listener emails. Ashley, I'm gonna read the first
one to you. It's from Anonymous. We love Anonymous, it's
our favorite. They say, too much virginity talk. Well, we

couldn't agree more. I like to tell you all discussed
how over we are about talking about Colton's you know what,
I don't even like saying it. They said. Also, I
liked how Ben, I appreciate that pointed out how disgustity
it was with the girls saying that they wanted to
take it. However, I just want to point out one thing.
Ben brought it up again in the same joking tone
that the show does. Colton is not in bed with anybody,

and it's really and it really aggravated me. I just
want to point out the stark hypocrisy there so that
hopefully I don't have to hear it again. Hey, I
don't remember exactly what you're talking about. I'm sure I
meant it in the best ways. We fill two hours
or an hour and a half of talking and sometimes

things just don't come out the way you desire. And
so with that, I hope you keep listening. I'll probably
make him at again, and for that I apologize. Then
we have another one from Megan. She says, I wanted
to say thank you for bringing attention to the fact
that it seems like the show is on the borderline
of shaming him for his virginity. I'm still a virgin myself,

and it brings out so many insecurity to see someone
constantly talked about like he's a freak. M I think
a freak is a it's a strong term. I I mean,
I think talking about even being a virgin isn't necessarily
calling him a freak. But hey, whatever you want. Hey,
this one from Cindy. Colton premier says I hated the
premier of Colton Season. I felt the live watch parties

were too much to keep popping over to. It really
took me out of what was happening with Colton and
the women. By the time we got to the road ceremony,
I could not even remember any of the women and
was not invested at all. And who he picked. Hey,
we've talked about is Cindy. Episode one is always bad.
I don't think there's ever been an episode one I've
watched and I've been like, that is incredible. It's nice
to meet the people, but you really start meeting him.

I feel like this week on one, week two we
really got to know the woman a little better. So
I'd say week one you just kind of do it.
You get it over with, it's the entry, and then
you really get into the season. I get what you're saying, Cindy.
It's tough. You know that the show might have done
itself a little bit of an injustice, but we enjoyed
doing it. Ashley and Jerry did a great job. The
rest of the team did a good job. But from
here on out, I think we can all promise no

more live Watch parties. Act we we gotta, I know,
and we're still not done yet. We have a touch
on Ari and Lauren's wedding. I think we would have
brought that up earlier in the show if we really
had some scoop, but we don't. UM. I just saw
on Instagram a lot of our producer friends um attending
the wedding. Everybody seemed so ecstatic about it. Chris Harrison

posted some nice posts. Uh, Lauren's dress was beautiful, there
is no baby bump in site with a dress, and
their venue was just as magical and Twilight esque as
Lauren and are painted on the in depth episode with them.
They they are a really wonderful couple. Lauren is absolutely gorgeous.

Or already hit a home run, already cares about her
so much so she hit a home run and return
Their lives are just getting started thinking about this. They
just got married, and before we know, we're gonna be
talking about them having their baby and starting this life together.
We don't have a lot of scoop. I'm sure there's
a couple of kisses in't here and there from somebody
in the crowd and whatever, but we just don't know it.
We're gonna keep digging. But either way, let's just celebrate them.

All the listeners out there, make sure you tweet them, um,
but tag the almost famous podcast in your tweets and
let them know that this podcast loves and adores them. Next,
we brought up with Colton uh, and we gotta bring
it up here. Um. We're still digging into the details here,
but the Caitlin Jason scenario, it would be crazy if
we didn't talk about it. They're a thing, right, I mean,

I'm that's what I'm seeing Like this. This is not
just like they went on their date that was highlighted
and talked about on Caitlin's podcast, But this is like
now a thing. Yeah. So they had a scheduled first
date and that was supposedly in Denver on Saturday, But
I think we all feel like their first date may

have been months ago. I'm not I'm trying to figure
this out from what Colton said, what we hear, they
probably have talked for a while, but now, for whatever reason,
it's time to publicize it. So let's call this their
first official publicist publicized date. Yeah, we'll say that this

is the beginning of a maybe a relationship. This was
this was their weekend. This is the start, you know,
the crazy part, Ash and I want to hear what
you think about this is, once you publicly talk about
a relationship or showed off on social media, unless you're
you're not monogamous, which I know that's a thing that
people choose not to be as well. But if you're

in a monogamous relationship, once you promote it on social media,
you're probably you're pretty much saying like, hey, this is
the person I'm dating. Like if Jason Caitlin were trying
to just get to know each other, it feels they
took the step down to say and we ain't eat
anybody else. Oh, apps of freaking lutely. Oh yeah, And
I'm really happy for both of them. They seem so happy.

They're like giddy. Don't you find them giddy over each other?
I mean from watching the instagrams. I was watching Instagram's
a little bit ago. Yeah, they seem very giddy. It's
you know, it does feel like these Bachelor relationships happen
a lot post show. It feels like, you know, you
do the show, you get off the show, UM, and
you end up kind of relating with somebody. You're meeting somebody.

This feels like one UM that has some legs, at
least from what we've seen. You gotta be happy for him,
you know. We gotta bring up, though, how do you
think Sean's feeling. I don't know. I guess we'll ask
him next week when he's in studio. Exactly, great tease there.
We're gonna have Sean Booth next week in studio talking
about everything. I mean, this is an in depth episode.

We did it with Ari and Lauren. Um. It's a
spinoff off this podcast. It's one that we just want
to dive into Sean and Sean alone and hear from
his perspective. Uh. You know, we're fans of them all.
We like them all. This is obviously not an easy
situation because of the public lives that they live. But
here's my last question for anybody out there listening. Please

write us at been a Ashley. iHeart media dot com.
I actually want to hear your opinion, this is gonna
be brutal. Does it matter how Sean feels right now?
I mean it matters as a person, and it matters
to us as friends, and it matters to the people
around him, and it matters that we support him. But
is there any problem publicizing this relationship? You know what, Ben,

That's a fantastic question and one that I don't even
have my own opinion formed on right now. Well, we'll
look to you then. Anybody out there listening, please write us,
Please tell us. I'm just saying I don't know where
that boundary is. How long do you weigh? Uh? Do
you what is the respect level? When do you enter
back into relationship? It's something we've talked about in my
own personal life. I've been affected by this. We've all

have been affected by this, especially in the day and
age we live in. It's a topic we want to
talk about and we want to hear from you, So again,
email us at been An Ashley i heeart Media dot com. Well,
before we go, we want to say a special thank
you to Crate and Barrel. Start your Crate and Barrel
registry today at Crate and Barrel dot com. Bio Clarity
go to bio Claria dot com and use our code
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We love all your feedback with that. This is episode

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to you. We ain't stopping the time soon. I've been been,
I've been Ashley. Then we'll talk to you really soon. Hie. Guys,
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