All Episodes

July 11, 2024 26 mins

Ben and Ashley break down the latest Bachelor Nation headlines, including some breaking news from a beloved part of the franchise!

We have all the details on Hannah Ann’s wedding, and we get into the science of Bachelor baby names. 

Plus, we try to figure out Kelly Ripa’s problem with the franchise?? We explain what happened when she interviewed Jenn Tran and why she isn’t a Bachelor fan. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's another episode of the Almost Famous podcast in another.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
Episode that Ashley is with us. And it makes me
so happy, but it's bittersweet. You think this is your
last episode.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
I think we could maybe do Monday morning, but and
that I'm going to call that my last probably episode.
But you know what's a really anxiety written is that
Jared isn't here right now in Virginia. He was here
for a week, yeah, and he is not supposed to
come back until Monday morning. And I'm like, I don't

know why I wasn't so nervous the first time. The
first time when he was going back and forth, I
just wasn't that nervous. I think it's because I think
this labor is going to go so fast that if say,
like something happens in the middle, then I don't think
he'd made it.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
You know what, here's how I think in life, as
we get older, we have to look at a lot
of these things. It might not be ideal, but it
will be a story. And I know it's really would
bum him out not to be there for at least
it's the second kid, right, Yeah, it's the second kid,
what are you gonna do?

Speaker 4 (01:12):
I'm kidding, I know what you're talking about. It would
be kind of funny because Jared staying on Sunday, well
because he has a wedding after party which goes till
one am, but also because he has softball, so like,
you know, that'll be that'll be the joke.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Wow, I love it. I actually really respect this because
that's hilarious.

Speaker 4 (01:36):
Well, you'll probably get someone to cover for him at
work that night if he didn't have softball.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
I really I kind of respect him for this.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
It's like if you were at the Master's or something.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Yeah, yeah, if I I had my like member guest
golf tournament at my local club and I was like, sorry, honey,
I don't know if I can be within a thousand
miles of you.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
Than a thousand miles. I think it's like four fifty.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Yeah, it's close enough. But we do have headlines.

Speaker 3 (02:06):
There are some big headlines out there, especially kind of
wrapping around now Jin's season of the Bachelorette. It just
started this week. We do have our breakdown episode out
there now for you to listen to. And also Ashley
did a one on one with Jin. It's a great
conversation that you can go listen to as well.

Speaker 2 (02:23):

Speaker 3 (02:23):
One of the things that Jen's been talking about recently
is this, She's been discussing the pressure of being the
first Asian bachelorette and if she has any regrets so far.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
Okay, So she told me that she has no regrets,
and like I told you guys in the last episode,
She's like, yeah, no regrets, Like I'm content, right, But
she didn't seem overally giddy when she said that she
had no regrets. Okay, So you know, Ben and my theory,
you can go listen to it more from you know,
the previous episode this week, but our theory is that

she doesn't end up with anyone. But then, as far
as the pressure of being the first Asian bachelorette, we
talked about this on Mike Q and A with her
and she says something along the same lines that she
told Bachelor Nation dot Com this week. She said, of
course I feel the pressure. A lot of it comes
from me wanting to be a good role model and

doing it right.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
It has so far been a season where I think
you and I both would say we're very impressed.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
In after episode one, right.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
Mm hmm, Yeah, she did a great episode one, but.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
We're both convinced that, yes, this season is not going
to end like the others. Speaking of Bachelor contestants, Chelsea
Vaughn shares dating update and reveals how many xes she's blocked.

Speaker 4 (03:44):
Well, the last time we heard from Chelsea's love life,
she had just broken up with Austin Tinsley, who was
actually on Katy Thurston season of the Bachelorette, and they
met on Bachelor in Paradise cam and they were just
they had just moved in together in New York or
it was moving week something like that, and then they

broke up very abruptly. But she says that right now
she's kind of over dating apps. She's trying to get
her flirt on in real life, trying not to have
an accidental mean mug out there walking around New York's,
trying to bring in the positive flirty energy. She also
says that when you know, when it comes to breaking

up with somebody, are these guys blocked? Only one guy
and she said she'd barely ever consider him an ex
because we weren't technically boyfriend and girlfriend. However, dated exclusively
for a few months. Do you think that? I like,
if you weren't technically boyfriend and girlfriend but you were exclusive,
isn't a boyfriend and girlfriend? Like, how other way do

you define that?

Speaker 3 (04:52):
I think it's I think what she's prior referred to
is more of an emotional connection. Like when she looks bad,
does she look at it as a relationship or does
she look at it is like, yeah, that was just
like a weird fleeing thing.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
Yeah, good job, Ben, you didn't you buy it? That's
I feel that.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
I get that, I understand it.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
A couple headlines coming out obviously around one of the
biggest things that happened Bachelor Nations this week, and that's
the Hannah and wedding she marries Jake Funk in Italy.
It was just the two of them. That's kind of surprising, honestly,
she said. Her quote is we decided to just be us.

There's another headline out here too, actually that we can
kind of tie together all into one. Hannah Ann also
is making headlines this week for her European honeymoon. So
they had a European honeymoon and a wedding in Italy.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Ashley tell us all about it.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
I was also shocked seeing the pictures of the wedding.
I know she'd had her bridle shower, bachelorette party and stuff,
but for some reason, I was just like, there was
no posting from what I saw of them, like leading
up to the wedding day, and all of a sudden,
we see the pictures of her in her wedding dress,
and then we didn't see them with any guests, and

I was like, huh, I wonder if it was kind
of like an elopement, and it ended up being. So
she and Jake did it together, just the two of
them in Italy. They are going to have a big
party with friends and family in Florida this coming month.
He is now he's on one of the Florida NFL teams,
so he's back at practice this week and they just

said that for his football schedule, it was best for
them to do the wedding and the honeymoon back to
back like that really quick, and then do something in
the States for the big celebration. So they went to
Tuscany for the honeymoon as well as Switzerland. And Jake's

last name was Funk, and there's this like chocolate Funk
place that he's been wanting to go to Relation in
Switzerland and they just did that towards the end of
their chip and you can see on her Instagram the
chocolate does look quite impressive. But yeah, just a quiet
wedding the two of them was very beautiful, all the

videography and photography, but super small.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
I think it's sound.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
I mean, I get it right. Like you and I
have talked about this, there's a beauty to a big wedding.
Some people want it. There's also a really romantic and
a very special I think I would imagine moment around
it just being the two of you. So congratulations to
the two of them, and you know, good luck to
Jake Is in his upcoming season.

Speaker 4 (07:41):
Oh and I should mention that the vows happened in
a twelfth century castle in Tuscany.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Yeah you could do worse. Yeah, you could do worse.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
A bunch of Bachelor girls got together for a Bachelor
Girls trip. We got Jess, we got Kylie, we got Katie,
Mercedes and a few others. This was kind of shown
all across social media, mostly, if not everyone was from
Zach Shell Cross season. These girls are still hanging out,

still getting together a little bit surprising because we usually
see that, you know, kind of initial hangout, everybody's best
of friends, and then they kind of go their own
separate directions.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
But these girls are staying close.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
Yeah, they said it's their annual get together, and there's
no awkwardness when it comes to Katie and Zach being
together and all these girls having also dated Zach on TV,
but including Gabby who was his runner up, and there
was so much emotion there. They all flew to Austin
just to visit Katie, and it seems like they're going

to try to make a year thing about it. Jess
said in a caption that it was their annual reunion
and friendships are the best kind of love.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
The absolute best kind.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
Well, speaking of love, we do have a little baby
section coming up. Christina Mandrel and Brayden Bowers, along with
Bennett Jordan and Romeo, both appearing on The Patcherrette. Romeo
was season eighteen and Bennett was season sixteen. It looks
like they both welcome little girls to the world this week.

Speaker 4 (09:36):
Now, we were expecting Bennett's daughter to arrive. He's been
documenting it with his wife for a while now, the
pregnancy and he's been doing some really funny TikTok reels.
Their baby arrived at forty one weeks on June twenty fifth.
Her name is Harper Lily Jordan. His wife held on
and the baby for forty one weeks. He said that

she's the most magical, on inspiring, precious and perfect little
bundle of joy, very very cute. And then this was
way more of a surprise for me seeing that Romeo Alexander,
who you remember having like some complications with romance in
Bachelor in Paradise, not this past season, but the season before.

And yeah, so he actually got married in March. They
hard launched in September, They got engaged in December, and
then they had this little baby just a couple days ago.
Her name is Josephine Simone Marie Alexander. Oh and yes

this the babies were born one day apart on She
was born on June twenty sixth.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
That's really exciting.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Well, speaking of babies, Emily Ferguson Carlson brainstorms baby names
for baby boy number two. Her quote and social media
is so helpful.

Speaker 4 (11:05):
Yeah, so she reached out to you know, everybody on
Instagram for baby boy name ideas. So they're really struggling
with the baby boy number two names, as Jared and
I have been very much. This is my word of
advice to everybody out there who plans on having two
or more children. Do not name your child your first

child's middle name your second favorite name. It should be
your third or fourth favorite name. Because Jared and I
really are are feeling the middle Dawson's middle name as
possibly being an option for our second son's first name.

And I think that not that Emily is having those contemplations,
but just having a hard time with the name. And
then this really fun Instagram baby naming consultant named Naming
bb B E b E came up with some baby

ideas for Beckham's little brother. Some of the recommendations include Brooks, Brigg, Bowen, Body,
and Beale if they want to have another B name
alongside alongside Beckham and if Emily doesn't want another B name,

this consultant is recommending Camden, Hayes, Caylin, Grady, Lennox, Dyer, Stockton, Axel,
and Steele as all names that would work for Emily
and her husband William Carlson, as they are kind of
sporty meat style.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
I had no clue there is baby named consultants out there.

Speaker 4 (12:55):
She did one for Jared and I and she of
course made it like pop culture theme. She's so like,
since Dawson is named after Jack Dawson, we could do
this plus this, plus this, And she suggested a name
in that Instagram reel that my sister thinks that she
might use for her future child that we never thought

of before. So consultants might be awesome for this.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
It's very impressive. Well.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
Hey, Also in the headlines this week, Katie Thurston made
the headlines. She has been very open and very vulnerable
about an event in her life that she hasn't really
shared I don't believe publicly before this headline is this
Katie Thurston opens up about sexual assault and receives support

from Bachelor Nation. The quote she uses is my pain
has purpose.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
Yeah, so we don't have a lot of details about
when this happened, but we know it happened when she
was living in San Diego, which was actually after her
whole stint on The Bachelor and Bachelorette. So she yeah,
I saw this on social and I had no idea
that this happened to her, especially so recently. But let

me tell you what she said on social I called
nine one one to report my rape. They sent an
officer to take my statement and then drove me to
a special medical center to perform an exam. I had
two women with me. One was a nurse, the other
one was my advocate. They were kind and nurturing and patient.
I felt like a small lost child who was vulnerable
and scared. They thoroughly examined the process, asking for consent

along the way, allowing me to decide or change my
mind at any time. She said that she was given
a blood draw to check for STDs, drugs, and other
blood alcohol concentration. Katie was also given Plan B, a
shot for bacterial infection drugs to treat possible TDS in
a medication to treat possible HIV exposure. Katie said that

this was all provided to her at no cost, regardless
of her insurance situation, and when Katie lived in San Diego,
she was offered an online tracker for her exam, so
it took four months to complete this whole cycle, and
during the waiting period, Katie worked with a therapist who
specializes in treating victims of sexual assault and engage in

other community resources. She also shared a book on social
that she found to be helpful at this time. She goes,
I did everything that I should have done as a
victim of rape. I shared all my text, calls, videos, photos, names, witnesses, location, timestams,
surveillance footage, DNA everything, and I was still warned that

a guilty verdict is hard in criminal court. While she
doesn't make clear whether or not this court there has
been a moment in court, she does feel stuck, like
stopped in this fight, she goes, It's not a loss.
This is not a loss to me. I am safe,
I love them supported. Yet another loss in a broken system.

Change happens in failure in the justice system failed me
and continues to fail thousands every single day. But do
not give up. So yeah, this is awful, awful news.
So sad. I feel so bad she's gone through this.
Her comments underneath are filled with support from Bachelor Nation

Susie Evans, Calm Bristo o Taisha Adams. But yes, thank
you Katie for sharing the story despite it being probably
the worst experience of your life.

Speaker 2 (16:44):

Speaker 3 (16:44):
Katie is also speaking this week about how she found
her forever kind of love with boyfriend Jeff R.

Speaker 2 (16:53):

Speaker 4 (16:54):
That's right. They have been together since January when she
teased the relationship, and then she soon after went on
a podcast where she said she said it's not quite
love yet, but she was very much enjoying the time together.
And now she goes in you know, June July, we

are past and we're maybe not past the honeymoon phase,
but we are in our full blown weirdo phase and
they're just completely comfortable with each other. And like she says,
this is her hopeful forever love. She's found him.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
It's a big deal.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
A couple other here, big really big headlines that we
kind of want to finish with The Bachelor. Sarah Harrin
gives birth to twins.

Speaker 4 (17:50):
Yeah, this is a huge one, massive yes. So congratulations
to Sarah. We are so so happy for her. She
and her husband lost their baby, Oliver at twenty four weeks,
I want to say a little over a year ago,
a year and a half ago, and she has been
going through IVF treatments, fertility treatments for three to four

years now, and she finally has her two twin girls,
their Everett Ray and Collette Rose. They will be going
by Evy and Coco. They were born on July first.
There fraternal twins. They were born early thirty two weeks.
They'll be in the nick you for a while, but
they are doing very well. Just this morning or yesterday morning,

they took a whole bottle and for premies at that age.
She said that that is a really great step to
take in the NICKU and just it shows like a
lot of positivity she is. She's just super happy and
it's really great to follow this story along on social media.

So congratulations to Sarah and Dylan. We could not be
happier for you, guys like you deserve the world and
these two beautiful babies.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
Well, speaking of something really exciting, Chase McNary got married
this last week to his longtime girlfriend Ellie. This is
a very exciting announcement and I know they're both very
very excited to get married because they've been dating for
a while now.

Speaker 4 (19:23):
They've been dating since twenty twenty and they got married
on Saturday, July six and a less than traditional ceremony.
The whole theme was that they were going to be
getting married at well, love reaching new heights because they
got married eleven thousand, five hundred feet ben, that's like

three miles in the sky. This is it was in Colorado.
So I ask you as if you know these things.
It's like three thousand is three miles in the sky.
Its pretty normal around there.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Well, it's not quite three miles in the sky, okay,
more like two one.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
Oh okay, two point one.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
But it is very high. I mean that's you know,
very high.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
But it's also not uncommon a lot of there's a
lot of really cool spots. They got married in Dylan
a Rapa Hoe Basins, mid Mountain Lodge and Dylan, Colorado.
I've been to a base and we call it out
there in Colorado very many times. It is absolutely beautiful
and it is a crazy cool place to ski. And

in fact, this time of year there's still snow on
the mountain typically where they're just finishing ski season. It's
a really incredible place.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
And everything was super relaxed. They wanted to be super fun, casual.
It was a weekend full of people that they love,
just kind of chilling. They did not want to stiff
formal wedding. So that's not them. The two of them,
like I said, have been together for four years, engaged
for two, and that's what we got. Happy Toppy wedding week.

Congratulations guys.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
So shocking headline that might shock others that it's not
so shocking to those involved. Final headline of the day
is this bachelorette Ginran and Kelly Rippa's discussion about dating
on TV gets awkward.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
Fat Ben Save the Juicy is headlined for Lost because well,
Ben has met Kelly Rippa has done the you know
live the show before. I love watching Kelly and Mark.
I love Mark and Silo's huge I mean not huge crush,
but I think he's very smoon worthy. Always loved seeing

their marital dynamic on the show. As soon as he's
started co hosting with her, I've watched the show much
much more, and it disappoints me when I see that
Kelly Rippa has such an acts to grind with a
bachelor franchise. Every time we have a lead go on
the show to promote it, she always seems to be

so skeptical of maybe not a little bit of the
lead in their decision to be the lead, and also
just the process. She just seems to like really shame
the show. There's so many reality shows out there that
are so much more trashy, and she loves to pick

at the Bachelor and Bachelorette. Ben, like, I know that
you have a little bit of an experience. I don't
know if you want to share, but when you were
on the show, Kelly also questioned you very similarly than
she did with Jen, which I'll tell you guys what
she did with Jen in a minute.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Yeah, she definitely doesn't like the show.

Speaker 3 (22:45):
I don't know if they like denied her her Bachelorette role.
She just doesn't like the show, and so it always
makes if you look back on past seasons, it just
makes for an awkward interview, I think is the best
way to say it, because like you're sitting there as
this you know, fan of her and the show.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
You're excited to be there.

Speaker 3 (23:07):
You've gotten this wild opportunity to be on reality television
and be a lead on it, and you feel like, hey,
life is really fun and exciting right now. And there's
so many people that I can name that are just
like super accepting of it. They understand that it's weird,
they understand that it's not common, they understand that it's
a very odd thing to have happen, but they're still

very nice to you. And it's just if you look
back on past interviews with past leads on The Kelly
Live Show, it always gets awkward because it's always questioning
and it puts you in a weird place to have
to respond to questions that you don't really you can't
really answer. Yeah, I get it. It's not traditional. Yeah,
I get it.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
This isn't what I would have expected from my life.
Do I think I'm gonna find love here? I sure hope.

Speaker 3 (23:53):
So I don't really know, but it definitely got awkward Jin,
And it's kind of the first time that a lead
has spoken back.

Speaker 4 (24:01):
Yes, she fought back a little bit. Now it's all playful,
but because we know Kelly's history, it is yeah, like
because we know her history with these comments, like we
know she really means them. But it does feel like
on TV playful and not like super scary. But I
do like the way that Jen kind of questioned her back.

So what happens is Kelly says, why why would you?
Why would you go on this show? You're so beautiful,
you can find a guy here or there. I just
don't understand, drop dead gorgeous. Why why why? And then
then Jen goes, well, didn't. Where did you meet your husband?

And they met on All My Children? And then she
was like on TV no, And then Kelly was so
quick to shut down the comparison, being like, those are
not the same. We were both professional. Are you acting
on your show? I didn't marry Mark's character Matteo Santez.
I married Mark Consuelos.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
Not untrue, but I do think I think the bigger
picture is you can find love in the most random
and the most unexpected places.

Speaker 4 (25:20):
Yeah, and it's you know, it's just a little offensive
to us who have found love there.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
You go, I actually should go on there and tell
her that, hey, until next time, I've been there.

Speaker 4 (25:32):
I've been Ashley. Next time, if I'm here, I well,
if I'm here soon, I still won't be able to breathe. Well,
if you've been able to tell But then in a
month or so, I should be able to rock breathing again.
So I'm really excited about that.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Guys. Actually, best of luck.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
As always, we're going to sign off until well, you
aren't here with us. If it happens between now and
the next time I record.

Speaker 4 (25:58):
We sure hope it doesn't, because that I mean, there's
a fiasco of Jared Guys.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
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