All Episodes

May 23, 2024 22 mins

Ben and Ashley are breaking down the latest Bachelor headlines! The mystery around Trista Sutter is growing after the cryptic posts from her husband Ryan, and Ben and Ashley are trying to get to the bottom of it!

There’s a new Bachelor baby on the way! But Ashley has a big question… who’s the father?? 

Plus Ben shares some inside info on a major step in Becca Kufrin and Thomas Jacobs’ relationship!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with on our radio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Hey everybody, welcome to the Almost Famous podcast.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
We are breaking down Bachelor Nation headlines with our expert
Ashley and Ashley. The first headline today, there was one
that we said we're gonna keep being updated on. I
don't know if we're getting any more clarity other than
we're getting more information. This is the headline, a big

one getting I feel like it's getting more cryptic. But
what are you gonna do?

Speaker 2 (00:35):
Bachelor Nations.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Ryan Setter clarifies he and wife Trista are great after
cryptic messages.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
Okay, so last week we talked about how Ryan has
posted a series of pictures on Instagram with the captions
that are like I miss you. I can't believe I'm
doing life without you. I need to hear your voice.
And we all just assumed that she's off shooting a show,

but he's making it seem like it's like way more
than that. And I did read in the comments section
somebody was like, you can't like say stuff like this.
It makes us really worried, and he was like, don't
be worried. She's going through something. And she got an
opportunity that she really thought would help her through this

journey that she's on. Everyone is good, It's like, okay,
but then you just said that she's going through something,
So now we're like, is it just a TV show
or what the opportunity has to be a TV show? Apparently,
like I said last week, there's a number of celebrities
along the lines of Trista that did sign off on

Instagram as if they were going to be away for
a while. Some people are speculating in its Traders, some
Special Forces. Last week it was as if Bob Guinea
could confirmed that it was Special Forces, but then he
told us that he actually has no idea, so who knows.
But let's get into this a little bit because because

Ryan did get on Instagram and try to clarify all
the cryptic stuff he said, I write what's on my
mind at the moment. I write my feelings without regard
for how they will be interpreted, and with absolutely no
intent to deceive or mislead anyone. This is the farthest

thing from my mind. I choose to share my thoughts
on the occasion because it helps me process them and
I hope may help others navigate their own lives just
as fine. We are fine, We are great, Just as
in a place in her life where she's searching a bit,
an opportunity presented itself that may help her on this quest. Oh,

that is the quote that I was referring to earlier.
With her family's support, she's taken it part of the process.
Means that she's temporarily inaccessible to us. I miss her,
We miss her. I wish that Jared would miss me
like this. You're away from Jess all the time. I
have a couple of days every month where I'm away

from Jared, and I don't think he ever missed me
like this. But yeah, I mean, we hope that everybody's good.
I think that.

Speaker 2 (03:24):

Speaker 4 (03:25):
Oh, I would like to say that we did try
to get right on the podcast. We wanted him to
just talk about his feelings, but he said that he
would rather Trista address everything when she's back, as she
is our og bachelorette.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
So, in doing some investigation, I think we've pretty much
came to the consensus.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
It's not traders. She's not on.

Speaker 4 (03:48):
Traders, Okay, And why did you come to that, because
you know somebody who's going on traders I.

Speaker 3 (03:53):
Believe, I know somebody is going on Traders and it
has not started filming yet, and it doesn't start filming
for a while, so then it leaves us with Special
Forces or show that we.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
Don't know of that's on like a lesser no network.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
Sure, I don't think it's Special Forces, because she has
commented on some of Ryan's posts, and uh, there it
was spoken that they had that Ryan and Trista have
spoken on the phone, and Trista did reply to one
of our text messages. If it was Special Forces, she

wouldn't be replying to text messages.

Speaker 2 (04:29):

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Also, the first post that Ryan shared was on May eleventh,
in today's May twenty second. Now she could have left,
got some prep, the timeline would work out for Special
Forces that she would kind of be back about, you know,
within the next few days.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
Yeah, it's only ten days of filming.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
It's only ten days of filming, two to three days
of prep, and.

Speaker 4 (04:51):
So you know, like if you don't win, you get home,
you can get home within a week.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
So it has to be a show that we don't
know about. The confusing part here is the comment that
she was going through something and so she got an
opportunity that she thought would help that that, you know,
in our story assumptions. I wonder if christ was feeling like, hey,

nobody cares anymore, Like she knows she's fallen, so it's
been so long, nobody's paying attention to or she's not
getting any of the opportunities that other people are getting.
Because Ryan's most recent post kind of speaks to that too,
is it did feel good for people to know or
notice and care about what was going on in their relationship.
So I wonder if Trista was just kind of hitting that, hey,

you know what, like I haven't gotten known for anything
or done anything exciting or new for so long, and
I'm feeling a little sluggish, and then she got ass
to be on a show and she's like, maybe this
could help that. I could see that being the case,
and it would be completely fair. These messages are cryptic,
and they do and I think without context and without

knowing Ryan and knowing that, like, social media isn't his thing,
he doesn't love it, and I get that, and as
a result, I don't think he knows the world of
social media and how people read into stuff. I think
that I would assume just based on the last few
posts like, yeah, thinks things aren't like things are going

bad somewhere. I don't know how or where, but things
are going bad. But I don't think it's the case
at all because of kind of how he's trying to
clarify what he's doing and what he's saying. I think
he's like, no, no, no, please. I think if he
was on our podcast, you say no, no, no, everything's great.
She's just gone and I miss her. I will say
it is an amazing amount of missing that he's doing,

and that is awesome.

Speaker 4 (06:46):

Speaker 3 (06:46):
I think that is so cool that he is willing
to wear his heart in his sleeve and share with
the world that he is missing his wife, that he
loves so much that he doesn't like being away from her.
I think that is the sweetest thing ever. And at
some point I hope we look back and be like
that just a really sweet time where he was vulnerable
with all of us and he shared with all of us.
I am excited to talk to Trista here at the

Almost Famous podcast because I think she's going to be like,
what in the world was going on when I was?

Speaker 4 (07:14):
You know? I love it. I can't wait to hear
her for her take. Okay, what's our next headline? It's
a big one.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
Yeah, we do got some big ones today. Colton Underwood
and his partner and his husband, Jordan C. Brown, are
expecting their first baby together.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
Congratulations you too. They confirmed this news in an interview
with Men's Health. It was published yesterday May twenty first,
and the couple explained that they used a concierge service
to find an egg donor, but they will not know
which of their sperm was used to create the baby.

They said, some people want blue eyes, blonde hair. We
want someone deep and cool. I believe in nature versus nurture.
So give us the basics and we'll show this kid.
Love our little boy. It's a boy. It's coming in
the fall.

Speaker 3 (08:12):
It's an exciting time for the two of them. Obviously,
Colton Ashley, you probably know more about this than I do.
He started a project, like a podcast right to kind
of talk about this journey and yeah, to.

Speaker 4 (08:21):
Talk about like really getting his sperm right, because there
was a lot that he was doing for what he
thought was his you know, physical health, that wasn't doing
the sperm well.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
So this is a big journey for the two of them.
It is exciting. We will be falling along with that
as well.

Speaker 4 (08:40):
When you don't know whose sperm is used and the
baby is born, do you feel like it they will,
they will figure out whose sperm was used, and do
you be just based on like appearance and maybe personality,
and how do you think that will make the other
person and feel.

Speaker 2 (09:01):
I don't think it will be a thing at all.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
Honestly, I know what you're It's clear to me just
based on how we care as humans. When you want
to be a parent and you have a child through adoption, fostering,
through donation, through you know, all these ways, you know

that we've the medical community has allowed us to have children.
I think the bond with that baby starts immediately and
it is consistent, and I think it will be not
even a thing. I think it would take a really
uniquely selfish human to feel like, oh, they didn't use mine,

I don't care as much, you know, Like I think
that would I think that would be a person who
is not wanting to be a parent, Like. I think
that would be a per that would come from a
person who's like definitely going through the parent journey just
for their own gratification and not to love and a
child well and to raise a child well. So totally,

I don't think it'll be a thing. And here's the
other part of it. Jordan and Colton look enough similar,
right that I don't know if they'll ever know or
need to know. Yeah, I don't know who knows. It's
a good question. Yeah, I mean I think it. Here's
a deal. Though at the same time, I'm not saying
that thinking that every parent like immediately falls in love

with their new baby. I know my friends and my
friends are like, it took me a long time, Like
for like months, I was like, I don't know what
I'm going to do with this little thing that doesn't
talk or you know, that just needs my care. And
then there seems to be with every parent I know,
new parent, I know, there's that moment or there's moments
and all of a sudden, you're like, I can't think

of anything else other.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
Than this child.

Speaker 4 (10:57):
Yeah, Jared and I were honest. It wasn't like he
came out of my body and I was like, I
see Heaven's gates because like my my mother in law
told me that that's what she saw. But like we
definitely it was. It was a matter of a day
before we were like, we must protect this child at
Augusts and it grows more and more every day and now,

and we are also honest about like our concerns now
with the second kid. We're like, you're telling me that
we're gonna love this second kid as much as we
love Dawson. Now, how is that possible? But that's also
like whatever most parents also are concerned about for the
second one.

Speaker 5 (11:36):

Speaker 3 (11:46):
Bachelor lum Sean Lowe reveals secret to ten year marriage
to wife Catherine. His quote is, it's just about committing.

Speaker 4 (11:57):
He said. Anyone who's been married knows that it takes work.
The bachelor is great at making you feel all these
emotions that you're writing high on love, that you have
these feelings, that you're going to have these feelings for
the rest of your life. But once you get into
the real world, some days you don't feel all the
love that you had when you got down on one knee.
So for us, it's just about committing, and part of

that is trying to be the best partner you can
be for your spouse. You know, we went through a
lot of stuff. She had to pick up her life
in Seattle and moved to Texas. We spent eight weeks
with me competing on Dancing with the Stars shortly after
the engagement, and there were some growing pains and just
learning how to communicate with one another, what our love
languages are, and learning how to get in disagreements and

healthy ways. It's a lot for any relationship, but especially
in those circumstances. He said. When we got married, I
was thirty, and when you're thirty, he developed certain patterns
in your life that you're comfortable with. And then you think, well,
I'm going to get married and I'm going to continue
with these patterns because it's the way that my life
has always been. Then then you recognize, wait a minute,

I need to break some of these patterns. I need
to take my wife's interests in mind.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
And I think over time, I mean, even after you
know almost three years like it, you have to continue
to revisit what kind of partner you're being. And I
do think the committing piece is true on all levels, right,
committing to your partner, committing to trying to get better,
committing to still communicating, being honest and being vulnerable, committing

to still date your partner, and all the things. I
think committing is a good word to use here. And
I read this and I'm taking some advice because I'm
not to ten years, and I will listen to somebody.

Speaker 4 (13:48):
I thought the same thing. When I was reading this,
I was like, oh, okay, yeah, because I think my
word would be effort. I think you have to put
constant effort into it.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
Intentionality, intentional, that's good, Yeah, effort, committing. All those things
are true because you can get lackadaisical. And I actually
think sometimes when Jessica and I are at our best
as a couple, it actually we have to revisit, hey,
are we at our best, and we're just gonna kind
of get like lax and how we love each other

and what we do for each other, and then we're
always gonna, on the end of a good season come
into a pretty tough season because of that. So like
we even when we're at our best, we still got
to stay intentional and celebrate those moments. And I will
listen to Sean Low and his advice. Bachelor in Paradise
is Beca Kufrem and Thomas Jacobs. Actually, I've been following

this story pretty closely because I am super interested in this.
I've been watching Thomas's updates today. Actually, they still celebrate
buying a new house. They call it a home, Sweet Home.
It looks awesome.

Speaker 4 (14:56):
Yeah, it's very cute in there. She's always wanted to
as a family in an original craftsman home, and she's
pinching herself that that's exactly what they're doing. They just
bought a new house in San Diego. Becca's done a
lot of moving in the past couple of years since
getting with Jacob, since getting with Thomas, because she bought
her house in La a couple months before meeting Thomas,

and then decided to sell that move in with Thomas
down in the San Diego area. And now they're moving
into this new house. What is it about it that
is so interesting to you?

Speaker 2 (15:31):
I mean, besides the.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
Fact that it is a very it's a very cool,
original craftsman And told me, well, I mean.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
I love Beca. I guess you know.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
Obviously I got to spend a lot of time with
her in Bachelor Live on stage, and I've met Thomas
a few times. He seems terrific and I really appreciate
his story kind of through the franchise and just how
he you know, handled himself, even when he kind of
got a raw into the deal for a bit, it seemed.
And then you know, they start this family, they do

all the things, and then this house has such a
history to it. I think he said today they purchased
it for the first time since it was built, like
the Famili's owned it since they eighteen hundreds and.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
So, oh it's been passed down that many times.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Yeah, it's yeah, it's been passed down.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
So if you go to his instagram, on some of
the trim on the door, they have the markings of
like all the kids' heights at different ages. It's like
hundreds of years of you know, family members. And so
he's taking that trim down and shipping it to the
family that.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
They bought them from, the home from. I think it's awesome.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
And then the other side of this that I'm super
intrigued by is the fact that there was an offer
for a lot more money for this house. He said,
really yeah, from an investor, and the family sold it
to Thomas and Becca because they knew that Thomas and
Becca would treat it like a home to raise a
family in and not to tear down down or you know,

completely remodel or whatever, or to Airbnb. I don't know
what the family was worried about, and so I am
just super excited for the two of them because I
think this seems like a home they're going to be in,
maybe forever, and anytime that happens, that's just such a
sweet idea. Somebody you're going to be calling this place
you're home for the rest of your life, and I

think that's what Thomas and Becka are doing. So it's
like very I'm just very intrigued excited to see the
updates and then see how it looks once they move in.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
Oh that's so cute. That's such a good story.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Thank you for sharing that final headline today, a Golden
Bachelor in Paradise spin off could transform the franchise. These
are rumors that something might be happening, and Ashley, I
want to hear your thoughts, based on the fact that
we obviously know Paradise isn't happening this year, would it

heal any piece of your heart if the Golden Bachelor
started doing Paradise.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
Well, this article that we have here is really just
a thought piece. They're obviously saying that the franchise is
prioritizing the golden side of it, as they have chosen
to do the Golden Bachelorette over Paradise with this time
that they have over the summer. I would it, heal
my heart, I don't. I don't think so. I soon

would miss original Paradise. I don't know. I don't know.
I'm not against it. I'm not again, I don't really
have like a reason as to why. I would just
prefer to see the younger people get together. I think
that it would be I think it's almost like we

take it more seriously for the younger people. I think
that it would be almost too much of a parody,
like almost too much of an snl skit to do
Golden Bachelor in Paradise. If they did some sort of
version of like Winter Games that would with the older people,

like where it's in a lodge and it takes place
during the winter and something like that, that would be cute.
That would be a little bit more just like planted
in the ground, do you know what I mean? A
little bit more on earth, whereas like watching them drink
Margarita's by the pool is just like, yeah, maybe just

too much of a Jodge. I don't want to say
it's a joke, but you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
I know what you mean.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
It would be a very different feel and vibe.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
You know.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
I think Paradise today though, actually could work because what
we used to know in Paradise is people like partying, drinking,
showing up, you know, mostly there for a good time.
Paradise has kind of changed over the years. A lot
of relationships have came from Paradise. I do think a
lot of it would work. I just would rather see

a spin off be more of a competition show like
a Winter Games than I would a Paradise because I
do wonder what in the world, you know, the Golden
contestants would do on a beach for a month.

Speaker 4 (20:17):
Yeah, I'm not saying like make it don't have a
spin off with the Golden people totally, just like make
it new.

Speaker 3 (20:27):
Make it new. It's going to be interesting what they
do here. There is a lot in flux with Bachelor Nation,
and there's a lot a lot of weight being put
on the Golden Bachelor at now, and I.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
Think it will be successful.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
I think the show, my excitement for it has not changed,
my frustrations with it have increased because I think they
tried to formulate the Golden Bachelor's show too much like
the other Bachelor show, losing some of the zeal and

then also, I think that's one of the one of
the reasons why, you know, now we're sitting here without
a success story, and I would I want to see
the Golden Bachelor at the Golden Bachelor be a little
bit different, a little more relatable, and not so much
just a you know, another Bachelor show. So we'll see

what the Golden Bachelor at.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
To me, I just wanted to be slower.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
I want it to be slower. Yeah, we don't have
to do the same retired life.

Speaker 4 (21:31):
Let's make it slow.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
Yeah out all right, that's all the headlines we have
for you today. There's some big ones in there. We'll
be back this week with an almost good advice. We'll
have some interviews coming out. Obviously we have headlines, so
stay tuned. We're going to continue to follow this Trista
Sutter journey of where in the world is Trista's Sutter?
That's probably what you should mean this podcast. Where in

the world is Trista's Setter? Hey, until next time, I've
been Ben I've.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Been Ashley Bye.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
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