Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I almost famous podcast
with iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's almost in his podcast today. I have a first.
I've never interviewed somebody from Dancing with the Stars. Now,
I've interviewed people that have been on Dance with the Stars,
but I don't think of I cannot remember. I was
trying to think about this anytime I've ever interviewed a
current contestant and their coach, their partner during the season.
So this is really exciting for me.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Yay, thanks for having us now.
Speaker 2 (00:35):
We just started talking and I asked, why aren't the
two of you together? In my mind, you're together all
the time, like you never not are not together, but
you're not together right now. You're in two separate places.
How common is this? Right now?
Speaker 3 (00:51):
I mean, we're still in the beginning phase of the show,
so we have like a bit more time, although that's
saying a lot because we don't have a lot of
time where we're not together. But yeah, as we were
telling you, we finished rehearsal. It was a very great
but sweaty, productive rehearsal. I was not looking cute, so
I needed to go home and get a little bit cute.
So it's my fault.
Speaker 4 (01:15):
You're looking just fine. I also had to throw on
a hat because I literally just got out of the shower.
So yeah, it was just one of those days that
we had a lot going on. We were busy, and yeah,
usually we are together a lot.
Speaker 2 (01:25):
Now this is a big deal for me because the
two of you, I would argue would be the fan
favorites right now, the front runners. You're crushing it, and
so I'm very excited to be talking to two of you.
I do have some questions based on my own curiosity
about the process of Dancing with the Stars. I was
never on Dancing with the Stars, and so I've only
watched as a fan for the last you know how
many years it's been on television. A couple questions. I'm
going to rapid fire either of you can answer it.
Any injuries, any current.
Speaker 3 (02:03):
Injuries, I'm not severe. We're doing a move this week.
I'm not going to say what it is, but we're
doing to move this week, and.
Speaker 4 (02:12):
Our bodies are sore.
Speaker 3 (02:13):
Our bodies are really sore. My arm hurt.
Speaker 4 (02:16):
This is a very fast paced week. So this is
the first time that the body, I think is starting
to kick in a little bit right now.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
Yeah, I've have friends who've been on the show, Joey,
this one's for you. They have gotten They sit in
the best shape of their life being on Dance with
the Stars. Can you already? I mean, I don't know
how many weeks you've actually been in the experience. I mean,
obviously we've only seen a few weeks of YouTube dancing
on television, but I'm sure there was some prep time
before that. Are you feeling that way right now?
Speaker 4 (02:45):
Oh, one hundred percent, it's awesome. I was so bad
after getting off the Bachelor, Like you know, going into that,
you train to get into shape, and then when you
get into the show you kind of fall out of
it a lot, and then life gets crazy. So I
kind of got out of routine. So I came in
probably not in the best shape that I could be,
But the first two weeks kicked my butt got right
back into it, and yeah, we're like two to three
weeks in now, and I feel good already. The body
definitely made a difference for sure.
Speaker 3 (03:12):
I mean, Ben, why do you think his shirt's been
open the first two weeks?
Speaker 2 (03:15):
Yeah, it's playing good. Is that a joy request or
is that a strategy?
Speaker 4 (03:24):
It was on the first night, it was definitely an
idea from the choreography that Jenna had. And then on
this last dance that we had, it was no joke,
a last minute decision. I did the whole dress rehearsal
with the tank under. We wanted like an open shirt
because we thought it looked beautiful in the dance, and
one of the producers came over to me, like right
before showtime, said so, what do you think about not
wearing a shirt for this dance? And we said, yes,
that just just happened. It was very quick when it happened.
Speaker 2 (03:52):
See, that would be That's something nobody's ever asked of me.
So you have to be doing something right. Nobody's ever said, hey, Ben,
how do you take off your shirt for this?
Speaker 4 (04:00):
Speaker 2 (04:02):
From what I remember from a buddy who did it,
there was a lot of blisters. So as a professional dancer, Jenna,
how do you like handle that?
Speaker 3 (04:12):
Speaker 2 (04:12):
How do you Because I know Joey's feet are probably
just torn up right now because he's not used to it.
This is something you do all the time. How are
your feet prepared for this?
Speaker 3 (04:23):
You know what? From a young age, the quote beauty
is pain has just been ingrained in me, Like my
feet go through the ringer in ballroom shoes, they suffocate them,
they squeeze them. I have I have at least like
four blisters on my toes right now. It's just part
of the process, and honestly, it doesn't really even phaze
me anymore. I just know that it like comes with
the territory. So but it is a lot I forget
because like even Joey's shoes, they're different shoes, but I
know that they're really tight and they're uncomfortable at first
and you have to break them in. So it's a
wild process. Like I forget that. Oh yeah, this is
just part of the gig. But it's a lot to
adjust to.
Speaker 4 (05:03):
We as guys do not get to complain when you
think of dancing with the stars. I am at all
every single time how they have to do the same heels,
Like I don't think people understand we are doing the
same moves, We're doing everything, and they are doing it
in heels. And yeah, I definitely little blisters here and there.
Feet are not my strongest suit. I've got messed up
beat as it is, so I'm sure they're getting beat up.
But the fact that she does is in heels and
has to like just rebound from it is unbelievable to me.
Speaker 3 (05:29):
Thanks Joey, He's such a sweet man.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
I know, he's so good at this. I do need
to name drop for a second before we dive into
what you guys are doing currently. I was on tour
once with somebody on Dance with the Stars.
Speaker 3 (05:45):
Oh my god, wait I know this.
Speaker 2 (05:48):
Yeah, Ezra Sosa and I traveled the US up until
COVID shut us down. Ezra is like eighteen years old,
living in the same bus as me. An absolute joy
to be around, one of my favorite people and is amazing. Yeah,
there's a reason why people are like really like him
and are gravitating towards him because his energy and just
his personality is so big. But his dream, which is cool.
I texted him, but I haven't been able to tell him.
But I'm going to tell you guys that, like when
he was eighteen years old, his dream was to be
on Dancing with the Stars. You don't get to see
a lot of people like actually accomplish these like huge
dreams they have. He did it. I think It's pretty cool.
Speaker 3 (06:27):
Amazing, Yeah, fun fact. Actually, Ezra and I grew up together,
so he went to the same studio I did growing up.
So I've known him since he was a baby. And
this kid has the most heart out of anybody I know,
and I've known it's been his dream to be on
Dancing with the Stars, and so I think for him
to see me join, and then for me to see
him join, is the biggest gift. I just I'm so
proud of him. He deserves it.
Speaker 2 (06:53):
All he does, he does, He's a trooper. He dealt
with a lot of wildness at eighteen years old on
the tour of US.
Speaker 3 (07:00):
I can imagine, Jinna.
Speaker 2 (07:02):
I'll start out with you here. We're going to dive
into some of the fan questions and some of our
questions here. When you heard that Joey was your partner,
I don't know if you can disclose kind of how
that's brought up and how you're told that as a professional,
But when you're told Joey is your partner, I want
to hear your honest, real first thoughts.
Speaker 3 (07:24):
Yeah, I'll give it to you. Joey knows this. I've
been honest with him. But I think people think that
we know who we're going to have for a little bit.
That's not the case. They really like to make it
a secret so it's an authentic reaction. But I had
a feeling because I had heard his name in the mix,
and so I was a little sad because I've been promised,
not promised, but like I've never had a football player
through my time on the show, I've never had a
football player, and so I kind of heard Danny was
going to be involved, and I was like, this is
my year. I'm going to get the NFL guy. And
then when Joey walked in, I obviously knew who he was,
but I didn't watch his season of the Bachelor, but
my sister is a mega fan, and I just remember
when his season was going, she was telling me about,
like Joey, he's just like the nicest guy. It's been
the best season. No offense, Ben, it's been the best
season of the Bachelor. Everybody loves him, and I was like, okay, okay,
let me see for myself, and it's all of that
is true. He is one of the most genuine humans
I've ever met. I think we kind of just connected
really easily and quickly, and we have so much fun.
It's seriously, I mean Obviously there's stressful moments. Joey, I'm
not always the kindest, but it's just such a pleasure
to work with him. He's so talented. He's one of
those annoying people that's freakishly good at everything. It's like
you just want to punch them because he can. I'm like,
can you try this? He's like sure and does it
in one try, and I'm like, how did that happen?
So he's just really talented but humble kind treats other
people really well, which is a big like character attribute
that I love, you know. So I just it's been
so awesome being his partner. And obviously, you know, I've
been with a bachelor guy before, I was with Joe Mobley,
so I knew that, like the fan base was going
to be epic, and I was like, okay, love this
for us, but I think ultimately, you're really at the
disposal of your partner. So if they're a good human,
it makes this whole process even better.
Speaker 4 (09:42):
There you go, that was very kind. That was very nice.
But don't forget the beginning that she said that she
was disappointed.
Speaker 3 (09:48):
So I didn't say I was disappointed. You know, that's
not true.
Speaker 2 (09:56):
I love that. I just have this image of Jennes
seeing the name pop up and say, gosh.
Speaker 4 (10:02):
Dang it, another loser.
Speaker 2 (10:07):
Jenna, one more question for you before we start popping
it back and forth. There has to be an art
form to the chemistry that you two have built and
how you build chemistry with your partners. I'm assuming if
I was if I was told Hey, you're going to
be on Dance with the Stars, there'd be a lot
of nerves about a lot of different things, including meeting
my partner. And so for you, Jenna, with any of
your partners, kind of what is your mindset as the
leader here to build that chemistry and to make it
a space that is fun from the very beginning.
Speaker 3 (10:40):
Yeah, that connection, that chemistry is one of the most
important parts for me being a pro on the show
and having a partner be successful. I think obviously ballroom
dancing is a team sport, so there needs to be
that trust going into each week and being like can
you do this? Will you do this? I'm going to
be young and I'm going to be pushing you like
do you trust me in this scary, intimidating process. But
then also there has to be like genuine admiration for
each other because it is a very vulnerable process, you know.
So for me, that's always one of the biggest things
that I try to establish very soon with my partners
is that good partner chemistry. You just need it. And
the audience can feel when people get along and look
like they're friends when they don't. I think it's really obvious.
So that's that's one of the first things I do.
And I'm an open book. I think anyone that meets
me like you can tell who I am pretty pretty soon.
So I just try to be as open and welcome
me and honest as possible about what this process is
going to be, because there are highs, there are lows,
But I hope that I'm my partner's safe space in
the process.
Speaker 2 (11:55):
Juey, for you, obviously, I don't want to put words
in your mouth that that feeling of exciting the invite
to dance with the stars and then finding out who
your partner is and then showing up to the studio
in the first day walk us through kind of your
emotions throughout that whole process.
Speaker 4 (12:10):
Yeah, I mean I was nervous, So I really was,
because I know how important it is to be able to.
I don't know, to really trust your partners, she said,
And if you don't feel like you're going to, then
it's not going to be as enjoyable as a process.
And I heard from my sister and some friends Jenna's
name came up a lot there, said like, I hope
you get Jenna. I hope you get Jenna. So when
I found out it was her, I was generally so excited,
but I had no idea how we were going to
sink and be able to get into it because I
was really nervous going into that first day. I was like,
I think I have rhythm, but I don't even know
if I can dance. I want to be able to
really commit to this and be in it, but I
know I have to be somewhat good to be as
into it as I want to. So a thousand thoughts
are going through my head. And what I give Jenna
so much credit for is she made it feel so
comfortable right from the beginning. It was something about how
she was able to joke with me, something about how
we just kind of I think had this friendship right away,
felt like we kind of already knew each other. That
that idea of worrying about how I looked kind of
went out the door right away, and that was really
big for me. It let me kind of hit the
ground running right when we started practice. Jenna knows this.
We had like the craziest first day. We literally did
our first rehearsal the same day we did the entire
promo shoot, the same day that we did all this
other extra stuff. We spent at least eight hours together
that day, so it was kind of a right away
and she looked at me like, it's not usually going
to be like this, but it was perfect. I wouldn't
have changed the thing because I think it let us
kind of get comfortable and trust each other right away.
So the rest was easy, but was definitely nervous and
was definitely grateful that Jenna was my partner right from
the beginning.
Speaker 2 (13:42):
The amount of hours of two of you right now
are spending getting prepared for each week.
Speaker 3 (13:46):
Is what Typically it's four hour rehearsals, but then that
doesn't include like fittings, interviews, camera blocking days, show day.
We're together from eight am until eight pm, you know,
so it's a lot of time. But I would say,
like typically right not right now, our rehearsal times are
four hour chunks.
Speaker 4 (14:08):
Yeah, it's in the beginning, it's it's honestly not as
much as you would think it is, But it doesn't
feel that way either because those four hours you are
hitting it immediately. It's it's very intense, and then you
kind of need those breaks after. But then when you
get to blocking days on Monday and Tuesday show days,
those are those are long days. So it's it's a.
Speaker 2 (14:27):
Lot, Jenna for you. Dancing with the Stars is obviously,
I mean, I know of Dancing with Stars for many reasons. Again,
going back to Ezra, it was such a big deal
for him as a professional dancer to be on this show.
Can you give the fans a little backstory of if
this was a dream for you, if this was something
that you'd always wanted, how you ended up on it.
Kind of walk us through that and then we'll get
into you obviously this season.
Speaker 3 (15:01):
Yeah. So I grew up at a studio that produced
a bunch of amazing dancers, and specifically ballroom dancers. So
I grew up at the same studio that Derek and
Julianne actually came from. And I'll never forget I was
Julianne was eighteen years old and I used to take
lessons from her. She was like one of my first
female ballroom teachers and she was just like the hottest
girl ever. And I was like, I want to be
her when I grow up. And she called my mom
one day because we're supposed to have a lesson, and
she was like, listen, I'm moving out to la I
got this big opportunity and I never saw her again,
and she got booked for Dancing with the Stars, and
that was the first time that I had heard of
the show. This was right in the beginning, and you know,
as a dancer growing up, you don't think that dance
can be a career or provide for your family. But
I think Dancing with the Stars was the first show
that made that attainable or like a vision that this
could happen for you and you could do this. And
so after that, there were quite a few other dancers
from that studio that had been booked on Dancing with
the Stars, Chelsea high Tower, Whitney Carson, Lindsay Arnold. I
then got asked to join, and this was a bucket list.
It was a dream of mine to be performing on
this stage in front of this mass amount of people.
So to be able to do it and to have
been on it for ten years, which is scary to say,
it's a dream come true.
Speaker 2 (16:32):
It is super interesting that you say that that Dance
with the Stars kind of opened up this new path
for professional dancers to provide the family It's a really
exciting thing. This season has been a hit so far.
I mean, yeah, the viewership, the ratings, the excitement, the
conversations around it have been absolutely amazing. And something else
that's been amazing is the two of you. This last Tuesday,
you did the room, but it blew everybody out of
the water. Do you think your dance was underscored because
I think from social media people feel like it was.
Speaker 4 (17:04):
I have said the same thing every single time. I
love the judges and I respect their opinions always. We
did go into that week feeling really confident. From the
first week we thought we did great. It was really
hard to start the show. You saw Jenna's reaction on
week one, like to get all seven. She was stoked,
and then we did say I said, and I was like, Jenna,
was I supposed to say that? But like in the
beginning of the week, I said I want an eight,
Like I said, I want to get an eight this week.
I feel like this is a beautiful dance as she
created to such a beautiful song. It felt so foreign initially,
but I said, if I can do something this difficult
and do it well, I think an eight isn't a
crazy thing to get. And I didn't say I wanted
all eights. I said I just wanted one. So we
hit the goal that we kind of went for. So
I think for us, we were really excited about it.
I'm not going to speak for both of us, but
I just feel like anytime the fans say that, that
makes us feel great. But yeah, we respect the judges
and love their opinions, is what I'm going to say.
Speaker 3 (18:00):
Good answer, No. I. It's also we can't forget that
it's week two. Sure, you know, to already have seen
an eight in week one is unheard of, So I
think maybe for the fans, they saw that week one
and they were maybe expecting more. I'm very happy with
what our scores have been and where we are in
the leader board. This is the perfect placement for us
to continue to grow, to take that momentum and just
keep building each week, so I'm super happy again. Like
Joey said, it was a goal to get an eight.
We did, and I'll let's keep doing it.
Speaker 2 (18:35):
But then, Jenna, as the leader here, how do you
how do you continue to get better? Does that put
a pressure on you because your scores are so high
but they're not quite where you will maybe want them
to be. How do you continue to get better week
by week?
Speaker 3 (18:49):
That's what this process is. You want to see somebody
who's not a d answer become one, and I think
you're getting that evolution with Joey. So I think for
me each week it's too show is something different in
Joey each week that the fans are going to be
shocked or surprised about. You know, Week one, I don't
think anyone expected him to come out with that charisma
he did Boom week two. I don't think people expected
him to have that quality or those nuances and the
details in a rumbo which is so difficult. He did it.
So I think that's where we go. I just want
to keep pushing him, and he's such a great student.
He really listens and he wants it, so I love
that I can push him. But I think we can
obtain those goals and keep getting better each week.
Speaker 2 (19:35):
Is there a type of dance right now in your
head that you're like, that's our home run? Like this
fits Joey, it fits me. If we like want when
we need to bring it out, we'll bring it out.
Speaker 3 (19:45):
It's hard because there's a few different styles that I
love doing on this show just because I know they
translate well and the audience loves them. So I'm like
looking forward to a dance like an Argentine tango or
a regular tango or v needs walts. Those are some
of my favorite dnancewers to choreograph. But you know, with
Joey's athletic ability, I think something like a quick step
or a jive is really going to show him off
where he can show that he has stamina, he has athleticism,
and we can kind of just fly.
Speaker 2 (20:16):
So you know, so there's a lot in the worst,
there's a lot.
Speaker 3 (20:20):
To work with.
Speaker 2 (20:22):
That's that's great.
Speaker 3 (20:23):
There's a lot I'm excited for for sure.
Speaker 2 (20:26):
Yeah, Joey, you mentioned it earlier about the kind of
the physical condition you've been in. There's a thing in
my notes here I had no clue about that was
brought up to me, but you've gone to great links
for this show, including botox in your armpits.
Speaker 4 (20:40):
Oh my god, I can't is that a thing? I
can't explain how funny this is, and I will. This
is a great time to set the record straight on
all of this. When I got off The Bachelor, I
had a sweating issue. I don't know what it was,
other than the call it a sweating.
Speaker 2 (20:54):
Issue, I like during The Bachelor too or after.
Speaker 4 (20:57):
More after it kind of happened with Carrie a little
bit way through that. We had to be kind of
smart about the colors when I was in like Mexico whatnot,
because it was so random that it was like a
nervous sweating thing or like an anticipation thing, and it
was only carried in my armpits, Like wasn't sweating anywhere
where you could see it, like through the shirt. But
I would just get like these crazy pit stains, and
I was like, I don't want to look like this
on TV. So it got so bad through the show.
And then obviously you get off the show and it's
wintertime and I'm doing press in New York and I'm
going to press in New York, and I'm like I'm
sweating through a full suit here, like it got really
really bad. So I asked for like anyone, like what
do you have for help? And it's just so funny
because this company offered to do like botox in the armpits.
It was Carrie's idea. I was like, yeah, I'll try it,
but I'm not kidding. That was in no I think
that was in December of last year, and they had
it and I guess they just decided to post it
when dancing started. I kind of honestly forgot about it.
So now everyone thinks it's with dancing. But if you
look closely at the at the video, like I have
my long curly hair like I did when I was
during Bachelor, and now I have like the shorter cut.
So it was from almost like all the way back
to earlier. This ur at the end of this last year,
but it it caught steam. I looked the other day,
it's got like over a million views on TikTok. So
I'm screwed. Everyone knows they got boatox my armpits now,
but it's worn off. So if people want to know,
I need to do it again. I am starting to sweat.
We had that silk shirt yesterday, and I've obviously been
shirtless on a few times so it doesn't matter. But
the pit stains are back and nervous Joe, He's back
in play, So I got to figure out something.
Speaker 3 (22:29):
For these armpits.
Speaker 2 (22:30):
Will you do it again?
Speaker 4 (22:31):
I would? It worked really well. It took you know
when I did it? Actually, Ben was it was work
before I saw you. It was worked for the Golden Wedding.
That was when it kicked in. So the Golden Wedding
was the first time I like, actually wore a suit again.
I was like, whoa, this actually worked and it was
great for the last six months or show. So and
I guess it can wear off and usually going on
national TV brings out nerves for people, so I guess
it's happening again.
Speaker 2 (22:53):
Yeah. I was going to say I never noticed it
during the Golden Wedding.
Speaker 4 (22:57):
The boatox was activated.
Speaker 2 (22:58):
That's what see. I'm actually guessing, Joey, here's how you
should look at this. It has so many views because
there's so many people that are like, I need to
do this too, Like what did Joey do? I see
this headline? I need to watch it. So you're helping people.
Speaker 4 (23:13):
That was what the That was what they said to
the people that did it said, it's actually not the
most known thing. I think it's called I don't want
to mess up the name. It's hyper summer.
Speaker 2 (23:22):
Hyper hydrosis is what I.
Speaker 4 (23:25):
Have to It's called hyperdrosis and whatever it is. I
definitely got it so and apparently other people have it too.
And yeah, I'm raising awareness about sweaty pitts. What a fuck.
That's a great post a child for Joey. Good job,
good job.
Speaker 2 (23:38):
For you, man. If you've done nothing else in this
last year of your life, you've done that right. The
the chemistry you guys have is palpable, It's awesome. We'd
be remiss not to bring up just the comments that
have existed around your dancing partnership. I think I'm not
going to put words in your mouth, so I'll ask
the questions first. Obviously that has been a big topic.
Either of you can answer this. Are you surprised that
it's a big topic.
Speaker 4 (24:07):
I'll start on this if you want to, and then
I feel like you'll definitely do the best of filling
in from the pro side. We knew like we knew
coming in as a Bachelor Nation thing. I think it's
understandable that people are paying attention to my relationship always,
and it was something that Kelsey and I talked about.
It made sure before doing this that she was comfortable
with putting that into kind of the world. Again, I
think that we were more surprised and not that people
couldn't step away and understand the situation of the relationship
I was in, the relationship that Jenna was in. We
were kind of hoping that people would be a little
bit more aware of that, but we weren't necessarily surprised.
I think it was more just trying to have a
conversation of people understanding that it's not something that you
really need to be focusing on. We want to be
able to connect and have what we have on the
dance floor and have this friendship and trust with each
other without this assumption of something that we would never
be doing. So I'll legenda talk because she's on the
pro side of I'm sure this happens every season with
different people. But I would not say that we were
necessarily surprised from the comments. We just wish people were
kind of understanding the situation a little bit better.
Speaker 3 (25:11):
Yeah, I think Joey nailed it. But I have been
on the show for a while, and so has my husband.
We've been paired with the opposite sexes. I've been paired
with a girl. People were assuming things were happening with us.
So it just kind of comes with the show. I
won't say unfortunately. I love that people are that invested
and they like feel like they're part of your partnerships.
But you know, I think that no, I'm desensitized to it,
but I just knew that this would probably happen, and
especially with the franchise that he comes from. But like
Joey said, I think it's very obvious that my relationship
is known on the show. I mean, I have a child,
my husband's on the show as well, and I thought,
you know, people would obviously know that Joey's engaged. So
I think there'sppointment when we're so excited about being able
to be announced on Good Morning America finally, and there's
just like all these comments that kind of like, you know,
why does it have to do that initially, But I
think it's gotten so much better. Kelsey's incredible. She's been
so supportive during this whole experience. Obviously, my husband loves
Joey and is so supportive, So I think we could
have asked for better partners in this situation. But yeah,
it just it kind of comes with the show on
the territory. There's there's always going to be chatter, and
then I think once you get past the initial shock
of it of like seeing these two people together, then
they forget about it and they're just invested in our
dancing and what our partnership is going to do and
how far we're going.
Speaker 4 (26:42):
To go exactly. I'll add one more thing too, because
I don't even know if I've talked about this as well,
Like it was something I thought about coming in. I said,
I wanted to be in a situation where I was
comfortable that I didn't have to worry about a lot
of this noise. So I asked when I got on
the show to be paired with someone that was in
a successful and healthy, reallylationship. I said, I didn't want
there to be any chance of noise on this because
I know that comes with the show and the territory sometimes,
and I was in such a great place in my
life with everything that Kelsey and I have built that
I didn't want to have a distraction so we understand
why it's happening. But I was also coming in with
those thoughts being like, let's do everything we possibly can
to help with it, and Jenna nailed it that we're
in probably the best spot we've been now with Kelsey
being more vocal with us trying to do is everything
we can to have people kind of settle down and
hopefully we can just get to just enjoying and having
fun and focusing on our dances each week. Now does it?
Speaker 2 (27:33):
I want to talk a lot about Kelsey here in
just a second, because I think she has done just
a tremendous job at I don't want to say navigating
it because it's not like an issue in her life probably,
but it's she's doing a great job publicly with it.
But for you two as partners, now, is there an
element you have to be intentional about not have like
showing that connection off or are you are you trying
to convince the audience now that maybe it isn't as
close because in my mind, based off what I've heard
from the beginning, having that chemistry, having that closeness is
a key to the success of a dancing partnership. So
have you at any moment been like, hey, like, we
shouldn't do an interview side by side or is there
any of that going on.
Speaker 3 (28:17):
I think we're very intentional with what we do, but
I think our main focus isn't catered to the audience.
I think it's catered to our individual spouses or significant others,
you know, being just intentional aware of their feelings and thoughts. Yeah,
but I want to again, you know, like my job
is to teach my partner how to dance and to
create beautiful shapes and art, and so at the end
of the day, I have to make sure that I'm
doing my job and I'm creating art and I'm teaching
Joey how to be a good partner. So I think
it's just the mindset. Also, obviously obviously we have a
ton of fun together. We have a great time. But yeah,
I would say like publicly we are very aware and
intention all.
Speaker 4 (29:00):
Yeah, nailed it perfectly. And as you said too, Ben,
like it's important. It's actually been one of the best
compliments we've gotten from the beginning on week one and
two is that the judges see that we trust each other.
There is a chemistry and connection, and that's really important
to be able to make the art that she's talking about.
So we're aware, but we're also leaning into the idea
that we're comfortable with each other and that's great. We
wouldn't change a thing about that.
Speaker 2 (29:33):
I'm sure Joey. Before the season started, we do have
people within our group that have been on Dance with
the Stars. What were those conversations like with Kelsey? Not
even from a who my partner is going to be standpoint,
but hey, this is going to be a huge time commitment.
I'm going to be investing a lot of time away
from home. Like, how did those conversations exist in your
relationship so early on, you know, post bachelor.
Speaker 4 (29:57):
Yeah, it's a great question. I think the first thing
was I was not going to do it unless she
was okay with it. I knew that from the beginning.
I was really lucky that Charity did it the season
before this, and she was obviously fresh off how things
were and I got to talk to her about it.
There's a lot of levels to why our situation was
better than Charities because she went straight from the bacherette
right into it. It worked out great for them because
Dotton was able to work a remote job and He's
been amazing and supportive, and I think they did it
perfectly for them. But if we had to do that,
if I was going straight off the Bachelor and I
was going to jump into it, I probably would not
have done it because it would have been really tough.
But Kelsey and I had obviously those three months or
so to be able to enjoy, have fun, go learn
a lot about each other while having all these experiences,
and then I was able to have the real conversation
with her of what do you think about this? Because
it's getting tossed towards me, but I have to kind
of actively look to do it if I want to.
So I want to start having those conversations, but I'm
not going to do it unless we talk through it.
And she actually was the one that pushed me the most.
She said, no, I think you should do this, not
only because I think you'll enjoy it, but I think
you'll be good at it, and I want you to
have that experience. So unless I had that conversation with her,
I don't know if I would have probably had the
combos I did and been in the position. She gave
me the confidence that I could do it, and it
did help that we had Charity and Dottin to talk
through what the time commitment would be. And it's the
same as the Bachelor, like you think you know and
then until you're in it, you don't. So we're still
navigating through that as much as we possibly can. But
she's been nothing but supportive. We love being in La
right now. There's so many exciting things that are going
on here too, so it's been great, but we're still
we're learning through it every day as well.
Speaker 2 (31:43):
What are some ways, Joey that you've made your relationship
of priority already in the first two weeks.
Speaker 4 (31:48):
Being really present when I come home, because it's hard,
and it's honestly more through communication, Like I need to
tell her as soon as I get home that I
need to decompressed for like twenty minutes because I'm tired
and I'm thinking of my dance in a million different ways.
And then once I feel like I'm centered, now I
can have a real conversation with her, but you know,
telling her about my day, being excited and talking through
all the amazing things I did, asking her how her
day was, how was her workout, how was this meeting
that she walked to, Like all those little things of
trying to just have the open communication but then feeling
each other out too, Like I want to make sure
that she's feeling comfortable, and if we need to have
a chill night, she'll understand that. But then if she
really wants to go out and go to this party
because it's an opportunity for her to meet more people,
I got to suck it up and go to that party.
But it's been good so far. I can obviously always
be better. I'm not going to act like I'm a
master at this, but I think that we've been doing
really well the communication and not letting things fester if
there is any type of issue. So I'm just trusting
and leaning on hers. She's happy, I'm happy, and we're
just trying to have as much fun as we can
with this awesome opportunity that came my way.
Speaker 2 (32:54):
Sounds like you're doing it right. I've been married for
three years. It's I would love to see here and
be like, no, this is how you should do it.
I don't know, just you'll do you best if you
love or you'll figure it out. Jenna Kelsey has said
that you've been a support. You know, obviously your relationship
with her is important too. You've done this for ten years,
as you've said, you're not shocked, you know by the
fans reactions in these comments. What are some ways that
you've kind of found to support Kelsey through this journey
or just give some insight into what to expect.
Speaker 3 (33:26):
Yeah, I think it was really important right away. As
soon as Joey and I had met each other, we
were like, let's get you guys over to our house.
I want her to meet me, I want to meet
I want her to meet Val, meet our son. You know,
just already established that relationship together too, so she felt
really part of it and comfortable in this partnership because
she's part of it. So yeah, we did that right
away before we were announced on Good Morning America's partners,
they'd come over to our house. We had dinner, which
was so much fun. And then she's been our like
social media queens. She sends us all sorts of audios
and ideas. Is like, she's so good at that, and
I love that because Joey and I are brain dead
at the end of the day. We don't have the
capacity to even think about that. So she's been so
helpful and involved with us on that aspect, and then
we actually got dinner. We did a little double date
last Tuesday after the show, we all went to catch Stake.
So it's it's been really fun. Obviously, it's this is
only week three, so we still have a lot more
time to get to know each other. But I told
Joey from the beginning, I really think it's important that
we are open with her, and I want you to
show her the videos from our day. I want her
to feel part of it, so she's just as excited
as you are. And she's been really really awesome with
that so far.
Speaker 2 (34:43):
At least on social media. Kelsey has been so excited
about this process. Joey, not that you need to do this,
but I think one great thing that everybody listening would
love to know is if you could just kind of
give it's a summary of where your relationship stands with
Kelsey right now, kind of how you're doing, doing, what
you're looking forward to, what you're excited about, or maybe
it's the opposite, but I don't think it is.
Speaker 4 (35:05):
No, No, all good things. It's been great right now. Obviously,
it's been a funny thing that I was spending a
lot of time in New Orleans with her living with
her roommates. This is the first time we've been in
a place just us and kind of starting to make
a home together. So that's been a really fun. Part
of the beginning of this whole process is we have
our own place. We're doing a lot of stuff, getting
a lot of alone time together, which we found in
our own little way in New Orleans, but this is
even better. A big thing for us right now is
we're just trying to figure out what's going to happen
post show, and we've talked about New York, but being
in LA being here and enjoying it, We've been also
a lot more open to staying here because we think
there's a lot of great opportunity here too. The weather
does not suck if it's a lot of things that
I want to do with playing more golf and tennis
and being in that world. But I think right now
the biggest thing for us is we are both trying
to stay present, enjoy that we aren't traveling all over
the place like we have been the last few months.
Really diving into this experience for both of us, because
it is an experience for both of us right now
and looking forward to what can possibly be in the future.
We're not making any rash decisions, but we both have
enjoyed la and it seems likely that we might stay
here post show. But in our mind this is still
a temporary move. We're still just trying to live in
the present and do the best we can to build
our relationship. That's what we really have been focusing on.
Speaker 2 (36:27):
It reminds me of the best piece of advice I've
ever been given. Somebody I look up to a lot.
His name is Bob Goff. He's an author of Love Does.
As my show was going on, there was chaos around me,
and he said, Ben, as chaos ensues, just be where
your feet are, which feels very wow familiar to where
you're at right now. So every day, I I'm not kidding,
since then that was years ago, I tap my feet
where I like when I'm sitting at my desk, and
I tap my feet and just remind myself be where
my feet are. It's been incredible, and it feels like
what you could do right now because you're using your
feet so often, kind of clean this whole thing up
here and finish us up. Obviously, the golden Bachelorette is
happening right now. There is somebody in your fan camp
that's on the show. Jenna, are you watching the Golden Bachelorette.
Speaker 3 (37:20):
I haven't had time too. I have to admit I
am trying to choreograph our dances while we're not practicing.
But I was able to meet Kelsey Zad and he
is just absolutely adorable. So I need to get caught
up because I really want to see his journey.
Speaker 2 (37:36):
He had a moment this week. Mark is a star. Joey,
you're obviously watching it, right, yes, sir, thoughts so far,
we obviously just saw Mark have his first kiss with Joan.
It's a big deal.
Speaker 4 (37:49):
Yeah, Oh my goodness.
Speaker 3 (37:52):
They walk the lips. That's so cute.
Speaker 2 (37:55):
It was romantic too. It was sweet.
Speaker 4 (37:58):
Oh you should have saw Kelsey's face. He did it,
Jenna with like showing a card that said and because
he knows German, and he was doing German like can
you guess what this phrase is? And the camera like
pans over and the phrase says can I have a kiss?
Or something along those lines in German. So Kelsey like
knew it was coming and she just put the pill up.
She's like I can't watch, just tell me what happened.
So it's so fun to see that dynamic. You know
how weird is sometimes to watch yourself on TV, And
we obviously were watching ourselves on TV during that whole
experience that we had in the Bachelor. So I don't
think I've ever seen Kelsey get this giddy about a
show before, and it is so fun. I'm finding myself
looking at her more than I'm watching the TV when
her dad's on, because she's just so excited for him.
Thoughts on the Golden Bacherette is amazing. I'm in love
with the show just because the men seem so awesome.
Kelsey and I cannot get over Charles. Charles's Charles. We're
obsessed with him.
Speaker 2 (38:56):
He made my wife ball absolutely ball scene.
Speaker 4 (39:01):
He was just I know, I know, but the prom
scene when he was sitting there and thinking about his wife,
I said, Kelsey, I need a new grandpa. I'm grabbing
Charles like I want. He just was the cutest man ever.
Joan's been doing amazing. I love just the feel of
the Golden Bachelor franchise. I just think it's just a
different feeling that show and Kelsey and I are loving it.
We're obviously supporting Mark one thousand percent, but I'm also
blown away with how amazing all these guys are. And uh, yeah, Jenna,
you're gonna have to start watching it because I want
to talk about it as much as I can, So
it'd be fun to talk about it. Practice.
Speaker 3 (39:35):
Yeah, I'll get on it.
Speaker 2 (39:36):
It's something that my wife doesn't watch the franchise. She
loves the Golden Show. She like loves it. Joey, is
it weird for you to see Mark kiss yet?
Speaker 3 (39:45):
Speaker 2 (39:45):
Are you there with him yet?
Speaker 4 (39:47):
I think I took a meme from yesterday and I
put it on my story when he had the car
and I said, you slide dog you like he was
just a stud doing it. I think it's amazing. I'm
in a different spot than Kelsey is. I don't think
anyone wants to see their parents kissing on TV. But
I'm just I'm team Mark one thousand percent and just
going to support him whatever he does on that show.
I love him.
Speaker 2 (40:07):
Yeah, it's a he's doing great. He's a star. The
whole thing is amazing and Jones crushing it. Maybe, Yeah,
she'll be on Dance with the Stars here soon, right, now, Jenna,
kind of final question for you. How special is it
for you to see Valve be nominated for an Emmy
for his tribute to Lyn Goodman. Obviously this is a
big season and vow's you know, working that is so important.
What did it feel like for me?
Speaker 3 (40:34):
So we were actually nominated together?
Speaker 4 (40:36):
Oh, amazing that piece.
Speaker 3 (40:38):
Yeah, And but to that point, to be nominated together
was insane, Like what other husband and wife get to
say that they've been nominated for an Emmy for their
work together. So it was definitely like a bucket list
thing to do. And to be there and to be
like surrounded by all of these artistic geniuses was insane.
And then choreographing that piece was a huge honor. Yeah,
just such a special time in our life. And yeah,
to honor Len Goodman who was a high judge for
so many years was amazing.
Speaker 2 (41:14):
So yeah, congratulations to the two of you, the two
of you together.
Speaker 3 (41:20):
But it's such.
Speaker 2 (41:21):
An impressive just thing to have that, and like you said,
for you to be standing next to your spouse, I mean,
if there is not a definition of a power couple,
that would be it. Like, hey, we've been nominated for
an Emmy together.
Speaker 3 (41:35):
Yeah, it was crazy. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2 (41:38):
Thank you, Joey. I need to create a headline here,
so give me some support. We saw Kelsey with Jonathan
at Tuesday's live taping. Jonathan was obviously there to support
a lot of people, including Jin. Do you think he
was there for more than just a friend? End of
question and the.
Speaker 4 (42:00):
Question looks like a little more. I will say this,
I have gotten to know Jonathan since I've been in LA.
We've hung out a few times. I love Jonathan. I
have zero idea of what's going on between the two
of them. I saw that Good Morning America interview with
Jen and Jonathan. I know you probably want me to
say something that helped give some inside intel. My answer
is I have zero idea. I just know that Jonathan
is obviously in Jen's camp supporting her. He's supporting me too.
He always reminded me of he supported me too, So
I'm happy about that. But at the same time, they
seem very close. They seem like they're enjoying being in
LA together.
Speaker 2 (42:39):
But I don't know.
Speaker 4 (42:41):
I have not really asked Jonathan that I wanted to
get to know him for him and kind of separate
the two because I know how tough it is coming
off a show and like having yourself be associated with
the lead, especially when you're not with them. But I
have no idea what's going on with them. I really don't. Jenna,
you got any guesses from what you've seen.
Speaker 3 (42:56):
I again, I didn't see the season.
Speaker 4 (42:58):
I wanted to put you in there. I wanted to
put you in there, so I'm being on the spot.
I need you to be on the spot too.
Speaker 2 (43:05):
Don't worry. You gave me the headline. Jonathan and jen
are very close, says Joey.
Speaker 3 (43:09):
That's all thank you close.
Speaker 2 (43:12):
Yeah, it's all I need. All right, Are the two
of you going to win this season?
Speaker 4 (43:17):
Yes, let's go.
Speaker 2 (43:19):
Let's go.
Speaker 4 (43:21):
We did put our name as Team Twinning because a
lot of people said that we looked alike, and the
idea was we put win is capitalized. So we've been
saying it from the beginning. I think when Jenna was,
as we talked about the beginning, disappointed with me being
her partner. Our first goal was just trying to make
the finale, because no Bachelor's ever made the finale before.
But I do think we're both in a really great spot.
Off to the first two weeks and we think that
we do have a chance to do this if we
keep improving the way that we have so the goals
will win this thing for sure. I'm not doing this
for second place, but if that happens, I'll be happy too.
But the goal is to win it.
Speaker 3 (43:57):
Gin anything that ad no I again, I say yes,
But that's the ultimate goal, is to I think, be
in the finale. Like Joey said, no bachelor has ever
been there. We've had a ton of bachelorettes in there.
We've had a ton of bachelorettes when so how epic
would it be to win this mirror ball? But to
be the first to do it as well? I would
love that for Joey.
Speaker 4 (44:18):
I'd love that for you. Jenna. You need to get
closer to the valves. She only has one, has three.
We got to get her at least.
Speaker 3 (44:24):
And the fact that you said only is really annoying.
I have a mirror ball I've won before. But yes,
I would love to add to the stack.
Speaker 4 (44:31):
Yes, we're going to try to double it this year.
That's the goal.
Speaker 2 (44:35):
Yeah, improved by one hundred percent. Hey, the two of
you are great. We wish you the best. I know
the fan support is out there. Continue to watch Dance
with the Stars. If you're listening, vote for Jenna and
Joey every week. Continue to improve. To the two of you,
Thanks for coming on, Thanks for giving us the insight
into the whole thing. This whole process is so interesting
to me, and it's so exciting to see the two
of you three like, all this work that goes into
then the performance is just awesome. So keep doing your thing.
Speaker 3 (45:05):
Thank you, thank you so much, thank you.
Speaker 1 (45:09):
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