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December 23, 2024 63 mins

Bobby walked in on Eddie and Reid talking about the reason they are in pain from their workouts is because of how much weight they lift before he sets the record straight by calling their trainer Kevin Klugg. Klugg tells Bobby the guys are lifting less than half of what they claim and Bobby calls them out for just being wimps. Plus, Kickoff Kevin got engaged recently and wants to know how to handle being a fan of a rival team, so Bobby goes down a rabbit hole of marriage advice!


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 4 (01:16):
It's a podcast called twenty five Wists stuck in fun
bow and they go whist So, yeah, it's too bad,
But what did you expect. It's a podcast called twenty
five Whistles, Wine.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Wine, Welcome, blow the Whistle. I walked in, I think
on a weightlifting conversation.

Speaker 5 (01:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
I went to the bathroom when I came back smell
once every three weeks bathroom break. And were you guys,
I don't know, debating on who could lift the most
or what.

Speaker 6 (01:45):
No, it's not the conversation you would think you would
be having about weightlifting.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Okay, it's you and Reed.

Speaker 6 (01:50):
It was me and Reed talking about how our back's
hurt from the last workout. We did because we think
the trainer is putting too much weight for us.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
Can I just suggest something? Yeah, yeah, you, And I
only say this because it's what I do. I'll go like, ah,
it's a little too much, let's pull some off.

Speaker 5 (02:08):

Speaker 6 (02:08):
But it's almost like he's I believe he does the
whole I believe in you, like you can do it.
So then mentally you're like, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, we
could do this, and then we do it, and it's like, oh,
it's gonna hurt for sure, and then we do it anyway, Okay.

Speaker 7 (02:23):
So right, I also have the problem of saying no.
So he could put six hundred and fifty pounds on there,
and I would probably try to do it and kill myself.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
Oh see, it's say you have a problem with with
not saying no.

Speaker 8 (02:33):
Yeah, with not saying no.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Yeah, okay, so that's kind of a you thing.

Speaker 6 (02:37):
Oh for sure.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
Okay. When what I heard was I felt like the
now that I know what, I was listening to your
blaming him.

Speaker 6 (02:44):
Yeah, we were talking, well, well, we were complaining, and
then and then Kevin was listening to the conversation goes, well,
how much weight did you guys have?

Speaker 1 (02:50):
Oh, and that's the number.

Speaker 6 (02:51):
That's what we're doing, the numbers.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Okay, okay, okay, So a couple things I'd like to say.

Speaker 6 (02:54):
Read I think what you say, three seventy?

Speaker 8 (02:56):
I think he said like three seventy something like that.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Text them.

Speaker 8 (03:02):
I know it was in the high threes.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
No, there's no chance.

Speaker 6 (03:06):
No way.

Speaker 8 (03:06):
Are you sure?

Speaker 1 (03:07):

Speaker 3 (03:08):
No, I would think not.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
I'm listen.

Speaker 6 (03:11):
Would it be in the two hundreds?

Speaker 1 (03:12):

Speaker 9 (03:13):
Well that's I mean, that'ster Does he care around that much?
Wait in that I no, it's in my gym.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
Oh, it's right.

Speaker 8 (03:18):
Hang I told her abody his three seventy five.

Speaker 6 (03:19):
Keep telling me.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Maybe it was. Let's stay hold on to are you
availed to talk on podcast? These guys are.

Speaker 6 (03:28):
I don't want to think we're whimps.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Dude, we're just talking about whatever he thinks. It's not
because of a conversation that you're having. Now. These guys
are debating weights. Okay, if he is, Mike, can we
have somebody call from the studios so we can hear
him better?

Speaker 6 (03:42):

Speaker 1 (03:42):
Do you have Kevin's number?

Speaker 6 (03:45):

Speaker 5 (03:45):

Speaker 1 (03:46):
I can? He may not be able to answer, but
I can share the contact with you right now and
our guest is three seventy. Yeah, well before I made
any sound, what were you thinking it was?

Speaker 6 (03:57):

Speaker 1 (03:58):

Speaker 8 (03:59):
Like the way?

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Yeah, no, no, no, don't because you already were saying numbers.
You already said it, So don't let don't let me
come and go like I said, if that's true, don't
let me come in and do that. And then you change,
like what did you genuinely think?

Speaker 7 (04:12):
So genuinely I thought at one point he said three
fifty five before we went up and wait, okay.

Speaker 6 (04:17):
And we went up from that.

Speaker 7 (04:19):
So that's why I, you know, and hold that because
it could be true. God, I hope so so Maddy
thinks and Stone.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Hold that number?

Speaker 3 (04:29):
Who called Stone after us?

Speaker 1 (04:30):
Well, Stone wasn't there, okay? And yes I sent it.
I guess you didn't get it.

Speaker 6 (04:36):
I have this calculus. It's a it's a disorder of numbers.
But if we're at three fifty five, how do we
get to three seventy?

Speaker 1 (04:44):
Well, fifteen, so I'd be somehow seven and a half
on eight sights, you could have five and a two
and a half. No, that didn't have to I don't
think I have two and a half.

Speaker 6 (04:54):
I think you do.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
But that doesn't mean he's not near. So I'll wait
and see if he hits us back.

Speaker 8 (05:00):
He hung his keys on the side, dude.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
A couple of things I should say. One, I do know.
Did you tell you tell me what you had to
get a shot?

Speaker 6 (05:07):

Speaker 8 (05:07):
Yeah, I just told him that.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Yeah, so ready to go to the doctor get a
steroid shock. His back was hurting, and Eddie is like,
I won't say no, And I'm like, well, just say
it's too heavy or do this? Do it with craig form,
because you've been for sure, you've been taught to craig form.
We've been working out, well, Eddie, you and I for
two years.

Speaker 6 (05:27):
Yes, we're about we're getting on two years.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
It's not like read's a verge into this read. You've
been doing it with us.

Speaker 7 (05:32):
For it's like eight, eight or nine months now, correct,
So I'm here.

Speaker 6 (05:38):
You think he's frustrated with our.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
No, I don't think he cares. Everybody's different, No, I know.

Speaker 6 (05:42):
But you talk about the form and everything, like two
years of working out with someone, you should probably get
the form. Like it's not like it's the first time
we've done dead lifts, like I should get the form.
But to me, the dead lift position in the whole
process isn't natural to my body. So I've had to
just like, but.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
That's what someone says as an excuse, it's not that's
not natural. No, that doesn't count.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Are you saying you're not flexing?

Speaker 1 (06:06):
None of that's not definitely not flexing me either, Yeah,
me neither.

Speaker 6 (06:09):
And he always says rounded back, and I'm like, that's
how I was born.

Speaker 7 (06:15):
Un Ba.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
Does this feel like a lot of excuses to you?

Speaker 9 (06:17):
Yeah, the best for it. As soon as you walked in,
they were like, oh yeah yeah, but like before.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
They were, they were.

Speaker 9 (06:23):
Like complaining even more hanky, and then Bobby walked in
and it was like, oh yeah, it was like five.

Speaker 6 (06:31):
But we feel good.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
I don't pressure you guys to lift more. And there
are times and I will say, hey, I'm good. I
do not need to go up because I know that
either I'm not feeling it. I've been sick for three
weeks with some stupid stomach infection, and so I would
be I would even say hey, take me down, because
I want to be able to get the most out
of it, and if if it's too heavy, I can't
get the most out of it. Because I'm not gonna
do it right. I'm gonna do it bad form. If

it's too heavy, we do, which is what you do.
So lose the ego because dude, even if you get it,
you don't like that.

Speaker 3 (07:00):

Speaker 1 (07:00):
It's not like we're Instagram weightlifting influencers now.

Speaker 6 (07:04):
I know, but just for so we don't hurt ourselves.
We're gonna do it right.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
Yeah, yeah, but you do it less. If you do
it less, you can do it right.

Speaker 6 (07:10):
But there's also the thing too, where like Bobby has
his weight right, like Bobby does five eighty.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Okay, that's not true, but I'll accept your your hyperbole
here for a story's sake.

Speaker 6 (07:20):
Go ahead, uh, five eighty right, and then like all right,
Bobby do seven? He does it all right, Eddie, you're up,
and then oh, I got to take off all this weight. Done,
takes time. Our Eddie goes, oh, read, now take out
more weight.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Hey, I'm doing the same weight as you, and then
only till only recently. Let's just keep it, let's keep
it real.

Speaker 6 (07:37):
But yes, okay, go ahead, and then Bobby's up again, like, oh,
let's get all that weight again, put it back on.
So to me, it's like I don't want to waste
all that time like that.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
I can understand, yeah, because I don't klug. Was like
once he was like, hey, we'll just work out together
on this day, and because he needs to work out anyway,
and to me that I feel extremely inferior because he's
a big dude and we're doing bench and he's like
loading up plates and every time I got a ben
he's gotta pull crap off. It doesn't feel good, but
it is what it is, Okay, so we're gonna get

him on.

Speaker 7 (08:11):
I just did some math and I think I'm wrong
on my calculation.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
Well, no, you stick to it when Clue gets on.
If he gets on, you do not start to recalculate.

Speaker 6 (08:19):
It's three three seventy is what I've written down.

Speaker 9 (08:21):
That is a hard thing to overcome, though, to like
go down and wait, even if it's just you guys,
because I'm the same way and I have a bad
shoulder from the football days ten years ago, but I
can't do a lot of weight when it comes to
pushing at certain angles and it kills me inside. And
the trainer will come over like that's all you're doing,
and like I get defensive. You know because you can't
help it.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
So I he says, is that all you're doing?

Speaker 9 (08:41):
Huh, Well, he'll just say like, hey, I do that,
Like it's it's a it's a technique that they're using
to motivate.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Is that all you're doing? Dude, somebody says that to me,
I'm going to meet them in a different place. Is
that all you're doing?

Speaker 6 (08:55):
Like, let's take it outside.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
No, no, no, I don't need just planet. That could
be up man woman the end, I feel like that
that's not cool.

Speaker 9 (09:06):
But it's the same as like if Klue he probably
has different techniques for all you guys first coaching you
and like.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
Is that all you're doing? Is like judgment you could
be hurt? You could That feels like almost negative.

Speaker 6 (09:19):
I like it, Yeah, you do like it.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
I do like it.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Injury, is that all you're doing?

Speaker 6 (09:23):
But you just said you get defensive? So how do
you like? Yeah?

Speaker 9 (09:25):
Because but then I got to remind myself, like at
the end of the day, who really gives a crow?
Like this is what I can do? And then I
tell them the injury and you're like, oh, okay, my bad.

Speaker 6 (09:31):
My bad still makes me a little bit more exactly.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I don't like is that all you're doing like is
a human It's a good way to do it. You
could do like find out what's up with them and
then be like, oh, I bet you can get a
lot stronger or I don't know. I like that one.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
But you guys are also a lot more intimate.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
Introduce him to me.

Speaker 6 (09:51):
What do you mean intimate?

Speaker 9 (09:52):
Like, I'm I'm in a group by that man, I'm
in a group of anywhere between ten and forty people.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
Those are off Weister cross Fit, and I would hurt myself. Yeah,
because it was a big group. Everybody's like trying to
compete with each other. I'm just trying to do it
fast and win, and I was ripping out backs, bones, legs,
neck the worst. Is that kind of what it is?

Speaker 6 (10:13):

Speaker 9 (10:14):
Yeah, I mean if you don't have proper form, they
don't have the time to sit there and teach you
one on one.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
Like Clue does with you guys at all.

Speaker 6 (10:20):
Right, it don't work two years if you guys haven't learned, and.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
It's a simple it's a simple dead left. Yeah. Okay,
but if you do if you do do that wrong,
if you have the right, but his body's not built
it hurts, but that's why you do it lighter. I
get it right.

Speaker 3 (10:33):
Totally agree.

Speaker 6 (10:34):
I've never worked out. I started working out when I
was forty three years ago.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
It doesn't matter.

Speaker 6 (10:38):
That is my body has been doing something for forty
three years, and then it's hard to adjust to that.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
You understand it's not it's hard for you to do
it because you have not committed to doing it right
and you've not committed to letting your ego go and
doing it a lot less until you can do it right.
That's all. It is. Lego, the ego, and you'll get
so much stronger.

Speaker 6 (11:00):
I don't have ego.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
You just literally said you don't like when they wait
to get pulled off. Why is that?

Speaker 6 (11:05):
I don't want to waste time.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
That's not true. You love boys in time. You love
talking to him the whole time to keep it. You
love talking. You love keeping him talking so we don't
have to work.

Speaker 6 (11:12):
Sometimes maybe we get a set off.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Yeah, and I'm not hating you for it either. You
know I'm there. I'm with you.

Speaker 6 (11:18):
You got to find little ways to help your workout.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Man, if he hits me back, oh, he says, he
has ten minutes now, Okay, I'm gonna say, Mike will
call you from a number, just answer standby please God.

Speaker 6 (11:40):
And got what a lot of Well are you going
to be?

Speaker 1 (11:45):
By the way, Kevin's a great trainer, is awesome. He
has a whole business of he has many many trainers
under him, his own business called Cluk Fitness. Many vans
not many vans. And why they travel to your house.
I work have a clue for four years or so,
four or five years. So he's the best, which is
the only reason I will bring him on. And he's

been on another capacities before, but they're putting him on
right now. You got him, he's on what you put on? Hey, hey, Kevin, Bobby,
there was this Mike. No, it's Bobby. Now it's Bobby,
Eddie Reid. It's our whole little crew here. Okay, just
so you know, love it. Okay. So I walked into
the room and I was out of the room and
I walk in and I'm just catching the backside of

a conversation from Reid and Reid was talking about how
much he deadlifts and Red Reid just wants to know,
first of all, if the number is correct, So read
what's what? What were you saying how much did you
dead left?

Speaker 8 (12:39):
Oh dude, that was seventy pounds?

Speaker 1 (12:42):
So Red was telling us he did last three seventy
Can you give us would you mind giving me some context?
Like because he obviously doesn't know. And I was like,
I'm not going to say you're wrong. Maybe maybe I'm wrong.
What do you tell me about three seventy and about reed?

Speaker 8 (13:00):
I could have sworn I heard you say three fifty.

Speaker 10 (13:04):
Slice that in half, and we still gotta go south
as a number?

Speaker 6 (13:10):
What do you no?

Speaker 4 (13:11):

Speaker 10 (13:11):
No, okay, so real quick, he has made progress, but
we warm up at one thirty five and then we
go to one eighty five, and then we go to
two o five and that's the most he has done
for three to five reps.

Speaker 8 (13:24):
So there wasn't a fifty in there at all.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Never, dude, it's not even the hilarious point. I swear
I heard he's two o five is what he's saying.
You've kept out and you were yelling three eighty five
in the room, so read thought he three eighty five,
and I was like, I do not think that's accurate.
Now'll get there, Eddie, Yo, what do you what did
you think you deadlifted.

Speaker 6 (13:45):
Uh, I said, well, I was just joking with him.
I said, like, no, it was. It was in the
five hundreds. I was joking. Okay, gotta gott but I
figured two fifty that's what I thought we were around.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Okay with Eddie, Kevin.

Speaker 10 (13:58):
Eddie has done two twenty five. If he could ever
stand up with that upper back first and not your hip,
we'd be at probably two seventy five or three fifteen,
strong enough to do. But he's at two twenty five. Bobby, Uh, Okay,
done fifteen.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Yeah, I've gotten a threes before three fifteen, probably like
four times, six times, something like that. But I'm not
talking about me. It's not about me.

Speaker 6 (14:23):
I have, but I like that reference.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
I don't need a number to make me if I'm
working hard. I know I'm working hard. And wherever it's
at we're at now, that leads us to something else.

Speaker 6 (14:31):

Speaker 1 (14:31):
I don't want to have a few minutes with Kevin.
Eddie said that he does not dead left well because
his body is not made for it like he because
he's all they're both hurting like Reid's, like had to
get a needle in his back, in his butt because
he had to get a steroid in his back, and
Eddie's like, Eddie's back hurts today, and he's like, well,
my body doesn't allow me to dead left properly. And
I say, no, it's not your body, it's your ego.

But what do you think about when someone says their
body doesn't allow them to dead left. It's not injured.

Speaker 10 (14:58):
We just haven't done it enough, be honest with you.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Two years, Yeah, because we really, I mean there's a
period we're only going two days a week.

Speaker 10 (15:07):
There's some weeks where I don't throw deadlift at you.

Speaker 1 (15:10):

Speaker 10 (15:11):
Yeah, I mean if we wanted to, if your goal
was to specifically get better at deadlift and we deadlift
two to maybe three.

Speaker 6 (15:16):
Times a week, that is not my way.

Speaker 10 (15:20):
My well, that's what I'm saying, Like, no, go ahead,
We just we taste it, so we actually train it.
We don't sit there and uh, you know, put it
in the program so we can get to a four
hundred pound deadlift. We throw it to make sure we
have a healthy back. I know you've got a sore
back today, but that even tells me we should maybe
do a little bit more of it.

Speaker 6 (15:41):
You're talking about.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
So this is where this is what I was expressing
to him, because Eddie gets embarrassed when he has to
take weight off to do deadlift after I and go.
I'm like, hey, man, if you have an ego, you're
not going to get any better. And now I compared
it to me working out with you if you have
full plates off, if I'm bench pressing after Cavin and yeah,
okay for a second, you're like, well this sucks. It's
but I have to drop that ego. I'm not as
strong as him, and if I'm going to get stronger,

I got to work a lighter weight until I can
get stronger. And with Eddie, I'm like, he's like, it's
just so heavy, and I'm like, if you really feel
that way, do as I do and go, hey, I
think I'm maxed out at this right here, I'm not
going to go up like you count on us to
say if our body hurts, right.

Speaker 10 (16:18):
Right, I also see bar speed, So I want to
take the ego part completely out of it. For I know, Bob,
you've been doing it longer, but like Eddie and Read,
for instance, they shouldn't have any ego lifting because I'm
the one who's steering the ship. And if I see
the bar speed. It's fast, then we add weight. If
it's slow and it looks like shit, then we go less.
And my job is to take the ego out of it.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
They're just embarrassed when weight has to come off after
I'm done, and they.

Speaker 6 (16:44):
Go, be honest, Kevin, when you have to take the
weight off, or you kind of like, oh my gosh,
we've been doing this for two years. What we have
to keep doing this?

Speaker 10 (16:52):
Uh no, No, I don't get frustrated with it. I
really don't. With time, it'll he'll click And.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
I told him, you work with a lot of different
people that lift a lot of different weights. It's never
really about the number. It's about the work putting in
and how much stronger and more efficient you are. And
so these two knuckleheads need to realize they don't have
to like be oh, I don't lift as much. I'm
a whimp. Your whimps. Anyway, it doesn't matter your whims
both of your whimps.

Speaker 6 (17:21):
It's not true.

Speaker 10 (17:22):
I'm a king wembue, Bobby.

Speaker 6 (17:24):
I'm true.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
I'm king of the whimps.

Speaker 6 (17:26):
I'm gonna we myself what you just called us, then
say we are whims.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
I just didn't. We're all wims. Some of us are
swimping the others, but we're all okay. So any advice
for people out there, Kevin, that are listening, that are
exert and you're coming to the new year. All right, everybody,
I'm gonna get in shape. I'm gonna get fit. Like
what as the trainer in my mind? A plus number
one trainer. What is your advice for somebody who's just
starting to get on their fitness train.

Speaker 10 (17:53):
It's as simple as it sounds, is just do something. Typically,
I would actual you to start with a warm up,
ten minutes of a warm up because a lot of
people aren't motivated to actually do a full sixty minute workout.
So just go do a warm up. There's a strong
chance you do not leave right after your warm up,
you at least complete ten to fifteen more minutes of whatever.
You know you'll do it. So to start with a

warm up, start small, but put it, put it in
your phone as a meeting, and make it non negotiable.
Get the ship done.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
All right, Thank you, Kevin, appreciate every buddy. And by
the way, read are you are you working?

Speaker 8 (18:30):
I'll be there.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
You had to get a shot I'm good. I called
read like eight o'clock one. I I at the doctor
getting a needle my butt.

Speaker 7 (18:36):
I just knew what happened last time, and I knew
I wasn't gonna be able to sleep because once I
get steal, it stiffens up and starts aching.

Speaker 8 (18:42):
So I was like, I'm just gonna go.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Do you stretch read ever?

Speaker 8 (18:45):

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Yeah? All right, Kevin, Thank you, buddy, Thank you guys.
All right, there is Kevin clicks. Well, I'm atually nothing
to do it. I'm in sports. It's just us being adults.

Speaker 6 (18:58):
Hey, dudes, that's how you talk. Hey.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
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Speaker 1 (20:41):
I never really thought I'd be the guy, at least
not this early. But I've been married three years now, Wow,
which is crazy. That is crazy because three, I mean
it feels everybody says it. It feels like just yesterday. I'm
glad it does. It's not the opposite though, because I
do have friends I think got married and they're like,
we've only married a few years, and it feels like a.

Speaker 6 (20:56):
Hundred years exactly.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
It does feel short. I was thinking about it my
wife last night. I was like, we saw a lot
of fun together, not that we shouldn't and I and
we don't have kids yet, so that's not the thing.
But it's like I still laugh as hard at her
jokes as when I met her. She does not laugh
at heart. Maybe I'm just a one trick pony though,
That is what I started to think about. No, No, like

she has like depth and I feel like I'm funny
as f Sometimes everyone just gets a little and maybe
she's funnier than she used to be.

Speaker 6 (21:28):
I know that. But like when you hang out with
someone like you, you, you and I do. We laugh
all the time, but but we hang out so much
that sometimes we just don't laugh. We don't even catch
each other's jokes because we're around each other so long
so many times. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1 (21:42):
So marriage, Like, I wasn't supposed to hurt my own
feelings with this, but now I've heard of my own
feelings because I was gonna talk like Vin because he's
getting married. I'm glad to finish your thing because this
was not intended for me to hurt my own feelings.
But go ahead, Eddie, finished your time.

Speaker 6 (21:53):
I'm saying that you're still funny. Thank you. Just when
you hear when you're with someone so so long, it
just kind of dilutes it a little bit. But dude,
you are still funny.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
Like I'm witty as craft like. That's my strength is
that I'm quick. I'm not going to out joke write
Dave Chappelle, and I can write jokes at an okay
level only okay, but usually if I'm like doing stand up,
but I'm telling the jokes I've written the best stuff
comes from it after I've told it and had to
react from the response, like I know my strength is

being witty and quick, not concept punchline. Okay, yes, and
this was never about this. I was gonna get Kevin,
but now I got to go on a whole rant.
I too, I got to go on a whole rant.
And I didn't know this was gonna be the case
because we're mostly talking about sports here. But one of
my frustrations with myself with my wife, but it's with myself.

Whenever I was touring consistently doing stand up, which means
I was in the mindset of I'm always thinking of
jokes now never like concept joke punch never never, never,
I'll write ideas to talk about on the show. And
our show's one hundred percent improvisational meaning and there's a

different element to our show. Amy's so random, like I
never know where she's going to go on the Bybone Show,
and I never know where she's going to go. And
I like that about her because she, who knows Eddie
to me, is by far the funniest person on the show.
But I think our sensibilities are the same. You are
funny enough to set me up at times, and there
are things that you say that I think go go

way underappreciated. So maybebe just because we have the same
sense of humor, right, I think that's it. And we
spend so much time on a stage together, we can
predictive text. We can even set each other up a bit.
I can set you up to set me.

Speaker 6 (23:42):
Up ninety nine percent of the time. I know where
you're trying to go with something.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
But then I wonder, is it just because I go
to the same place. Nope, So nope, no, my so
look that's my thing. However, my wife's thing is also that.
But also I would be writing jokes. I'd be sitting
there and I'd have my laptop open, and she has
no interest in jokes. But I'd be like, whoa, oh,
this punchline here, And she wouldn't even ask me, like
what's going because she just lets me do a thing.

And I would laugh and she'd be like, oh, you
got a good one. I was like, yeah, I think
it's pretty good. You want to hear it. She's like,
I don't know. And it's not that she won't think
it's funny, it's that she knows if I say what
do you think she has to give me her real opinion? Yeah,
I never set the rule if she had to always
be honest with me, and if I could have, maybe
I wouldn't have. But she has set that rule about

anything that I do. If she likes it, she says it.
If she doesn't, she doesn't, and then my book fell
until you don't. I do talk about like, have somebody
that tells you suck, because you can believe them when
they tell you you're good, because everybody will always be like,
oh yeah, your haircut looks great. Oh yeah, your shirt
looks good. Oh yeah, that's you're hilarious. And if they're
only that, how do you even know they're telling you
the truth unless they also can hit you with the ah,

your shirt doesn't look that good today. So for me,
I really can never believe anybody complimenting me unless I
have heard them before say something not hurtful, but like
oh yeah, I don't think that's really the move. Try this,
because then when they do say the good thing, I
know it's for real. And so my wife we definitely
have that relationship because she won't. She will not even
give me a sympathy laugh when I'm like, hey, give
me a sympthy laugh. She won't do it, so i'd

be writing a joke patch Lin be pretty good or
really good, I think, and she's like, huh, that's that's all.
Like she goes, well, yeah, that's it's kind of funny. Okay,
it's kind of funny. So and then I know that
it's gonna hurt me, but I need to ask for

the benefit of it. But I know it's gonna hurt me.
It's just kind of funny. Why is what's to keep
what's holding it back? It's low hanging fruit.

Speaker 6 (25:47):
It's too easy of a joke.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
I'll be but but it's funny. It's like my job
is to get them to laugh. She's like, yeah, but
you're smarter than that. And at the same time, I'm insulted,
and I'm also complimented because you're smarter that. She's like,
you're smarter than that joke, and I'm like, but she
has a too low hanging fruit. And then I made
the mistake a couple times, and it's not a mistake

anymore because now we'll do it and not get my
feelings hurt to say, Okay, you're so smart, write it better.
She's like, okay, And the first time she did, I
was at my core offended. And I wasn't even offended.
I think I was just sad that I she was
better at it than me without even trying. And I said,

I wish, I wish. I remember the joke, but I
remember feeling it and feelings, getting my feelings hurt so bad,
and she did not hurt my feelings. She did everything
she tried to not to be a part of it,
and then once she was in, she was like, I'm
going to be supportive in the way of honesty, and
she wrote the joke better, and I remember thinking I
may not be better. So I went out and I

told the joke over two nights, two different ways, and
the way I told it got some good laughs, and
I'd have felt good about it, and I'd have been like, oh,
I can make that better. How I remember the joke?

Speaker 6 (26:59):
You do I hear now the joke.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I remember
the joke now. And then I told her way the
second time, freaking deaf comedy, Oh yeah, oursio, And I
just remember whenever she did that, I was so hurt
because I felt inadequate. I wasn't hurt by what she did.

I hurt because it felt like I was inadequate. This
is what I do. This is what I get paid
to do. Heck, comes on tickets fifty sixty seventy eighty
bucks a pop to come to a theater to watch
me tell jokes, and the person who does not want
to get on stage for any reason whatsoever, who has
no history of writing anything or any any ambition to
be just went, oh, but you could do this, this
would be better. She's not just saying you can do
it better or it could be better. She goes, yeah,

you can do better, and this I try this, and
it was better.

Speaker 6 (27:47):
Yeah, I see that.

Speaker 1 (27:48):
And it's the greatest thing that's happened to me now,
although I still struggle sometimes, but it's also the one
of the weirdest, hardest relationship things that's happened to me.
The joke mostly, and I can't remember how she punched
it up, but the whole thing was my wife's always
been like, if you die, I don't want you to
marry anybody else. And I was like, ah, and so

I'm writing a joke about that, and my wife's like
and people are gonna tell you like your friends. My
friends are gonna be like, nah, she was just kidding,
you should really look marry somebody else. And I don't
remember what I was about. I had some punchline and
it was pretty funny, and then whatever she said, whatever,

I gotta look in my notes. It was so much funnier,
and I told it, and then I told her version
at the Opry And that's the hardest crowd because they
didn't come to see me, and they're all ages and
from all over the country. And I remember the Opry
went Deaf Comedy Jam and I was like, I have
to get over my ego on this part.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
Is that the only one? Or has there been multiple?

Speaker 6 (28:49):
There's been.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
There's been a few specific jokes, but there are also
times where I will leave the show because she would travel,
not every show, not even half the shows, but she'd
come to some uf they were close because we'd fly
private and we could and if Eddie came to do
Raging Idiots is part of like the stand up act,
Eddie would come, so she was like, I want to

go hang out. It's all our friends. So we'd fly
over like Charleston and fly back that night. Type of thing.
So she'd go to do those, and I'd have to
be careful because I come off as people be like, hey,
good show, good show, and you're you want to be
told good show. Everybody does. What's funny is even the greats,
And I'm a mid by far sometimes are my comedians

like artists, Like when christ Ableton leave the stage, she
wants to be told good show. When Carrie Underwood finishes
the show show, she wants people to be like, hey,
you did a good job. We think they don't want
to hear that because well, of course they know they're great,
but everybody wants to hear it because we need it.
So I would try to avoid and I'd be like, oh, man,

that's pretty good. Did you watching the show? Would you think?

Speaker 6 (29:55):

Speaker 1 (29:56):
And you ask it then you know you're asking for
the truth. And she's I just going like this, and
she's like, I thought's pretty good, and she'll do that
I think, or the worst when she goes I think
the crowd liked.

Speaker 6 (30:06):
It, Oh what do you mean by that?

Speaker 1 (30:10):
You didn't like? Well, we didn't like it, And she'll go, well,
I've seen it ten times, right, right, I said, But
I tried some new stuff. And she's like, yeah, I said,
any of that stuff work. And she was like, I
thought this is pretty funny that that's pretty funny. What
about this? Uh, you know you gotta so that started happening.
It was so hard for me. It was because I
just feel so inadequate, so insecure. Anyway, That's why I

do this whole job. Right, You only want to be
a performer because you feel insecure and in adequate. That's
the only reads to anybody's performer ever, because you're getting love,
you're trying to find love in a different form or fashion.

Speaker 3 (30:41):
Really accept yes, all of that.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
Even a performer, let's say it's not even a stage performer,
a performer in life, like someone who's like always like performing,
not even like shows, but in their actions. Like performance
for the most part is to have positivity given back
to you for that perform I just happened to go
the extra mile and I've tried to perform.

Speaker 9 (31:03):
In every avenue, your radio, stand up, everything, everything. I
feel like social media is like that a lot.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Yeah, absolutely for the big performance.

Speaker 9 (31:09):
Quiet point and even the quietest people I know personally,
great point, they're allowed on social media.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
Great points. And the reason I'm getting all back to Kevin,
because Kevin brought up oh yeah, we're talking about it
definitely triggered me, you don't even know yet. Definitely triggered
me in my heart and like the good, hardest way.
And so my wife would be like, yeah, yeah, you know,
do this, do this, and it has benefited me greatly.
It still sometimes it feels hurtful to me that I

feel like I'm not There's a part two where she
wouldn't if we did the show, and there was a
part of the tour where Eddie did like fifteen shows
in a row, like the idiots would come out and
we'd play fifteen or twenty minutes or so in the middle,
and then I'd finished the show whatever commediately inspistional. Eddie

came to most.

Speaker 6 (31:56):
Most of those shows, all of them.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Yeah, And so the funny thing my wife would say
was she would always wonder, like because she had seen
the show a hundred times, like, why okay, after he'side
a hundred times and if you know, I'm not doing
anything new, I'm just trying to get ready for like
when we finally recorded the special, and she'd be like,
I knew it was about time. To come up because
you just met your dad.

Speaker 6 (32:19):
Yeah in the and that was.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
A joke, And that was a joke her and Eddie
had was like, hey, you know, the show's about over
because he just met his dad.

Speaker 6 (32:25):
So like I would be like, you know, backstage or whatever,
changing and then I'd come back and see Caitlyn, like
has he met his dad yet, like just.

Speaker 4 (32:32):
To see.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Because like in the serious part that turns into a joke,
and their whole joke was, oh, yeah, he just met
his dad, so we probably get ready to go there.

Speaker 6 (32:42):
Yeah, yeah, that was funny.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
It's and Eddie could probably speak on this better than
I could for a bit. But it's bizarre to be
married to somebody that's better at you than what you're at,
what you're celebrated for. Like I am celebrated.

Speaker 6 (32:56):
I have a great career.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
In saying compelling things, radio, podcast comedy, doing television shows,
writing books. I have no doubt that my wife would
have focused on that. She would have been better at
me at every single one of those things. She has
no interest in it. And it is a bizarre feeling
to be like I want to turn it on and
just kill like take over a room and mostly I

don't because I'm quiet. But if it's like on, I
gotta be on. I can dominate a room.

Speaker 9 (33:26):
Is that an attraction for you? You think like subconsciously,
we're getting deep here.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
I think it got I think it got more the
more we were together. I think at first she was
just cutting funny. Yeah, first, like just cut, she would
cut what limb would you like to have cut off?
Because she will cut it off and be hilarious about it. Then, yes,
I'm very attractive to that now. But it is a
bizarre situation to be like, I'm the funniest guy in

the room, I'm the smartest guy in the This is
just in my head, me thinking this, I and most
successful guy in the room. And then I go home
and at home, I'm not that that's crazy, but that's
something that I have learned that to be grateful for
because I used to not be grateful for it at all.
That's a weird part because Kevin's getting married stuff.

Speaker 6 (34:13):
Yeah, Kevin's getting married.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
That's been the weirdest part for me is that. And
also I never co habitate everything one ever. I was
never engaged, I never had anything. Another weird part, and
I felt myself shift here and to what we were going
to talk about on this show, and the segment was,
my wife comes from a family of die hard Oklahoma fans,
not casuals, not moderates, which would be more than casual

DH all the way, like they are, oh you born bred,
die hard, die hard. Her dad reads the recruiting boards,
her who's who's out, who is where's the possible offensive
coordinator coming from? Like they are in on every level.
Lincoln Riley's dead them. You know he went to USC.
They wrote against USC as hard as possible, Like they

have what I have for Arkansas. It is weird to
be with somebody who has that because I've only ever
had mine. And I was like, eventually we have kids
and for sure going raised back fans and watchs like
no that I think be Oklahoma fans. I'm like, oh
my god, my wife, my life start upside down. So
now I'm like strategizing, how do I make the kid
a Arkansas fan. It's weird to be in a family

that has another alpha team that you have to respect
because it's as important to them. Does your fiance have
an alpha team?

Speaker 3 (35:38):
Yes, it is Alabama.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
Oh you know what's good for you?

Speaker 9 (35:42):
Is you don't only have a team, No, Tennessee, that's.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
Kind of okay, okay, but go ahead, I'm gonna act
like Tennessee is is your all life team.

Speaker 6 (35:49):
He's been Tennessee for what two years?

Speaker 3 (35:51):
No, three and a half, three and a half.

Speaker 9 (35:55):
And I realized it on the same weekend that I
proposed because I was hanging out with their family, all
of them in Alabama hats Alabama gear. But they're more
so they're a generation as far as like Bear Bryant
and then Nick Saban and now they're kind.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
Of like, oh, lifetime whatever.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Yeah, lifetime generation.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
That's oh you fan, that's like three generations of Kalyn's family.

Speaker 5 (36:13):

Speaker 9 (36:13):
Like I talked to them about Saban and they're like, no,
let's talk about Bear Bryant.

Speaker 3 (36:16):
And I'm like, cats, I don't really have anything to
say about that. So as I'm sitting there watching.

Speaker 9 (36:21):
All that, and I'm thinking, can I wear like my
balls gear around them? Am I gonna get kicked out
of family events?

Speaker 1 (36:27):
Do you want the truth or do you want like
good fun content?

Speaker 6 (36:34):
Hmmm? You want truth? Right? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (36:37):
You got what we were just talking about it, right?
We want truth?

Speaker 1 (36:39):
You need true You want real truth.

Speaker 6 (36:40):
You're Caitlin.

Speaker 1 (36:41):
You're not a real balls fan. You're you're a moderate.
You're not a casual, because casual would be like somebody
lives in Tennessee who's like every once in a while
checks on a game. You're a false. You like the balls,
you do like the balls. Yeah, you're not a balls fan.
You know you're not a die hard balls fan. Your
whole life, you haven't dedicated it to the balls. You're
a diard Patriots fan. I'm not saying you're not a

diard fan of things, because you absolutely are. Like you
would kill somebody for the Celtics. Yep, you would kill
somebody for the Patriots. Those are your diehards, and I
would say it'd be a different situation if it were
they were dire Jets fans. That's the advice I could
kind of give you. But their rivals, Oklahoma and Arkansas
they played southless conference type but they were never right.
You know, we played, but they've been two conferences, they
haven't been rivals, although the schools are very close to

each other. I would say you can become Abama fan. Nope,
you can.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
No, I can't switch again.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
You know I have to switch. You can be a
Balls fan, but you can also root for Alabama because
because I root for Oklahoma and not even so much
for my wife anymore more more so from my father
in law, because I don't like to see him sad
because he's the greatest dude ever. And sometimes if it
were just Kaitlyn, I wish Oklahom would lose, just so
should shut up about Arkansas, not even so much about Oklahoma.
But she'd be like, hah, your coaches deaf's like two
kids in a trench coat, like ho tall like this much.

Speaker 6 (37:57):
That's such a funny vision. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you understand that, Kevin,
What was that? The coach is like really two kids
in there and a trench coat like shoulders.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Like your coach is just two kids in a trench.

Speaker 6 (38:09):
Coat, Like if you pull their coat open, it's just
two kids.

Speaker 9 (38:14):
But on the flip side, to your point, I'm die
hard Boston Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox.

Speaker 3 (38:19):
They don't have a pro team, right, that's what's awesome.

Speaker 1 (38:22):
Yeah, for you, it is not going to be that
weird because you do not hate Tennessee because you're a
diehard balls fan. You cannot like, excuse me, Alabama. Yeah,
if you are a die hard bad or Balls fan, dude,
there's no chain.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
It'd be rough.

Speaker 1 (38:35):
It'd be rough, and you would just have to have
one of those relationships where we just have different teams
and we were our teams hate each other.

Speaker 6 (38:41):
And that's not the same for pro sports, right like.

Speaker 1 (38:44):
The like Eagles, Cowboys like that.

Speaker 6 (38:47):
I mean, like maybe I.

Speaker 1 (38:48):
Would say there's a couple instances where that could be
the case.

Speaker 6 (38:50):
Because like my family is Cowboys Texans. That's like the
big split.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
Without a rivalry textants haven't been around long and now
direct Yeah, in the NFL and the Eagle diehard Eagles
fan diret Cowboys fan married, they're never going to root
for each other's team, right, No way. But I would
think because you're not vault to the core since you
were five years old, it's not gonna be that difficult
for you. It's actually gonna be kind nice.

Speaker 9 (39:13):
But what about like twenty years down the road, when
I'm twenty three and a half years in.

Speaker 1 (39:16):
You're going to be more of a Bamba fan because
you're going to go to those games and it's a
good time to be a Bama fan right now. To
take it up because they're not winning everything had you
jumped in and I want to give you some I
give you some advice, not marriage advice, but sports and
marriage advice, because what do I know about marriage? A
device nothing three years in but not compared to my

nineteen exactly like straight marriage advice. I ain't the guy
unless it's like new marriage advice, like in these new
stages like sports marriage advice, learn a bit about the
history because you know what her parents want to talk about,
and like if you want to talk about gene stallings
or you hate Mike Debos or you hate and you

have like an end with those guys old out AVMA coaches, wow, okay, yeah,
and so or like Mike Shula coach Obama for a bit,
like if you just haven't understanding, you're not faking it,
or a fan. I will like read Oklahoma stories just
so I can know what my father in law is
talking about, because I like talking with him, and I
think he even does that for on Arkansas stuff a

little bit and like there's a respect there. Yeah, but
I also really enjoy talking with my father in law.
My my favorite parts were my wife's out gone and
it's just driving some yeah, it's awesome. Maybe because again
I didn't have a dad, so like that is cool
to me. But this is my and you give him
all advice after this. That's nothing to do with sports.

Speaker 6 (40:37):
No, this is good stuff.

Speaker 1 (40:38):
Because the are such Bama fans. I would encourage you
to study up a little bit on your Alabama current
and history. The saving stuff. Uh, the gene Stallings. Stallings
has got a statue understand kind of what's there? Ask
questions too, like you're because nobody loves anything more to

be like.

Speaker 6 (40:59):
So they have a.

Speaker 1 (41:00):
Statue in Tuscaloosa of every coach who won a national
championship or from every time and the answer is every
time they won one, they got a different one. So
SABAN has many statues. But it's people love to talk
about themselves and they will love to talk about Alabama
and they will think that you care, and eventually you
will care a little more because you'll see that they're
sad when they lose. But you can make it work

because you're not a lifelong or five year old up
balls fan. You're not a casual. Don't be insulted.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
That's okay.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
You're a medium. And I think when the balls lose.
That sucks for you because you like the balls.

Speaker 3 (41:31):
Yeah, but it doesn't room my daily the other sports
you have room.

Speaker 1 (41:35):
And it's the best time to be an Alabama fan
right now if you're new, because they're not winning national
championships and you're not going to be a superposer if
you come in while Saban's won three and he's number.

Speaker 9 (41:45):
One Animal Patriots fan in the same era's Yeah, that'd
be the worst.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
That's gonna be fun for you though. It's just more
sports though too. Like I went to an Oklahoma game
for the first time this year two oh U Stadium.
It was awesome and I did the Toby Kei thing
and that's the what got me there. But I'm I
would have never gone to normanto a Oklahoma football game. Wow,
I mean not because I was like no, but like,
why crap.

Speaker 3 (42:10):
What's the point?

Speaker 1 (42:11):
Yeah, what's the Yeah, I don't want to watch Oklahoma
Big twelve.

Speaker 6 (42:13):
Who gives a crap?

Speaker 1 (42:14):
But now it's that See, it's gonna be fun. So
my advice has learn a little bit about Bama so
and don't expect them to and don't go in being
like I'm mister Vall's guy, because you're not.

Speaker 3 (42:22):
No, no, I haven't done that.

Speaker 6 (42:23):
Don't worry even like kidding, Yeah, because you moved here
and like that's this is how you became a fALS
fan by moving to Tennessee. You see everyone get excited
about the Valls. You're like, you know what, I really
don't have a college team. Why not? And dude, you're
only three years in. Open your mind up to possibly
joining that family NI Varsity Bama.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
I don't think you don't go full Bama yet. Okay,
I'm not going to say the movie quote nobody goes
full Bama.

Speaker 3 (42:50):
Oh you never go full Bam.

Speaker 1 (42:52):
Never go full Bam. But you can you cannot be
a hater. And you can actually use it as a
bonding I don't want to say, Nieka sounds like I'm
in the CIA. But you can use it to bond
with them, and it's awesome because they love talking about
stuff and sometimes it's hard to like if father in law,
uncle's grandpas are.

Speaker 9 (43:11):
Kind of because I wanted to talk saving I think
the first time I met him, and they're like, well,
he's no Bear Bryant.

Speaker 1 (43:16):
I'm like, okay, and he's not, but he in other
ways is better. Yeah, but yes, that's all. That's my
only advice and he gives.

Speaker 6 (43:24):
Some regular Well I was gonna say about you guys,
like you guys are talking about your kids and but
bones you don't have any kids. But if you do
have kids, like they're gonna be Alabama fans, Are they
gonna be Arkansas fans? Theyre gonna be Oklahoma fans right.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
Like you might all be Arkansas fans.

Speaker 6 (43:36):
You think that, And that's what I want to tell
both of you guys. I'll kill myself, no, dude, I'm
telling you, like, since I've had all of my kids,
I raised them the right way to be Cowboys fans.
I have like got them every jersey we watch. There's
only one team we watch on Sundays and it's the Cowboys,
and we don't do anything else. If there are practices,
we cancel them with the Cowboys are playing right, all

this stuff, But I'm I'm learning slowly, and especially it
doesn't help that they're not good this year, But I'm
learning slowly that they're going to be fans of whatever
team they want, and and it's going to be hard,
but I already know that, Like two of my kids
that love football they're football fans, may not grow up

to be Cowboys fans. I have two that one will
be Cowboys fans, and I have two that probably won't.
And it hurts me a little bit. But that's just
part of life. So I want to prepare you two
that when you do have kids.

Speaker 1 (44:32):
I'm not I've studied cult techniques, manipulation. No, no, there's
no there's no childre they'll have no choice.

Speaker 6 (44:41):
But it does, dude, it It really just kills the
situation when your team is not doing well, Like I
know the child that pain.

Speaker 1 (44:49):
If there are more options, I didn't have any more options, right,
I gotta let some one on the gate hold on
a minute, let's see, this is GPS.

Speaker 3 (44:56):
But they might just go through a phase.

Speaker 9 (44:58):
I think I've totally before in this podcast said I
was a Dolphins fan for like two or three years
because I liked the animal when I was like.

Speaker 1 (45:06):
Right, But I would say too, where you live and
if that team is around, constant exposure helps, Eddie. Where
your kids will live in Dallas, you don't get taken
on me dllas Cowboy games, right, I don't imagine you
will take them to like three or four games a year,
and it was on the news all the time in Arkansas.
That's all we had. Yeah, that's why. Oh, I'll be
in My kids will be indoctrinated. It's the only team

we will have. Okay, we're done with church. We have
one more to go to and it'll be Okay, here's uh,
Pastor Pittman.

Speaker 6 (45:38):
The church.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
Well lack like it's normal, but it's like yeah, and
on the thirteenth Day, those who did not root for
the hogs with the hell.

Speaker 6 (45:46):
That's funny man. Yeah. So anyway, I just want to
tell you guys that just be ready for that, because
I'm living that right now and it's eye opening because
I never ever thought that I would have kids living
in my house that could possibly not be Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
I will be ready for that so much so that
it will not happen. Okay, and she claims the same,
But there's no chance. I will exert way more energy
than I should. It will be my diet. Everything I
do will be how Brian Adams a thing.

Speaker 6 (46:14):
Everything I do.

Speaker 1 (46:17):
Will be to make sure that when we have kids,
they are freaking razorback fans.

Speaker 6 (46:20):

Speaker 1 (46:20):
Okay, Uh, good talk, Kevin, good luck, thank you, Good luck.
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Speaker 1 (47:45):
One of the weird things about social media is there
are all these fake accounts now, especially on Twitter, because
you can just and everybody, I guess has to pay
money to be verified. And so getting verified was once
like a status symbol of you are known, and we're
giving you a blue check because we don't want people

acting like they're you and scamming other people, fooling other people. Well,
now you get a blue check mark if you spend
like two bucks a month. So I have a blue
check mark, and I bought it as soon as they
offered it. I don't want to lose it because there
are a lot of Bobby scammers out there, pick a
better person to scam right, just scam ass.

Speaker 6 (48:24):
Maybe that's just who they fell on.

Speaker 1 (48:26):
Maybe they just know why would he's not that famous?
Maybe this is for sure him. If I bought the
I bought it. It's great. Another thing too, when you
buy it that I want it, I can edit tweets,
which you can't do unless you're on unless you have
Blue check mark, and then there's two factor authentication only
if you have Blue check marketing things. So there are
those factors too, right, And then I have like seven
hundred thousand followers, so that's valuable to me. I've built

up that audience. But the bad thing now is on
the Blue check mark. You can buy a blue check
market and have any account you want and people would
just think it's real. And then you can put out
any story and people will just think it's real. And
some people will put out stuff like I saw one
about Carson Beck before they played Texas and it was
like Carson Beck questionable parentheses, herpies, We'll see and it's

one of those. But they do it every week with
the player and they do something like goofy that they
would really but it's like the opposing team who does
stuff like that, but they have blue check mark and
they have like this college football live account that isn't anything,
but you just believe it because it's a blue check mark.
So one of our friends, and I will keep his
name out of my mouth, arrhymes with revn Rug who

could possibly be like a trainer. He played college football. Yeah,
his brother played pro football for the Titans. And so
we're working out. I get who even knows who he is.
I'm just being really vague and random about who the
guys that told us this. He goes, you have a
homes out for the year. Eddie and I are shot.
We're floored.

Speaker 6 (49:49):
But what jaws dropped.

Speaker 1 (49:51):
It's like they told us somebody died. Not that we're
the biggest Chiefs fans because we're not Chiefs fans, or
that we're die hard Mahomies.

Speaker 6 (49:58):
No, but that just changes the everything.

Speaker 1 (50:00):
Yeah, it changes, not even sad, but that that is mass.
That would be massive. And so immediately it's okay, Carson
Wentz is gonna start. Okay, is Carson Wentz any good? Now?
Has he gone to the rehabilitation program? This whole conversation out,
Remember Nick Foles went to the Super Bowl when Carson
Wentz was out, so all this stuff were We spend

thirty minutes during our workout talking about Carson Wentz. Pat
Mahomes I remember asking his high ankle sprain was so
bad they were having surgery, So then it must have
been more than a high ankle sprain because that's not
something that requires surgery, a sprain. If something happens with
that sprain, some ligament damage maybe, and he's like it's great.

So then we're like, okay, it's the first we're doing
a whole afc this Lamar's year, it's gonna be Josh
Allen's year, Like is one of them is gonna have
to beat my homes every year to get there? Like
this could be that. Remember Jordan was retired. That's when
the Lodge one won his when Jordan quit before he
came did we spend almost an hour. Our minds are

blown that Patrick Mahomes is out for the whole year,
and so we didn't even look it up. We just
take his word for it because he was so right.

Speaker 6 (51:13):
We did well. The timing was perfect because we had
such a busy day that none of us, Bobby or
I had looked at any kind of social media at all,
so we took his word for it.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
I left here because we had been working worked until
like one left here immediately not that time. I didn't
have to look at Twitter. Went home to the podcast studio,
did an hour there, no, almost two hours. The two
hours there, didn't have time to eat lunch. It was
so quick. I grabbed a piece of bread when I
got home and walked down to the podcast studio where
Kevin was with bread and a half eaten banana that like,

I guess my wife, it's all I had time to eat.
So it was that kind of quick day that it was.
We're getting stuff in so from there, I'm in my
clothes that I'm doing the show, and then I quickly
changed and I've seen nothing, So of course, perfect timing
for me to believe anything, because I hadn't looked at
social media. Eddie had a slam day. We're working out.
We spend an hour going through all the man Well

they still I remember laying out the scenario of well
they'd be buffalo head to head. They're a game up,
but they also be buffalo head to head. So if
they're tied Cancity still gets to buy laying all this.

Speaker 6 (52:15):
Out, can they still lose one and be okay, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (52:19):
All this to come back around and say he saw
one of those blue check mark accounts. That's fake, that's
like doing parody accounts. Patrick Mahomes out for the year
because of an ankle spring. So we get to dinner.
It's our buddy's birthday. So we go to dinner and
I'm like, I don't knows anything about this, So I
search for it and I look at Eddie. I go,

I don't see anything about Patrick Mahomes being out. That
would be number one on the top everywhere, so it wasn't.
So first one to social media wasn't trending. Then I
went to ESPN just to see it should be the topic,
it should be the biggest, the picture of the video,
the headline, them commenting on it. Yeah, there's nowhere on
there and I'm like, there is no way this is true.
So then we search it can find nothing. I Eddie

and I say text thread with Kevin or Evan whatever
you call him, and I was like, you're you're an idiot.
Patrick Mahomes is not out for the year, like at
some point, but who knows maybe they come out and
says out for the year, but you don't have that
information to him, Like, unless you're Adam Schefter, you don't

have that, and stop being trying to be Adam Schefter
because you ain't him. You got fooled. So I text
this and as of as we record this, Patrick Mahomes
is not out for the year. So I well, I
get home and then I see it pop up from
Adam Schefter and I was just gonna read you some
of this here, and Adam Schefter is like, Patrick Mahomes

not limited a practice, had a full practice, and I'm like, man,
he really bounced back.

Speaker 6 (53:51):
From that surgery. Now quick high ankles brain surgery.

Speaker 1 (53:55):
My point with all of this is those blue check
mark parody accounts that people think they're real. It was
like when the Onion was first happening, and everyth though
the Onion stories are real. But yeah, this is what
this is the whole thing. I said, you know, Mahomes
isn't out for the year, do you have inside him
vote knowing he doesn't. He didn't respond. He didn't respond

for over an hour. Then I sent him the Schefter
text or Schefter goes chief list to Patrick Mahomes a
full participant today's practice. Hollywood Brown also listed at his
full participate, which is kind of news too. They have
another receiver, Hollywood Brown's been out and so still no response.
And then I write no more clue breaking news please
or and this is his response. I'm telling you I

saw a moan two eyes. I was told some idiot
intern leaked it on the internet in the news outlet
had to take it down. Someone's probably looking for a
new job.

Speaker 9 (54:50):
No, okay, and this is coming from schefter or rappitport.

Speaker 1 (54:56):
No, you got Cambridge analytic. Good And you know what
if an intern new he the one that's posting that
on the side. Any clue will screw me over sometimes
because I'll do if he's like, all right, do a
set of eight, and I'll do eight and he'll go seven.
I'm like, you're you're wrong. It happens all the time.
And my favorite is when he miscounts because I don't
think he's trying to get me to do extra, because

he just wants me to do extra. He just sometimes
miscounts and he'll be like, no, I'm positive I can
catch him the same day being wrong again. And so
I say back, same eyes as say I did seven,
when I did eight.

Speaker 3 (55:26):
Oh man, they kind of personal.

Speaker 6 (55:28):
Well, this is you saying group can't be trusted.

Speaker 1 (55:32):
I'm saying any of our eyes sometimes what we see
is not exactly what is real. And on Twitter it's
gotten out of control. Anybody can get a blue check
mark and anybody can write that Patrick Mahomes is out
for the year, and if he was, that'd be the
biggest story ever. And in turn did not post that
and then take it down. We got God, we got
got now. For some reason before this arrives on the

feed in a podcast, Patrick Mahomes out for the year
with Kevin. We're sorry, but I have a feeling that's
not going to be the case. Don't trust everything you
see on even as a blue check market. If it's
you have to go to the real even click into
it to see if it's the real one. Yeah, some
businesses have gold gold you can always trust.

Speaker 6 (56:14):
Oh, the gold one.

Speaker 3 (56:14):
The gold one is like, I haven't seen a gold one.

Speaker 1 (56:16):
Well it's the massive businesses like Espno, you have a
real gold one. Government things have gold ones.

Speaker 6 (56:23):
Because I'm just glad I didn't. We didn't have like
a basketball practice or something, because I would have talked
to all the dads. Did you hear this? Sure?

Speaker 1 (56:29):
If I had any time. That's all I've been talking
about with anyone.

Speaker 6 (56:33):
Look like an idiot.

Speaker 3 (56:34):
But you didn't bring it up about the birthday.

Speaker 1 (56:35):
Well, that's what we brought it up. That's how that's
how we figured it out.

Speaker 9 (56:38):
I know you said you looked it up. I didn't
know if you like brought up you guys hear him like,
what are you talking about?

Speaker 1 (56:42):
Well, sat down and I was like, oh, I should
look just I haven't seen anything about it. I guess
I wanted to talk about that to see when he
was having surgery and I was like, Eddie, I don't
see it anywhere, and he was like really yeah. And
so then cluag's a liar and it empathetic and he
count and it's a liar.

Speaker 6 (57:02):
And a cheater?

Speaker 1 (57:03):
Is it cheater and a liar?

Speaker 6 (57:05):
And all you are is mean? I think that's all
it is.

Speaker 1 (57:08):
There's something else and a liar, Mike, what is it?
And a liar? And or is it to go right to?

Speaker 6 (57:14):
All you are is mean?

Speaker 1 (57:16):
Loan in life, that's what it is. I know the
mean song. I thought it went straight to the chorus.
That's why I'm trying to go, what's the thing in
the middle? That's clue? Get me now?

Speaker 6 (57:24):
What is it all alone? In life?

Speaker 1 (57:25):
It's Mike and a liar empathetic and a loon in
life and me I knew there was another one. It's
just a liar pathetic. I'm that you're not that Kevin
Kluge do better.

Speaker 3 (57:39):
I like he eventually got his name out there.

Speaker 1 (57:40):
Oh yeah, sure, Kevin Cluk do better. Aboud do better?
Before we go? Concertgoers are opting to pee themselves in
diapers rather than go to the restroom. Totally thought about
this because the're enjoying the show.

Speaker 6 (57:54):
I've done it in the crowd.

Speaker 1 (57:57):
What. Yeah, it's like taking your wing arout and beating
the floor.

Speaker 6 (58:00):
Yeah, there were just too many people that no one
even realized. And it had been raining raining, so it
was already muddy, so.

Speaker 1 (58:05):
It was outside.

Speaker 6 (58:05):

Speaker 1 (58:06):
That doesn't make it more right. First of all, I
like to it does not make it all right. But
I'm thinking you're doing it in an arena.

Speaker 6 (58:10):
Well, I saw people doing it in bottles. I'm like,
what do you just like just doing on the ground? Right,
we'd just be.

Speaker 1 (58:15):
Afraid that I'd be the one that like an undercover
cops saw And then next thing you know, I'm like
on a registry and my house is flagged. They can't
give away Halloween candy.

Speaker 6 (58:23):
But but i'd been drinking.

Speaker 1 (58:25):
So did you go to like a corner?

Speaker 6 (58:28):
I don't know you no, man, you're jam packed. We're
probably in the middle of where everyone with the sea
of people, and everyone's watching the show. No one's looking
down be right there. So yeah, I told my buddy,
I'm like, damn, k, just pure here. So I did it.
They kind of helped me, help cover me a little bit,
Like one stood in front of me, the one stood
on the other side. So no, I don't think anyone
ever saw.

Speaker 1 (58:48):
Wow, I would not have the courage if I feel
like you had a bit of liquid courage.

Speaker 6 (58:52):
Oh big time. It was late in the day. We'd
been there all day.

Speaker 7 (58:56):
Wow, did you go one hand or two hand? Likes
the concert?

Speaker 8 (59:00):
Do you have one hand up?

Speaker 1 (59:00):
And yeah, like you you're still party A good point.

Speaker 6 (59:02):
That's a good question. And I went handless.

Speaker 8 (59:06):
Oh so you just real nonchalant And.

Speaker 6 (59:08):
I didn't even look back on your legs, just didn't dude,
just didn't. I mean, you know what, I might have.

Speaker 7 (59:15):
I think you were already wet from the rain and
you just didn't even.

Speaker 6 (59:20):
But I do remember thinking back to how you started this,
I thought like we should have brought diapers.

Speaker 1 (59:25):
I'd rather pee like you did and hope not to
get caught and wear a diaper with Peter poop in
it and just keep it in there. Yeah, because that that,
to me is the weird diaper thing. You pee, then
you still got to take the diaper off and you're
gonna wait till after the concert. Otherwise you just leave
in pee when you were gonna liquid death, which is
the water Company has collaborated with depend brand known for
incontinents underwear diapers basically to produce Pitt diaper and they

created it's an adult diaper, but not as fluffed, not
as puffy, so you can't tell you're really wearing it.

Speaker 6 (59:56):
Yeah, because it's tough, man, when you go to a
big festival and they got Porto is on the other
side of where you're at, trying to get through all
those people to go to the bathroom and then come
back and people look at you like you're cutting what
are you doing don't it's a pain.

Speaker 1 (01:00:09):
So I don't relate to that. So maybe because you're
drinking so much it becomes a little more difficult, correct
because I would go, just use the bathroom before the show.
It'd be like when you tell your kids on a
road trip, you just we're going, we're stop at the
gas station, pee and then they pee, and then hopefully
they don't go, I got a peep, but then they
do they do.

Speaker 6 (01:00:28):
Have you heard about the seal? Like, because you don't
drink the animals, I think anyone that's drink drink alcohol
before and knows about the seal.

Speaker 8 (01:00:37):
Yeah, dollan, you ever busts a seal?

Speaker 7 (01:00:39):
Man, you bust that seal and if you start it, yeah,
and then you're gonna be paying every five minutes.

Speaker 6 (01:00:44):
The first one, dude, is like, that's that's the one.
You have to hold forever as long as you can,
because once you break that seal, you're going every like
read said, every five minutes.

Speaker 1 (01:00:52):
I feel like that's toxic to your body. The seal
feels like the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but.

Speaker 6 (01:00:56):
One dumb talent. It's a weird thing that once you
go that first time, every five minutes, you're gonna have
to go.

Speaker 1 (01:01:02):
Okay, is this is this science based in science or
just like concert lure?

Speaker 6 (01:01:06):
Just life okay, just life experience drinking okay.

Speaker 1 (01:01:11):
And it's for sure drinking thing or just it it's
a drinking trip thing.

Speaker 8 (01:01:14):
Like if you even if you just chug water, I mean,
it's the same thing.

Speaker 3 (01:01:17):
Don't driving for me.

Speaker 1 (01:01:19):
Because once you break the seal, it's NonStop.

Speaker 6 (01:01:21):
Correct and if you're not, like if you're just driving
and you're you haven't had a drop of alcohol, that
it's not the same. Like the seal does not exist
unless you are drinking.

Speaker 1 (01:01:30):
Well read you said water is part of the seal.

Speaker 7 (01:01:32):
No for me, like driving, like unless I'm about to
pee my pants, I will not pee while I'm on
the road, like I won't. I won't pee if I
stop because I know if I pee the in I'm
just gonna.

Speaker 8 (01:01:41):
Have to stop in another hour.

Speaker 6 (01:01:42):
Oh that's weird.

Speaker 1 (01:01:43):
So to you, it's not about stopping and losing time.
It's a seal thing. If you do it now, you'll
continue to have to stop. You break the seal.

Speaker 6 (01:01:49):
Interesting, I don't think you've experienced I don't think you've
experimented with that enough because.

Speaker 1 (01:01:54):
You don't don't no name, don't start experimenting with this.
You've got to rip a bladder. You think your back's
bad bladder.

Speaker 6 (01:02:00):
No, But Reid's worried that if he breaks the seal
like he has when he was drinking, he's going to
go again. But it doesn't work like that when you're
not drinking.

Speaker 8 (01:02:07):
That's true, I try it.

Speaker 6 (01:02:09):
He's scared because of his experience is drinking.

Speaker 1 (01:02:12):
He's being a bad influence.

Speaker 6 (01:02:13):

Speaker 1 (01:02:13):
I just want to I just want to try to
be a good influence here. He'd been a bad influence
but I don't know enough about it. Thank you guys
for being here with this is extra episode we did
look it was. It completely based in UH sports stories
with great and No, but we wanted to do a
fun episode because most of the time people aren't putting
up podcasts. We want to do a podcast. I hate
these two weeks because hardly any of my podcasts are

actually doing work.

Speaker 6 (01:02:35):
Yeah, they're all enjoying themselves.

Speaker 1 (01:02:37):
Yeah, some of my favorite sports ones do because the
games are happening. But it's like I get into my habits,
what I like on what days, and I'm and then
they're not there, so we wanted to at least be
up here and provide you guys a little something. So
thank you guys. Eddie, blow the whistle, go.

Speaker 6 (01:02:51):
Break that seal.

Speaker 1 (01:02:52):
Oh my god, just Pema pants you broke the seal.
Oh no, all right, that's it.

Speaker 6 (01:02:56):
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:02:56):
As a buddy theme song written Bobby Bones, That's Me
and performed by Brandon Ray.

Speaker 1 (01:03:03):
Follow Brandon on socials at Brandon Ray Music. You can
follow the show on Instagram at Bobby Bones Sports. Thanks
to our crew co host AT, producer Reddy, segment producer
at Kickoff Kevin, video producer at Redrberry, and executive producer
AT Mike Diestro. But most importantly, thank you for listening.

Speaker 5 (01:03:22):
I'm Bobby Bones. We'll talk to you next time here
on twenty five whistles
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