Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's with Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling. Guess where we are,
like literally physically all here right now in the iconic
nine o two and Oh Beach House were Kelly and
Donna and David at times and others at times Claire,
let's face, it was our place. Yeah, this is our house.
Is our house, yo. We are in our house back
on the strand in Homosa Beach. You guys, we're looking
at the ocean. It's a beautiful beachy day. Thank you,
Amy and I heart for bringing us down here. This
nostalgia is killing me. When was lost of we were here? Uh?
When we filmed seriously the show, are you seriously would
we be here? You never just for giggles came down
to take a photo or something. Absolutely not. So it's
almost been three years and I've never been inside this
apartment because we only shot the exterior of this apartment.
We never shot inside of it. You were inside of
it only like for like a holding station where they'd
be like, okay, when we're not filming, they would let
us go inside and relax. I never went inside. This
would be I went into my dressing room, which was
the trailers so far away. No because we only had
a few minutes in between setups, and they said, we're
gonna let you inside into this is a three story
was just the first level one we went in because
we filmed there. It was the scene where we were
coming to look at it and we were renting it.
We talked to the guy that was a landlord and
he's like, I also have this three bedroom upstairs. It
was that one, and I think I had a terrible
allergy at attack because I believe the owner had cats.
Oh my god. Okay, so to set the scene, we
are at the real beach house where you guys on
the second floor. So there's three stories here. Three it's
like a triplex. Would you call it a triplex? I
would call it a three story building, But it is
a triplex. You're right. It's not in the middle one,
which is called the nine two apartment, because were you
guys supposedly in the middle. I think we were on
the top. Oh are we in the wrong one? Uh?
Somebody shoot, were at the right ill? Because if anybody
wants to get on the WiFi here, just so you know,
the password is the password is remember from cable guy. Now? Okay,
so okay, but but we're here because the iconic nine O,
two and oh apartment complex, which is the exact same
from the front the inside. We did not film here,
although it looks oddly the layout of the same. We're
sitting on a couch which is in the same position
the one on our beach house set. We have floors
and the pillows and the high us comfortable. Yeah, we
got the I brought it down in my car. It's
not exactly the same, but I wanted to be modernize.
It's cool, make you feel. The point is it's on
this beach houses on Airbnb. Anyone can stay here three
night minimum. So okay, So I have so many questions.
The outside does look exactly the same, exactly, and I'm
wondering if so. It has the blue awnings the gray.
I would call that a gray paint. I think the
owner keeps it that way, don't you think listened on
Airbnb as the nine Yeah, he's keeping everything the same
as long as he can. Because shout out to Gary,
who's amazing that it will come from right. I'm sorry
Gary about giving your WiFi post. Now. I feel bad
that you know the skateboarding by are going to be like, yeah, No,
it's exactly the same, and it's it is the same
from the outside, like you really immediately know, yeah, and
it will always be this way, like I don't. I
hope they never changed this ever. I mean, I wouldn't
mind if, say, like you know, updated some things inside,
but it's outside, I really show the same story. There
would be a landmark. Landmark, damn it. It would be
a huge bummer if like the decks were redone like
all modern, because you wouldn't. It would be totally different.
And it looks nothing like any of the other houses
on the strand because they're all redone, like the Jillian
Air houses. So a little I could definitely did a
little research, it would be great. We did do a
little research when we were here, so our other producer,
Danielle and I we were trying to take guesses if
this was for sale, how much would this building be?
I said seven, Danielle million. Danielle said five. But we
did do a little research. Right, it's nine million, nine
million dollars. There's zero chance you guys would have lived
here in real life back then, though, how could you
have afforded this plant? Our parents were loaded. I was
talking about it would be. Yeah, I mean it is
on the water. How much would it be to rent
this this little shanty. Well, it's five a night right now,
but I don't know what it would have been in
three I mean it would be ten thousand a month.
I mean they don't say it, but they allude to
the fact that probably in Malibu they never say it's
you know, an hour outside of l A. Like it's amazing,
Like look out the window, it's great. We're on the sands.
There's people's roller skating by. Yeah. If you guys, when
you're listening today, if you listen carefully, everyone's in blue.
When when someone goes by with their music going their
boom box, so there's people walking their dogs, roller blading,
biking or on the water. There's no houses in front.
It's real. Isn't very expensive. I wonder if you're excited
actually stayed here, if you would ever once in a
while here someone walk by and be like whoom nine
two and oh, I'm sure. I mean I see a
coople seeking their pictures in front of them this house
all the time. I see them on Instagram. People you
know who stayed here. Darren Martin stayed here with Yeah,
they all had like a like a fun nine or
two in a weekend, like our biggest fans. So no,
that's so cool week So they rented it. Yes, a
bunch of big nine two one oh fans. Oh my god,
who's screaming? That's outside right there? Crazy man roller blading by.
Now he's like, I love if people could see the
one coming in the get you guys what he actually is.
He's got inside. I want to go, I want to go. No,
he lives here. Look, so there's a little yard that's
attached to this place. That is the same sort of
yard that you guys went in. Yes, yeah, because we
we didn't have a yard. It was on deck. There
was a couple of times. I swear he was on
that lounge chair down outside here. Yes, yes, is it
where we filmed the outside actual out on the super
nervous Blue Chaise lounges a lounge. They're the same chair,
the Blue Chase lounge chase. Yeah, I can tell. Yeah.
I wonder if they're thirty years old. Yeah, I think
they are really standing up to time though. They look good.
This place looks great. They're the real ones. Is there
any way we could take one because we always say
like they auctioned off all the furniture from the sets.
We never got anything. We'll just back your car and
just grab one of those and run. Yeah. How time
do you think a night minimum here? Will you? You
got but you're not staying here, So I feel like
we deserve a lounge chairs. How many times do you
think you guys shot here? Oh? Gosh, like every year?
Maybe no, I don't think like a handful. I don't
know if we ever went more than five times a season.
And then it started to get kind of crazy when
we would be here, and I feel like it was
just like it's hard to have to block off because
being right on this boardwalk I guess you call it,
there would just be tons of people standing watching and
trying to get a glint. There'll be tons of people
like blocking off the street and looking, and it was
it was hard to get us in and out with
the You know what's kind of amazing is it's been
thirty years and this guy is still milking milk in it.
He probably was stoked when Airbnb came around, because I
don't know could he have I don't know if he
would have been able to like rent it yeah, he
was like a couple of nights though, well, there had
to have been how did you do that thing? He
put put an ad in the paper right next to
the movie listing who cares? We're here now and I
like it. That guy's coming up here. Wait, what is happening?
He's going to the top. He's our neighbor for the
next three days top. I don't know more than a night.
That's the owner, Daniel SA, that's the Owner's great. You've
just I didn't know. I heard somebody yelling. I got scared.
I didn't know that was Gary. So what is that? Gary?
We love you like to you guys to be here.
Does it bring you back or is it a little
weird because you weren't ever really like in here? No,
I literally feel whole at home, like I feel very comfortable,
and Tori, I feel literally like we're back. Yeah. It
makes me, it takes it makes me feel very young.
So we're never leaving. Yeah. Earlier I was saying, like
we were just sitting here chatting like I was. The
way we're both sitting on the couch is how we
used to sit, like on the couch on the set
in the beach, apartment. It just reminds me of so
many times of just laughing and like the crew getting mad,
but like we would just always be laughing. And I
was saying it reminded me of your belly and Lucabella
and your belly and would and you would see like movement,
you'd be like you'd have like little gurgles and sounds.
It just takes me back. WHOA right here on this couch,
which wasn't this couch, but in the same position, and
it's kind of coffy like that couch was. So they
so you guys would come here to shoot the exteriors,
and then they re created this apartment on a set
on a set on a stage. And I will admit
that where we are has only two bedrooms. It doesn't
have three, and it doesn't have that same like big
hallway for you a sort of thing. Yeah, the entrance
is slightly different, but the kitchen is this en looks
the same the layout, living rooms, not the finished products.
But right, it's right, it's not the same color. And
this has two bathrooms. Do you remember what you guys
supposedly had I think it was one. Maybe I have. Well, anyway,
I'm sure I'm gonna have questions throughout, but we're very happy.
Today is a special, our special, special, special day because
we're in beach. So I've got questions for you guys
from everyone listening. Are you ready? Yeah, buckle up fire?
Do you feel nervous? Nope? Nope? Should we wait? These
are questions from our listeners. Yes, and you you have
to answer them all I have to. We'll give you
one pass just in case there's something that really goes there.
You get one pass us contract. I only get one pass,
set a question, so use it wisely. If you pass.
My screaming in your ears still, I don't know what
to do about this, Migraine, you and your voice and
your here we go, and she wouldn't change a thing.
I'll use my game show voice. Of all ten seasons,
which cast member did you miss the most after they left?
This has nothing to do with the Beach House, you
said these questions. No, these are just questions that we
are doing from the Beach House. Okay, can we start
again with that? I wasn't prepared. You need to hear
the question again. Of all ten seasons, which cast member
did you miss the most after they left? Jenny Garth.
I didn't. Jenny never left. She's in every episode after
they left. After the last episode, Tilified every DAYFY all
ten seasons. Which cast member that worked on the show
for a significant amount of time and then they left
the show? Did you miss the most when they left?
Let me give you an example that Terry. That doesn't
hurt your ears? Oh sorry, taken Luke Perry left the show.
Now he came back, but he did leave the show.
So who did you miss the most? Was it Jason Priestley?
Was it Shamon? It won't be Brian, Austin Green or
Iron because they I was just fooling the system. I
didn't understand the question. Was it whoever? For me? Definitely
was Luke. When Luke left the show, I missed him,
and then when he came back, I was very happy
that he was back. For me, it was It's a
toss up. I did miss Luke and was very happy
when he came back. But I think I'm gonna have
to go with Kathleen Robertson because we were really close
and I was really sad when she left. Now, this
one one answer? Who was your favorite new cast member
when they joined? Do you need examples. Oh my god,
stop it. I was kidding with you on that first question.
We're not idiots. What was the question who was your
favorite new character? He did air quotes, you guys, in
case we weren't. If we were confused, where were air
quotes around new like? I will help you. An example
would be like Lindsay Price, who was your favorite? Like
who came in? And he was like, I that was great,
Lindsey Price, we love give one more that I can
give you one? Daniel coscar good one, good one. I
love me some Daniel Cosgrove. Yeah he's good times. Oh
I have to give one too. But I said Lindsey
Price one. Oh fine, Um, I mean Jamie Walters, I
love working good one. That's a really good one. It's
a really good one. Doesn't he talk to an angel?
What was this hit? How do you talk to an angel?
We are so bad at singing. We should know. I
was just thinking, we're so good at singing that we
should do this. Thinker who out of Kelly's love interests?
This is for you, Jenny. Would Jenny have wanted Kelly
to end up with in the last episode? Ever? I
know what she's gonna say. Don't you don't I know
your life. I'm gonna say Brandon Walsh because because that
would mean that Jim Walsh would be my father in
law and that would make me happy, and then we'd
have a little Walsh babies be cute. Would you think
I was gonna say, Tori, do you want to give
your opinion? I thought you were gonna say Matt. I
thought you're gonna say Daniel cosgrow I can't. I just
said that for I know it would have been boring,
but it is what you would have said. Okay, sides, Brandon,
I'm like six years too early to ask this question.
You can go there. You wouldn't be able to We
wouldn't be doing a podcast now because your jaw would
have been really screwed. Like imagine, wouldn't be leave season six? Eight?
Who Brandon seven seven? Imagine two more years? Have come
back for the weapon? Her jaw? I wouldn't even have
a partner. She wouldn't be able to talk Jason. She
have come back for the wedding. Yeah, should I'll talk
about that later. He sent a video, Right, we'll talk
about that like a couple of years. Wait, what wedding?
I don't know guys got her wedding. Okay, this question
I'm gonna read, but I don't Did you give an answer?
She said, Dania Cosgrove. Didn't you? Um? I believe she said, Jenny,
this question is for you. Kelly's This question is confusing,
but I respect who ever wrote it, so I'm going
to read it. I'm not sure we're gonna have to
break it down, so I don't till I get it.
Aside from Brenda, what do you think the other main
characters flaws are? Let me help. What are Dylan's biggest flaws? Oh? God,
he's self indulgent, he's moody. Um, those are the two
that pop out. Sounds like someone's in love. What are
Donna's flaws? Very minimal? She's Pollyanna like, she's always like
looking on the brighter side of things. She's so annoying.
I'm right here, Donna. I am Donna. Yes, I am. Okay,
this is weird. You need to go see a shrink.
You're Donna? Okay, Okay. What are Kelly's flaws? I third
talking about Donna. She's a little too goody too shoes,
she's a little too wanting to do the right thing.
To impress people. She like, Okay, what are Kelly's flaws?
It's perfect? I don't know. Kelly is all about Kelly
sometimes she's eighteen and she's um got really big teeth.
M hm and um what else? What are Andrea's flaws?
You think she knows it all? Yeah? Andrea has all.
She's yeah a little bossy, bossy, yeah, in a nice way. Uh.
Steve's he can be a dick. Yeah, yeah, a little doggie,
little little arrogant, a little this little it's a little snooty. Okay,
are we done? Uh? Brandon, Brandon, I don't care. I
don't know. Okay, this is a good one. What made
both of you want to stay on the show for
all ten seasons? Money? No, that's a good money mama. Um.
Once you got to year eight nine where you like,
I'm in, I'm not because I was like the numbers
kept jumping, and I was like, eventually, if I stay
here long enough, maybe they'll leave it. I'll get to
number one on the call sheet. Were you Jory Janie
loves Archy? I was like David loves Donna, Like you
were waiting for me when the show started? Were you
the lowest? Um? I was number What was I number six?
Who was below you? Dylan? But he wasn't on the
original call sheet? And then I wasn't on the call
sheet to begin with. I wasn't character. Did you get
to number two six and never changed? Oh? You never
number three, Steven? But not? Yes, who was number two? Then? Okay,
you know what, I think there's some weird thing. Randy
might remember this, I feel alike, just to keep the piece.
They didn't change the numbers, but you would be at
the top, but they kept your original number because I
was our number. Now I was number one. She's like, no,
no nomber Okay, so it would be or could it
have gone Jenny? And then it was it would be
Jenny and Brian Tory. But then Luke came back. Luke
was always special guest. He was always number seven on
the call sheet. Explain that one. Then, well, I think
it was you, Iron, Brian Me, and then Luke came
back after we already had those, and then he was blow.
It's really a stupid thing, because it's just it's just
a way to identify the actors on the call sheets.
I don't know, I've never been number one. I'm always
her number two. Have you never been number one on
any show? Always? Her numbers always been number one. When
you work without me and with me, we're number one one.
I've worked without remember back in the day when we
used to have careers, remember that? What about when you
were in the Cheerleader Lifetime movie? Were you number one? No?
Kelly Martin was yeah? What? Sorry? Where was your favorite
filming location, obviously outside of the studio and your least favorite?
And this could be the beach, the beach was the
Beach Club. I remember like filming at the Beach Club.
Oh yeah, that was good. That was outside of the
set though, Like I loved the beach. After dark at
the hotel which was the Bullage back then, we would
always sneak like drink, would sneak room service, Oh my god,
cheeseburgers for days, and fries, fries and fries and then wine. Yeah.
What is your best memory of working with Shannon? Oh
my god, there's so many that's like, okay, one, I
mean I feel like probably for me it was the pilot,
just because she took me under her wing. I was
so scared and shy and felt like I don't belong
there because I'm the producer's daughter, and she like we
became friends, and I felt like cool and I was younger,
and yeah, it made me feel equal. So I think
like that was the start of our friendship. Was I
remember being at Marianne Moore's house and like we all
became friends then. But like I just remember, yeah, I
can't think of one specific thing, but when I Shannon
and I used to get into some trouble together, like
we were like on the set. Yeah, because we're both
aries and we can be very honorary if we want
to be. And when we got together and we're honoring
together in the same we would have like devious fun together.
I remember just having like little cranks, yeah, and just
like yeah, just like devious little devils sometimes, but in
a fun like fun way. Both Jenny and Luke have
told the story of Jenny spraying Banaka in Luke's I.
In her book, Jenny talks of the eye being so
swollen they had to hide it during production. My question
is which episode were you filming when it happened. We
have tried so hard to spot it. Oh my god,
does anyone know? I only remember it was in his Porsche,
like we were sitting in his black Porsche. When when
it happened, some detective out there is going to be
able to answer. I don't know what it was. I
remember the car. Why do I remember you guys sitting
on a bench at school with lunches? H m hmmm.
I don't know. Maybe it was that probably happened multiple times.
I don't know. If the show continued for a few
you more seasons, so not as far as now, but
just a few more seasons. What would you have liked
to see your characters do? I guess I could have
had a baby with d That's good God. I would
have wanted there to be a little Dona David baby. Yeah,
and that would have happened. That would have been the
next season. Would you have liked to see Brenda return
for the wedding? Yeah? What wedding? Mm hm. Did you
ever eat a full mega burger? You mean a fat
burger because that's where they were from. No, No, I
never ate a fat burger or a Mega burger. What
would be your dream role on television now? Same question
coming for you Tory next, Like, if you could be
anyone that's on TV right now on a show, would
you want to be in the star of the Mad Sale.
Would you want to be on White Lotus? Like? What
what would be your dream show right now? Any job,
any job at all, White Lotus would be pretty legit. No,
I don't want to be on that show. I'm not
a fan to come up with something tory. Okay, So
it's my dream to be on American Horror Story or
American Horror Stories. Ryan Murphy huge fan, and I feel
like he deals with installed a lot and has a
lot of stars that like represent a comforting time period.
They were like, oh, I remember that person. So I
would love to be on a Ryan Murphys show. Good one, Jenny,
nice answer, nice answer. Can you come up with something
like that? Law and Order? What Chicago mas V? Thank you?
It's not a car tory, it's s V. I love
Law and Order, su Be. I would go, you know
what I would like to be on like a sitcom again.
I would like to be in a comedy where, because
I drama is fine and whatever, it takes too long
to film a and be it's like hard on you.
I like to be on a comedy where it's like
multi camera, have a nice life, get to be home
for dinner with my family and still have a job.
Do you guys think you could put off if Darren
stopped five years ago? Do you think you guys could
do it? There's no script like you just got like
a guideline. What do you think we do here every week?
That's what That's what we wanted to do with the
have it be more curb your enthusiasm that one half hour?
What would you like to see as the next incarnation
of nine O two one oh? Like? Is it? What? What?
What's going to be in the next version of it?
With you? With you both, we had all talked about
like the geriatric years old like nine two one Golden
Girls and olds like what's a zip code? And like
Boca like that movie with Barb and what was it star? Yeah? Uh,
that would be fun because if it's going to be
with us, it's there's no other option. It's got to
be old. What are you talking about? We're old? Now older?
Would you like Shannon to come on this podcast? Yes,
very much? Is she coming? Let just asking the questions?
Of course we would love all of our first question
you guys would want to ask Shannon if she was
sitting in this chair that I'm in. Nothing would make
us happier than to have everybody together again and to
have everybody be on the show and supporting the podcast
and being proud of us for having the podcast us.
That would make us really feel good. But you know,
I don't think that's in the cards. Why I don't know. Why.
Why don't you guys just text her? Well? Because we
feel like I asked her, I have I d M her.
Maybe she didn't read it. I don't know. Would that
be your Christmas wish? And maybe she's busy. Maybe she
maybe she's busy, Maybe she's doing something else that's more
important to her, like or maybe she listens to all
the comments and she hates Amy so she won't come on.
Is there by the way, Shannon Amy loves you? It's
just burst and Shannon knows the conversation. I don't even
know I am. There are people I know. I actually
don't know her. I think we've met like one time.
You would love her, like if I know she Sara
Michelle Geller, who I am? It would because it would
be a conversation that you'd be like, oh my gosh,
I could tell. Those three women have so much history.
They've been friends since they were teens. Like it's the
way we talked to each other. She would be here
and it would be the way you would suspect friends
would talk and laugh and we laugh a lot. Is
there any amends that you guys think you owe anyone amends?
Is the question on your paper? Show me that question here?
You're lying making up questions right now? What are you?
Barbara Walters that kind of remember, like an actual like
I'm in sort of the interview, if there are amends
from now or back then? Like is there anything you
would want to say to any of them? I feel
like a men's sounds very like we did something wrong
and okay, um use a different word amend's. Isn't that
what it means? Like is there something that you would
want to like say, say sorry for? I don't know.
I mean I feel personally, I feel like Shannon and
I were really good friends. And then when she was
off the show, it was just like all of us
when we were off the show, we would lose touch
and then come back again, and that's when stories start
coming out that kind of penned us against each other.
And I was always like, wait, I was never not
friends with her, Like this is weird that they're saying
we hate each other. So I feel like when we
got together for b H and I don't, we definitely
talked about that and talked about how that was heightened.
We both kind of felt that because of the media,
maybe it was true and it wasn't true on each
other's behalf. But she knows that now. I'm sorry that
I said Jason had fat fingers. I don't know, or
that he gave you lockjaw. No, he gave her a lockjaw,
Like that's a fact, that's not a feeling. I believe
that's true, but that's my theory. But I don't think
we've ever We love our cast mates. I was just
actually thinking about this last night because I was anticipating
these questions, and um, I was thinking, I love Ark,
We love our cast like the They're very unique and
special relationships that will forever be And I deeply wish
we were all closer still, and I wish that we
were all in contact and we had those kinds of
lives still where we were still a part of each
other's lives, sharing because we were so important to each
other for such a long time. But it's just not
the way it is. But I do miss them, and yeah,
I love them all. I feel like it's gonna that
will happen. Well, it's not. I feel like out of
context that could have been taken as like it was
a choice, But it's just everyone has busy lives, everyone
has families. During that time period, we were always together.
It's like in any situation I think, like even when
if you're in high school, if you're in college, if
you're in a workplace and things end, you have to
really make an effort. And obviously we are all still
in contact, like we have our group chat um, but
it and we're and the thing is, we're forever going
to be associated with one another. If ever one of
our names comes up in the news, we're all in
the news, Like there's always going to be a group
shot of that that cast. So it's all like, yeah,
you can't get away from each other just because for
whatever reasons, we're always going to be connected like that.
I like it. I feel like it would be great
to have everybody do another round. I'd say that would
be my biggest like wish. It would be amazing if
there's another round of it, like another something a show,
a movie, uh, scripted podcast. I don't know what it is.
Would you do it another version? I would consider it. Yeah, yeah,
I would consider it. I mean, obviously we wanted to
be the right thing. We want to be special. We
don't want it. We don't want to create something amazing
that it's canceled after one season like last time. Not
better at all. It wasn't canceled after one season. I've
told you time and time again, that's not what happened.
It was a limited series, special events, summer events. Sorry,
I'm just like everyone else. I read the news and
that's how they phrased it. If someone phrases it that
many times, she's right. It was always and we kept saying,
but what do you mean? Why is it being called
a special event limited series? We thought that it would
go on to possibly do more episodes and seasons, but right,
but when we saw that it would be called a
limited series, we're like, oh, We're like, wait, do we
just get fooled? We didn't know enough? We thought for sure, well,
because keep in mind, like, yeah, I think the thing
people don't understand sometimes you don't know what you're doing
till you're doing it. And I'll say they Fox didn't
know what they were biting off like that our show
became very expensive at a certain point, really on to
do and they could they just couldn't. The numbers did
not work. Um, we can wrap it up. But what's
your favorite thing about being in the beach house? What
does it bring back the most? Not the neighbor's music
right now? Like that is not okay. I'm trying to
have a romantic Jenny and Amy and I are sitting
here reminiscing the good old days, and my favorite thing
is just being here with you guys and like you know,
having a fresh having everybody be happy to be here
and still loving the show. It's how are you like
that drive home? L a traffic? It does feel like
I will say, and I'd love to hear how you
guys feel a time warp? This is the It is
the exact same thing. So for me as a fan,
like Danielle got here earlier, and obviously she wasn't she
didn't know the show because she goes, where do we
take this iconic picture? And I looked at her like,
are you f an idiot? Like what? Like I was
so shocked because to me, it's like, of course I
knew exactly where the spot was on a thousand percent.
She don't really mean that, you know, I did say that.
I was like, what's wrong with you? Like we are
at the like for me, like we are at the
beach House and it looks exactly the same, and I've
been here more recently, like in the last however many
ten years. You recognize it the minute you're walking down
the strip. So it's like for me, I just feel
like I'm nothing. There's no time between ninety whatever and
whatever it is. I just feel like I am in
college and I am at the beach House. Do you
know what I mean? Like I don't know, Like does
it I gotta say I would have been like not
obvious about it, but I would have put a little
like nine or two memorabilia in here somewhere, not like
out to show it, like just like a little wink
wink that if you happen to see a tiny picture
on the wall like not so out there, you'd be like, oh,
that's cool, that's cool. Like I would love to do
this again. A lot of dolphins here and another one
of the iconic locations, Like I would love to figure
out a way to do this at another one of
the iconic locations because there is something really cool house yeah,
or at the Bellage if it exists, you know what
I mean, Like and it looks totally different. Which one
it's to London now, I know it's so different, but
out front, like, props to this dude who kept this place. Gary. Yeah,
I hope that's his name. I'm glad it's Gary, fourteen
miles from where we live. But it takes two hours
to get literally. Well, here's the thing. It's the holidays.
So we have curated a collection of some really cool
I know to one oh stuff inspired things. Yes, it's
like that's some peach pitch shirts here. Uh. We have
betit and pretty nine O two one glow palette, makeup palettes.
There's chocolates, chocolate. There's a little nine two one oh mustang.
I'm not gonna lie. Found that on Amazon. Actual, it's
the real deal. Um, some beach inspired stuff. Put it
on our graments are gonna want it all when you're
gonna have to go get it for yourselves. Okay, yea,
So we did the holiday shopping for you. Nice. You're welcome.
I really have you were here together. I just love
you guys. So much. Yeah, it's so much better being together.
It's fun. I just love you guys. I know everyone's
like Amy, she's so knowing, but it's like, I love
the show and I love you guys. It's fine. I
can take the pain of it because I love you guys,
Like I love this show and I love you guys
and like to be friends with you. I just am
so grateful. You know what. She always says she'll meet
someone that knows us, and then she says she works
with us and friends friends with us, And you're always
surprised that people are like people are like, no, you
don't know them, and I'm like, wait, wait, how do
your friends are the people you happen to talk to
not know that you do a podcast every single week,
the one you're our boss my Heart Radio and like,
but also you're our co host and we talked about
being friends. Yeah, it is funny because I do think
that just you, like, at the end of every podcasting, guys,
we you know, stop taping it, and then she goes,
was that okay? Was that funny? Was it entertaining? It
was interesting? Every single one. If we went one episode
where she didn't say that we might be in trouble.
Actually that's when we know, but that the show is
what did you call nine oh to one oh after
the fourth season? Um, I didn't say fourth, I said
this season. I said after the fourth fizzled out, fizzled out.
So it is is fascinating to me because we have
all these amazing conversations about being our age and marriage
and families and all these things, and then at the
same time sometimes I just go, you can Killy and Donna,
Like every once in a while, I sort of black
out and I'm like, what, it's weird because I don't
think of it like that at all, Like it's so
no one looked up, there's other things to see. Okay, listen, Uh,
it's weird though. I mean even me, I don't think
of in those terms of like who people see me
as like it's do you ever look at me and
Zona and see Donna and that Tori? No, because I'm
the same person. So like, I can't do that with you.
I can't be like, oh, there's Kelly, because you knew
each other as Jenny and Tory first, where I knew
you as killing Donna first. Just a little. For the
most of the time, I'm normal, but ten PC, I'm
not gonna lie. I'm like, we don't, we don't see it.
Just so you know, you guys, thank you for joining
us for our very very special episode from the Beach Apartment.
Happy happy holidays to everybody listening. We love you very
very much and we hope that you have a great
holiday with your families.