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April 3, 2023 34 mins

Tori has an eye patch on.  Before we can recap, we need to know the story of her eye dilemma.

This episode was obviously emotional for Tori and Jennie, seeing Nat in the hospital bed.
Dr. Jennie Garth has some CPR advice for everyone after seeing Dylan and Brandon save Nat's life.
Andrea is pregnant and she has a difficult decision to make.
Jennie discovers Jesse is "hot"!
David, stop it with the drugs and the beret.
Plus, some boxers BTS.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
With Jenny Garth and Tori spelling. Okay, you guys, we're
back with another nine O two and oh what is
it called? Nine O two one? Sorry, we're so excited
to be here, mostly because Dori's wearing an eyepatch today.

Look at me in my good eye, see you what happened?
It's so silly. She got so mad at me. Okay,
so it's my fault. I did this to myself, right exactly. Um. So,
I have contacts, but I wear daily ones and at
the end of the day, kid, whatever, I can make

all excuses I want. I don't take them out. I
sleep in them and it's not healthy. And you're supposed
to change How many days? How many days have you
ever worn a day eye contact? Okay? Oh gosh, you
have to be honest. Everyone, guess on your scorecard. Okay,
I don't have mine, but I'm gonna say seven seven days.

That's a guess. I guess. Is it wrong? I thought
for sure you would know you better than that. It
made me like seven weeks. Oh gosh, No, not seven weeks.
I'm exaggerating, But I've been known to go maybe twenty days.
I know, I know, I know you guys, it's shaming.

I tell my eye doctor, I'm totally transparent to you.
So anyway, when this so, I got an eye alcar,
I got an ulcer on my left eye, and and
she said, if you were younger like you, you're first
of all, she said, you're lucky to get away with it,
considering what you do to your eye, um for this long.

And she said, when our eyes are younger, they can
take things like this, when kids are in college and
they sleep in them and you know, la la, it's fine.
But at our age. And I was like, well, you
mean my age, because you're way younger than me at
forty nine. Yes, you're right, I probably can't do this.
So I'm going to switch to thirty day ones when

this heals A good idea, Yeah, right, do you think
I'll take those out at thirty days? Let's hope. I'll
set a reminder on your calendar. What is it? What's
an eye ulcer? It's a divot. It's like a clap
on your eyeball, like it's a divot like your eye.
It's cut. It's like a cut like indentation, like slit,

like it hurts, it oods so bad. It's better now,
but you're still wearing an eye patch, which is crazy
because you text me. I said, how's the eye and
you said it's it's hard to do things with one eye.
So what did I do? I try to, I try
to be like you did you and I was, well,
it wasn't the greatest timing because I was getting on

the freeway in the pouring rain and I was driving,
and that's when it occurred to me to try it.
So it's real. I've lost one eye. I can't lose you. What. Yeah,
it's really hard. I have empathy for you. One eye. Oh,
one eye tour. How long do you have to have
that patch? They said, eyes are remarkable, seven to ten days.

It totally like you. Wow, Like, yes, I got lucky
this time. Not gonna take it for granted. My eyes
like that. It's huge and to I mean, forget work,
But to mom with one eye not okay, because moms
have to literally hear and see everything happening at one
time and I cannot, and a child has to take

me around literally like I design I have a designated
seeing eye child. Oh much, I know. I think you
said you can't drive right? No, Stella is my emotional
support child. Perfect. Now at least you have a title
for her. Can you show her? I didn't do that before,
but yeah, of course I can shower. Yes, I can shower.

Oh gosh. Okay. So at least you made it through
nineties con before the ulcer, because that would have been
a bummer. I'm glad your other eye still looks pretty.
I want to make a little pirate joke, but I'm
not going to. Oh oh do it? Do it? R.
So I had to go to an event that I

was committed to for a friend the other night, and
everyone said don't go, you can't do it, and I said,
I'm just gonna go. So I wore a pink patch
and bedazzled to match the outfit she wanted me to wear.
And I walked in and some girl goes, oh, what
do you have pink eye? And I was like, not funny,
that's not funny. No, there's no stink in mind. You

had pink eye by lit early had pink eye. But
I was like, I have an ulcer, and I was
like that sounds gross. I have a scratch cornea. Oh
sorry girl, Thanks, Okay, I love you guys. Okay, let's
go from Eyes to Hearts. Who's heart? Oh breaker? Heartbreaker? Heartbreaker?
Would you like that? Saker? No, No, I don't know

that's a song. Okay, we're talking. Yeah, yeah, we are
talking about Season four, episode eighteen, Heartbreaker, Air January twenty six,
nineteen ninety four. Synopsis. Andrea comes clean to Jesse, David
comes clean to Donna. Nat has a heart attack and

could lose the peach pit, while Brandon is at risk
of losing a major opportunity to help a friend. It's
extra sad this episode. This episode's all like all the
emo stuff, right, Brandon's got a heart attack, Andrea, Andrea
is getting an abortion. I can't believe you just said, Andrea.

I know. Wow, I need to really get my head
in the game right focus, make you guys feel sad.
This was a really sad episode for many reasons. But yeah,
we're there more read than that. Yeah, I don't know.
Sad that David save sad that David's back on the meth.

Let's go through it and then I'll tell you when
my emotions would. Yeah, it was very sad because Nat
isn't alive anymore, so it was just extra like and
hospital and Luke and let's go through it and we'll
get to it. Well. First, suddenly missus Walsh is going

to college. Oh my god, I was so happy to
hear this news. Finally this woman has something to do
because that's cook food, you know what. You guys totally that.
I wonder whose note that was that They were like, okay,
we're gonna give her this. Imagine the bone. It does

level up the episodes when y'all are together, because like,
right out the gate, we had a scene with everybody
where we hadn't had that in the last episode. So
it is so nice when you all are together. It
is it's beautiful. But was there who was on okay
wait at this point, who was on the staff ep

writers that a female was like, excuse me, missus Walsh
needs to do something and have a brain. Probably Jessica
hopefully to say. This was directed by Paul Schneider and
written by Chip Johansson. Sorry, guys, okay, carry on. Yeah,
I just I liked right from the start that y'all
are in the scene right away. But Siddy's going to

be a therapist, right She's going to school to become
a therapist, which is weird. She's really a therapist and
realizes it's like art immitating life, life immitating art. Do
you think she got the idea from this? No? Did
you remember this? I didn't remember this. I didn't remember
this at all. No, but but this episode was yeah,

really serious of psychiatrists match your lips and your glasses. Sorry, sorry,
I'm girl crushing on you right now, therapist representatives. Brandon's
going to be a big politician now, so this is
the beginning climb to fame. What do you mean you
don't know? Is it ties? You don't like the ties?

Do you know that? I could tell? I could tell
with your one eye. It's exactly it. Sorry, does anyone
else bother that David keeps calling his therapist or shrink?
It's like that was so of I back then, that's
what everyone said. But it's like, I don't know made
it? It It dated it a little bit, Yeah I did.

Do you guys want to talk about something I really
need to talk about? Yeah? Yeah, and then I'll go
through all my questions. You go, Jenny the beret? Mad
at it? What is? Why? Why is he still wearing
the beret? Is that like a I'm addicted to meth? Choice?
Like it's a choice. Yeah, you only wear is it

when he's doing the meth? I think yeah, like yeah,
like druggies or like like an got to keep the
hair out of his eyes. Yeah, not clean cut. He's
off the drugs. He's back on the drugs. He thought.
I thought for sure this was gonna be like, oh,
he had a you know, a meth problem for a

few weeks and then all of a sudden he was fixed.
I thought that was the end of it, when he
was talking to Donna and everything was gonna be fine,
and then what does he do. He goes and steals
some more myth. But I gotta say I was upset.
I mean, I it to be to end him be okay.
But I was also like, oh, nine h two and
now typical tying it up. So I was happy that

it's like that's not reality. Okay, good, Like yeah, people
don't just go okay, I'm fine now. But I was
for the same reasons. I was like, okay, good, it's
a little more realistic. At the same time, I was like, oh,
I'm so sick of the storyline. So what David to
be on methodnymore? Yeah, I like that missus Martin sent
you guys the yoga tape and half offran off brand,

totally off brand, but halftag relatable. Kelly's last Jenny's boxers.
Do you remember when you like got it? I mean
everyone back then, we all wore sort of those way
too big of boxers, man's boxers. It's funny because I
just watched this last night, but I told my daughters

two nights ago about how we used to wear boxers,
and they're like like actual boys boxers or boy shorts.
I'm like, no, no no, no, we didn't have boy shorts
back then. We would take men's boxers, roll them and
where and them was sleeping. It was like pajamas. And
now my kids did that hole went through that hole
where in the underwear, the men's underwear. It was really cozy.

I'm gonna go back. I swear we wore into school
like not white, like kind of I had like little
cheaters on under it. If you noticed that he like
a like a boy short. I had a under the
box in my boxer. Oh so we didn't see any
like peak peak, no peaky. Did you guys notice when
I got up to leave the room, there was like

a loud clunk and you can see me grab my hip. No, no,
I feel like that was my bones cracking. Is that
where it started? Where it started? Oh my god, the
hip I hear. I hear a click when I stood
up and I walked out, and you could, oh, was
this nineteen ninety four? Wait? Whoa teen ninety four? We

just figured out when her hit problem started. Okay, I
need to rewatch that because I did notice you're like
underwear under the boxers, because that you saw like a
quick little shot of him, but I did not hear it,
and I feel like we need to go back totally.
It sound and you're like, wait, what was that? Oh
my god? We need to try and see if we

can hear it. I knew something was coming though. I
knew something was coming with coming down the pike when
when Jayson, no, Brandon and Dylan were sitting there watching
NAT like, I was like, oh, no, why are they
doing that. It's gonna fall down, something bad's gonna happen.
And then yeah, that was bad happened. And I did
love how they went to action, like those two are

the do gooders of the world, Like come on one
one and he's like, I'm with nine one one and
then like it's boom and then they're like ready go.
I was like, these guys are freaking firemen right now
they're You're happy that they were showing how to do CPR,
although I have things to say about that. Why do
you feel like they didn't do it right? Or now
they did a great job. Okay, so they obviously have

some come in train. And I thought it was good
that we were showing people out there how to take
action in a situation like that. But things have changed,
and yeah, you don't do the blowing now you don't
know for CPR, which is you know when someone's heart stops. Yep.

You don't have to do mouth to mouth resuscitation anymore.
You just have to do a hundred times a minute.
And it's don't you sing the begs, You sing the
song stay alive, stand alone. If that comes to you
in that moment, go ahead and sing it. I don't
know if that's going to work for me, but but

I just think that's really interesting. All I could think
of is, well, everyone should have been like, oh my god,
what's happening. I felt like people across America were like,
I wish Luke Perry ak Dylan would give me mouth
to mouth. That's all they were thinking. Am I wrong? Wrong?

It was a little distracting. I have to be honest,
because he really went full and I saw some spittle
here and I was like, yeah, but they were very close,
so it's okay, yeah, yeah, and they saved his life. Yeah,
but that's what they say. That's one of the major
reasons why it's not necessary. They're teaching now to do

CPR with just the chess compressions because so often people
don't want to give a stranger mouth to mouth. Right, So,
now that they've done a lot of research on it,
they have decided that it's fine to not do mouth
to mouth, just do the heart the chess compressions. But
it also people will stop doing the compressions, and right

they can't. You can't lose those seconds of hussions. You
got to keep the compressions until some help comes there.
This was informative, so nine o two and taught lessons,
OMG teaching lessons. Think you Jenny Garth when it comes
to her health, I got you shut Now. You skip
over one important thing, and that right before that scene

was when Andrea asks Kelly if she's ever had an
abortion and tells her she's pregnant. Yeah, so that was
sort of major and major that she's even considering an abortion.
I would never have thought that, just being honest, she's
you know, she's got her whole. She's in this position.

She feels like she's alone. She doesn't you know, it's
a new relationship with Jesse. She doesn't know how solid
that is, and she's got a lot of hopes and dreams.
Like you know, she's always been the one that's like Harvard,
Da da da. She's ready to go with her life.
I know. But yes, I didn't see it for the character.

I mean, maybe it's because she's Jewish and like Jewish guilt.
Can we even say that I'm Jewish the guilt? See it? Yeah? So, uh,
I don't know. It doesn't track Aunt Audrea character wise.
I don't think she would have gotten pregnant. Ah she

said one time, yeah, one time without protection. But she
You're right, she is so not that person. Pretty anal.
I don't know that she would have done the one time. Well,
if it had been anal, she wouldn't be pregnant. But
I walked walked right out? Did he really did? I

felt for her. I also think though she I don't
know that it totally tracks with the character because I
actually think she would have gone to Jesse first right
away and told him what was going on. But I
don't know. I love seeing her and Kelly to gather.
I love that it really, I don't know, warm my heart.
Kelly's like the go to person for the meth addiction

of everything questions. Jeez, maybe she should be a therapist.
Oh wait, no, oh the show we don't speak about.
Yeah she does, yeah, counselor yeah. So okay, So back
to Nat. It was very sweet at the hospital Brandon.
Brandon's such a son to him and holding hands and
so concerned and you know, wants to make sure they're

not giving up the peach. But like that was a
good storyline. It was. Yeah, it was very moving. Were
you bored? I do think it's interesting that does Jim
can manage everyone's money in the entire town? Yeah? Because gently,

uh no, who's the brother? What's the brother? Yeah, Joey.
Yeah that's weird because Joey talked confusing Uh so NAT's
brother Joe he went to you're saying he went to
Jim for financial advice. Everyone goes to Jim. Jim is
like the town accountant or money. And I don't know

what Jim's exact title is. You gotta keep it tight,
you gotta have everybody has to go to somebody in
the cast for all information needed. Because do they pay
him though, or it's a freebee. I bet you they
pay him. I'm for certain Dylan pays him. Maybe Jim
does his taxes for like, you know, the peach pit.
That's how I think the walls she's got the Beach

Club membership was from all the h extra money they're
rking and doing everybody's money. Well, he's very good at it.
I just like to say, yeah, you love him. Okay.
First of all, though, another thing that I thought was
kind of amazing. So as Andrea is kind of grappling

with all this, then Jesse tells her about the clerkship
he got away Bacco Bacco back when she comes into
the scene to tell him the first one she walks
up and to tell him about the the the thing,
and he's like, oh my gosh, I have to tell
you something. Did you notice her choker was really really crooked? No,

when the belly you were looking at that back. I mean,
we don't even have to talk about that anymore. It's
there totally. When she walks in her black cute little choker,
is like this, oh no, and then then and then
they cut away and then they come back and it's
like this man too distracted by her just holding a
piece of paper, just so always holding a piece of paper.

I was like annoyed. It was like shadowed on Jesse,
like on his like over. I was like, yeah, I was.
I want to say about Jesse. He's hot, Yeah, cute.
I kind of like so like man handles her with
his hand, grabs her face head face and ship like.
I like it. Yeah, I liked it too. I wish

I had seen this stuff before when we've had our
interview with him, I would have been a little more interested.
Love that he says he's going to be the first
Latino Supreme Court justice, which he wasn't. But guess who
is sonya so to mayor, So we do have the
first Latina Supreme Court justice because Jesse led the way.

That's why. That's right, suggested it into the universe and
there we go. But she doesn't tell him, so we
kind of have that sort of a she didn't tell him,
and then she does go over to the apartment later
with the piece of paper and the wait, I have
a question. So san Francisco. Here we go, San Francisco again.

Everyone loves San Francisco. Um so they at this point
we're already thinking bye, they're gone. Yeah right, Andrea and
Jesse Off. I mean I feel like he would have
gotten a job here. Why they're like, what they actually moved? Complicated? Where?

She doesn't want to tell, But Amy, they move? Is that? Where?
Where did they move? Wait? They move? What? Not? For
a bit, you didn't hear a word. I said, cover
your ears? Where did you move? I want to hold
the baby? What do you mean they move? What? You
hold the baby? When Andrea leaves the show, she has

a notion, don't tell her where do they go? I
don't remember that. Actually I don't believe you. Oh, Amy,
you're a filthy liar. You know everything? They come back? Yeah,
that's in the contract, you come back once a year,
keeping nice. So you want to get the weird silly
bit of Steve filling in on the radio show, and

did you love it? I feel like it could have
gone further. He's so funny. I wish it was. Yeah,
I felt like he was underused in that, yes, because
I got excited. Yeah yeah, I'm wearing lace panties too,
But he didn't do any of it. Was like, ha ha,
hijinks six sex or whatever. Of course hilarious. Also, that

is the VA Hospital. So that hospital is right near
where my apartment is in LA. I'm assuming it is.
It's the VA Hospital in like the Brentwood West area
of Los Angeles, so that exterior was legit. And then
I'm assuming they made a hospital on your ya I know,

borrowed General Hospitals or something, and they came in with
that cutout burger that y'all signed. Where is that? Any
fan out there knows where? That is? Amazing? Oh my god, yes,
I don't know. But when then Brandon goes home and
he talks to Brenda and finds out that they're selling

the peach pit, I was just too distracted to listen
because he put his big dirty boots right on the
chair and I was like, where did you grow up?
A barn didn't didn't bother me. Oh, I'm just like
so horrified because I'm just like, you know, there's like
so many germs. I want to be in the hospital.

Channel so hot in this episode. Oh my gosh. You
know what else I don't love about the Walsh's house though,
And I think I've mentioned one other time that stencil
around the uh we hated it then so nasty? Oh yeah,
the grapevine or flowers. That was the worst. Brenda didn't

have much to do in this episode. She was just
sort of supporting. M Kelly was supporting, Brenda was supporting,
Donna was supporting. Was mostly a Brandon. Well, Donna does
have that kiss with David, which I was like, yeah,
you kiss was interrupted by Steve's record skipping or CD.
Do you remember that kiss? I do not, And he's like,

I missed you so much. He seemed like he was
getting his crap together and then just off the rails. Again,
probably a good one. We always had good ones, good kissing. Yeah,
fine line, real fake fine line. Um, but yeah, he
David went off the rails. He did, You're right with

that death metal music? What the heck? And did you
notice that extreme close up when he's taking the drugs.
It was like he's taken him out of the drawer.
Then there's just like shot of like this. I like
that let's all do that. For a second, it looks, oh, no,
can you not show us that? I please? Oh show

us the good one? Okay, thanks, And Brenda's all peeved
about missus Walsh going to school, but then she comes
around and gets her all the gifts. Yeah, and then
and then Jim and Brandon are firing there really yelling
it out. How was a screamer? Wow? They came in
super hot. Yeah I liked it. Yeah I did not.

I don't care for yelling. She does it? Like, that's
kind of that with this episode, right, it's kind of weird.
But the whole gang, like, yeah, out of the day
comes in, and what was Brandon gonna do? Is he
gonna go up and take his shirt? Was it just
stuck onto the frame? Because he acted like he was

just gonna peel it off. Don't you have to like
take the frame down open the frame was retired and
he's back together of it. Well, he's gonna put it
on because he's got to run the peach pit now.
But this will continue this uh whole thing at the
peach pit back. We're going to see more of that. Yes,
everybody working there or like no, we're not gonna sell it. No,

we're not gonna sell it. Not not us, No, hey's
it on the deal. She's invested. Oh, I did love
my favorite line? Sorry was um every weight the world
just loves Brandon. Oh, oh my gosh. And chopsticks? Chopsticks
in my hair? You did? I didn't had that chin yonn.

What is the thing gen when it's in the back. Yeah,
that really real old one, not like a flip it
old lady one, but two chopsticks stuck in. So maybe
I was like old lady bombed about that hair, and
I'm like, we got to spice it up and put
chopsticks in there. Maybe something to say, it's a good episode.

I don't have a lot of fashion standouts. I don't
have a lot, but it was just a good, good,
clean fun Did you like Brandon's suits in every scene?
Though they were didn't They look a little large, a
lot of suits, but they didn't bother me. I mean,
he's it's not Tom Ford, but it didn't bother me. Yeah,
more JC pennies than Tom Maybe like young kid like

can't find the right fit, doesn't bigger suit, We're in
your aile. Dylan looked thin, tall and thin, not in
a bad way. He looked like when he comes into
the peach pit there to you know, with everybody. He's
very lean, looking good. Yeah, you look great. Yeah, I

mean it's kind of interesting episode because you're right, I
didn't have a lot to do, Kelly didn't have a
lot to do. I have another line I liked, I
think I'm too Western to be this Eastern that you said, Yeah,
because you're just you're just a little bit your mom

makes coffee nervous. Yeah, and then that but I'm bumped. Sure.
We had a good laugh over it. Yeah, that was
a good one. The skibook guy really made you realize,
like you still love David. Yeah, there's just it's kind
of just a little um little tips in there about
what I guess. Yeah. Yeah, this is sort of one

of those episodes getting us to the next seven Oh
really yeah, Okay. What's interesting is Kathleen is coming quite soon.
Oh I thought, oh, end of season four. Yeah, I
think she's maybe even coming in five five episodes. She's
coming soon. Okay. Yeah, you could got to feel the

need for that a little bit right now, like you
feel you there there needs something needs to spice up. Yeah,
it's kind of very status quo good. But I mean
the nain very dramatic, so they didn't need a lot
more than that. But it's kind of an interesting episode. True.
I had a little emo. I kind of welled up twice, yeah,

in the in the hospital. And then Andrea had a
really good scene, a really nice scene with Yes. She
was great. She was so good in that, and I
could imagine how real those emotions must have been where
that was all coming from, because she was pregnant at
that time, so even to talk about making that decision
with you know, her baby maybe just made that scene

really feel raw and real. Jason was really good. He
was great. And just seeing you know, Joey in the
hospital and knowing that we've lost him, and been seeing
Luke there knowing we've lost him, it was just all
very yeah, hard to watch. You know What's weird For me?

I get so engrossed in the episode. I'm so enjoying it,
so watching it, like invested in it that I don't
even think about that. It's good. I love that because
that means everyone's doing their jobs, right. Yeah. Yeah, But
then I when I don't feel think about it, I

feel guilty for not thinking about it, no, because you're
into the characters. Yeah, I think that's the whole job.
Like that's the problem with being like a celebrity, you
know how, Like when you see I don't know, a
certain like Jlo or whatever in a movie, if you can't,
like if you start thinking about like Jlo and Ben Affleck,

then that's not good, do you know what I mean?
Because that means you've just taken out of the So
that shows the quality of nine O two one now
if you're like in it right along those lines. Like,
you know what was really hard for me though, was
at nineties Con when people would come up to take
a group photo with us and they would bring a

picture of Luke. Yeah. Every time it would just like
rip me, like right back to those emotions, and it
was so hard to pull out of it just to
smile for the camera. You know. Same, That wasn't fun.
It's weird how it comes and goes like that, like

your memories and your your heartache about that sort of thing.
It's this weird heartbreaker. Yeah, Okay, you guys, you want
to rate it, it's hard to It's hard to rate
the episode when you only have one eye but I'll
do my best. Doris cleaning off last week's for sure.

Oh gosh, this is hard. I'm yeah, I feel bad
about my rating, but already that's mine. Oh my gosh,
we all give it the exact same thing. Seven is
a good safe number. Okay, good seven seven seven lucky.
Let's go to vay. Baby, see all for labors of love.

Favors of love? What labors? So they said, favors of all.
I was like, what is gonna happen? Oh, labors of love?
So baby, she goes into labor already, that's what I thought.
I'm nervous, I think, but yeah, yeah, pretty remember this
all right, Well everybody watched it. I like this season?

You do? Yeah? I do? I like it, like it's fine. Yeah.
I went balls to the wall saying I love college years,
so it's got to kick it up a notch. But
I love it. I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm
sucked in, not wavering, but I'm like, my O, my

memory is like crazy stuff starts happening. But we're probably
getting there, right, Yeah, we're getting there. I'll see that.
What's you know? And I know it to go up
for you guys, it's like when you first were watching,
I could see how college years is like good in
your memory, but rewatching it, I could see how high

school is really has that special place in your own
because that's us starting together. That makes sense. Family. Yeah nothing, yeah, yeah,
nothing will replace that. Yeah yeah, because soon, Look, we can't,
we can't pretend it's not happening. Soon you do start

to lose core cattle. No when yeah, no, Well, now
this season is asked, no, oh, dear, she is she
Annon is gone at the start of season five and
Tiffany arrives. Well, that's going to be exciting. I guess indeed.

I don't. I don't want you. I don't want Brenda
to leave. No, it's a loss. Do you have to
talk about that now? It's not that we're let's hand
on a high note. Yeah, yeah's baby, I'll just lie
to you for the next ten weeks. That's fine. Thank you,
You're welcome and like lies. Okay, bye, everybody, have a

great week. We love you, Love you,
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