All Episodes

July 23, 2024 42 mins

Shannen Doherty, you WERE Beverly Hills 90210. 
We thank you for bringing us the iconic character of Brenda Walsh, but we are even more grateful that you showed us how to be strong in times like these.
We love you, we honor you, and your legacy will live on. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's hard to do this episode. And you know, I'll
even be honest, I didn't know if I should be
here or not. Just have you guys talk.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Yeah, we thought you should be with us, just because
this is so hard for both of us and maybe
you can help us out a little.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
You're a fan, You're a true, true fan.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
So yeah, it's like, you know, and I've been I've
been lucky enough to get to work with Shannon for
the last year, which some people know and some people don't.
We couldn't. We can't do the show, this show, this podcast.
If there was no Shannon, there's no nine O two one, oh,

you know what I mean. And so it's like the
thing that I knew is it's like I do want
to keep watching the show, of course, but we couldn't
just come back and start talking about, you know, the episode.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
This is so hard for everybody. We just have to
kind of talk it out, and.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
It's like, we do want to keep watching. And the
thing that I know from working with Shannon is she
wants her podcast to continue, you know. So it's like
we will recap the shows again, we will keep doing it,
but for right now, we just you know, I want

you guys to talk about how you're feeling, and also
like honor Shannon with stories and memories, and they had
such an important time together. I had a I went
to dinner last night with some kids that are like

in high school, right, and they're talking about the shows
they're watching, and one of the dads was like, you
guys should have watched nine O two one O, And
it's like, yeah, they should. So I don't know. I mean,
how are you guys doing, feeling what's coming to your

minds to say?

Speaker 3 (02:08):
For me, I honestly, as you know, didn't want to
do this. I just emotionally didn't feel ready. And I
feel like I know a lot of people are speaking
out and giving lovely tributes to her in her memory,
but I just, oh, I obviously wanted to do this

for the fans, so this episode is for them, not
for us.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
How are you doing? How are you doing, Jenny? How
are you doing? Tori? Like, what are you feeling?

Speaker 3 (02:52):
Not doing well?

Speaker 2 (02:58):

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Do you feel like you're okay? It's like let it out.
I mean, I think people were shocked, which seems like.

Speaker 2 (03:11):
It's crazy that we could be shocked knowing that she
was sick and knowing how hard she was fighting, but
it's still felt shocking.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
I guess it was just that belief that she fought
so hard and was such a warrior and she has
shown her entire life and career and you're everything that
she can get past anything. So although we know answer
is so evil and takes everyone that we love, it

just I don't know. I guess she made you believe
that she was the one that would make it and
she was so hopeful.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Yeah that's so true, because why I never thought that
she would succumb to cancer, Like I just knowing what
we know about her, and you know what a tough
like fighter, strong, it just seems you're right, like I

would never get her. And then when it did, it
was just shocking and like makes you mad, makes you pissed, mad, sad,
all the feelings because and then like what the h
because she's the one person that you didn't I don't know,

just didn't see this happening.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Yeah, no, you're you're right. She had so much to
say on her podcast that was really important, you know,
like she was who she was. She was tough, tough cookie, right,
and I admired it so much and she was having

conversations and sharing things that a lot of people are
really not willing to do, to put themselves out there
in that way and be so vulnerable and so open
and so real that it was really empowering what she

was doing. And I just wish you could have kept
doing that because I think it was it was helping people.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
A lot. It was helping people, I think, find their
own strength within them by just hearing her story and
hearing how she's found her strength. Like I feel like
that was helping a lot of people suffering from cancer
or dealing with cancer or whatever.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
And even like you know, my last text with Shannon
were about Catherine Heigel. We had this really amazing interview
she did with Catherine Heigel. It was great, and I'm
so grateful. I'm so grateful to Catherine Heigel for doing it,
you know, because Catherine doesn't do that that many interviews,

and she really wanted to do it. And Shannon was
so happy, isn't the right word, so motivated to have
that conversation with two people who had, you know, really
put themselves on the line, you know, like it or not,

they really did for themselves and for other people. And
so after the interview. It's a really great conversation they had,
and so I just you know, texted with Shannon just
to say, like how pumped I was about it. Like
it really filled me with feelings that these two people
who I admire got to have this great conversation and

she was so happy about it. And she still, you know, Shannon,
and I won't say this exact text, but she's so her,
do you know what I mean? Like she really is
authentically and so I just felt like she had so
many more conversations like that to have. So that's sort
of where I was at. Well.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
I think it's amazing in the last year that she
was able to partner with you and do her podcast.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
And speaking, and that's why I wanted you guys, you know,
and I did. I will say I pressured Torri and
Jenny to get on with me today. They're not ready,
but I felt like talking it's important, you know, like

it is grieving together.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
And I guess everyone grieves in their own time. I
think for me, the beauty of her nine to two
and OHO fans specifically is even ones that I've been
talking to on social media. There's one fan that's such
a huge fan of the show, and she was saying,

she's her friends are like it's been a week, you know,
get out of the funk. You know, you only met
her once. And she was like, she meant so much
more to me than someone I met once. She was
in my entire childhood and it's like losing a best
friend from high school. And I think that's how people

everywhere feel.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Yeah, it's very sad, and it's also just so scary.
Is that the word scary? It's like scary, Like, how
does that happen? Sorry, Jenny, we're gonna say something.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
Yeah, I mean no, it is scary if someone that
you look up to like that can cannot make it
like it makes. It made me feel very fearful, especially

just with Luke dying and now Shannon. I just feel
like like, I don't know, I just it could be
any of us could go at any moment that kind
of feeling, which, yeah, that's scary.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
It's our my I'll just speak for myself. It's you know,
a show that I just really impacted my seen and
college years, right, and so for someone and a few
people to be gone from that is scary. It's uncomfortable.

It's worrisome. It's a bit too real for me, whereas
like when I watched the show, it's just such a
It's not even just like I'm watching the show. It's
this part of my upbringing. So I watch it and
I enjoy it, but I'm also it takes me right
back to these my own memories. So it just makes

it too real and it takes me out of this
joy I have for this show. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (10:33):
Me, it doesn't I've spent my whole life living in fear,
and I've always been a fearful person, and I didn't
feel fear at all when she passed.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
I just.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
Felt sad. I felt sad for the second chapter she had,
and I was so excited for that chapter for her
and wanted her so badly to have that.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
M do you feel grateful for the time that you
had recently? Like, I'm so glad Tori that you guys
really had that conversation. I do.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
I do. I've had a lot of death in my life,
and I don't believe in regrets, but I have a
lot of regrets that I didn't have that time to
have a second chance to get fast stuff from the
past and look at all the good things and really

talk it out and.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
I have.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
That last conversation, and I feel like she and I
had that, and I'm super grateful for that.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
You know, I know that you're I don't want to
put words in your mouth, but I know that you're
glad you had time together at the recent con.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Yeah, we got to see each other once in a while,
but I was thinking definitely of you tour and.

Speaker 3 (12:16):
How h.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
Happy you must have been to have that time with
her and and to have that sort of mm just
reconnection on a on a deeper level as both of you,
you know, matured and grown and learned so much that
I was thinking of. You know, I wished that I
had had that opportunity because I didn't really get to

sit down and have like heartfelt conversation with her recently.
But I was very glad that you.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
Did you as well, and I wish you had had
that mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Yeah, you know, I'd love to hear, like I know,
people listening, like, is there a memory or a story
back from nine o two one oh that's come back
into your mind? You know, I don't know. I haven't

asked you guys that if there's something that you know that.
You keep thinking about about Shannon seeing all the pictures too.
I have to say, it's like, you're so lucky that
you have those photos and you know, videotape of such

cool things.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
It's interesting when I think about that when you say
are there stories, and in my mind, like I'm replaying everything,
it's all the memories, not on camera. It'd stay with me,
not on camera.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
That's so true.

Speaker 3 (14:14):
But I like, I can see right now the very
first scene Jen and Shannon and I had together at
Marian Moore's party. Yeah, it was a night scene that house.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
M hm. That was our first scene together, I believe.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
So maybe there was one other thing, but that's the
one that sticks out to me that was Maybe it
wasn't our first scene, but it was the first time
I remember the three of us really bonding and me
thinking like, we're all gonna be friends like this, this
is more than just being on camera. I was hopeful
for like to fit in with you guys, and and

you both were so accepting me. Yeah, I remember that night.
It's just laughing. I mean, we filmed all night till
the sun came up, which was a lot for teenagers,
you know. It wasn't as adults. Like now we're like
hardened to the process of like filming all night, we're

just so used to it. Like back then, like it
was a lot and they were exciting. Yeah, it was
like a party. Yeah, yeah, minus the alcohol.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Fun. It's almost fun when you think about I mean
when I think about that for you guys, but also
like that age, even working all night is fun. We
need to like try to get that again, do you
know what I mean, Like on the joy of that.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
I was remembering like there was times like after we
stopped filming and I was newly divorced, I think, and
she took a special interest to whoever I was dating.
She wanted to meet them, basically vet them. I guess

I didn't really see it at the time, and I
was kind of like, okay, because you know, I don't
think she really knew Peter that well, but she was.
She We went to dinner with two of my quote
unquote boyfriends during that weird time, and I just remember

her just really truly checking them out from across the
table and assessing them. And then I would be like,
what do you think.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
And she would tell me, M, yeah, I mean I
think that's what you're saying. In my you know, limited
experience with her in the last year, she's quite brilliant.
Like she really was very talented producer, and she could
sit down at the microphone, open it up and just

talk and that our team that you know is listening,
is just hanging on every word. She really was an
amazingly beautiful storyteller in this medium, you know what I mean. Like,
I think I wish she found it sooner because I
think she was so suited to just talking storytelling so articulate.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Yeah, And I think maybe that's a side of her
that I ever knew as a teenager in my twenties.
I mean, I knew she was smart and funny and
and authentic and honest about everything, but I don't think
it was until her podcast and also to be honest,
doing like these conventions, doing the cons where she would

she was just so smart about business.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Like when you guys would be out at those cons
and fans would get to be with her, what was
that like, Like do they just react to her?

Speaker 3 (18:32):
They do. I mean, I think they react to everyone
on my on tono, But I think maybe she stood
for something else to them, Yeah, than we all did,
Like she was not just you know, their childhood friend
that they had grown up watching, but she was someone

so strong and such a fighter and going through so
much that on some level they could relate to her.
Whether it was a relative they had or a friend
that was going through it, or them or they themselves
was going they were going through a hard time, or
a students she was that person for them, that mentor
to look up to to keep going.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Think about that standing ovation. Were you both there for that? Yeah,
when she came out, what a moment. There was so
much more.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
In that and that was hard for her to take,
which that surprised me that day on stage because she
was so good with everyone and so you know, she
never got nervous. She never going on stage never bothered her.
I don't think I ever saw her get nervous about
anything other than her fight cancer. But like, and I

could see in her face like she was just so
moved and it took a lot for her to show feelings.
You know, that meant a lot to her.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
Yeah, she was definitely overcome with everybody's love for her,
for sure. I mean just think about like where all
the things that she'd been through as far as like
fans loving or hating her and all. You know, she's

been on the other side of that, so to feel
that kind of love from her fans, I'm sure that
was just like medicine for her heart, you.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Know, overwhelming. All it's overwhelming. I mean, it's very It's
been so beautiful to see. I mean even like on
my Instagram, my entire whatever it's called for you age
is just so much shamnon right, And it's like I
got a lot of calls. People were very impacted by

her their whole life, do you know what I'm saying,
Like through nine o two one, oh, of course, but
then she was so public about her battle and I
think it connected her with people. So I do feel
like your friend Torri that you were talking about, who
even just met her once, Like, yeah, I get it.

It impacted that person very deeply.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
It's true.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
I keep going back to her podcast page on Instagram
and is it the pinned one, the on camera right,
it's depended one. I think the episode where she's talking
about she's starting a new treatment and or she says

she feels hopeful, and I just keep I find myself
going and just rewatching that probably far too many times
than I should a day.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
But it's yeah, yeah, I mean she was working non stop. Yeah,
and she liked it, you know, I can she wanted to.
But to have that strength, I know that, I I
mean I couldn't like. I admire it so much because

it's like wow, to have that inner strength, to just
be able to be working even if you don't feel good,
is like unbelievable, and I think about so many people
that do that. I frankly don't actually know how she
did it because it's so unbelievable, and it does make

me want to be like that, you know what I mean,
like be a little tougher, be a little stronger. And
also I feel very feel, very responsible to continue what
she was doing. I think it's why I wanted you

guys to come on today talk about it, because I
continue to fight for what she was so passionate about.
You know, have these amazing doctors and these amazing people
and these amazing advocates share their stories. Because she was unfinished.

That was sort of work I think is so hard.
Is like her work was not done, and so I
do feel like it's on you, it's on me, It's
on us, it's on all of us listening to continue that.
I've been so touched by the people that are like,
please don't turn this Instagram off, her Instagram, her show Instagram,
or her show because the message is so important. So,

you know, I think that's why I wanted you guys
to come on. It's just to say how you're feeling,
so that other people know that what they're feeling is okay.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
Yeah, I think that in general, I think everybody should
feel you know. I feel like I got so much
strength from just knowing her as a young girl, growing
up beside her for the years that I did, and
I learned a lot, you know, about how to stand

up for myself, how to fight for things that I
believed in, and I saw I saw at times that
not work in her benefit from other people's perspectives. But
I also saw that she was saying what she needed

to say, and I thought, I want to be like that.
I want to be a person that use my voice
and says what I need to say. And so she
did inspire me in that is in one way that

she inspired me.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
Yes, I think people looking back, she got such a
hard time at the time, and looking back, it's one
of the things that's the most spectacular about her, which
is so such is life, right, and that people now
so admire her for that almost like we need to

learn from that, you know.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Yeah, it was a different time m hm. To Jen's point,
I feel the same way, except I didn't put it
into action. Like she would always encourage me to use
my voice and I didn't. You can and you do

now and that yeah, in the last year. That's something
that it was nice to be encourage that when I
was young, but I was too young and in the
middle of it to understand my worth to do that.
And it was nice to hear her tell me that
as an adult and be like I can't. I can't.

And but when she's like, you can, and I heard
it this time, I'm grateful.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
For that.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
And I will.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
Yeah. That's yeah, you should because you honor that way.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
Totally. Yeah, she's going to be looking down on you
and so proud of every moment that you stand up
for yourself and use your voice. I can just see
her applauding you, just loving it.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
Yeah, you know, I I realize also how hard it
must have been for you guys when you lost Luke
Perry I didn't realize it at the time, but now
I realize. I mean, that must have just been no
words and then for you to go through it again

so soon. You know, I'm really sorry, Like I know
that I wish I had better words because I know
both of you. It's very hard. It's a piece of.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
You, Yeah, it is.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
It's like a piece of your found that y'all never
no one will ever really understand unless they were there
with us then they went through the experience with us.
It's it's kind of hard to for me. It's kind
of hard to believe that other people understand that connection.

I know for you tour, you guys spend a lot
more time with each other like as friends like in
the real world. And I know I've just been thinking
a lot about you and your loss and sending you
a lot of hugs you too.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
Yeah, Jen and I have talked a lot over the
years that the connection hm that we all had, it's
just we always do say it's something no one can
quite underst stand.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
It was.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
So unique.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
How do you feel about going? I know you guys
have a strip coming up, right, Like, isn't there a
a con a reunion sort of soon? Is there one soon?
Do you want to go?

Speaker 2 (29:30):
Do you want to I don't want to go. I
don't want to go. I mean just for the far
like absence of her there. I think though there's part
of me that does want to go to try to
like give our fans are her fans specifically, just some love,

just some connection from you know us that that's who
they associated all with. You know, it's not going to
be easy.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
Though, Yeah I would what do I know? But I
would say it would mean so much to so many
people to see you all together. Even though I get it,
my instinct would be the like hide in my closet,
you know what I mean, Like it would be so hard,
but it's like if you have that strength.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I feel like it's going to be And this is
totally two separate things, but it's like when we did
beh nine O two and zero and we were all
together and Luke wasn't there, you know, and I know
this is just a convention, but it's.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
No, it's not. It's you all being together. Yeah, I
get it.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
Each nine O two zero was all of us realizing
because we were all together, and us all week together
as a group hit us harder that Luke wasn't there.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
You know, there was just this gaping hole.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
Yeah, so I assume that a conventions because the last
one all of us were together as a unit's one
and age. Yeah, so it'll be at the same time
that we impacts us where we impact all the fans
as well to see that she's not there.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
But we have to. I mean, I feel like I
need to try to be strong through that and give
them us, you know, because that will make them feel better.
Because I know that it made us feel better to
be together after Luke passed away. Yeah, there was some

comfort in that.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
So it's tough. Makes you know, you want to reach
out to each other too, you know. I was so happy.
I was very happy to talk to Brian last week,
you know, and it was his birthday. Oh you know,

I uh, it makes me sad for you, guys. I'm
really sad for you. Guys. I'm really sorry. I'm really
sad for you. I'm so sad to think.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Of It's like death is hard enough, you know, dealing
with grief and losing someone, but then two always be
sort of like cemented in people's minds and their memories

as us together, you know, So then one of us
is not there, and then another one of us is
not there. It's just like this weird like undealt with loss,
like yeah, yeah, it's really difficult to explain, honestly.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Yeah. I think for me, what I can say is
what a nice group of people you all are. Like,
I know it's complicated, I know there's so much, but
what a nice, truly nice group of people. Every single
one of you, every single one of you really hind

hind people. That's what I can say, because you know
each of you so unique. I've been so lucky to
get to work with most of you and know almost
all of you. What a kind, magical group of people.
And so I think that's kind of the thing, is

like what fate that brought you all together? Your dad, Tori,
who you know? What a lucky thing.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
Yeah, lucky's right, that's true. I can't imagine this lifetime
not getting to know all of you and not going
through that experience that, as we say, Jen, no one
can understand. And I'm okay with that because I wouldn't

have wanted to share it with anyone else besides all
of you.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
So much love there the end of the day, whatever,
anybody was dealing with. There was a just a thread
of love and appreciation for one another and support that
we felt because we had each other. And I don't

think that that will ever go away. I still feel
it with Luke. I know that as time passes, it'll
feel different. With Shannon.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
I mean, I don't want to like I don't mean
to be like easy or like, you know, let me
cut a button on it, you know, like I don't
mean to do that right now. But it's like I
do feel whatever the word is, pressure, I feel a

desire something to like I said, continue her message, continue
her fight, like you know, ah, give my money, you know,
all those things that maybe it's just little tiny things,
but that maybe they do something. I said, do do

you know we got to have a little laugh here,
I said, do you said it? You know? So maybe
and again like I don't pretend that we're going to
finish this podcast and then next week it's just like, hey, guys,
we're back.

Speaker 2 (36:17):
You know.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
It's like it's but I do feel inspired. Maybe that's
the right word to do what I can. Maybe it's
a little, maybe it's a lot, maybe it's some days
it's more, but just and also like I don't want
to be a dick, do you know what I mean?
It's like I need to be loving to people. It's
like there's so many lessons, like I need to tell

you guys. It doesn't have to be unicorns and rainbows
all the time. But like, I'm so lucky to get
to work with you guys. And I don't mean to
be cheesy or trying to like lessen the importance of
this conversation.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
You're not minimizing anything.

Speaker 2 (36:54):
No, No, it's so cool, Amy that we've all found
our way to you back to you.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
So I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky, Like what a
life to get to be a you know, work with
you all people that I just loved so much. And
what I'll say is like, y'all, do not disappoint none
of you. You know how they say like, oh, don't
meet the people that you're fans of. It's like that
is not the case with any of you. That whole

core group, every single one of you is so impressive.

Speaker 3 (37:27):
That's so true. They always say, never meet your heroes,
they'll just disappoint.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
You, and they that was so true.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Yeah, it was a good family.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
It was just something that was ingrained in us by
whatever the experience, the fans, the moment in time of
the nineties, there's just something that we all learn to
really appreciate what we had and appreciate the opportunities and
the gifts of people adoring the sh show and our characters.

Like I feel like all of us genuinely felt so
grateful for the opportunity.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
There's no coincidences, right, So it was about the experience
and the time, but it was also about us as well.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
I think the thing it really has resonated to me
and maybe maybe I think almost all of you feel
this way. You never don't want to talk about nine
o two one zero. You know, there's some celebrities that
you're like doing an interview with them, like, oh, don't
ask me about that show. And you all.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
Love it because we're grateful, Like Jen said, we're grateful. Yeah,
we all know that we would be nowhere without that
show and those fans for each.

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Other, it would be somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
Yeah, you know what I mean here, Yeah, I'm not
on this path that we've all been so lucky to
have this.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
Lifetime contagious to the fans. I think that's what we
feel so much with all of you is like the
thing that we love, you love.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
Yeah, that's true. That's true. So I know, for one,
I love my time with Shannon. I feel so grateful
to have known her and learned things from her and
watched her in her glory. You know, I just feel
very fortunate to have been given the gift of of her.

Speaker 3 (39:46):
She is a real trail blazer. Do people still use
that word? Okay?

Speaker 1 (39:51):
Yeah, and she was blazing trails? Yes they do, Tori,
and she was blazing trails.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
Okay, you can use him.

Speaker 1 (39:58):
Now because she was still doing that. I like it
she was doing that.

Speaker 3 (40:03):
You know. Look, I've ever used that word my entire
life and popped into my head.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
You're a trailblazer, you two kid.

Speaker 1 (40:13):
You know what I'll say is, look, we will continue
to watch recap the show, but it will be a
little different, and I want you guys to feel like,
you know, you say what you want to say, and
you will do it when you're ready.

Speaker 2 (40:27):
Yeah, do it when you're ready. Well, thank you Amy
for giving us the chance to sort of talk about
it publicly.

Speaker 1 (40:39):
I you know, look, yes, I made them get on.
I wanted to, like, you know, start the conversation, and
I wanted everyone to get to hear it, you know,
so hopefully we made the right decision.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
And I think so. I think important. It's important when
you're grieving and other people are grieving the same one
us in a different way. It's so important to connect
with one another and feel that human like connective tissue.
We're all hurting, we're all trying to heal. We all

want to do it right, we want to grieve right, however,
whatever that looks like. But I think the most important
thing is that we are all in this together, Like
in this moment, we are all together you, Amy, Tory,
and everybody listening, everybody who ever loved the show, whoever

loves Shannon, and any of our other projects. There are
so many. We're all together, and that should offer us
some feelings of support, you know. And it's better to
not feel so alone.

Speaker 3 (41:57):
It's true. It's better to feel then try not to feel.
Mm hmmm, well, so thank you.

Speaker 1 (42:07):
We'll keep talking and yeah, we're going to text you
guys in five minutes like I've been.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
Thank you, Amy.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
I love you guys so much, like I really, really
really love you both so much.

Speaker 2 (42:23):
I love you too, Love you guys who we love,
our OMG family.

Speaker 1 (42:28):
Oh yeah, people are They're such kind of people.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
Mm hm oh.

Speaker 1 (42:34):
Talk to you guys in two minutes.

Speaker 2 (42:36):
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