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August 3, 2021 30 mins

In this episode, Bobby & Sophie break down all things gelato. They compare and contrast gelato to ice cream, discuss the best flavors, and of course, Bobby explains how to make a perfect sundae using his all-time favorite gelato.

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
All right, guys, welcome to Always Hungry from iHeartRadio. My
name is Bobby Flay and I'm here with my daughter
and co host. I'm Sophie Flay and I'm Always Hungry.
Sophie and I gather around my stove to cook together. Well,
you cook, I asked the questions, and eat the food.
If there's any food left. We come to the table
together to share a meal, connect as a family, and
tell the stories that matter to us. Today we are

talking about possibly your favorite subject of all time. That's correct,
and it is jettato. I love it. It's an everyday occurrence.
This could be my favorite moment of the entire podcast history.
I'm gonna make a Sunday with gelato with my favorite
flavor of Jelatoasia. See let me tell you my components here.
I'm gonna whip some cream. I have some bittersweet chocolate sauce.

I have pistachios that I'm gonna chop, and I have
some Amarana cherries. So it's a very fitter. It's a
very Italian style, almost Sicilian style Sunday. I don't know
a whippy cream first by hand, you have to you
have to cream on a Sunday. You love it it Sunday,

you know I do, But I would never order a
Sunday what Yeah, I don't think you're my kid. We
are recording now, So when you when I put a
Sunday together, I mean I really think about it like
I'm creating an appetizer. You know, you want you want

to make sure you have a great foundation of good ingredients,
contrast of texture. In this case, we have, you know,
that fruity sweetness from the cherries. We have you know
obviously that nutty rich flavor from the pistachio gelato, and
then the creaminess and the richness of the of the
whipped cream. I'm not always I don't always feel like
whip cream is a necessity in a Sunday because it

kind of gets in the way of the flavor of
the ice cream. But it's okay. And then and the
crunchiness of the of the act pistachios themselves. I mean
that to me is like a really king Is it
safe to say if you go to a restaurant and
there's an ice cream Sunday on the menu, you're going
to order it. It's absolutely happened, And you know, yeah,
an ice cream Sunday comes from like a diner, right, Like,

is that is that where you're getting an ice cream Sunday?
Where you're getting it? Yeah, what do you mean? Like,
I don't know. I mean I guess like where it originated. Yeah,
well it probably it originated like in fountain shops, like
they don't exist anymore, Like in New York City they
used to be fountain shops where like you go into
I mean this is before I was a kid, so
you know, it's a long time ago. But like you know,
my mom would talk to me about them. She had

a place called Jakey's like in Queens where she grew up,
your your grandmother, and she said, like no, they would
make milkshakes and red egg creams and they would never
actually wash the thing that they were making them in.
And that's why they tasted so good because it was
just like the the ice cream was over and over
just being used in the same thing. Right, and uh,
you know they make you know, do you know what
an egg cream is? Did you ever hear an egg cream? Well?

Is it? Is it in like a like a chocolate?
What do you think it is? An egg cream? I
feel like I remember it being kind of like in
a chocolate mold, like wrapped in chocolate. Am I wrong? Yeah?
But but but you're you're wrong, but you but of
course you're wrong because it doesn't make any sense because
there's no eggs in it. Oh what, No, a chocolate

egg cream? Oh so it is in a chocolate mold. No, no,
it's a chocolate egg cream. Is a drink? Oh my god,
I've no idea what I'm talking about. I know, which
is like, what's so generational? It's it's three ingredients. It's
it's chocolate syrup, milk, and club soda or seltzer. That's
an egg cream. It was. It's a very New York thing. Obviously,

it's kind of got gone the way of you know,
the landline telephone. But but it's it's it's it's yeah,
that's a chocolate cream. Yeah. Literally, the first thing it
says when you google it is the name egg cream
is misleading, completely misleading. Anyway, let's get back to ice cream. So,
gelato and ice cream, what do you think are they
the same thing? No? I think they can have similarities,

but I don't think they're the same thing. But I
don't really know the true difference between ice cream and gelatto.
Let me, I should only give you a little little
questionnaire here, which one? Okay, well, think about it, because
you eat a lot of gelato in your life, and
you've eating a lot of ice cream, Yes, I have
Which one is richer gelato? Wrong? Really? Yeah? But it's
misleading as well. I would have said the same thing.
What makes it richer and what makes ice cream richer?

There's there's more cream, there's more cream and butterfat in
ice cream than there is in gelato. It's it's it's
and there's no yolks. There's no egg yolks gelato, So
it's denser. I think the key to great gelato and
why gelato is so loved and and gets that sort
of rich sensibility and like just just as you said, right,

it's two things. One, it's denser so you can chew it,
which is a really important component to me when I
when I'm eating ice cream, I want to be able
to chew my ice cream. If it's too light an area,
I'm not interested in it. The other thing is that
gelato is held so like in the butterfat content because
of the milk versus cream and gelato, Like gelato is
somewhere between five and nine percent butterfat ice cream is

over ten and sometimes between fourteen and twenty five percent butterfato. Yeah,
So basically that just means I can eat so much
more solato. And you know, there's a lot there's a
lot less air in the gelato, so it's more dense.
And then in gelato shops they hold the gelato about
seven to ten degrees warmer. So that's why it's creamier,

you know, Like when you go to a gelato shop,
it seems like it's creamier. When you go to like
an ice cream shop, it's much firmer, you know. And
I think that that's what gives it that sort of richie,
rich creamy sort of sensibility that people love about it.
And your favorite flavor is pistachio when it comes to yeah,

when it comes to gelato, Like I judge all gelatarias
by their pistachio. Like in the United States it would
be vanilla or chocolate, right, but like in Italy, it's
all about pistachio and the pistachio I want. I like
the pistachios from Sicily it's called they're called pistachios from
Bronte b r O Nte, which is you know, it's

it's it's a Sicilian nut. What makes them different than
like you're the mill pistachio, Well, it just has a
lot more richness to it and bigger flavor they have,
like you know, they have that just an intense pistachio flavor, which,
like in anything, I want when I want to taste,

when I want when I want to taste something I
wanted to taste, like what I think it's tasting, like right,
you know, but then let's listen, let's we can get
off the pistachio for a second. So like the you know,
the other thing is you know, in you know, the
some of some of my other favorite gelato flavors are
no ciola. You know what that is? Hazel nut yep, yeah,
that's that's one of my favorites too. And then John

Douya do you know what that is? No, so John
Duya is a common It's it's sort of like the
ntela of gelato's. It's it's it's hazel nut and chocolate.
Oh yes, so good. Yeah, it's really good. And then
you know there's always sort of a deep it's chocolate
one that they have. There's a place in Rome called
ote leg and it's an easy it's easy to remember

because it's gelato spelled backwards and the guy there literally
makes the gelato like is if a chef was going
to the market and making lunch that day. Like he
goes to the market, he picks the fruits and the
and the ingredients that he thinks are you know, sort
of of the moment and like at peak performance, and
he creates gelato out of them, and that's amazing. No, No,

they're so good. And like he has like two different
kinds of pistachio gelato. One has like Greek pistachios, the
other one has Sicilian pistachio, So like, can you really
taste the difference? Totally? Really? Yeah? And also he makes
them a little bit different. He makes one a little
more crunchy than the other. It's called Okay, I will
were practicing my Italian on this podcast. I know it's

really bad, but I have to. I have to practice somewhere.
Can you speak Italian with me? No, I'm so bad
at languages. I'm barely good at English. I am terrible,
Which you're so okay, and then look when it comes
to ice cream again, same thing I need. I need density,
I need to chew the ice cream. I will say,
like my favorite commercial brands are. I mean, I think

hoggin Does it is great, the best. It's well, I mean,
it's really great. It's consistent. I like most of their flavors.
I don't like their pistachio. Actually you know why, because
there's not enough pistachio. No. Yeah, because it's like vanilla
with pistachios folded into it doesn't have I don't like
that either. Yeah, but every but but in general, I
mean hoggin Does is fantastic, amazing. Do you remember that

time we made ice cream like forever Go and when
in East Hampton in the ice in my ice cream machine? Yeah, yeah,
you had that massive ice cream machine. It's so funny
because I see so many different types of ice cream
makers now that are like, I don't know, like as
big as your iPhone. Basically I had this. It was
like it was it was similar to like when you
see one of those massive like espresso machines. No, it

was like the size of the dining room table. But
it made like a pint of ice cream. It was
ridiculous and it took forever. I know, I got rid
of it. It's the only time I've made ice cream,
I think. Yeah, I mean making ice cream is fun. Yeah,
and it's actually pretty easy if you have the right equipment. Yeah, totally.
But also I like Ben and Jerry's Oh so good.
Ben Jerry's fish Fish food is like one of my

signature flavors. I like the coconut almond something, yeah, they
call it. I'm a big coconut fan as well. And
then I like, I love graters. I would say my
favorite flavor in American made ice cream is the black
raspberry chip graters. It's so good. Yeah, you always have

a lot of that. Well, they have these sheets, sheets
of chocolate running through while their will their ice creams.
It's not just like little chips. So what they do
is while they're making so as the ice cream is
being churned, at the very end, they take melted chocolate
and they let the chocolate drip into the ice cream,

and then the and then the temperature. The cold temperature
basically sort of like freezes the chocolate immediately. But they
literally have it's like streaks of chocolate and you know,
sometime it's like sometimes you get like this basically like
a chocolate bar and your and your ice cream pint.
It's so it's so good. What about alternative ice creams? Yeah,

I mean it's so funny because I am not I
really don't like cut things out out of my diet
per se. But I am a really big fan of
like some vegan ice cream. I really like Van Lewin's,
but I really like Craig's Vegan ice cream. They have
this mel. I also love mint chip ice cream, and
I usually want it to be like green, like I

kind of like that grasshopper e green mint chip. But
Craig's Craig's Vegan, their melrose mint chip flavor is like
I'm obsessing over it right now. You tell about Craig's,
the restaurant in Beverly Hills. They have their own ice
cream company. Really but can you buy it in stores? Yeah?
And pints really? Yes? Like where like like Bristol Farm

Full Foods. Yeah, interesting, but yeah, they're there. Melrose mint
chip flavor I love because it tastes it in the
consistency is similar in this sense too. It tastes like
a peppermint patty. It's really good. Now I will tell
you that I don't like alternative anything I know, and
and and actually I will I will admit that that's

not really a good attitude because at some point I
usually come around. You might say that you don't like
alternative things, but you try everything, like if there if
I bring you something, I'm like, Dad, I love this
vegan cheese. I love this vegan ice cream. It's not
like you're gonna be like, oh, I'm not interested. You'll
try anything I know, but I am. But I have, like,
I have a pattern of being skeptical of new things

like that, especially when it infringes upon something that I
really like in general. Like, for instance, you know, there's
there's an incredible success story when it comes to you know,
alternative meats, you know burgers, what's the names possible foods,
and then there's another one. What's the other one? Plant

based burgers, Beyond beyond meat. Okay, so yeah, so there's
beyond meat and impossible foods, impossible burger and it's listen,
I mean, there's success. I'd love to have a piece
of that company because they're they're they've blown up and
people people have really have really liked it. It's not
for me. I mean, and and you know, I've tried

to sort of get into it, and I just my
feeling is, and this is just my personal feeling, is
that if I want to eat a burger, I'm going
to eat a beef burger. And if i want to
have a veggie burger, then I'm going to make a
burger that's made out of vegetables. It's just it's just
my my approach to how I want to eat a burger.
That said, in the ice cream department, there's been some

there's been a lot of alternative ice creams, which is
sort of the growing market in that in that business,
and I haven't really been loving anything that changed. I
found a company called Wild Goood and I invested in it.
Not not a lot, not not a big investment. I
just I just wanted to be part of it because
I was so enthusiastic about it. And let me tell

you why. First of all, the flavors are great. The
density of the ice cream is really good. It's not
really ice cream, but the density of the frozen dessert
or whatever you want to call it, the plant based
ice cream I guess you want to call it, has
really good density. Well, that's important to you, very important.
And it's made with extra virgin olive oil from grease

and water. That's that's sort of the the base. And
then there's the hero ingredient. And the sugar is made
out of beet sugar. It like one pint of ice
cream is like less than three hundred and fifty calories.
It's crazy. Wait, what's beat sugar. It's like extracting because
beats can be sweet, right, So the extract they do

an extraction of beets and that's what sweetens the ice cream. Interesting,
it's not it's not like you know, it's not like
cane sugar, got it. Yeah, that's interesting. No, No, And
there's no dairy. That's hard though, because with a lot
of alternatives, it's like sometimes you need a lot of
sugar to make it taste good, no matter what it is. Yeah, exactly.
That's that's my problem with some of these alternative milks. Right.
But but yeah, but I'm just telling you, like I

was wowed by this and and so yeah, and so
I'm obviously I'm rooting for them because I think there
I think they have a there's a guy in grease
who created this this ice cream, and he's been Oh
my god, you're going to be obsessed with grease. Now,
Oh it's not. It's not even about that. Again, it's
the Mediterranean diet. It's like the thing right that I've
been gravitating towards for the last twenty years and so so,

so you know the fact that this guy was able
to come up with this is insane. I mean it's
such a cool story and a great product. I mean,
and you can have a create you can have a
great story and if the products not good, it can
it can only it can't last. Do you have a
favorite flavor yet? When can we try this? I think
it launches in March. Okay, there's like eight there's like
eight flavors. I think there is a midship actually, so

we know we know what you'll be doing. I like
the pistachio one. Actually, what a surprise it is what
it is, so basically, I'm just I just have some
like some granulated sugar and some heavy whipping cree and
I'm just whipping it by hands until you get like
soft peaks. I was just saying, made that the perfume.

Damard cherries, Yeah, those are the cherries that like they're
They're fantastic for Manhattan's also, oh my god. Okay, So
we have the cream, we have some bittersweet chocolate sauce.
I have some pistachios that I'm gonna shop as well.
So to me, when you're making a Sunday, I mean
you have you have to think about it like actually

composing a dish, right, So you want to start with
great ingredients obviously that you like. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna,
I'm just gonna go all pistachio today. So this is
really a pistachio, chocolate and cherry Sunday. And you know
the Maraschino cherries that you see in the and ice
cream parlors that are like that bright red. I mean

it's just red dye. It's just like the version of
the classic Amarrad cherries that we bought today there was
real club. Yeah yeah, so good. So we have chopped pistachios,
pistachio gelato, bittersweet chocolate sauce, and Miranda cherries, and then
we have the wood cream. And then the reason why

I'm chopping pistachios to go on top of the pistachio
gelato is because I want that crunch, right, you know,
and I think that as if you were like to
have like peanuts on poppers. Yes, exactly. It's like a
very key thing. This is kind of a fancyish Sunday.
But you know, we have the ingredients, so why not
make it. You haven't you haven't talked about your your

real ice cream roots, which are what your first job
Baskin Robbins. So my first my first job that I
can talk about is Baskin of Robbins, and I can
talk about it. Don't overlook that comment. And no bastard,
Like I was like I think sixteen or seven, sixteen
or something like that, maybe seventeen. Yeah, and you know

I was scooping ice cream at Basket Robbins around the
corner for my house and you know, in New York City,
and I was like in heaven. And you know you
asked me about banana splits before. It's like, I love
banana splits, but that's my first memories of making banana splits.
Where's the Baskin Robbins. So you would take the banana,
peel it, cut it down the middle, you'd put one

like lengthwise, you'd put one on each side. Of the
of the of the boat, so to speak. And then
three scoops of different ice cream whatever they wanted. And
then three different kinds of sauces. Or they could be
chocolate or like some butterscotch sauce, or there might be
a strawberry sauce or a pineapple sauce. And then there
was like nuts. They were like, you know, they were
like like wet walnuts or or just dried you know,

I don't know, peanuts, I can't remember, god, And then
whip cream. You know, it was crazy. But the but
the but the granddaddy of the mob was called the Matterhorns.
Seven scoops of ice cream, seven sauces, get at me.
Oh my god, I did it when I was a kid.
I remember walking in and like and they knew me
in there before I was working there, and they were like,

what a surprise. And I was like, I'm ready star
hit me with the mannh God like it was a challenge,
and I like I went and sat on like a
stoop somewhere and ate it with my friends. Yeah, but
you know, listen, that's that was my That was my
sort of intro to the world of ice cream that

I now live in. Yeah, like I would would be
so fun to own like an ice cream shop, like
a gelato shop with like a coffee bar, Hey the
world or oystery? Don't we do that? Stream? No? You want?
You love coffee bars? Okay, okay, I love ice cream?
Why don't we? Why don't we have like I mean,

obviously that makes perfect sense. When you go to Italy,
you go to like they always have like gelato and
like the coffee bars and stuff like that. Yeah, that's true,
all right, a little parlor, Yeah great, what should we
call it? Sophie's, Bobby and Sophie's. That's original. So which

is okay wait, yeah, vanilla or chocolate? You only get
to choose one vanilla the world. The world is separated
by vanilla and chocolate. Yeah, I'm chocolate. Yeah, I like
vanilla based ice creams. Okay, that's not what I asked,
but that's the But that's really what it comes down to.
Like when you say vanilla or chocolate, yes, of course

it's vanilla or a chocolate, But then there's like chocolate
based ice creams that have other stuff in it, and
then there's you know, like vanilla ice creams that have
other stuff in it so like so people right, So
that's what that's how people gravitate. Yeah, so you go
to the chocolate end. I'm always on the chocolate side
because I want like the chocolate hazel nutty taste. Actually,

you know what, up until recently, it was really hard
to find ice cream in the Los Angeles. What well,
let's go back before Salt and Straw showed up. Okay,
where else where where were you getting ice cream? Yeah?
I guess that's a good point. Van Lewis has been
has been around for a while. I think I looked
that up. That's New Wish too. I'm telling you, like
five Newish. Five years ago, I had a hard time.

I remember I was staying in a hotel and I
said to the concierge of the hotel, where can I
get great ice cream in LA And the guy did
not know where to send me. Oh my god. And
this is a warm weather place. Yeah, okay, but now
it's it's starting to change. Now you can go to
Italy and get some gelato by the scoop, or you
can go to Salt and Straw, McConnell's, Jenny's, what's the

place in Brentwood Rose Creamery oh yes, yeah, that's good
as well. Rose sweet rose so good. Yes, yeah, that's good. Homemade,
that's really good homemade ice cream. You know what's funny
is that I would never like be this person, but
I when I go to Salt and Straw, I love
the lavender honey ice cream flavor. I love it. I

can't explain it, but I love it. Let's talk about this.
So there's been a little bit of a wave in
the last few years, like Salt and Straw, Jenny's ice Cream,
where the where the flavors are I would call them,
you know, sort of creative to esoteric. You know, they
they're not what you expect, right, and they use a

lot of savory ingredients as well, that again you wouldn't
expect in sort of a sweet dessert or an ice cream.
How do you feel about those? You know, it's exciting
to me because I think when you think about ice cream,
there's you know, you're very simple, basic everyday flavors that
are always going to be the same. Like if you
go to Hogandaws, you know exactly what flavors they are
going to have. Maybe they feature some one new one,

but it's going to be your very basic running the
mill flavors, which is great because that's homey, that's usually
what you want. But what's exciting about Salt and Straws
They change their flavors constantly, so there's always something new
to try. They always flip their menu, they announce it,
and you're like, oh, well, I want to go try
these flavors because even if it's not your favorite flavor,
they will all taste good. So I'm into it. Do

you remember you and I have been to Roam together twice? Right?
We went for Christmas about four years right, Yeah, and
I took you when you were like, I don't know,
thirteen or something. Yeah. I think all we did was
go to gelato shops. We were there for three days
and we went to nine we had we had a
lotto nine different times. I counted it because I was like,
I was like, this is ridiculous. I mean to gelato shops.

Oh Like, see, like Salt and Straw right now has
this bourbon caramelized honeycomb flavor. I mean that's okay, But
to me that that's that's like that makes perfect sense
for an ice cream. It's a little bit more banana
avocados or bay Okay, that's not even that that crazy.
But you're I know you're talking about you're talking about
the ones with like the blue cheese sort of thing

or like like rosemary, like right exactly. I mean rosemary
is a very strong ingredient right period. And then when
you put it with with with Zert's, you know, I'm
not sure about it. I like classic things. People talk
to me about this all the time. You know, they
say like, oh, that's so like ordinary or pedestrian. Like

when when they hear like, oh, oh, there's a capraise
salad on the menu, you know, which is mozzarella, tomato
and basil, right and delicious. It's it's classic for a reason, right,
I mean because it works. You know, bacon, egg, and cheese.
Everything is in threes, bacon, egg and cheese. You know

that that that sandwich works. We know that we can
confirm that. I know. It's funny. I owe people people
like your fans always come up to you and people
that just like idolize you and they're like, Bobby, Bobby,
what's your favorite dish? And they you know that they've
been like waiting to ask you this question, and it's
so sweet, and you're like ice cream and they're like, oh, yeah,
what's your favorite thing to eat? Like feel like so disappointed.

They want something like cooler complex and you're like, oh, oh,
ice cream. It's just ice cream. So we have some
pistachio with gelato. Okay. Then and also like Sophie is
all like how you do it? You know? So I'm
gonna put the chocolate sauce over the gelato, okay, just

to kind of glaze it. It's like a little bit
on each scoop. You were heating up the chocolate sauce. Yeah, well,
because the chocolate sauce is like in the jar, it's
really firm, So I just heat it up and like
most people will heat it up in a microwave at home,
which works really nicely, take the top off in my microwave,
but I just put it in a sauce pan with
water covered, so that's just kind of heats through, okay,

And then stop being my pistachios. They're so good, Okay.
Then some pistachios on top, lookin pretty, this is very pretty.
And then some whipped cream, A few dops of whipped
cream cream, and then a couple of those cherries on top,
and the syrup The cherry syrup is also really good.
It kind of cherries, cherries and pistachio going really nicely together. Yeah. Here,

take a picture of this lit a little more pistachio.
So this isn't like a giant Sunday, but it's a
welcomposed Sunday. It's got three or four ingredients. It's not
crazy amounts of ice cream. Yeah, all right, let's see,
let's go. But you know what, you know, what's what

else is really really great? I mean milk shakes. The
milkshakes we make at Bobby's Burgers is like they're stupid good.
It's eleven ounces of ice cream, the hero ingredient whatever
it is, like chocolate, pistachio, you know, whatever it is,
and then like literally like a couple of ounces of
milk to thin it out and then blended. That's it.
So basically you're just getting blended ice cream. It's so delicious.

What was your favorite flavor? What's my favorite flavor? Yeah?
What do you mean? Like, what's your favorite milkshake flavor
at BBP? The pistachio. Okay, listen, you've got you've got
a lot of flavors. Well, the most popular is vanilla,
then chocolate. Cookies and cream is very popular. I love
cookies and cream, and then the one and then black

and white. Oh, the black and white is great, which
is what I your your grandfather and I would alway
he would always take me for a black and white milkshake.
That's what we would do, like when I was when
I was really small, we would watch sports on TV
and he'd get like we'd get hero sandwiches and he'd
get a black and white milkshake for us. That was

like that was that was like our day watching you know,
baseball or something. Your treat. Yeah, yeah, your black and
white milkshake is really good. I mean it's vanilla ice
cream with chalk and syrup in it. Yeah. Oh, cookies
and cream. Yeah, we didn't even real talk about cookies
and cream. I love cookies and cookies and cream is
an amazing Who came out with that? Andree I kind
of feel like there used to be a company. I
don't even think it exists anymore called Siddutos. Do you

know that place? No. I think they were the first
people to come out with with cookies and cream. It's
like you know chocolate. It was Oreos and vanilla ice
cream just blended up together. It's so good. Yeah. I
don't know if that I don't know if that is
accurate in terms of like who started it. That's what
I remember. Who knows? You know, nothing's original. Everybody borrows
and steals from everybody else. It's it's the way the

world works. It's called influencing. Oh okay, who it is?
I mean that's It's like it's like it's at some
point like where does it all? Where does it all begin?
You know. It's like when when people get accused of
stealing other people's ideas and food, it's like, what are
you talking about? Like how far do you want to
go back? You know, it's like, oh, that roasted chicken.

You stole my idea about the roasted chicken. Okay, so
you use lemons, I use lemons. Wait, who invented the chicken?
Like who invented the roasted chicken? Let's go back there
and find that person. It's like it's like that's what's
great about my business, which is that it's so incredible.
Like for ninety nine point nine percent of the time,

everybody's so generous with their knowledge and their information. We
pass it back and forth to each other because who cares.
I mean, it's just like we're just cooking, you know.
I mean we're making food and so like, and we're
all inspired by everybody else. That's that's what happens. You know.
I go someplace, I go to a restaurant and I

see something I love. I'm not gonna just pick it
up and put it on a plate in my own restaurant,
but I'm gonna be inspired by something that I saw, right,
and it's gonna it's gonna get my sort of creative
juices going totally. Yeah. Okay, all right, I'm gonna make
you a sign day. What do you want vegan ice cream? No?
I want to banana split? All right? Coming up right now.

Always Hungry is created by Bobby Flay and Sophie Flay.
All Right. Executive producer is Christopher Hasiotis. Always Hungry is produced, edited,
and mixed by Jonathan hass Beessler. Always Hungry is engineered
by Sophie Flay. For more podcasts from My Heart Radio,
visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen
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