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February 8, 2022 18 mins

In this episode, Bobby and Sophie dive into the retro cocktail craze that is making its way to a cocktail menu near you. They outline the timeless cocktails you should know, talk about which ones still work and which don't, and finally, Bobby makes Sophie a special sour cocktail that's perfect for the racetrack or any other special occasion.

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
All right, guys, welcome to Always Hungry from My Heart Radio.
My name is Bobby Flay, and I'm here with my
daughter and co host, and I'm Always Hungry. Sophie and
I gathered around my stove to cook together. Well you cook,
I asked the questions, and eat the food and does
any food left? We come to the table together to
share a meal, connect as a family, and tell the
stories that matter to us. Okay, so we're talking about

retro cocktails, and I think that, like, um, one of
the things that's happened over the last decade or so
is like we've seen, you know, craft cocktails kind of
sweep the nation. I remember I was in Rome, like you,
I think you were just born. It must have been
twenty five years ago, and I was in his hotel
called the Hotel de Russie in Rome, which is a

really beautiful hotel, and I was at the bar and
I was like, what is this guy doing? And he
had like all these amazing like you know, fresher was
and all these beautiful fruits behind the bar. It was
like something that we hadn't really seen in America yet.
And they were making all these really beautiful handcrafted cocktails

and like the guy the bartender was literally sort of
acting like a chef, you know, behind the bar and
you know, creating all these beautiful cocktails and like saying
like what, like what kind of liquor do you like?
I can make you something special whatever. And I remember
thinking to myself, like we're behind the times in the
United States. And then sure enough, like very quickly after that,

you know, craft cocktails started sweeping in the nation, and
like any good thing, it got overdone in my opinion,
and we wound up with a lot of you know,
I would say questionable mixtures of cocktails, lots of things
that were very just kind of sweet and colin and
you know, but what it did was it created a

really great cocktail culture in the restaurant and hotel business
in the United States, and it made it a lot
more interesting. So like you needed if you if you
wanted to have a successful restaurant, you need a cocktail list.
You couldn't just serve like um June and tonics and martinis,
you know what I mean, Like you had to have like,
you know, handcrafted cocktails that basically created for the restaurant itself.

And so you know, we did that all of our
restaurants as well. What's happening now, especially in sort of
classic cuisine restaurants, like in a Maufie. We've created a
couple of cocktails, but we're really making like classic Italian
cocktails you know that have been around for you know,
decades and decades. The grony, you know, it's made, it's

made a comeback. So ne grony is a very very
simple cocktails and it's it's it's simple because it's it's
it's three equal parts is the classic recipe. So it's
um gin campari or some kind of bitter like that.
We use something called cappelletti, which is a little bit
smooth in campari, and then um some of vermouth and
it's equal parts. You serve it on ice. Boom. That's

it my fait. One of my favorite cocktails is something
called the Spogliato, which literally means mistake in Italian, and
it was because the bartender made The story goes that
the bar bartender made a mistake making it a grony
and instead of using gin, he used prosecco and sparkling wine.
I drink those all the time when I'm in Italy.

I drink spogliatos or from an Italian restaurant like I
love Negroni or a s Bogliato. I think that they
really they're really terrific. And then you know, the world
of sprits is has exploded over the last five years.
But you know, April something that was created like in
the twenties or even in the teens, nineteen something like
a hundred years ago. And you know, the April Sprits.

It's not a new cocktail. It's something that's come back,
which is just you know it was. It was big
in the fifties, the April Sprits, and now it's back,
and I think a lot of these fifties cocktails are
what people are going to be drinking in two I
was this summer of which I had never had before.
I was drinking a lot of Litte spritz Is okay,
Lila sprince a fortified wine and do they serve like

a big orange slice in the middle. Beautiful, so good, interesting, Lila,
that's that's too. That's that's to me. That's a summer
drink that could really make a huge splash, that could
be the next you know approl Right, they were so
good drinking little sprinces by the pool during the day. Um.

And then there's like sours, right, like Amaretto sour that
we're making today, you know. Basically, Um, I love those
kinds of drinks because they're not too sweet. They have
a sweet side of them, but there's an edge because
of the fresh lemon juice. I think an Armaretto sour.
It's it's not something I really had to drink before.

I forget who it was, but someone showed me them
at the race someone like one of your friends showed
me them at the race track, shocking, and I've been
drinking them ever since. They're so good, Like I was
saying before, like we had one as an appa of
tea before, like we were waiting for the Uber to
come to go to dinner, and it was just like
it's a really kind of nice It's like refreshing and
fun to drink, you know. Um. You know, and things

like Tom Collins, which is also kind of like a sound.
Tom Collins is a classic. It's gin lemon juice, a
little simple syrup and club soda, so it has a
little effervescence to it. That's a very very classic drink
as well. Um. Then you know, an old fashioned bourbon
or some sort of whiskey bitters in sugar. Again very classic.

Then it's something called a Sasarek, which is sort of
New Orleans version of which I love that. I just
love the name of it. But yeah, it's a it's
a very very New Orleans cocktail. I think one of
the first drinks I ever had when I was like,
you know, probably I was with my parents. We were
at like some Easter brunch or something. I was probably
too young to really be drinking, but my parents let

me have a cocktail was Brandy Alexander. What is that? God? So,
a Brandy Alexander is like cognac creme to coco you
know what that is. It's like chocolate liqueur creme to
cocoa and uh and cream. It's it's it's basically and
I think it has like either cinnamon or nutmeg on tops,
sprinkled on top. It's like a dessert cocktail. Brandy Alexander.

Those are those are gonna come back. You're definitely with
Grandma on that one, for sure. One of my favorite
cocktails is a French Oh yeah, I'm really good and
um so that's gin lemon and uh, and it's topped
off with champagne. At Bar American, we used to do
Kentucky seventy so we used to use you know, bourbon,

lemon and champagne delicious. Do you consider like a mint
jewelip a retro cocktail, Yes, for sure, But you know
that's that that cocktail has history in terms of you know,
it has its own holiday, the Kentucky Derby first Saturday
in May. That's when people drink them. Right. I make
if I'm at the Derby or if I'm washing the derby,
I always make. I always have one right before post time.

I mean it's simple syrup, mint and bourbon. I mean,
you can't freak seven of those, no way can. But
what we do is we make bourbon cocktails like with
ginger in it, so it kind of like ginger and
ginger real and ginger beer. So that kind of dilutes
the bourbon a little bit because otherwise I've ment you
basically straight on bourbon with some sugar makes it worse.

You know, Um, it's a good cocktail. And then the
sprits thing is just like taking off all over the place.
You know, you know, everybody wants to sprints Campari sprits
and April sprits. We do something called the Roberto at
the at a maufie with me. Yeah, named after your truly,
that's my that's my Italian uh, my secret Italian name.

You know. That's um. So it's keynote keynoto is a
it's a like a sour orange soda that you love
that I love. It's you know, it's Italian and uh,
we make a sprits with that. Um. It's really really good.
Not that many not that many people order because they're
ordering apparola campari sprits basically. But but um, and then

you know what a Cuba libre is. Oh my god,
this is a great cocktail. So it's it's uh, you know,
it's rum, coca cola and lime juice. Oh yeah, I
love rum, you do. Yeah, rum needs to have its moment.
I also love gimlets. Vodka gimlet. Yeah, vodka gimlet is good.
I don't drink gin that much. I used to drink gin. Gimlets.

It's basically like, you know, lime juice, simple syrup. Gin.
The gimlets are definitely I think next summer the Pims
Cup is going to be the cocktail. I love a
Pim's Cup. So it's like a gin based liquor, but
you know it's British and has ginger aile, cucumber slice

and a lemon slice. It's so good. So I think
you can make a really good one if like you
put if you use a little bit of cucumber, like
water cucumber juice, you know, just to give it a
little bit of that freshness, and then like you know,
like a fresh ginger ale or syrup or something like that.
Lemon slices Pim's cup are really great, very very refreshing.

Time for a cocktail, Time for a cocktail. Here we're
gonna make it an amaretto sour. We're talking about reto cocktails.
So this thing is coming back strong. I've actually been
drinking these a little bit lately. It's so good. So um,
we're gonna start with some amaretto. I love armoretto. You do.

I drink it at the race track. You do some bourbon,
isn't There Sometimes some juice in there too, Lemon, some
fresh lemon juice. This is what makes it sour. You
made these last night before we went up to dinner
as our very tieth cocktail waiting for the uber. Okay,
I'm gonna take a egg white gives it that sort

of frothiness, and I don't have any simple syrup. I'm
gonna take a little bit of this cherry syrup. Oh
so this is how things get discovered. So because I'm
gonna use a cherry as a as a garniture. And
then what I like to do first is I like
to shake its dry first so that the egg white
gets gone a little bit. That I add the ice. Oh,

take it out. We talked about spogliato, and then we

talked at the Armorillo sours, which I think this is
I'm telling that I was going to be the runaway.
How about the fact that espresso martinis have literally like
come back like a vengeance. It's nuts. I love an
espresso martini. You do, Oh my god, I love it. Yeah.
We make a really good one at the Maufie. Let
me tell you what's in it. Also, we're making mes
count the groans there, which um So the espresso martini

that we make is vodka coffee liqueur. We put a
little pinch of coconut liqueur. You can't taste it, but
it does some rounding out a little bit of a
gave a shot of espresso, so we make the espresso
to order when you order one, and then a couple
of dashes of chocolate bitters. Many people have told me

that the best espresso Martina they've ever had is at Amalfie.
How do you feel about the good review? I agree,
it's so good. What about like a ploma? Is that
retro or now it is retro? Actually Ploma is definitely retro.
Its Ploma is um It's like a It's like, you know,
classically it's a grape suit grapefruit and grape food soda
in tequila, but now you know they're making they're using

obviously fresh grape fruit juice, which is so good. Yeah,
it's a grape foud margarita basically, I see. I like
the idea of making it margharita whatever the whatever the
margharite is, and then like a splash of mescal on top. Well,
first of all, you get drunk quicker, but secondly, like
I like the crispness of like silver tequila and a

margharita and like a little bit of that smokiness as
a back splash. Yeah, you know what I mean. Otherwise,
it just feels like a lot, you know, like the
mesical can be very smoky. Yeah. I like that though.
I like that a lot. Have you had a mescal GRONI?
I don't think so, it's so good. I had oh
at Horses the other day. She made mescal and like

a shooter almost like mescal and montenegro. It's good, very good.
Oh oh, that's what's happening. We went to two places
last night. Both places on their cocktail list had lambrusco.
You know what labrusco is now, it's sparkling red wine. What, Yes,
it's sparkling red wine. It's usual. It's usually like in

a cocktail or just alone. Lambrusco has not always thought
of as like the highest and ingredient. But it's cool.
It has like this effervescence to it, and it's got
a little sweetness to it. And they were they made
a spagliotto rosso, so they were making a spogliotto rosso,
but instead of prosecco, it was lambrusco, so it was

the sparkling red wine instead of prosecco. And then we
went to Mother Wolf and Christina had a spogliato. Yeah,
basically that's like, that's what that's going to be the thing.
La Brusco is gonna be a thing. Yeah, I've never
heard of that before. So you do you drink it
in a cocktail? Yes? How do you spell that? Lambrusco

A L A M, B R U S c O
M interesting? What does it say? I'm just looking at
these bottles. It's not expensive. No, I told you that.
It's not like a high end liquor. Really interesting Limbrusco sprits.
That's like the next thing that comes up. M anything

effervescent spiced cherry Lombresco sprits. Okay, I have to try
that one out. I've maybe had a Cosmo once. So
Cosmopolitan is citrus vodka, orange liqueur, and cranberry. I think

I just anyone to order those anymore? They're back, you think, yeah,
because this new section the City's back. They are showed
in the Cosmo. Yeah, they really did. I haven't seen
anyone to order and Apple teeny recently either. No, they're
not coming back anytime. So so scary looking. Yeah, that

apple green apple acor like all the weeen drink it's
definitely definitely not happening. Are you a beer drinker? Yeah, really, yeah,
I like like, I like um Coronas. I definitely like
Corona's modelos. Oh, we had one the other day, Remember
we had we had some sort of Corona esque beer model.

You and I hadn't heard of it. Corona esque beer. Yeah,
it was. It was something was in Mexican. Yeah, I
think so. It was good. Yeah. I like that. You're
not really a beer drinker. In certain circumstances. It's got
to be a very hot day. I like drinking beer
and it's at like the baseball games. Yeah yeah, um,
or like maybe even watching a game like in the

middle of the summer. But like, if if I'm going
to be like by the pool, I'm probably not gonna
drink beer. I'm gonna drink like a glass or rose
or a sprints or something like that. Is a bloody
Mary a retro cocktail? No? I mean now, it's just
been around forever. It hasn't gone anywhere. That's the one
thing about a bloody Mary is it's not it hasn't
gone out of favor anywhere. What about a Michelada? Do
you like that Michelada? Yeah? I do. I do like Michelada. Um,

I think like my I think my thing is like Spagliatos,
and I think I'm going to bring the pims cup
back strong. I kind of love that on your on
your menus or just in my life. Just in my life,
pims cups are so good. I mean, you know, the
ginger real, the cucumber and the and the lemon, and
you know it's a gin based cocktail. I think it's

I think it's good retro cocktail. I think, so yeah,
that's a good cocktail. We serve a lot of Billiinis
a Maufi. At first we weren't selling a lot, but
now we are. Really what's the most popular drink there?
I think the lemonada. What's that? The lemonade is like
basically our lemon version of them mohito, because lemons are
very very important to UM, to the Maufie coast. So

it's it's white rum, it's uh, lemon flavored pellegreeno water, lemon,
wedges and mint in a little simple syrup on. So good.
It's very refreshing. It's a great summer summer cocktail. UM.
And then you know we serve you know, we serve
a lot of the grownies, We serve a lot of
mes count of grownes, and we serve, we serve a
lot of sprits. Is the amounfie sprits. You know, it's

like you know, it's it's the cappelletti, which is the
it's kind of the art, the campari version um. And
then some spumante brute, which is like, you know, a
like a like a sparkling wine. And then some club soda, Julie,
simple good, and then little streaming out into a glass.

Get a couple of cherries here, nice n Sunday afternoon,
pretty dad. I like this little cocktail gasses. Thank you
very rich too, so good to sweep? No good, really good.

You used the cherry syrup. What were you supposed to use?
Simple syrup? I like this better. I think it's got
like a lot more flavor. I don't know if that's
good or bad, you know, yeah, but I like that
I don't. Always Hungry is created by Bobby Flay and
Sophie Flay. Our executive producer is Christopher hasiotis Always Hungry

is produced, edited and mixed by Jonathan Howks Dressler. Always
Hungry is engineered by Sophie Flay. For more podcasts from
My Heart Radio, visit the I heart radio app, Apple podcast,
or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
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