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April 10, 2023 48 mins

Kevin and Jenna themselves are blown away by parts of this episode! Find out what part Jenna had to rewind 3 times just to confirm it really happened! 

Plus, one of the weirdest scenes in Glee history and Jenna’s worst nightmare comes true…all in one episode! 

And why the cast’s first Beatles type experience was so close to tragedy! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
And that's what you really missed with Jenna and Kevin
an iHeartRadio podcast. Welcome to and that's why you really
miss podcast Funk. She's steel on the baseline. Hi Kevin,

Hi Jenna. We're almost at the end of the first season.
That's crazy. If you've made it this far on our podcast,
pat yourselves on the back. Thank you for sticking with us.
We're proud of you, We're thankful for you, and I'm
happy we didn't do it without you. Somehow tricked Jenna
and to hanging out with me every week to do this,

So we tricked each other, really tricked. Yeah exactly, Yeah exactly.
Um so funk Okay, okay. This episode aired June one,
twenty ten, And when we when this episode came out,
we were still on our first tour, right. We were

in New York performing at Radio City. Very exciting, very exciting, legendary.
What else you had already performed at Radio City before,
hadn't you? I just imagine you had no. Thank you
for thinking that. No, I had not, So this was
like a really even like even extra big deal for you. Yeah. Yeah,

Like the Radio City is like the mecca of New York.
It's the Rockets. You think Christmas, you think you know,
like I didn't. I didn't see a ton at Radio
City except for like the Rockets. Yeah, I was really it. Yeah,
and it's just like an iconic venue. Everybody knows it.
Oh yeah, this was huge, This was a big deal.
I remember when we did it. We we got to

go up on that Marquis and take pictures. And I
remember my mom and my family came to this and
my mom and my sister were across street like watching
us in the whole block filled up with people. I
don't think I was up there. You did you not
make it up there? Not not not only heights? Oh oh yeah,
maybe you didn't. Yeah, some of us did. And I
just remember my mom and sister telling me that they

were concerned because kids were running into the street and
they're you know, New York taxi drivers don't care if
there's a human in the way, right, they're going to go.
But that was so so insane for a number of reasons.
I also, do you remember like Chris had his birthday
and we all went out, we went out to the
Greenhouse right without it was. That was so much fun,

wild times. That was crazy. That was really fun and
then um, while we were in New York, I remember
speaking of looking down at the street our dressing rooms,
you could see out into the entrance to where the
fans were, Yes, where the stage door is, if you will,
and um, we would wave at fans and like talk
to them and joke at them, and we were like

joking about flashing them. We didn't. And and we also
did elvis or Amzy Morning Zoo, which is where we
got that insane chalkboard that you help on too for
twenty years. Yep. And I just remember too. This also
felt like we I think we had some crew members there.
It was New York, so people were there. It's an

easier city to get to people. You know, it's a destination.
Jane and I came. Yeah, And I remember the stage
door area when we would leave, because I think we
did to Matinee at some point and we might have
been being shuttled to and from the hotel to venue
and kids were chasing our vans and it was mostly

just so unsafe for people to be doing that. But
it felt like I did feel like we were the
Beatles for a second. Didn't remember that when you like
the most stereotypical image of I don't know, like celebrity
or fame or ever what have you to me was
that of musicians getting chased by people in cars and things.

And it was very surreal because you know, we felt
like a glorified cover band. No, for sure, I think
we named it as that was happening. We were with
our amazing security, Clinton and Todden, maybe not Toddy at
that point, but Clinton and we were on the bus
and somebody said maybe you was like, this feels like
the Beatles, or like what the Beatles had, like a
this is like a taste of what they experienced. Girls

haanging on the bus while we were at like a
red light, and then the girl was running in flip
flops and we were like, somebody, please stop her before
she gets run over, Like it really was a safety issue.
But it was also very cool to be in New
York and performing had such an iconic theater and we
had that incredible impromptu little rap party because it's we

were ended there and that's where we ended up at
the little bar. And it went from us being at
tables like eating like normal people, and before we knew it,
all the tables were moved out of the way, dance for,
Dance for and do you remember um before that? That
was the time that Ian and all of them came
up on stage duringing like a prayer. It surprised us.

And then there was also that cake they made that
was the Radio City cake. It looked like the front
of the marquis of Radio City and I was like this,
I'll be I forgot about that. It's also when I
got Naya to do because the last show and so
everyone was acting a fool. Yes, but Ryan and all

the bosses were there, so we didn't want to do
too much. But I had convinced Naya and Chris Pooley
are m d two? Um add a little extra hit?
And what was it? What song was it? Was it
the Boys Boys Mind? Yes? I think it was the
Boy's Mine. It was like a Michael Jackson style hit.
And she like did the Michael Jackson pose? Oh that's right.

And I'm like, no one's gonna knows that tickock me?
No one's gonna know and no one did. I remember.
I brought it up to Ryan like did you notice?
He's like, no, I thought the song just skipped. We're
not playing it off of CD. It's not going to
hit a bump in the CD skips. That's not how

this works. Um, all right, should we should we get
into this episode? So this is an interesting episode because you,
I think we have similar feelings about this episode, but
differing feelings about this episode. I didn't hate it as
much as I thought I would. Interesting, I hated it more.

Here's the thing. I didn't hate it. Yeah. I think
it's the first time because coming into the season, because
we're towards the end, there were episodes that you and
I clearly remember disliking and every time I've been surprised
so far where I really enjoyed all those episodes. This
was the first episode that I felt like it was filler,

you know, where I was like, Okay, we're at the end,
what are we going to do? And you go it's
I think almost every single time there's a song, it
feels really weird and forced. Also, the whole thing was funk.
I think Amber's face in the first choir room scene
really sums up my entire feeling about this episode. Interesting

because I think she's the viewer, you know, she's acting
as the viewer in this of being like, is this
how we need to be taught Funk Amber. There is
also the like the scale of how cringey this episode is. Yes,
her face is. She really was doing heavy lifting in

the Eye region, and I think this would have been crazy,
but well, I just totally unacceptable. Yeah, okay, So before
we get into it, the for number one song was
still MG featuring will I Am by a Shirt, and
the movie was still Shruck Forever after which I still

haven't seen. And we've still got our special vocal adrenaline
frozen friends Adina and John A Finn, and we are
missing miss Jama Mays in this episode. And this is
the filler episode, the penultimate episode before our regional's moment.

And again I do think this was flipped an airing order.
I think we shot it, we did Funk, then we
did theatricality and then journey to regionals. But I think
for some reason you are correct. I think it's because
Ryan thought this episode was not great they swapped it,
and I don't know why you are correct, but yeah,
so Ladie Keane is back directing this. Ian Brennan wrote it, well,

you know all of them. Elie did so many episodes.
She did she did a lot of episodes in the
first first season. I also thought about maybe they swapped
it because maybe American Idol was like their finale was
around the time of theatricality or something like that. I
don't know. I think you may be exactly correct. I
think that there was some reason why. Yeah, and that

makes sense. There were a lot of songs in this episode.
Tell Me we have another one, Bites the Dust Um
by Queen that Jesse, Saint James and Vocal journalin Do
tell Me Something Good by Rufus and Chaka Khan, That

Little Schuster Does Um Loser by Beck, That Puck and
Finn and Hart Bamboo and Saint Maryson Harry Schuster, It's
a Little Acafella's Momentum. It's a Man's War World by
James Brown, performed by Quinn and the Unmed Mothership Connection,

Good Vibrations by Marky Marking, The Funky Bunch performed by Finn, Hudson,
Mercedes and Noah Puckerman and give Up the Funk by
Parliament sunk by the new directions. I would also like
to point out something else about the music, and I
don't know if you noticed this. The vocals and the
episode were mixed so strangely, you know, I did notice

that it hasn't happened. So there's some episodes where depending
on the scene, they'll mix the lead vocal a little higher,
and it's always worked. There's some reason why they're doing it.
This episode, it makes no sense. Another one bites the dust.
It sounds like Groff's vocal is seventy percent of what
you're hearing. Yes, everything else is buried underneath it. And

then when it gets to give up the funk, you
can't even hear Amber's ablebs at the end, and she's wailing,
and they're like, and she's featured on screen singing, but
it's her vocal is buried underneath everything, and all you
hear is done mother. How Well, there's a lot going
on during this time, and I feel like this was

around the time at the recording studio when we would
go in, we would hear from Adam or Alex. Was
Alex around at this point yet his brother, Adam's brother.
He becomes like our main guy for a while and yeah,
we hear this has to be sent to Sweden, yeah,
overnight and then mix and come back. And I don't

know that there was always the case that it always
got mixed there it was, it was okay, So it
has nothing to do with it, no, because it was
a twenty four hour thing. Their whole system was that
we record in la while they make the tracks in Sweden,
and then they mix the tracks in Sweden. So it's
a full twenty four hour loop where we don't lose
any time, got it? It was the I think it

was in post production that they mess with the vocals
and the actual episode because those are different than the recordings.
It's the same actual vocal, but the mix is different.
Interesting for the interesting interesting. I don't know why. There's
a good interesting point, all right. The episode summary. What

happens in this episode, you know, not a lot. So
the Glee Club gets bamboozled slapped across the face by
Jesse St. James, which sends them into a tailspin. And
then that's also sort of how um you know, Shoe

comes up with his plan for the week, last minute plan,
last minute plan, which then helps Mercedes and Quinn connect
over some serious issues. It's like this serious thing going
on while everybody else in Glee Club has lost their minds.
And then Will and Sue have a very interesting Little

Tango if you yeah, yeah, yeah, a fun revenge storyline. Right,
do you want to talk about Jesse Saint James's storyline first? Sure?
All right, So Jesse's named James transferred back to Carmel
and he goes to Vocal Adrenaline. Goodbye, easy to just
swap schools like this? No, okay, no, didn't think so.

But you know what, maybe his transcripts were all there
and he was just a click of a button. Who
knows he's pretty? He is pretty. So he goes back
to Vocal Adrenaline and and they end up performing for us.
I don't randomly out of nowhere, just come back and
perform another one Bites the Dust, which is an incredible

vocal from I mean, they looked great. Yeah, but they're
doing it as as a strategy that they always do
to freak out their competition at regionals. So this is
one of those episodes two where the episode title is
mentioned about eighty times. So their plan is to psych

us out, to send us into a funk funk if
you will, if you will? Oh, and and then we
go into so Rachel's very upset and we go into
the choir room and Kurts like, I mean, it's going
to take a lot more than that to like send
us into a funk. And we find our entire choir

room has been toilet paper, which is really fun to
shoot in. You remember props. Can you imagine how long
that took a lot of paper? You can't like reshoot
that like once we start taking it down, but we didn't. No,
I can see. It's very intentional about you see what
we're perfectly splayed out one of us and we just
stop as soon as we enter so we don't touch

it and mess it up some to reset it like
gout dot to the doilet paper. Yeah, and of course
if you tell us not to touch things, we're going
to touch them. Yeah. So so in retaliation, Puck and
Finn decide that there because mister Shoe's like, well, let's
get them back, right, Let's let's kind of like hit him,

wear it hurts and do this bag and Punk and
Finner like we got it, don't worry about it. Sho's
got bad ideas. They're lame. And it was this funny
voice over with Puck being like, obviously we knew it
was gonna come down to us. Also, like mister Shoe
being like get them back. You're like, WHOA hold up
a second, mister Shoe crosses the line so many times

this episode. Yes, agreed, Okay, let's just put that out there. Yeah,
so pucking Finn slash all the Vocal Adrenaline range rovers,
which it was very funny to watch, and also range
rovers in high school. That's crazy. Um. Even though I
was able to get myself a range Rover at this point,
this was exciting. Yeah, in real life I was able

to I've lived the dream of the range Rover and
it's over and it's gone. But I went to a
high school. I went to private school one year of
high school. It's the only year I ever went to
private school. I so did not fit. I could not
afford private school. And I remember all these kids driving
around and like really expensive cars. And I was getting

dropped off by my mom every day in our old car,
and I was like, oh, drop me out at the car.
Who are these kids? I had just moved to LA.
I'm like, I don't know about this, right is right?
I'm poor? Yeah? Anyway, So, so Vocal Adrenaline's gift with
a very good booster club kids range rovers for their

win and fucking Finn slash the tires and they end
up in Fagin's office where they get in trouble and
mister She's like, it's a harmless prank, which it's not,
and Shelby car grin and not pressing charges and umh.
And Finn comes to the rescue by saying that they'll

get jobs and pay them back by the end of
the year, which is also crazy that like Sheets and
Things is not going to pay back for tires twenty tires,
but anyways, um but they get a job at Sheets
and Things and Terry's back. So Terry comes back and
she has this really inappropriate crush on Finn. She sees

him as mister Shoe. She gets has this really inappropriate
crush on him after they sing Loser, which we'll talk
about in a second, and it's do you also know
when she was like, we'll just put it into the iTunes, yes,
which I also feel like was a nod to what
they did this episode in real life, And that's no shade.

I think they told us like sometimes when they had,
you know, the plot or like the buzzword that they
wanted to use for an episode, they would just throw
it in, which is why all these songs. I feel
like Loser was a pitch from Corey. I don't know,

maybe yeah, I feel like Corey or Mark would have
pitched Loser. For sure. It was not how I thought.
I wouldn't think a Beck song would be in a
funk episode, but here we are. I canna say, honestly,
for the song itself, on the way that it was
presented in the episode, I thought I did it a
great job shooting it like it was. She kept it interesting. Yeah,

she kept it, you know, funny and weird, and it
was like what do you do with that? Like as
a director, I'd be like what do I do with this?
So I thought she did a great job with it,
especially because again, if I think we should just mention
how we get into some of these songs where Tobolowski
is like, where's my muzach And that's how we get
into Loser, and to go and put on the music

a boom, like what's yeah? No, just have their guitars there?
Yeah yeah, That's where I set out loud no less
than three times reminding myself and my friends who are
watching with me last night, it's a satire. Okay, um okay,

so then what tell me? No, I was just I
had so a friend was watching this with me last
night and he's never seen Glee, and he sat down
like halfway through this episode. No, that's not through his eyes,
and I was like, this is not because if you know,
if you were to watch this episode with no context,

even with context, it's still odd and without context, he
had questions and he didn't understand that it was a comedy.
I was like, no, this is a comedy show. The
first season at least is and then yeah, it was great.
It was really enlightening for me. An interesting, Okay, what
did they How did they respond? They were like, oh

I was so worried. Okay, got it, Like everyone is
so mean to each other, Like, yeah, it's a satire exactly,
speaking of being mean. So Jesse Saint James calls Rachel
out to the parking lot after they've been toilet paper
and been yeah, thank you, range rover tires have been slashed,

and he says to me on the parking lot and
Rachel runs out again satire Smolmo running slowmore, running toward
Jessie and she gets egged. That looked like it hurts
so bad. And I remember Lea saying it got hurt. Um,
she also had a double if you didn't notice, like
there was at one point when she gets hit all

over the place, you see it's a there's a wig
and it's not her must have been her standard. But um,
it was crazy and it kept me. It made me
think of Never Been Kissed, one of my favorite movies.
When she gets egged, which is so sad, but Jesse
eggs her and the whole Vocal Adjournine team eggs her,

and it was really sad. And then Rachel says, now
I keep having nightmares of all the mothers of the
little baby chicks coming at me for revenge, which yeah,
and Vocal a Journaline for all the money they have.
They're sure in the same outfits they were at the
beginning of the episode. Sorry, I'm gonna be Debi downer

this episode, pointing that rubbed me the wrong way. That's okay,
I'm a hater. I guess I'm a hater today. Um,
it's all right, we're all. We're all. We can be
haters of some episodes, not all of them. So we
talked about maybe the weirdest part of this episode, the
Sue and Will feud thing that happens. Yeah, let's talk
about that. But so when vocal Journaline tps and does

the surprise performance for the new directions, somebody's like, how
did they get in all their equipment? Which I loved
they actually addressed because you know how many times things
magically appear in the show, we don't dress them. And
then Sue marches in saying, oh, I let I gave
them keys. I did a sound check with them earlier,
like I helped them, And then she goes on this
whole rant about how she needs to blow out the

wall because she's going to put in a new trophy
for when she wins Nationals in the glee club loses
regionals and she gets to take over the room and
rightly so this pisses off Will, which starts, which starts
off this whole almost fever dream of a storyline. Pause.

Do you remember the breaking of this trophy? The throwing
of the trophy? I don't remember it. Okay, I don't either,
and I feel like I would have remembered something like that,
But I think it was a real trophy, like I
go plastic one. It wasn't like a dummy one or
anything like that, and he actually had to like throw it,
and I think I remember them being like, don't close

your eyes because like then he want us to get
particles or pieces and our eyes. We're like, we're fine,
We're fifty feet away, right. Anyway, they're always very cautious.
Card I guessed though, when he threw it, I was like, oh, mister,
she was good, Yeah, yeah, okay, continue one. Yeah. So
while Rachel is you know, also Will is mad. Rachel's

upset about this whole breakup, and She's saying, you know,
destroyed at the heart of the team's heart, then destroy
the team. And then Will of course with light bulb
and so he starts courting Sue. Really, so there's a
lot of late night they're at the school by themselves

after hours, not sure why. Darkness, yes, darkness. And so
Sue comes into the choir room late one night and
Will was like, Hey, I need to ask you some questions.
I'm I'm wondering about this idea for regionals, but I
don't know if it's you know, too suggestive. Can I
do it for you? And after he also had been

complimenting her skin for what felt like an eternity. Yeah,
and God Jane is just so good. So she's I'm
never just not like flabbergasaid about how good she is
in all of these different weird situations. She sells anything
and it makes everything work. Yep, makes everything work. So
he performs tell me something good. Um, it made me uncomfortable. Honestly,

I have to say, Malik good, Malik? Did he did?
I think it was? It's like I don't want to
watch my parents. Yes, blurt it was, yes, yes, yes,
I didn't like that. Yes, I agree, And then Sue's
like what's happening, and she's journaling and being like, oh
my god, I think I have a crush on Will Schuster.

Like now I'm actually picturing his head on the pillow
next to me when I wake up, and it's attached
to the rest of his body. A lot of murder.
I gotta say, the journal drawing. Did you see the
drawing of Will Schuster? That must have been Jason. Who's
you that right, one of our crew members jasone incredible artist. Yeah.

He was used to draw all of us in character
and like give us cards and like with our characters
drawn on them like he was amazing, So he must
have drawn that. Um. That in the journal that picture illustration.
That was a good spot. He probably did. He was
sure it looks familiar. It looked familiar. So around that

time Will comes in, brings her flowers toim atch her
her track suit, and then she says she hates them,
but then he surprises her with her favorite I don't know,
workout whatever gummies or something or something supplements and asked
her out on a date. And she shows up in
her track suit and pearls pearls. Because this whole time

it sort of it feels like him flirting with her.
It happens over several scenes and it's going on and
on and on, and then when it finally gets to
breadsticks and she doesn't show up and she realizes she
got stood up and shows up at his house and
they have this whole fight and it was very, very rewarding.

I thought Will slash Matt did a very good job
of it. Was hanging with Jane in this in terms
of the actor chops fair enough. It was really fun
to watch them play and do something that they don't
normally get to do with one another, like each other
right right, Very satisfying, No, was satisfying. They also is

like the roles were reversed, which is like fun I watch.
I mean, in all this, to me, the best part
was that after this, she has an emotional breakdown and
doesn't leave bed for four days. But we see that
because all the cheerios without their ponytails, because I clearly
don't know how to do them without her, they're falling apart.

And you see Heather go through with Jacob and Israel
being loved me also her shirt backwards, Naia crying it's
so good, and Kurt being like, look, obviously she sucks,
but some of these girls need the scholarships to go

to college. And Will feels bad and he goes into
her apartment. Now do you remember I remember talking to
Ian about this because he was so excited. We had
never seen Sue's apartment or house before, and he was like,
she's going to be a hoarder. It's all trophies, it's
a hoarder's house. It's funny. I mean, he loves those

shows he wanted he was talking about like he's obsessed
with like the QVC hoarder, like couponing. He's like he's
very interested in all of that. So this makes total sense,
and that house is very funny. It also gives me atred,
like I can't look at it for too long. No um,
but it's very funny. It's very laying there in her

track suit for you and he gets her back and
she ends up winning nationals again, and there's that incredible
little TV moment and this weird moment of almost a kiss,
Oh do you I she brings she with Heather and Naya,

she brings her national trophy into Will's house and that
was cute because they're like uncomfortable and then sorry mister shoe. Yeah,
and then she's like kiss me and he says no.
Then she says no, I'm not going to do this.

Even your breath stakes some mediocready perfect. It's awkward and
it's funny. Here's the thing I don't think the show
this episode is called funk. I think it's called funky.
It's a funky smell. You're right, there's a funky stench
to it. It's teena boy rock smell. Also, mister Schuster

in the choir room going funky Dad. I was like,
oh boy, oh boy. There's a lot of fringe moments
like there were also a lot of this whole episode
to me, is like the whole nod in a wink thing. Yeah, yeah,
where I think the writers knew exactly what they were
doing and you exactly hope heard some of the stuff

was and we're referencing it within it. They were also
between us a lot of inside things like the funk.
Get was like sort of making fun of the runs
we do that then Ryan would do behind the scenes.
It's the exact same. That's why we laughed in the
choir room because it's all familiar and like some of
the dances we do later on and give up the

funk or our personal dances with each other. So there's
a lot of referential things. Yes, and we had we
had to keep it light. Okay. So meanwhile, Terry and
Will are officially divorced, which happened very quickly. They the

paper just as divorce. I mean, what else is there
and it's just it's divorce. Sometimes the show feels like
a cartoon to me, and I like it. Yes, yes, yes,
that is a very good analogy. Sometimes you just have
to you have to look get it that way. Sometimes

Will so Will is depressed, he's kind of um, he's
in a funk, and that's obviously where he got his
last minute lesson from um and he's inspired, and he
when he's meeting up with Ryerson, Ryerson's you really want
to do this? Ryerson reminds him that vocal adrenaline has

a weakness and that they have never done a funk
number and they don't know how to do it. Because
there are people still consulting with Sandy Ryerson, I don't know.
He has to beating underage boys in the pilot inappropriate.
He has to come back here because because Steven Tablowski
has to come back. That's where he's a communic genius.

He is a communic genius even though he shouldn't be
allowed back. And the whole time Sandy Ryerson's like him
done a funk number. And then Will comes into the
classroom like, guess what, there's our lesson. It's like, you've
got your lesson from Sandy Ryerson. Right's not right, right,
it's not right. So this kind of catapults this whole

Quinn situation. How Mercedes is like, good, I got the
funk lesson. I got it, and Quinn's like, excuse me,
what about me? And everybody laughs, and Mercedes thinks it's funny,
and Quinn feels like she has lots of anger and
passion that she has to share, so she is going
to be the first to share in the choir room.

The next day with her assignment, we get into this
is a man's world, which for so many reasons, this
is just the most the weirdest, one of the weirdest
things will ever witness. Only is what I think. It's
the unwed Mothership Connection, which, by the way, if you

didn't notice, is a play on The Parliament's fourth album
that Give Up the Funk is on and it's called
Mothership Connection. So the unwed Mothership Connections. See what happens
when you put in a song and time you got
a whole storyline. So all of our friends, dancer friends
come in and play pregnant women who do this very inappropriate,

weird mother dance, which kind of reminds me of the
waitress ballet contraction ballet. Yes, and it's weird, it's really weird.
But our friends Audrey and Courtney and all of them
are doing this crazy wild swan swan Lake fans number pregnant.
It's inappropriate and uncomfortable. I remember when we were shooting it,

laughing and being like what where are we right now?
But Diana sounds great on this and this is totally
up her alley. She's a funky gal. She loved singing
the song, he could tell, and she was just living
her best life, like take away the pregnancy pad underneath,
Like that is Diana. Yeah, true, truly, this is the

most Diana number, like the Say Little Prayer numbers are, Quinn,
this is Diana, Diana exactly she was living. Um. I
also remember watching this but on paper we're like, what
is this number? And then watching it we had a
great time because it every while the choreography is insane
but also incredible. Yeah. Yeah, it's so weird and wonderful. Um.

And then so Quinn also earlier on pre pre music
pre song talks about being oppressed by the man right
and Mercedes. This is where we're que Mercedes reaction. Please
don't go here, please Amber, Amber, please help us, And

I thought, oh boy, And you know, Elodie was one
for that. I do feel like all of those shots
were thrown in because Elodie needed them, because I remember
Elodie walking up to us being like, what are we
going to do? Yeah? What are we gonna do and
I can just picture her seeing Amber giving these reactions.

She's like, yes, keep doing that. This is what we need,
right and it helps in the later up seeing nice
scene between the two m So, um, we'll let's dump
to that, because Quinn and Mercedes have this very nice,
emotion like sweet scene, which I feel like in spirit

of like twenty twenty three or twenty twenty two, and
you know, the Black Lives movement. Um, we were just like,
I'm not taking giving clet Glee credit, but like we
just started to skim the surface of like this a

little bit, and I was Okay. I mean, it's a touch,
like a droplet of water, but I was like, Alrightley, okay, okay. Yeah,
And I don't think I realized at the time either
what was happening in this crazy episode. You're still sprinkling
in something significant and that matters in that something that

deserves seeing much more dialogue. Yeah, exactly. But they really
do kind of, um find like this common ground of
feeling on the outs, feeling like they don't belong, feeling
like they you know, Quinn being pregnant and Mercedes being black,

and so there's definitely this really nice friendship that we
This is the beginning of the Quinn and Mercedes friendship
that we see, which I was like, it's a very
unexpected one, but I really like it. And so Mercedes
very generously has already asked her parents if Quinn can
move in because she can't live with Buck anymore. And um.

And so after that Good Vibrations performance, well, yeah that
number was not funk, not funky, um wild, yes, a
rap song would. But they're dancing is a plus plot

to get them. Honestly, I will have to say, like,
the two of them were probably are the least coordinated
dancers that we had in the glee club and yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah for sure, and Corey would be first to tell
you like, can't dance. Um, but the two of them
actually Zach got them to like move and in sync

and I was like, wow, Okay, they can do it. Yeah,
And which was like frustrating because Zach would always be like,
I've seen you guys move. I know you can do this.
I know you're frustrated in other numbers, but like, I've
seen you do this before, so this is proof you
can hand right, here's the pudding. Yeah, and then say

you can't exactly, so they do good vibrations. It's not
it's not a funk song, it's a rap song. But anyway,
it had to be thrown in there because I guess
we had to have that number. And then all things
kind of resolve and we're back at our final number
of give up the song, which um is taking us
to regionals. Uh, I mean how we did? We performed

for Vocal Adrenaline all in their cool sweatshirts, which I
was like, can I have that sweatshirt? I know? Right?
Shoe calls them back to be like meet us three
pm at the auditorium, and like what we show them
is this number, and they're mad at it. They're like
scrim happening. And then we come out and all these

outfits that feel wrong. I don't I don't know what
I was wearing. I don't know what I was wearing either,
And I don't know what I was wearing. I was
wearing a flat rimmed baseball cap with a bandana underneath,
a crazy yellow tank top and some wild pants. I

was wearing orange and camo, Like you kind of look
like Justin Bieber. But this memory was really fun. Do
you remember shooting it. We were in Long Beach, right
was christ and chennawit there that day. Why do I
have this memory of her stopping by because I think
she was in town and I have a memory of
her coming by just be like, oh my god, my children,

and I like, my friend was there? Or I think
Marco Marco was there, right, Marco was there? Was Naw?
I don't know. I think she visited this day like
this is what we're doing since you've been gone? Really,
I think so, because we hadn't really spent that much
time with her since the show had become as successful

as had become, and then it was like we saw
her and she was like, oh my gosh, like, look
what's happening. I think she was there. I think you
might be right. Well, but we had a lot of
fun performing this and Dana, who's from the Bay Area,
got to do her this face. That's what this. If
you see us put our hands in front of our
faces and come to do that weavy thing, that's a

Diana move. Then got on gleat, which was great, and
if you listen to E forty or he goes this face,
that's what that is. We were crazy during this number
and I think Elodie was like, just go for it. Whatever, yeah,
and um, we were dancing. A lot of it was
free we call this free form rock out, So Zach

would lay our choreographer'd be like okay, and then free
form rockout, which meant we get to do whatever we want.
And that was always my nightmare. And when we did
the line, the disco line of like, um down the middle,
it's my work line. Yeah, the soul train line, thank you,
it's actually my worst nightmare. I don't like improvising dance moves.
It's not my thing. I don't this song wasn't really

my thing. So I was like, oh gosh, so I
did the sprinkler. I think are some crazy great yeah whatever? Yeah,
But than me, I just fist pumped. Well, Harry looked
the best, Heather looked, you know, like just leave it
to the pros. Nia did the Nia dance, She did
do the Dia dans. Yeah that was great, but yeah
that was improved. And we were just living our lives

and we were also exhausted, and I think we were
like the end is near and basically how I feel
now after that is like, let's just get to the finale.
That's right. That's right. Um, and that's the episode that's
fun Yeah, that's it. It is funny. I feel like
you and I don't have a lot of memories from

that episode, um, because at that point I think we
were like the well had run dry. I remember being there,
I just don't being there. Yeah, it was just being
like a little like dead behind the eyes. Fully, I
think you're right. I think theatricality was supposed to be
this one because we had started rehearsing for regionals during theatricality. Correct, Yes,

very good, Kevin. Should we do some Tardie takes? Yeah,
let's do some speed round TARTI takes. Okay, cringe, moment's Outcheese.
There's a million um the Sue and Will seduction. I
picked the Will overstepping he um over sharing with the

Glee Club. You actually, I did wrote this. I wrote
this down because I was shocked at it, the fact
that he was like I just finalized my divorce, and
I was like, I yelled at the screen, I said
what I share that? And then Santana speaks up and
addresses it, which I was thankful for. It's like, thank God,

I don't even think they cut to her. I think
they her voices. No, she was, she was laying on
the chairs. Okay again, I think fully sums up how
everyone felt about this episode. Never have you ever seen
anyone laying on the chairs in the choir room. Worst
dance move I mean, I mean, but it's good and

bad is good vibrations. I gotta say, there's some cringe.
Give up the funks in there that we're just some
were great and some were just not right. Best song none,
not another one bites the dust. Okay, fair enough, fair enough.

I think we peaked early, Yeah, we did peak early
in this one. And then performance by a prop. I
think all of the trophies for sure, the one that
broke the hoarders, the national one. Yes, trophies were winning.
Do you remember when Tina got hit in the head
with the trophy in a later season? No, Sam Cord

moves and he hits me in the head and I
go down. No no, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, not on
purpose by accident in a scene and I go down.
It's very funny. You're is there is it in the
actual cut? Or Oh it's with chums. It's when we
go into chums. Oh sorry, anyway, trophies galore u best lines.

I think we have the same one. Okay, we did.
We wrote him here. It's the same one. So they're
in the office. They're talking about the prank, the slashing
of the tires, and will goes, look, nobody got hurt.
It was a harmless prank, and sou goes, that's what
they said about a young man in Chicago in eighteen
seventy one who thought he'd play a harmless prank on

a dairy cow of one old of one Missus O'Leary.
He success successfully ignited its flatulence, and the city burned.
William that young terrorist went on to become the first
gay president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. What I
had to rewind it and listen to it, like three
more try to do because I thought so weird. I

was like, I didn't know. I'm like, are we talking
about one of the great fires in Chicago? We're talking
about mad cow disease? Are we talking about? Like what? God?
It was so good. It was how didn't let field?
But it worked so well? Jane just killing it again.
It was okay ball also with the line um to

Adina about being um, I can't even remember what he
said to her, but it was like, yeah, it was
very inappropriate, and Sue's reaction of like glaring at him
was flawless. It was absolutely flawless. Um Jenna the ship
we found on TikTok today. It was very exciting because

it has almost nine hundred thousand views, wow, two hundred
thousand likes, and somebody threw an incredible twenty fourth Glee
themed birthday party. What yes, Um, it's really great. Click
on it, watch it by um McKenna Renee. And they

have karaoke, people are dressed up in costume. They have
food themed as like rice Crispy treats it looks like
but with Cheerios. There are all kinds of wonderful. They
have big pictures, they have gold star balloons, people and

Cheero's outfits. Fondu for two, they have the top slushies.
They even have like a quiz looking thing. It was.
There are paper plates with our faces on them. Yeah,
this is great. It's really really good. You check it out.
Because it is twenty twenty three or twenty twenty two,
whenever this was people are still having Glee parties wild,

but this is great. It's great work attention to detail.
Thank you for sending that, Thank you for having the party.
Hope we had a great birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday
per usual. Thank you for sending that in. Thank you
for listening. Next week is our finale of season. What

we did it? Wow? This is very exciting. I can't wait.
And we have lots of memories. I end up in
the hospital at one point, so what Yeah, I went
to the er during the filming of Journey to Regionals.
I remember this now. A lot happened. All right, Well,
let's do it. Um. Thanks for joining us, Thanks for

sticking with us. We can't wait to wrap this season
up and get on to the next one. We're just
getting going. One season almost down, five to go and
a couple of tours and a movie that no one
watched it And that's what you really missed. Bye bye

Ta Ta. Thanks for listening and follow us on Instagram
at and that's what you really miss pod. Make sure
to write us a review and leave us five stars.
See you next time.
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