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April 29, 2024 44 mins

It's here! Glee's Season 4 Premiere! 

Rachel is in New York! Back home, the Glee Club welcomes new members, Kate Hudson debuts, and Whoopi Goldberg returns!

Jenna and Kevin are back with a lot of fun facts about Glee's fourth season, including who got promoted, how the duo felt coming back to set, what it was like meeting the new cast members, and the newbie who gave Jenna the cold shoulder during their very first encounter! Don't worry, it ends on a good note! 

Plus, their reactions to the episode's storylines and performances and a boozy behind-the-scenes story where Kevin's crush is revealed . . . why the revelation upset the girls and surprised Kevin himself!! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
And that's what you really missed with Jenna and Kevin
and iHeartRadio podcast. Welcome to and that's what you really
miss podcast. We've made it. It is season four. Welcome.
Can you believe it? Welcome Kevin? Can you believe? It's crazy?

It's flown.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
We even tried to delay getting into this season just
to we did. We did not because you didn't want
to see it, just because we're speeding right through all
of this. I was very excited to watch this episode.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
I watched this episode and part of Brittany the next one.
Wait is that in the next episode Brittany two Quano.
That's correct. Wow, this was great. This is a great
start to season four. I think this is called The
New Rachel and there's a lot to cover, a lot

of new characters. Okay, let's get into it. So this
is episode one of season four, The New Rachel, and
the air date is September thirteenth, twenty twelve. We're just
making our way through.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Wow, Jenna, this is almost three years to the date
after we first met.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
Mm hmmm, that's right. Wow, And a lot has happened,
Okay in the news, and let's get past all of
this because there's a lot of stuff. The number one
song was whistled by Flora, Yeah, baby whistle. And the
number one movie was Possession. Never saw it. It starred Jeffrey,

Deine Morgan and cire Centric. Yeah, okay, never have I
ever Glee news. This week.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
On September tenth, members of the cast attended the fox
Fall Eco Casino party. Remember those, I.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
Do remember those. Those were really fun. Actually, yeah, I
enjoyed them. Yeah. We like a bit of gambling too.
There are all these rises. It was a really fun night.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
September twelfth, the cast and creators attended season four premiere
party at Paramount Studios with all the new kids.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
So, okay, I have a story about this. So season
three the premiere, it was either two or three, I
don't know if you remember. We were filming and it
was also on Paramount, and we had filmed up up
until the you know, the last second that we ran
to our trailers, got ready and went to go hit
the red carpet. Now I remember us getting stuck on

the carpet for so long. I think it was season
two or three. I can't remember which one that the
premiere had started without us, Yes, and we didn't have
anywhere to sit, correct, so we stood on the sides
of the premiere of our own premiere through a fit. Obviously. Yeah,

this season they had reserved seating for us. They sure did,
at our request. It's so funny. It wasn't good, okay.

I remember these outfits too, yes, very much. So. I
remember what we did after this too. Darren and like
a few of us, you weren't there. We went back
to Darren's little hideaway and he played drums and we
like hung out and we played music. It was so
much fun. What was I doing? I don't know, anyway,

it's really fun. This was directed by Brad Fealtchuk, which
I didn't remember that. I feel like it was somebody
else but okay, And it was written by Ryan Murphy.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
We have so many new people to introduce. I mean,
obviously we have Whoopee. We have Kate Hudson for the
first time.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Mm hmm, she's to die for, I mean Kate Hudson.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
Well, yeah, but we have Alex Noule's back, Samuel Larson's back,
we now have Melissa Banoy's, we have Dean Geyer, Jacob Artist,
Becca Tobin, Josh Susman, is back. There are just so
many and like we're going to see all these people
so much more and they don't really even ease you

into them. Oh no, they're just throw you Like Kitty
is just there, like we're supposed to know who she is?

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Yeah, yes, uh, Amanda Jane Cooper. Also, who's sang ave
Maria in Nyatta? She was in Wicked? Is Glinda with
my friend our friend Jackie Burns? No way? Yes. I
don't think it dawned on me though, because I met
Amanda Jane after and I don't think I realized that

that was her until today when I watched the show
and was like, Wow, that's Amanda Jane crazy. Yeah, Okay,
there's a lot of songs in this episode and they're
quite good.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
What an assortment of songs, though, I also felt like
it was so weird that the first song of a
new season was called me.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
Maybe I'm not surprised by that at all. A song
in the summer, I know. And Tina looking different, She's highlights?
Is it bangs? Did? Is this new Bangs? Yeah? She's
getting crazy?

Speaker 2 (05:34):
You just you just look grown, you know, And I
think this number is great. I love the four of
you together.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
It's really fun. I really love joining this number.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
The chemistry between you and Alex Nola, this entire episode
is really wonderful. It's like oozing with chemistry.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
It's so fun. You guys are so funny. Thanks Americana
Dance Again. Yes, yes, yes, what a crazy mashup, but
it worked. It does. I Never Say Never by The
Fray performed by Jake New York City, the Barber version.
Uh huh, it's time. I imagine dragons and chasing payments

right now. Well, I forgot about that one too. I
did too.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I was like, damn, Melissa came on here with the
duet with Leah exactly, that's pretty crazy.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Exactly they had to. It's called the New Rachel. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
So there were some unreleased songs as well. Yeah, Sister
Christian and then we have aub Maria.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
Okay, there's a lot of fun facts about this episode.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
So we've referenced the timing of the show, like the
time slot getting moved around a bit a few times
on the show. But this was the really big one
because before I think we had always been on Tuesdays
either eight pm or nine pm, originally nine pm. Then
I think we moved to eight pm because we were
doing so well to be a strong lead in and

then Fox decided to move us to an entirely different
night and we get moved to Thursdays.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
It's a scary thing to night. Yes.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
An hour later, on a different night, Wow, Cord was
promoted to season regular, while Diana and Jama became recurring.
It has to happen, which means for people who don't know,
regular means you're signed up for every episode or most
of them or most of them, and you get your
quite a large pay increase and then recur as someone

who is just not committed to a certain number of
episodes necessarily, but you will be in several, which we learned.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
Do you find out as you go what you're in
and why you're not in and if you're not available,
they have to work around you or just hard you out.
That's right, Okay. So this is the first episode of
multiple settings and storylines in the show. Wow. So we
are at William McKinley focusing on the new directions, and
we are in New York focusing on Rachel and Kurt,

which continues through season five.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
What a big break? I mean, this is just a
gigantic shift in the show.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
What a change, but it feels so normal to me.
It does, and I don't know if it's because we
were just used to it. I also would like to know,
like the creative conversations into what was that talk. Was
there a talk of how to balance both, or we're
just gonna write both and they're gonna work together, or
was it about tying them together because all those musical moments,

especially tying them together doing the same song at the
same time, And yeah, I think it was a little
bit of both.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
As of this episode, each of the three co creators
has written one premiere episode on their own. Ian wrote Audition,
Brad wrote Purple Piano Project, and Ryan wrote this episode,
and all three of them wrote the pilot together.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
I think that's sweet. I think it's on purpose. Rory
Flannagan's departure is not commented on at all RIP and
it had been established in season three that he had
to leave the country like sort of yes, but it's
really not spoken about. It just happens. No, this is

the first episode finn, Santana and Mercedes are not there.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
That was very weird, so strange you feel that, especially
when you're referencing these characters, and then like you see
a picture of Finn, like that feels weird, weird.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
And then like they talk about Santana a lot. Britney
talks about Santana a lot. Yeah, but it's so weird. Okay. Also,
Mike Chang's out as well. Yeah, since Preger's this is
the first one since Preger's had he's not been in and.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Hold him to sixteen bash and predicted that Blaine would
be his by the end of the school year and
that Kurt would be in the line of being apron
As revealed in this episode, Kurt is working in the
line of being apron.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
Wow, until he moves to New York. At the end
of the alert at Okay, the members of the New
Direction compete so you become the next star of the
Glee Club. A fresh crop of students is introduced and
Rachel is struggling with her new life in New York.
Let's talk about it. Let's start in the new place. Yeah,

let's start in a new place.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
So we have the intro introduction of New York Niata
and we are thrown in like we are. I feel
like with this entire episode, just new character on new character,
even new characters in old places still feel new.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Yes, that's right.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
And so New York we have everything is new. We
have Rachel and that dance class with Cassandra July. I mean,
she is ruthless and she's really good.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Oh, she's so good. She's so good.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
Coming out of season three, where like we had talked
about where we sort of got used to having all
these big movie stars and TV stars on the show
that we didn't necessarily get a moment to really appreciate
what they were doing some of the time. Yeah, and
we obviously did not get to work with Kats. We

hung out with her a lot, though, I think at
base Camp I did, at least you did. I rarely
saw her, and she was so cool. Yeah, just like
sort of like all the cool parts of Cassandra without
like the.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Mean part exactly exactly. And she would just.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
Ask about the sketch, like what's the schedule? Like this
is crazy, how are you guys doing this? She was
very interested in learning about it and sort of appreciating
the work everybody was putting in all the departments.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
Yeah. Yeah, she's really really effective in this. Yes, and
her and Leah worked really well together. And like the
dynamic worked. And I love this character for her.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Yeah, and it's nice that it's sort of like a
villain ish character but just very different from what we've
seen before on the show exactly.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
I do like her, Yeah, you do. And you see
like Rachel's struggle, which we don't like. We see her
go through things that happened to her, but like this
is really the first time you see like a real
she's a small fish, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
And it's also nice to see somebody who's been talking
about this thing happening the entirety of the show, and
like it's not going the way that she planned, not
at all. So she's very lonely.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
She hasn't spoken Rachel hasn't spoken to Finn because he's obviously.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
That was jarring Busy when she reveals I haven't spoken
in two months. That was very weird, I know, but
like I know, she seems so cool about it, I know,
until she's not.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
And she meets Brody, who has a very finesque moment
in the showers, singing his song.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
The new Leading Boys always are having shower songs.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Well, we have to, we have to keep the theme going.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
I didn't remember I did not remember that this happened
that he introduced in the shower.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Yeah I did. I don't know. I mean that pod.
I Also, we also didn't see him a lot Dean, No,
really barely ever I've got to see him. Yeah, And
that also goes for any of the New York people.
So it's like, Okay, we got like one last episode

with Chris. Yeah, but we never really saw Leah right,
and we never after this episode saw Chris. It was
two different lives, totally shooting two different shows. When we
were shooting, they were off, and when they were shooting,
we were off, and we would cross over like at

dance rehearsal and they'd be shooting on set. And that's
what I was going to say. Also, like the Neanta set,
I loved it. I love watching this New York side
of things. But I think it's also familiar to me
because I can imagine this set. We hung out on
those sets a lot. Yeah, the dance room we werehearsed
in there, like I remember spending a lot of time
in there, so it feels really familiar.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
But do you remember where they built those sets? Like
where was the dance studio shooters old apartment.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
That wrong person.

Speaker 2 (14:38):
I'm having a hard time. So they moved full rooms
around on the stages. It might have been Shoe's apartment,
so they might have broken down shoes apartment. That sounds right.
But I like the NYATA. I don't know that I
paid as much attention to it back in the day
m hm. And I really am enjoying it now. Yeah,

I get why some of the listeners have said that
they sort of wish either it was just everybody went
to New York and we got to see Oh I see, well,
like it was entirely its own thing because it is
nice to just live there or live in the other one.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Yeah, it's a little split right now. We are kind
of New Directions is kind of like Popular or like
Celabs now because of the national title, which like Bravo

New Directions. This was always Ryan's vision, do you remember
from the very beginning.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
His whole plan was that these kids will become popular,
the popular kids, And yeah, like.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
Finally the moment is realized and now we're all fighting.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
I even thought, you know, when when Will posts the
sign up sheet for auditions, that no one was going
to sign up again. But I have the personal like
PTSD from the right.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Of course, of course it's funny to like sit with
like cool people at the table even though they're mean
and like, I don't know, it's so weird. I don't
remember that.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
What I will say so we flagged this last time
is that this is the first season, not to get
too technical, that we stopped shooting on film m hm,
and we were on digital. Yes, And so I've realized
that more and the things that were off the stage,
like the cafeteria or the outside stuff, we look different.

I don't know if you noticed, but it's like a
little brighter. It all just starts to get a little brighter.
I think from season to season to season.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Now, unfortunately, as we get older, it's quite different. So Blaine, Brittany, Tina,
and Wade, who has Ansford successfully to your new new directions,
are trying to figure out who the new Rachel's going
to be, and they all are going to audition for Artie,

who already says that he's going to be the deciding
I was pissed I didn't get to audition. I was
I thought you were when we were on the stage
and I was watching it and I was like, where's
Lardie and then I remember you didn't do this, and
I was kind of sad for you. I wanted to
be able to do it. Of course you still got
all the soulos anyway, it was all right. They still

put you in there. It's used to have something to do. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was fun doing that number and then doing the
slow mo and like doing all the hair stuff. I remember, Brad,
That's what I remember, Brad being like, whip your hair was.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
I really enjoyed watching this number. It looked like it
was so much fun to film.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
It was. It was a really fun one to film,
and it was aside from Alex who had been there
with us in the previous season, it was all the
familiar faces, so there was still that like feeling of
like the ogs or whatever, even though just wait, like
everybody will fit in real nice.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
I also thought a couple of highlights from that performance
that I'd just like to point out. I love that,
even during a random audition amongst ourselves thrown together, there's
still a scrim that is hoisted and a full orchestra
behind you.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
That they sounded so nice. Oh they did. They sounded beautiful.
They have to really play in order for it to
look real, and so they were always playing behind us
and it was like, oh, serenaded. It was so nice.
Oh I love it.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
I just loved how instantly they're like, Okay, well this
little like performance that doesn't mean anything.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
I still have impromptu.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
Yeah, Jenna, So when you and Heather, you guys are
like doing windows, right, you guys sin second, I believe,
and everyone's doing poses and you come out in your
second pose.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Is break the wrists, break the wrists, swamp hands. I laughed.
I laughed.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
It was so good and you looked like you were
having You had this gigantic smile on your face.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
It was the cutest thing. I think Zach told me
to do it.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
And also it feels different. I don't know if you
got this or anybody watching it, but there's a confidence
in the four of you that just feels different where
I think everybody's like the dancing is sharper, the presence
of you guys on that stage is sharper and taking

up more space. Maybe it's because the four of you
are like being highlighted in a way together that wasn't
previously done, especially I think your character. Yeah, but just
it felt free and I don't know if I'm filling
that in.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
No, No, I agree with you. It's hard to put
your finger on what it is exactly, but I agree
with you.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
And it was it felt like I could feel that
watching it. It was really I think it's all carry through.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
Yeah, that's fun. It was a really fun number. It
was really really fun to watch. It was fun to do.
It's a good song. It's like a good tune. And
I really enjoyed.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
The chemistry obviously between like you and Darren and you
and Heather and you and Alex, where Alex is like
clearly new to the new directions, but the way you
guys were behaving, it was not.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Them pushing each other. Yeah, but you guys are old friends. Yeah,
it's true. We had fun. There's also like a story
to tell in this number, Like there was a story
to tell. We were all acting and also having like
a block and being ridiculous because like we know, we're
not going to be the new ritual anyway. No, I

like this group of feeniors this year. I do we
meet Kitty. Let's to give Alex why you hate black women?
For oh god, the cupcake. I take the cupcake away
from you and Dottie's. Tina has an assistant named Dottie.

I forgot about Dottie. You love Dottie so sweet. It
was so good. She's so funny. This is not an
organic banana, Tina, get it together. We meet Kitty that
is open now, She's just there. She sits sidekicks. She's

like the new head cheerleader. We know where. We sit
together with her at lunch. It's like she's just there already.
But she's not in the glee club yet. No, but
it feels weird that we're sitting with her. It does.
It's so like out of nowhere.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
Like it also feels outnumbered, like she and her like
two roots are like fully outnumbered by.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
Us, and yet they still rule. She When I met Becca,
our good friend Dante, we had a mutual friend and
our and both of our very dear friends Dante and
Dante said, my friend Becca got glee like say hi

when you when you work with her, So I like
very nicely remember going into the trailer and like saying
hi to her, and I was like, oh hey, like
welcome to the show. I know Dante is like a
really close friend of mine. She's like, oh cool, and
that was it, and she's getting her maakup done and
I was like, Okay, gotta go and she'll be like.

I was so nervous. I didn't want to say anything.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
I remember you texting me about all of that, because
he texted me like, oh, Dante knows the girl Becca,
like we should go talk to her.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
She was so cold. I couldn't. I was shocked, and
I was like, I went out of my way to
be nice to somebody. I'm not feel like not I'm
an introer. I don't like like introducing myself as neutul
It's not my thing, so like, but I was like,
let me just like do it anyway. It's very funny.
It's a very funny story to tell because obviously we yeah,

obvious no within a second. And then Jake Jacob artist
Jake we find out is Parkerman's half brother, which Puck
does not know. I didn't remembers with the Fray song.
Why does he sound so good? Because he's so talented.

He just is.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
He's like a really specially unique tone and.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
He's like a dancer to start. Yes, Oh my god,
he's so good. Some people just have it all that
tone and you're right. I just he's got it. He
really does have it all. He's so like such a baby,
such a baby. He was like so funny eighteen or
something or eighteen. Yeah, he was very young. He guys
really young, so so sweet. And to watch him play

a bad boy though, because he does start like that,
I didn't remember that. I so jarring, so jarring, because
he could not be further from that, the funniest, nicest person. Yes,
like goofy. I mean he's still like cool and hot,
no for sure, but like bad boy. Not that is
not what I would And Jake doesn't end up being that. Yeah,

I was not, I was, I gasped. And he doesn't
make the glee Club. I also didn't remember that, and
she was weak ass response. You need to pick that
back up, like sir, thank you, and cute Kurt who's
like that's inappropriate. I'm okay, but Jake doesn't make it.
Didn't remember that either. When did Jake and Kitty join?

It's got to be soon, I'm sure, very soon. Okay. Oh,
and then we have the new Rachel which Marley Rose
were very rudely making fun of her mother, who is
the lunch lady. This reminded me of Chris's story how
he used to make friends with the lunch ladies in

the cafeteria at his school because he didn't have like
a lot of friends at school. And I was wondering
if they stole that from him. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
But Tricia, who played Marley's mom.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
So good. I love them together. It's so cute there.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Yes, like those two together. Melissa came in Blaze in Yes,
just had Those two had chemistry, like familial chemistry.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Melissa and I also went to the same college and
we didn't we had that little connection when she didn't finish,
but we we had that connection. When she came She's
like I went to Merormount. I was like, oh my god,
I did not know that. Yeah, yeah, I remember bonding
with her of that quickly and her voice is real.

Remember when it was revealed that I had a crush
on her and all you girls are mad at me?
Were we mad at you?

Speaker 2 (26:37):
We were at your house. I think it might have
been after the super Bowl and we were playing I
don't know, like two truths in a lie or something.
We were all a little intoxicated, and maybe it was
justin my friend Justin who like called me out and
said that I had a crush on one of the
girls in the cast, and I sort of did. Obviously,

you know, it wasn't And when I said it was her,
you were all offended, Oh because it wasn't us.

Speaker 1 (27:04):
Of course, it's very us. I just was that's right,
that's right.

Speaker 2 (27:10):
Yeah, yeah, it was so funny. I did not expect
you were all like what.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
It's also, I would not have expected you to have
a crush on Melissa. Yeah, she was gorgeous. I mean
I get it, but like I was surprised too, Okay,
I get it. There's something and she's so charming, something
very charming and alluring about her, like like I don't
know what the word is, but this charm was m
How did you feel about the introductions to all these

characters in this episode? Each of them got their own moment,
each of them got to sing out of the ones
that joined the Glee Club. Yeah, I thought it was great.
I thought it was evenly dispersed between the old cast
the new cast, the New York side. Like I really
thought they did a good job. Yeah I did too,
And I felt like I got to know them enough,

like we did the Marlee mom piece auditioning Furly Club,
like Kitty has stuff with Sue and you know, like
the cheerio kind of with the and the slushies, and
then Jake being the bad boy, and then also you know,
being offered a chance, a second chance and then turning
it down. So I really do feel like it was
woven in really nicely. And then of course opening with

Jacob and new Zeel and the.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Whole Yeah there was they like surrounded it in familiarity
in that ye yes.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
It wasn't so jarring like a new class and a
totally different show. Yeah it did.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
It was nice too to have like those moments with
Sam talking to Marley about like, hey, I think I
know what you're up to. I'm in a similar situation, right,
and having the older kids help out the new kids,
and also the new directions making fun of the lunch
lady to like, I love how Kitty, who was obviously

younger than them, has riddled them with fear something they
have to make fun of.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Someone scared of Kitty too. I'm scared of Becca, so
yes exactly. I also have to say Jake being mad
that his song got cut off get used to a
bitch teen. It's every song gets cut off.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
I also am like, oh, you're the big bad boy
and you're upset because you didn't get to sing long enough?

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Like what so hard? Yeah? Funny, and then we still
have one less storyline to talk about, Uh, Kurt of
it all. Here's Kurt back in the colly Well at
the line of Bean Too, in a cute little uniform.

He gets rejected from YEA obviously, and so he's working
at the linea Bean and he's like integrated himself into
like the new glee club and being part of the
auditions and stuff. Because of course wouldn't Why wouldn't correct
you that. I love an audition moment. But very sweetly,

Blaine says, you can't be just very he really spoke
for all of us. Yeah, you're like, what are you
doing here? Get out of here. I love that they
didn't imagine dragons. I love that song.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
Yeah, that song is great, and the number is great.
The cup comes pretty good.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
All our girls are in it.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
So good, really really good. Yeah, Sam, Yeah, they're all
in it.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
Very cute. I love that number. You know, Darren's songs
in the Courtyard always are really good, and you know.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
What's interesting. So after hearing him talk about how the
sun in the courtyard is just awful to filming. If
you notice, they put he's in the shade the son,
so they put up those big filters you love us.
You can't see them, but you can tell he's not squinting.
And then you'll see when some of the dancers step

out into the sun. Even though the whole courtyard is
not supposed to be.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Covered, it's it's a silver reflection.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
And that could be because we are shooting on digital.
That maybe because there's something with the lighting that has
to be different.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
Who knows. Kurt stuff though is quite cute. It was
nice to see Kurt's still at McKinley though. It was
like a nice transition. I thought it wasn't just Kurt
and Rachel out the bat like in New York living
their best life. And Bert driving him to the airport
is so sweet. It broke my heart. God any every time. Yeah,

I also love this fountain. I was like, we did
did Leah go to New York to shoot this episode?
Some of it? Yeah? And then I forgot when they
did the fountain, of course they did. They have to
do exteriors there in Central Park and Kurt just happened
to know where Rachel was here. Yeah, but it was sweet.
It was really sweet. It really linked it.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
The way they did this folded in Rachel saying like
I'm not okay into the end of that song and yeah,
Kurt being there. It was very emotional. It was very emotional.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
I really liked.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Nothing gets me more than Leah crying. I'm just I'm
a sucker for it. I know she gets me back
in And every time. Do you remember when when Chris
showed up with that, You notice like part of his
hair is highlighted.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Chris is in the front and the hat.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
Yes, yeah, and do you remember why? No, remember he
showed up like, first of all, he's had like a
complete he looks so different.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
Well, every year Chris would look different because he was grown,
growing up. Yes, in front of us. Wait, tell me
about the hair though.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
Chris can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe
it was because of proactive.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Face wash.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
It started to bleach the front of his hair. Because
he came back and everyone was like, oh my god, yeah,
and he's like, no, it's just happened to me.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
Too, Bani. I have to give a shout out to
Stone or Brett and his audition. Stone of Bread is
always crushing. I'm so glad they threw him in there.
Stoner Bread shows up really does his job that any

audition on the stage or Cheerio's auditions gets me. Yeah,
they get.

Speaker 2 (33:37):
And also whoever like they get to do those things
really just like goes for it, like leans into it fully,
I know. I would also like to talk about New
York state of Mind. It's our introduction to Marley singing.
It's our introduction to Rachel singing at Nyada, and you

have Whoopee who basically cuts the girl right before her,
like kicks her out of the school and does this
really incredible rendition of New York side of mind.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
It's so beautiful, so beautiful. They were both singing down
like not there was no growth. It was just out
the gate. Let's go, let me sing and let me
show you what I can do. And they were both
very good. I was also happy for Rachel as the
character to have that moment agreed, agreed, she killed. You

can't ever fail again, I mean, come on. I was
also like, listen, ding Geyer, cool it. You don't know
her that well yet. I know he comes in guns
and place and too.

Speaker 2 (34:45):
Yeah, it's like the finial of it. Am I can
we I know she's vulnerable.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
Oh and then Marley, I guess, is the new Rachel.
But Shoe says we're not about stars.

Speaker 2 (35:04):
Well, it already picks Blaine to be the new Rachel.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
I don't know. It's all very strange, but it's.

Speaker 2 (35:11):
Framed as we're Marley, but Marley is sort of the
new Rachel and gets the song at the end exactly
which I thought.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
It was so funny getting mister Shoe also to lead
us through the rehearsal. At the end, Matt's like, what
is this? Right?

Speaker 2 (35:31):
Welcome? I have a bone I'd like to pick. During
those auditions, you had multiple pages of people signing up.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
Where are they? Why would we just pick one? Oh,
only one member? Yeah? Maybe they all stunk, but like,
wouldn't you want to stack it? Yeah? Right?

Speaker 2 (35:54):
That felt so anti climactic in a way. At the end,
and we have one new member, Like, wait, we're the
most popular club in school. People are fighting to sign
up to audition and we have one No sir, no sir?
And also is that popular? Why didn't kitties sign up.

Speaker 1 (36:16):
You're right. Why didn't she sign up? It can't be
that easy, though. We can't have our set Glee Club
now for the ones that we'll have later. Know, weird,
so weird? When does writer? Yeah, I was just going
to say the same thing. I don't know soon because

he comes in as a love interest for the triangle
for Marley, right, don't ask me questions. Well, stay tuned,
stay tuned. Yeah, we're discovering this together. We are. Overall though,
I thought it was a very solid episode and I
felt very satisfied. I got my McKinley, Phil, I got

my I thought it was very funny. We got our
YadA Phil, we got Cassandra.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
I think they did a good job of world building
in New York as well. Agreed, even though they were
shooting things in New York and l A. It felt
I think, very cohesive and felt different but still in
the same universe.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Let's grade the performances, Kevin, Okay, call me maybe I
loved it. I'm giving it an A. Yeah, Americano Dance
Again A plus. Yes, Never Say Never a A New York,
New York state of mind A plus. It's time a
chasing pavements as Okay, same thing. That's a solid a average.

That's really good. That's really good. Yeah, okay, let's do
some tarty takes any cringe moments. Although Marley jokes, Marley's
Mom jokes, all.

Speaker 2 (38:06):
The Marley's Mom jokes were really bad. Oh my gosh,
all of us telling unique.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Oh, take off your face, like we have a certain reputation,
get out of here. Bullshit. I would I would have
just fired us. All that is wrong with these kids?
Have you learned nothing that felt very out of character?
You get a little bit of ego, you get a
little bit you know, like you're happy that you finally

made it up, and so you're like trying not to
mess it up. So we you know, you make mistakes,
you make mistakes. I did hate it too that I
did hate it too, really hate it. Okay, best dance
move Americano obviously. Yeah. That was just also that body.
I mean, she said, I went on Keith's podcast recently

and she's like, I hadn't danced in ten years. And
she's like, and then I had to do this thing
that I learned in five seconds, and I was like, wow,
you did great. Yeah. Did she enjoy her experience? She did.
She said it was good. She said there was a
lot of we had a very dramatic set. Really yeah,

but not only in a bad way. She just was like,
it was very dramatic there interesting. I thought that was
so fascinating. Yeah, but yeah, she had a great time.
She said, best song, I think I'd go with New
York State of Mind. Yeah, okay, echo you prop.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
Oh there's some good props in this one. I don't
think this is the best prop, but I do. I
would like to shine a light on Cassandra's bottle of rum.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
Like that was weird. It was really weird. I forgot
about that whole.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
That was very also, even how it was edited, like
lingered on it for a little too long, and it's
like that scene was just so random.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
Yes, agreed, I don't know. I thought the cops did
a really good job.

Speaker 2 (40:09):
Oh yeah, the cups are great. I mean the slushies
are back too. So I do think the J Crew
label did a lot of heavy lived in this episode.

Speaker 1 (40:18):
There's a lot of good options. Okay, best line, I
have to say, I'm gonna say my own line. Hm.
I remember reading it and I was like, that's pretty funny.

Speaker 2 (40:29):
When Jbi says Ardy Abram Zunchrum sources tell me you've
been sitting with the cheerios, and already goes well, I'm
usually sitting.

Speaker 1 (40:39):
I did like that Brittany had a lot of really
good lines to this episode. My got so many. Heather
was like on a different level. Yes, Brittany said, I
had a song in my heart, Blade Warbler, and you
killed it. Now I have a dead song in my
heart and pretty soon the corpse of my dead heart
song is going to start to smell.

Speaker 2 (41:00):
I was really, but I do forget to wear underwear
sometimes though. Yes, Oh my god, that's a great haircut, Mercedes,
I thought you graduated.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
They could not. I just fell out of my chair.
I could not performance MVP. Sorry, sorry, there's another one.
But asked about Santana. She's good.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
She's just really busy with cheerleading practice, and it's hard
making out over Skype. You can't really scissor on a webcam.
You can't really scissor a webcam.

Speaker 1 (41:34):
Oh my god, oh god, what a treat to write
for Brittany. Right, treat performance MEP. I'm going. I'm going
with all the newbies because it's a hard thing to
join that swiftly with the show being what it was

at the time and really just bringing it.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
I agree, that's great. Okay, let's go with that. Okay,
well done, newbies, Well done. Should we found on ze TikTok.
So there's there's a meme going around with tato shifts
one of tail shifts new songs you'll know it and
the Asylum where they raised Me? And there's a couple
of these, but Carly McNaughton drive my Car on TikTok

posted one and says you wouldn't last an hour in
the asylum where they raised me? And the second picture
is the choir room, and it's just great. That's really good.
I love I love that. It makes a lot of
sense because all same you know, it's.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
To the song Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? That's right,
very good. Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
Very funny me because I can name every episode of
Glenn order the person who posted this is like and
every song in each.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
Very good, very very good. Well that's the beginning of
season four. Buckle up, my friends, it's about to get cray.
I mean, it was a good one.

Speaker 2 (43:17):
We're starting off really strong, and I'm fascinated by the
things everyone has said, because I do understand and I
was very conscious of it. When you meet all these
new people, like are you just attached to the older
people and you're like, Okay, I get why they need
new people, but I just want to see the older storyline.

So like we're all interconnected with the new people pretty quickly. Yeah,
but so far.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
So good. Okay, thanks for having to it, Thanks for
joining us.

Speaker 2 (43:48):
Next week is Brittany two point zero. Wow, some great
numbers in that one.

Speaker 1 (43:54):
It's a banger. I can't wait to watch it. And
that's what you really missed.

Speaker 2 (44:00):
Thanks for listening and follow us on Instagram at and
that's what you really miss pod. Make sure to write
us a review and leave us five stars.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
See you next time.
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