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December 26, 2024 75 mins

Happy Holidays! Rapper, Maino joins the ladies of Lip Service this week to promote his latest project, 'Mainovation.' The ladies get Maino to open up about the first time he was win love, how he saves women in his phone, why he likes the type of women he does, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Heavy birthday, birthday Jack, and congratulations to I got a
man O. He just told us he was getting an award.
What is the big dog A ward's being honored. I
know that's right for being a renovator. There you go,
shout out to thenovators. Our guy Mano is here with

us on lip services. Me Angela yee, I'm j G.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Maguire, Shortie George, I'm Jazmine Brand.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
And this is my debut.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
It's not you've been on lip service like this is
my debut. I feel like you've been on lip service
since the eighties. Definitely, definitely.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
Ten years ago. I was first of all, he.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Was down stairs. I was he was on service when
I was serious, back when she was first of all,
come on that.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
He started me.

Speaker 4 (01:00):
Diverse from from the from.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Ye life of controversy right there.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Now, I think you would have been there anyway.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
I wouldn't say that.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
No, you was already like coming off. You already have
been in your controversy. We'll get into all of that today,
but but honest we do call you new Mano. Yeah,
and there's a reason for that because new mayno, you're
like the new improved. But you've been doing a lot
of business moves with sweet we love and appreciation.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Mm hmm, that's right. You know. The thing is is
like I was telling somebody today, right, how that whole
new Mano things stuck and how it kind of like
helped me in other things that I got going on. Right,
So now when people see me in the street.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
No, you know why because Mano was definitely like a
bad Yeah, you got to say it.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
He just said, sometimes you just got to get.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
The word to say in a nicer way. Sometimes you
got to be a nice He was a little hot headed. Yeah,
and now he's like now you can see in his
head when something happens, He's like.

Speaker 3 (02:05):

Speaker 1 (02:13):
Do you really feel like it is a different person
because we are all growing up and we've all done
things in our past, like all of us have evolved
so much.

Speaker 5 (02:20):
You know.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
The thing about it is is just like I feel
like life is like, you know, we live and we learn, right,
and we start to develop, and we start to mature
a little bit, and then certain things just like man
like you just don't even make no sense. And then
from a business standpoint, like I fucked up so much
business early on for myself and so many opportunities, running

the money away, scaring the money away, and they would
be like, Uh, this guy can get this, this guy
can get that. But man, you can't get this because
they just might. That's what the perception was. And even
though I always was a cool magga, it didn't matter.
You don't do that all the time. No, But I'm

just saying, even though I was always solid, it don't
matter because the perception is the reality. So they perceive
you to be like an asshole and all that, and
then don't let you. Don't let you be in a
situation where your with your music is with the music
is not as lit, because then they don't really got
to fuck with.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
You at all. I've always said that people when you're like,
if you're.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Moving where you're going, I get nervous. Come around.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
But no, but even just when you said all of that,
just thinking about like and now I forgot what I
was even talking about, because just because.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
Saying about how we you know, we we developed and
and I would messing up business and and then people
think that you be on some bullship and you don't
really be on it right right.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
You know, come later, Yeah, later, I do want to
talk about this EP Mainnovation innovation.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
See there's another thing, the new Mannovation.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
Because every every Monday man it would be in his car,
but in general given like motivational, like you know, things
you've learned speaking to the STA and I started calling
it Monday Manovation renovation.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
We'll start doing that segment up at the show, which
is another thing that you didn't help create, the help
the brand of of of Jamaine Coleman. And so then
I was like thinking like all right, I'm gonna drop.
I'm just gonna drop an EP real quick, seven songs,
what I'm gonna call it. And we just came off
a man O Day this past summer, so that was dope,

and I was just like, you know what mainnovation, this
is motivation. You know, yeah, no hesitation in any situation.
That's right, That's what you.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
As just said. May O Day. The EP starts off with.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
Song, start off with I named the song that because
it was this new news clip, you know, when he
talked about it and how dope it was.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
President give his own dad, wasn't on your mother's birthday?

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Every year on my mother's birthday, We're gonna we're gonna
go up and will go crazy, you know, and we
was lit, we were drinking, we had fun, we was eating.
Everything was good. I'm sorry on your birthday and drinking.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
He's doing a clean and you know when you clan,
you also can't have sex.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
Who that that's part of that part of the clan.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
You can body and soul?

Speaker 3 (05:32):
What what cleans was that?

Speaker 2 (05:33):
Are you you're having sex during this clin didn't say that.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
You might have a drink.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
I'm damn y'all. Like, oh man, y'all, like the devil
on the niggas shoulder?

Speaker 2 (05:51):
How do you come up with what you're gonna say
for your mainnovation or the things that you know when
you're in the car on the radio show right now?

Speaker 3 (05:59):
How do you come up? I can't think of it
like that, because you know, it's something real life happening
every day, and I could just be inspired by something
that's happened in my life or somebody that says something
to me, or something or feeling that I have about something,
you know what I mean. But most of the things,
for me, it's just about overall. It's about overcoming to

me because I was I've been in I've been in
dark places in my life and it was like I
got here where I'm at right now, or for like
faith or for hope. You know, you can survive off
that just believing you understand what I'm saying and never
never giving up. You know. So a lot of people
be going through shit and they're like, oh my god,
this is that you know. I'm gonna tell you one

right now. Like my homie today, he was like, yo, man,
niggas be complaining, but they don't understand how blessed they are.
Niggas be complaining to the warm people. It's like it's
like a nigga with no shoes complaining about his life
to a nigga that got no legs. Okay, said you're
right somebody. I was like, Yo, that makes sense.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
You know you were complaining.

Speaker 3 (07:08):
No, I was complaining. We were speaking in general. I
don't ever complain.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Man like to argue. He enjoys it.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
Yeah, yeah, you're on the tender. He was the number
one most desirable man.

Speaker 1 (07:34):

Speaker 3 (07:34):
I mean, well, like superior race.

Speaker 4 (07:39):
Superior man can be a little toxic.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
Yeah, feel like it turns you on to argue with
a woman.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
To be honest, lady told me, she said, you ain't
answer your phone last night. You always answer your phone.
You answer your phone. Funk that. The hands on my
chest started to stand.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
Like where you at. No, I'm just saying, like, but
that's the real thing. A guy told me that argument
makes his dick card.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
I understand that.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
This guy cauite a long time, and I was like,
I started cussing him out. He's like, oh.

Speaker 1 (08:26):
Yeah, talking like that.

Speaker 3 (08:32):
But but here's the thing. It's not for everybody because
it's like certain people I don't want to argue with.
It's like you huguing with me. I ain't ever even
speaking to you like you gotta have some type of
strong light for that person or yeah, strong lust of

dude like you's sexy. But you're talking to me crazy
like that put me in place. Come over here and
tell me that he talked to me like that person
said in my face, you're talking all that crazy ship
like that he loves he toxic girl said, you said,
I said, you know why you're talking talking to me
all crazy like this. I said, you said, you wasn't

talking like that when I see She said yeah, because
I had dick in my face. I said, I said,
say what you said? She said, yeah, I wasn't talking
like that because I had dick in my face.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
Oh man, you certain verbagees like drives a nigga like
the verbage though, because certain verbagees is intoxicating.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
You get me going with the verbage.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
And dick in the face. Did it for you?

Speaker 3 (10:03):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
And I do want to talk about back to Mano Day.
How was that for you to have your own day
the first time you did something in Brooklyn and bed
Stuy and so many people can and it was a
full day of activities. There were people of all ages there,
so many people came out to support, Like, what were
you thinking when that was?

Speaker 3 (10:23):
That was? That was super major for me because it
was like, not only was it my mother's birthday, which
you know, I got a chance to kind of you know,
celebrate her on her birthday not being here, but now
we could really give back to the community. So we
had Metro plus out there, you know, signing people up

for healthcare. We had uh, you know, sommer medical you know,
doing you know, uh blood pressure checks and stuff like that.
You know, had the stage for the local artists. You
got we got food, you know, we got games. Then
you got the stuff for the little kids, like the
real rides and stuff like that. So it really was
my vision to really have like an open like it

was like two and a half blocks, you know, on
a Friday, to really just have all that stuff going
on at the same time. And it went off. It
was It was major because it was like no issues,
no problems, and were dead in the middle of the hood, Like.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
Could you ever imagine you having your own dad?

Speaker 1 (11:18):
And they had that huge banner up for like two weeks.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
Just for no reason.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
The traffic jam was crazy.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
Yeah, yeah, it was good, and you know, everybody came
out supported. My guys came through. But you know, like
you say, if I could ever imagine, I could have
never imagine even being here, to be honest with you,
to even be doing nothing, you see what I'm saying,
Like I ain't never I never had no vision for
my life, like many many years ago, like I thought

I was just going to be, you know, nothing special,
you know, like because I didn't grow up in the beginning,
you know, thinking like that or even fit like that.
You know your mom my mom will be like you
could do anything you want to do, But I'm outside,
we in these guns and drugs and stuff like that
and in and out of trouble. So now I never
felt like I was gonna be shit. I ain't had

no value for my life. So when I did find
music and all that, that's when I was like, man,
this feel good, living feel good. So I ain't never
cared about living until I had an opportunity to live.

Speaker 2 (12:24):
When did music start?

Speaker 3 (12:26):
In prison? But how like you, that's what I say.
You're listening to me, this is what I say. How
I'm a nigga that never rapped before, never was in like,
I'm a super fan, but I was never being an
artist or being in a music business was never a
part of my dream, never part of my plan. So
now when I'm in prison and I'm getting into trouble

and we ain't caught up in the whole cutting shit
and all this and being in the box for years
and stuff like that, It's a Friday night and I'm
listening to the dudes beat on the gate rapping, and
I'm going, damn, I'm gonna write me around tomorrow just
out of just out of bought them just to do it.
And I wrote me in my first rhyme, and it
was just like yo, man, I'm sitting in the cell

and it's like, hell.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Now, yeah, but you know I ain't gonna tell.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Yeah. So I was like I started to like doing
and I was like, man, this is passing some of
the time away. I wake up. I start to write
a little rhyme and ship like that, and then I'm like, damn,
this is cool. Before I know what, that day went by.
You know, I'm doing time in the Sahu twenty three
hours locked in ship, so fuck it, let me start.

I had a brand new hobby.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
I turned into hustle.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Yeah, hecle spread. You know, I don't want to ask
you to even Like when you listen to your lyrics,
a lot of things you do relate back to being
in jail, being in prison. What do you think are
some of the things that are just really ingrained in you?
Because ten years is a long time, and so there's
certain things that you do or say or talk about

that it's really like, these are things that are just
in me because of the experiences that I've had, and
this comes from that time of my life.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
Man. I probably a little everything, a little bit of everything,
just getting up every day. Like I was telling my
son about having initiative, and I was saying about some
like sometimes you forced to have initiative. You forced to
be motivated even when you don't want to. Like I
was in prison and I was getting out the box
and it was like, yeah, you gotta work in the
mess hall. I was like working what mess hall? Nigga,
you gotta work in the messoll. I ain't working in

a mess hall. Okay, cool, lock yourself. You ain't coming out.
You're gonna keep locked. Now try it again in another
fourteen days. All right, what you want to do, I
won't work in a messoll. If you don't work in
the mess hall, you're gonna be locking you down again
this the days. So you forced to do things that
you don't want to do, and then you learn how
to use that as as like part of your your character,

like getting up so like I used to have to
get up at four thirty five in the morning, You're
going to mess off sometimes, right. So now when I
came home and had a child and his mother like, yo, listen,
you gotta come pick him up by about seven in
the morning, that was already instilled in me. Right, So,
like if I could get up for these crackers every
day and go slave in the messof and work in
the fucking clean pots and sit on the line and

be all face fighting with niggas because they want the
bigger piece of cake, right yeah, face fight, slive me,
you'll want this cake, and back of right behind you, saying,
listen to the next cake. This is all you're gonna get, niggas,
right allas, Like nigga, what you talking about? Like if
I'm doing all that, I can get up because it

was instilled in me, It was forced to be instilled
in me. Certain lessons. You gotta you gotta find a
lesson a certain things, you know what I mean. I
was doing things that I didn't want to do, and
so I learned how to just say fuck it, let
me do what I have to do. So when it
was time for me to apply that to the street,
I was ready. I'm gonna get my son, no problem,
no argument. I'm waking up, no matter what I got

to do, five thirty six in the morning, waking up
to pick him up, just to take him around the corner.
Because she just didn't want to.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Do it right, and she wouldn't make you do it.

Speaker 3 (16:23):

Speaker 2 (16:23):
Yeah, So Jill taught you a lot of lessons, Angela.
Have you heard the story about him getting beat up
in kindergarten and the lesson he learned behind that. Yeah,
this is an important story because.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
You got to go home.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
He's funny.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
So let's talk about it.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Like what they're talking about.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
Talk about this tough guy right here, this tough guy,
little jam comen.

Speaker 6 (16:50):
I keep saying it.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
I can see it in the bathroom.

Speaker 3 (16:53):
I don't think I'm just came came home.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
It was crying, but he was Okay, you got beat
him in the bathroom up in the bathroom, Yeah, yeah
with your whole boy. I told your mom.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Know what happened was I was in the bathroom playing
around and the dude playing around, Yeah, playing around in
the bathroom. Not you. First of all, you're on blowing
in the bathroom.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Supposed to be in the class, right, you know you
got to ask to go to the bathroom.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
Yeah, first or second grade. And and I don't know,
he was play fighting and he put me in a
in a in a he put me in a there's
some type of sleeping and he made me cry, right right,
So so so now my man, my man Gary for

my block, was in the bathroom or he just walked
into something and he saw that. You see me cry,
see me cry. So now I'm home. Later, get to
knock at the door, my mother at the door. It's
it's my man Gary, he said, Miss Lanett, I just
wanted to let you know that the boy in school
made your man cry.

Speaker 6 (18:02):
In the bathroom.

Speaker 7 (18:03):
Why was he tell her that?

Speaker 3 (18:06):
Because this is the time I understood why I didn't
understand always growing up, you got to understand like my
mother and them, like growing up, like my father, if
anybody was like I had a problem with a kid,
he would go get the kid to make me fight.
Like my mother was strong. It was hard on. Don't
you come back in his house crying, pussy footing and

all that. Somebody say something to you or do something
to you, put their hands on you. Better stand up
for yourself because you gotta raise black men to be strong.
And she understood that I'm sending my boys out into
a ghetto right and they might not understand what it is,
but they'll get it later on. So and I was
oldest boy, so I was like, I gotta go get it,
like I can't be in crying. So I got my

ass with for that.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Yeah, crying just for crying.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
That's what I'm saying, Like if I if I came
home crying or like taking a loss is not a problem, right,
this not fighting back?

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Yeah, I was in the first and second grade.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
I was like, it all makes sense now, you gotta give.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Me a pastimes.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
You know, many times my mother or my father would
would be outside with me and we would be fighting
other kids up the block, down the block, around the
corner behind the building, like like outside not getting in it.
Go ahead, go go?

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Did you do that with yourself?

Speaker 3 (19:32):
I can't.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
It's a different time.

Speaker 3 (19:33):
I know. I can't. Yo, I can't. You listen, my
father would go get yo's to this day, it's one kid.
I mean he's grown now. My man advanced. I had
more fights. He was like my archie enemy. I have
more fights with him than anybody in my life. We
would be we would hang together and then get mad
at each other, fight club, fight, just fight over anything.

One day he's snatched a cookie out of my hand
and ran with it, and I chased him down and
fought him from a Lexington up green. Oh it wasn't.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
It was a principal, right, don't take my cookie.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
He snatched it and he brought it back. I smacked
him and then we just started fighting.

Speaker 2 (20:14):
He was back and forth.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
It was back and forth. We want something. I want something,
but my father will go get him. Say come on,
let's go.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
So you guys, cookie back.

Speaker 7 (20:25):
Cookie fully in.

Speaker 3 (20:27):
What I'm saying, I can't, I can't. Can't you got
the cook This This is this is small preteen issues.
This is ten eleven year old kids together.

Speaker 6 (20:44):
It was him being disrespectful by.

Speaker 3 (20:45):
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like he did that right,
and now I gotta fight and I always got to
fight him.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
This is when did you feel like now I can
stop fighting?

Speaker 2 (20:57):
He still doesn't feel like that?

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Because is that because it's like when was it? When
did that? It wasn't that long ago, but when did
that where you're not over cookies?

Speaker 3 (21:12):
But I'm not? But that was you said cookies. Stop saying.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
Have you ever fought over a woman?

Speaker 1 (21:21):

Speaker 4 (21:22):
You know it?

Speaker 3 (21:24):
You are nuts?

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Never never know you've never thought over a woman, fought
over a woman. Like, let's just say you had somebody's woman,
somebody's wife or vice versa, and y'all end up you
and him and up getting into this thing.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
I think to that is when I was messing with
my son's mother originally, and it was this dude she
used to mess with and they still had a weird relationship.
I don't know. She used to get him to drive
up places and all that, and I don't know, I
don't know what it was. And it was just like
I pulled up and he was dead and he just
was looking stupid. You looking like stupid. You know what

I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (22:03):
That looks like you know.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
Look, I don't like spin on them or something.

Speaker 1 (22:11):
God than anything my face, Yeah, I know, but.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
Just I use different weapons. Yeah, I don't want this
interview to be seeming like I'm outside.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
No, no discuss that. Let's about your advancing jacket. What
is his hand on the bat.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Because he definitely wanted to see this.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
I want to talk, interview.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Was done designed a jacket for dancing. It's amazing, And
then you see that.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Don't talk. That's I don't want to talk because I
don't want know because when it comes home, even know
I did it. Okay, I don't when that jacket comes out,
I don't even want nobody to know that I actually
didn't like that.

Speaker 7 (22:51):
Now it's just you know.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
She said, it's just interesting because you don't want to
talk about this. But then he got this jacket coming out.
You my dog, I am. I am like when it
comes out, show you when this interview drafts, we will
have a picture of it body then probably right, not yet,
I can't give you that picture at some point when

the jackets out.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
But the jacket takes some time. This is coming out.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
When we'll hold it non kidding. Now, we'll purpose the
clip if that's helpful to you.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
I want you, I want to. I want you to
get the proper understanding what we're talking about. She's talking
about things that happened when I was ten or eleven
years old.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
I'm a.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
God, I understand what I'm saying. But we're talking about
a lot of bumps and bruises on her. We're doing
the history of may and the type of parents that
I might have had. That you send me back outside
or even give me pipes or something to go back
outside and swing it at somebody or whatever. Like you know,
but what.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
Did they give you about women when you were young?

Speaker 3 (23:54):
That's where things got messed up, because I don't think
I even got no advice. Is moving I don't think.
I don't think. See, my father was getting high, so
I don't think he got to the point where so
by the time I got of age where he should
have been having those conversations with me, he was too busy,
you know, caught up in his own demons, right, So

that crack that crack wave was was a serious time.
And you know, this is the era when when crack
as was outside and it was like zombies and shit
like that. I'm coming outside seeing my father like feeling
a shame, like, you know, like he's like, do your
pupst Like I don't, like, I don't even see him.
So at the time when I get to when I

get to be like twelve or thirteen, is when he
should have been having these conversations with me about women.
But what I did learn about him was that he
was like a like a womanizer. Because when I got older,
I would have conversations with my mother. So I talked
to my mother about how he was. And you know
when I was when I was first born, I was
born in Brooklyn. Then we moved to California. We lived

in Watson We lived out there for like a year.
So she would tell me that, uh, he would be like,
you know, sending her home with you know, send her
home with the baby, and go mess with the girl
down down the block. You know. He was he was
the ladies man like he was, you know, a handsome dude.
So a lot of a lot of a lot of
the ladies liked him. So he was on that.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
And when she was.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Telling nah, because then I was trying to understand me.
So now this is me trying to understand me. I'm like,
what kind of you know what I mean? Because I
would always hear when I was young, Yo, your daddy's
so fun. You're gonna be You're gonna be so fun.

Speaker 1 (25:37):
We sell the pictures in the cowboy hat. He was
looking just like your daddy.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, so he was. He was. He
was like on some on some players ship and yeah,
so he ain't. Never I never had a conversation, not one.
And then I don't know if a woman can really
explain into a young boy, yeah you know, how to

really you know, put that together and what and how
to really be and how to really treat a woman.
And so I didn't really have those lessons.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
Who was when did you have your first girlfriend ever?

Speaker 3 (26:16):

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Like that this is my first girl, my girl.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
I had a couple of girls I was like in
love with, and I was always just like, man, it
was it always seemed like the girls that I was
like the most was the ones that I that was
always so slippery.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
You understand you were attracted to that challenge maybe too, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (26:35):
Like it was just like everything like it was this
girl Keima. I was in love with Kima. Everybody knew
Kim Kima was popular, super popular. I was in love and.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
It sounds like she was.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
She was outside and but everybody knew what. Everybody wanted us.
She was super popular. So it was just like it
was always you know, did you have a chance? Yeah,
because we we was having our times and she was
coming at the crab and everything, and I was.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
Just like, you know, were you jealous? Jealous person?

Speaker 3 (27:11):
Okay, I was jealous. You know what's her name? Was?
Missing king? Right? No, she messed with such and such word.
And this is back in the days when you act
like you don't care about something fun, I don't.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
Care really crying, yeah you really?

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Yeah? I like with me.

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Was that your first girlfriend?

Speaker 3 (27:35):
Now, I don't want to say my first girlfriend I had.
I mean come on. I come from error where it's like,
do you want to go with me? Yes? Now check the.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
Box, and they was checking them out. You probably had
girlfriends you were sending that note to.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
I got the note set to me a lot.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
Okay, okay, see that.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
You know you can said, see my jacket, and when
you left.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
Your virginity, you knew what you were doing?

Speaker 4 (28:04):
No, how were you thirty five?

Speaker 3 (28:12):
I just lost that.

Speaker 6 (28:20):
Details though you remember, like the details I.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
Remember mind ship.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Yeah, y'all, y'all, y'all women, So it's all it's more
specially y'all.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
That's why I asked, because guys, for us.

Speaker 3 (28:30):
And being and coming from this whole extra machio, want
to be seen tough and seem like, you know, cool.
You know, It's like, first of all, we was already
lying saying that we wasn't virgins.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
When we was gus did that girls lyons say they are,
guys say they're not right.

Speaker 3 (28:51):
So we was. We was already you know, on the
block saying but you ain't getting new pussy before this, dude. This,
So the experience to me, I don't feel like it
was as special, Like I don't like hold it in
my heart and be like, man, that was the first time.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
You know, you don't it was just to do it
because you wanted to do it.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
No, we was like I was already feeling like I
should have been like, this is my this is my destiny,
this is this is what I needed to be in
the first place.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
Did you feel like a different person after the first time?

Speaker 3 (29:26):
No, See, this is what I'm saying, y'all projecting. That's
how y'all I did. I did feel different out about
it by the experiences.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
I was just like, I felt like this was terrible.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
I want.

Speaker 3 (29:38):
The first time I did. I want to run outside
and tell everybody, right, I just didn't you?

Speaker 1 (29:44):
No, I told you you know, yeah, yeah, give her
a bad reputation.

Speaker 2 (29:50):
Have you ever been in love? How many times do
you think?

Speaker 3 (29:57):
I don't know if that was in love? Love? That's
saying that's a little boy, little love, all right, your face,
little kid, that's kid ghetto love right there.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
I really only know of one time I could legitimately say,
MANO was in love that I feel like you told.

Speaker 6 (30:15):
Me, But how do you know when you're in love?

Speaker 3 (30:18):
No, I want to know what she's talking about.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
There's only one time because I know a long time.
There's only one time that he had a girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
That was.

Speaker 7 (30:29):

Speaker 1 (30:29):
He was like, my girl got this going on. I
need you to come through. You know, my girl, you
got right example right there, And that's how I was like,
I've never heard mayno, like for real, we don't see
pictures him slapping people down, and we don't hurt.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Of you saw pictures of this? Yes, pictures who you
seen me slaping?

Speaker 2 (30:48):
Want us to pull up you sla.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
We just we talked about.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
Ain't no picture of me slapping nobody? Now the internet?
You serious?

Speaker 6 (30:57):
Opens up phone.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
For real? Yes there is you know you know that.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
But that's the only time i've heard you. Actually, i've
seen you like people sloping.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Girls down?

Speaker 3 (31:13):
Of course, of course I do get my sugar, you know.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Will surey you see that right? Wow down? That's not
a slow down though, What do you consider a slop?

Speaker 3 (31:33):
This is what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
So technically, yeah, they dated, I know, that's right, But
I mean it was public because they were gonna be
on love and hip together.

Speaker 8 (31:49):
That that's not make sure I was looking to I
would make sure she's beautiful, But that's that is not
true what you said.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
I was asked to be on there.

Speaker 7 (32:02):
Okay, okay, No, that wasn't loving.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
That's not no loving. That was real.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
He said, that's a real but he said that was
real live.

Speaker 3 (32:09):
That's not what I'm saying trying to catch.

Speaker 6 (32:13):

Speaker 1 (32:16):
It's more like a no, that's a nice guy here,
a nice guy.

Speaker 7 (32:29):
You look like you got not.

Speaker 3 (32:34):

Speaker 1 (32:36):
Yeah, he working the technology firm.

Speaker 3 (32:39):
I'm a man of many talents. You know.

Speaker 1 (32:41):
That's right. So, yeah, that's not Do you think you
were in love with her because you guys, Yeah, no.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
Man, because I was just like, damn.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
No, man, And then I found out some other Okay,
when was the lat of time you were in love?

Speaker 3 (33:01):
I was like, when was that?

Speaker 1 (33:04):
I think if I could analyze you may now.

Speaker 3 (33:06):

Speaker 1 (33:07):
I feel like, you know, it's been hard for you
to to be with one woman because there's a lot
of options out here for you. It feels like you're
always like, man, I could do this, I could do that,
I could do this. You finally did settle down, and
you really enjoyed it when you did, right, You you
were in a real relationship, settled down in love.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
His house was a home.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
He fucked it up, he did right, And I think
that ever since then, he hasn't been able to like
recreate that feeling.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
Are you trying to recreate that feeling that almost sound
almost cried?

Speaker 3 (33:39):
I did that almost.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
The feeling that you had with her?

Speaker 3 (33:50):
No, Okay, what I'm trying to do is is uh fine.
I don't want to say fine because you don't have
to find it. When it's meant to be, it will
be right.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Sometimes you have to know how to find it though,
just from tender you tell.

Speaker 3 (34:06):
You why she asked me a question? Right, know you
when the last time you've been in love? And I'm like,
I'll be getting excited sometimes, like when I meet somebody
I like him and it's like damn, I'm like, oh,
this might be it this, this might be the.

Speaker 1 (34:20):
One I prayed this like thirty five.

Speaker 3 (34:23):
Yeah, Like I'm talking, it happens to me a lot,
not talking about I get excited. Sometimes may be pretty too.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
We'd be looking at the Instagram and get pretty and
they don't kind of look alike those.

Speaker 7 (34:37):

Speaker 3 (34:38):
That's just beautiful. I don't have the type they look like.

Speaker 4 (34:40):
Alien's a little bit what they do.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
What I told you this before I break that down,
let's hear.

Speaker 4 (34:45):
It like the big eyes, like narrow face.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Yeah, I don't. I don't eyes face, big eyes and
our face.

Speaker 6 (34:53):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (34:55):
If that's he likes.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
He does like full lips.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
He wants a big lipybody.

Speaker 3 (35:00):
He's like a little bit yeah, big little, bigger, So
I'll be getting excited. Sometimes you wrong with that, But
pull them up, we can.

Speaker 6 (35:16):
They They look like.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
It is crazy because because what you're saying is that
that's alien is like almost like unattractive. This is what
you're saying.

Speaker 4 (35:29):
No, that's not what I mean.

Speaker 3 (35:30):
What do you mean?

Speaker 4 (35:31):
Then they look like aliens? They have alien like features
like you know the Emo g with the big eyes,
not the.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Alienore talking about sexy aliens?

Speaker 3 (35:42):
No love talk.

Speaker 4 (35:44):
Yeah, old eyes, narrow, narrow little chin.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
Who looks like an alien? That I would like that.
It's like that's popular.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
Let me think, Let me think, let me think.

Speaker 3 (35:58):
Oh, here we go, come on, baby. I don't remember what.

Speaker 4 (36:05):
Her name is, but she's like an Instagram model with
dark hair trends.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
That's that's the only twenty billion people.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
Who she used to date. Is anybody we know she's
to date?

Speaker 3 (36:17):

Speaker 4 (36:18):
No, no, I've never seen her before.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
You pulled her up.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Oh, I made it, will pull her up.

Speaker 3 (36:23):
I pulled out, you pulled her.

Speaker 4 (36:25):
You know what, It's interesting responding to your DM.

Speaker 3 (36:27):

Speaker 1 (36:29):
Remember by the way, Mado love that gets get up.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
I didn't know that today was going to be the
day that he was gonna go to war. I feel
I know that he was going to go to war,
but I feel like I gotta do what I gotta do.
You out here making it's true accusations. Wow, you said
that I was d M and Elliott.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
You how dare.

Speaker 3 (37:10):
You do what you're talking about? You don't want you
out there with that fla. You don't want to, you
don't want to serious.

Speaker 4 (37:31):
I'm very very m hmm secure.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Yeah, you know you're gonna have to. You're gonna have to.
You're gonna have to show improved though.

Speaker 1 (37:38):
But yeah, we're talking about what you're looking for, like
because I feel like ever since then, do you feel
like you got your heart broken?

Speaker 3 (37:46):
No, it's not that I got my heart broken. I
realized that I was I had everything that I in
that in that situation that I that I really needed
but didn't appreciate it. Sometimes you can have everything house
cause everything everything, But the problem is that we always
be looking outside of what we got. You you could

be riding around in a Bentley and then you pull
up to another Bentley and you be like, Damn, that
shit looked good. Damn you live in a nice house.
You look at another house like, damn, everything looked better
to you when you don't have it right everything, So
you constantly projecting this, this, this idea. Man, So you
got a girl that's beautiful and she do everything for you,
like it's like you living a life. But then you

you see something go damn.

Speaker 2 (38:33):
Look at that though, So is that what happened?

Speaker 1 (38:37):

Speaker 3 (38:37):
I felt like that was part of the reason why
I was satisfied but still doing things. That was from
a nigga that was unsatisfied when I should have been.
You know, it wasn't until I didn't have that no
more that I was realizing, like, damn, I really had it.
So you know when they say you gotta lose some
shit to really appreciate it, right, you gotta right. You

don't appreciate you know what I'm saying, how warm it
is until it's cold and it's freezing. You're like, damn it,
Now I understand how warm you appreciate it. So when
that was over, I looked around and said, damn, I
really fucked that one up, you know, because I had
a good situation.

Speaker 1 (39:16):
Did you believe it was over? Because sometimes guys think
that it's just my temporary fight. Yeah, and you know
we'll be back.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
First I thought that. First. I thought that when when
she was on the other other side of the house
and I was on one side of the house, and
it was just like, oh, wow, damn you really you
you standing on this. But what I realized is that
when a woman get in her head that she it
is over, that she's done.

Speaker 7 (39:44):
Oh, she's a whole different person's over.

Speaker 3 (39:48):
It's like, fuck this nigga.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
That was so bad.

Speaker 3 (39:52):
It wasn't one thing it was. It was a multitude
of Ye, relation is a plethora.

Speaker 8 (39:57):
She was over.

Speaker 3 (39:58):
It was a game of things.

Speaker 4 (40:00):
You were just talking about.

Speaker 3 (40:01):
Watching everything I'm about to you. I'm about to go
talking about before discipline you were talking about I don't
use that word in here. Well you applied about.

Speaker 4 (40:16):
What about doing the work at the mess mess hall
and then picking yourself up.

Speaker 3 (40:23):
That's discipline that comes from a different space and different
part of your life.

Speaker 2 (40:27):
Okay, So you didn't get let her.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
With her. It's different, though, Why don't you apply that.

Speaker 4 (40:35):
To your love life? Because those are choices, those are
you want to be.

Speaker 1 (40:39):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (40:40):
That comes from a different portion of your brain. I
think that represents a different part of your life. I
think naturally for a man, and I'm gonna speak for myself, naturally,
I'm gonna desire multiple women naturally. It comes to me, easy,
comes to me. Naturally. I can walk in with one

and go damn, look at the other one like that,
that's crazy, that's naturally. I'm attracted to many.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
I've seen him do that.

Speaker 7 (41:08):
Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 3 (41:10):
So so the thing is you so cap so if
if if I had somebody that made me feel like
I would want to change or try to uh down
down right, then I will be opening for that, right.

But that doesn't What I'm telling you is that when
and I think a lot of women make the mistake
to believe that that comes to men naturally. Now if
they find a woman that actually puts them in that
situation and makes them feel like yo, you know what,
I'm gonna give this a try, because this right here
is worth me trying for. You know, until I have that,
then it's like I can be honest with who I am.

Speaker 1 (41:56):
But you had that right and you just haven't had
it again since.

Speaker 3 (42:00):
No, not even close. Okay, let's get what you wanted.

Speaker 1 (42:04):
What did you learn from that? Because when we were
talking to Devin, she was like, one thing is to
ask the dating coach, relationship expert, what did you learn
from You don't know him, but anyway, anyway may no,
what did you learn from that experience?

Speaker 3 (42:22):
Which one?

Speaker 2 (42:23):
Because I have many we're talking about.

Speaker 1 (42:24):
But when we're talking about that, you haven't found since
like your last relations your last real relation.

Speaker 3 (42:28):
I learned from the relationship.

Speaker 1 (42:30):
Yeah, and how things ended, I told you.

Speaker 3 (42:33):
I learned that accountability first and foremost. Another thing I
learned is this, This is when I got to the
space of being honest with who I am. And a
lot of women don't want to hear this. And a
lot of women, because I've been in a situation with women,
they like, oh, you just using it as a excuse
to just went around and do whatever you want to do. No,

here's the thing. Once that happened, I said, Yo, I
got to stop lying and playing in these games. If
I know that I'm not gonna be the disperson for you,
and I know that I'm struggling being at then let
me just say this honestly. Let me just be honest. Look,

I'm single, I deal with women. I'm having my way
until I find somebody that makes me feel differently. Then
this is what my life is. I don't want to
be having two and three different households telling girls you
know you're the only one, You're the only one, You
the only one, because guess what honesty is freedom. If
I tell you who I am, You're probably still gonna

fuck with me anyway. I don't want to be in
a committed relationship with you right now. This is who
I am. I don't want to be in a committed
relationship with you, But that don't mean that we can't
deal with each other and enjoy each other, go on dates,
hang out, go to the movies, do shit. But I
don't want to be into this committed situation right now. Now.

That's what I learned, is the fact that I wanted
to just to be honest with who I am. This
is who I am, and I don't want to keep
playing those games. I don't want to waste your time
I don't want waste mins. This is what it is.

Speaker 6 (44:10):
So that's how you are going to be moving forward,
is right.

Speaker 3 (44:16):
Now, because when we're talking about is five six years ago, right,
So because in that situation, you know, it's the having
another phone, leaving it, getting caught. I remember one day.
I remember one day I left my phone on it
on the table in the phone wrong and I had

a girl name on the mace. I used to have names, yeah,
you to have like rapping names, but thinking that you
ain't gonna fuck with that, right, She came upstairs and said,
Mace called you, all right, I call that name. It
is what it is. I'm not realizing she know, I

don't really be talking to Mace like that, Like that's
not somebody that I will be talking to. I got
I got girl's name on it. Nah's like niggas that
I don't even speak to like that. So she said,
call them, call them back.

Speaker 1 (45:18):
She knew what was up calling that.

Speaker 3 (45:20):
Nigga back right now, and then he's probably busy call them,
and which started a whole you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (45:27):
Her stupid, So she knows.

Speaker 3 (45:30):
So my whole thing is those lives and those games
niggas be playing and I was trying to you know
what I'm saying, erasing Texas and got this mad ship
that I got is mad work. It's mad work, having
it's mad work, having a having a having a woman
and having to do all that. Right, It's easy for

me to say, listen, this is why I am Listen.

Speaker 6 (45:54):
Not only is it hell of work, it's not worth
it in the end.

Speaker 3 (45:57):
It ain't worth it in the end. I realized it
wasn't worth it in the end. So now this is
why my approach is differently. I'm not coming to you
trying to present myself to be something that I'm not.
I'm not because that's exactly what a lot of men do.
We present ourselves to be something that were not. You know,
it's only you and these other bitches. I'm tired of
this ship. I did all this ship before.

Speaker 1 (46:18):
Now, yeah, you think I want to represent myself.

Speaker 3 (46:27):
Like the community.

Speaker 9 (46:28):
One thing I always say is that when men don't
give us the chance to choose to be and says situations,
you never know if you meet.

Speaker 6 (46:35):
Somebody and she on the same page. I ain't ready
to settle down right now either, baby.

Speaker 2 (46:38):
We can ride this thing goten vibe bibles us.

Speaker 9 (46:41):
But what men do is they put us in these
situations blindly. They got wives and baby mamas and girlfriends
and all types of situations. And then when ship hit
the fan and now they're looking at us and all
along like but them, nigga, you would have been honest,
then maybe I wouldn't care that you got.

Speaker 3 (46:57):
The situation going on right now. What you just said
is exactly my whole point because that freedom, because if
I tell you the truth, that that allows you the
freedom to say yay, oh nay. You want to deal
with it. Price It's like, yo, look I'm single, but
I don't really want to be in a committed in
a committed relationship. But let's see what happens.

Speaker 1 (47:14):
Because women want to date a round too.

Speaker 3 (47:16):
Right, If it organically happens and we wake up one
day a yain and went by, we've been in the
same crib. Fuck it?

Speaker 1 (47:22):
Yeah, what about threesomes? Right now? In a relationship? If
you're having threesomes? Some people say that it's hard for
men to draw the line of Okay, I can only
do it if we follow these certain rules. We do
it together. She knows about it, and then I can't
step out. A lot of people will say, at least
the door open for guys to not have those boundaries.

Now with you, when you've been in your threesome relationships, right,
have you been able to have those boundaries or do
you feel like it kind of gives you more of
a path to do what you want? Honestly?

Speaker 3 (47:54):
No, Like anytime I was with a girl or woman
and we and we would, you know, have fun or whatever.
My whole thing is, I let the woman run it.
She makes the rules, she picks you set the standards.
Is your it's your rules, right, because then it makes
it easier.

Speaker 1 (48:14):
Have you ever hooked up with the other person in
the threesome outside?

Speaker 3 (48:17):
Oh no, because you're just gonna suck it up. No. No,
but one time I did. I was already messing with
a girl and then I kind of somehow got it
have a threesome with another girl. So, but that was different.
But most of the time you.

Speaker 1 (48:33):
Got a situation, did you ever feel like any of
the rules was like that don't make sense, or I'm gonna.

Speaker 3 (48:38):
Do it, but the rules makes sense? Because the thing was.

Speaker 6 (48:41):
Like what type of rules were for you in your situations?

Speaker 3 (48:46):
One of the rules is if nigga, if I don't
feel like it, and it is, it's let's not do
it right so right, don't try to push me into
doing some shit that I don't want to do right now.
If we out right now now, And I say, yo,
what's up with her? Yeah? In she say, well, not

even her, you know what I'm saying, not her, like
you know, me and her relationship, not her. I gotta
respect that, right, And I respected those boundaries and it
was like, yo, you know, whatever you on, I'm on.
And then it's like all right, so once we're done,
they can't.

Speaker 1 (49:24):
Stay, Okay, no problem, Yeah they got to go.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
So whatever the rules is unrespected. Rule. And I tell
chicks all the time, like when it comes to that conversation,
if that ain't your thing, don't do it for me.

Speaker 1 (49:36):
What if she wants to have a threesome with the
woman you're not attracted to.

Speaker 3 (49:40):
No, that never happened. That that never happened.

Speaker 2 (49:45):
Let me ask you this ever urinated or a girl? No,
would you if she was into it?

Speaker 1 (49:53):
Yeah, if that was her thing, I'm surprised you haven't
done that.

Speaker 3 (49:58):
Yeah, nah, I don't hear that though. That's not that's
like a white girl fetish. I don't really hear like,
you know, peel.

Speaker 1 (50:07):
For me? It's anybody get anybody play with that?

Speaker 5 (50:12):

Speaker 3 (50:13):
Anybody playing those water sports? Okay?

Speaker 2 (50:16):
But somebody I used to have sex with. I found
out later that they used to pee on other women,
and it made me look at them different.

Speaker 3 (50:25):
Was that his thing then? Because he peed on multiple women?
That was his thing? He just never how do you
introduce that? Baby?

Speaker 2 (50:33):
I think I guess you know who.

Speaker 7 (50:35):
You could pull that with?

Speaker 3 (50:36):
Like me?

Speaker 2 (50:37):
Yeah, it made me look at him different.

Speaker 1 (50:39):
Guy tell me that he likes to be pete on,
and I feel like he was propositioning needed. But I
wasn't dating him or anything. It was somebody I worked with, super.

Speaker 2 (50:52):
So that was the thing.

Speaker 3 (50:54):
And ship you gotta that gotta be your thing. And
usually the person that's likes to get peed on ask
for that. I've never had. I've had a girl tell me, No,
that ain't my thing. I ain't getting pee on. Tell
me I would let you peel me.

Speaker 2 (51:12):
She wanted you to be that's a random thing.

Speaker 3 (51:14):
Say wanted a conversation, I let you. I will let
you pee on me.

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Perfect time.

Speaker 6 (51:23):
Yeah, if you asked me to you, I'm gonna let
you be Like, was.

Speaker 3 (51:29):
Always do my duty if you asked me to peel
on you, or you asked whatever, whatever you asked me
to perform, I'm gonna do my life. Yeah, I gotta
do my duty.

Speaker 1 (51:38):
It's being of duty.

Speaker 6 (51:42):
It's the laugh.

Speaker 3 (51:45):
The devilish man. It's crazy. Man.

Speaker 1 (51:46):
Now, what are your rules about taking a ship in
a woman's house? Like, let's just say you go see
a young lady and you have to pool. Will you
hold or will you let loose?

Speaker 3 (51:58):
You? Me? Come on? Man?

Speaker 1 (52:00):
I know he does, but now what if what if
a woman does that to you in your house?

Speaker 3 (52:04):
Does that women don't like the ship?

Speaker 1 (52:07):
But would you would you feel like we're closer now
because of it.

Speaker 3 (52:11):
I was telling a girl like, yo, you should do it.
I like you.

Speaker 8 (52:17):

Speaker 1 (52:18):
I want like you almost be comfortable with me.

Speaker 8 (52:21):
I was like.

Speaker 3 (52:23):
On mushrooms or some ship, and I was just like, like, yo, listen,
you should really do it. I'm telling you because it's
like I'm gonna really respect it and really like you more,
Like would.

Speaker 1 (52:40):
You say that if you weren't?

Speaker 3 (52:41):
Probably not? Absolutely, it's just very earthy, absolutely happy. But
what I'm trying to tell you those. But nah, seriously,
I don't really want to smell it though, that's the thing.

Speaker 2 (52:55):
Yeah, so she's shouldn't do it, I mean air fresheners.

Speaker 3 (52:59):
Yeah, but I live with the woman. I ain't never
really probably once or twice I ever thought she caught her.

Speaker 1 (53:09):
Like that's the bar of like wear it together for real.
Like I can be like, don't go in there for
five minutes.

Speaker 3 (53:17):
No, it's cool.

Speaker 2 (53:19):
But some guys want they want you to talk to
them why they ship and never think please can you
close the door?

Speaker 3 (53:27):
I don't want to talk.

Speaker 1 (53:28):
I'll talk afterwards when where man would be like how
much time we got exactly?

Speaker 3 (53:33):
Because I need to know.

Speaker 1 (53:36):
How much time you got.

Speaker 3 (53:37):
No, I need to know that I'm sitting on this
taller you're talking to me. I need to know that
you really that you really fuck with me conversation. Yeah,
have a conversation with me in the bathroom. Yeah at
the door.

Speaker 2 (53:49):
The door you never had to die, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 6 (53:52):
Yeah, I definitely so that. But but we were ship
in front of each other.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
I like that each other for ship by myself.

Speaker 1 (54:01):
I don't want to.

Speaker 3 (54:06):
When it's all, when it's all, when it's all said done,
and I'm and I'm bent over. I can't reach over
and you know what more? Would you help me out?

Speaker 7 (54:13):
Would you clean?

Speaker 3 (54:14):
Would you help me baby? Would you help me by.

Speaker 1 (54:19):

Speaker 2 (54:19):
When I had a baby, my baby, daddy had we
weren't he had to help me, you know, like pull
my stuff up and you know, and Jason was a mess.
Definitely here she was at that time.

Speaker 1 (54:30):
I've seen her right before she went into live with huge.

Speaker 2 (54:32):
But I'm just saying, like, men see us in those
you know, those moments when we have Yeah, but we
don't feel like different.

Speaker 4 (54:38):
If it's medically Yeah.

Speaker 3 (54:41):
Different what you talking about?

Speaker 4 (54:43):
Like, I don't need to ship and talk with you
while you're doing your business if you're medically you know, yeah,
absolutely white.

Speaker 3 (54:54):
Yeah, wipe my ass though, this is what you were hurt. Yeah,
I was hurt.

Speaker 1 (55:00):
I'm in a kick.

Speaker 4 (55:04):
Like if you couldn't do it yourself, joy.

Speaker 3 (55:11):
Help take a ship right now? No, you got to
be completely like, come on, Joe.

Speaker 1 (55:16):
You know fun Maya, what's the most times you can
go in a row, Like, let's just say, in a
night with a woman, what's the most times you cannut?

Speaker 3 (55:26):
Yo? When I'm super excited about I realized, like when
I'm super excited about who it is. Man, I'm easy
three or four, easy quick three or four. No, I'm
making love. I'm saying ship that I don't even mean,
but I mean it like there, that's right, you mean

like I love you? Man, you have my baby, Say
that baby, we're about to be a family. No, I'll
never say that. Gonna be far now, Oh my god,
long term me.

Speaker 1 (56:07):
So that stuff doesn't count after that? What like all
of the stuff you say during sex, it may not
count later count.

Speaker 3 (56:13):
If the relationship is really organic and y'all can see
that the sex make relationship good. But it's outside the
sex that really makes the relationship cohesive. It's to able
to be able to tolerate each other. Like because I'm
it's hard for me to be around one person for
a long period of times. I'm like, oh, this girl

get on my fucking nerves. She gotta go, like like
your nerves talking too much, Like you don't like.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
When people say, come in town and visit you, you
don't like more than two days.

Speaker 1 (56:46):
Three days?

Speaker 3 (56:46):
You need to stop my business because that that that
was a loaded question and the fact that you're playing
with me right now. You understand, you know.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
Say have you know like you can't be around whomen
for a long time. That's that's the only reason why
I was right. So it was trying to start somebody.

Speaker 7 (57:04):
It's listen what I'm saying right about three days a week.

Speaker 3 (57:07):
I'm not I'm not the first. Yeah, I gotta stop
playing with that's all, y'all, all tree, y'all. Right. The
thing is, come you come around on a Friday. It
might probably leave on a Sunday or something like that.
Or I pull up on a Friday and leave on
something whatever. So I'm saying, that's enough time to see

if if the vibe m hm, it's right close and
personal it's cool, or you like this person annoys me
all like damn, or like it was somebody that I
was really I was like, I like, and she come
around and everything else is perfect, but then her breath
stink and I'm just, oh my god, look at.

Speaker 1 (57:50):
That jazz man. That's for me? Who did so sweet?
More cake for us? Someone in here is on a
fast so that's amazing.

Speaker 2 (58:05):
Thank you, that's so sweet.

Speaker 1 (58:08):
Eighty Candleslie.

Speaker 3 (58:18):
Sweet put all your breath on that cake.

Speaker 1 (58:26):
She wished to get me.

Speaker 3 (58:28):
Anybody eating that cakes, so thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (58:35):
It's not the kind for you.

Speaker 3 (58:37):
I said, I was on a cleanse. I was on
a diet. I said I was on I'm glad I
was not a diet.

Speaker 1 (58:46):
Some cake, but.

Speaker 3 (58:47):
Listen the girl everything, yeah, yeah, And I was just like,
hold on. I was trying to realize, like I'm like.

Speaker 1 (58:58):
Damn, like do I like you didn't have an exactive
Ruber's done.

Speaker 3 (59:02):
I'll be pulling out ship.

Speaker 2 (59:05):
So the problem she probably had and saying yo.

Speaker 3 (59:10):
Then I started saying she got to be known for
this ship, like everybody must know.

Speaker 2 (59:18):
Everybody wants I want somebody to tell me to fix.

Speaker 3 (59:23):
You can't always get that fixed, though.

Speaker 1 (59:25):
It's got to be like a.

Speaker 3 (59:30):
No, I just know. I don't. I think that that's
just your brother.

Speaker 2 (59:35):
But you don't think she could have It's got to
be I don't know.

Speaker 3 (59:39):
Maybe I just don't know too much because I don't
be thinking you could get that.

Speaker 1 (59:42):
Fixed because she was like looking at your nas and
then every time the wind.

Speaker 3 (59:47):
Blow it's not it's not it's not it's not unbearable.
It's not unbearable, to the point where she's stinking of
the air.

Speaker 2 (59:56):
But it's just like, damn, it's kind of tarp.

Speaker 1 (59:59):
Yeah, that was really what ended it for you.

Speaker 3 (01:00:02):
No, I'm just saying in general, this is what that happened.

Speaker 1 (01:00:07):
Okay, certain things that Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:00:10):
What you said me and you real you will have
to show you. I said. You may not like to argue.

Speaker 4 (01:00:19):
You know what I said was true.

Speaker 3 (01:00:21):
I know you didn't. You said people was flying around
on flying.

Speaker 7 (01:00:26):
She said you was demon.

Speaker 1 (01:00:30):
Now you know what sound you have on this EP
that I love?

Speaker 3 (01:00:32):
Big dog, big dog, a little one, the little one,
the biggest.

Speaker 1 (01:00:40):
Yeah, but I haven't heard this one yet. But I'm
a slide with my demons. What's that about?

Speaker 3 (01:00:47):
Mama gone, Spider gone, the homies gone, but mouse home?
This real life talk, man, you know, it's real life
talk quick seven pack for the for the people.

Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
Some some motivation, fornovation, some menovation and situation. Oh my god,
may know so many things. I feel like I know
you too. Well.

Speaker 3 (01:01:09):
It's the problem though, and you know a lot of
my business and this is this is the disadvantage that
I have coming on this show. This is why when
I come on here, I say things that I probably
shouldn't say.

Speaker 1 (01:01:18):
We didn't do that to you today.

Speaker 3 (01:01:20):
Yeah, you sent me viral last time for that bull
you said. No one made you say nothing realized we
covered it, covered what covering bush about me for years?
You know what?

Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
But you love it. May not like controversy.

Speaker 3 (01:01:37):
It is you.

Speaker 1 (01:01:40):
No, I ain't losing, No sep get married one day.

Speaker 3 (01:01:44):
Would you come to my weddingow.

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
She's affiliated, Ye, gonna get my whatever license?

Speaker 3 (01:01:52):
Imagine come in to my wedge. You might not get
the invite she come in. I don't want to check
out here.

Speaker 1 (01:02:08):
May I will talk about why.

Speaker 3 (01:02:10):
Getting him slapped in the back, ND go over and
slap this nigger for the wedding.

Speaker 1 (01:02:16):
And I'm gonna ask the girl. You sure? I can't?

Speaker 3 (01:02:21):
Let me tell you. I'm gonna bring my girlfriend around,
y'all what girlfriend?

Speaker 7 (01:02:24):
I'm saying, bring my girl to see if we approved.

Speaker 3 (01:02:29):
I thought we was tight.

Speaker 1 (01:02:30):
We are.

Speaker 3 (01:02:31):
This is crazy. This was a bit much.

Speaker 1 (01:02:34):
His alien girlfriend exactly lips. She's gonna be in here,
Like what you gotta say?

Speaker 3 (01:02:46):
It's crazy?

Speaker 1 (01:02:48):
What you got to say?

Speaker 3 (01:02:49):
It's crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:02:50):
But I do want to say that for everybody who
is listening. May no guys, so much going on, even
from the TV show which We're still waiting for episode two,
but I have some ideas. Because they're going to get
you on Tender.

Speaker 3 (01:03:02):
We need to do something with them.

Speaker 6 (01:03:04):

Speaker 3 (01:03:05):
So this guy, he's the he's the he owns it.

Speaker 1 (01:03:07):
No, Duran, he's at Tender. That's our guy, Duran. He's
working Facebook. That's I know, and that is that tender.

Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
Okay, Okay, he's at Tender.

Speaker 6 (01:03:15):
No, he's an exactly.

Speaker 3 (01:03:18):
He's an exactly so he can he can make something
should happen. We need to do the show up there.
I'm trying to tell you like a dating show. We
need to do it like it's like a dating podcast.
We talk about, you know, relationships, and then we have
like some guests.

Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
Coming up and we kind of like the deal is
that we need you to do therapy first.

Speaker 3 (01:03:36):
What you need me to do therapy for everybody need therapy.

Speaker 1 (01:03:39):
Okay, good, I think that's part of the show. That's
not the show is about me and.

Speaker 3 (01:03:45):
You the hopes the show is about. The show is
about relationship and in us matchmaking people.

Speaker 2 (01:03:52):
That's what the show is, Okay, Like something needs to
be done to match you.

Speaker 3 (01:03:59):
See, that's the probably want to make it about me
and about you.

Speaker 2 (01:04:03):
Need the most help.

Speaker 3 (01:04:04):
I need the most well, but think about what I'm
saying and the alien.

Speaker 1 (01:04:10):
That's the name of the show.

Speaker 4 (01:04:13):
For you, some extraterrestrials for you.

Speaker 3 (01:04:23):
About it? Think about it?

Speaker 1 (01:04:24):
Right on?

Speaker 3 (01:04:25):
Me and you on the Tender Show, right, we it's
like a it's a podcast. We're talking, but then we
bring on guests as to match make them though that
they they haven't really meant in person yet, but might
you know what I'm saying. But we try to match
make them and it's fun, and then we don't be.

Speaker 2 (01:04:43):
Good at coaching niggas.

Speaker 3 (01:04:45):
What I'm saying, this is what I'm trying to tell.

Speaker 1 (01:04:49):
You his advice. You know how advice. His advice always
ends ask him. It's always.

Speaker 7 (01:04:58):
So much.

Speaker 1 (01:05:01):
Going back to La.

Speaker 3 (01:05:03):
Bless Jesus Jesus.

Speaker 1 (01:05:06):
Yes, yes, yes, that's a good name for birthday. Thank you.
We need this cake.

Speaker 3 (01:05:13):
I'm serious. No, you need to really, that's the show.

Speaker 1 (01:05:17):
All right, We're into it. No, that's the show they
would love to.

Speaker 3 (01:05:21):
Do because you know, she's trying to find a man, right,
so it's just like us bringing her.

Speaker 4 (01:05:25):
On and bringing bring it you know, three boyfriends. Remember
at the.

Speaker 3 (01:05:31):
Same she went three she went to rast her in
the same house.

Speaker 4 (01:05:35):
No, I don't even want them in the same country.

Speaker 1 (01:05:38):
She just wants to date three different guys, like you
want to sleep with all three of them?

Speaker 3 (01:05:41):

Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
Why not?

Speaker 4 (01:05:43):
You do do it with the women in this climate?

Speaker 3 (01:05:47):
What climate?

Speaker 6 (01:05:48):
Is it?

Speaker 7 (01:05:49):
Not climate?

Speaker 1 (01:05:53):
But anyway, like I was saying, may know, we were
talking earlier about this too, because like with Jordan, and
she wants to date. Yeah, get a little rat.

Speaker 3 (01:06:02):
Jordan won a basketball player?

Speaker 1 (01:06:03):
Do you her name is? Her name is Jordan's Jordan?
For nothing?

Speaker 3 (01:06:10):
He said you wanted a basketball and you said that
to me?

Speaker 4 (01:06:13):
Okay, yeah, she's tall already tall, not really, but people
who have been telling me, I'm but I know I'm
gonna be like seven.

Speaker 1 (01:06:23):
Oh really I thought she was all right? I feel that.

Speaker 4 (01:06:30):
Yeah, I feel like an athlete phase is in.

Speaker 3 (01:06:34):
My cards.

Speaker 4 (01:06:35):
Although I have gone through the athlete base, I just
want to be not a couple.

Speaker 1 (01:06:40):
I was having a sound bad you.

Speaker 3 (01:06:43):
Going through a couple of three?

Speaker 4 (01:06:44):
For two or three?

Speaker 1 (01:06:49):
Maybe two? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:06:49):
Maybe maybe maybe two or three?

Speaker 3 (01:06:52):
You have an athlete phase.

Speaker 2 (01:06:56):
Double one athlete one football player?

Speaker 3 (01:07:00):
Okay? Was he a uh?

Speaker 2 (01:07:04):
And I'm back up and I don't know he ran
a lot. What does that mean?

Speaker 1 (01:07:09):
He's a wide receiver.

Speaker 7 (01:07:13):
He would run and run a lot.

Speaker 3 (01:07:16):
God, this is nuts.

Speaker 1 (01:07:19):
But let me ask you this, manute, what's the most
girls you slept with in one day?

Speaker 3 (01:07:23):
When you mean one day? In one one day?

Speaker 1 (01:07:26):
One day? True question, because it's not at one time
and one day.

Speaker 3 (01:07:34):
I'm saying you're not talking about it.

Speaker 7 (01:07:35):
One time it was a running back.

Speaker 3 (01:07:38):
Running back, she got that nigga on speed down.

Speaker 1 (01:07:41):
She had to think about it.

Speaker 7 (01:07:42):
I had to look at wiki and one day, one day.

Speaker 3 (01:07:44):
One day, different girls, like, yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:07:47):
I'm not the same girl.

Speaker 3 (01:07:48):
Pull up over here, you know, just yes, understand. I
to understand the question for answering, I want to say,
in a twenty four hour period, three okay, that just happened. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
that's in twenty four hours. That's not like in a
that's not like from the time I woke up to

the time that.

Speaker 1 (01:08:10):
You've gone without having sex? Like how long I go?

Speaker 3 (01:08:13):
Sometimes a week or two, that's not bad.

Speaker 1 (01:08:19):
For three weeks?

Speaker 3 (01:08:21):

Speaker 2 (01:08:22):
When was that?

Speaker 1 (01:08:25):
Let me tell you something, craft something.

Speaker 3 (01:08:32):
You've never been too busy that you ain't had time?

Speaker 2 (01:08:41):
Different when it's different.

Speaker 3 (01:08:43):
I've been in situations where I've had ship going on
and it just and I've been in situations I felt like, damn,
I ain't even't got nobody to call right now, wow,
when I wanted to. It's different than like ship that
you can do that you really don't want to do
because you feel like you don't need need to be
doing it. But I'm saying something that I'm really interested

and excited about doing. So I've been through periods it's like, man,
I ain't.

Speaker 1 (01:09:07):
Even got no Action's gonna stay home, chill out.

Speaker 3 (01:09:09):
I ain't got no motion. Two three weeks went by
like damn.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
Every time every time ANGELI FaceTime you when you're not
on the show, you always have a woman in the bed.

Speaker 1 (01:09:19):
No, he doesn't.

Speaker 3 (01:09:19):
That's not the fact that you will say that on
the show.

Speaker 1 (01:09:25):
I've never seen him with the woman in the bed.

Speaker 3 (01:09:27):
He said that loud.

Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
Wow, that's your girl.

Speaker 3 (01:09:32):
Please say that louder because say a word. Nigga.

Speaker 1 (01:09:37):
Yeah, that hasn't happened. He looks so sad, crying.

Speaker 7 (01:09:46):
You say, I.

Speaker 3 (01:09:49):
Know the problem. I'm supposed to never do this show.
You know why. You know why I was sposed to
never do this show because we're all really cool we know,
we know what you and that's why I'm supposed to
never come up here because the fact that you've done,
we're good. I'm like over here.

Speaker 7 (01:10:13):
Joking, just just joking, UFO, come down, you.

Speaker 1 (01:10:26):
Know, And I want to say this. And sometimes it
feels like you want to be locked in and bowed up,
and sometimes it feels like you don't. And if you
had a preference, would you want to be in a relationship.

Speaker 3 (01:10:46):
I need my relationship to feel like outside.

Speaker 1 (01:10:50):
Oh my god, listen, listen, my relationship to feel like out.

Speaker 3 (01:10:57):
Listen, listen, listen. I'm but I feel like a lot
of people go wrong at is when they they getting
relationships and they not themselves. You not being who you
really is. And when you're not being who you really are,
and every day you're going home to try to conform

and be something that you know you not, you hate
it and you start to present your your spouse or
your wife or your husband like you you don't really
want you know, you not this person. I need to
be in some ship that I can be mean, I can.
I need to feel like me and I don't want
to feel like I'm diminishing who I am. I want

to be able to talk. I want to be able to.
I want to be a woman. I can my damn,
she got a fatalizzed like I want to be like
let's I want to be able to when my girl
do this, like we can we can look together. I
want to be me. I want to I want to
talk how I talk. I want to. I want my
woman to. You're like not only my woman in my lover,

but also like my my friend, like my dog, Like
I could talk to her now I got a.

Speaker 1 (01:12:08):
Isn't necessary to say she's got a fat out as
you kids just think it.

Speaker 3 (01:12:12):
No talk if I'm talker, yeah, fix your business one day.
One day.

Speaker 4 (01:12:20):
He's like, you would want a girlfriend? If you met
someone that.

Speaker 1 (01:12:25):
Absolutely absolutely homegirlfriend, a homegirl girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (01:12:30):
I would absolutely say yes, right. I think I think
deep down we all desired that, you know what I mean,
because we we walk around our house and open up
that refrigerator and say, god, damn, ain't no food in here.
Got to call clean the lady, clean this fucking house.
And she just feeling like a just a place.

Speaker 1 (01:12:51):
If you had a girlfriend, you would have a cleaning lady.

Speaker 3 (01:12:54):
And you know, I'm just saying.

Speaker 2 (01:12:58):
He smelled food was.

Speaker 3 (01:13:01):
Right there. What she just said. You heard what she
just said.

Speaker 5 (01:13:04):

Speaker 3 (01:13:05):
The thing is this, you got a girlfriend, You got
a woman. It feels more like a home. Right. Things
are happening at home and you come home like, damn,
she feel good when you come home, right, it feels good.
You feel good. I think deep down we all kind
of desire that, but it be other things getting in
the way of that. It's like, man, I'm on my grind.

I can't focus on trying to have that right now.
I need to get all this ship together. I need
to get my life together. I need to be I
need to make it perfect. You understand so, And for me,
it needed it need to happen organically. I'm not gonna
face it. Okay, it needed it needed it need to
flourish easily. It don't need to be you know what
I mean. It needs to flourish easy that we need

to just like like just go into it organically and
then I'll be with it.

Speaker 1 (01:13:54):
All Right. Well that was some Monday manovation for you
right there. But the EP manovation is here.

Speaker 3 (01:13:59):

Speaker 1 (01:14:00):
We're gonna have some cake. You can't have anything.

Speaker 3 (01:14:03):
You can't have you know what you really.

Speaker 7 (01:14:07):
You don't get none.

Speaker 3 (01:14:08):
Everybody get my homeboy brother.

Speaker 2 (01:14:11):
I know he's so constant, a common.

Speaker 3 (01:14:14):
Person, a chance.

Speaker 1 (01:14:18):
Anyway. Congratulations though, man, Honestly, like seeing all of the
new Maynos, seeing the main ovation, seeing you getting awards
and your suit, having your MAINO day, turning your losses
to lessons, all of the things. I love it, you know,
seeing your kids just grown up. Your son is like

many like you say, better you better men.

Speaker 7 (01:14:42):
Yeah, he's a better you he's supposed to be.

Speaker 3 (01:14:44):

Speaker 1 (01:14:44):
Yeah, your daughter knows not to funk with you like that.

Speaker 2 (01:14:48):
You think you're not cool.

Speaker 3 (01:14:50):
I was downstairs and asked my daughter. I said, how
many kisses I can have? She said maybe one?

Speaker 1 (01:14:54):
Oh, she's giving it a little.

Speaker 3 (01:14:56):
Yeah, I'm lucky. If I'm lucky, Say yo, listen, last night,
I'm like, so you really going to run with this
me not being cool? So you're not cool? That? Like,
oh my god, Like like I'm cool. I'm way more
popular in school. Yeah, I'm like so amazing. Right, Yeah

she talked crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:15:19):
And that's the thing. Yeah all right, Well and it's
me still calling yours.

Speaker 3 (01:15:25):
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Angela Yee

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