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July 27, 2023 46 mins

Charity is finally here on “Bachelor Happy Hour”! In an unfiltered conversation, our Bachelorette opens up about not taking back Brayden’s rose when she had the chance, her controversial decision to give Dotun two back-to-back one-on-ones, what she is most looking forward to addressing at the upcoming “Men Tell All,” and so much more.

Plus, Charity explains her cryptic thread from last week and shares some advice for Gerry as he begins his journey as the Golden Bachelor.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up at your nation? Welcome back to Batchel Happy Hour.
We have a good one for you this week. The
Bachelorette is finally hair Charity. Welcome, Welcome to the Happy Hour.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Thank you guys for having me. I'm excited to be here.
Ready to chat it up. See what we're dub into today.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Let's do it. Serena is I am as well. Serena
is very excited to meet you.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
I am. I'm so excited. I don't believe it's halfway
through your season. We haven't had you on yet, so
it's about to cover. It's going back to so fast. Wow,
it must feel even faster for you.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
For sure it does because I'm like we just started this,
but like I'm lucky ready to be like trying to
get it in. Yeah, was the was.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
The lead up? How long did it feel for the
lead up to the show, like you know, after you.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Yeah, I felt like forever? Truly. I was like, because
we wrapped like sometime in May, like the first week
in May, and then obviously like my premiere wasn't until
like Jane twenty six, I was like this that window
in between and then obviously doing so much. It was
a lot but like I was like, come on, let's
let's get this going. And now it's like it's a breazing.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Yeah, you're like, the sooner it starts, the sooner it ends,
let's go.

Speaker 2 (01:13):

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Were there ever? Were there ever days where you were
like totally forgot that you had just filmed a show?

Speaker 3 (01:21):
No, no, okay, Joe Joe saying that because he filmed
a show a few months ago and it doesn't air
for like a year. So there's days where you're like, wow, man,
I literally forgot it was on that show. It hasn't
even aired yet. But I feel like for you the
two month window, it's like all you're probably thinking about
is like, okay, six weeks, five weeks, four weeks.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Yes, I mean my whole life is honestly this right now.
So yeah, And it's different.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
When you're I mean, you're the lead of the shu.
The show is literally all it's about you. Yeah. Do
you ever think you're gonna have a show about you?

Speaker 3 (01:53):

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Where are you now? Where are you in the world?

Speaker 2 (01:56):
So I am in Charlotte, North Carolina right now, and
so just kind of going back and forth between here
in La but.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Okay that that's where you live. Oh you like North Carolina,
I do.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
I do very sharp, like a good like combination of
like city but also like I mean, I'm obviously from
the South, so I'm used to like the small town feel.
It kind of has like a good blend of those two. Okay, nice.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
We're getting married in South Carolina and South Carolina, so okay,
my American geography isn't that good. But we're getting married
in South Carolina in Charleston, which is different.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
It's so beautiful. Oh my goodness, Charleston is beautiful.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Yeah, it'll be fine. And then we hear you've got
an exciting trip starting today.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Yeah, so we'll headed out to Miami coming up this
weekend and be a little girls trip with a couple
of Batchelor the girls meet kat Kylie, Jesse Meorsades.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
I feel like your season more than most you guys
have done so many girls trips, Like you've stayed really close,
which is nice.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Yeah, it is actually really refreshing, obviously, Like it's a
blessing to come into like this whole experience and like
to have like or to find friends, and these girls
truly are everything to me, so it's it's really good
to have them still obviously in my corner as I'm
navigating this too on my AM.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
So, yeah, where are you guys staying in Miami?

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Were at the Good Time Hotel?

Speaker 1 (03:21):
You didn't have to give me the hotel. It is
more like a feature. We here is the address.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Sorry, but I was like, here you get you want
the room number?

Speaker 1 (03:33):
Yeah, yeah, the Good Time Hotel. It is eight twenty
six South Beach Avenue. Nice. Don't worry. This podcast is
going to come out when you're you're only going for
the weekend. I'm assuming, Yeah, yeah, you're good, you'll be back.
You guys gonna go to Bodega. Go to Bodega. That's

a cool old bar.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
And okay, I'll put it on the list. I'll put
it on this for us.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
That's a fun one.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
All right.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
We should probably we should probably get into some kind
of an interview. Let's do it, Okay, So Charity Bachelorette.
I guess my first question is when did it? When
did it finally hit you that you wore the Bachelorette,
Like after after Zach season wrap, they ask you, but

like when does it really like, oh, this shit's real.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
It honestly didn't hit me until I want to say
a little bit leading up tonight one, which is like
so much further down the line, not even while I
was doing like the big like press shoot for ABC
like that, Like it was so surreal. Still in that moment,
I was like, Okay, I'm just kind of go through
the motions but obviously having a blast doing it, but
leading up tonight one and like kind of getting those

feelings of like nervous energy again. That was kind of
that moment for me where I was like, oh, like
this is this is real, Like I'm actually about to
be the one that is in control leading this show.
In night one, obviously I just was almost blacked out.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
So okay, what guys, what guys? Night one left the
biggest impression.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
Let's go.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
Yeah, after Night one, I would have to.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Say Warwick and then Joey, even though we lacked eye contact,
well that whole conversation, it was the one good conversation.
I would have to say Dott and Blema. Entrance was
so like just I felt like comfortable with him and
it was like we had like this contagious like energy together.

Aaron b he was great and Xavior.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
So it's so interesting because I feel like the guys
you listed four of them. Yes, we really saw the connection.
One of them, specifically Warwick. We saw that connection did
not develop as I'm assuming you expected it too.

Speaker 2 (05:54):
I definitely I think I put I don't want to
say I put expectations on him, but like it's obviously like,
oh I I had a good person impression of him,
and it's like, oh, I'm eager to learn more. And
so that's truly why I felt like I gave him
that one on one. I was like, I'm I'm wanting
to get more individualized time with you and I it
just was a date that just we were on two

separate things, just truly like totally different people but just fine.
But it was awkward.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
You see, I thought for me, I don't know, maybe
I probably overthink it, but I thought you asked Warwick
on that date kind of like, yeah, I'm not sure
about this guy, so let me check him. Let's let
me take him on a date. But I'm probably going
to send them home.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Well you're not, I guess, yeah, like a little bit
of both. It's like I definitely wanted to get to
No more. But like it's always like that what if
of like if we don't like get along or if
things don't like mesh up together. So I kind of did,
but like I definitely was not expecting it to go
as south as it did. I did not. I was like, Okay,
he's going to give me something. When I got nothing,
that's when I was like, all right, yeah, that's.

Speaker 3 (06:59):
Not It seemed like, yeah, there was just no connection
on both sides, Like it seemed like you both want
your separate ways. You were like bye Warwick.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
He was like bye, Charity, that's right, taking map in
the cars Like I wish I could do that. But yeah,
now we were we were real good term so it's good.
All right.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
So Charity, we got you lying already on the podcast
cause you didn't mention Braiden and you gave him the
first impression. Rose.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
That's so sad that telling lie number one.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
So you but we do see. I want to talk
about the conversation with you and your brother where he's
like I don't trust this Braiden guy, and I'm not
ready yeah to him, and you kind of just went opposite,
which I thought was a power move, and I was like,
good for you, like, like I believe you're taking in
his information. But you're going to make your own decisions.
But yeah, let's talk about that.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Yeah. I mean it's like I feel like I get
this question a lot, but it's just like obviously, like
I think what we see is honestly as real as
it was in the moment too, for like me and
Braiden's relationship, and especially after night one, like the conversation,
like I think out the limmail, like obviously we took shots,
so I was like, he knows me, like grey already
all to a good start, but that conversation we just

had like a lot I felt in common. And then
him just like bringing up like, you know, the qualities
that he saw as to why he even like wanted
to come on the show really stood out to me.
So it's like I felt really comfortable around him. And
that night is extremely chaotic. There's a lot going on,
as we know, and so to have a conversation where
you're just like, oh, like you can just like let

out a side of relief and just be yourself, Like
that's honestly what I felt around braid And he's very charismatic,
So I was really caught off guard obviously, like watching
it back and kind of seeing like the interviews and
seeing like kind of what was happening behind the scenes
with the guides, and then obviously what he likes shared
with my brother. So when my brother got a chance
to talk to me that night, he did share a

lot more about like a few other guys, but like
in specifics, like Branden was kind of one that kind
of came up a lot of just crossing that line
between confident and caught, which he knows, like confidence is
something that I'm really looking for in a guy. And
so when I had that conversation, I was like, I
don't know, it's like almost part of me was a
little defensive because I was like, that's not what I

got from him, Like I didn't get like cocky, but
obviously you're seeing something that I'm not, So I didn't
want to add too prematurely on it. So I was like,
I'm going to take your information, but we'll see, Like obviously,
we'll keep him around and see if that obviously plays
out to be what it is, and if not, then
I'll be right in this situation.

Speaker 3 (09:28):
Okay, No, I like that. I like that you were like,
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt
right now, because you know your brother. Obviously you trust
his advice. He's your brother, but you've also been in
branden choose where it's like it's night wine, it's so hectic,
like it's a whole new experience, So like maybe he
just needs to kind of like settle into that. Obviously
it didn't work out, but not but that's okay. You

know you're only gonna end with one.

Speaker 1 (09:54):
Guy, right, And I promise you this whole interview is
not going to be about Branden. But since you woke
since you woke up and you were ready to go
this morning, is what you told us. There was a comment,
can she just not be the bachelorette herself?

Speaker 2 (10:11):

Speaker 1 (10:12):
What's up, Charity?

Speaker 2 (10:12):
What do you say that that that comment? Honestly, it's
not the first time I heard it, but I just
didn't know. Again, this is the whole problem with me
and Braiden. It's like what is told with me also
gets sheered again as a topic of discussion for the
guys in the house, and that was like a problem
for me. The excuse me. But when it comes to
that comment, Branden actually did share that with me on

our one on one date. He just was like, not
really I guess easing into the comfortability of just like
what this whole thing was, like, what the premise of it.
And so I was trying to be like very comforting
and like telling him, like I'm exactly what you're seeing
is like this is cheerity, Like you're gonna get this here,
You're gonna get this when this show is over with,
Like there's no like non authentic version of myself. And

so that's kind of what I took it when he
kept bringing that up, is like I just want you
to be off for a second. I'm like, well, I
don't get to be off, Like I don't know what
you mean by that. It's like I'm the bachelorette, but
like I'm also not just a bachelorette. I'm cheerity, Like
this is what I am, and it's like I'm having
conversations with you. I'm trying to get to know you.
I don't know what you mean by this. But I
think for him, like that was like a tactic for
him to just kind of u see his advantage in

instance of like I guess I don't I really don't
know what his intentions were with all of that, but
it came across to me as like he was trying
to label me as like not this authentic person. But
I could be wrong, but there's no turning off the bachelorette. Sorry.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Yeah, yeah, you're like you might not be seeing every
single side of me right now because I'm the bacherette.
But besides, you are seeing are one hundred percent me
and you can't like fault me for the position I'm
in because you're here because I'm the bachelorette, right So
it's kind of like, yeah, it's it's hard. What was

the moment that really was like, because you gave him
a lot of patience and like, you guys had a
lot of conversations and it really looked like you were both,
especially you, trying to kind of make it work and
get past his concerns. What was the moment where you
were like, Okay, like my patience is up, this isn't
gonna work out.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
Yeah, honestly, it was. I probably I don't want to
say I have any regrets from the show, but like,
you know, the moment where I'm like threatening to like
take back his rods. I really should have acted then,
but I was like in my head, I always like
kind of overanalyzed things a little bit too much and
it's like, well, what if I do it too soon

and like something changes. So that's kind of where my
head was at in that moment. But like when the
whole skamania, like on that group day, Braden was really just,
as Tanner said, do less like Brada was doing so
much that day it was like starting to just like
in a way like irritate me because I was like,
I don't know, no, I was like, why are you
acting like this? Like it was such erratic behavior and

it was just like again like Tanner said, over compensating
for something, and I saw like he was just being
way more like voiceful and doing a lot more. So
I was like, okay, this, like we're gonna have to
have a conversation tonight. Little did I know like things
were going to escalate to that manner. But like in
that moment, whether or not he if he had no
saying like I can't do this anymore, like I would

have still probably sent him home because I just was
at like the peak with him and I couldn't. I
couldn't take it anymore.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
I think he's I think he's a nice guy. I
just think he wasn't ready, you know, Like I agree,
it's just just as simple as that, Like he just
really wasn't ready for the show. Okay, what about let's
talk a little bit about Aaron B. Because he brought
up a lot of the Brandon issues. Is that something
that that you wanted as a lead or.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Okay, yeah, I think I made it well. I don't
know if I necessarily made it clear to the guys
like just to kind of like focus on our relationship,
but like I felt like I reiterated like not to
bring anything up to me unless it was like a
severe issue, and so like with this Braden thing and
kind of like this view between and be, I didn't
really understand it, and so I was like, Okay, like

what's the point I'm bringing this up right now? But
obviously it was like irritating Aaron B enough and then
I can kind of see I was starting to like
pick up on the energy from like the other guys
in the house, and then that's when I kind of
like started to focus on it. But initially, it's like
I didn't want that to be the case because I
know how it can go. It like it takes up
too much time in the conversations and we don't have
all the time in the world.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
Yeah, And I mean there were a plethora of guys
I feel like, specifically two in the beginning who were
bringing a lot of the brain and drama to you,
like right out of the gate, and those guys we
obviously saw it go home. I feel like there just
really wasn't a connection there either. But with Aaron b
you know, we focus on him because he's the one
that kind of brought the drama to your attention and
is still here. How did that affect your connection because

obviously he's a strong enough connection, he's going to hometown's,
But how did him bring the brain and drama to you?
Do you feel like it brought you closer? Do you
feel like it you know, maybe kind of had you
guys feel a little bit further apart.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
I think not necessarily, like I guess it focusing like
primarily on the Braiden drama. But I think just again,
like the time, like we don't have a lot of time,
and so like our conversation then sorry to shift from
just like us growing our connection to now focusing on
the braid and stuff. So then that's when I was like, Okay,
we're not getting a whole lot of time, so I

kind of felt like our connection had kind of or
was starting to get to like a pause. And then
that was like where it was concerning for me because
like obviously we see like Aaron be got the first
one on one of the seasons, So I was in
a position of where I like saw like a like
the trajectory of him going like truly all the way,
and it's like I don't know where this is taking us,

and it was kind of confusing for me in that moment.
So yeah, I just didn't really I don't. I would say,
I don't really appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
What's more exhausting being being contestine or being the lead?

Speaker 2 (15:54):
The lead? Hands down? Yeah down, there's no way and
he could prepare for this.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Hey, has there ever been Was there ever a moment
in the show like that you're like I'm in over
my head, like I'm this is too much?

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Yeah? It definitely picked up around Fantasy Suites, like after
in that transition from hometown into Fantasy Suites, that's when
I was like my head started to become really clouded.
It's like I felt like I was clear minded before then,
and then a lot of like I think my emotions
just really took like started to take over because I
knew what was like coming at the end, and so

as much as like the contestants and the guys were
like probably navigating their own like feelings of like, oh
am I ready to propose, like what does this look like?
I was also kind of going through that. And I
think it's like I came in with the my head
set on like oh yes, absolutely engagement. But then I
saw myself kind of like started a second guests at myself,
and like that was like really scary because I was like,
what's happening?

Speaker 3 (16:52):
Yeah? And I feel like even this past week, we
saw you starting to show a lot of emotion for
the guys you're sending home. And we definitely want to
touch on like your connection with Sean and Tanner because
Hot Sean, I'm so sorry. Have you heard about Hot
Sean missing Sean Sean To fill you in, we were

on Chicks in the Office this week, which I believe
you've met Rhan and Fran as well, and they let
us know that Sean used to work at Barstool's inter
and his nickname was hot Sean. So we've taken on
that nickname as well for him. But we personally didn't
really see a super strong connection with you and Sean?

Are you and Tanner? And feel free to like correct
us if we're totally off on that, but you definitely
got super emotional sending both of them home. So yeah,
is there like a disconnect where you just maybe a
little overtired slash felt bad for hurting them feelings like
where do those?

Speaker 2 (17:53):
And we'll talk about yeah, yeah, But with Sean, I
definitely will say, like I don't want to say he
was one of like the lesser connections, Like most of
my connections at that point were all strong, but obviously
Tanner and Sean both had had less time and they
were the ones that obviously did not have a one
on one. So with Sean, our connection really kind of

took a turn in ocean Side. Obviously he won the
Barbie group day and so we had a really heartfelt
conversation in Oceanside that obviously did not make aaron that
wasn't shown, So I think that that obviously leaves viewers
a little confused, But that conversation for me was really
touching in a sense that we connected on a lot,
and he also like recognized a lot and saw a lot,

so I kind of do wish that was shown, but
it wasn't, So I think that does leave viewers like
a little confused. So that's kind of where our connection
really did pick up. And the same with Tanner. I
feel like, obviously a lot of these conversations aren't being
shown and it's fine, but yeah, the same thing with Tanner's.
Like Tanner was someone WHOID did obviously start off really slow,

and we didn't have one on ones. We did have
a lot of time, but the time that we did have,
it was really like Tanner made sure to like truly
connect and like he didn't waste time like talking about
for liss things like he was really trying to get
to know me, and I saw like or I felt
his intention in that, and so that that was very
different than what I felt like a lot of the
other guys who I did had sent home or maybe

like in this past week with you know, John b
going home. It was one of those connections where I
was like I probably already envisioned like him probably not
being the one at the end I couldn't bath them
like probably bringing him on a long even more to
like hurt, so kind a little bit of that of
just like the emotional goodbyes with Sean and Tanner two
was just I didn't I felt bad about like hurting

them because I knew, like this was not an ideal situation.
Being on a too on one is not ideal in
any circumstance, and so yeah, I did feel awful about that.
But also yeah, at some point, to some degree, we
did have a connection. It just wasn't It was nowhere
nearly as strong as the ones that were gotch.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
No, that's great insight. And it's funny because Joey when
we had him on the podcast, I remember him saying
that Tanner is like not one for small talk. He
really is big on, like in depth conversations, and I
was kind of waiting to see that with him. We
just never really got a chance. So getting to hear
like that there were these meaningful conversations had that we
just weren't privy to see does kind of give a
little bit of context to these really heartfelt goodbyes.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Right, And everyone's probably gonna be confused, but it's okay.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
True He's he's a likable guy too. Something I want
to ask because I felt this one when I was
in Paradise and you're just curious when you were on
the Barbie day Jojo and Jordan were there, seeing them
like seeing them for I don't know if you met
her before, but like seeing them together in that moment

and then being part of the show, does it give
you hope like this this could work.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
It definitely did, And I think I've said that on
the day. It's just like they are such an inspiration.
Obviously I watched Jodo's season, so like that was my
first time like actually meeting her like in person, and
so like obviously to have her there and then to
see Jordan with her, like their interactions, like they're just
such a loving couple, and I realized, like obviously they're
still together. So it does work. And I think for

the guys like me, explaining that and talking about their
relationship really did give me hope that you know, at
the end of all of this, no matter how hard
it is, it's gonna all be worth it.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
So yeah, nice because I felt that, like when we
were in Paradise and Dean and Kaylen came down and
I was, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (21:33):
Well that's good because that was the exactly you proposed
to me. So I'm glad they gave you some help
on our proposal day.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
No, no, no, they came down. They came down, and
then I proposed a few days later. But they were
there for the people.

Speaker 3 (21:45):
You're right, Sorry, you're right, you're right. Little did I
know Dean Calen pushed it.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
Over the edge proposal.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
I just want to be like Dan Caylen. Okay, So
let's talk a little bit about we've kind of I've
Dotton's been my favorite from the beginning as far as
like your connection with him, You've been You've been giving
him some like extra time, it seems like or.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
At least like intentional private time.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
Yeah, talk about that.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
And then he's got to back to back one on
one dates. So what was kind of the motivation to
give that second one and one to Dotton versus maybe
someone like Aaron b who hasn't had a one on
one in a while.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
So with Dawton, obviously, I think we see him as
someone who is extremely like, he has this emotional depth
to him, and so our conversations, like, I mean, we
saw it on our first one on one date. When
I'm with him, there's a lot of like things that
like we talk about and that I haven't necessarily shared
with a lot of other people. So I think for

me that like it's almost stimulating in a sense that
it's like it leaves me like wanting or craving from war.
And so following the bungee jumping date and then heading
into New Orleans, that was a date that was like
super early we did the Christient Classic City Run and
so I that was early morning, and I was like, okay,

like when I knew I was doing that date and
I had to figure out, like who did I want
to take on that date. I obviously did like go
down the line of like who possibly I could take
and what that would be like. But with Dawton, it
was like, yeah, like why not, like let's continue our connection.
Obviously it did rub a lot of the guys wrong,

especially Aaron b because like that was a city that
was like super relevant to him. But at that time,
I obviously there's a lot going on and I just
didn't like honestly even think of that. But yeah, with Dawton,
it's just like there's there's something special and it was
a special time that we had and we got to

spend in New Orleans together. So yeah, I'm not regretful
for giving him one on ones back to back.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
I yeah, I thank you as a viewer. Like, and
why I like your connection with Dotton the most is
you just seem the most comfortable. It just it just
seems like you guys are, like we said it, like
you were like watching you in your living room, Like
you guys are just kind of chilling, and that makes sense. Yeah,
I think you. I think you made the right choice.

Then Okay, who else? Who else do we got here?
Let's we have Joey. We'll touch on Joey. Okay, I
want to talk about Xavier because Xab when you went
on the one on one date with Xavier, and I
felt the same way. This is kind of how I
felt about the Warwick date. I felt like you were
sending an Xavier home until he opened up at the conference.

Is that is that right?

Speaker 2 (24:47):
That is correct?

Speaker 1 (24:50):

Speaker 2 (24:50):
Yeah, I was in my head all day about that
date in Washington. It's just like Xavier does have like
he's such a contagious person, but like at times he
has these like tactics that I don't know if he
just has done in his past dating experience, but it's
like for me, I'm also craving for a guy that
can just give emotional depth to and have this emotional intelligence,

and I like asking questions that are going to challenge you.
And I feel like sometimes and we don't really always
see it, but we see it a little bit. On
you know, the day in Washington, he kind of deflects
a little bit and he uses like flirtation.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Like we're hitting on you. Like I was like quite
hitting on you.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
As like like kind of avoid the conversation. And I
picked up on that. So then that's kind of like
where I'm referring to is like he reminds me of
my ex because it's like I could never get past
a certain point. So like that whole like narrative of like,
oh can he be a boyfriend? Sure, but is he husband?
Like I don't know if he can get there. But
then obviously like he got extremely vulnerable at that dinner

and so like hearing about his mom, hearing about like,
you know, his pursuit in his career as to why
like he feels like that's his purpose is Like that
really did resonate a lot with me, and we talked
a lot more about family and also like just what
his goals are in life, and so yeah, that was
honestly the saving grace for him, because otherwise I think
he would have probably would have been.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
Out of the Yeah, it makes sense.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
Yeah, I've liked seeing your guys' connection grow because one
hundred percent that first one and one is really when
we first got to see you guys together, and Joe
was like, this guy is on the date actually, like
he's trying to pick her up to go on a date,
Like you already have the date yet She's like, you're
on the date, buddy, like you are currently on the
date with the girls. Stop hitting on her. It was

fun and flirty and cute. I think we as yours
were also waiting for him to kind of get deep
and open up, and obviously we saw his story in
his intro package for the show, but we weren't able
to have that conversation for the two of you yet.
And then the night portion, I feel like we as
viewers saw you kind of relax and be like okay,
like there's a deeper connection here Toyork.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
With for sure, for sure.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
And then this week we see exac I like exager,
we see him drop another bomb where he's just like, yeah,
you know, I just I don't know if I'm ready
for just.

Speaker 2 (27:12):
That's the thing again, that was the struggle. It's just
like it's this constant like one week we're here and
then one week, you know, we're feeling different, and so
it's like this constant like just shift And that was
a lot for me. So yeah, we'll see how things
like obviously play out, but it was a lot.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
Not not to be like ageist right now, but how
old is he.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
He is twenty seven, he's the same ages.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
Okay, well, what was his saving grace though in this
week's episode, because after he did say that, I was like,
you were you you were like, oh, that's that's not good.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
I think the saving grace again was just like the
fat and and this is like maybe like sad to say,
but I think it's like the fact that he was
willing to like continue to try and willing to see.
I can't fault him for like not knowing right now
that oh on one hundred percent set on an engagement.
I know I can because truly that's probably a little
bit unrealistic. But the fact that I think he was

just like still open to it and he didn't completely
close off. That's why I was like, Okay, let's you know,
let's give this thing a shot. And obviously where I
was at and where my numbers fell with who I
had left, like Sewan and Tanner, our connection, like I
just did not feel comfortable going to meet their families
and not having that that time or that connection where
it should be. So Xavier was further, much further along.

I obviously still could have sent him home, but I
wanted to kind of just see if we could get there.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
I don't think that's sad to say at all. I
think that totally makes sense. Like we felt that his
fear was kind of relatable in a way of like,
oh my god, like one person for the rest of
my life can be scary for people. But he definitely
saved himself from that comment of like, but I'm still
I still want that in my life, right, Like, it
wasn't like he was like I'm scared and like I
don't know if I'm ready for that or if I

even want that, but let's.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
Keep dating, right, were right? Yeah, No, he definitely he
saved himself so good.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
He also just looked really tired.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
I was like, maybe he's just always looks tired, like
I'm watching his it back and I'm like, Xavier, open
your eyes.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
I was trailing off after time he doesn't interview, Like
it must be like two in the morning.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
He looks so tired, and I'm on a day with
a beautiful girl, but we chan't see your eyes.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
That's okay. So last person in your top four that
chat about is Joey.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
And I would say, besides the no eye contact night one, like,
it seems like it's very smooth and is that how
it is?

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Yes, me and Joey's connection continuously grows at a just
very like consistent and good rate. It's not too quickly
and it's not like we're trailing behind. And I feel
like for me and him, like obviously this was like
another turning point in our relationship this week in New

Orleans where we have a very important conversation surrounding like
interracial dating and just like meeting his family. I think
me not realizing maybe ahead of time as open as
Joey was, I think for me like that was like
something that I really like, like it just continued to
captivate me. And so, yeah, Joey is someone who's just

super special. He has just a pure heart and I
feel like I'm I get the full Joey every time
I'm with him. But he's also just had a calming presence,
so like for me, like that's really what I need
as a lead in the show, but like in real life,
like he's just a rock.

Speaker 1 (30:46):

Speaker 3 (30:47):
Yeah, that's interesting you say you feel like you got
the full Joey the entire time, because then we see
in the promo for next week for Hometowns, I believe
it's his dad that is saying, are you getting the
full Joey? Can you kind of tease going to next
week what we're to get from Joey's family and all
the other guys' families.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Yeah, you know, for the most part, hometowns do you
go pretty smoothly, but you know, it's not truly a
hometown episode without some some families asking hard hitting questions,
and so we do see in the preview with Joey's family,
his uncle Uncle Joe mentioned that he questions to me,

do I feel like I'm getting the fool Joey or
do I feel like I'm seeing the full Joey? And
for me, that was extremely scary to hear or to
have that like brought up to me, because like I
just said, I feel like I get the whole Joey
every time that I'm in and so yeah, that that
definitely left me feeling a little uneasy. I'm not gonna lie,

and so that potentially could be a problem for us
later down the road. But yeah, and I think even
with like Xavier's family, like we have a lot of
conversations revolving the readiness of the guys and just kind
of seeing what their families have to say about that,

which might be a different take on what some of
the guys have expressed to me. So it's very interesting.
So we'll see how how next week plays out, but
it'll be a good one.

Speaker 3 (32:14):
That is such a scary question to me, joey'sdad asking
do you feel like you're getting the whole Joey, because
that was my deepest fear on the show the whole time. Yeah,
you can't know. You just have to trust that they're
showing you everything, but you don't know what you don't know,
so you can't be like, no i am or I'm not.
Like it's that's your best guess.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
And that's yeah, what I said I'm Joey. I'm like, hey, uncle,
go fuck yourself. Why do you ask that kind of
question right now?

Speaker 3 (32:40):

Speaker 2 (32:40):
And I'm sure it left him like probably feeling, you know,
a certain type of way, and he probably was like,
that's not a question that should be brought up. But
you know, I'm not mad at it. Obviously. I appreciate
the challenging questions because it allows me to kind of now,
like get not now I'm always in la la land,
but it kind of allows me like, ship here's a
little bit and be like, all right, let's be like
realistic as much possible here.

Speaker 3 (33:01):

Speaker 1 (33:01):
Also, no offense to Joey's uncle, I'm just joking.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
Wait, speaking of families, how has your family and friends
been watching the season back? How did they feel when
you became the bachelorrette all the way up until now?
Has it been like nothing but love, support, hesitation.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
Yeah, it has been nothing but love and support. You know,
as we've seen, my family's just tremendous and they're just
the greatest. So obviously my brother is having the best time.
He is like I'm ready to see really like how
all this really turns out? But yeah, my mom and
dad are doing gray my other stiling they're just everyone's
just back home watching it and tuning in every week.

But my friends, I think they're also like just now
becoming super Bachelor fans, which is so funny because a
lot of them didn't really watch the show before, so
now they're just like all really into it and just
being being good friends.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
That's so fun. As my friends have said many times,
the show will never be more exciting than when you
know someone someone on it.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
Absolutely, Yeah, what two questions real quick? What was the
best thing you ate in New Orleans?

Speaker 2 (34:05):
Oh my gosh, so me? And yes, oh my god,
those oysters are like so good I would eat like
two does. It's like I'm in saying so.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
Yeah, there's They're They're incredible. And then quick question before
because I know you have something too. Out of the
last four guys, the four hometown guys, were there any
of those guys that were up for potentially not getting
a rose night one?

Speaker 3 (34:30):
Oh that's a good question, Like, was there anyone that
she was about to send home? Like wide based off
first impression that now is here?

Speaker 2 (34:37):
Yeah, that's interesting, not really, but if anything, I'd have
to say it would be maybe not just because we
didn't get time, but like again, like I was like
his limo entrance still captivated me and down to where
I was like, we clearly have something here even if
we didn't have a full conversation to sit down. So like,

I mean that was that's the best way. I can't
answer that, but like I feel like the top four
I definitely like hit it out the part from the
question from night one to where we're at now, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (35:08):
Yeah, Well we had him on the podcast. He was like,
I didn't get to talk to her night once. So
he's like, and I was one of the last roses,
so I really didn't know what was going to happen.
I was like, don you're pretty good looking and quite tall,
Like I feel like you're gonna be okay. I do
want to ask you on the topic of you know,
your friends and family. You've seen a lot of love

and support. I feel like people are loving you as
bachelor at but you did wake up this morning and
choose violence and we cannot not chat about it. So
you put on threads I did, which I can't believe
we're talking threads now, Like, oh my god, rip Twitter
and on your Instagram store. I'm going to read it
for people. Charity said, maybe it's time we stop getting

dating advice from unqualified TV personalities who like bashing women
for the sake of us. And then the little hands
up emoji, which is my favorite emojidus personally, do you
want to comment on that at all or expand or
tell us where that's.

Speaker 2 (36:05):
And I will say start off with the disclaimer. I
have only listened to like two, not even fully all
the way through. I don't even want to give him
that much credit, but two of Nick Vile's podcasts and
just some of his takes on my season. It's just
very interesting because I feel like it is extremely harsh

at times, and not that like opinions really matter, but
it's like to the point where it's like it's so
vastly different than clearly what the rest of America is seeing,
and it's like you, I don't know if you have
something against me, I don't know, you've never met you.
But like just some of the like burbige that he uses,
like I have extremely like ridiculous pick me energy. I'm

a recovering pick me saying I like pretty guys. That's
why I would never end up with like certain casts
like some of the contestants. I was like, this is
like also just respectful to them. It's just it's a reach.
It's a reach, and we know why he's doing it
because obviously it's click bait and it gets people like listening.
But he can find someone else to do that one
because it's not welcome over here. So so sorry, Nick, Well, we.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
Love some clap back energy from our botch Wrette. Will
we be seeing this at the Mental Hell coming up
because we are going to be visiting with all the
men again, which Jo and I are very excited to watch.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
Absolutely we will. So everyone on the stage.

Speaker 1 (37:23):
Yeah, actually I'm looking forward to seeing, uh, seeing you
on the Mental Hall. Who are you nervous to see?
Is there anyone you're nervous to see? And you can't
obviously can't spoil anything either.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
By 're right, I'm not nervous to see anyone. What
type of energy will they come in with? Obviously we know,
like I feel like the obvious Braidon's going to come in,
and whether or not he will come in with this
erratic energy or not, I don't know. But I will
always meet people with grace. But I think it's important

that you know, I hope he takes accountability for like
some of like his behaviors and you know, some of
the things that we were seeing in comparison with how
he taught to me and then what he shared with
the guys, not bashing him in any sense of like
the stuff he talked about was being realistic, but just
some of those behaviors that were at times I think manipulative,
especially when he came back to apologize, like that apology

was not even for me, it was for himself. So
we'll see how everything plays out, but if anything, I
feel like he's going to be just a topic of discussion.
So yeah, yeah, well he definitely will.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
I feel like that if he had just left when
you guys want your separate ways, it might have been
a little different. I think him coming back to basically
accept your apology that you weren't giving to him, yeah,
kind of shot him in the foot, and I feel
like that is going to make it such a hot topic,

and that is probably the conversation I'm most excited to hear,
just because I feel like there's a lot to be
said between the two of you, especially after being able
to watch it back.

Speaker 2 (38:54):
And absolutely as Ims, absolutely there will be a lot
that will be shared, so yeah, can't right?

Speaker 1 (39:01):
Do you want to you want to play a game
with us?

Speaker 2 (39:03):
Absolutely? I love games.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
All right, let's do it. Rabid Fire, you want to
read them off? Sure, rabbit Fire, Charity. First thing that
comes your head boom?

Speaker 2 (39:10):
All right?

Speaker 3 (39:11):
Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (39:12):
Yes? Yes, yes, okay.

Speaker 3 (39:14):
What is the first thing you do when you wake
up in the morning.

Speaker 2 (39:17):
I do three gratitude. Well, I hit snooze first, but
then I do my three gratitude so I find the
things I'm thankful for.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
The people on your season are so healthy. I wake up,
I see file or three times and that I scroll
on my phone for about twenty minutes. Honestly, I need to.

Speaker 2 (39:33):
I need to treat it. I do not afterwards, but
like I have to, Like I programmed my I was like,
let's get out, let's say my gratitude. Then then we'll
get out of bed.

Speaker 3 (39:41):
So that's amazing. I need some new habits. How how
do you like your pizza?

Speaker 2 (39:47):
I'm pretty classic, so cheese and pepperoni like nice? Yeah, nice.

Speaker 1 (39:52):
Every majority of guys in your season all said pineapple.

Speaker 3 (39:55):
Yeah, oh god, yeah. Everyone we've had except I think
Dowton has said pineapple plus like mushrooms or pineapple and ham.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
Yeah, that makes me scared. You should be scared.

Speaker 3 (40:07):
You got okay it is Yeah, it's a West Coast thing.

Speaker 2 (40:14):
They're gone.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
The best dating advice you ever received, best.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
Dating advice to love yourself first before you can love
anyone else. Become secure, know yourself in and out, so
that that way when you're getting to know someone else
as well, like it's just easier.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
What is your go to cocktail?

Speaker 2 (40:36):
I'm a friend Sony fab really like champagne is like
my go to, but I love let's add a little
shot of tequila or vokan there origin I like switch
it up so dom so yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
That's I hate champagne. Is that weird?

Speaker 2 (40:51):
What do you guys gonna do on your wedding day?

Speaker 3 (40:52):
I like champagne. I think we're just gonna do Joe's
gonna have an old fashion everyone else will champagne.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
Toast I mean out, you know, like I'll toast and
I'll have a sip. I hates a strong word.

Speaker 3 (41:04):
I just like, I like given to. You'll drink it,
but you will never.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Ever order you know what. I think it's because it
gives me a headache. Yeah that's fair. This is also
not a not about me. So I literally yelled and
said rapid fire and I haven't shut up.

Speaker 3 (41:20):
So okay, who is one person living or not that
you would like to have dinner with?

Speaker 2 (41:30):
Does my celebrity crush count?

Speaker 1 (41:32):
Of course?

Speaker 2 (41:33):
Michael B. Jordan. That's a good one.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
What is one word or phrase that your friends used
to describe you?

Speaker 2 (41:41):
M compassionate?

Speaker 3 (41:46):
Do you have any bad habits?

Speaker 2 (41:50):
Bad habit? I don't know if this is a habit,
but I don't drink enough water so that I yeah,
I gotta get I gotta get right.

Speaker 3 (41:59):
Yeah, yeah, there you go. So first three gratitudes in
the morning. Second chucks, What is your go to karaoke song?

Speaker 2 (42:11):
Anything by Whitney Houston? So like dance with somebody, I
Will always love you. That's like really when the vocals
come out.

Speaker 1 (42:20):
So you're getting up there singing I will.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
That's after a few glass I gotta really be bored
and then I'll just let it loose.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
But yeah, what is the current screensaver photo on your phone?

Speaker 2 (42:35):
Oh my gosh, all right, shout out to Crawford. This
one is like my little canvas bag with my face
on it, so like he let me obviously take a
picture with him, which I don't know if he's ever
done with anyone, So no, I don't think he has.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
That's so cute icon for people listening. Bradford is one
of the producers on the show, and every season he
takes photos holding these two plastic bags like they're so
like old. He's been using them for forever and Charity
got a bag photo with Bradford, which is iconic. If

you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Speaker 2 (43:18):
I feel like my answer hasn't changed because I still
haven't been yet, but Greece. I really want to go
to Santorini, and I need to go quickly seately next summer.
We'll try and get that on my list.

Speaker 1 (43:28):
That would be amazing, No, I think, I think, well,
I mean, we don't know if you're engaged, but if
I have.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
A pretty romantic maybe maybe a Sancherini wedding, who knows.

Speaker 2 (43:37):
Maybe listen, that would be amazing.

Speaker 3 (43:40):
And then the last question is what is your favorite
outfit of the season. You have had such amazing fashion.
You're also so petite, so I can imagine like they're
doing a lot of alterations on your clothes as like
another petique girl, but like love it. You and Carrie
probably had so much fun.

Speaker 2 (43:56):
Me and Carrier are like the dream team truly. I
will have to say, I'll do you like favorite output
in the favorite Rose ceremony. So my favorite Rose ceremony
dress is the Hometown one. So we see it in
the previews at the black one with the little like
kind of bow on the side and like the high split,
best look ever. And then obviously the red pants. I

think that was just like something we haven't really seen
a lot. And the hair, the makeup, it was, the
whole look was a ten out of ten. And you're
my two favorite, so good do you get to keep those?
Some of them? I told you I specifically wanted that
black dress of me.

Speaker 3 (44:35):
I guess, like, where are you gonna wear twelve?

Speaker 2 (44:38):
I don't know exact I don't think I need and
I definitely don't have the space for twelve gowns in
my closet, but yeah, the ones that I really fell
in love with, obviously, I was like, can I please have?

Speaker 3 (44:47):
So? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (44:48):
Nice? Okay, Well one last question? All right, keep going,
I mean keep going. Sorry, she's got to catch a flight.
She's got to go to Miami.

Speaker 3 (44:56):
Last question, so we just annailed the Golden Baucher. We
it wasn't nuts. The franchise now is the Golden Bachelor Gary.
Do you have you met Gary? What are your thoughts
on it? Do you have any advice for him?

Speaker 2 (45:10):
I have not met Geary, but I could imagine that
I will be meeting Gary very soon. I hope at least.
Gary is truly the most precious thing I've ever seen.
And so I saw his good Morning Leerica interview. I mean,
his backstory is incredible. I just love, like the whole
idea of this show and the spin off. It's like,
obviously we don't really see this in reality TV. Just

like this population of people getting a shot at love again,
and so I'm really excited for it. I'm excited for Geary.
I hope he finds his person. I don't really know
the format. I'm assuming it's the same way, but I
don't know what the format is going to be. But
any advice for Geary. I'm sure he doesn't need any.
He's lived a lot and he has probably so much experience.

But for me, what helped me the most was just
being present and try to be present in every day
and not look too far ahead. I think that can
sometimes consume you, gets you like, you know, caught up
in it makes you anxious. So just like taking it
day by day and really just going with what you
feel is best. No one else knows, only you do.
So yeah, that's what I can get to Geary.

Speaker 1 (46:16):
Great advice, great advice. Enjoy, enjoy, have fun in Miami.
Stop giving people your address. Thank you so much for
being here, and thank you to our listeners for always
tuning in.

Speaker 3 (46:27):
And don't forget New episodes of The Bocht air every
Monday at eight seven Central on ABC and then stream
the next day on Hulu.

Speaker 1 (46:34):
Yes, and make sure to tune in to new episode
to Badger Happy Hour every week. We're going to have
some great guests on. We've got all kinds of exclusive
interviews coming up, so don't forget to hit that subscribe button.

Speaker 3 (46:45):
Thanks again, everyone, Charity, thanks for being here and we
will see you next time.

Speaker 2 (46:50):
Bye bye, y'all. Thank you,
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