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April 2, 2024 38 mins

Today on “Bachelor Happy Hour,” we’re sitting down with a very special guest — the one and only Daisy! Joe and Serena dive in with Joey’s runner-up and Bachelor Nation sweetheart to talk about everything from how she got to the show to the historic finale. Daisy tells Joe and Serena all about her health journey, her experience on the show shortly after getting her cochlear implant, and so much more.

Plus, we had to ask, and Daisy did not hold back: What’s the story behind her infamous music video?!

Tune in to hear all this and more, and be sure to follow so you never miss an episode!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, everyone, welcome back to Betsy Happy Hour.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
I'm Joe and I'm Serena and we.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
Are here with Daisy. We're so excited that you're here, Daisy.
Thank you for coming on.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
How are you hi? Thanks for having me. I'm so
excited to be on here.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Yeah, we're really honestly, we're really excited to have you.
I don't, I mean, the feedback on everything, Daisy has
just been so positive. So, like I said, we're gonna
try to try to get you say something you shouldn't.
So are you ready for that?

Speaker 3 (00:33):
I'm ready?

Speaker 1 (00:36):
So Okay, let's start. How How did you get on
the show?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
So I actually was making tiktoks like a year ago,
just about my cochlear implant, like my process of getting it,
and a producer someone in casting saw one of my
tiktoks that had gone viral and then they damned and
reached after me and we're like, would you ever be
interested in going on The Bachelor?

Speaker 4 (01:00):
Was like, maybe, Yeah, what was that decision?

Speaker 1 (01:05):

Speaker 4 (01:05):
Because I know you just said at the finale that
it's just been now one year since you got your
cochlear implant, right, So it was still kind of early
in that transition. Was it a hard decision to go
on the show or were you like, no, live my
best life, let's do it it.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Definitely it was because at the time I was still
really learning a lot with it, and speech didn't sound
as good as like it can with it, So it
was kind of I had a lot of conversations with
my parents about it too, just because I already had
gone through like a ton of stress because of that
and just the whole process and like relearning to hear

in a different way. And I knew it was gonna
be hard going on the show because I was going
to be around people I had never met, so I
couldn't really focus on their like mannerisms and like I
didn't know anyone. And so I also talked to the
producers a lot too, and I was like, you know,
I don't know how this is gonna go for me.
And actually the first night when I walked in, I
was like, I don't think I can do this. And

I actually talked to a couple of the producers. I
was like, I think I need to leave, Like I
don't think. I don't think I was ready for this yet,
just because of all the noise. But everyone was so
comforting and like found ways to make me more comfortable.
So that was great. But yeah, I definitely it was
a hard decision. But now I'm so happy that I
did it.

Speaker 4 (02:25):
It's also so hard because like there's not an ease
into the show and night one is the longest and
the most overwhelming night, so you're kind of just thrown
into the deep end right away.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
Yeah, and they were definitely, like they kept reassuring me.
They were like, this is gonna be like the hardest night,
like probably probably like acoustic for you. And it's like
you're going in you don't know anybody, You're meeting this
guy you never met, and all of the girls are
going for the same guy. So that's intimidating too. And
so the first time I was like, my gosh.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Yeah, I know night one is Night one's awful for everyone.
I do. I have. So I have a friend that
that has lime disease, and I actually looked up the
hospital that you went to in Germany. Yeah, do you
think if you do you think like if you didn't
go to that hospital, you would have found another way

to cure it, or you think like that hospital is
like the reason.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
I think that's the reason for me, definitely, because I
did a lot of other treatments in the States, and
I tried basically everything I could from like eastern to
western medicine, and then I heard of this place, so
I went and I did it. It was kind of
I was at that point in my life where I
was like, it can't get worse, nothing worse, and so

that's when I decided to go and do it. And
I'm so thankful that I did it, and I know
a lot of people that have done it that it's
worked for. So so yeah, that for me was definitely it.
And I always say if I were to get sick
again or anything were to happen, I would go back
there in a second.

Speaker 1 (04:08):

Speaker 3 (04:08):
That's amazing interesting too, because, like I mean, it is
in a different country, so there's like a whole different
aspect to it, and just the doctors kind of look
at medicine differently. So it was really interesting being there too.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
And I can I ask you once so then once
you leave that hospital and you're done with that treatment, like,
how how much longer did it take for you to
be I guess back healthy again? Back to like fully healthy?

Speaker 3 (04:36):
Yeah, I would say probably two months after that is
when I really noticed. I was like, I feel like
a completely different person. Some people right after they do
like the main part of the treatment. They feel better
right after, and then people can take like up to
six months because your body can still be like detoxing,
and also like everything that was kind of damaged damaged

has to like replenish and build.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
Yeah, that's what I would figure. Cool. Welcome, thank you,
thank you for opening up about that. Okay, so let's
go to Joey Joey, Joey Joey. You see him out
of the limbo. What are your thoughts?

Speaker 3 (05:15):
I At the beginning, I was like, I don't really
know how this is gonna go. But I was really excited.
And when like he was announced as the bachelor, I
was like I could actually see myself like me and
him getting along really really well. And so I was
excited about it. And I got out. I was just
so nervous. But then and then you walked in and

it was just like craziness, all the girls and everything.
But then when I talked to him, that was the
first time I was like, oh, I was like maybe
I think something's like there.

Speaker 4 (05:50):
That's always like a good feeling too, because you're like,
this night's so crazy.

Speaker 2 (05:54):
I've just like turned my life upside down to be here.

Speaker 4 (05:57):
So to have that first conversation be like, Okay, this
wasn't all for nothing, like there's a potential connection, must
have felt really good.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Yeah, And I didn't talk to him until like six am.

Speaker 4 (06:06):
I think, no, were you panicking thinking you might not
get a chance.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
I mean, yes, a little bit, because I'm I was
the last one to talk to him that night, So
as the time was going on, as I got like
three am, I was like, I don't know if I'm
gonna talk to him and Halloween.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
Here if he's got some time to chat.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
But how was he when you when you had that
last conversation that he seemed exhausted or was he just
like amped up on adrenaline and fine.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
Yeah, he seemed really present, so okay, yeah, I don't know.
I remember being like at from three to four, I
was like, I'm not gonna make it. But then I
got another.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Woman nice and then I would say, like, what what
point in the season did you realize like I'm really
starting to catch feeling and I'm one of his stronger connections.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
I would say that a lot of the other girls
in the house noticed it before I did, and a
lot of my friends were like, no, he's really really
into you. And I think I was still I kind
of with the whole process. I was always being like
kind of careful about it all and how I was feeling.
But I would say every time I was with him,
I was like liking him more and more, and then

when I was away from him, I was kind of like,
but is this whole thing like real? I was like
kind of in my head about it, you know, But
I would say definitely. I would say our date in Jasper,
for sure was kind of like a huge like stepping stone,
like getting to the next step and like my feelings.

But I would say, like, even after our first one
on one, I was like, whoa, I really really like
this guy. And I didn't expect myself to be like that.

Speaker 4 (08:00):
But yeah, you opened up a lot on your first
one on one. Two, How did you expect him to react?
Was that the first time you shared that story in
like a dating sense?

Speaker 3 (08:13):
Actually, yeah, definitely. So after I got my cochlear and plan,
i'd only been on like one date since, but it
was somebody that I had known prior, so they like
knew all my health stuff and knew everything about me,
but this was my first time like sitting down literally
with anybody in my life and being like, so, like,

this is what's happened, and it happened really recently. That's
why it was such a big thing for me to
tell him and like, for yeah, that's just why it
was such a big thing for me to like sit
down and talk to him about because I had never
done that and it was still like a huge thing
I was learning and being comfortable with. So it was
important like that he knew, especially after that first night,

because I was like, I don't know how this is
going to go for me. So yeah, I was like
I was nervous, but I knew, like everything I had
heard about him is super nice and kind, so I
knew it was probably going to be a good conversation.
But it was still difficult because you never know, oh.

Speaker 4 (09:17):
Of course, and it's still you had the first one
on one date, so it's still early on. I feel
like that it's not like you've had a few weeks
to get to know him. Where you're going in with like, oh,
I think this is how he's going to react based
on like my time with him, how were you thinking
expecting hoping he was going to react to you sharing

your story?

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Honestly, just the way he did. I thought it was
like perfect how he reacted. I honestly, he reacted better
than I even like imagined somebody would. So that was
really good to see. And it was really special too,
because after that episode, I had so many parents reaching
out to me with like kids who had cochlear implants
or if they have other things, and they were just like,

you know, it gave us kind of a sense and
like an understanding of how they do ever want to
talk about it, like a way they can talk about it,
And so that was really special to see too. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
Do you think do you think getting the first one
on one date is good or bad.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
For me?

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Because nothing, Sorry not to cut you off, because it
is something that's like you get the first one on
one and you guys, if it's really seemed like you
really liked each other, but then like so much happens
and we're kind of like, what's going on with Yeah,
what's going on with Joey and Daisy? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (10:40):
Yeah, I think in my case, I think it was
really good and I think it allowed for us to
kind of build a good like foundation from the beginning
and talk about a lot of things that we both
like wanted and felt like we needed to talk about.
And then I think moving forward, we just kept like
building and building from that. But it is weird because

like you go from having all that time with them
and then it's super cut short, like on group dates
and stuff. But I kind of looked at it like, Okay,
I have to make the most out of like the time,
the small amount of time that I have now. But
also I don't know, I could just tell after that
like first one on one, like I never felt very
like insecure in mine and his relationship. I feel like it.

I feel like we just kept like progressing until we didn't.

Speaker 1 (11:30):

Speaker 4 (11:31):
Yeah, And I feel like that just goes to show
that he was probably making a conscious effort to validate you,
and like I feel like we saw both of you
like making an effort to like move the relationship forward.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (11:44):
Like throughout those small times that you had together, I
know you said that your date and Jasper was kind
of like a big turning point.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
I want to talk about your conversation with him.

Speaker 4 (11:53):
On how you said like, Hey, I'm not in love
with you, but kind of what was your thought process
going into that conversation.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
I mean I felt like I had heard like other
girls in the house and I was friends with a
lot of them, and I had heard a lot of
people I told him that they were falling in love
with him, and I remember when we were in Spain,
I was like, I I'm not there yet, but I
feel like I should be because I was like, I've

gotten like the most time out of a lot of people,
and I'm like I was kind of like should I
be here? Like that was my like my thought process.
And then going into our date, like I knew where
hometowns were, so I just wanted to be super honest
because I know, like his biggest fear was like somebody
not getting there, and so I didn't want to if

like that was going to be like a caught off
thing for him, Like I didn't want to take somebody
else's like opportunity, and like I wanted to go to
hometown so badly, But I was just like I wasn't
like in love with him.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
Yeah, was there any part of you that was worried
that when you said that he was going to be like, well,
you know, you're steps behind these other connections and maybe
end the relationship right there.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Yeah, definitely I thought that was like that could be
a thing for sure, But I also knew I could
tell he like really cared about me, and I really
cared about him too, and I think I was holding
back in ways also, But yeah, that definitely went through
my mind.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
Okay, let's go to com down. So yeah, I guess
when was when was the switch where You're like, oh,
I actually I now I'm now here or I'm getting here,
and yeah, like hometowns went really well. It was it
maybe just him meeting your your family, Like what was it?

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Yeah, I think meeting my family and after that date
in Jasper, I think it shows a clip of me
and I'm like, it's happening. Remember after that I was
talking and I was like, yeah, I think I think
I might be like in love with him, and then yeah,
and then going to hometowns and like meeting my family
and everything it just went. It was like such a

perfect day. And so that was definitely the moment. And
I think talking to my parents too, because it is
a crazy experience and you're cut off from everyone, and
so I didn't have like my family I could talk to.
I didn't have my typical like friends that I could
talk to all the time to be like, oh, like
this guy and tell them all this stuff kind of

get their input. But it was really good for me too,
because it made me kind of work and process through
my own emotions in a way that I hadn't before.
So I think overall it was really good. But I
think that would be like the turning point. Probably.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
Yeah, it was crazy as a if you were watching
your last few weeks of the show, because I feel
like we went from that conversation on your one on
one where you tell Joey like, I'm not in love
with you yet, and then it's really like this quick
snowball effect of your feelings. It's like almost like you
said that and he was like, I still want you here,
I still have a connection, and then it was your

family and then it was fantasy sweetes. Did it feel
like that, like, did it feel like you kind of
fell in love really quickly and like all at once.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (15:28):
I'm just trying to see if, like the way we
viewed it was in line with how you felt about
the journey.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
You jinked yourself, Daisy, you drinked yourself out there.

Speaker 3 (15:36):
I really did, But no, I think it was slowly
like filling it up, and I was kind of denying
it a little bit. But then yeah, at the end,
and I remember going into the real ceremony before Fantasy
Sweets Week, I remember doing like an interview. Then I
was like, you know, I'm just worried that I like

wasn't allowing myself to feel it, and now I'm feeling everything,
and I'm wishing I would have felt it sooner because
now I feel like I'm like gonna miss out.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
Yeah, And I can totally understand how you would maybe
have like a guard up in the sense of like
you were maybe holding back those feelings because he is
dating multiple women and it is scary to be like, yeah,
I'm just gonna let myself like totally fall in love
with this guy when there's like fifteen other girls here
and I might get my heart broken.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Yeah, definitely, that definitely is a reason I feel like
a lot of people hold back sometimes. But yeah, I'm happy.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
You kind of like, yeah, it's kind of it's it's
kind of insane. Not to hold back a little bit
because yeah, like there's just there's so many other women there.

Speaker 4 (16:48):
But but with how it ends, are you happy you
eventually let yourself feel everything despite everything that happens.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Yes, I am, because I think I think it really
like opened me up in a different way, and I think, yeah,
I just think the ending happened like really beautifully for
everyone involved. And yeah, and I am really happy I
did it because it was such a great experience and
I had so much fun and I did create like

really good relationships through it too, and so yeah, honestly
it's as hard as it was in that moment, Like
looking back on it, I'm like, I think it was
like everything I needed.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Yeah, that's good. That's that's definitely a positive outlook. The
in between time between after Fantasy Suites and before that
last date, right, that's what. Yeah, like the sauna date,
where was your headspace before that that date?

Speaker 4 (17:53):
Yeah, because I know you mentioned on the finale that
the first time you felt that shadow of a doubt
was after the rose ceremony after Fantasy Sweet, seeing Kelsey
and Joey.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
Look at each other.

Speaker 4 (18:06):
So yeah, to reiterate what joe said, where was your
head at Yeah.

Speaker 3 (18:10):
So from yeah, from that last ye of ceremony, when
I saw him and Kelsey, I could just tell her
was like this energy between them, and I was like,
I don't think it's me. For like a second, I
remember thinking that, and I remember I like broke down
crying and they both like hugged me, and I was
like it's gonna be okay. Yeah. And then and then

from I think I kind of just like blocked it
out because I was like, oh, we're meeting the family.
Meeting the family went great, and then after that I
was like, Okay, that went so good, and I was like,
but I was, I didn't get you didn't really get
to talk to him when you like meet the family,
don't get to talk to him that much, just basically

just talking to the family. And then going into our
next I was just so like filled with anxiety and
it didn't feel like the excitement I had always felt
when I was going to see him, and everything just
started to like physically like hurt, like my whole body.
Like I was just like, this doesn't feel right. And

then we went into that date and I don't know,
maybe I had some like spiritual awakening.

Speaker 4 (19:24):
I don't know, but I feel like it's like women's
intuition or like you just have this six sent Yeah.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Well yeah, because it did feel like as a viewer,
it kind of felt like Joey was like soft breaking
up with you, like.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
He launching the break.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Yeah. And then and then I know, at the reunion
or not the reunion whatever it's called, I should know
by now because I've been doing this for ten years.
He he like was like, how did you know? But
like as a viewer, we were kind of it was
kind of like, yeah, it's it's kind of obvious.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
The It's like, Joey, your poker face, it wasn't as
good as you thought it was.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
And like, do you think do you think like do
you think you, I guess, poked that out of him
at all? Or do you think like it was kind
of just like you both were feeling it.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
I guess I think we both were feeling it and
we both knew, But I think it was just processing
and kind of like coming to terms with it. For me. Yeah,
but I think I think I definitely knew, and I
think there was something, if I'm being honest, there was

something always missing between us, and I felt like in ways.
I was kind of trying to like force it to
be there because I felt like we are a lot
alike in ways. But I also I just felt like
there was something always missing between us, and I think
for a period of the show I just kind of
ignored it, and then when it got to like the ending,

I was like, yeah, like, I'm I'm right, like there
is something missing between us.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
So did you ever feel.

Speaker 4 (21:09):
Or consider like pushing the answer out of him on
that last date either the day or the night portion
and just like asking him like is it me? You know?

Speaker 3 (21:22):
I I didn't think about asking him that. I always
felt like if he knew for sure that it wasn't me,
that he would have enough like respect for me to
send me home whenever he was feeling that. So I
trusted him in the aspect that if he knew one
percent it wasn't me, he would have enough respect for
me to send me home.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Then, Yeah, was there any part of you, okay, so
that you you make the active choice to basically go
to Kelsey and tell her like it's not me? I
guess why did you? Why did you decide to do that?

And that? And then was there any part of you
that maybe you were saying that to Kelsey and then
second guessing like, oh what if what if it is me? Though,
Like what if I'm wrong?

Speaker 3 (22:17):
No, I've never been more sure of something, And honestly,
and like my reason going to talk to Kelsey was
from like a friendship standpoint, and I think just talking
to her about like how both of our weeks have been.
And also it was a way like I know they

both really cared about me, and I wanted them to
know that, like I was going to be okay and
that I supported them and I want them to be happy.
Even though like this was really hard for me, it's
still something that I can be happy for them for.
And I don't think everyone will always understand that, especially
if you haven't been on this show and gone through
the position, but you don't understand how much time like

you spend with the girls, especially towards the end. Like me,
Rachel and Kelsey were extremely close towards the end, and
I felt like we all just had a lot of
respect for each other. Also, that conversation with me and Kelsey,
it was like I know, it's it's the show is
only like two hours, so they can't have everything in it,

but there was like a lot more parts to it
of me and her just like talking about how I
was feeling, talking about how she was feeling, talking about
like we want the best for each other, and like
me saying he's not my person, like I know he's
your person. And there was a lot of like beautiful
moments behind that, and she she like she knew it

was her and she knew it wasn't me, and she said,
I've been worried about you all week because I felt
that it was going to be me. And so it
was a really like beautiful conversation between me and her,
and it's going to be like something that me and
her will always have and like the important thing is
that like her and Joey know why I did it

and know like what was behind it all, and so
like that's what matters. And I know some people will
probably have different things to say about it, but they
know why and they were really like accepting of it
and supportive of how everything went.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
So you're, you know, it's your life, your choice, so
you have to do what you feel in the moment.
I think there's there'll be a lot of people that
will criticize you for that. But they, you know, they
don't know what it's like to be in that position.
And I think you have to go with your gut,
and if that's what you were feeling, it was the
right move.

Speaker 4 (24:42):
Was it validating in any way watching the show back
and seeing their connection. I know you said you were
like super confident it wasn't you on the show, but
just watching it back and being like I see it
between them and maybe help you understand maybe what was
missing between you and Joey.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
Yeah, definitely. And it's interesting that you ask about that
because in my journal, I liked, I journaled every single
day and when we were in I think it was
in Montreal, it was either Montreal, yeah, I think it
was Montreal or no Jasper, Yeah, Jasper. There was the
day me and Kelsey were like sitting on this like
dock on the little lake there and we were just
talking about like so many things. And then I went

back to my room and I started journaling, and I
was like, you know, if it's not me, I think
Kelsey would be perfect for him. And I was like,
I think I like I knew because I like had
seen them together, you know what I mean. But yeah,
it's just it's a weird situation to be in and
kind of be processing everything too. But I remember I

like when the shows would air, I would go back
and read like my journal for them like that week,
and I remember reading that and I was like, oh
my gosh. I was like I kind of called it.

Speaker 4 (25:55):
But it is weird because it's so hard if you
haven't been on it to but it's like you're getting
to know this guy so well, but you're also getting
to know all these girls so well. So it's like
you kind of were in a position where you could
be like I can like if you were to match them,
like you could essentially you would have all the information

to do.

Speaker 3 (26:16):
So yeah, for sure, And definitely like watching them back
and seeing like how like you can definitely tell like
they're so in love with each other like on the
show they were in like even now seeing them in person.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
So yeah, knowing what you know now after going through
all this and kind of maybe trying to look at
it from like Joey's point of view, and I know, like,
I think Jen's going to be an excellent bachelorette. And

I know you kind of expressed that you weren't. You
weren't really ready for that. But do you think you
could ever be the lead of a show like this?

Speaker 3 (27:04):
I think I definitely could. I think right now, just
in my life, I had, like I said, I had
like two really huge things happen in a short amount
of time, and I haven't really just had time to
like live and be me and do the things I
want to do, and so like right now, it's just
like not a good time for me to do something

like that. But I'm like, I loved being on the
show and I had such a great experience, but I
just think, yeah, just right now, it's just not right
for me.

Speaker 4 (27:38):
And then you had a very big year, You're allowed
to have a chill year now.

Speaker 3 (27:42):
Yeah, I had a very big year, and I'm excited
to see everything that comes from this and everything that
I can do. But it's just I knew it wouldn't
be like best for me right now.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
I think that was smart. That's smart. What is something
that you want to do from this?

Speaker 3 (28:04):

Speaker 2 (28:04):
What's next for Daisy?

Speaker 3 (28:06):
I've been working on my nonprofit a lot, so I
really want to keep working on that.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
I want to plug it what's it called? Tell people
where they can find information about it?

Speaker 3 (28:15):
It's called here Your Heart. You can go to Hear
Yourheart dot org. But I want to do that. There's
also I have another children's book that's in the works.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
I want.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
I have like a kind of a like memoir from
my life that I actually had finished like six months before,
like before I even ever got atim on the show.
So it's interesting because it's about my life like before
the show. Yeah, it goes through all my health stuff
and everything, and I had it done before I came on.
So I want to publish that eventually. And I really

want to do a lot of like public speaking, especially
to the younger kids. That's kind of like the stuff
I want to do right now. Yeah, I'm excited to
see where everything goes from here.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Are you ready to potentially start dating?

Speaker 3 (29:07):
I think yes, Like I'm I'm not going to say
like no, I'm not ready to date. I think if
it was somebody like really special and someone that I
really connected with, well like yes, but I don't know.
You never know what's going to happen.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
True, It's true.

Speaker 3 (29:30):
I will say I think right now is a time
in my life where I like I want to put
myself first because I haven't been able to do that
in a really long time, and so I think, like
that's kind of my standpoint on it, Like I just
need to put myself first. But I'm not going.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
To be like no, you know, yeah, like if your
husband walked into the room, you're not going to turn
turn away, but you're prioritizing yourself and like settling into
your single.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
Yes, but you're open. You're open. You're open to.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
The open guys.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Yeah, you're okay. So we have to ask. There's been
a lot of online chatter and podcast talking about the
music video that you were in with with with the
what's the chorus? Do you can you touch on that

at all? Do you want to?

Speaker 4 (30:27):
Yeah, give us the story. How did this music video
come to be? How did you meet the guy?

Speaker 2 (30:34):
What's the story?

Speaker 3 (30:36):
It's actually no, it's all good. It's actually one of
my best friends since like we were probably fourth or
fifth grade. He's always been like one of my best friends,
and he like makes a lot of music, does a
lot of beats and stuff. I like always did choir
and everything. I like played piano and play guitar, so
we would always just do random music stuff together. And

then he made that song and He's like, you want
to be honest. I was like sure, So I was
on it and I'm like, yeah, but it was the
red of the internet when you went on the show.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
Did you ever think, like, I wonder if people are
going to see this?

Speaker 3 (31:13):
I mean I thought like, yeah, people were probably going
to see everything that was online. I didn't. I honestly
didn't think people would have that big of a reaction
to it. But it was kind of funny because like
me and all of my hometown friends were all like
laughing about it, because honestly, most people weren't like mean
about it. They were just like, what the heck, this

is so like out of the fuck.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
Well, yeah, I mean the lyrics. I mean, did you
when when you did the music video or did you
question his lyrics and all? Were you kind of like
a little like it's a little aggressive. I mean yeah,
a little bit.

Speaker 3 (31:49):
And I my mom my mom was like, oh this
is interesting. And I remember calling my mom and I
was like laughing and She's like, what's going on? And
like me and Brandon's video, the video or like the
music video I was on a Brandon's I'm like, it's
like going viral and people are seeing so much stuff

about it, and my mom goes, my mom's like the
most supportive person ever of me, and my mom goes, hm,
I get it. And I was like, okay, you're like.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
Hey, mom, remember that music video I did four years
ago was Brandon about uh you know that line about balls.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Yeah, it's going viral, my mom, let go.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
I get it. But honestly, like, I don't regret doing
it because we had so much fun that day and
it was like a time in my life where honestly
I was like so so sad and so whenever I
had a day where I was just like having fun
and like doing whatever, Like I don't know, it was
a great day. And he's one of my best friends
and like me and him laugh about it so much now,

so like I don't regret it being there. And also
like it was kind of a time in the show
We're like I was like kind of like slowing down
and like other people were like getting more like focus
on and then I feel like all of a sudden
that came out and about and people were like, oh Daisy, what.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
It is so true.

Speaker 4 (33:16):
It was like mid season where it was like all
of a sudden, like wait, why is Daisy in this
blue light all over my Instagram page.

Speaker 3 (33:26):
And then but yeah, it was funny. But also like
during that time too, like I think on my YouTube
it's still I have like I have like so many
videos in me like covering songs and like singing and
playing music. And a huge reason that like I did
that is because that period of my life is when
I found out like I was probably going deaf, and
so I was like, Okay, I'm gonna like do like

as much music stuff as I and because it's always
been such a big part of my life. So I
have like literally like hundreds and hundreds of like covers
on like this drive that I have. So but yeah,
I mean.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Make sure you check the lyrics before before me before
you're at least.

Speaker 3 (34:05):
Say but honestly, yeah, I mean everyone's got to have
something come up, right.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
Yeah, it's funny. Honestly, you guys should truly make t
shirts and sell them because you crush.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
You should make a new one. You should make a
new one. People want more.

Speaker 1 (34:21):
Okay, let's we're gonna play a game with you and
then and then we'll let you go. Also, I know
I asked you about about potentially being The Bachelor atte
But let's say Bachelor and Paradise came around, would you
consider that.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
Like in this in this moment. Probably now, But I
don't know, you never really. But I think I think
I didn't realize like I always. I think I knew
how like big The Bachelor was because I watched it,
but I didn't really understand how crazy some people are.

I think right now, like I always like want to
be involved in some way, but I think right now
I just kind of want to kind of take control of.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
My life. Yeah, makes sense, All right, let's do this
rapid fire. Rapid fire with Daisy.

Speaker 2 (35:18):
It's all easy, easy, easy, fine. Question. It's not just
like favorite food kind of thing.

Speaker 5 (35:24):
Okay, night in or go out? Night in early bird
or night owl early bird? Favorite food or cuisine?

Speaker 3 (35:35):
I love sushi, Impasta, same girl.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
Yeah, what is your love language?

Speaker 3 (35:45):
Physical touch?

Speaker 1 (35:47):
What is a deal breaker for you?

Speaker 3 (35:50):

Speaker 1 (35:51):
What is your go to cocktail?

Speaker 3 (35:55):
Skinny spicy mark?

Speaker 1 (35:57):
Favorite place you visited this season?

Speaker 3 (36:00):
This season Jasper, that's really the favorite.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
All everyone says that they loved Jasper.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
It's beautiful and just like the energy there and like
all of us girls us like six girls we had
so much fun that week, even like in the Bluebirds,
it's us like sitting by the fire like kind of
impersonating each other and my bad night was so much fun.
But yeah it was great vibes.

Speaker 5 (36:27):
Favorite group date, favorite group date on the tennis date,
least favorite group date.

Speaker 3 (36:36):
I honestly, I don't think I have one. I like,
I had a really good time at them all, honestly,
maybe the I loved the painting one when we were
in Spain, but I was really really like sick that day,
so I did not.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
Uh, Okay, A favorite look you wore this season?

Speaker 3 (36:57):
I really liked the white like cut out us I
wore when we are in Malta because I felt like
it wasn't like something people would expect me to wear.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
Yeah, that was a good one.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
Gold or silver, gold go to go to hangover care.

Speaker 3 (37:13):
Liquid ivy.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
Yeah, yeah, that's the best.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
Favorite color to wear.

Speaker 3 (37:20):
Favorite color to wear green or black?

Speaker 1 (37:24):
I like Kareen myself. I feel like Serena probably should
have been the one asking these questions. Favorite favorite beauty product.

Speaker 3 (37:30):
Favorite beauty product. I love the rare beauty blush.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
Mm hmmm, Serena, you know that I do. I do.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
It's a classic Joe. Do you know that?

Speaker 1 (37:41):
Of course?

Speaker 2 (37:42):
Do you know what celebrity owns? Rare beauty?

Speaker 1 (37:45):
Rare beauty? Yeah, give me a call.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
She it's a female singer slash actress. She's a brunette.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
She's dating a car guy. Yeah, good job, good job.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
Adventurous or relaxing vacation a mix? Can I say yes
you can because that is the correct answer. Dream destination spot.

Speaker 3 (38:17):
I really want to go to Australia.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
Nice. Okay, Well, Daisy, you were wonderful as we expect it,
and thank you so much for coming on Bachelor Happy Hour.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
Yeah, thank you both so much. It was nice to
meet you guys in person, well.

Speaker 1 (38:34):
Well kind of imperfect, kind of in person. And thank
you to all our listeners for tuning in. We hope
you enjoyed this interview as much as we did, and
make sure you stay tuned because we have new interviews
and exclusives coming out every week.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
And don't forget to subscribe. Bye bye
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