All Episodes

August 31, 2022 30 mins

Jessica ends up bed ridden with the latest Covid variant, while Bryan gets into a knock down drag out battle with a starter that escalates to cart warfare and legal trouble. Bryan threatens that he will not change his irons, and Jessica makes a new friend who has an amazing simulator.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
You're listening to balls and holes Jessica Bowsman and Brian Pastora. Babe,
are you alive barely? Hi? Babe? Hi? How are you?
I'm good? Are you feeling okay? Man? No, No, I'm not.
Uh so, apologies out there, but I'm doing better. I

definitely had a week in the books. That's probably the
hardest week we've ever had. It's definitely the hardest week
I've had in a long time. What happened, Well, I
got COVID and uh holding came home. First week back
at school, brings it home, decimates the house except for
you somehow, I am superman. Superman. Well, you had it

a couple of months ago and I didn't get it.
But this has been quite the quite the thing. I've
never experienced anything quite like it. So I don't know, man.
I feel like I was dying. Are you still dying?
How do you feel right now? Are you still sick?
I'm still sick. Every twelve hours I would say there's
something different happening for me, And yesterday I thought I

was on the road to recovery, and then today it
was guess again. So I don't know, man, Here I am.
I didn't want to miss out this week though, Yes,
so is it five G? Five? Is it bad that
I actually turned off five G on my new cell
phone today because I had that moment where I was like,
oh my god, maybe this is why I'm sicker than

I've ever been in my life. Paranoia sometimes does mean
everyone's after you. I mean, I think that when you
sit in your bed with this is day like seven
for me now, I think sick no. Six seven. Yeah,
like when you lay in bed for that long and uh,
you don't have like you don't go out in the world,
you can't go anywhere, and then you literally feel like

you're dying. Like I think your mind starts to play
tricks on you. You, on the other hand, I have
been gone more than I've ever seen in our relationship
this week. You you you, you jumped and bailed out,
and we're like peace. I have been golfing. You've been
golfing so much. I do love golf. You do love golf.

I will say there's been a slight tad of irritation
about it, but if I really ask myself what's going on,
it's probably just like pure jealousy that I'm not out
there with you, and that you feel as good as
you do and can go play as much as you want.
I know that misery loves company, but this company had

to leave. Get some reprieve. I played so much golf
by myself, with my friends, with our with our chosen family.
Not only did you play so much golf, but like
if you weren't playing golf, you literally spent more time
at Roger Dunn during the last week and a half
than I've ever seen you spend. Like I was really
starting to question whether you even wanted to be around

me anymore. Ever, we are still in a relationship. I
have another relationship with Roger Dunne. I clocked in and
out like an employee, right, but we're not getting paid. No, No,
I paid them huh yeah, No. I think there was
one day. It was a day. It was a bad
day for me, Like I was in tears. I was
in so much pain and like really going through it.
And you like we're like, I'm gonna go to Roger

Dunne for a little bit, and you were gone for
eight hours. You know, the simulators at Roger Dunn, they
are a vortex. You keep hitting and especially when there's
no one there, you have the whole bay to yourself,
and you try every club you've ever wanted to try.
I was trying to perfect my game, baby, I get it,
I get it. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Uh, when you're

this sick and you can't do anything, like golf is
the one thing that like, I like, there's no way
I could go play right now. Like we have a
tournament in ten days and I'm worried. Yes, we have
a tournament in Strawberry Farms, UM for a charity event. Yeah,
but like I tried to get up today and you
found me on the kitchen floor. Yeah. I walked in.

I'm not sure what was having, food was cooking, and
Jess was on the floor. Yeah yeah, I said, how
you doing pain? Taking? As taking a brief pause. But
that's like, that's what this has been like. I mean,
it's I've never in my life felt anything like this.
You know, I've had COVID a couple of times throughout
this whole I don't know what has been like three
years now and nothing was like this. So I have

a newfounder respect. I suppose for whatever the funk is
moving through my body, it feels like a time bomb. Yeah,
you were saying something like every twelve hours you feel
robots in your body and you're not crazy, right, yeah, no,
not crazy. And like yesterday, like I said, yesterday, I
felt great, and then last night, I remember we were
laying in bed and it was like my whole right
side of my body started like aching and hurting and

like throbbing, Like my joints felt like they were being attacked.
And it's only on the right side of my body.
Like what is that. I've never experienced anything like that
in my life. Yeah. I I felt for you, and
I did not know what to do at all. I
think that's what it came down to, right, Like, I
very soon realized as I kept getting madder and madder
at you for not being here or coming in and out,

that like you just had no idea what to do
with me, Like you've never seen me like this. No,
you you were really bad, and as you know, guys
and girls are a little different, were very solution base
and I was trying to fix it. I think the
worst part though, is that you kept coming in and
being like, do you want to go play golf today?
And I was literally like dying, right like I at
one point and knocked myself out for a good like

twenty four hours just to not feel the pain that
I was going through. The reason why I brought up
brought up golf is, you know it's the great remedy.
I agree on so many levels, but when you're physically
you know, impaired in this way, like there's just no way,
Like it makes me so angry. Like I tried today.
I went out in the backyard and picked up the
club and was going to try and hit into the net.

I think I got two shots off before I was like,
I gotta sit down, Like that's why you were winded
after two shots? Yeah, I can't even Like I tried
walking the dogs with you the other day and I
couldn't do it. You know, like the has been, uh,
this has been a mountain that I fell down and
now have to climb back up and somehow have ten
days to get myself back in peak performance. The question

is when are you going to be back to practice?
Before our Strawberry We're going to Strawberry Forms for a
charity event in Irvine, California. Everything is paid for, breakfast,
Bloody Mary's putting contests. It's a scramble. There's dinner. It's
a it's an event, I know, and we're taking Scotty
and Derby with us, like it's going to be amazing.
I'm so thrilled Scotty is not allowed to drive. I

told Derby I'm gonna duct tape them to the passenger
seat of our cart. Makes sense, It makes a lot
of sense. Yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna have to
get out there in practice. I think every day for
like the next ten days, I'm going to have to.
I mean, I gotta get to a point where I
can even function right like and then start like trying
to train towards it. A bit like can you through
osmosis watch enough YouTube videos to get back into golf? Dude.

I was literally watching women's golf Instagram videos, and I
was screen recording them so that I could slow it
down and like study their swings. The other day, if
you look at my phone right now, there's probably like
videos that I screen recorded so that I could slow
motion through them. So it wasn't in vain the sickness.

You you might have learned something new. I mean I
learned something new. I also watched forty straight hours of Yellowstone,
Great great show. Great show. Great show it was, but
forty straight hours. Man, I don't know. It's like, do
I go back to golf or do I move to
Bozeman in Montana and get a ranch. Well in the show,
remember that millionaire he has his own golf course, solo golfer. Incredible,

that's our that's my dream. I mean, you love living
where we live, but i've I would go live on
a ranch and a heartbeat and build a golf course
that only we could play at. You know, like, how
great would it be to have our own private golf course.
I agree concur with the own golf course thing. It
doesn't have to be in but fuck Antana. So you

were sick all week. I was sick all week and
you were laying in bed. Tell me what you were wearing.
You didn't seem to pay too much attention to it
when I was laying in bed. Oh, I was well.
I will say this. I snuggled up all week in
my Bomb's only T shirt. Bombs only, my bombs only
T shirt. Yeah, I did see that on you. Yeah,

you know we had those guys on last week. What
a great time. Their apparel is amazing, right, Alex and
Ryan awesome owners of Bombs Only Golf Apparel b O
g A. Did you know it spells Boga Boga. They
have some new stuff coming out for girls. Did you
see it? So Bomb's Only Golf Apparel has dropped their

beginning stages of their female golf line. I was shown
golf leggings today. I was shown a golf tank top
today for women. I also got word that they're ordering
me a special, one of a kind neon pair of leggings.
Uh that are Boga leggings. I gotta tell you, everything
that we've gotten from these guys and everything that we've

been sporting on and off the course has been amazing.
It has been amazing. And I just talked to um
Alex today and he says they're coming out with visors
and other stuff and the socks are still sold out,
so they're getting in order for those two amazing. Well.
Bomb's Only Golf Apparel is now my favorite golf apparel.
I can sleep in it well sick, I can play

in it out on the course, I can wear it
out around town. I love it. It's beautiful, it's comfy.
They can be found at Bombs Only Golf Apparel dot
com and they are on Instagram as bombs only golf
apparel is not right, that's right, Boga boga, go get
your stuff. All right, We're gonna take a break. We'll

be back with the cartel story. All right, So we're back.
One of the more excited moments of my week this
week was you calling me from the course that you
were playing with your buddies and you were fired the
funk up. So let's preface it with it's not our

course that we play at. It is a different course.
It was an l A City municipal course. It was
an l A City municipal course. And let me tell
you something. I have a major issue here with carts
and these municipals and other courses not giving us players
our own damn golf cart. So what happened right like,

and you and I were talking about this, because before
the pandemic, you would go to the golf course, you'd
pay your greens fee, you'd get your golf cart, and
you'd go play golf. Right then the pandemic hit, they
kind of closed stuff down and then they you know,
had a different set of rules, right, which was you
definitely got your own cart during COVID because of everything

that was going on, and now we're, you know, quote
unquote out of covid um and we've seen this huge
shift we have, and so what's happening now, even though
you pay for your greens fees, you have to share
a cart with someone else, not by your choosing, but
because they're forcing you to. So if you're a single,

you get your own cart, but if you come in
as a group with some other of your friends, you
have to ride with someone else and you can't get
your own golf cart. And it is maddening. It's we've
started to see this across different courses that we've played,
and I always turn into you and want to see
the fine print, right, and I want to see how
they're translating this or or what their transparency is about

these new rules, because half of them, when you read it,
don't make any sense. Like, for instance, you're saying, if
you're with people that you know, you have to share
a cart, but if you're a single, you don't have to.
And what you ran into was that you were being
asked to pay for an extra cart even though you
had already paid your green feet that includes a cart.
And their explanation was that you're only paying for half

a cart, which makes zero sense because if you're a single,
are you only paying for half a cart as a single,
but you get a whole cart? Like it makes I'm
beside myself, not I'm with you. It is so confusing,
And what happened was absolutely that ship crazy. I get
my car. I'm playing with Darby and Rob and we

go to the first t and through the loudspeaker, it says,
Darby Wilson group, you have too many golf carts. You
can only have too We heard it and we ignored it.
So it's Darby, Rob and I and we all have
our own individual cart and we like it that way.
Which were given to you, Like you went out, you
took your receipt to the golf cart person, you hand

it to them, and in exchange for your receipt showing
that you've paid your green fees, you get a golf cart.
How is the golf cart person supposed to decipher who
you're with? Right? So what starts happening, we ignore it.
We see this little woman, thin, little, small, small, bitchy
woman coming out, walks all the way to the first

team and says, you guys can't have three cards. And
we said, oh, yes, we can. We paid for it
and they said, well, no, you have to pay for
another card. I said, how does that make any sense,
We already paid for it. She says, uh, whatever the hell,
she says, I I'm not really listening. And I said, look,
my family has had COVID this week. I really don't

want to be in the same cart as my friends
because I don't want to expose them. And she goes, well,
you shouldn't be playing golf, then why are you playing golf?
And I almost lost my ship And I said, that
is none of your business why I'm here, or what
I'm doing, or my medical condition or any state of affairs.

You're not allowed to ask me that. And mind you,
this is an l A municipal golf course, which is
a state run and county n golf course, so they
are considered county employees. So I said, by the way,
I've had multiple back surgeries and I'm deemed disabled under
the state of California, and I had my placard and

all that stuff, and I've been you know, I had
a major surgeries years ago, and I have ridiculopathy in
my left Like we've talked about this in our podcast before,
and I said, by the way, I'm also disabled. Not
only that, but I have been exposed to COVID this week.
I don't want to share a cart, and she goes,
you don't look disabled. Oh my god. What I wouldn't

have given a lawyer be like big, no, no, right,
like huge. There's the Americans with Disability Act, which is
a federal law that protects and they're supposed to accommodate
people with disabilities. Not only that, just the general idea
of I don't want to ride with someone else. I
don't have to give you justification, they said. They're justification

is that they have a policy where you have to
ride with someone else. Golf as a friendly sport. I said, well,
f you you know we're not we're not budging. She
looks at my card number and then walks away. So
I thought nothing of it. We're about to tee off.
We did tee off. I get in my car. She
remotely turned off my cart from the clubhouse so I

could not move my cart. It went two miles per hour.
I am like a snail and I am fucking furious. Okay,
I have to now walk all the way back to
the starter. She's in there with her smug face, and
the other group is there too. She comes and she goes,
where's your mask? I go, what are you talk about?

She goes, you have COVID. I said, no, I don't.
It doesn't matter. It's not even in a mandate. So
she goes in the back to get a mask, which
is ridiculous. The manager comes out. He goes, well, if
you want your cart, you can pay for another car.
I said, what, I am so confused. I already paid
for a cart. I said, you see this piece of paper,
and I showed him from the state of Californy of
my disability handicapped placard. I said, not only do I

not want to expose someone for possible code, but I'm disabled.
I need my own cards so I can go close
to the greens. And they're supposed to disable the beeping
sound or whatever, the slow motion two mile per hour
thing when you get too close to the greens. I said,
this is I'm you need to accommodate me because of this,
So I need my own cart for various reasons. And

so what are what were they expecting? And they are
kept asking you to pay for another cart, and I
guess that's where I'm having my first bit of confusion
is that you've already paid for a cart. Each one
of you have paid your Green fees, which includes a cart.
I think what happened is we had a foursome and
it was a threesome that arrived because the fourth person
couldn't show up, and so because of that, we're supposed

to buy four cards. I guess I don't know. I mean,
that doesn't make any sense. I don't know either, And
I was so mad. I literally got my business card.
I had to pull rank. I said, I'm a lawyer.
You guys are fucked, and I put it on the
counter and I just walked away and you stomped out
of there. But they won because I had I had
no card. I had to ride with Darby. Well, I

mean one is a strong word. I mean, here's the deal, Like,
not only did you not get your own cart, but
they didn't then enable the cart that you were in. Right,
So what they're supposed to do if you're disabled, they
turn off the automatic um system that that stops you

from getting too close to the green. When your car
gets too close to the green, it goes down to
two miles per hour, so you don't, you know, get
but when you're disabled, you get to go as close
to the green as possible without driving on the green
and being reckless, so you can walk out and you
don't have a farther walk. That's part of the Americans
with Disability Act. That's the accommodation. A lot of clubs
and a lot of golf courses, they are really stingy

about that rule. They don't like that rule, even though
they're supposed to abide by it. And you're supposed to
have a little handicapped flag on your cart too, so
people know not to yell at you because you're so
close to the to the green cut too. I am
now with Darby, who is a lefty and I'm a righty.
Guess what he's doing. He is slicing it to the
left and I'm slicing it to the right. So now
we have to find our balls in the opposite ends

of the fairway. So annoying. I love Darby, I love
being a car partner, but my god, I had my
own cart. I paid for my own cart. So as
I'm playing, I write an email to l a city
wreck golf or whatever it was. And I wrote a
pretty steaming short, one paragraph, one paragraph email and I

put it on my my from my law firm. And
so that was on a Saturday Friday, and they said
that they got a response back and says, oh, the
office is closed, So I'm expecting an email back on Monday.
They're going to have a hell of a time dealing
with me. Oh, they have no idea what they just
got theirselves into. But the idea here, and when I

was trying to tell the girl is this is golf.
Get over yourself. It's just golf. Let us leave us alone.
That's where we come here to be left alone. But
these some of these starters, it's not just heard, but
I've seen male starters too. They have like this this
god complex when it comes to golf carts and start times.
They're like militant about it. And it's like, I don't

want to be treated like times. I can understand, right,
Like you're running a lot of people through the course,
Like I get it. We don't love that, but like
that that makes sense, right, Like if you want to
be militant about something, you want to be a good starter,
you make sure that the course is running smoothly and
everybody's doing their tea times. But when you start getting
into like who's friends with who, and who gets a

cart and who doesn't, and then when you just like
jump over the line of like not only do not
get a cart or I'm going to take your cart
away from you, but like you've told them that you have,
you know, accommodations that are needed, and then that gets
completely ignored, Like I don't know. Then the phone call
that I got from you, guys was just like you
were so angry and so upset, and I get it, right, Like,

you go out to play golf and one of the
you know, one of the reasons that we do this
and that we are so in love with the sport
in this game is that you're you're out there, and yeah,
if you want to share it with your friends or
your loved ones or your spouse or whoever the funk
you're with, right, Like, that's your choice, but like it's
also a game that can be played by yourself. And
you're out in nature and nobody's supposed to bother you, right, Like,

you're out respecting what it is that you're supposed to do.
You're following your rules. You've got people who have no
power trying to like one up everybody and take the
power back. And and and then I mean, look this
this woman, like she just she crossed the line, like
she got herself. She's going to be in trouble right,
like a bitter woman. And and not to mention that Darby,

before I even showed up, asked to get the cards.
She goes, we only give it to when the first
and third player because we're supposed to have four players.
So Derby already had an encounter with her before I
was even there, and he told me when I came in,
He's like, that's a bit and i'd even i'd even
encounter her yet. And then when I went in there
said hey, I'm with Darby's group, and she goes, well,

we already gave you your your starter tickets for your cars.
I said, I didn't get one yet. So it was
a whole thing from the beginning. It's like, golf is expensive,
golf rates have gone up, it's so hard to get
a tea time, and we're paying those fees, so you
should treat us with respect. They have this whole argument

that golf carts are expensive, they're hard to maintain. They're
expensive to maintain, and we don't have enough of them.
That's not my problem. When you increase greens fees and
we pay them, that's for that that stuff, for the
operational cost. It's not my problem that you don't have
enough cards. Sorry. I guess this is something that you know,
a municipal course. I would expect to hear more of.

What I don't understand is like the bleed over into
like the private sector, right, And we've experienced that too,
not only at our club, but at you know, other
private clubs that we've played, and it's the same thing.
It's like COVID came along. It's changed all these rules
for everything, and then everything just got scrambled and it
doesn't make any sense, Like the rules don't make any sense.

Like I understand if you're trying to save carts or
you don't have enough carts, or there's been such an
influx of golfers, right and the sport is booming, Like
I get that, but like get with the times. Everybody
else is getting with the times. Get more carts, get
more you know, get more support in that in that area.
When you're at a private club though, and you can't
even get your own cart, and and we've run into this,

We've run into this at private clubs before, and especially
like during COVID, we ran into this where they were
trying to pair people up. And you know, as soon
as you say, like, look, either I'm afraid of COVID
or you know, whatever your excuses. I mean again, it
falls under the category of things that like you're not
really supposed to be asking, like if you want to
dig down deep and throw some ocea on it, like
there's just yeah, but I'm I think we can sum

it up. They are the cartel carttel, the cartel mafia
cart anywaysmember, when COVID happened, they had the stupid plastic
divider in between you guys. Yeah, that was the stupidest
thing to preserve the carts. Uh, not having your own cart.
They had a plastic divider. Do you know how suffocating
that was and how ridiculous that was. It was pretty bad.

Everyone immediately took that down when they were in the
car and they threw it. There's a cart issue, there's
a card issue, and the people running the cart issues
are a problem, and they take themselves really seriously, and
it's it is. It's like it's like the mafia and cartel, cartel.
It's the cartel. Okay, Well, let's take a break and

when we come back, we're gonna have some mulligan's. Okay,
so we're back. What's your mulligan, babe? My mulligan is
another gear update? Last podcast episode, we had my one
iron which I got the tilest U five zero five

of UH one iron which was six degree. I kept it,
but I have actually I returned it and got a
new one with a tour a D graphite design shaft,
the a D five I believe or a D six
stiff shaft, night and day. It is an awesome one
iron and even better now with that shaft. Um. I

have another update. I got a new driver. What driver
did you get? So? I had the Callaway Rogue Max
LS with a tense a shaft, extra stiff and a
stiff shaft, and um, that is gone. I wanted to
love it and I didn't. I figured out that zex
Cio came out with the zex Cio X driver. It

is an expensive driver. It is seven dollars and it's
built for like slower swing speeds. Or seniors or something
like that. But the X line is for people with
faster swing speeds. It is so cool. It only has
a forty six gram shaft, which is really light for
a driver, but it's a stiff forty six gram shaft,
and the head is so heavy. The counter balance of

the light shaft and the heavy head, and there's a
counterbalance in the grip itself. It is my favorite new
driver and it's in the bag. I'm so excited. Bombs.
I was hitting three yards on Q. We're in episode
fifteen right now, and if I had like ten dollars
for every time I've heard you say this is this

is it? Well, Chip are still in the bag, so
that was still good. My try ds UH one and
three Driving Hybrid from Tylis are still in there. I
also have a new fascination with blade putters. Yeah, you've
come home with a couple of those this week. Just
I went out and bought a whole bunch of blade plusers.

I was never a blade putter. I'm a mallet guy.
But I went out. I bought another Scotty Cameron Newport
two point five. I bought the new Peing Answer p
l D. I bought the new massun No m o
I O or m o I whatever the hell, the
new Messuno blade putter okay, And I also bought the

Odyssey three try Hot, which is a very thin blade putter,
which I'm not an insert guy either, but I just
bought it today. I'm playing maybe with it tomorrow. You
think that that's thin, that one, Yeah, the Odyssey try
Hot is is pretty thin. But what I'm playing tomorrow
is my missun No Mcraft four, which is a blade
but it's a little thicker blade, and so I'm going

back to the blade style. So that's I'm a blade
guy now. And you know woods in the bag. Oh yeah,
I still have no woods. It's just my one iron
and my three driving hybrid. And you're happy. I mean,
I think I remember you saying today that, like your
bag is set, my bag is set. So today just
I went to Roger Dunn to go buy some brand
new clubs. I looked at the Runaway from his sick wife, right,

Taylor made stealth irons. Because I read all the reviews
last night, and then the Masso No Hot Metal and
jp X and then the Tilest t I love them all.
So I realized it's all the same ship. Um, I'm
staying with what I know. I already have like eleven
or twelve full sets, So I am sticking with my

two edge Hot Launch C five two's and um my
Wilson D nines and my p x G s. I
don't need any more irons, Okay, can I I can
take your word on that. You can take my word Okay.
I mean I'm sharing. I'm literally staring at like twelve
sets right behind you right now. Yeah, those are backup sets,

backup sets. Do you have a mullan? Do you have
a mulligan? You know? I gotta say, uh. This week
was one of the toper weeks that I've had in
a very long time, but I had some really interesting
kind of moments throughout it that we're really cool. I
gotta a phone call from a buddy of mine named Craig,
and randomly he reached out because he's got some good

friends of his who have opened a golf simulator out
in Thousand Oaks here in California and Southern California, and
it's called SVN two Gulf Simulators, which is seventy two
pretty cool. I got to talk with one of the owners,
Matt Fowler, and what a genuinely amazing human being. This

man was. Right. We hopped on the phone to tell
you know, you wanted to tell me what he was
up to. Craig thought we would be like really good
friends and that we would have a lot in common. Uh,
they want to have us and the boys out to
the simulator, which you know is like our dream, right,
So they want us to come out. We're going to
go out there in the next two weeks or so
probably and uh go check it out. See what they

have out there. From the pictures I've seen, it's absolutely beautiful.
I'm so excited that we now have some friends that
have a golf simulator here in southern California that we
can call home. So I'm super stoked. I'm so happy
for that. Yeah, you can find them on Instagram at
sv into Golf. It's their indoor golf using the number

one rated track Man technology out in Thousand Oaks. I'm
super stoked to go out there. I can't wait, especially
if it's raining. Yeah. I was telling Matt the other day, like,
it's been so hot and before I got sick, I
was really struggling out in the heat. Like I'm stoked because,
like you have no problem going out and playing in
a billion degrees, I really physically struggle, Like if I

could go and hit in the simulator and play any
course I want, or just go hang out for a
couple hours, like it is worth the drive for me.
Like you buzz up to our club and I was
out to the simulator to go play for a while.
I mean, maybe that's how I start training up to
get back into uh into shape for the tournament that
we've got coming up. Well, like I said before, I'm superman,

So I complained the heat called I'm already trained. Yeah,
you're really really great at everything. Where can they find us?
You can find us at Balls and Holes golf. You
think I would know where they can find us. They
can find us on Instagram and other social media platforms
at balls in Holes Golf. That's balls in the letter

in Holes Golf. I mean, my god, I love you too,
thanks for golfing while I was sick. Balls and Holes
is produced and distributed by the eight Side Network.
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