All Episodes

October 25, 2023 40 mins

¡Hey, Familia! We still can't believe the final episode for our season is here, so we made sure it's extra special. Join Lilliana and Joseph as they spill all the tea of our Icons alongside accomplished music and celebrity journalist, Tomás Mier. This episode is all about the past, the present and a lot of what the future holds for our favourite stars as well as latinx musicians who are up and coming, ones that you might not have heard but that will be all over your playlists after today. 

Lilliana Vázquez and Joseph Carrillo are the hosts of Becoming an Icon with production support by Josie Meléndez, Daniela Sarquis, and Santiago Sierra of Sonoro Media in partnership with iHeart Radio's My Cultura Podcast network. If you want to support the podcast, please rate and review our show.

Follow Lilliana Vázquez on Instagram and Twitter @lillianavazquez 

Follow Joseph Carrillo on Instagram @josephcarrillo


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I cannot believe we are wrapping up the last episode
of season one thirty six and for everyone listening, let
me take you back back, back back to the summer
of twenty two when I had the brilliant idea to
ask one of my besties to co host Becoming an
Icon with me. I was getting on the subway somewhere

up on the Upper East Side and I called you
and I said, you're gonna think I'm crazy a little.
I'll keep that, but how would you feel about being
my co host on a music podcast? And what did
you say?

Speaker 2 (00:38):
I actually, it's funny that you're saying this story because
I remember you actually telling me this, and I was
just kind of like, she's kind of crazy, Like I
don't remember this story that you're telling. I remember this, No, no, no,
I remember you calling me and telling me this. The
thing is is that I didn't think that you were serious,
Like I thought it was an idea. And that's the

silly thing is that I know you so fuckeding well
that it was already in the works, but I didn't
think that. But you're that person that you know, you're
a mover and a shaker. So when I remember you
actually telling me was when we went to go get
pizza and we were having Margarita's.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Like we just we just had by the way, that's
why were late for the show. Sorry, sound engineered to personality.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
Drinks handy, And I remember we're having Margarita's and you're like,
so you know about the podcast, and you kind of
laid it on me, and I just kind of saw
my life flash in front of my eyes, just because
I was like.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
What are you talking about? You like it?

Speaker 1 (01:36):
You want me now, let's take a minute, because I
think when you start on something new, you're always a
little bit scared. I know I was afraid only because listen,
I love music and I love pop culture, and in
my tenure career, I've had the opportunity to interview so
many of these people for major entertainment platforms, He News,

the Today Show. That being said, I'm not a music expert,
like I'm a fan of music. I obviously love music.
It powers and fuels my day to day existence. So
doing a podcast like this felt like a dream to me.
But I was nervous that our listeners would be like, well,
who are you to talk about music when you're not
a musician? You're not a writer, You're not an expert.

So I felt a little bit of like imposter syndrome,
like why would I be hosting a podcast like this?
But as I got through the research and I started
understanding what the goal of this podcast was, I felt like, no, no,
this isn't a show to share just like facts on music.
This is to share the experience of music as a
fan experiences music, because I think music is a shared experience.

Speaker 4 (02:39):

Speaker 2 (02:39):
What I realized is that as I was learning, it
was also like what am I going to bring to it?
But it was two fans, two friends coming together to
talk about an experience. And it's been amazing to.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
Be honest, and that's what the show is, right.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
I feel so inspired every time I listen to these episodes.
My takeaway is listen like, yes, you have to work hard,
you really do, but at the end of the day,
like it's up for anyone to grab.

Speaker 5 (03:06):
None of these people.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Really had a leg up or a cousin that worked
at you know, any of these major music labels. Right,
No one was like, oh, I'm jay Z's cousin or
you know, most of our icons literally started from zero.
And I always say this to you, not even zero
like negative like they were negative twenty so they had
to get to zero and then look at where they
are now. So besides becoming a fan of these artists

by listening to the podcast, I do think that you
leave each episode inspired and because you're you, and I
think you are one of the funniest people I've ever
met in my entire life, you definitely leave our episodes entertained,
Like I, it's funny, you guys. I'm here living the
episode with Joseph, but then when I listened to it
in the car, I laugh even.

Speaker 5 (03:48):
Harder than I laughed in the studio.

Speaker 3 (03:50):

Speaker 1 (03:50):
And we hope that you guys have felt like you're
a part of our crew, right because we don't do
these shows just the two of us. We do them
with you, all of our amazing listeners who have supported
and full disclosure, because we're not lying to you guys.
This show evolved. When we first started, I think Joseph
and I were both like, WHOA, this doesn't feel like
a show that we would do. This doesn't feel like

you're having cocktails with us On a Tuesday of one
point thirty in the Marriagurday because we do some daytime drinks,
and we said, let's change it. Let's make this really
feel like us. And like you said, this show is
about sharing the experience of music amongst friends and altimately family.

Like we're Funnydia, Joseph is my cousin. I mean, he's
not my blood cousin, but he is my but he's
my primo and we want you guys to be like
you're part of this family. So when I asked Joseph
in the summer of twenty two to join me on
this journey, I did not think that we would make
it through thirty six episodes and that you guys would
actually stick around for all thirty six. So before we

continue down memoryly any further, let's step into the future
of Latin YAI with someone that I think really has
their pulse on what's happening.

Speaker 5 (05:07):
I'm your host, Liliana Ooscuez.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
And I'm Joseph Carrio and this is becoming an icon.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
A weekly podcast where we give you the rundown on
how today's most famous latinv stars have shaped pop culture.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
And given the world some extra level.

Speaker 5 (05:24):
Sit back and get comfortable.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Because we are going in the only way we know
how with Whenas leave us.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Whenas and a lot of opinions as we relive their
greatest achievements on our journey to find out what makes
them so iconic. Sick man, can you believe we've made

it to episode thirty six?

Speaker 3 (05:57):
I can't even believe I made it to episode two.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
I was actually worried for you, I'm.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Telling you, and it is thirty six. It has been
a journey.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
It's been amazing, to be honest, it's been really like
informative and flashbacks. It like really took me back to
like my youth. And it's really fascinating to know where
the Latin explosion came from.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
Please don't say that word ever again.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
And it was very few people, you know what I mean.
And now it's where it is. Music is in such
a different place now and it's cool to like have
something to go back and know that.

Speaker 3 (06:34):

Speaker 5 (06:34):
I also think it's so cool.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
I mean, we are of a certain age and I
always say that every episode, and it's amazing to see
how much has happened in Latin music. I mean, it
took a long time to go from when we were
born in the eighties to the two thousands, that was
long right, twenty years, but the growth has accelerated. It's
been the last precedented case years and here we are now.

So we felt like it was the perfect time to
bring on someone who really is such an authority in
this space, who also happens to be Mexicano.

Speaker 5 (07:06):
Hello like us and to me, who.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Is someone that speaks so honestly and authentically about what
it is to be Latin in music, in pop culture,
in entertainment. So, without further ado, I want to introduce
today's very special guest. It is themas Mieer. He is
a staff writer at Rolling Stone, where he covers some
of the biggest names in pop and Latin music and
all things viral and trending now. Before he worked at

Rolling Stone, the MS was a digital music writer at
People and an intern at the Los Angeles Times. So, y'all,
he's got the creds okay, all of the crets us know,
and as I said, he is proudly Mexicano and he's
in my opinion, one of the best and brightest in
the music industry. I'm so excited for you guys to

get to know him a little bit better. And I
knew this the first time I met him when I
was interviewing John Legend. But I'll let him tell you
that story. Thomas, welcome to becoming a cause.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
Dang, y'all hype me up, real good?

Speaker 3 (08:10):
Feel it, no big deal. You were like, wait, let
me look at all my awards really quick.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
I was like, hold on, my biggest claim to fame
as writing about Leana's baby.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
Okay, So the moss for our listeners who have been
so loyal and are such fans of this show, and
I think they also like to know a little bit
about Joseph and I.

Speaker 5 (08:29):
How did you and I first meet Thomas.

Speaker 4 (08:31):
I was interning at NBC at the Today Show and
Leana came to interview John Legend, and I said, can
you pull up a list of questions for mister Legend?
And I said, Astra will And that's what I handed
to Leana, and she asked all the nice questions and
skipped my deep ones.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
I love that, the shady one, shady one, the shady ones,
I said. The minute I met him. You know, I
was living in New York at the time, and I
was working in LA and I always like have a
little bit of kind of like, you know, New York
is like the top of the top, and like everyone's
so much better in New York. And then I met
the Moss and I was like, holy crap, Like he's
really throw He's so smart, so articulate, and he was

unafraid to go there with the hard questions for John Legend.
And by the way, he was like a baby at
the time, like he was not Thomas Mayor, who's like
rolling Stone, Like he was a baby and he was
writing hard questions. I was like, I'm going to pass
on this because I would like to interview John and
Chrissy in the future.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Yeah, Barbara Walters.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
He was you came prepared. So I want to talk
a little bit about our show in terms of who
we've covered thus far, because Thomas, I know you're a
listener to becoming an icon. We have covered a lot
of people. We've covered j Lo Bad, Bunny, Bruno, Mars, Menol, Miranda,

Ricky Martin, Mark, Anthony, Selena not Original Selena, Baby, Selena, Shakira,
Shakira Carty, Oh.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
My god, Cardi b.

Speaker 1 (09:59):

Speaker 3 (10:00):
So these are.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
Big, big names. Do you have any personal connection to
any of our icons that we might not know about.

Speaker 4 (10:09):
I'm a big Jlo stand the house down boots. Oh
damn yes, because she was one of my first interviews
at People Magazine, and I remember being very gagged about that.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yeah, any little tea that you can spill, because interviewing
j Loo, I'm not going to say a lot, but
I'm going to say a little. Interviewing Jlo can be
a production in the sense that listen, listen, don't be shady.
There's a big team around her. She is the most
professional of the professional. So I want to know, Thomas,

from your point of view, any juice anything, How did
she make it?

Speaker 4 (10:46):
Any juice? I mean it's j Loo. I think she
has this aura to her that I think is just
like very like you feel it, like you walk in
the presence of this woman and it's like, that's not
a woman, that's like a godlike figure, and then you
sit down with her. Because it was on my phone.
It was for a print story, so I was like
sitting and looking at her in the face and I

was like, Wow, you're so beautiful, and then I doubted
my triality.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
No, Wow, there's a woman on the planet that's gonna
do that to you.

Speaker 5 (11:24):
It might be her, It might be it might.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Be Wow, that is a really cool story, like have
you always loved her?

Speaker 3 (11:31):
Or when did you.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Fall in love with Jlo? And then you got to
interview your like, well, that's crazy.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
It's for a lot of Mexican kids. We all grew
up watching that Selena movie. Like I think that's like
our big introduction to Selena. I think I knew of
Jlo Selena before I knew Selena Selena if I'm being honest.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
No, be honest, So like that's the truth.

Speaker 4 (11:49):
Like, I think a lot of us our first visual
representation of Selena. The music that we were listening to
was the Jlo version of that, and I think, oh, fuck, yeah.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
He's your baby, like he's a baby.

Speaker 4 (12:02):
Yeah, Selena died before I was born.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
Y'all in over podcast now because you are so outspoken
and opinionated, and that's what I think I love about you.
By the way, if you don't follow him on TikTok,
please do. It's Thomas Mire on TikTok and Thomas Underscore
yet on Instagram.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
Am I E R?

Speaker 5 (12:23):
I'm I E R?

Speaker 1 (12:24):
But I share the list of our icons right out
of everybody on that list, do you think we left
anyone out like is there someone When you were like,
how did these bitches miss fill in the blank?

Speaker 3 (12:39):
Well, his little O was very telling. He was like, oh,
let me tell you about your list.

Speaker 4 (12:45):
Well about your list. I'm just I think that there
I would have loved to see somebody like Guanga on
this list.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
You are not the first to mention Huanga.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
We actually Joseph and I just want to have Margarita's
before this episode a little personality dream and Wanga came
on while we were eating our tackles and we thought,
oh shit, he's coming back from the dead to be like,
excuse me, like.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
Wow, episode thirty six and not even a mention.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
Nine. Well, we're going to mention in this episode because
there you.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
Go, there you go, He's got his credit.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Here's another one that I keep getting in my dms.

Speaker 5 (13:19):
Stop who Luis Mighin.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
I know, but I think he's iconic, but not in
the way that these people changed the space that we're
talking about here, like they are fucking we need we
needed them.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
He is an iconic singer, yes, in the genre that
he's in. Okay, well, I will say I agree with you.
I think when we look at this list and we
put this together, you know, almost.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
A year ago, over a year ago.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
At this point, we've been working on this podcast for
so long, you know, we had to really identify we're
the what are the characteristics that make somebody iconic? And
it can't just be somebody that is musically brilliant, because
if that were the case, there'd be a lot more
people on this list. I'm talking musically ques usic, sure, okay,
but when we look at the scope and the body
of their work and their journey, these people are globally recognized.

I could walk into a bar in Korea and sing
a Cardi b lyric, and I guarantee there would be
somebody that could sing that rest of the Cardi lyric
back to me. I don't know that if I did
that with a Luis migue lyric.

Speaker 4 (14:25):

Speaker 6 (14:25):

Speaker 1 (14:27):
So again, for us, it's it's global icon, right, It's
transcends industry because it can't just be music. It's got
to be fashion, it's got to be business, it's got
to be so much more so. While the definition of
icon is fluid for us, right, it moves and it
ebbs and it flows, I think for us it does
have to be a globally recognized at FISTA.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
Knowing that information, do you feel like you now have
somebody else?

Speaker 4 (14:53):
Wow? I'm sticking with Hungouri on this one because.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
Oh, okay, in to it.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
I think if you look at the fashion and choices
of somebody like Harry Styles, it's very clear that Quangovia
played a big role in inspiring his outfits. And then
we see artists like Omar Apaula who are the future
of queer music. They cite Quangaviel as a source of
inspiration for everything he does. So I think there's a
lot of that there too. I think, oh, period season two,

get me into it.

Speaker 6 (15:20):
Oh my god, bam, as we like to say, there
it is and this by the way, And do you
know why I wanted to have him on the closing
episode of Becoming an Icon tell me everything here he is?

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Okay, So because I know that you know so much.
We want to talk about the current state of Latin music.
So when you think about this movement, when you think
about the explosion, I'm not going to say the other
word in front of it. Because which of our icons
that we featured on the podcast do you think played
the biggest role in getting Latin music to where it
is today, because I think we might all have a

different person for that. But who do you think out
of the icon list got us to twenty twenty three?

Speaker 4 (15:59):
Wow? I mean, I think it's a combination of all
of them. That's my political friendly answer, because I think
they all play a very different role in it. Like
we wouldn't have the state of Regaton we have today
without somebody like Bad Bunny, but then the Foundation wouldn't
have been there without Gloria Stefan, and then Jennifer Lopez
was the crossover girl. Selena Gomes is our Disney star,
Like there's a little bit of everything on there.

Speaker 5 (16:20):
That's actually a brilliant answer.

Speaker 4 (16:22):
And you don't have Mark Anthony without j low blocked.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
No, I think you're right. I think that it's the
cumulative effect of these people, and I don't think that
one exists without the other.

Speaker 5 (16:35):
I mean, Gloria is Santa Glodia, like she.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Is the Queen Mother Mary, Jesus and Joseph of all
Latin music. And we talked to we just actually did
our Gloria Stefan Emilio Stephan episodes, and I think we
both like while.

Speaker 5 (16:47):
We both came into it with great respect for her.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
I think I left those episodes thinking damn, like what
they were doing in the eighties was unthinkable. Nobody thought
to do those things right.

Speaker 4 (16:57):
You know.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Also we needed her.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Don't exists without her that thank you, Miami Sound Machine.
We don't exist without her. And Tomas, you cover so
many brilliant artists, like just across the board for Rolling Stone.
How big and how important is Latin music to Rolling
Stone right now?

Speaker 4 (17:15):
That's a very good question. I think that we're in
a space where Latin music is everything. Music is pop music.
We're taking over charts, especially now with the new wave
of musica a Mexican and I'm really taking over. I mean,
just look at our covers this year. Carol G and
Bad Bunny were back to back on our covers, and
that just goes to show and two of the most
important ones our double issue with Bad Bunny followed by

somebody like Carol G. Like, it's very clear that there
is an emphasis on this sort of space, and I'm
really interested to see in how it's going to continue
to grow now that a lot of the Musica Mahicana
artists are taking over that space.

Speaker 5 (17:49):
It's so true.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
I mean, we just had was it group of Frontera
on GMA this week?

Speaker 4 (17:54):
We sure did.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
For me, that's the music I grew up with, And
that's like, that's got an Asada music, right, That's like
my uncle's that's my uncle's music. That's like my heels music.
And to hear that on Good more, to see it
on the set of Good. I mean, I worked at
The Today Show for almost ten years. I can guarantee

you like the closest we ever got was when we
had Romeo Santos perform on the Plaza and that was
a huge, big deal. And I remember in the meeting
the night before, they questioned how many people would actually
show up for the concert, and they thought, did we
make a mistake? Is this going to be our least
attended summer concert series in the history of summer concert series?

It was one of the top And Carol g also
performed as part of the Summer Music Concert Series this
year and I think she set attendance records. So it
just shows you how powerful Latinos are and like what
them said, our music isn't Latin music anymore. And this
is where we've been evolving to I think in season
one for us.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
Is we are music? This isn't just Latin music anymore.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
I actually want to ask you a little bit about
the rolling Stone covers because you did mention two really
big ones. Who has been your favorite Rolling Stone cover
with one of the icons?

Speaker 3 (19:23):
Is it?

Speaker 5 (19:24):

Speaker 1 (19:25):
Is it? Who is it? Because I know because Mark,
Anthony and Gloria do not have Rolling Stone covers, but
Shakira does.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
Wonder why Thomas a tribute later?

Speaker 1 (19:36):
There it's not I.

Speaker 4 (19:37):
Wasn't there, I wasn't born.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Because Shakina has had three covers, plus the shared cover
with Brittany and Mary Jay I loved that one. Ricky
had one makes sense in nineteen ninety nine, of course.
And then let's see who else we've had. We've had
j Lo a million times. Lin Manuel had a cover one, yeah,
en hamsk he was in costume. And then Cardian Offset

had one together. Has Cardi had a solo cover? Do
you know?

Speaker 4 (20:05):
Oh? There is a Cardi solo cover actually for our
hot issuetday twenty seventeen before the cover with Offset.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
So there you go.

Speaker 4 (20:12):
So they say.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Twenty seventeen, wow, wow, right, Carti's been around a.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Minute she has, and then Bruno has had three covers.

Speaker 4 (20:20):

Speaker 1 (20:21):
His We're always so our icons have definitely been represented well,
not enough.

Speaker 5 (20:25):
We never have enough. Let's be very clear. I'm not
saying we have enough representation.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
I'm saying we've been well represented and we can't wait
to see more. Now, speaking of I do want to
talk a little bit about this current state that we said.
We talked about Bad Bunny, but we didn't touch on
it fully. How much do you attribute the success and
power and streams just in numbers alone to one person,

like to him.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
Well, I think Bad Bunny has carried a lot of
those streaming numbers in the same way we would say
Drake Caster a lot of rap music. I think like
those are the key players in those John Resident will
always play a big role in that, and I think
they're one of the biggest transsetters. And they're tapping into
that music that people are listening to, So they're really
bringing in that new era of artists, and it's kind

of like trickling down, Like if you like a Bad Bunny,
you'll find artists who you'll like as well through that.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
I love it, and he's also so supportive. I think
that's one of the things.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
That makes him sure, very inclusive.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
So inclusive, he's always passing the torch, and he's always
wanting to talk about who's coming next. And he's not afraid,
like he comes from abundance, not from scarcity. We've talked
about that a lot, right with musicians. I think in
the eighties and nineties, if you were a Latin X
or Latin musician, you were like, oh wait, there's only
the space for one Latino artist. There can only be

one female and one male. So you were so competitive, right,
you weren't willing to bring people up with you. Now
Bad Bunny, I think is so secure in who he
is as an artist and so secure in the power
of Latin music that he's like, let me bring everybody.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
Everybody win me, right if we.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
Win as a gold Buddha, like everybody, everybody wins. And
we're going to get to that a little bit talking
about the future of lat music. So I know you
guys recently just published Meat Music's Future twenty five, which
of course features Peso.

Speaker 5 (22:06):
We'll get to that individus so good, so good, but before.

Speaker 1 (22:09):
We do that, I do want to talk about Bad
Bunny's new album Nadia Samayana. Have you heard it?

Speaker 4 (22:16):
I have not heard it.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
See I thought you had some tea, because I figure
everyone at Rolling Stone got some kind of advanced teezer.
What do you think it's going to be? Do you
think it is a return to sound cloud Bad Bunny?
Because if you saw the teaser on his Instagram, he
has a shaved head. It's very akin to the look
that he had when he first started. So people are

saying this is him going back to his roots, which
I don't know that he ever left his roots, and
he got experimental with it, but I think he's always
been at the core.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
Of it.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Yeah, what do you think, Thomas, Do you think we're
going to get something old or something new from him?

Speaker 4 (22:54):
I think we're going to get references to the past.
I think that with somebody like bad Bunny, he's going
through this very pivotal moment in terms of like his
space in the culture, in terms of his relationship and
how he's viewed in general by latinos, and by shaving
his head, he's like, I'm still the same bee. Oh
I can say, bitch right, I'm still the same bitch
I was when I started, you know, But I do

think that it'll be Bad Bunny tapping into like that
original essence that we've always had, but maybe elevating it
a little bit more. I think there's a lot of
expectation with this album because he's been consistently delivering, you know,
and I think it'll be very exciting to see what
this means for his career and for his music.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
Okay, Curveball, don't what are you gonna do?

Speaker 1 (23:38):
What do you think of Kendall and Bad Bunny?

Speaker 4 (23:40):
How dare you?

Speaker 3 (23:41):

Speaker 5 (23:43):
Mommy be goodful?

Speaker 1 (23:47):
What do we think? Is it real or is this
a Chris Jenner masterful exercise in public relations?

Speaker 4 (23:56):
This is a really difficult question you're putting on the spot.
I think there are elements of reality. I think it's
a real relationship. I think that I sometimes question what
they talk about at the dinner table and how they
relate to each other besides their wealth. But also, this
is super random. I had dinner at this restaurant and
our waiter said that the waiter was serving Bad Bunny

and Kendall. This is very third person story, sure, and
that they had good chemistry at the table. So if
we're trusting them with real like period, it's real.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
But also I'm gonna say Bad Bunny is also like
a nice person and a gentleman, and you know what
I mean, So what's not to like just because also
it's something so out of her own.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
Honey, I'm not questioning that she I'm not questioning.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
I think that he's also just kind of like, this
is Kendall Jenner. Like whatever we think about her, you know,
this is still Kendall Jenner, like one of the biggest
models in the world, related to the most famous family
in the world.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
But do you even think that would be a track. Mean,
he's one of the biggest stars but in the world.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
Beautiful and a model, like a real working one.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
That's so that to me, I get the physical attraction.
I think that they're a beautiful couple, like I like,
they're gorgeous. Like to me, it would be like fireworks.
I just further with THEMA said, how do they communicate? Sure,
what's the nature of the conversation? What are we talking about?

Speaker 3 (25:19):
Yeah, I mean, like, is she taking Spanish lessons?

Speaker 5 (25:23):
Do a lingo?

Speaker 4 (25:23):

Speaker 1 (25:24):
It's an app sponsor us do a lingo? We could
talk about Bad Bunny again all day. So I'm gonna stop,
but I do want to talk a little bit about
Rolling Stones Meet Musics Feature twenty five. So Domas who
on this list is a standout to you in the
Latin music space for sure?

Speaker 4 (25:44):
This this is really interesting because Bad Bunny actually helped
us curate a lot of it. He gave us some
of his picks on this list, including the Thiano who
for me is one of the greatest promises of Latin
wrath and she's like a trans goddess legend vibes. I
think she'll definitely become one of those people influential people.

There's best Bluma had to be on there as well,
also one of Bad Bunny's picks, and like just a
Quartz is on there as well. There's a There's a
wide array of stars that I think are going to
be playing on the radio for quite some time. We're
on our Spotify playlist.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Okay, radio, honey, you were radio with a radio a tuner?
Who has a tuner? Okay, So, given your musical prowess
and expertise, our listeners love to know who to listen to,
who do they want to stream, who do they want
to add to their playlist? So I'm going to ask
you a couple of questions. Bad Bunny fill in the

blank for rest of us.

Speaker 4 (26:48):
I would say it right now. Have you heard it
right now?

Speaker 5 (26:51):

Speaker 4 (26:52):
No, She's a Puerto Rican female star that bad Bunny
has been like really pushing for for a really long time,
and she lives in that same world. You'll have to
listen to because you're gonna be like shacking ass for real.

Speaker 5 (27:07):
Download right now, download right now, right now?

Speaker 1 (27:11):
Okay, the USA Selena Baby, Well, let's do both.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
Oh whoa, Okay, I got you. I have a good
one for both. If you like Selena Kitania, you should
be listening to Estevi or Stevie. She just released a
new EP called Gumbilicious that is phenomenal. She's giving pop.
Selena Kitania, this new girl. I love her.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
Whoa, I can't even I'm down.

Speaker 5 (27:38):
I'm taking Do you see me taking? How often do
I take notes?

Speaker 3 (27:40):

Speaker 4 (27:41):

Speaker 3 (27:41):
No, Also, I'm gonna need to We're gonna share.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Okay, see the Usta Baby Selena Selena Gomez.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
There's this girl group named Bella Dos. I love them
and they are they have those elements of pop that
you would associate with Selena Gomez but also has elements
of bou Chat that of R and B. There's a
little bit of everything on their new album l Pop,
which stands for a Latin pop. Y'all need to get
into that because.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
They're y Okay, Mark Anthony aka J Loo's x Gusta, Let's.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
See what other excesses are Mania music these days. I'm
just kidding, No, I that's area I can't do. Mark Anthony.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
Well, who's like a new salt, who's a new ballad singer?

Speaker 4 (28:29):
Yeah, Who's I don't think there's very many seal settles
out there right now.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Like space, Somebody better come for it, dude.

Speaker 4 (28:39):
I agree, I agree, No, But I'm if you're into
Bruno Mars and Mark Anthony, let's say Omar Apollo. That's
somebody who I think is generally acceptable for any audience
and who's an amazing Latin artist.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
Love it Okay, Now you're Queen j Loustau.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
Ali Brooke Do you know Ali from for the Harmony?

Speaker 3 (29:07):
Ali? Yes?

Speaker 4 (29:09):
Yes? Ali Brooke is having a comeback right now. She
just dropped the single called Gone to Bed. But if
you listen to her discography, she has really cool Latino
fusion songs that work really well.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
I'm here for it. I'm ready for these girls, Like,
I mean, I love Normani, but I'm like when is it,
Like when is it going to hit? Like I'm ready
for these girls to like step out and do it.
I mean, Camilla, I think is amazing, but I want
the rest of them to have that same success. I
want them to have their moment. I'm ready for these girls.
I think they're also uniquely talented in their own way.

They're young, like let's do it right, Like, let's let's
get after it.

Speaker 4 (29:44):
And if you have listened to Camila's new album Familia,
is it so good? Fire? It's really good. It's the
Latino and fusionists that we're talking about on this podcast,
Like there's English Mariacci, there's like Latin Spanish pop, like
it's all of the above, and I think that's what's
perfect about it.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
Well, And isn't that such a reflection of who we
are as Latinos here in the US too? I Mean,
we're all made up of such a variety right of
cultural experiences, Like we're America, but we're still Latino. We
speak English, but we also speak Spanish, Like we like
country music, but we also like Regaton, Like I think
that's so.

Speaker 4 (30:20):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
I think it embodies how we exist in the US.
It's time for our icon showdown. Oh no, oh yeah,

So we're gonna play referees the mass.

Speaker 5 (30:43):
You're stepping into the ring. Okay, here we go.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
You're gonna have to pick a winner from these two songs.

Speaker 5 (30:51):
Ready, yes and ready Okay.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
On the Floor by Jennifer Lopez or Hips Don't Lie
by Shakira.

Speaker 4 (30:59):
Oh my god, you're starting off really strong.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
With hard hard hard, Like this is like calculus. We
got to go there because.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
Like on the Floor pop, ifs Don't Lie also pop,
but like Ifs Don't Lie Shakira.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Whoa, I'm sure that you actually went there. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 4 (31:15):

Speaker 1 (31:16):
I like It by Cardi B. Or Lose You to
Love Me Selena Gomez.

Speaker 4 (31:22):
I like it by Cardi B.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
I like it Okay, Gonga by Gloria Stefan or vv
MEB that Margana.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
I was going to say, it has to be like
that because those are tough.

Speaker 4 (31:35):
That pair of is very, very tough. I'm gonna have
to say iconicness levelness conga.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
Wow, Okay, oh you ready two rap songs rapsh my
shot Lin, Manuel, Miranda and Hamilton or Fetid. You have
better though, Okay, last begat Ricky Martin or VERSACEI on

the floor, Bruno Mars.

Speaker 4 (32:11):
I'm gonna have to go with my gay icon legend Ricky.

Speaker 5 (32:15):
Beg Let's do it.

Speaker 1 (32:17):
I love that. That was so fun.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
You were so good.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
That was hard.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
It's really hard because they all stand alone. But listen,
at the end of the day, if you've only got
ten songs to add to your playlist, got to make room,
got to make room. So the Mas, what is your
astrological sign?

Speaker 4 (32:33):
I am a virgo?

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Oh oh no, no, don't start just kidding scared.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
You know who else is a virgo?

Speaker 4 (32:43):
Actually? I do Gladia Stepan she is she is.

Speaker 1 (32:47):
So for our loyal listeners, you know that we love
to have a little fun with our astrological signs and
our in house Walter Mergado, Ak, Joseph Garrio, so Joseah.
We've talked a little bit about the present state of
music with Themas, but you're going to take us into
the future, baby, Okay.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
I am.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
I am going to take you in the future with
a few people that I think need to be talked about.
So I want to start twenty twenty four with bad
Bunny and he is a Pisces.

Speaker 3 (33:13):
So here is the tea for you guys.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
It is a year of two halves, So the first
half is going to test your patients with potential work
pressures and financial constraints. But luck is on your side
for the second half. But stay focused and work hard.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
So is he going to break his Spotify global streaming
record in twenty twenty four?

Speaker 5 (33:35):
What say you?

Speaker 3 (33:36):
I think with this new album it is going to
change the.

Speaker 5 (33:39):
World, Thomas, what do you think?

Speaker 4 (33:41):
Cannot confirm? For Din I.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
He's such a pro. Okay, I need to know what
is in store for j Lo?

Speaker 5 (33:52):
Are power Leo?

Speaker 3 (33:54):
All right?

Speaker 4 (33:55):
J Loo?

Speaker 2 (33:56):
The Power Leo twenty twenty four is giving a little
bit of good and it's I need to be a
little bit challenging. But stay calm and be patient and
take everything as a lesson learned. Keep yourself composed. Think
twice before using any bitter statements or throwing shade at
your partner.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
Or making faces in the car when you're fighting.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
With the halfleck Yes like that, and take time to
take care of yourself.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
Be patient and be kind to yourself. In twenty twenty four.

Speaker 5 (34:23):
J Loo new music. We just got to wait, so Massa,
Did we just get new music from Jaalo?

Speaker 4 (34:27):
No, we're going to get new music from Jayla?

Speaker 1 (34:30):
Do they keep delaying that? I thought that was going
to happen in the summer.

Speaker 4 (34:34):
It was supposed to happen this year, and Alyssa, it
was delayed. But I got to listen to it and
it's really good.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
We also, let me just tell you that's why stress,
anxiety and pressure are getting very heavy for Leo in
twenty twenty four.

Speaker 5 (34:45):
Because the album's coming.

Speaker 4 (34:47):

Speaker 5 (34:48):
But the musses it's good.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
I can't wait.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
He also doesn't sugarcoat, he's not liar.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
I can't wait to hear it. Now, can you sneak
us something I.

Speaker 4 (34:57):
Sure cannot.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Okay? And then last but not least, we have to
talk about Ricky Martin.

Speaker 3 (35:06):
Oh m geez, what's his sign?

Speaker 2 (35:09):
By the way, Ricky Martin is a Capracorn. Okay, So
this year has a lot of luck for Capricorn. So
it's very fortunate time for you guys. There's going to
be a lot of career opportunities and a lot of many, Henny,
but with many, you better invest it. You better invest
it in your health, in your body, and in your mind.

Because you want to keep a healthy bank account. You
want to just keep everything in order. Don't splurge, not
twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Let's save, really, really, let's say, let's save.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
I know I just got to diamon embrace it, but
I'm not a Capricorn. I'm a Taurus.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
I'm a little bit scared to have you give me aries,
so I'm just gonna skip that one. Thank you. I'd
rather just kind of play my luck with the signs.
Let it go, just let it go, let it Yes,
that is my that is my moo.

Speaker 5 (35:56):
Going into twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
Okay, Thomas, we can't let you go without asking you
something that we have asked ourselves but won't answer because
it's way too hard of a question. So we're going
to put it on you.

Speaker 3 (36:09):

Speaker 1 (36:10):
I know you have like an encyclopedia of music in
your brain. If you had to pick your top three
Latin songs of all time, I'm talking all time, they
don't not too popular now, it doesn't have to be
something that's relevant.

Speaker 5 (36:26):
Now, what are.

Speaker 4 (36:27):
They since we started this episode talking about fang Gabrielle
and the icons that were not recognized on this season.
I'm going to start my three songs with a by
Fango riel specifically, his rendition is so beautiful.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
It's that is to me, like you talk about performances
that are, like, you know, life changing, and you see
something you're never the same again.

Speaker 5 (36:54):
If you guys have not watched this, go on YouTube
and watch it. That's from us. I love you. You're
so good. That's such a good one, okay you.

Speaker 4 (37:01):
My number two is going to be another Mexican icon
of the same level of I would say in the
songwriting realm, and that's going to be by Joan Sebastian.

Speaker 5 (37:13):
I've not heard that.

Speaker 3 (37:15):

Speaker 4 (37:16):
Once you listen to it, he literally sings about crossing
mountains and rivers because he loves this woman so much.
He will do literally anything.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
I've done that I want to be loved like that.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
I love you. That is probably one of the best
when it comes to songwriting.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Wow, on my playlist.

Speaker 4 (37:34):
Please get into it.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
Thomas, are you starting a podcast all the time?

Speaker 3 (37:37):
Because you bet?

Speaker 1 (37:38):
I know you better.

Speaker 5 (37:39):
Because I need to know about these people.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
Okay. And then last, but certainly, not least just third.
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
Whoa hey, but all of your ship is all love?
Are you in love? Thomas? No, I just go out
it's all oh so, he's reminiscent.

Speaker 5 (38:00):
Having a hot girl Winter having a hot girl Winter girl.

Speaker 4 (38:03):
From the gaze of my a. They can't see me yet,
but you can see me visually on my Instagram.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
And if you're listening and you want to see, it's
gonna be worth it.

Speaker 3 (38:12):
Look them us true.

Speaker 1 (38:13):
Thomas, you are truly so special to me. I have
loved getting to know you, watching your career just explode,
and I am so so honored that you were a
guest on our show because to me, this is like
the beginning of something so special for you. I think
people really need to hear your voice, your thoughts, and
your expertise in this industry.

Speaker 5 (38:30):
So I thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
And remember, guys, you can follow the mass on Instagram.
He is Thomas underscore Mire on ig and Thomas on TikTok.

Speaker 4 (38:40):
Thank you, Love, thank you for having me with such
a pleasure.

Speaker 1 (38:47):
I said thank you to Thomas, and I've said thank
you to our listeners. I've not said thank you to you.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
Oh God, I'm gonna cry.

Speaker 1 (38:56):
Seriously, no, no, seriously, though this has been so much fun,
I can't believe this is actually work, because it never
feels like work when I'm sitting across from you.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
Oh, it has been amazing. It's you know, I'm going
wait what, I'm having a premonition something's happening and I
see twenty twenty four.

Speaker 5 (39:18):
What do you say?

Speaker 3 (39:19):
I feel like we need to get some Margarita's and
planned for season two.

Speaker 1 (39:22):
Okay, okay, okay, hold on, b listen, You've never been wrong.
It happened, and we have one that watching over us,
so hold that thought before we go. We want to say,
if you guys like becoming an icon, please please please
please rate the show. Write us a review. It can
be in English or Spanish or Spanglish.

Speaker 3 (39:42):
Yes, we love Spanglish.

Speaker 1 (39:43):
We love a little Spanglish. And share it with your friends,
share it with your family. It would mean so much
to Joseph and I because just because the season's over,
some of you might have met us during Bruno Mars,
some of you might have met us from the very
beginning with Bad Bunny, and some of you maybe just
started listening to Gloria so remember there's thirty six episodes.

Go back and join them all and have a margarita
for us. We'll see you guys soon, Bye bye. Becoming
an Icon is presented by Sonoo and Iheart's Michael Duda
podcast Network. Listen to Becoming an Icon on the iHeartRadio app,

Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast
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