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April 12, 2024 23 mins

Vanessa Tyler talks with world-renowned cardiologist Professor Dr. Ernst von Schwarz  about extending human life expectancy through science and technology, and the social implications of longevity.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
How old are you?

Speaker 2 (00:01):

Speaker 1 (00:01):
You getting up there?

Speaker 2 (00:03):

Speaker 1 (00:04):
Want to stay fabulous for a long time. I speak
with a doctor who is so convinced, and as me
convinced too, we don't ever have to get old, well
in the traditional sense.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
We can live longer. We can live probably to one
hundred twenty hundred fifty years within the next ten years.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
You heard him, to one hundred and twenty one hundred
and fifty years old and still be in our right minds.
Now on black Land and now as a brown person,
you just feel so invisible. It's not where we're from.
And brothers and sisters, I welcome you to this joyful
day and we celebrate freedom.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Where we are I know someone heard something and where
we're going.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
We the people means all the people.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
The Black Information Network presents Blackland with your host Vanessa Tyler.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
What would you like to live a long life? Not
the long you're thinking, I mean biblically long, like one
hundred and fifty years old. Impossible? Not according to doctor
Ernst von Schwarz, he is a cardiologist by training. Doctor.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Welcome, thank you for having me on, Vanessa, my pleasure.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Now doctor, really can we live to one hundred and twenty,
one hundred and thirty, one hundred and fifty and more importantly,
would we want to.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Well, yes and no. First of all, we have so
much advances in biomedical research and biotechnology in our hands
and at our hands nowadays that we understand more and
more what the underlying mechanisms of sinessence are. Sinescence stands

for aging, so we know sinessin sells, how they work.
We know why and how our tissues become older and
older and why they failed to repair at one point
in time, so we have tons of basic research to
it nowadays. The next step is just to implement them
in clinical practice, and that's what we are trying to

do nowadays, including the use of what we call regeneritor
of medicine, including them cell therapies to repair damage. And
by thus yes, number one, we can live longer. We
can live probably to one hundred hundred, twenty hundred fifty
years within the next ten years. But it's not really

our goal to just prolong life numerically, so we don't
want to create a population of senior citizens in senior
citizen homes who cannot move for immobile and frail and
can't talk or do anything just the opposite. Do We
want to prolong what we call the health span, meaning

we want to prevent immobility, we want to prevent frailty
and muscle weakness, and we want to keep people healthy
and active until high ages. And that's all possible nowadays.

Speaker 1 (03:12):
Wow, Now I'm just thinking some people are broken at
fifty and you're saying that what you're talking about not
only is the longevity of age, but the kind of
like the longevity of youth.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
That's the goal of Vanessa. Absolutely. Again, we don't want
to just create an existence with weakness. So the goal
of medicine is not only, of course, to react to diseases.
That's what we are practicing. And I'm a cardiologist and
a transmitting cardiologist, so I deal with patients are very

very sick at the edge of dying. But what we
want to do is we want to be proactive. We
want to change the paradigm from reactive medicine to regenerative medicine,
meaning we want to be able to avoid the h
related degeneration of our joints, of our muscles, of our

brain tissue, of our heart tissue. And that's possible and doable.
It's not just taking a pill, an anti aging pill,
so and everything is fine. No, it doesn't work like that.
It's much more complicated. But if you look, for example,
I'm sure you have heard about the Blue Zones from

but now who published that years ago? These are the
five areas in the world. One is in Loma Linda, California.
Another one is a Costa Rica. There's Sardinia, there's an
island in Japan. And in those areas, the so called
Blue zones, people live more than a hundred or one
hundred and ten years, and they have certain characteristics which

are similar even though they are far apart from each other.
And the main characteristics is about their diet. They have
a very healthy balanced mainly plant based fresh diets or
no processed foods or hardly processed foods, not that much
meat less crops, much more vegetables, fruit, fresh fish, and

so on. The second thing is, interestingly enough, nobody in
those Blue zones ever saw a gym from the inside,
so they don't exercise. That might sound counterproductive, so they
have to walk or something exactly. That's what they're doing.
They do everything on their feet. Basically, they are moving around.

They don't do gym exercises, but they move around. They
don't drive, they walk everywhere until high ages. And the
next point is very important in my opinion, is that
they are very actively involved into in their community activities
until high ages, meaning they have a purpose, they have activities,

they have a task. They are not at the edges
of society. They are within the midst of society involved.
And so diet, physical activity, physical activity in general, mental activity.
But also another point which always comes up is of

course the belief in higher powers, meditation, prayers, all this
comes together. If we combine that with our basic research
data how to prevent or treat s essence, aging of cells,
and how to repair damage using regenerative medicine methods, then

we can definitely achieve longevity. And not saying immortality because
that's a different story, but longevity.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
Wow. I was going to ask you about faith, the
important sole that plays into all this. But you know, doctor,
Black people traditionally, if preserved, can look twenty thirty years younger,
but our life expectancy is shorter. How can we live

that long?

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Well? For Avingan Americans in particular, one of the biggest
issues and I'm seeing that everything day among my patients
is there is a different spectrum of calivascular diseases in
African American patients compared to Caucasians or Asians. In particular,
there is a much higher prevalence of high blood pressure

and uncontrolled high blood pressure, and as a result, African
American people develop much earlier and much more severe what
we call hypertensive heart disease. The issue is that uncontrolled
high blood pressure doesn't hurt. So I don't know what
my blood pressure is right now. You probably know what

yours is unless human. So oftentimes we not even know
that our blood pressure is high, and then we don't
take it that serious because we don't have pain. But
the problem is if if we don't take it serious enough,
then it will create a lot of problems, in particular
for the heart and the vuscular system. So our blood
vessels become stiff, they develop altho sclerosis, the heart muscle

becomes thickened because that left fendly lyapurchape that leads to
diastolic disfunch, meaning stiffening of the heart that then in
tonal leads to heart failure and that leads to premature death.
So there is reasons which we know nowadays, especially for
African American people, and the main thing is ready to

prevent and aggressively, very aggressively treat those known risk factors,
especially high blood pressure, also diabetes, also uncontrolled cholesterol levels,
and avoid tox since, of course, like smoking or other
risk factors.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
We are thinking of living forever with. Doctor Ernst van Schwartz,
the author of the Secrets of Immortality. Tell us, doctor
a little more about your background.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Well, I'm a cardiologist, I'm a scientist. I'm a stem
cell researcher, clinical as well as basically researcher. I work
as a general cardiologist, interventional cardiologists and hart fare transfer
cardiologists and Los Angeles I work out of CLOSINAI Medical
Center as well as other hospitals, so I see patients

basically all day long in hospitals or my offices. But
I'm also heavily involved in stem cell therapy since more
than twenty years now, from the very beginning until the
clinical studies we're conducting right now. But i also have
a PhD in theology, so I'm a theologian and I

talk about and lecture about science and faith. And I'm
a strong believer, and that's why I don't believe in
a biologic immortality, but definitely in a longevity. And besides
being just here on this planet for no known reason,

I think there's more to it than what we know nowadays,
and that's of course the mystery of faith, which we
probably will never know as long as we live, but
maybe afterwards.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
You're also in Hollywood, so of course looking good and
camera ready are vital for business. But I'm curious when
one lives to be that old, how do they look?
Main question, but legitimate one.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Well, I mean right now, the last months of the
last two months were the awards seasons here in Hollywood
and Los Angeles with the odd Scars and the Grams
for whatever other awards, just before the red carpet events.

We have, of course, lots of patients coming to us,
for example, stem cell injections in the phase and that's
stem cell therapy is not FDA approved, it's not widely recommended.
It's considered experimental, but it works, that's the bottom line.
And if we inject people with stem cell stem cell
derived products into the facial skin, for example, it does

a couple of things. Number one is that those cells
are anti inflammatory, so if there's any damage in the
skin that can be repaired. Number two, they create what
we call angiogenesis, meaning they build new blood vessels and
by thus improve the circulation and perfusion in the skin.
And number three, they repair damage and also stimulate collagen production.

So in other words, after a week or two you
can see it. People suddenly look five years younger or more.
Their face glows and everybody think, wow, that person must
be there in their thirties. But they're double that age,
you know, And I'm not exaggerating in this regard. That's
why everybody in the red carpet looks a good Wait.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
A minute, So these stem cells, is it coming from
your own body or where are they coming from?

Speaker 2 (12:23):
Well, there's different sources, of course. No, we don't use
them anymore. We did that fifteen years ago. We used
the ones from our own body. No, we use donor cells.
They come from placa. It's not embryonic, by the way,
and I never would do that as a theologian in particular,
but it's placenta derived stem cells. Wharton Shelley on bilitical

Court and so on. So this is from donors. So
it's medical waste which is used by laboratories, and we
have our own lab because you want to make sure
it's not contaminated and it's it's pure and so on.
And those cells from placenta tissue, for example, or umbilical

court blood, they are of course much more potent, much stronger,
much more viable than if we would use my own
or your own, because they represent our age, and we
don't want those want the strongest one in the freshest one.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
I mentioned at the top doctor. In biblical times people
really lived long lives. But if people really did live
that long, what would it mean for our society.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Well, that's a good question, Vanessa, which always comes up
when a teacher a lecture about that topic. And of course,
again we don't want to create a society of people
who can't contribute. But that's not the goal. The goal
is really to keep people active until high ages. Active
in an economic view, active in a social view also,

because there is no reason really not to be active
in society as long as you have the physical capacity.
And what we are improving with the methods we are
trying to implement in what we call anti aging therapy
is to keep people mobile to keep people strong to

basically to fight H related degeneration. H is not People
always argue, well, H is a natural cycle and that's
a good thing. Well it is in part. But H,
on the other hand, is a number one risk factor
for dying, and more people die of advanced H than

of anything else combined. So H is nowadays considered a
disease if it goes hand in hand with H related
organ degeneration. And that's what we are seeing every day.
We're seeing people with heart disease, and that's much more
prevalent with advanced age. We see people with weakness of

the muscles because of advanced age and immobility we saw
we see fraility and immobility because of H related degeneration,
and that's what we are fighting against.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Wow, you mentioned contributing to society. What would it mean economically?
I'm just thinking social security for instance, they're already talking
about running out of funds. What would we, you know, do,
would we work at one, one hundred and twenty years old,
would we, you know, become a greeter at Walmart? What
kind of work would we do?

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Well? I'm not an especialist in economics, of course, so
that's that's not my field, but I mean as someone wishes.
So I just saw a few minutes ago, I received
a text from a friend of mine with my age
from Germany and telling me it is getting to retire,

and I was like speechless. I said, why in the
world would you retire at that age? I mean, there's
only one reason, being sick of working. But other than that,
I mean, if you enjoy what you are doing, why
not continuing? You know, it doesn't mean someone has to

work in high ages, but I mean there shouldn't be.
That's more problem in Europe actually than in the US
that people automatically retire when there are fifty five sixty
sixty five or so. If you're a lawyer, then it's
sixty seven, but they have to go into retirement. I
think that's completely acceaggerated and unnecessary.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
Right. You know what else, doctor, what about relationships? Now?
How many marriages do you think people would have in
a lifetime of one hundred and fifty years.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
That's a good question. I don't think I'm the right
person to answer that. I was married a couple of times,
so I'm not sure. But I mean the bottom line
is that you have to have a healthy family life,
and you have to have a healthy social life to survive.
I mean, for me as a cardiologist, the worst thing

in being in hospitals every single day is seeing elderly
people without any social or family support. That's it's sad,
and it's it's very disappointing, you know, to to encounter that.
And that's everywhere, and at least in the Western bold.

You know, I spent years in the Middle East, where
it was a complete different thing, where people the elderly
are taking into higher account than the children sometimes, you know,
but in our Western societies we often forget about the elderly,
and I think that's wrong. So I think a healthy
family life living together is essentially including a healthy of

course personal intimate relationship, because all this contributes to a
healthy mind in a healthy body.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
Yeah, I'm thinking, you know, maybe people wouldn't be thrown
away so so much, meaning the elderly, if there was
the thought that they were going to be around for
much longer. And of course you talk about you know,
our healthy minds. Dementia, Alzheimer's, other diseases like that, of

course would be answered by you know, those rejuvenated cells
that we would have in that type of medicine, so
we'd be sharp from head to toe.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
I mean, especially what I'm mentioning now whenessa those notlogy
general diseases, whether it's Parkinson's, whether it's Alzheimer's, dementia, or
multiple sclerosis. These are, interestingly enough, the conditions which risk
want amazingly to stemsar therapies. Again, don't misunderstand me. I'm
not saying it's approved, it's not fd air proof, but

from our own studies, from published studies, and from anecdotal reports,
there is no cure of any of those diseases using
regenerative therapy, but there's definitely a regression of the progression
of the diseases, meaning improvement of symptoms. And I see
that almost every single day. So we can't heal those people,

but we can improve them, and that can contribute to
a more active and longer, healthier life.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
And you would throw cancer into that as well.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
No, cancer is a complete different story. And even though
some people believe that there might be stem cell therapy
options for cancer, usually no, with one exception, which is
a transplantation of stem cells in certain forms of blood cancer.
But that's something which has been after you approved since

twenty years. That's a complete different story. But other than that, again,
I'm not an oncologist, so it's not my area, but
I personally stay away from any regenerative therapy if there's
any active cancer involved because that just requires a complete
different scenario of follow ups and testing. So if someone

has active cancer, I would not go that route with
regenerator therapy, right, this is fascinating.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
Doctor. You mentioned at the top as we wrap that
you kind of project ten years out or so that
we'd start to see these advanced ages. Is that how
soon You're thinking.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
Well, we see it already. So when I came to
LA for example, which is like I think eighteen years
or so ago, I was going to Sniff's skilled nursing
facilities to see some of my patients, and I remember
at that time it was very rare that within a
skilled nursing facilities someone celebrated a nineteenth birthday was extremely rare. Nowadays,

I'm still going to some of those skilled nursing facilities
to see some of my patients, Like every week they
have someone's hundredth birthday. Within the last ten fifteen years,

we see that people at least in this area here
live longer. And I mean again, they have the same characteristics.
Nobody who was one hundred is overweight. They have a
healthy weight. They're active, they are clear minded. They have
been active their whole life. They live a healthy existence

with their healthy diet, and they keep themselves active and
busy by reading, by participating in community activities and events.
And then they are open also to newer therapies. Like
I said at the beginning, it's not a single pill
and then that's anti aging. No, it's much more than that.

It's a combination of lifestyle modification and doctor.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
Where can our listeners learn more about your work?

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Well, I mean they can of course look me up
on Google. Doctor hunts von Schwartz, So we have a
website as dr von Schwartz dot com. I wrote a
book on stem Celves, A Secret World of Sensor Therapy,
What Everybody Should Know about Health build and anti aging Breakthroughs,
which came out a year ago, and then recently The

Secrets of Immortality. Those books are available on Bonds and Noble, Amazon, Target,
you name it, everywhere.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
On Schwartz Keep the Fire, Extinguish your handy for all
those candles on those birthday cakes.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
That sounds question. Thank you so much for having me
on Vanessa Grandma.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
You set off the fire alarm
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