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October 3, 2022 66 mins

Taking a break from DWTS week 3 prep, Cheryl and her partner Sam Champion take a break from dancing to catch up on life!As Cheryl focuses on what she wants, she identifies Sam’s marriage to be #goals. Plus more BTS of DWTS including… The effect the competition is having on their friendship!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
This is Burke in the Game and I heard radio podcast.
Hey guys, welcome to Burke in the Game. It's so
good too. I guess I could say finally be back.
Um you can. Maybe you'll see this, maybe you won't.
But I have another mic here with no person because
we're going to have my partner, Sam Champion coming on
and I'm very excited. He's never been to my home,

so I you know, it's really interesting because we're friends, right,
We've been friends from almost a decade, yet we haven't
done anything friendly, meaning we've been only in work mode.
I've only been dance mom Cheryl and not friend Cheryl,
so you probably forgot about what that was like. And
he's probably like, why was I friends with his dance mom?
She's psycho. Um. But so it's really nice to get

out of the studio. Obviously this is work still, but um,
at least it's more of a comfortable setting where I live.
And uh yeah, So I wanted to just give you
guys an update. Eight Um, thank you for your support.
First of all, through it feels like eight weeks of
Dancing with the Stars, but it's only been two full
weeks and Sam is doing so well, you know, he

clearly has no dance experience, but this is what the
premise of the show is. And I've said this before,
but I've it's starting to prove my point when I
when I've said it's easier to train non dancers into
ballroom dancers than it is to train already great dancers,
like hip hop dancers or like a J. McLean. Obviously
he was amazing, but it's harder to untrain the brain

and whatever muscle memory you've developed already. It's really interesting
to see Sam really improve, like every day he improves,
and I think this is why, and I'm hoping we
continue on on the show. But I do believe people
love to see the journey, right. No one wants to
see a great dancer end up being an even better dancer.
Someone wants to see a celebrity come in here to

left feet and then all of a sudden be able
to dance. And I think, you know, he defines what
Dancing with the Stars is all about. And to be honest,
I couldn't be happier dancing with my friend. I hope
he still thinks of me as his friend. UM through
this amazing you know show and my twenty six season.
I just can't believe it. I'm it's still like, um,

Whenever I say that the number, I'm like, holy crap.
Some of the Troope members, one of the new guys, D'Angelo,
he was like yesterday, he was like, wait, you've been
on since I was four. I'm like, oh my god,
I'm old. Um. But I'm so grateful and thank you
guys for all of your support. Once again, don't forget
to vote for us Monday. You guys know the you

know details. When it comes to dating or dating, WHOA
what's on my mind? Guys? Dating, speaking of anyway, go
to my Instagram or go to Burke in the Game
at Burke in the Game on our Instagram page to
check out how to vote. Speaking of dating, still not
dating obviously, because I'm really dating Sam By about the sex.

Sam and I are seeing each other way too much,
but we love each other so that helps. But also
Sam has had his lovely husband around, which has been
really cool for me to witness how supportive and what
the definition of what that means. Right because I live
in a bubble, as you guys know, and so we
all do. I believe um, but to see and to

actually be present and be aware of what love looks like.
The last few weeks has been so eye opening and
it has really taught me so much. You know, rub
him is his name. Hopefully we'll get a chance to
have a quick interview with him as well towards the
end of this um interview with Sam, because they're both

going to be here. But you know, Sam hasn't been
He's not years old, right, he's sixty one. He's been
in a lot of pain and he looks amazing, but
like ball room dancing is no joke, so he has been.
He's some nerve has been bothering him in his hip
and rub him, his husband has just been there every
single step of the way, massaging him, getting him icy

hot or whatever the heck it's called, and making him
baths and like it's just so sweet and with nothing
in like, no expectations in return. I asked Sam this
a while ago, I said, has he is he always
like this? He goes, well, I've never really had anybody.
I've never really had a job that required so much um,
you know, physical activity. And you know rubim. You know,

they both came from New York. We were supposed to
be traveling back and forth, but with the intensity of
the schedule and um, how this is seven days a week.
This is just not um realistic to be able to
travel back and forth and for Sam to do the
weather um at this moment, because it's only going to
get worse. And I love just going back to their marriage.

There's so much love, there no expectations from either side,
and I just want to be able to hopefully one
day find someone like that as well. It is, Um,
it has been such a short yet long journey. I
have definitely been more awake, meaning during the season, meaning

like I am a lot more present, I think than
I've ever been, and I am just trying to just
surrender to the good, bad and ugly and um it's
been really scary, but also you know, it's been eye
opening and I have I am now officially divorced. This
all happened the premier night of Dancing with the Stars,

and I um saw it in the press, didn't believe
it until my attorney called me two days later. But
it's still not over because we have to um maybe
go to trial. Uh, well, we are going to go
to trial until unless he all of a sudden calls
it off, but that would happen, and that will happen
in January. UM. I'm just still really hurt by the

whole situation. I just don't, Um, you know, that's my dog.
Isabella is my daughter. I'm a dog mom, and that's it.
So yeah, I mean I can't even imagine my life.
I mean I could just cry right now, but like
I couldn't imagine my life without her anyway, before I
cry off my eyelashes, let's welcome. He needs no introduction,

Sam Champion and hopefully his husband rub him. Sam. I
was just saying in this intro that I think you've
probably forgot what French Cheryl was like because it's been

dance Mom Cheryl. I disagree. I think it's reinforced all
the things that we connected about UM, all the conversations
and wonderful things that we had when we first met UM,
and you know time, I think just kind of we
went in our different life paths and I would in
New York, you were in l A and I just

didn't you know my schedule the mornings and your nights. UM,
But I love the coming together of it, and now
I think it just reinforced the things that I love
about you. I love you, thank you, and I think
you're doing I've seen a different side of you. I
love that you're pushing yourself to try new things. I
think that it definitely do It's definitely new. So how

is that feeling. First of all, welcome to Burke in
the game. This is this is something I love to do.
Like I could honestly just talk about mental health and
my about myself. It sounds horrible all day long because
I do know though that it helps people right like
it helps people in my situation, whether that be a
divorce or just life in general, because life just throws

crap at you sometimes and great stuff at you. At
the same time. We've talked about this. People need role models.
They need to know, um, when they're feeling bad or
they feel like this, you know, I've got myself, can
I can I say words? Yes? We are very very
unedited and raw good. So you know when they get
when they get deep into ship and they they just

feel like there's no way out. You need to know
that someone felt what you felt, saw what you saw,
has been where you are and they got on the
other side. Because if you don't have that Cheryl, you
know that desperation is just the worst thing in the world.
And feeling alone, yeah, yeah, and feeling like we're the
only one only Yeah, You're the only one. Yeah. And
I guess I don't know if it's just happening now

because of the pandemic, but just mental health in general
has never really been It's been more shunned upon than anything.
But thank you for that reinforcement because it but you know,
I think with this season, especially for me, I've never
been so awake and that has a lot to do
with you. You know, it's always been about getting through
this season. Now it's like I'm in this season. Thank you,

you know. And I enjoy seeing your relationship with your
hubby and what's support and unconditional love really is, because
I don't think I've ever had I'm not saying obviously
my parents, but they got a divorce and then I
was off in my own head, right, So just to
be truly awake and to really see the support and

what that looks like is beautiful. Thank you. Um, it's
something that you know, my initial response is so weird.
This is why we're so alike. My initial response and
how I normally answered is I didn't deserve it, and
it's not because of anything I did right, But but
you know, we all we all deserve it is the thing.
We all deserve it. And um, you know, Rebem and

I just found each other at a time that we
were open to growing together and there was just something
a little bit deeper than the physical connection. But but
it grew and that's something that again I'm still trying
to figure it out. I can't tell anyone because it's
going to be different for everybody, right exactly. Formula is

the right word, because you're going to connect with someone
at a point where the two of you or your
your souls if you believe in that and I do,
and your souls say yes, we're here together on this
journey and let's go, and that we're all works in progress.
Absolutely absolutely. I think that sometimes we forget it's so
easy to blame. It's the easiest thing to do and

and and it it's you know, even when you realize
that you have to put a lot of blame on
yourself for your actions and blame it maybe isn't that
the right word? Responsibility? Maybe on your actions and what
you put into the world, because that's so much what
you get back. So you know you have to say, Okay,
I'm going to take responsibility for this part of the situation.

At the same time, you have to say, but I
could have you know, they could have done better. This
could have been a different situation. But I think if
you can watch it from the outside, if you can
just remove yourself from it, you'll see all the different
exits that you could have taken before you got there.
Does that make sense? What is secret um to your guys?

As long? It's been in a decade, right, We've so
we've been together twelve years um and we were married
ten um. And I think we're going to try and
going stronger than ever. I'm a witness to it. Like,
if anyone can get through this show with the same
hubby that you came here with, you're in great hands.

That is a solid relationship. Well, first of all, can
I just say that you know, for him, he's a
very successful artists, He's selling sculptures in art all over
the world. And for him to basically leave his art
studio in Miami and New York and say I'm going
to come with you on this journey because I want
to support you. And when we talked about it, and

I said, you know, that's just is that too much?
Is it too much for you? You know, we've got
his studio set up, things move, galleries are selling. You know,
that's all true, but his creative process really happens there
definitely not in l A right enough. And I'm like,
you know, is that too much for you? And he said,
look what you you every time I have a project,

you go with me. Every time I'm in the studio,
hang out, you come hang out with me. So it's
it's like a given take without the expectation, right, just
I want to do this. Yeah, that is actually really
beautiful that you even asked, because I think too. I
mean I met fault at this as well. You expect
them to drop everything. I think I have in different

times when I felt needy. The great thing is when
you feel like that you can do this, but your
choice is that you would rather have your partner. You know,
because there was a time in my life when I
really felt overwhelmed to buy a lot of things and
I thought, I can't do this, Like I can't do this,
but like a job or like a relationship, right or yeah,

a job of relationship, any kind of like situation like um,
and you know, I'll just be honest. So when I
went to Atlanta with the Weather Channel, I had no
idea how all encompassing that job would be. And it was,
you know, basically eighteen hours a day. Didn't take a
vacation for the first year and a half. Yes, it
sounds like dancing with the stars, right, And you know,
so you think, I'm I'm I'm overwhelmed, I can't really

do this. I'm not built for this. Um. And that was,
you know, when my mind and when I was on
a little shaky ground, not believing, not having confidence in
my abilities. So even the unknown here, I thought, you
know what, I can I can do this. But I'd
rather do this with him if he wants to come,
if he wants to come right now. If he would

have said I really can't do this, I would have
taken the challenge and I would have leaned on him
in the way that we could have. And that comes
from trust. But we had we had, yes, but it
also comes from we had the experience of COVID. So
when the lockdown happened, I'm in New York and he's
in Miami, and we couldn't travel. Yeah, we didn't talk

about this. We had a five week locked down and
you know, didn't see it. Humming, right. So my normal
schedule was to be four days a week in New
York and then three days in Miami. And he was
in Miami and now all of a sudden the world
shuts down. So we were apart, not even to get
back to New York. He couldn't. I mean there was
the thought because I had to work right and and

people were not working, so I had to give myself
more you know, more time to to the network into
the station. Um, so I couldn't really leave, and you know,
he couldn't travel. I couldn't travel. So we were sitting
here thinking what do we do? So we did our
entire lives basically. Facebook Live was on or what is
it called, um uh FaceTime, thank you, um FaceTime understand.

So we were on FaceTime the entire waking moment of
our day. We watched movies together. You know, we'd set
up the iPad on the pillow beside and we go
start the movie, start the movie, and then in my
normal pattern of making break fist in him making breakfast
and all of that I could hear him, so I knew,
like I felt like we were together, and that's beautiful

because I have done that type of stuff Beforewards, Like
then I'm like the person's m I A. And that
just gets me going with different reality non reality obviously
hopefully not the reality. But then you know, sh it happens,
and I just tend to really not trust anyone, and
then maybe I start to think about, like, am I

driving people to cheat on me? You know, like you
know when people say, like, I know, I'm not blaming me,
it's that's not definitely who ever has cheated on me
in the past, it's definitely not because of me, it's
because of that person. But I do believe though that, like,
because I get so insecure at times and jealous and

all of that that I tend to Some people would
like to use the word manifest but I don't think
I'm manifesting someone to hurt me. However, I'm used to
that that feels like home, and I understand that. I
think a lot of people understand that. Um and I
think you're in the process of changing what home feels like.

And and and again I don't have any keys to
that door. The only thing is that as the work
that you and I discuss all the time, you know,
the people that we listen to, the people that we read,
the breath work that we do. You And I'm gonna
pause for that thought for something, as I always do
in my brain. You got me back back to breath work.
I completely had forgotten about it till we got here,

and I just wasn't doing it on a daily now
I am. But now back to the first thing. Um,
when you're turning into me, you are to hang out
with that um. That work leads you to a more
comfortable place, and you kind of readjust what home is.
I feel like you have to retrain the brain. Yeah,
you have to, because we're dealing with the people who

raised us and the people who around us for a
lot of our life. You're a lot, a lot younger
than I am. And what happens is we undo that
we carry you want to if you want to, We
carry their fears, their expectations, their worldview, right because that's
all we knew. That's what we were talking Exactly. As
we learn different viewpoints, we become our own people, our

own individuals, and so that changes what home is. And
as as you understand there's no right or wrong right,
like they did the best that they could do. You
stop blaming them, because for a long time you live
in victims did right. I was like, how could you
do this to this kid? Just a kid? Right? How
could you say those things? Because I remember that, you
know I remember that. But they're doing the best they

can to overcome their situation. But I don't think you
get that. I mean, God, bless if you get that
at years old, I think it takes life, yes, if,
and then curiosity, because like that's the thing you could
again that word awake. You can choose to be awake.
And it's not that there's ups and downs with it,
Like it's not all like, oh I'm awake. Life is

just so freaking beautiful. Oh god, I love the wall.
It's like a wall, and then you stare at it
all day. No, no, no, no no, I'm still like
a normal human being, but like and I definitely but
we all know though it just the blaming, the blame
game gets very You can fall down that rabbit hole
and you can live like that for the rest of

your life, and it's a lot more comfortable to say,
look what they did to me is to say where,
at what point of this journey could I have stopped it?
Could I have been more aware? Or could I have
just said, you know what, this isn't working for me
because I feel uncomfortable. And if you go back, you

realize that you did, you realize that you do. You
know there's a little part of you there's a trigger, right,
It's like this just isn't comfortable for me, but you
you go in and face it. It's a feeling. It
goes away very fast, but it can also hang on
and turn into cancer or Alzheimer's. Like I swear to

God because it's like, you know that feeling where you
just like I want to explode. I'm was really good
at numbing, and I can. I have feelings that are
still coming up from when I got molested at a
little girl as a little girl. Because um, I'm a
professional number. I can be so busy as my new
drug right because I've been sober now for four years.

But there's other vices that are socially acceptable that I
can easily fall into. Well, that's my dad, just a hummingbird.
He's my It's been out the window the whole time.
Now the whole time we've been on the right there.
I almost said something about it, and then I thought,
right there, Sorry, that's my dad. Guys, Okay, he's been
here the whole time. That's crazy. One just ran into
the window randomly. He's right there again. Okay anyway, yeah,

so it is, Um, what were you saying in my head?
If I were really here, we go? I was like
one too and open for daddy. We'll talk about that later. Um. No,
I just I remember thinking, um, where we were before
the hummingbird was about um, you know, feeling like a

victim instead of feeling like you can be in control. Yeah,
because we can only control well not even but I
think we have more control over ourselves than other people.
We can't control other people. But remember you and I
talked a little bit about this therapist that I had
that I thought was amazing. And it's an older woman.
I don't even think she's with us anymore. But one
of the things she said to me when we were

talking about I was bullied a lot and made fun
of a lot as a as a kid. You know,
we moved every year every new year as I'm the
new kid in school, you know. Um, and I'm a
little soft, you know, as a as a boy, you know,
and so people are in front of it kind of
a little bit, you know. But also you know, I
just had my own tune totally, you know, I I

just didn't. You weren't like with the cool kids with
the kids, right, So you know, I was made fun
of a lot and bullied a lot, and she kind
of talked me through some of those situations and what
she said to me, I'll never forget. And I say
this to people all the time. So what you did,
the mechanism, the coping mechanism you did as that child,

whatever that memory is, that's you're a child. You don't
have control, you don't have power. So the decision that
you made then to keep yourself safe, to make yourself safe,
was the best you could do. Congratulate that child because
you're here today, right. But now, as an adult, look
back at that situation and see, I have power, I

have capabilities, I have decisions. So as an adult, you
don't have to put yourself back in that Farr mode
when someone like from my example, when someone makes fun
of me or whatever, I don't have to be in
that Farry mode because I'm an adult now and I
have different choices, so I don't have to retreat into
my room. Right. What could I do now, Well, I
could look at them and say that's your opinion. I

could look at that and say that your Yeah. I
could look at them and say, and you dress yourself
like that? Right? You know what I mean? I could
I could have passion or have compassionate that's the ultimate.
That's a beautiful one. I'm so sorry that you are
must have issues, and you know, not saying it like
that to the person, but you just say, I'm so
sorry you feel this way, and I'm sorry that this

is something that's coming up in you that you have
to Yes, that's beautiful. I love that even more. But
the thing is that, remember, you didn't have those choices
for those decisions when you were child. So whatever you did,
whatever behavior you did, that was survival. Forgive yourself. Oh,
I'm actually really proud of my survival mechanisms. But it's
scary sometimes for me now because I still live there.

Sometimes I'm so good at fight, flight or freeze, so
I'm basically an animal in the wild and as you know,
no kidding, but it is something I go to as
my because it's not black or white, right, Like, it's
not like I'm never under attack to where I need
to actually if you were to logistically think about it.

But as soon as whether it's words or I feel
there's a shame that rises up, or I feel a
sense of guilt, or I react instead of I respond.
You know, I always say to everybody that's like, oh,
you're such a strict teacher, like, imagine what I'm saying
to me. And I'm trying to like what you said,
love my little girl inside, because all she's wanting is

um love and affection and compassion, the stuff that I
didn't really receive because again, my parents are the best
that they could. But you know, I just there was
not a lot of presence and I felt and I
turned that into abandonment in my head as a little girl.
Now I understand. But yes, even when I got sexually abused,
I could if you were to look at my um

everything on paper, right, I you probably would understand if
I checked myself into the nearest mental institution. But I
think it's because of my survival skills and I that's
why I'm proud of myself in a way, because I'm
still able to do all that I want to do. However,
again I have to sleep with me every night, no,
And so this is why I find it so it's

just so important for me to stay curious constantly, to
consistently learn, because I also have gone to where a nothing.
I'm just like, Okay, life is here, we're going again,
living kind of an autopilot. And that really made me
very depressed. And I think that this whole divorce and
the shitty ship that has happened, the shitty ship well,

Cheryl and the stuff that has that was a first
and um, when things were really bad in this home,
that's all I had. And this is why when I
asked you said, when was the last time there's something new?
But if you would have asked me this a year
and a half ago, I would have been like, I
don't know either, but I want to always want to
be like this. It's what I love about our paths.

You asked me questions that really make a difference to me,
and it reminds me of things and and that was
one of them. And but you asking that question of
me made you think about what it was in your
life as well. Always though, right, But I had shut
down and I wasn't learning anything new, and I was
just kind of going through the motions. And I think
a lot of people feel that way because during COVID

we were you know, and and because I was being
tested and if I got sick, people wouldn't be able
to work. You know, the studio was open, so we
were remember and I we were very much like, we
can't get this. We have to isolate, and isolation isn't
good for humans. You know. I think I'm doing great.

I found myself too comfortable there, I'll tell you that.
But I don't think this is my this is my
comfort zone. Welcome to my comfort zone. Maybe I have
to explain that. I think isolation can be very comforting
to us, but I don't think it's growth for us.
I mean, we're humans, right, this is the human experience
is very important, and I think I did stop growing.

And I think by you asking me that question and
an opportunity like is to come up that I would
have said no to, I was like, no, let's go,
let's go see what that is over there. So speaking
of this experience, okay, so I remember when we were like, okay,
I just remember I said I was gonna say what
open for Daddy means. So basically, there is a certain
way people learn, right, And um, I've learned through the

twenty six seasons they've done the show that I the
teacher need to speak my students language because time is
not on our side, as you all know. And so therefore,
if that means saying a step as the timing like this, like,
it's basically the same thing if I were to do one, A,
two or open for Daddy. Right, So that's the samba rhythm.

Just to put your face you already like god, damn
it here comes. No, No, it's all good because this
is working. Yeah. I think you were doing the buda
fogo just now as I was staring at you through
my laptop Open for Daddy. Yeah, And so um, it's
been really and this is why I say every season
I do learn, but this one in particular has been
more than just like okay, how does this like getting

into this person's brain is more like it's been a
growth experience. I think for the both of us. What
is something that you had no idea about and now
you do about dancing with the stars that you had
no you had you were just like, oh, yeah, this
is a dance show. Cheryl told me ten years ago
this was going to be hard, and I said I
was never going to do it. What made you say yes? Well,

two good questions. Um, you know what made me say yes?
I think was the something inside of me saying that
I hadn't done anything and I needed to stretch and
you know, here's an opportunity to do something completely three
you know, no, not so you know it's like where
I am, where that is right? So and in my

life I've done that a lot um and people didn't
always understand my decisions because my decisions weren't like let's
climb that road all of a sudden. It's like, wait
a minute, that's my world. And and I think, ultimately yeah,
and I think you get where you're supposed to go anyway. Um,
So I think that was you know what made me

do that. There was just a moment and it was
really a short window where I was open to something.
That is how long did they give you? It was
like a day, you know, like the phone calls coming
and you need to kind of fun and when the phone, yeah,
you need to kind of know. Um and uh, but
what did I learn about it is, um boy. I'll

tell you. I think even when you're sitting at home
and you know that it would be difficult to dance,
and you know that it's a different life and it's
an athletic pursuit. You know that, like you kind of
know it, but you physically don't know it. You can
be you and we have great we have really great
examples on this show. You can be a bodybuilder and

this is completely new and different to you. And you
can be a performer and this is new, and you
can have ms and this is new and using your
body in a different way and using your brain and
your connections in a different way. That's mental and for us,
you know, so yes, it's hard, but it's also for
us it's wonderful to see everybody, yes, because everyone, like

I said, as much as everyone's rooting for you, they're
also in the same boat no matter how what the level.
Even if you're like a Wayne Brady who has dance experience,
how much do you in the bed he's also having
a minor heart attack every week, sure every week Because
you're learning something, you know, it's not that anyone knows
it before someone says, here's what you're doing this, it's like,
here's what you're doing, go doing. It's not like you're

training a celebrity ballroom dancer, I hope not. I mean,
this is the thing though, It's like and any athletic sport,
it's all mental. I think that your mentality is what dictates.
And it's not just an athletic sport. It dictates your day.
It dictates if you want to get out of the
bed in the morning, It dictates if you want to
put on your gym clothes and work out. Honestly, is

that voice in our head that either feels great, doesn't
feel great, feels depressed, and whatever depression means to you,
whatever mice that is, whether it's sleeping in bed or
drinking like it can be anything. But I do believe
if present, if you and it's a practice, this is

never like no one's I don't believe anyone present at
all times. But I believe that with any type of practice,
whether that be meditation or whatever, just that moment of
silence and just detaching from your thoughts, knowing that you're
not your thoughts, there is light at the end of
the tunnel always, and I think that what we've seen
is Um. I've noticed something lately that we used to

think of these things as different practices. People would say, okay,
because let's just say that it's a bunch of chemicals
that run your body. Right, So people would take these
as different practice and they'd say exercise, diet, that, yoga, breathwork. Oh,
these are all very different ways. But they're not. They're
they're different ways to get the right chemicals going in

your body so that you feel better. So you can
use one to the present moments, like now, how do
you breathe? You have to breathe intentionally. Then you're better
not think about the future. You better not think about
the past. You have to focus on alternate nostril breathing.
And you've changed the chemicals that are going on. Yes,
so you know right then for the better. Yes, you

know that are going into your brain. Yeah. And and
there's not one way, right, there's not one way. What
is your feeling right before you dance? And what is
it that you say to yourself that gets you there?
Do you know what I mean? Um? That's it is
deep and I and I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna

go back to you for a second, and I want
to go back to something you said earlier that you
have you have really, you do, really work to take
dance language and put it into the language of the
person so that they understand it. You have been able
to teach me something using my language that you've changed

it from the language, from dance language into a place
that I can hear it. Um. And that's a huge
sometimes and that's a huge gift, Cheryl. Your your people
need to know how marvelous you are and how much
how much time you take to understand what it takes
for someone to hear what you need to tell them,

and you really do gymnastics to get that message through
to the people that you're talking to. If it didn't
go in one way, you'll change your language. If it
didn't go in another way, you'll change your language. And
that's a gift. People don't have that. That's your gift, um,
And it's an amazing part of communication. Um. So I
hear the things that you say to me and what

happens when things are going right, I hear you. So
that's the voice. I hear so it and I've said
this on the show, and it's true. I hear you
So when I see when I'm dancing, I see you
when I do it right, I hear you when I
got it right, I hear you go, that's it, that's it,

and that is moving me. That's I'm like right there,
the fact that they're Do you hear the barking when
I bark at you? I hope I hear that too.
But you know, but sometimes you have to Again, this
is language I don't know. So sometimes you have to
stop my thought process because I can see you get
in your head and you have to say, no, it's
this now. I might fight you on that because my

thought has to finish your right, right, right, right, But
eventually it gets in. And that's what I hear when
I when I'm calming myself to dance. Um. The breath
work that we do before we go on the floor
helps me. You have a special way to ground that
helps me. Um. And then do you think it does
or you think it's all mental? No, I think it does.

I don't really um. And by the way, even if
it is just you believe in it, so it works. Right.
But but you saw me just before we went on
the air the last time. Yeah, I was out of it. Oh,
my god. I was like, Okay, I can go two
ways because I've done I've done this a few times,
and I can give either fake positive comments and affirmations

which would not be genuine and he would know. Or
I could be really mean and just like discouraged and
just like come on, Sam, God damn it, you got this.
Don't wish I would never do It's totally not me.
I am a dance mom, but not abusive. And then
I could also be like, wait, hold on, everyone was
calling us to get onto the dance floor, like meaning

like all the stage managers, and I knew that there
was like a couple more seconds, and I needed Sam
and I to connect, like really connect eye to eye,
not just I physical eyes. It's like I he needed
to see inside my soul like I wanted to see
inside his, and there was something missing. It was like
he got um. He was like possessed for a second,
and so I I wanted just to quickly do this

breathing technique and I basically yelled back at the stage
managers and I was like one second, because like this
is the thing. These celebrities don't have another chance on
the show, right like, and so for me, when my
partner shines. That's why I do the show. I don't
do it thout dancing. I don't do it to showcase myself.
I'm not dancing to my ability like that. But it's

so important that the actual experience, all the hard work,
the frustration, are we ever going to get this done?
The like we're so annoyed with each other by Friday
and then we're like, god, I'm just on freaking I
sound like a broken record. And then we do get
over another hump and then like all you want is
just to have that one minute and a half just

be a pure joy. And I knew that, but also
because I've been on the show for so long, why
I've done this to myself self sabotage. It's kind of like, wait,
do I know it? Wait, once you let your thoughts
let like take over your body and you forget that
you're not your thoughts, and you forget to disconnect from
it and just observe it and just love it and

accept that person or that thought that's happening. If you
don't do that, you're screwed. You're going to have a
really and there's and I know that experience. I'm not
scared of it, because if I'm scared of it, then
I'm going to manifest it. I know what happens, but
I also know how to get out of it. And
you did and and I know, look, it's a winding
conversation when we have based conversations, but but I trust

me that every part of that conversation was true. She
took that moment and people were calling us, calling us
Samchuril on the stage, on the stage, on the stage,
and you're like, wait a minute. And then you looked
at me and you're like, you know, here's the breath
that we're going to do. And I was trying to
do it. She's like, you're not doing it right. Stop,
slow down, get we're not leaving here. We're in the
hallway and they've got the curtains opening, and she's like,

we're not leaving here until you get it right. One right,
And so I did, and that settled me down and
we went out there and we did. Thank god you
did that, because if you would have gone when they
said go, we would have been off. And and and look,
you know, is it was it perfect? Am I gonna
be the best answer for us? But it was? It

was the best to my ability that day. And that's
because of you in all directions, because and vice versa.
If you didn't allow me to do that with you,
a lot of people would have just been like, you
just need to remember when we're not curing cancer. How
many times have I said that? And to one day
at a time, one step at a time, just like

my Sobriety, thank you. This is so much fun. We
could do this for days. I can talk. This is
why I think it's a time. It's about damn time
that I use my mouth for money and hang up
the shoes soon. Well, look we can And to anyone
who's watching this, um, I think they will agree. UM.
I think that as a personality. As a talent, sure

you have gifts that you haven't been allowed to use yet.
You are an amazing host. You know, you're a great coach,
you're a great dancer, but you're an amazing host. And
I would I would watch a show that you hosted
because you care about the people on it, no matter
what it is, a competition show, a talk show, a
mental health show, because you're not You're not talking for

the sake of talking, and we've got people to do
that you know, and we've got people who have great
shows that do that and they have great voices. Right.
But but but I think there's something special to someone
who has a show or hosts a show who makes
that show about the people. I love that and that
that that is value to me, and you have that.

I love you. Sam. All right, let's take a sure
break here and then we're going to get his hubby. Oh,
I gotta get weight. Hey, it's Megan King from Intimate Knowledge.
If you want to know what was really happening between
me and Mike Johnson from Bachelor Nation of Vegas, listen
right now to Intimate Knowledge and get all of the

not safe for work details. Listen to Intimate Knowledge on
the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
listen to your podcasts. Welcome back to Burke in the Game.
I've got my two favorite boys here, Sam and Rubin.
You want to introduce your beautiful and everyone. You were

just talking, he was telling me, because I wanted to
text him and make sure that like, okay, if we
didn't want to put pressure on you. I didn't want
to be like get over here. And because I realized
I am well not now now I can't shut the up.
But like I used to be very camera shi, like
they used to feed me alcohol just to do an interview.
I'm not blaming anyone from alcoholism, but I'm just saying

I'm kidding, but thank you for doing this. I just wanted.
I don't know if you heard me earlier, but it's
been so beautiful to see your relationship because I don't think, um,
it's just been so effort less two write. So it's
like there's never been as slight, not even a second
of like, oh, I have to go because I have

to make sure you know from either of you, or
like there's been no question. It's just been so right.
It's just so it's like it's a picture's I'm not
saying it's perfect, nothing's perfect, but it's easy and effortless.
Do you make Does that make any sense? It feels
I don't let you answer it more go ahead, go ahead. Um.

I think at the end of the day, of course,
these also that effort lessness coming with years. Yeah. Right,
All relationships have their ups and downs, but mostly we
we always being really naturally. I think generals we feat

other with our time and everything, and I'm really grateful
for that. I notice this from him and I think
it's received. And because our work, I know that is
times like now that he's it's he's time to shine.
His need is all about him and have to be

about him, and he needs a partner who like is
is there, you know, it's there to help with everything
from getting every to absolutely everything. And that's what he does.
And I remember that that is a time that I'm
doing tours in Europe with my artuals and he's there.

And the nicest thing is because his love to be
in that, in the in the trips. He's loved to
be the artist's husband, you know, and he's loved to
be there just for support. And he's so patient, you know,
because us I'm sure you're as an artist, Yeah you
get stressed, yes, yes, I see. He's so patient because

it's an art too, could be us like a draining
as as as a dance competition. So the art world
is difficult, you know. You when he's in the and
when he is launching a sculpture or launching an art show,
and it can at a gallery or anything. You know,
there are people who want to talk to him. There
are people who want to interview him. There are people
who want him here and there and there, and already

it's not his favorite thing to do. He loves to
make art, but he doesn't love to sell arts. Yes,
that makes call total sense. You're not a use car salesman.
I think that is my way. I'm really commerce shy,
or I'm shy engine. And also I think that's why
I'm a visual artist, because that's I expressed myself to

my work, not through myself, not through my image, you know,
but to put the image of my work. Yes, so,
but at some point people want to meet you, when
people want to know you, so I really have to
put myself in place to Yeah, we were talking about
this on the spot. I think naturally too. It is exhausting,

like I'm gonna I'm gonna be tired after this, Like
just I would probably if I had the time, I
probably made me take a fifteen minute nap or something.
Because it does take a lot more power, or I
guess energy to put my feelings into words, like to
make sounds out of my mouth. That's a lot. But
to express it through movement is easy. You said, it's
easy to express yourself through dance. Through movement because that's

your language. It's more difficult for you to communicate verbally,
to get your feelings into words. And for Rebem, I
think I'll let him say, but I think it's exactly
the same for an artist. He has spoken through poems,
he's spoken through paintings, he's spoken through sculpture, and he
doesn't necessarily love to do one on one talking interview
the language, Yeah how about you, Sam, exactly the words words,

I'm words right, and that I could I could have
said that, yeah maybe soon through body language. Yeah, you're right.
It's just like we are in that sense, we are
like the opposite. And I think that's just that's what
is great, because he's all about communicating and he's half

the woods, and he loved and he shine. You see
the moment you see I see him more happy, and
when he's at his work and when he's on camera
doing good TV and doing his work, and I think
on his side back listen, he told me this moment
he see me more happy. It's not even in the

openings or when I'm talking to people, when I'm by
myself in the studio, that is when I am my energy.
You know, I showed you some of my diamond paintings. Right,
I have to actually I have to show you some
live in person when we're done here in this interview.
Their bunk is ne garage. But it's crazy because I
feel the same. But then I know how to turn

it on. But what if I were to really be honest,
that's just training. You can train me. You can train
any human to do something right if that person is
willing to do it. So I was trained to do this.
I mean I was saying that. How I First of all,
I had no identity. So I when I first in
my first audition, I had to show you I had

an English accent? Who enough was I no idea? Had
an English accent. I sounded like this. I was like, Hi,
my name is Cheryl. And the question was what are
you going to bring to the dance floor? Was the
question right? Because I was auditioning for Dancing on Stars.
I'm going to bring lots of sass and my hair

was very short, okay, and I'm going to bring lots
of passion to the dance floor. Like but that was
even really deep, but it was it was had an
English I sounded like Mark Ballace. Mark Ballace goes in
and out of eng But that's that is something that
you can actually be like, oh, that's okay because your
mother's English, my mother's Filipino. Don't know where the English
accent came from, but I was a chameleon, like I

molded to whoever. My coach had a European accent and
it was interesting to Dancing with the Stars has helped
me figure out my own identity. But again, they didn't
just hand it to me on a silver platter. They
forced me to have an opinion because I never had one.
I couldn't tell you what my favorite color was. I

still don't. I mean, every day it changes and that's fine,
and I'm accepting it. And it is black of color
because black has always been my favorite color. But like
you know, and that's okay, right, And I guess through
therapy too, I have through cognitive therapy. There's it's been
challenging for me to put everything intowards. I think that
I'm at probably I'm not like being mean to myself,

but a sixteen year old maybe um ability to put
my feelings intowards because we're just not for me. I was.
I didn't talk till I was like five years old.
I remember you told me that. But I think, look,
this is your journey to expressing yourself. Everybody, everybody there's
going to have a journey that's different. But I think
the point is Rebem has a journey that you know

we've talked about. He at first was didn't want to
do interviews. And by the way he speaks spanning beautiful,
like gorgeous Spanish, like proper gorgeous Italian sound. He you know,
languages are not as problems, right, um, English he doesn't

feel as comfortable with. It's one of the least comforts.
Also not as beautiful. So when he would speak, probably
not when he would speak with an accent, he would say,
I don't like my accent. I love your accents, love
your king. I wish I hadn't clearly, I wish I
had an accent. Yeah, that's what made me think about accents. Right.
So I mean it's like everybody's journey is different to

finding out what they like and being comfortable with communication.
So you know, every just what you need to hear
from this is this is three different journeys and every
one of them is okay. Do you think that's why
your guy's relationship works because you accept each other, respect
each other, and with that comes trust and ease and
peace through your relationship. I guess everything that I've always

wanted in one. I don't know you're you're smarter at
he's actually you're actually much more spiritual than I am.
So yes, good answer will come more from and we
I know we haven't had a chance to bond yet
about this, but I just think one of the things
that I'm really gratefuld and we we again we are

ten he is married now right, we will do think
he is married and we never been more attached to
each other and in sync with each other. One of
the things. Then, I think it's important. And people sometimes
they don't. They don't need the chance, which is which
is a wait for each other grow. I think what

I see is like we growing together. I'm growing together.
He saw me growing. I saw him growing personally, you know,
and which you see each other growing. I think one
relationship getting nothing sink is one one growing. Another one
is stagnant, doesn't grows, you doesn't want yeah, yeah, yeah,

well they don't appreciate the other one growing, and then
you have the the the out of scene. Well yes,
correct and I think that's what happened in my marriage
for sure. Was um. I think it's the just saying okay,
I'm here on this path. Whether or not you want
to join, that's not up to me, right, It's the
accepting acceptance, like what you said, it's like allowing for it,

not judging it, and vice versa. Even if that person
doesn't want to grow. Sometimes you have to look at
yourself and just be like, Okay, well this is fine
for now. Hopefully you two grow together. Hopefully you're not
necessarily on the same path, but we are all works
in progress, whether you want to admit it or not.
Like I've said before, but it's the support system I
think just no matter what, the non judgmental, the respect

along the way, because when you lose that, and I
speak from experience with what I just said, all those
different um like the respect not wanting to grow, it
comes from both sides. I'm not blaming one person. You
lose it all, I think im so I think you're right.

I think that if first of all, you should never
halt your growth for anyone or anything. So if there's
a voice inside you calling you to listen to a
speaker or read a book or you know, or do
an online course. You need to folly, to meditate, you
need to you need to follow that. That's your voice,
that's your inner voice. If there's an outside something that

stops you, you know, be a little suspicious of it,
watch it a little bit. But your growth is the journey,
and I think people that are supposed to be on
your journey with you will support that. I don't think
that's everybody's going to support your journey. I don't believe
that's true at all. And I think one of the
fortunate things is that there was a time when he

was growing and I wasn't. I was just too busy
to grow right. And then there was a time that
I really had to spur where I was like, I
have all these questions. I want to find things that
I want to know. I want to and he let
me do it. I want to. I took road trips
to yoga retreats, driving through the desert. I went to
another yoga retreat in the Bahamas by myself. I'm like,
I need to do this. I gotta go do this.

So you have done stuff, But when was this Many
times he's more much more like saying in his speed
tal than me. Yeah, it's keep sending him Abraham Hicks,
who we all love, by the way, who we all love.
And it's really interesting because sometimes I hear he's saying,
thinks so zan so wow, like like a Buddhist, like

like a yogi. That's great. I hope you can do
that to me on Monday. I'm gonna roll reversal. Your guys,
partnership was so beautiful and if you were to do

you think I'm okay? So broke in the game was
originally this podcast was about me getting back in the game.
I realized that I the word dating gives meanings. If
I were to be really like when you say dating,
my heart drops just a little bit. I am trying
to avoid and I'm not saying that I'm going to
Once I date, this will all be cured. But I

just don't want to repeat the same pattern because we
are this, I am and everything unless you consciously um
retrain the brain because I get I'm attracted to men
that are may not the best. Be wow, you want
to finish my sentence, but we've been that's how much.
I'm like five six, he goes seven eight, And so

this is the thing I have am attracted to assholes.
Straight up, let's just be real. I don't know if
I am now, and I don't know because I have
been so not there right like I am. Do not
DM me, don't slide into those d m because no
one's going to respond to you. I barely check Instagram,
don't have time. So then I do know though that

I can't. I am happy, I'm not lonely. I'm I'm alone,
and that's what that's that to me is a huge
step up, right for me, Like that's a huge accomplishment
because I always depended on people too. I think fill
in that void. Now I'm filling it in myself. It
has been adjustment living in this home. I've been here

for fifteen years. You know, my ex was here for
five years. But still it was like the quiet, right,
But it's no longer like quiet, even though yes, I've
got sixteen cameras, and yes on my TV screens when
you walked in, those are the cameras. But like I do,
this is my sanctuary and I love it and I
never want to leave it. And that that's not going

to help in the dating world, but it's you want
to start um so I think about dating. Look, shirl,
no one likes dating, right, no one does. If you
do like dating, there's something strange. But do people get

excited about dating? I don't know. Maybe because they like
to meet new people. I don't know. But but when
you've been hurt, it's afraid. There is your body and
it's a physical response about putting it back into the um.
You've nailed everything. I think that is important in that
we in our lives have patterns, right, they're not always

healthy patterns. And so the person you feel is attractive,
the energy you feel is attractive. You know you're doing
work on that. I had a lot of wrong choices.
Everybody said, yeah, you learn from them. I think you
just have to be aware. And again it's it's the feeling.
It's like if you're driving too fast. You're driving too

fast on a windy mountain road, right, there's a feeling
that goes, oh, I know this corner is coming up.
Slow down, yeah, right, So if you're going to meet
that intuition, that person, yeah, you're you know, you're on
that curve and you see that person, You're like, I
gotta slow down. And and maybe you know because everybody
who has that. I don't know. Let's say you're attracted
to guys that look like Elvis, right, so everyone night

last week. Um so everyone who looks like Elvis is
going to be a different person. But you you recognize that,
and you go, wait a minute, let me just let
me just visualize, let me just see what this is first.
I'm not going to give myself here. I'm gonna you
just said something important. I give all of it right away.
That's the thing we got called boundaries. Boundaries, and it's
like it's like dip your toe in. You don't know

how to do time. And I think then I just
say in the beginning, also, humans, you can be trained
to anything. Yes, I think you we can be trained
like you already know the red flags. You already in
no one you'll see that situation. When you'll see again,
you just have to like, oh yeah, that's uh, that's

not that's right, FLA, that's a good flag. Don't attracted.
Don't do it. You cannot, you cannot. But that is
the thing you cannot make stop to be attracted attracted
to that situation because as everything that is in our
hard drive, it don't go away. The only thing they
get better. Is we know and we know how to

recognize the regard in the same situation. Yes, with everything, Yes,
and you step back and observe it. Yes, exactly so
emotionally with addiction, with things in life, with work patterns, things.
Then you have to change. Like our hard drive, the
program we got from our childhood. We cannot raise it,

but we can update with new programs. Yes, so it
doesn't define you. It's just the part of exactly. So
it is there, but you don't have necessarily you will
be attracted and you say, no, I don't think I
should change the number with that guy. Let's do other thing.
And you're going the other direction, and you allowed or

the kinds of other personalities of men getting close. When
is the right you allow it because once you change,
it's simple fact. Then you change the route. You start
to allowed the right guy you know, oh I don't

think it is the right guy, but the right guide
for you. Now in that moment, you know, you will
start to naturally, you will start to or the direction
and lets that people get close to you because I'm sure,
well you know, don't at you because you have every

you know everything to make so many like a wonderful man.
Crazy because you wonderful woman. I'm fringing inside. But you know,
I've never been like that. I used to jump into
relationships as another numbing device right away, back to back
to back to back to back to back ping pong
and now or have sex just random sex, right but

my sobriety has changed a lot. But also I feel
like I owe my I have to date myself right now.
Good good, But then I might turn into a nun
no And you'll feel when that changes, um, So I will, Yeah,
you'll feel when that changes. I I was you and
I've talked a little bit about it, and I don't
want to dig too deep publicly, but I was in
a relationship that I'm not proud of. Prior to meeting them.

Decided I was just going to be alone, and I
was fine with that, right, so solidly fine working on
me alone, happy happy, happy me. We started dating, um,
and I had to. I had a thought in my
head because normally I was just like you, jump in,
full on, jump in, make this work. This is this
is what I wanted. I'm going to make that work.

We not only like each other, we love each other,
and this isn't good. It's just it's not going to
be fantastic. It's gonna be super fantastic, and I'm gonna
will it there, you know, Christmas, New Year's anything together,
everything together right now? Um, And I had a thought
in my head. I thought, Okay, I'm really enjoying being
with him. Am I okay? If he doesn't want any

more from this? Cheryl? Real thoughts? Did you feel abandoned?
Really thought that it was a scary I feel it right,
a scary kind of general. Am I gonna be okay
if he doesn't want any more than this? Just going out?
And I thought, for the first time in my life,
I thought, yes, I'm going to be okay because I've

been working on me and this could be just what
it is and and I gotta lit it. B Wow,
that is so deep. I just you just reminded me
of it when we were talking. That is so deep.
But what happens when the okay, so this is where
for me, the jealousy and all this stuff that feeling
that you just kind of had a little bit and

that I had when you were saying that you just
have to I guess the reaction instead of responding, right,
the response is what you've got to just like, have
it come to Jesus, right, that little girl or the
little boy that's having that insecurity and we all know
that no matter what, we're going to be okay regardless.
This is so deep. I don't want to else, don't

want to take it. No. I think I think it is.
The work that you're doing now gets you to the
point where you can answer that question differently than you
would have a few years ago. I'm not saying those
feelings don't come up, those feelings that you know, yeah,
they're gonna they're gonna get here, but there's going to
be a part of you that says, yeah, but I'm

still okay. That was that moment I had with him.
It's like, for the first time, maybe I really would
be okay if he was like, Nay, I'm not really
that into you. I just like going out with you.
And if he said that to me, because I asked
myself that question and if he said it to me,
I would have been okay with it. I would have
been already had that, already, had that thought, yeah, I'm
okay with that, We'll move on from here. I would

have been sad about it. But I wouldn't have had
the anxiety. It was a judgment, wasn't an end all
I'm not good enough situation or even worse like I'm
going to get him. Yeah, that's helpful. I know that's
really deep. We need to go to on vacation, not
just at dinner. We need to have a trio ac

So what is one thing really quick before we wrap
up here? What is one thing that you've seen in
Sam that has been different in all the years you've
been together that he has I guess learned through Like
is it just um like whether it's his new zen
Zen Sam or like physically in his body or um,
just something that is new that you haven't seen yet

that since he started dancing with the stars as far
as personality trade or physical trackers. Wow. What I can
say is I think the changing the personal changes he's
been going in the last years leading to that. Okay,

I think that's why he could not make ten years
ago because he was just not ready. I I cannot
see the man then I met ten years ago doing
that now, you know, and put itself in that extreamly
stream situations, you know, and put itself out there totally

out of his comfort zone because demand a lot of
courage to he is doing right now, because it's never
the right time. Never you feel you are in the
in the right physical condition to do it, but you cannot.
You have to do it. But the point now is
the changes are mean seeing that changes ground, all changes

on him and growing, and I'm so proud of him.
I'm so proud of him today, you know, and even
if it's possible be more than ten years ago, I
was already proud of him, and today even more because
I see that personal spiritual growing then leading to this,
you know, to that experience right now, the surrendering which

none of us want to do. How do you feel
when I say that word? You know how I felt
when you said that word, climbing hands and holding the breath,
not blinking. I love that looks like it's like like
they say they surrendering, or like I don't know if
he's could say, just get out of your own way. God,

it's so much easier said and done so easily, and
we never we are so but it's so true because
I do believe for that ninety seconds were on that
danced for together so far, that's what you had to
you had no choice, Sam, unless you wanted to fall
flat on your face. And I'm gonna say it again
like I'm gonna say it before we dance on Monday.

Get out of it, like get out of your own
just I got you. I got you two things that
you need to think about for the samba when we dance.
The samba with Sam is really the samba, but you
get it. What are the two things? Um? But like
really more on the spiritual side, No, I mean it's spiritual. Yeah.

Um Let this thing that I never believed in called
muscle memory. Never believed in that. I never believed in that.
I still don't even trust it. But um and I
think that. Um but yeah, I was like, I know,
you don't got to tell me that. But those are
the things I think. Oh God, I hope I can
get there. Let's see you will. But you do when

you have to, But damn, it's like pulling teeth to
get there, even up til after dress rehearsal. But geez, Louise,
this is the roller coaster ride that is so beautiful,
this journey to never never Land. Okay, what is okay?
You're resilient, right, You freaking know how to samba. Rate
his samba from one to ten right now, because that's

what we're dancing to. It's Bond Night, people, Bond Night,
and we're we're doing the only samba of the night
we can say. We can say that is in February,
and I think it will be ready next year. Hell yes,
I've never been. Oh my god, we're gonna go live

Burke in the Game from Carnival. Love you guys, So
thank you so much to my beautiful guest Sam and
Revem for coming on Burke in the Game. Back to
dance Mom, Cheryl got a head to a fitting now
and we need to get ready for Monday night. This
is his first Latin dance. We need your votes, right,
so we need your votes. He's like, as long as

we don't do multiple dances next week, we need your votes.
So yes, we need all of your votes you guys,
And you know what, We're having a great time and
I don't want this journey to end just yet. So
see you guys on the dance floor. By thanks for
listening and coming along this journey with me. If you
like what you hear, then feel free to give this
podcast five stars. You can also follow along with my

journey on Instagram at burke in the Game and if
you have any advice or want to write in, then
email me at burke in the Game at I heart
radio dot com
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