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February 15, 2024 32 mins

Erin and Charissa won't calm down as the Chiefs are the first back-to-back Super Bowl champions in nearly 2 decades! They react to seeing Taylor Swift sporting a jacket from Erin's clothing line while attending the big game to support Travis Kelce. Also, a surprise celebrity sighting at dinner that one of the ladies could hardly believe! 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's Patrick Mahomes and I think that's a great way
to end this. The guy's a freaking goat. He's un
fucking and I will cuss believable. Calm down with Erin
and Chrissa is a production of iHeartRadio. I was gonna
play what do you think. I think it's very difficult

to dance as much as he does and sing because
he's such a good dancer. I felt like the emphasis
was on the dancing and I wanted more of the singing.
But I really like the end. Luda Luda, Yeah, Little John.
I know it's not Lil Wayne. People are gonna be
like Jesus, you don't know the difference. I just like
the music. Okay, it was great. Hey, you know what

Usher reminds me of? Usher reminds me of And I
have the picture of it because my old college roommate
randomly sent it to me. She because she heard me
talking about working at She's cake factory. Whenever that song, Hey,
come and get me. That song reminds me of bartending.
I was a bartender. Yeah not hey, well I was

singing the words. Oh, but that song reminds me of bartending,
and that it came out when I was in college.
Two thousand and four, I think is the year. And
it also reminds me of the movie Hitch have you
seen with Will Smith? Come on, that's a good one. Okay,
keep it down. You know we aren't going to keep down, though.

We are not going to calm down. Because Taylor Swift
was wearing where by Aaron Andrews in the Super Bowl.
What a way to put an exclamation point on the
football season's sister. You must have well, I know because
you sent us the text. But and I wasn't in
front of the TV at the time when you saw
her wearing the jacket hunt intended? What did you think

and do? And I'm just so proud of you? Love you.
And again, people I'm sure are like, oh again going,
but like really really quick, and this isn't a poor
me thing. You guys have got to understand when you are,
when you've gotten so many no's and you have been
told by so many people and you're not really that
big of a name. We'll try this. It's really probably

gonna only last for a couple of years, and then
you know these things don't usually last. It's like this
just felt so damn good. It Also, we started this
like last night, I was thinking about it as I
was like looking through all these pictures and emails. We
started this at a Super Bowl drunk at dinner, myself,
Carl Chen, jose A Dias. We were like writing on

a freaking tablecloth this idea. It took us five six
years for somebody to even listen to us. Now we're
still getting you know, like heah, you're asking too much,
You're you know, so whatever, it's just it's just it's
been amazing. And I was boarding a flight, I was
leaving Vegas. Sharm was on my flight, and I was

trying to watch the coverage because I hate it, like
actually traveling the day of the Super Bowl and not
being in front of it. Like I look at the
coverage as Christmas Day, I really do. I love to
sit there. I love to enjoy it all that stuff.
And I saw her walk in, and I never thought
in a million years, I was just kind of like, oh,
I wonder what she's wearing so cute. I just kind
of thought, enough is enough, She's done ours already. She

wore a little cute dog tag. And then I saw
her walk in and I was like, wait, what and
then she had it in her little hand. I was like, huh,
and I'm trying to board. I'm trying to board the airline.
And then I'm like what. And then I was like,
I'm on a tex chain with a couple of my
girls from where And I just said, you guys and

Lauren Fenner, who works with me and works her ass
off for this brain and I'm so grateful and actually
sent that damn package with everything in it. At the
beginning of the season. She goes, it's ours and I
was like, I just started crying and I had all
my makeup on from the event I did. Sharon was
in the row next to me, and I was crying,
and I was just like, hired. And it's just like

it was just a kick ass way to just end
the season for our crew and like our ware crew,
and like help us figure out how we're going to
navigate this thing moving forward, because just because she did
this doesn't mean we're like we want to get bigger,
we want to get better, we want to serve other
people and all this stuff. So it was really fucking awesome.
I looked over at Surem, He's like, you good, and
I was like Taylor Swift's rod my jackets so long,

and he's like, that's awesome. Yeah, and whatever. I texted
you and Steve and we were losing our mind. It's
just really friggin thoughtful cool. Can't say it enough. Women
supporting women. She knows exactly what she's doing. I'm just
so grateful, and everybody's done listening to me. No, you
know what, I'm going to stop be right there because
and I appreciate this because I do the same thing

where we feel like we have to downplay or not
build up. But we're gonna make this like we have
done throughout the season, not because we get it we
love Taylor Swift, but because of what she stands for
and what sort of this whole the season sort of
has summarized. Had been some rise by oh she's a
distraction or Travis, isn't this where the chiefs are the

old chiefs who they used to be. And by the way,
to quote her here, Karma is her boyfriend because for
those guys out on that field and then putting in
the work, and you heard Patrick Mahomes say that of
the three, this is the most gratifying because of the
road that they had to take and going literally on
the road and winning those playoff games. Anyways, we'll get
into all that in a second. But it's weird and

we are not those women that I was like, you know,
beat that feminist drum, because we work with all these
men and sometimes when you go so hard, it feels
like you're bashing men and it's not that. But there
is a time and a place, and if I were
a man, they wouldn't have to stand there with the
caveat or start this conversation and be like, hey, I'm
sorry to bring this up. Taylor Swift is the biggest

superstar in the world and she is wearing your jacket
that you have put blood, sweat, tears, money, not just you,
your whole crew into for the last five six years
and to have it culminated in that, I think that
you just really should be proud of yourself and you
shouldn't have to have a caveat for it, because that
is a massive thing. Do you known people we know

that say they want to do something and they don't
you've actually done it, And I just think that you
should really sit back and like realize and be proud
of yourself and be okay, with that and not feel
like you have to downplay it because I'm so fucking
proud of you. It's really really cool. No, I appreciate it.
It's so funny, Like we're all in the in our
little office here today and we're just sending We've been

sending emails back and forth since six am, and it's like,
you thought this was kind of supposed to be her
off day, but when somebody like her does this, it's like, okay, again,
how do we how do we, you know, keep the
momentum going, how do we build off of this? How
does this open doors other places with the brand? So
it's really really cool, and yeah, I'm just going to
keep talking about her. She's adorable. We've been sending each

other dms all day of the snippets of her partying
with her man. We talked about this after the AFC
Champion Chip and we were like, good for you going
down on that field and being with your man. You know,
she's been to all the award shows, she's been to
the premieres, but you and I can say she's never
been to a super Bowl celebration with her boyfriend winning it.

You and I have been around it before. Because we
do this for a living. That's our realm. I will
say this, it's a fucking time and I'm so glad
for her. She again just busted her ass in Tokyo.
Now I think she's got to go to Australia. She's
back on tour. She was dancing. She couldn't have been
cuter with her song, you know, blasting, and I just

stopped it like it's a huge thing. Both were cute, Yeah,
and you belong to me and like all those different
little things. But for me, when watching those and watching Adele,
I love Adelet where she's like all of y'all that like,
you know, want to say something. Mat Taylors went like,
fuck off. But I loved about this whole thing is
it goes back to you can be the biggest superstar.

I said this a million times. We'll sitting in it.
You could be the biggest star in the world, or
you can be you know Travis, he's a future Hall
of Famer and now he's a three time super Bowl champion.
So when you get to do it with someone and
you get to have that person there with you, that's
like rooting you and cheering you on and rooting for
you and running to like each other at the end

of the game and just having that moment like I
have had a lot of times in my life that
I've had like not like that, not winning a super Bowl,
but like big moments in my life that I haven't
had that person that I don't make me cry, Like yeah,
I'm excited to like run up and hug at the
end of it, and like what's it all for if
you don't have someone to share it with. So what
I think is really sweet is I think about them

where it's like here she is, she just won what
is album of the year? Goes buster ass in Tokyo, which,
by the way, can we talk about how this chick
probably got through jet lag? I mean, the adrenaline has
to be running because I know people that complain about
going east coast to west coast. This chick something I
complain about going out like Taylor's Rock and Tokyo. Now
back to the super Bowl in Vegas, out at the win,

partying multiple shows three hours a night. She gets your
cute little butt back on that plane then celebrates a
little thing and I just think that I had mentioned
it in the pre game a little bit, but for
both of them, where there's all these pundits and like
for you know, Travis and for the Chiefs and whatnot,
it's like, oh, they're not the same chiefs of old

and this is a distraction. And enough about Taylor. It's
got to be such a great like like, you can
still be at the height of your career, have fun,
be authentically you Travis up there saying Viva Las Vegas
or you know, any of his cute little things, and
you can still win. You don't have to be this

certain way, or you can be her and chugging a
beer or wine or whatever she was on the jumpbo tron.
It's like, authenticity is something that resonates with me. And
so when people are authentically themselves and they have success,
good for you. Now on the other side of that,
just because I'm excited for Travis and Taylor and like
the Chiefs doing things that you know, even talking about

going for a three p is awesome because we don't
get a lot of chances in our lives to see
things like that. But San Francisco, my heart hurt for
them too, and we've talked about it, and you you know,
have spent so much time with this team, there's always
got to be that other side of the coin, and
I feel terrible. I was so sad for Kyle Shanahan
and you and I were tasting throughout the game, for

those guys, the Trent Williams and and even for Christian McCaffrey.
All the story is leading up the week about you know,
his here, his dad's won three and I don't know anyways,
I'll shut up, but I just I'm sad that there
has to be a loser in those kinds of games,
because you know how hard they all work. I know.
I I go in, I root for the guys and

you know, different guys that I have relationships with, and
good games and fun commercials and good broadcasts, and then
at the end of it, I'm just like, I'm the
worst sports fan because I don't want anyone to lose.
I felt so bad for those forty nine ers. I
kept saying to Jareded, like, how do we go back
next season? It's the same story, you know, unfinished business.

Oh my heart just hurts for those guys a lot.
And yeah, it's the business, it's the game. It's the
awful side of it. I absolutely hate it. But there
is always going to be a loser obviously. Wait, I

want to bring up the point. Sorry, everyone hates us.
Going back to Taylor, and I mentioned here about Taylor.
You should be listening. Yeah, by the way, two things
on her. My first one is Colin Cowhard got involved.
Charles Barkley got involved, like yeah, well he realized it
brings you ratings. There you go, hey, Ryan, So I

do love how it did bring kind of a group together.
That was like, no, it's like so much fun to
have young girls involved with this. There was a commercial
I sent to you that I absolutely died for it
where the dad's wearing friendship bracelets, and I just thought
it was really cool to see people come together, even
stephen A Smith saying you got to get a life

if this bothers you. Now our girl, even though again
we haven't hung out with her. London were manifesting London,
Taylor putting it out there. Our girl, she lives her life.
You mentioned her having a drink in her hand, Dirk Spentley.
I loved it. So I love it. Every shot she's
got a drink, she's having a time, and she should

because she works her ass off exactly, and that's I
think for you, and I so fine. I'll speak for myself.
I don't want to speak for you. There has been
many times that I have felt bad for because it's
no mystery your gal likes to have a good time
at church. Sorry it wasn't Dirk Spentley. All I want
to do is have a drink. Yeah, sorry, good good

memory though. But I have felt bad sometimes I'm like,
oh God, I shouldn't be doing that, or shouldn't now again,
things in moderation. But I just think that for her,
she is someone who, to your point, has worked her
ass off, has her has hit it literally, hid away
hid whatever can I speak, I can't, has went into

isolation for a whole year, didn't like no one saw her.
And now she's front and center, not because she wants
to be, because she wants to support her boyfriend. And
it just so happens that her boyfriend is also the
same great frickin' personality, which is why I love these
two together because and I mentioned it, like authentically them,

like they don't have to temper it. She's not tempering
like having a good time. You know. I got to
talk to the security guards and I got to talk
to her when in our long conversation we're hoping in London. Yeah,
the security guards are very interesting thing because they're always
going to be around, right, and so like in the
clips you see, it's like, do you I know Travis

Abby can like VND for himself and protect her, but like,
does she always have to have them? Like when are
you like, hey, guys, take the night off. I know
she has to write, she has to. People are nuts,
and especially you and I can appreciate this. I didn't,
Well you did. I I had someone following me, not
outside my house, just outside my hotel door. I mean
she's had her run ins with stalkers and I you

know this as well. Anyone that's dealt with stalking, it's
it haunts you forever. So yeah, I mean I had
to move. Yeah, I get it. I mean you and
I've had the same experience in very different ways, but
that idea where it's like, you know, thank god I
wasn't at my house, but yeah, the video camera and
the security cameras you see him trying to break in.
But I I just mean, like when they're out that night,

like in the club, where it's like and if he's
with her, I don't know. Yeah, that's many crazy. Yeah,
and it's probably a way she can put her hair down. Wait,
I want to say this, My hair look great. I
had questions about the great with a twist and the
break and the bank. Okay, wait, you say you're a thing,
and then I have another question. So I was laughing
because you know, she's at his celebration and it's so

cute and they play her song and she's you know,
I'll be the Prince, and you know, it was just
so cute. And I was thinking about, you know, because
I'm on Taylor Swift level with Travis Kelsey when Jarrett
won and we all went to a local bar here
with the cup and everybody was sitting around and singing
and dancing, and I'm like, I remember sitting on the

top of a ledge at this like hometown bar we
have here, and it was like, let's hear it for
the bus, and I was like, Wow, our celebrations for
the Los Angeles Kings and Kansas City Chiefs Aaron and
Jarrett versus Taylor and Travis stole completely knocking it off.
I was thinking about how weird it would be if
you're in this club and you hear your own music.

I think you're just drunk enough and you're so excited
and having a time. I loved it. I thought it
was so cooch. I wonder if does she like I have. Well,
we'll just add it to our list of questions. Do
you not attach? Like if you see yourself on TV?
Because this has happened before, right, Like I get crossed out? Yeah,
oh yeah, No if I hear myself out, it's even worse.
I'm like, oh my god, that's what I sound like.

But there's almost like a detachment. It's like an imposters
like yeah yeah, where you're like okay, like that's my job,
but like that's like not me actually doing I don't
know whatever. These are just all very interesting things, but
I think that it's fantastic. Here's the question that I have.
Go that lipstick is always intact? How does she do it?

So I just did this lip blush thing, which is
why I have like what we're trying to disseminate. Is
it a cold sore? Is it a burn on the lips?
Not a cold sar? But I did it because I
don't want to have to the older I get, the
less makeup. I want to have to wear, and when
it's in the off season, I want to wake up
in the morning, put freakin' oil on my face and

be glowy and dewey and not do anything else Like
that's just like what I want to do, or a
little bronze whatever. So my lips, noticed are like always
kind of like purple. I need to turn the heat
up in my house. They like lose their pigmentation, so
I put pigment in them and they're a little dark
right now, but they're gonna mellow out. My question about
the lips, though, is that red lipstick is never s

much and she's great, he's got a beard, And then
it's like, how are we not getting this out of place?
Like how does the cat eyes stay in place? And
the lipstick is always perfect? I don't get it. Well,
when you're a goddle bang thing, yeah, and you rock
the world and you've always got a cocktail in your hands.
Not only that, I was also you know, Taylor and
I are very just we're very much in the same level.

When she's hugging her man's at the end and he's
just well a man, And I was thinking about again,
I've bet Taylor I get it. I've been there hugging
Jared after they won the Cup and I was just like,
I think so they just ring, and I do think
hockey equipment smells a hell of a lot worse than NFL.
But yeah, I was like, oh my god, you're so cute.

Watch that lipstick because he is so sweaty. But that
that's when we're allowed to be like that normally in
our life. And you're like running up against you at
the interview, You're like, me cares. But the boyfriend, well,
that was my thing when she came off the stage,
when he came to see her wherever it was. She
was in South America, and I was like, okay, I
would be like perfume, yeah, put the mint in. Then

I'm going to run to my man because I need
to be fresh as a daisy after I've just done
a workout for three hours. That's my thing. When I
was watching Usher at halftime, how I mean, I get
winded trying to talk going up a flight of stairs,
like on the phone, yeahing for three hours? Yes, I'll
be like, why am I out of breath? I just
walked up the stairs three hours and dancing and singing

and all of the things. Anyways, she's a time, So
time can I skip numbers three and go to four
in our outline because this goes really well with aging
in the spotlight. And he just talked about like you know,
you were like, you don't want to wear a lot
of makeup. I went to Vegas. Back to Vegas on

Saturday night, Yes, you little Vegas queen. I went to
go work an event on Sunday morning for Verizon super cool.
Who was there? Everybody was there. A couple guys were
there and did a fun panel with them. But Saturday night, Constance,
my manager, my girlfriend was like, let's go to a
fun dinner. And I was like, all right, cool. We

go to the Fountain Blue. We go to mother Wolf.
I've been to the one out here in La great time,
super low key for me, no sparkle dress here. In fact,
I even have a low boot a pant. I'm freaking good.
I feel great about myself because I do am not
in a dress and a heel. I'm ready to go.
We sit down and we are at our table, and

I swear to you, probably less than ten feet away,
the next party sits down. I looked at Constance I
just smacked the shit out of her leg. It was
Paul McCartney and his wife and kids, and it was
so close to us, And can I tell you it
was like, listen, my dad's a massive Beatles fan. I
went to Dodger Stadium to see Paul McCartney. It was

such a special moment with my parents and my sister. Look,
you want to talk about freaking royalty. That is royalty beetles.
Not only that, Carissa. He looks phenomenal. He's eighty one
years old. Eighty one years old having a cocktail. They
play a lot of hip hop music at mother Wolf.
He's got his hands up dance and his wife is there.

We looked her up. She's in her sixties. She looks
fucking phenomenal and fire. They are having a great time.
Their security was right next to us, and their security
guard was awesome. I even started to feel like I
was helping him. I would see people come and I'd
slap him. I'd be like, over there, zick, thanks, you know, like,
I'm sure sir Paul didn't need that. But I thought

it was so bad ass. He was center of the restaurant.
He was out in the open. None of it was like,
don't look at me, don't look at me, because we
did have another famous, very ridiculously famous couple walk right
by us, and it was like, can't be bothered, can't
be bothered. Which I get it. You're super cool, you're
super famous. Fucking sir Paul's over there. It was just awesome.

That would be my barometer. When I saw Taylor talking
to him in the suite, I was like, that's cool, like,
because there's very few people I'm sure for her when
you're at that level, that's like even more famous than
you're like a member of the fucking Beatle. Yeah, I
swear that's I mean, my god, I just did too. No,
there's not necessary, that is prom parts. Yeah, but like sure,

oh my god, that's good for it. And again, good
for him. I am all about that. Yeah, and live
your life. Yeah. And he was just having a cocktail
and I said, yeah, I wasn't having read it was
the cocktail. I couldn't tell. I thought it looked like
a margarita, but it wasn't in a margarita glass. It
was in a martini. But then I just we all
at our table were just so fanning out. We were

like this is awesome. Not so much where we were
standing or staring, but we were like, this is so cool.
He got up walked out. Jordan, our boss, one of
our executives at Fox, goes, my god, he walked better
than I do. And he's thirty years older. I mean,
it's pretty phenomenal. He looks fantastic. He does. That's very
cool though. That's there's you talk about like celebrity siding. Yes,

it's I mean there's only a few right up there
that it can be as big as almost tall tall.
But all in all, the football season, the twenty twenty
three season has wild to a close wild when you

look back on the air and I'm putting you on
the spot, but you're good at this was what was
sort of your takeaway? What year are we in for?
I know you're what twenty year? Were one hundred years
into this thing that? How would you summarize this past season? Well,
for us and our crew, we had a lot of blowouts. Unfortunately,

we didn't really have any close games, so that was
kind of a little frustrating. We were kind of like, gosh,
everything a blow up. But then when we did have
close games, it was super exciting. I mean, our life
really did consist of the Dallases of the world. Are
they going to get over this hunt? Dak was on
such a role and then you know it obviously fell
apart in the playoffs. One cool thing for us in

the playoffs as Green Bay as back. We're super excited
about that, like we're going back there and San Francisco,
just my gosh, we still have that storyline, which is
heartbreaking because they were the number one seed. I really
did think that they were going to win the game.
But I kept saying when I would say that, when
I was asked to these panels, it's Patrick Mahomes, and

I think that's a great way to end this. The
guy's a freaking goat. He's unfucking and I will cuss believable.
He is a badass and a better person. And I
am so excited. I was so sad when Brady retired,
sad when Aaron left the NFC, because that's what we
predominantly cover on Fox. I am beyond grateful that we
get to be a part of this ride with Patrick

and Travis and the Chiefs. It is so fun and cool.
It is you know, it was Brady right like, yeah,
you've got a front row seat to a lot of that. Now,
of course you'll be working with him, but that is
there's very few times, whether it's was the Lakers and
there you know the dynasty that was, whether the Celtics,
and if you're lucky enough to get a front row seat,

which we are with our jobs to see that, and
you know, having sat down with Patrick, however many different
times he is so calm, he's and collected. I watched
him sitting on the bench and it was like this
like oh like if it was like like he was
like thinking about like, oh, look squirrel like and then

he goes out there. If you give Patrick Mahomes the
ball in his hand at the end of the game,
chances are you're gonna lose. We've seen him do it
to Buffalo. We've seen him now do it again and
to win three Super Bowls and that young man is
only twenty eight years old and you've already won three.
And to his point about how this one was even

more special because of the way that they had to
do it and because everyone wrote them off. He's now
won three Super Bowl MVPs, like you know, two League
MVPs like this guy has done it, and he continues
to be classy, to be family first, to care about
his teammates, and again like him and Travis that relationship.
And I saw it this off season Kansas City, Rob

Wriggle and those all those fun comedians, Paul Rudd's and
Eric stone Street and stuff. They do this great thing
for Children's Mercy Hospital, and those guys always show up
for But Kansas City is a great city and it
reminds me a lot of and we didn't get the
we in Seattle, the great luxury of having the run
that these guys have had. But when your city is
behind you like that and you have that, like you

want to win for that that town and those people
and the economy of that city, and think about like
everything in Kansas City is centered around that and how
that parade. I kind of want to go to Kansas
City just for the parade. But I'm really happy those guys.
I'm really happy for them. I have to say this
too about Patrick from our point of view, he is

so accessible and not all of them are, and I
just I'm grateful for that with him and the time
that he makes and it's even like not just the networks,
like he makes time to do other interviews, and I
just think, guys, you don't get a lot of time
with these guys. You just don't, especially when they are
the goats and it starts rolling as soon as they

sit down. And he always makes sure you get what
you need. And he's just great and he's really down
to earth for being someone on his level. It's cool.
I'm grateful we get to cover him. It's everybody. He's
gonna start getting that hate though, that the Brady's and
that Rodgers get beat him, beat him. Then That's what

I'd always say. And it goes back to that whole
thing of like, oh you're sick of seeing them win, Well,
they're gonna win beat if somebody else is better. And
I think it's I think it's so cool to see greatness.
I'm I'm sad that I was as young as I
as young as I was things I don't say anymore, Ah,
that I was so young when Jordan when it's in
his heyday, you know, and it's just I don't know,
it's really cool to see. It's one of the many

reasons that we love sports. And so for me, this
past year was a culmination of yeah, sorry, what was
it for you? No, no, no, I'm going to use
Patrick's word that he used yesterday so eloquently in his
postgame interviews that it was a microcosm this past year
sort of is a lot of people will tell you

can't do things, or be pundits or be critical and
all this kind of stuff, and at the end of
the day, just keep your head down, do your job,
have a great attitude, be kind to people, and all
that matters is the people in your locker room, the
people that are signing your checks, the hunts, the ownership groups,
and those guys that continue to believe in you and

just do your job and let everyone else the noise outside.
Like that's sort of how I feel like there's a
lot of external noise sometimes in whatever profession you're in.
And going back to even the question that we had
in our pregame, like how do you remain confident when
people are mean or people or whatever, like just stay
true to who you are. And those guys on that team,
like even Travis like getting up in Andy Reid's face.

I was shocked when I saw that because it's like
Travis is emotional, like right, we've seen that before, but
it's kind of like, oh, but they're good. Like that's
the relationship that they can have, and that's the respect
that they have for one another, that that's their own business,
you know. So I don't know. I just think it's
really cool to be this far into this career and

I never ever take it for granted. But just I
don't know, just who cares what the outside says. Just
keep winning and be kind on your way to doing it.
So this has been really fun for me this past
year to watch the tailor Swift and Travis thing. Gotta
be honest, we we kind of asked for it, you know,
you know, I be honest, it's just because they're good people,

and I'm worrying things to happen to good people, and
we're good people, and I really want to go to
the London shows. I mean, let's talk about it. I
my somebody asked me last night at our little going thing,
We're going, what do you what do you? What are
you even wearing? I am wearing a like I love
tailor shirt, like I'll wear like I'm I'm wearing. I

don't care if I look like but I have to
be comfortable because I'm gonna dance the whole time. She
is in heels, dancing for three hours if she can go.
But I can't do that. Well, I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna be wearing heels. I'm gonna wear heels. I'm
gonna wear sparkles. I'm gonna do the whole thing. I'm
wearing sparkles. I'm doing it all. I've never made a
friendship bracelet that I'm gonna do it. I want all

the bracelets, all the bracelets. We can take these off
the way. We already have enough bracelets and we need
to get we need new bracelets. Yeah, I don't know.
It's really great. I'm really proud of you too, and
we are. We're long into this here career, and I
feel very very grateful for that. But I hope it
keeps going like the Chiefs. Hope that they're you know,

they're back to back. I hope that we can just
do this forever, because it's next year. We do have
Super Bowl next year. It just came out with the
logo too. Did you see us? I haven't seen it.
Hold on, I'll show it to you right now. It's okay, Well,
you look that up. So then that also means and
I know we're probably almost out of time, but I
hope that you guys know and if I have, Oh

it's gonna dark, but yeah, cute. It's in New Orleans
out there. I got the Florida Florida, Florida Lee Jesus.
People in New Orleans gonna be Jesus. This gal Florida ly. Yeah,
that's gonna be fun, fun bad, I fun. We're on
the clock. It's now we're actually off the clock because
it's finally an off season for you, even though I
know with where and everything else, and you're a little

baby boy, you're always busy. But to everyone who supports
Calm Down podcast, you guys are awesome. I never take
it for granted when we go to games and I
like people make signs or like yell that you like
this podcast. It means the world to me, and I
know it does to you, Aaron, So let's keep it going.
And I said, yeah, calm Down. Tony Romo said Calmed

Down on the broadcast yes last night, and I was like,
that's a shout out to us. He did say it,
So that's it, sister. The twenty twenty three season is
in the books. Kudos to you. Take some time off.
You and I are actually going to go on a
little bak because you're always jacks and invite us. So yeah,
that's it. That's all. Karma is my boyfriend. Karma is

the guy on the Chiefs. Come a straight home to me.
We're not signing off totally. No, we're just signing off
on our season. But yeah, calm down is not ending,
and calm down if you want it to. So keep
the questions coming. You anonymous folks, we love you so much.
Let us know how things all panned out, especially with
that mean girl. Oh yeah, rude, And let me know

where you want me to go because I can help
back you up. I got some time now for the
off season. You with your words type knives and then
the US agaves me you you again. Calm Down with
Erin and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio. For more

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