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March 11, 2024 11 mins

We're Pregaming in the offseason again! And this time, Erin and Charissa let you know what to do if you have a "professional crush", what they feed their dogs, and Erin gives a Mac at the baby gym update. Plus, Charissa tells the story about what she learned from a time she changed for a relationship and what to do to if your partner plans a vacation that you are not into. All that, and Erin teases what's to come in the big show as she is currently dealing with a rut. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The left side of his body isn't really there with
the right yet, so he kind of like swings it
along with his big ass that I say that effectually
Calm down with Aeron and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Pre Gaming.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Pre Gameing from Austin, Texas. I love Austin, Texas. I
haven't been there for the longest time.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
How's it going. It's good. It's good.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
I'm here for to be a supportive gal more than
Steve has some stuff done here for work.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
Austin's great. Great, so it is.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
It's like I don't ever spend time here, but I
love it. I get why people came here, like in
the whole like post code bid, like you know the
big move of like you either went to Nashville or
went to Austin. I ran and I only know a
couple of people here, and I ran into one of them,
like right when I walked in the hotel.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
What a small town.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
It's actually a big town now. And now you can
see why every time I would cover a long hair
game basketball or football, I would miss my flight the
next day and have to take a later run.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
It's a time because it's a time rate.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Yeah, all of a sudden, I was it was two
o'clock in the morning last night, and I was like,
where am I?

Speaker 2 (01:13):
I'm not in college anymore and I'm not in Kansas anymore.
We're in Austin.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Great pass the case idea. You guys are the best
for submitting questions. As always on the pregame, we are
favorite questions are always the honest, their juicy.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
Here's one for you, Anonymous.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
I have a hard crush on a co worker in
a very professional setting.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
Kill it or explore with caution. Explore it with caution,
Just do it and tell us how it goes. Go Yeah,
why not? What is a very professional hard crush on
a co worker?

Speaker 1 (01:47):
I know?

Speaker 2 (01:47):
But see I would how would you do that? Though?

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Like, is it obvious that you have a crush on
the person? And like or you have to like plant
the seed.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
I have questions, Anonymous, this know you have a crush
USh or you got it? I'm not good at making
like the first move. I never wanted to.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
Maybe this is a.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Guy though writing us too. We're popular in the streets
with the map. Maybe that we need more information, but
go for it. Yeah, and is this other person giving
signs that they like you back, and honestly, like, what's
a professional setting? Like, I mean, great, we don't have
any room. What it's a professional setting. Everybody has a

lot down time. I mean, I wouldn't, you know, recommend
that you trade flirtatious comments or racy texts on the
coworkers text chain. But you all go to dinner at
some point, right, I don't know. I just let us know,
let us know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have more questions
and go for it, all right, Nick brit Swan sixteen.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
Did I miss how baby Jim went?

Speaker 1 (02:53):

Speaker 2 (02:53):
I don't remember. Did we talk about it?

Speaker 1 (02:57):
No, we talked about it, but not on the podcast. Oh, Britt,
you didn't miss it. Well he's still enrolled, so that's
a plus.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
He loved it. He thrived.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
I also think the pressure that I put on myself
no him seeing other babies crawl, I think was really.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
Good for him.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
And really yeah, and so I'm hoping or is that
just in my head and I made it up? I
didn't get to go. Last week, Jarrett took video. He
was sitting there and a little girl was there and
he crawled his little hot ass right up to her.
He did shouted, shirt it stop it. We I didn't
know he's crawling. Yeah, he's crawling. The left side of
his body isn't really there with the right yet, so

he kind of like swings it along with his big
ass that I say that effectually. It's also because he
has a huge Huggies on or pamps. I'll take either endorsement,
whatever you want. I was going to tell you this.
Oh oh shoot, I blanked. My kid has great posture
at storytime.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Right. You saw the video, didn't you? Didn't I say
it too.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Yeah he was sitting like shirt yeah. Yeah, he's wearing
a comfy brace. I need a comfy brace right now,
so do I. So it went well, he's still enrolled.
We love it and they're so sweet there, so we're
pumped about it. Little kids are so cute and they
like check like. I always wonder like do they know
that they're little babies?

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Like what?

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Or when a baby sees themselves in the mirror, like
did they know that that's them?

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Yes, Matt, they's seeing himself in a mirror.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
He's always like eh, eh, My kid is real social.
He loves people. We went to brunch yesterday by ourselves
and by ourselves. I mean ar nanny didn't come, which
was a big step for the kids. And we went
and it was hilarious data growing up trying to We
also took him to home Depot. We needed something at
our house. I hate home Depot, nothing against she Depot.

Every time I go there, I think of you and
how you hate it. He gives me anxiety. I just
don't know what I'm doing. I'll tell you what. I
love it now you want to know why, because my
eight month old loves it. There's so much chaos and
stuff going on. He's like this, he didn't even see
you put him in the stroller that has like looks
like a truck kind of a thing.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
He was in his own stroller, but he was so excited.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
He didn't lay back, He just sat forward, hunched over.
He could see everything. Jared's like anything else we need.
I was like, let's get him away from these chemicals. Like, yeah,
let's get out of here.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
What are we doing? Then we went to Michael. For
God's sakes, who are you?

Speaker 1 (05:12):
I I've talked to you for a couple of days
and you're at home Depot and you might go to Michael's.
This gal yeah, and you're going to brunch by yourself.
I know, I got this spot down in hermost I
want you and Steve to come to now.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
It's great. I got to move, Okay. I know we've
said it before on this podcast. I really do.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
We came home from the ranch. Steve's the side of
his the mirror on the side of his car ripped
off like this is unacceptable to be paying this much
to live in this state and for this stuff to
be happening and unacceptable. Enough's enough every single time we
have to leave a car, not in a garage because

oh so rich. WHI No, it's just like it has
to stay on the street and then something happened every time. No,
not ridiculous. Where are my tax paying dollars going? Okay,
off topic, here we go. Carrie A. Warren, What do
you feed your dogs? I'm getting a puppy and overwhelmed
with options. Well, Carrie, great question. I used to feed them.

This is a very bad mother that I was. I
used to just feed them like whatever dog food you
know was around. Then Willis is very fat and it's
my fault because I give him so many treats and
it's really bad for him and it's hard on his
joints and he's getting older. So Steve, being adorable, Steve
does all the research and then got him on Farmer's Dog.
And I will say, if Farmer's Dog wants to make

this an ad, so I would love nothing more because
that stuff is not cheap.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
And Steve, again being.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Adorable, it's like he pays for it, but he's like,
Willis needs this, this is really good for him, and
he like did all the research. So Farmer's Dog is
now at they eat and let me tell you this
is I should do an ad for this. Willis never
used to like hit his bull, being like it's time
for me to eat now I'm hungry now hitting the bull.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Like at four o'clock. I'm like, bro, it's four, we're
not eating until oh my god. Licking the bowl.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
He's pacing around the second he sees the package coming out,
He's like hyperventilating, like this is I'm telling you, Farmer's
Dog has really done a number on this. Guy loves it,
great everything about it. So yes, I would get something
natural like that. I wish I would have done it
years ago. I probably would have added years to my
little sweet Angel's Life, Farmer's Dog Lady. All right, Mike
Smith sixty five, have either one of you ever sacrificed

who you were as a person because of a man
or a man?

Speaker 2 (07:33):
One hundred percent? Okay. I remember I.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Dated one guy and I will admit his name, you
know the one I'm talking about, and.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
I don't even know who you never even met him.
I dated him for a year.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
I don't like the oh yeah, And then remember then
I went to the bar to try to meet him
and he wouldn't come into the bar. He wouldn't come
into the bar to meet you. And I'm like, this
is my best friend, Like you're telling me that you
can't meet her after a year of dating. I was,
I don't know what phase I was in. I've had
some random phases. I was in this like subservient phase

and like he like told me what to where and
like how to act, and I was like super compliant.
I was like, okay, okay, I don't even recognize who
I was in that, and I don't know why I
did that. I think because I'm so used to being
like the more dominant one in a relationship. I was like, oh,
I'm going to sit back and like let him take charge.
And then I was like, who the who am I? Yeah,

it was awful, and I'm mad at myself that I
wasted a year of my life in a relationship with
someone that I should never have been with.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
I'll be doctor Phil, what did you learn from that?
I learned that I.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Need to be comfortable and not with myself, like and
who I am in a relationship? Like it's okay that
I'm sometimes the more dominant one, but like it doesn't
mean I have to swing the compl and go completely
the opposite direction, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Like, Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
I'm mad at myself that I wasted a year of
my life. I'm mad you wasted a year of your life.
But I love where you are now, and sometimes you
have to go through this shit to get We were
talking about Steve and I were talking about that issue actually,
just different relationships that we hadn't been in because the
girl that I ran into here I knew her from
that aforementioned X and we were just saying, like, really

weird when you look back at the certain people that
you've been with, but then it all leads you to
where's Rascal Flats? God bless the broken road. Ladies and
gentlemen like, thank god it all worked out and A
they're anonymous. What if your partner plans a vaca you
absolutely hate van life isn't for me. I would hope

that your partner knows that you're not into that. Unless
you're early on in the relationship and you're trying to
like not seem like you're high maintenance, or you're trying
to be compliant, you can't go do something. And I'll say, actually,
let me take that back. I think that if that
really means a lot to your significant other, then you
have to do it. Just know that the next vacation

be something that you like to do, Like I'm not
into cold weather vacations, Like that's not really my thing.
Like I wouldn't be like, oh I want to go
on it, you know, I don't know. I don't like skiin.
But I was having this thought today on The Reformer
and I'm having a real time with myself right now.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
I will discuss more in the Big Show. I'm not
I'm in a rut.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
But I was thinking about this couple that Jared and
I know, and the wife is a lot younger than
the husband, and then I was thinking about their house
and all the adventurous photos they have of like holding
a turpin up and she's in her bikini and like,
you know, hiking and like she's like she looks great,
and I'm yeah, I'm in a rut. But I was

thinking to myself, God, like I don't ever think of
like super fun vacations, Like I just don't. I'm like, hey,
do you want to go to Montana? And like he
makes the reservations and I don't like ever think of
like I like going to Cabo and just laying out
and eat and drinking, and I don't ever think of
like let me throw a bikini on and let's go
carping fishing. Like I just was starting to feel bad,

like God, what if I do I'm not bringing the
zaza zing like the adventure you knowing. Yeah, Okay, this
is a big show conversation because I'd like to dive
deeper into this. So ladies and gentlemen, thank you for
listening to the pre game. Please stay tuned. Would we
explore Aaron's zazazing or lack their lack their ow? Okay,

stay tuned, Love you all. Calm down with Aeron and
Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio,
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