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March 14, 2024 30 mins

The conversation started Monday on the Pregame and spills over into the Big Show as Charissa tries to get to a solution that will hoist Erin from her rut. They talk about shopping, decluttering and their respect for women who grind to succeed. The conversation does eventually evolve however, into a discussion about the DMV and the dump!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Okay, go, I just met a rut with everything. By
the way I look, I don't know what it is.
I'm just like frick, I'm in a rut. Okay, Well,
how can I help you calm down? With Erin and
Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio. Welcome everybody. This is
a wonderful Kelly Wirthler wallpaper.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
I'm coming to you live from Aufice. Is that really hers?

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Well, she designs these hotels, so I'm assuming it's either
her print or something she picked out. Anyone that doesn't
know who Kelly Whistler is, she is my design mus
I love this woman and she is I mean her.
The lighting alone in this place is amazing. What's not
amazing is this scrunchy. I'm trying not to because I
have to host this event later, trying not to put

a crimp you heard me crimp in my hair, but
a bend. I'm in a yeah, well, I'm in that
phase right now. Hi, everybody, Welcome to the podcast. I'm
in a phase. I'm trying to you know how I
off season let it go, ye where I'm elsa letting
it go. But it's weird because when you have short
hair and then you had bangs like it's a little
bit of a mom cut. And I say that affectionately.
I know you good, but I need it to grow

out a little bit more. It's I either need to
grow it out or I need to do a little
bit of a cut. I think it looks good. I
think you leave it alone, let it set it and
forget it. Leave it alone until this season. Okay, But again,
it's always telling me to leave my hair alone. And
anyone that listens to this podcast knows that that I
don't ever listen. I just you know, take chances everywhere.

But then I wonder why I don't have any hair anyways.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
You saying the mom comment transitions perfectly into this, this
mom is in a rut. Okay, go, I just met
a rut with everything.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
By the way, I look the way that I made
your board way myself. Yeah, like I look like shit,
Like I whatever. Maybe it's because you don't look like shit,
But why do you feel?

Speaker 2 (01:52):
I love you?

Speaker 1 (01:53):
But I just am like And I think this is
maybe has to do with not working right now, even
though I am right now. But it's also like I
just maybe it's like not having a dress up, get
your makeup done, hair done, all the time. But it's
like the other day, like we went to dinner. I
tried to make an effort. I've even been like, I
haven't even told you this. You would think this is

scandalous when I'm gonna say it, I'm not. I've been
like diving deep into TikTok like outfits to wear, like oh,
you know what's popular in this thing, like shoes.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
No, I'm not. I'm in a rut. And then I
end up saying, ooh, I'll put this together. And then
I'm like, I leave twenty minutes for myself to get
ready and I wear the same shit and I look stupid.
And it's just like, let me just put a blazer
on with a white shirt and think I look like
Cydy Crawford. I'm in a rut.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Okay, well let's talk about this then, because I don't
think that that's I don't think that that's uncommon. I'm
with you on the you know, we don't get ready, which,
by the way, is kind of nice to not get
ready because during the season when we're putting on makeup
and like doing our hair every five seconds, which again,
these are class problems.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
We get it.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
It's nice to know that it's our job. But I'm
with you on the making an effort in the relationship.
Are you you mean just for Jared or for yourself?
Even I think both. Like I told you we talked
about it in our pregame show that I was having
this vision while I was working out today about this
couple that we know, or the bride is a lot
younger than the groom and like she's definitely spunky and

hot body and all this stuff. And like I've been
to their house and they have so many adventurous photos
and like yay.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
With the fish in the air and the hiking and
the ziplining.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
And I'm thinking to myself, God, did I even get
new photos printed out of mac for the house in Montana?

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Like my effort is bullshit.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Yet yesterday I go to Michael's and I'm walking around
for like stuff to put out in our house to
make memories for Max versus Easter. You know, it's like
that's cute, Aaron, I know, but I'm I'm not attractive,
Like I'm just like I'm into like getting the weird
bunny figurines.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
And the baskets to do up.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
That's cute, so I can't figure out how to dress
myself for dinner, you know what I mean, like like ru, Okay,
I'm with you on that. I just do the same
thing over and over again. And that's the part that
even in a relationship, though I'm really cognizant of, like
you got to keep it sexy and spicy, and you
gotta like not just go through the motions. I was

getting in a really bad habit every night where it's
like I'm just gonna throw on sweats and sweat you know,
like a sweatshirt and sweatpants. And it's like not saying
that you have to like throw on lingerie every five seconds,
but like maybe like a cute like short set or
things like that, like actually putting a little effort into
it and not just feeling like you're a boy sitting

on the couch like that's my thing. And especially when
I'm at the ranch, because no one's getting dressed up there,
that's like it feels a little like I'm just doing
the bare minimum, the bare necessities.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Remember the Jungle.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
I mean, I put on a short set last night,
but it was an Eberget set, which I love. But
I'll be honest, Like the draw string was so uneven,
like one part of it was high up and the
other part was to my knees.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
I hate I'm okay, run all right? How can we?
How can we don't?

Speaker 1 (05:13):
You're not someone that's impulsive that's gonna like go cut
your hair like me do anything like that. So can
we get Like remember how we talked about when you
get new workout sets, like you're more motivated got out,
but thording out is fine, Like I'll go work out
all day long and I feel great about that. Like
I mean, you know, I was like, shit, I've got
to even like work out in Montana because I'm like

in a thing here, and I mean you can feel
bad about my body a little bit, you know, Like
I just feel like I don't know what it is.
I'm just like, frick, I'm in a rut. Okay, well,
how can I help you? Let's let's I'm paul rut,
Paul rud. I don't know, I gotta I gotta bounce
out of it.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
I think that's normal, and anyone that's listening, I would
love their advice too, on like when you are I
feel like that a lot. But My issue is I'll
go and cut my hair or dye my hair or
I do things like that. So maybe what about shopping, Like,
maybe wonder if you just go get like a couple
new things.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
Yeah, I need to. I just don't know what to get,
you know what I mean? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
I just also, you're I ask other people to tell
me what to get and then get charged to petrillion dollars.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
So that's my own after the break, I do have
more on that. Oh yeah, me too.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
I am become obsessed with Instagram shopping because I hate
going into a mall or whatever. All I buy is
it's like they target me because they know exactly what
I'm going to buy, and it's so easy double click.
I mean I'm clicking. I'm clicking left and right, and
then I get so excited in the package to show
up and the stuff is cute. See I'm not making

the right purchases. I've really I told you on the
free game that I've kind of dived into TikTok and
it is addicting and I'm trying to find out what
it's fun.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
I know I'm not either, but I just have a
weird like account do you see what do you find
some of it? They'd like to show you makeup trends. Yeah,
they do, like outfits, like what you could wear to
like pack to New York.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
I have to go to New York in two weeks.
Like I was like, oh, what are the people wearing
in New York? And are the people wearing in New York?
A lot of long trenches with like a boxy white
tea and then or you could do a yummy which
I have fucking seven thousand of those sweaters with tags
on here and they're all the same color.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
Any who with a samba and a straight leg jean.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
But then I go to try all the straight leg
jeans and they don't fit my ass, and then I
get weirded out about myself. And then I'm like, well,
I'll be going to a berries class tomorrow. So yeah, no, honey,
I feel like, Okay, we're gonna we're gonna work on this. Well,
I'm gonna see you right now. All days we're gonna have,
we're gonna do workout classes. We're gonna just dive into TikTok.
Maybe I'll get a TikTok account. Do I need to

be on TikTok. No, I'm too old. I'm not on TikTok.
I just have like a account where like I don't post,
I just like look at things. Because when you sent
me something the other day, I couldn't click it. I
just saw the headline and that was enough for me.
I was like, I already know where that's going. I'm
all into this Kate Middleton drama. Like on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Yeah, why is this? I want her to be okay.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
I have a question. What is going on with her?
And why do we care if she edited a picture? No,
because we don't care if other people edit a picture
and then they have a six finger they edit pictures
all the time.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
No, we don't.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
But we're a little concerned because she hasn't been seen.
She had abdominal surgery and she hasn't been seen. And
then according to TikTok, there's this photo of her with
her mother and people are saying it's not really her,
she's missing a mole. I think it's her. I think
she's fine. And then I love that she put that
photo out with the kids. But then there's this whole

thing like she announced today she did in fact doctor
it like sorry, she's like I just played around with it.
She's not wearing her wedding ring, which I don't like.
I've but I don't wear my right, I don't like.
Can you just imagine being underneath it? Like we've talked
about it on the Taylor Swift side of things, but like,
can you imagine the scrutiny? And this has been her

I mean, look, this is she signed up for it,
this is you know, she's obviously she can handle it
to a certain degree. But like Jesus, everything you do
is headlines. Like when I saw that that was a
headline of her editing a picture, I'm like, why is this?

Speaker 2 (09:24):
Why is it anything?

Speaker 1 (09:25):
Because she's been out of sight for like a minute,
like we're even talking. I don't want to say more
than a month, but she's been out of sight for
a bit with this abdominal surgery. There was a theory
she could have been in a coma. I think in
a coma it would have gotten out. I really do
you know. I'm so up to date and down with
the royals, But I like her. I love her so

I love he always loved her. She just like handles
everything with class like she I mean it doesn't seem
like she gets in a rut at all.

Speaker 2 (09:55):
She doesn't not with that hair. That hair is great
or run.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Oh my god, you want to talk about She's like
a hanger. She like makes everything look good on her.
She does's like effortless, like classy. I go through different
phases with fashion, though, go back on this topic of
being in a rep. I'll try something and then I'm like,
what am I doing? And you know what my thing
is lately just jeans and T shirts and throw on
a heel. But that's me and I feel like I

don't look like you wearing jeans T shirts, and like
I just, yeah, I need like a Jared always gets
mad because we walk around some areas that we live
and I'm like, they need to hose this down, and
you go that you just want them to blow it
up and start over, and I'm like, for sure, and
then I just need to hose myself.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
You know what I down? You're still yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
I think a lot of it probably has to do
with the fact that, like we are in our normal
routine either, I think so, I really do I think
about this is also a psycho. I'm also done spending
money on clothes, like when I end up wearing the
same shit over and over again, and I look in
my closet and I'm like, why do I have this stuff?
I don't need this because it wasn't returned. Because it

wasn't returned.

Speaker 2 (11:07):

Speaker 1 (11:08):
Hey, I've been doing that real real thing though, And
I'm confused. And if anyone works at the real reel,
can you please weigh in on this or if you
guys have done this so it shows me that, like
these items are selling, but then I'm not getting any
money for it.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
And do I only get them back later? Oh? And
they take a percentage out?

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Oh that's what I was gonna ask. And do I
only get the money if the items sell? Oh, they
take a percentage and they only pay you if they
sell it. And we've gotten a check before for two dollars.
It's great to get out of your closet, but I
wouldn't say make money off of it. Yeah, And I
didn't realize that you only get the money if it sells.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
I thought they buy everything from you.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
And then oh, and then now I'm taking it personal too,
like I'm seeing this, like I see that like the
shoes or whatever, like sold, and I'm like, they only
sold for that much, they were triple that, taking offense
to it. It's okay, I'm like offended. I'm like, why
are they not buying this? This is really nice?

Speaker 2 (12:04):
I buy? I buy this. I mean I buy somebody
for not buying my shit.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Oh god, I'll tell you what, though, I'm really proud
of myself for in this off season.

Speaker 2 (12:24):
It's what is it March?

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Right now, I'm sitting on the most uncomfortable stool though,
this wood thing that I'm sitting on. Side note, why
are we ever in hotel rooms having beds or any
bed that has that corner, the wood corner. I had
nailed my shint on this thing like ten different times.
Do you know like that bad happening?

Speaker 2 (12:43):
Oh my god. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
How anybody, as the designer me is saying, would buy
a bed with a wood corner, just crushing the shins
as you take that.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
Corner around there. But I do that. At my house.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
I've been really good about purging, Like I have cleaned
out every room, I have cleaned out every closet. I've
organized all my important paperwork, although I can't find my passport,
which is really fucking unnerving. Yeah, I know, and you
know what a bitch that is. And I don't know
where my social Security card is. I don't even I mean,

did I even have a Social Security card? How about
we have spending things out. I found my birth certificate.
I was so proud of myself. But then I was like,
hold on that. I crumpled up and like a like
side thing, and I'm like, Jesus, this is where I
got organized, and I made labels for everything. I'm feeling
very good about my organization. I just need to find
that passport. Also, my driver's license is about to expire.
Fucking these are the things. Obviously we have the same birthday.

You can. They sent you a thing where you can
just renew it online. I did it, and I already
got my new one back. I had to because I
was like, I know, if I don't do it now,
then I won't get it done. Oh my god, you
can do it all my online. Yeah, and they send
a new one back. Oh this is great news. That
picture rate just from like twenty five years ago. No,
you can't read you that. No, you're redoing it online.

You're not taking a photo. You're just getting a new
one and they're sending it. But this is great news.
I don't have to go to the DMV, because you know,
I had to go with the DMV the other day.
Oh my god, I had to go and register a
car anyone that knows the DMV. And I even make
the appointment. I try to be good ahead of time,
and you're still sitting there forever. What is with the DMB?
Why is it taking so long?

Speaker 2 (14:21):
I don't know. Oh my god, that's my hell.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
You don't like to go to home depot me and
the rest of America hates to go to the fucking DMB.
And then it's like you have to get all this paperwork.
They're like, oh, did you weigh the car? And I'm like,
how am I supposed to know? If you wait, you
have to weigh the car. Now, I'm driving around looking
for a way station. What tells you these things? It's online.
I'm not reading the fine print. Okay, I'm never reading
the fine print ever. I can't even read my mail. Hey,

speaking of getting organized, my mom and dad had a
great saying a new mantra. Steve Andrews actually called it,
and I applied it yesterday and so far it's been great.
I'm gonna keep doing it. Don't put it down, put
it away. Don't put it down, put it away. This
is for things in house. Yes, that's good, But the

problem is I never sat down yesterday. I was everything
away left and left and right. I got dog ear
cleaner next to my bed. I got Nike will I
got rubber bands, I got I got all kinds of.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Shit dog ear cleaner. Well, he was upstairs, and he
was already in bed, and I was going out of town,
and I knew if I didn't clean his ears, then
I would come back and he would have a massive infection.
So I never cleaned my dog's ears. Am I terrible?

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Olon retrievers have really well, Yeah, you don't need to
your dog's ears stick up straight.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Guln retrievers.

Speaker 1 (15:43):
Dogs that have ears that hang down that are longer
are notorious for getting ear infections, especially after grooming or
going in the pool. We have to spell it in
our house because of how he hears that word. He
runs to the door crazy. So yeah, you have to
squirt ear cleaner in and do this, and he hates
it so much, so I'd go down get the ear cleaner.

I didn't want to bring him down. I brought the
treats up to bed, and I was like, Howie, and
he he knows the bottle. When you bring it up,
he sits there and his tail just wags.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
He gets excited about it. No, he hates it. But
that's like a panic.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
Oh oh oh, I was gonna say, what dog likes that? Anyways,
don't put it down, put it away?

Speaker 2 (16:23):
What a mono. I love that. There is no better
feeling than And did you ever have this?

Speaker 1 (16:28):
Did your mom do this with like your stairs in
your house, Like if there's stuff on the stairs and
you had to like bring it up, like whenever something.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Needed to go up growing out?

Speaker 1 (16:37):
Uh oh, we have a now, Yeah, anytime you put
something that's like a universal thing, like if there's something
on the stairs, it's obviously needs to go up.

Speaker 2 (16:45):

Speaker 1 (16:45):
I lose my mind if Steve walks over it. I'm like,
you had to make a concerted effort to walk over
this stuff, pick up the stuff and walk upstairs.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
But maybe his hands were full going upstairs already. No
it wasn't. He walked right up.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
I love that man more than any anything in the
whole world. But he doesn't do one thing that drives
me absolutely nuts, and we had a conversation about it
the other day. This dude doesn't break down boxes. Okay,
we Jarrett loves to. He doesn't break down boxes, and
I'm like, you wonder why the recycling bin is full.
You've got to break them down. Amazon makes it really
easy to break down a box. You know, with the

tape that they have, you can rip that thing off
in two seconds and break I love breaking down a box.
I get off on the fact that I can like
fit so much stuff in the recycle bin when I
break down boxes, because I again, with my Internet shopping,
I'm getting a lot of boxes and I don't want
to have a full recycle bin. This guy drives around
town with the back full of boxes and starts dumping
them in random dumpsters. And like, you wouldn't have to

be driving around town and dumping the boxes if you
broke them down. Is that legal to be dumping your
Probably not?

Speaker 2 (17:49):
No, probably not.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
And he's gonna go to jail for just dumping and
random things. And he's gonna be like Kate Middleton and disappear.
And one day I'm going to wonder where he you what,
And it's not for abdominal surgery. You talk about boxes,
the one thing that annoys you, like in the house.
I mean I have several things that I make fun
of Jared.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
About what give me one?

Speaker 1 (18:11):
Jared like, we'll refuse. This blows my mind And this
isn't even a big deal. It's just like I don't
want to sit in the dark. We'll go into the bathroom.
There's one light on. It's like the weird vanity light.
So I'm like, how am I supposed to pick thist?
Like you know, it's just like, so I go in,
I press all the lights. He's like, what I just

I didn't need all of them on. I'm like I do,
I do?

Speaker 2 (18:36):
Yeah, the lights.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
I don't want to see what I'm looking at. Wells like,
can we turn a light on in here?

Speaker 2 (18:43):
I'm like, no, I don't. I don't need to do that.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
No, oh, I need a lighting off. The AC is
my other one. Like I'm into the heat, Like we've
left the house for three weeks. We don't need to
have what are we heating the house for?

Speaker 2 (18:54):
No, one's don't think we need the heat on in
the daytime, you know, we don't need that A sweatshirt
on exactly if your cold, put a sweatshirt on, and
you know where your sweatshirts are because you put them away.

Speaker 1 (19:06):
The lad is so expensive, so expensive, and this is
the thing too, and.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
They say anxiety. I got to go turn off they
heat my house right now. I know.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
And we're starting to become our parents too, because I
think about all the shit that my parents said, like
you know, turning off the lights.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
Yeah, eat all of thatd forbid. I know.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
I look at that bill, although I don't really understand
the bill. Are we are we billing it in three
month increments for the Edison thing? Like I gotta I
don't know, I gotta start keeping track of that. Do
you get paper bills or do you just like have
like paperless stuff or whatever?

Speaker 2 (19:38):

Speaker 1 (19:39):
I still get like fit like bills like in I
mean a lot of things like autodebit, but I still
get like I like to see something like on hold
a piece of paper, not like go online like me.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
What your login? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
I can barely log into my email. I'm not logging
into my Edison account online?

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Which your password? Please? No clu hey.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
A headline this week Jason Kelce retiring. Yeah, obviously was
last week. I'll tell you right now, any guy that
wants to say something nice about their spouse, partner, whatever,
look to Jason Kelce. I mean, what he said about
his wife ridiculous. I know, I know, they're so cute.

I love that and really sweet, like Travis being there
and just like what a great family.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
God, we love them, love love love.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
That's gotta be tough, though, I mean, you know, we
see it a lot with different athletes and work with,
you know, ones that have that moment where you know,
deciding that it's going to be over and when is
the right time, And that's got to be hard because
so much of your identity is wrapped up into what
you do. But it's exciting also too for them to
like what is that next chapter? And luckily there's so
many different platforms, like he'd be great and broadcasting to

continue or to stay around the sport. But yeah, I
know your husband probably talked about it like those guys
just missed the locker room.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
Yeah I missed that the boy.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Yeah, being around them, being around the boys, I know,
I agree. Seeing Travis theair crying and everything in the
mom and dad. That was very very special, and Jason
is a very emotional dude. We've had we've had production
meetings with him where he starts bawling. Oh, so, yeah
he is. He's very, very thoughtful. What else you got?

I was looking at our headlines that we had the
this is funny.

Speaker 2 (21:34):

Speaker 1 (21:34):
After years of his wife trying and failing to become
a famous Instagram mom influencer in a household with two
small children, this dad finally had enough. So it says
two years ago, my wife approached me one day and
told me that she was interested in making some money
off Instagram. I thought it was a fine idea. Unfortunately,
in the past two years as a hopeful Instagram influencer,
she's not made a single scent. The other day, I

finally got fed up with her because I walked in
the door to a complete disaster zone.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
I asked what she had done all day, to which
she responded she was busy.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
I snapped at her and told her her Instagram was
going nowhere and then I have to pick it up.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Anyways, That's hard because why is that goals? I am confused.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Yeah, I don't know, but it's also like I get
that part where if she wants to start a career.
That's wonderful, but if you're not making any money off it,
then what are we doing.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
I had a moment.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Okay, I was sitting I talked to you really quick.
I was getting my hair done, which takes I love
my guy that does my color. It's nothing against him.
I just I hate getting my nails. Yeah, I hate
getting my hair done. I wonder why I'm in a rut.
I just I start to lose my mommy after a while.
So I'm sitting there and flipping up on TikTok. I'm
watching all these.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Es I just do this contour like it and I'm
like Jesus Christ, like, how do these people, Well, they're
not in a rut?

Speaker 1 (22:51):
And I look over to my right. Molly Shannon is
sitting next to me getting her hair done, getting her
you know, everything done from Saturday Night Live. Like she's
one of the funniest women she. I think was like
when Saturday Night Live was out, It's best herd Will
Ferrell and totally. She was on a business call of
some sort and getting really really excited and was like, yeah,

let's do it. Yeah for sure, And then I just
started thinking about her and like probably how hard she
worked to get there, and you know, everything you hear
about being on Saturday Night Live is a fucking grind,
Like it is a grind and they work their asses
off have a time, but she's also kept it going
like people love Molly Shannon, And so I started thinking
about her and how hard she's worked and being a

female comedian and how hard that is. And nothing against influencers,
like good for you guys, do your thing, but that
you know what I mean, this woman has grinded like
she is royalty. So I was just kind of like, wow,
I don't know, you know, you know about like the
ability to make money and feel like you're just taking
a picture or whatever, yeah, versus like this woman that's

trying so hard to do that. And the Dad's like,
why is our house in Matt now? You and I
will say this because anytime we have to do a reel,
we lose our mind.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
It's so hoty, I give so much credit.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
However, anybody wants to make money, like good on you, right,
Like you think you get paid to take a picture,
Like okay, I mean that's good, good for you.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
Also, how you guys do it blows my mind. I can't.
I can't. I'm like, what, I know, how did they
sit there and they do this and they look so good?
They like I can't even like, I'm like I look
so crazy. No I have.

Speaker 1 (24:31):
I have admittingly, like when we try to get like
free shit real yeah, or like I want to tag
like a brand or whatever, I'm going to take a
picture of myself and then I look so stupid and
I'm like, no, I'm like, the brand's not going to
be excited to see me in this sweatshirt, saying that's
it's not working and I don't look cute and it's
not working out. And then I get so frustrated. Like

I had this Instagram outfit on the other day that
I had bought whatever for a while ago, and I
was wearing it at the ranch because it was snowing,
and I thought I looked so cute, and I was like, Steve,
take a picture of me.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
I look so cute.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
And then I'm looking at it and I'm like, I
look so stupid, Like, well, how people look adorable in
these outfits and tag and then we're making a reel.
It takes me all day to put together a fucking
reel and then it starts shorting out, and then I
don't know how to edit it, and now I'm getting frustrated,
and it's.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
Like it affects my mood.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
It oh, affects my mood. When you and I know
we have to do one, it's like, oh god, you
have to put makeup on because no filter is gonna
help me. No, and yeah, it's just yeah. And then
they're like, you know, just like edited this. I don't
know how to edit. I don't know miss clue in hell,
we we are on the other side of that, and

these these young whipper snappers that can just, you know,
like do these things in two seconds. I feel like
with my dad when I was like, oh, just text
me and he's like, I'm not texting. I'm never texting.
I feel like I'm that like old woman now that
doesn't know how to do any of the social media shit.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Again. I don't know how to be to do a TikTok.
You don't even know how to get your license on.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
I know Steve's going to jail for dumping boxes. That's
what we got going on over here. Okay, I do
think that's illegal.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
I do. I'm not sure the offense. But I do
think it's legal offense.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
I know, I'm sure because there's big signs that say
no dumping, no dumping. Okay, well I got something to
say about that, because I I tried to do the
right thing. I ordered an absorbitent amount of mattresses up
for the ranch because I was doing this other like
house thing and I was thinking that I needed all
of these twin mattresses. I don't, so I ended up
with six fucking box springs I didn't need. So now

I got to find a place to dump them. The
dump doesn't take mattresses. It's like a hole to do.
And so then we look online and it says this
one place takes it. So we get there and like, oh,
we no longer take We had to drive three hours
to dump mattresses. And Steve looks at me and he goes,
if this ever happens again, I'm flicking on the side
of the r and I go, no, you're not, You're

not doing that.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
We can't do that.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
But here's you get arrested. You get arrested, and here
but here's the problem. I'm in the in the shit
town I live in. I got to walk over people
dumping toilets and cowte and all this other stuff. And
meanwhile I'm driving three hours to try to do things
the right way and dispose of the mattresses legally, and

people are just throwing shit out off the side of
the road. What's going on around here? See, don't put
it down, put it away. I try to put the
match away, and you got yell and had to rest
three hours in the middle of nowhere to go to
the one dump that could take it.

Speaker 2 (27:39):
The dump's are really fascinating place.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
It's just something The dump always reminds me of like
my grandpa though, and I'm like, younger's like, oh, into
the dump today.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
I'm like, how much cheff are we act?

Speaker 1 (27:50):
Like? Why are we going with the dump all the time?
The word it actually is upsetting. I gotta be honest,
The word is upsetting. And the we're discussing it actually
on the podcast pretty much tells you where we are
is exactly We're gonna die.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
We're run.

Speaker 1 (28:10):
I'm at the dump. Shit stop saying the word. I
don't know what's going on. You and I, though, are
finally going to be together for a couple of days.
I'm really excited about that. What else do we have
to look forward to chatting out a couple of months,
which is unacceptable. I miss him.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
He's cute, He's really really cute. He's loud. I texted
Jackie Quick and Megan Carter the other day.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
Not sure why I feel it's a need to say
their last name whenever I discuss them, but I uh,
also whenever people call me, I just freeze, which is
also fucking annoying.

Speaker 2 (28:45):
Kurt, We're gonna have to work on that.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
So I just said to them, you guys failed to
mention that when your kid you lose hearing. When your
kid like looks at you and then absolutely screams so
loud it pierces your brain, your ear drum, and your soul.
No one mentioned that part to me about having a baby.
But why she did creaming just because he's a baby,
because you can't express himself to like be like mom,

I want to get up.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
I'm up with this. So he just goes, ah, I'm
gonna run. Shit. What else do we have going on?
Is this a podcast over nothing? I think we're at
a time. Oh we are? Oh? Actually, because bench that
I'm sitting on is so comfortable. I just where does

the time go. Your ass is gonna run? All right, well,
you know what, We're gonna get you out of that
rut will be better.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
And uh, for any of you guys listening, we would like,
what are the trends?

Speaker 2 (29:44):
What are we wearing? Should I cut my hair short?

Speaker 1 (29:48):

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Leave it alone? See I see these short cuts. And
then if your hairy short it looks great, it's not.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
It needs to have like a defined style. Anyways, I'll
work on that. Aaron will work on her. TikTok right, yeah,
all right, love you all bye, I love you.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Calm Down with Aaron and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
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