All Episodes

March 21, 2024 34 mins

This week on the Calm Down podcast, we are turning back the clock to the times of Pregames past as we revisit some of the more shining moments from the early show. Moments like why crying on a first date is forbidden, the challenges women face when establishing themselves in a male-dominated industry, why they don't want their husband/boyfriend to be a lot jealous, only maybe a little jealous, and more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
If we had a soundtrack for today, what would it be.
Let's think of a song Anima ruth dune. Nope, that's
sign it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the pre game,
and we're gonna start recording the things that happened prior
to getting on because I am not tech savvy. Poor
Aaron had issues with her computer today. Always something, but
you know what, we get through it. We sure do.

Sure do. You guys are awesome as always. You send
in questions and we are going to answer them. Pregame
fun times for all. Here we go Hawaii Rocks. I
don't drink yet restaurant check is split evenly among friends
who unfair or calm down. It's a great question. I
don't think that you should have to pay for drinks

if you don't drink. And it depends on the size
of the group, like if the whole group, think about it.
Cocktails in it of themselves are always like three times
the meal. And if you're a whole group, that's like boozing.
And you have a nacho play who says not choe plate?
If you have not chos like no, I don't think,
I think and your friends should say like no, you're
only paying for your meal. Who are these friends, yep,

that don't say this to you. I run into that
with people when we, you know, go away and they
have like a family of five and it's just the
two of us, and you know, their kids are chowing
and all that stuff. So but I'm also like, no
offense to my friends that have the three kids that
are chowing. Carson Harper Oggie, I love you all. But
it's also like it's not their fault that they invited

the you know, lame couple and we can't partake and stuff.
So the alcohol thing, I understand, the big old families
and just inviting your two friends, I think is a
I don't know, I always feel bad, but I always
feel bad about adding the extra table. I could go
on a whole thing about this anyways, just about splitting
checks and when you get to a certain age, like

why are we splitting it? Like I should be picking
up really time, and then you should pick up Yeah, absolutely, yeah,
I agree. Once you get to a place in your
life where you're financially more secure, I get it if
we're in college and like you're living off paycheck to paycheck,
But there comes to point like we're not splitting. And
I also feel like a dick if I'm like twenty
five dollars fore I twenty five dollars for you? And no, no,
just pick up the whole. What if you're splitting like

four ways? It depends on the group. Everything is situational.
Like if it's like let's say, let's say so situation
four couples, we all go out, then you can split
it four ways. But even still then I'm not into that.
I think if you can't only split it two ways,
four is too many. Now we're coming with all the
billfolds and the waitresses, like whose is what? No either
Patanic card roulette though that I can get down on that.

I get down on it. It's great. Down on it.
Oh that's the name of this podcast. Get down on it.
Ad Yeah, I'm going to butcher this. Ad me rat.
How would you say that? Admired? Admired? Sure? Great, Wow,
I admire you for writing that. What is a good
first date? I don't know, but that's a good first question. Yeah,

I l L I love a sports bar, but I'm working,
so you can't take me to the sports bar. I
don't know. What's a good first date. I don't. I
don't think a movie is a good first date. Top golf.
Top Golf's a great first date because you can you're interacting,
But it could be movie is terrible. I actually went
on a date one time. This guy took me to
a movie and he started crying in the movie and

I was like, oh my god, Oh you see Turner
and Hooch. No, it was like some documentary on like
and I don't even I'm going to be a dick
and say like, I don't know something very emotional. Actually
I know what it was, and I'm not going to
say it because I will sound like a jackass. It
was a sad story of some jam page, something that happened, No,
something that happened in history. But I was like, we

we're crying on the first date. This is not a
good not for someone like me who is void of feelings.
I need you to be strong and mighty on that
first date. Cabout the end? Hell no, did you come
out with him again? Yeah? I did. But then I
was like yeah, because well then he took me to
o High Valley Ranch, which was a nice place to
like go out. Then then I was like, okay, you
made up for it with that, but he was lame expensive.

I think you know who that. We'll talk about it later.
It's not important right now. Okay him with to answer
to answer Levin, you, I don't think you were like
in the mix as much then. Anyways, he's a lawyer
for someone, Okay, whatever, a real lawyer. Now, what is
my first date? To answer the question, I think anything

interactive and fun? Top golf? Take me to a concert?
I think is really fun. That's crazy, that's really like
you're like, you're crazy. Well, a concert is like you're stuck.
You have a concert. First of all, that's expensive for
a first date. Who are you dating? Well, we know

I was paying for and that's prob. What's going on there? All? Right? Well,
I think anything interactive and anything that is memorable dinner
is just like Lase Blase. But AnyWho, Diana frees firework fans,
poor poor admired is never submitting another question again. I
have Diana Freese firework fans or no? And how did
the dogs handle them? Diana? I love you for asking

that question because my dogs I ship off every fourth
of July because I am not good at dealing with them,
because they they hate fireworks. I'm not a big fan
of fireworks. I think too many things can go wrong.
I'm like worried about like, you know, we know certain
people that have had things go wrong for Jason Pierpaul, like,
I just don't want to deal with a like fireworks situation.
So and my dogs do not like them. So they

stay at their sweet border's house during that time because
the professionals know how to deal with them, and then
I get them back July fifth, How's Howie? How he's
really good with fireworks. My dogs my parents used to have,
were really like thunder lightning fireworks. They were animals. Literally,
it didn't go well in our house. But how he's
really really good. I'm not into I agree with you,

I'm not into fireworks. My dad actually had a bad
accident when he was growing up. It wasn't fireworks related,
but he did in fact injure his hand very badly.
So I'm pretty like scared and timid with a lot
of things that could cause, you know, physical harm to yourself.
So yeah, I just went to my girlfriend's house and

it's going to be your last Fourth of July. Jackie Quick,
Jonathan Uike, Megan Carter, Jeff Carter, and I cried the
whole time, and I watched their kids do fireworks, and
I think there was some like song on and I
was an emotional wreck. So go go Usa. I lost
this question. I don't even I can't wait to answer it.

Del Roy Wilson. Did Aaron get invited to the Ruben
White party? She better have? So Delroy is talking about
Michael Rubin, the head of Fanatics. I have a clothing
line with Fanatics. I think that we do pretty well
with them. I'm grateful for Michael Rubin, yeah, having as
part of his group at Fanatics. But I actually I've
been checking my junk mail. I didn't change. I can't

get my computer to change our charge. But no, I
didn't really get that invite. Now, it kind of seems
like the females that were invited were ones that have
a lot tighter physique and you know, more Instagram followers
than I do. But no, it seems to have Maybe
it's maybe it's maybe it's in the computer that's not charged.

Maybe that's a separate yea, yeah, getting that I love it.
It did look like a great time. I can't wait
for you to get invited again, so I can't wait. Yeah,
I can't wait to talk to Strahan about the party
that you know he got invited to and I didn't. Cool.
Thanks guys. If you want to buy whereby EA, go

to fanatics dot com. You know, Sarah M. Gibbons. Do
you get annoyed when stores start emailing or stocking fall
merch in July? I don't, Sarah, because I'm also the
girl that just got excited that the Hallmark Channel announced
that they were having Christmas movies in July. So give
me all the holidays all the time. The only time
I get annoyed about holiday stocking is if you put

out Christmas stuff and I haven't even gotten to Halloween,
like I need to go. We had that conversation. I
need Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Like, let's not leap
frog or you know backwards whatever. You know what I'm saying,
go backwards on the events in life. What's the Home
Shopping Network? Not only does the Hallmark Channel have Christmas

in July movies, but HSN Home Shopping Network whatever it's called.
Last year, I remember being in Montana and watching Christmas
in July, like deals that you could get the chocolate
covered pretzels. It made me Honestly, if I wasn't doing sports,
I would do the Weather and if I couldn't get
on the Weather channel, I would do h or not HGTV,

that's okay. I would do Home Shopping Network. I could
look how juicy this turkey is. For Christmas Eve or
Christmas Day. Just look at the juice coming out of
this bird. And we will throw in a ham for you.
We certainly will, and this will feed a family of twelve.
Don't worry, Mom, Papa, Gracie, Angela, Kimmy, They'll all be

taking care of you. Can have ham one night. Turkey,
the freaking I love it. I want to go on.
I used to. I got in trouble one time because
I stole my mom's credit card out of her purse.
I bought the Ronco food dehydrator. I bought the sham
Wow thing and the chop deal that you could make
like Pico Degai or whatever on or out of I

love the Home Shopping Network and those women can sell
anything to anyone. I'm just like, it's shit that I
never would need in my entire life, and I'm like,
I don't know how I've lived without it. Those women
are named real salesmen, and the men are too. They
sit there and they open up like the cupcake or
the cookie to show how like oh delicate and the
more sales are always perfect. It's fantastic. I think we

should petition to be guest hosts on that thing. There's
nothing that I would love more if you and I
got to go on HSN together and sell done. Let's
get let's I also would love to sell where on there,
because then maybe I would get invited to the white Party. Okay,
Paigey twelve ninety four, I'm getting married in two weeks.
Any advitation, yay, congratulations you go because we know my

track record in this category, so you are successful, your
advice girl. You know, the biggest thing I regret about
my wedding was that I was very big on having
candid photos, like I have great pictures of you on
the dance floor. I have great pictures of like my
friends all on the dance floor having a time doing
the shot skis really good stuff. I didn't get certain

groups like I don't have a formal picture with you.
I don't have a formal picture with Joe and Troy
I don't have one with strayhand. I don't have one
with my management team. I don't have one with my
table that I sat with. I just was really big
on like just take everybody. But I would put together
a shot list that's a term from the industry shotlist

of what you I like and who you want to
phototographer check it out. Yeah, and then but then you
have to tell I would, I would say to the
photographer even if I tell you like no, I don't
want it. Forced me to do it, as if it's
like you're gonna regret in the union. This is why
I think the best money you would ever spend. It's
actually the only thing of my two weddings. And I
liked a photographer. I had my friend John fly In,

but a photographer. And so you have in the end
is pictures. So and either way, congratulations to you. We
can't wait and eat to eat pea. Are you there, hello, caller.

I have not talked to her all day. And there's
a reason we do this so many reasons, so we
can discuss all of the things. That my hair is
wet because I have a leaving conditioner, whcause I'm smart,
I should do that tonight too. I'm going to do
that too well. I watched a Sophia Ritchie tutorial on
the slip back look she does, and she did a
whole thing on leave it like a hair mask while

slicking it back. It's why her hair grew. I love this.
Wait before we get to the pregame, I have to
tell you what happened to me right before postgame yesterday.
I was nervous. I haven't spoken to Jordan Love before
the Love era has begun, and I'm going through my
questions in my head. I'm talking them out. And this
gentleman who worked with the is it the first Down crew? Ryan?

Tell me what they're called, the guys that do the
first down? He goes, Hey, Aaron, no new calm down
this week? I should not. You're so right. Tom Fanning
from the Packers was right there. I go, did you
hear that? Forget my interview with QB one. This man's
concerned about no new calm down. He goes, I was waiting.
It's not a new one that's adorable. That is adorable,

and you're going to retell that story on our full
length podcast in case those of you can't handle us.
Twice a week and you're the chain's crew. Thanks Ryan.
All right, everyone, it is time for the pregame and
we are off and running. Steph bry when do you
know the relationship is over? Ah, step into my office, Steph.
To me, it's pretty simple. If there's any kind of

dysfunction that is harmful physically, mentally, emotionally, it's a wrap
on that. If it's not that extreme, which is probably
what you're alluding to here, I just go to worst
case scenario. When is the relationship over? When you don't
want to try anymore? To me, it's always about the
effort that you want to put in. There's going to
be highs and lows in a relationship, but ultimately you're

not always going to like the person. But do you
still love them? If you don't love them anymore, you
gots to go. Don't waste your time, don't waste their time.
I think when you start resenting each other too for
every little thing, and it's just like you're grossed out
by everything. I think Jarrett still as well on his
way to that. I have just been I've been unbearable
lately and I know it and I feel bad. But anyways,

I'm on the up and up, you know. Okay, Well
we can talk about that a little bit later, and how,
especially as the season is starting for us, how we
can temper our selfishness in a busy time where it's like, oh,
well it's our season and we're busy. Well, guess what,
there's still people that need to be treated with respect. Yep,
taking it out on him. That's going to be one

of my podcast topics for our big show or big show,
our big job, Everyone the marquee on Radio City Music, Call,
is that what it is? Okay, you're up girl? Okay,
Alexandra Kik your rists best advice for a gal? I
love that. Starting a new job, that's what Troy this gal,

great gal. Best advice for a gal starting a new
job with all men, nervous but exciting. Don't be be nice,
don't be here's my thing. I I feel like we
all know this. Just and Chris and I are women,
but I feel like we are so one of the guys.
One of those qualities was was something I did a

couple days ago. For example, I always will always offer
to do my luggage, but I never want them to
feel how heavy it is. Because I got a lot
of shit in there, and I'm like, no, no, no,
I've got it. Let them do it. But I'm I'm
just self sufficient. I can take care of myself. Yes,
there are times that I need some help. But like
we go do that interview with Aaron Rodgers, Gillian's got
her bag. He meating, that's what we're talking about on

the Big show Love You. He's like, let me grab it,
and she's like okay, and I said, no, I haven't.
Like it's just I don't know. I just feel like,
you got to be one of the guys. Okay. I'm
in two minds about that. I do think that being
one of the guys fitting into the proverbial locker room
is great. I love this. My girlfriend's daughter celebrated her
first birthday the other day, and I thought the message

that she wrote on Instagram was so adorable. She said,
like to my bossy little one year old, but don't
let Bossy mean that, or don't don't the way that
she said it, she was something like, don't let Bossy
be something that's I'll pull it up. It was a
lot more eloquent than that. Basically, like the little girl's
assertive and she knows what she wants. It's like that

may be bossy, but it's not always a bad thing.
So that sort of a female which I have a
boat you pick with lately, we'll just play scrabble and
use some other letters. It's called bitchy, like when we
assert ourselves or bitches. When men assert themselves, they're confident
they're in charge. It's like I'm not apologizing anymore, and
I'm not the whole like you know, the crazy beat,

the drum that like men are the bad guys. Men
are not the bad guys at all. But it's how
we to me, it's how it's what we're tolerant of.
Like this could be its podcast in and of itself.
If you ever feel disrespected, you need to say, hey,
I'm not cool with that. Don't go cry on the
side and then expect that the guy's supposed to know that,
assert yourself shoulders back and say do not talk to

me that way, or sort of. You need to set
your own expectations and what boundaries that you're comfortable with,
because there's a lot of times that I mean, I'm
very you know, inappropriate sometimes and that some guy could
be like, whoa, I'm reporting you to hr, I'd be like, yo,
just come to me say like that offended you? My men,
that's a whole other thing. So a very long winded

answer to a short question is when you're working with
a bunch of men, make sure that you garner their respect.
But you do that by setting expectations and being vocal
about what it is that you want. And that doesn't
mean that you're a bitch. That means that you're self respecting.
Would be passing, I could do it. Don't be so sensitive, right,
don't be so sensitive. But it's funny you say that

because a lot of men are so sensitive. But if
we were that sensitive, there would be a discussion about it.
It's just wild. Let's do a whole subject on it. Yeah,
we will. Actually it induces a much. Hence why we're
reacting this way, because I think there's a you know,
let's get some viewers on. We should really open this
up in the off season. We should have calm down
podcasts where we bring on some wonderful listeners like think

like the view but not annoying. I love that. I'm
going to tell you who I told or asked I
guess told too to be on our podcast. Aaron and
he said he would do it. I don't know when.
I mean, I know he's busy tonight, but I was
may or may not be. I was talking to about
being a woman in the industry, and he goes, have
you ever heard the Taylor Swift song called I'd Be
the Man? And I was like, yes, and it's one
of my favorites. He goes, there's just a difference, and

I'm like, not saying he agrees with what I was
complaining about, but he's like, that's how it is. Like
it is anyway, I ever heard that Usher song called
Trading Places? It's adorable. Okay, we'll get to that later.
Underwire This is a great segue. Wireless or underwire bra
from cmbrow eight. No bra, I spent too many years

of my life not wearing one because I didn't need to.
And now I'm a national geographic ad. I would say
wireless because I don't like when it digs in, don't
I'm not well in doubt enough to always need a wire.
Are we wired? Is this conversation being recorded? We're recorded everywhere.
I'll tell you what. When my dog had stomach issues
today at three and six in the morning, I was

wearing no bra and underwear as we walked him around
our neighborhood for three hours. That was awesome. Anyways, you're
a good mom. I am an underwire kind of goal
just because I like to lift it up. But I
will tell you, and this is going to be another
conversation on our You Heard Me Big Show Skims. I

got a whole segment on that. I should be whole segment.
We'll just leave it at that. We have a whole
segment on skims. It's called the skinny on skims because
this one is the biggest advocate, as she should. And
here don't tell him no, lock it up. Here's what happens.

Can you tell? It's like Aaron and I first day
of school and we just came home from class. We've
had new classmates, and I like, everyone stay with us
unless you have a headache from us talking so fast?
All right, mayor Hamso no, you skip start one Ariel Lauren.
One thing about house and home and where you find
fulfilling right now? That's a great question. One thing about

house in home and where If I'm fulfilling right now,
I'm very grateful. I just did a partnership with TCL,
who's the official television of the NFL. And I love
that they came to me and said, yes, you have
an NFL presence hosting two pregame shows, but we also
that's bragging. Yeah, she's a previous listener. This is about
being a woman in man's world and being proud. For

a long time, I was always like, humble, I'm not
humble anymore. I'm an arrogant bitch. Now, okay, two pre games. Hey,
you humble bitch, sit down. I will sit down for
at least the next hour of this podcast. Now. I
loved that they came to me and said, yes, there's
the NFL presence, but we also want to incorporate house
and Home because we have a ninety eight inch TV

and we want you to help design living rooms for
people that maybe don't what to do with a ninety
eight inch TV. A ninety eight inch TV isn't massive,
you know. So I love that there was an intersection
of both of my professions and that it made sense
and it was awesome to have a brand acknowledge that
and be creative and how we could intertwine the two.
And that is an ad for TCL. Even though I
didn't for it to be, so thank you for the

question you, Erin, And she's wearing war by Aaron Andrews
and that amazing logo. I got asked seventy five times
yesterday when wearing my NFL sweater at work and I
text Lauren Cutie, wonderful Lauren, who runs your company? I
was like, I have been asked seventy five times I
get this sweater. People love it, Erin, And I'm not
just saying that because you know you're my best friend.

It is everyone asked where to get it. I was.
There was really no place to go to the bathroom
yesterday at Soldier Field. One note if they could make
a women's room like a giant women's and that would
be appreciated. So there was one female restroom single right
by our trucks, which means the men always in there.
And I was standing outside and had to peace so

bad and wanted to meet the boys out for pregame,
and I'm like, oh, please hurry, please hurry, please hurry.
This girl walked out. It was the lovely woman that
does the in house interviews and she's in a wear
dress and I go, oh my god, I saw that
and she has a wear baths back on everything. It
was so cool and she was like, can we get
a picture? And I was like yes, it was really

really that's amazing. That must feel so good because here's
what people don't understand. And you know, we know the
people that are just like name, Hey, I'm gonna tell
you and if I don't even know the intricacies of
how much goes into it. But it is not a hey,
I want to be adorable and put my name on something.

It is hours and hours and hours and a lot
of money and time and effort and partnerships and meetings
and everything to have that sweatshirt end up on your
body and be your company. So kudos to you. It
must be so cool to see that in stadiums and
when people send in pictures and everything like ah, it's
not to mention how cute it is. Thanks Boo. Welcome

everybody to the free game. For those of you new
to the program, pre game, we answer your questions, comments
and concerns that you submit. Reminder you can submit them anonymously,
which sometimes are our favorite because then they're a little
bit more risque, a lot like this red nail polish,
which I will get to in the big show. The
fuck not for a Halloween costume? Ooh, that sparks something

in my mind as a topic of discussion. Okay, here
we go. First up, we've got Gizzie and Roscoe. Is
this a compliment? I think of you, ladies every time
I get a pimple on my face. I think that's adorable.
And you know what, as a gal that suffered from
acne her whole life, I think that is a fabulous compliment.
And I'm flattered that you would think of us when
you have a pimple on your face. We appreciate you

and all the congestion in your pores. Y mahallo. Have
you ever used a Bori strip? Ye? Yeah, but I
don't think it went well. I also don't trust myself
with one of those strips because I feel like I'll
strip something I need in my skin. I'll go too hard,
Like I just feel like something will happen. I'm just
a walking disaster, you know, the lighting and the airplane bathrooms. Yeah,

that's never a good time to diagnose what's happening on
the face. Because I did it the other day and
I was like, whoa, we need to like clear out
the congestion on the four or five, and then I
came home. I found a Bori strip. There's a ploysed
effort from god knows what year, and it barely adhered
to the to the bridge, Take it to the bridge,

take it to the house. So it didn't do anything,
but I think I'd like the idea of it, like
the satisfaction of peeling that thing off when they really work,
when they're new, and you get all of those little
blackheads out. Yeah, I don't know, I might get some.
I love that. Here's a random tangent for you. You just
thought of a song, take it to the house on
the bridge or something. Yesterday I thought of the Calm

Down podcast because we talk about the music at stadiums.
The Cowboys always have great music always. It's just it's
a party at at and T Stadium. Well in game entertainment.
I'm a fan, not you know, I don't want the
Rams to ever drop a pass. But somebody dropped a
pass and they played over the loudspeaker drop like you know,

and they kept going and I was like, that's good,
that's good, that's very creative. You know who else had
good music and we haven't talked about it because we
had our wonderful friend Dan Patrick on the show last week,
so we were getting into all things Dan. But New
Orleans had oh yat music? So so far my power
rankings Carolina, New Orleans and was it Kansas City? No? No,

in Kansas City? Okay, So Dallas. I'm going there in
a couple of weeks. I can't wait. That's so exciting.
Drop Okay, Kayla, chit shows. I just screwed that up.
I sound like a shit show. Did your husband and
boyfriend husband slash boyfriend get jealous about you working with
attractive men? No? I don't think my husband cares. He's

just like, do you know I really? I literally asked
Steve a question the other day. I said, do you
ever get jealous? And he goes no. I said, I
think that's a bad thing. I think you should get
like a little jealous because that means that you care,
and he goes, Okay, so you want me to get jealous?
And then it was like such a girl thing, whereas
like the boyfriend's so confident that he doesn't get jealous.
But now I'm mad because he doesn't get jealous at all,
and he's like just tell me what you want me

to be. Do you want me to be jealous or
not want me to be jealous? And I was like,
forget it. It was such a like circular conversation where
I know he probably left it and was like what
that job? This gualous? This would be a good conversation.
I think for both of them when they you know,
if they're ever around, But Jared and Steve are very
much the same. I just feel like they're like, we're
good here. Also, Jared, he becomes friends with everyone I

work with, Like he and Greg are in a text
chain together, Like you know, he came to dinner the
other night when we got to have it with Jeter
and stuff like that. So it's not like he's just
as excited to hang out, like he's not thinking, oh
my god, I don't know. Yeah, you're right, well do
you think I'm hot? Is that why? Jared? So that
it's like, okay, you're saying is you think I'm bad?

You think I'm back? The guys are like, what I asked?
What you wanted for dinner? Oh god? Okay, Allison, ooh
good question about sure Cet. How was the pack? How's
the packing? Alison? Thank you for remembering. You will be
very proud of me, as Aaron already is, because I articulate, articulate,

not my words. The conversation every week when revolved around packing.
The cold medicines really kicking in, guy, so stay with me.
Apparently the FDA says it doesn't work. Oh my god, yeah,
I'm nursing this cold. And Aaron says, the medicine isn't working. Well,
something's going to my head and it's not fucking neurons
to spark the conversation. Okay, here we go solely land

the plane on the Hudsoner anywhere point is. The packing
is going fabulous. I do it the night before and
I have the little packing things that I didn't even
know that I got aerin. I forgot that I got
hear those for Christmas. And I empty out my suitcase
right when I get home and like straight to the
laundry room. I really pretty close. I'm really really good

about that this year because I was like, there is
no excuse to a not have what I need. But
I also trying on before I pack them now is
to get alterations. I'm all grown up in the world
of packing, So thank you. For asking, and I'd like
to thank this is the trope. I'd like to thank
Aaron for inspiring me to be a better packer. Go
Packers Go. I want to say this to you and

your glam team, dom You guys are killing it on
Thursday night. You look gorge The wind has been blowing
through your hair. Well that's a compliment to Dominique because
she's hair, makeup and all things wardrobe on the road. Alica,
thanks for the clothes, but yeah, Dominique's the best. And
here's the best thing about Dominique, anyone. If we've talked
about Friend of the Show a lot, like Jillian, we

reference them a lot. Dominique is so sweet that she'll
do all my hair and makeup, and then I'll touch
everything and I'll read you the lips and not even
know what I'm doing. She's like, it's okay, it's okay.
Like she's just the sweetest person. So yeah, cool as
a cucumber. Who's still saying that I am trying seventy
seven advice for dating in your forty Holy heck, it's

tough out there. I was a bad dater. Well, I
will say this. I think we've talked about this a
little bit. But I do have a couple girlfriends who've
been single for a long time, and that's by choice,
and I always say to them. A lot of my
apprehension about when I was getting a divorce was like, ock,

I got to go back out there and do it again. Yeah,
but it was better. My mindset was like I would
rather go out there and try again than be stuck
in the current situation. So and my dad also said
something to me one time. I was like, oh, I
was like, I'm okay being single. He goes, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Be careful, like, you don't want to say that for
too long, because then you get too comfortable being alone

and then it's harder and harder to sort of implement
or to like bring someone into your life. So I think,
like my mother says, I'm all over the place with suggestions.
Here is you can't win the lotto if you don't
buy a ticket. You're not going to meet a guy
if you don't or a girl, whatever preferences. You're not
going to meet the significant other in your life if
you don't put yourself out there. So true, I say,
this is someone who's had to put myself out there

because I've had to go back out in the dating
world multiple times, and I think just be open to suggestions.
Go on the blind date, go on the setup, go
on an app if that's something that you're into. Yeah,
I just think I'm as exhausting as it might feel.
I think the more and more you put it off,
the harder and harder it is. Get back in the saddle, exactly.
And if you have a type, tell us maybe we've

got a guy for you. You know, serious, it is
bumble ask the Today Show. Yeah, you're part of it too,
knock it off. Florida golfer girl. Can I guess? Oh,
I just took currs? Can I guess we're white to
the wedding? Well, you can wear anything you want to
a wedding. Just know. I'm kidding. I was gonna make
a joke about you just know what the dress code is,
but I don't knows to. No, you can't wear white

to a wedding. Oh no, that's like the bride. No,
you didn't know that I did. Yes, you did. Yeah,
So I think out of respect for the bride, you
should not wear white unless it's she's saying, like, wear whatever.
You want. I still am like, there's a lot of
other options. I would have a hard time showing up
in white. It's kind of kind of a ballsy move,
like it's your day. It's the one day you get

to wear this, you know, outfit and you're gonna show
up on something. It depends on the bride. How close
are you to or just be like, hey, do you
care what color I wear? And she's like, no, I'm
gonna wear a white dress. Cool whatever. I would be
the coolest bride the third time around. I'd be like,
where a Halloween costume? Just I want my friends to
show up. My friends weren't at any of my weddings,
any of them. Seriously, this is the wedding I want

to go to, so figure it out. I'm not getting
married again, but I am going to a party. But
I just have a wedding and call and say it's
not Stephen Curis's wedding. Wedding like that's a wedding Friends episode,
which so sad. By the way, I can do I know,
I know, and you're the biggest friends sad. Matthew Perrydine

life is short and I actually met him at the
NHL Awards and he was so so nice. We're just
talking hockey and all that, and then yeah, so sad,
really sad. Lina Short fifty four years old. And then
you look at someone like that and it goes, you know,
to that old adage of like you know, Instagram versus reality,

right where it's like, this is someone that's had such
success and the highest level of fame and then they
fight their own battles. But I also liked what he
said is that when he died, he wanted people to
remember him for his work and advocacy in sobriety, as
opposed to being remembered for friends. But really sad. And
obviously I don't know the whole story on that and
how he passed away. But they played that song at

the Dallas Cowboys game yesterday too. They did, Yeah, and
it's like kind of a moment where that's that's so,
I mean, what's the word for it, Chrisy, You're better
with your words than I am. But that's so. I know.
They played it the Los Angeles Kings game because he
was such a hockey fan. He went to Kings games.
They played it, you know, at the Dallas game when
we were in break and everybody was kind of like

singing it. I mean, I don't want to see you've
made it, but you he is a friend. He was
everybody's friend. He was a mixture and everybody's home. Mm hmm.
It's just like yeah, and memoriam of somebody to like
pay with their respect. His stepfather talking about Matthew Perry.
If anyone hasn't connected these dots, his stepfather was Keith Morrison.

Did you know that? From dateline? It's like, is that
the most like iconic voice of like, hey what Yeah,
that's his stepfather. And I didn't know that until they
were showing him and his mom showing up at his house.
But thoughts and prayers with his family. I hate when
people say thoughts and prayers, I really do, because it's
like you need more than that. But just sending respect
to the family. Who are we all out of time?

I think we are. We can save the other questions
next week, ri I said, all right, fair enough, I'll
update my chat and I'll get it together. Remember submit
all questions, comments and concerns. Bye. Hi. Calm Down with
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