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March 28, 2024 33 mins

On the second installment of our "Best of the Pregame" show, we take the best of your questions as they always seem to spark interesting conversations. This time around Erin and Charissa talk about how to tell a friend you don't like their partner, how to make friends when living in a new city, a big fight they once had, and more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Calm Down with Erin and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio.
Welcome everybody to the pre game program. Pre program, Aaron,
are you still had the pre game from last night?
This girl straight off of playing from New Orleans. That's funny.
I am in Seattle. We will get into all that later.
Right now, what's important is the questions you guys submit,

and we love you for it. Yeah. So first things first,
this one's for you, sister. Watch Me Tata, which first
of all, is adorable, a playoff Watch Me Naine. The
first time I've ever actually understood someone's name. I mean
I thought Tata was Taylor Swift. That's adorable, very cute. Aaron,
how were the tunes? Quote? I need the tunes in

Nola amazing And I feel like one of my best
friends wrote this. I know you didn't. Maybe Jillian did,
or maybe mark Ingram or Cam Jordan where we sat
there and talked about tunes last night after the game.
Tunes for Fire, Naughty by Nature. I mean, it's always
good New Orleans. Really, they have a DJ so to
set this up for you guys. Each stadium I get

excited for, especially Aaron, having been on the road much
longer than I've been. You get excited because like Carolina,
Aaron warn Me has a great like the DJ, there's fire,
you get so excited. And that was in Philly. They
were playing so much Taylor Swift when I was there
for that pregame. So you get excited to go to
different cities for various different reasons. Of course, teams, hotels
and the quote tunes in the stadium. So do they

have a DJ or is it just somebody in the
good old press spot doing I don't know if they do,
And forgive me if you are the DJ there and
ri a calm down fan because it sounds like I
need to calm down and pay attention. But it's always
so loud. It was different, right doing a preseason game there,
not as as crazy as it always is in the
Caesar's Palace, super Dom, Welcome Back. Yeah, but the tunes

are fire. Kevin was on one last night. He was amazing.
He said, a couple ones that you love. They showed
Willie Anderson Junior's mom dance and he goes, she loves
the naughty by Nature and I loved him for that,
and then another great one that I died for. I
love a good play by play guy that gets a
little like, you know, subtle. Yeah, we were showing highlights

of Dimico. Ryan's talking about why he was so pumped
to come to Houston, and he said excited a ton
of times, which I do a lot, and Kevin goes
Demiko Ryan's with the old Jesse Spano from Saved by
the Bell where she's like, I'm so excited, I'm so
I'm so scared. So good, Kevin. Those are the reference
because it's if you get it, then you get it

and we're ready. Yeah. One time Joe Buck did one
I'll never forget. It was a one o'clock kick in Philly,
and it just gets like, it's why he's so good.
It came out of nowhere. He said, all right, and
we are back, and to quote Ton Loke, let's do it.
And they kicked the ball. It was awesome. I missed
myself amazing. You know who was like that? Not in

a play by play fashion, but Robert Flores on Sports
Center was unbelievable. He would throw in these singers that
you're just like, if you get so Brian McKnight, Okay,
we all know R and B singer like back at one,
like the whole thing whatever. He came out and I
don't know where this cat had been in hiding. He
came out with a song that was very inappropriate, very inappropriate,

like I don't even know how it got clearance to
like make it on the radio. Out of nowhere, Flores
is doing a highlight. He's like, you know, three to
two count, bottom of the ninth, anyone heard that new
Brian McKnight song. It was so great and you know,
we know the ESPN brass was not happy to ask.
He got called into the principal's office real quick after
that one, so so fun watch me Ta ta thank

you for your submission, so cute. We're all out of
time after that answer. Next, now we have an anonymous submission.
This is new here on the pregame. Yah, you're allowed
to submit anonymously, and we're getting some real good ones
on that Filmore, we are caught a close friend cheating
on their husband. Come front or stay quiet? I say,
confront it, confront it all day because I have to.

I think about if I'm on the other side of
that and I find out later that my if you
knew something, and this is I mean, I don't think
there's anything specific, but like, if you know something that
I should know, I would be so mad at you
that you didn't tell me, even if it hurts my feelings,
even if it's something that's going to like disrupt my life,
I'll be more upset and question, Okay, so you're not

a real friend if you don't tell me. So, yes,
you need to tell because it's not your fault that
this is happening. It'll be your fault if you don't
say something right. Also, anonymous subission, I need more information.
How did you find out what's going on? Here's the
we need to follow up segment on all anonymous submissions
because we still need a follow up on what happened
with our last one. I know, Can you guys just
get back to us. We want a relationship exactly exactly

next one we have got again, I'm gonna screw this up.
Change chanage chamazl. Have you two ever had a disagreement?
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh pretty heat? I think yeah.
We got fired up one time with each other, and
the best part about it was the next night I
had to host an event for the Aaron was the

recipient for this Saint Jude's Incredible Person of the Year Award.
She was the first female to ever receive this honor.
For the past Summer All Award for Saint Jude. The
night before there was a mother fucking each other, very
prestigious honor, and we were going to town on each
other the night before and basically unloading every thought we

had on one another. And then the next night I
get up and I was like, everyone puts your hands
together for this very inspirational gal. But it was actually
a great way to get over it because it made
me realize that our friendship was strong enough to have
that conversation. And then conversely, the next night truly like
say everything that I love about Erin as well. So
I think any good friendship or any good relationship should

be able to have those kind of blow ups and
then find resolution in it. So, yeah, we've had him.
Oh yeah, Carol, Yeah, Carol Baldwin. Tips for skin breaking
out with so much plane travel. I travel a lot
for work too, and it kills me. Girl, I feel you,
it's hard for me. Chrissa really makes an effort at
the airport. I just try to wear a minimal makeup

on a plane because it's just like you got to
give your skin a break. Now, if you have to
go to a meeting, maybe you could just do a
little bit and then add it in the car. I
know that's a pain in the ass, but I know
I look like a nightmare for my crew, especially at
five am this morning in the New Orleans airport. WHOA Hey,
God concealer does a lot, but I just think you
need to give your skin a break. Also, to Chris

is great about taking showers seven times a day, Maybe
try to wash your face when you get to the
hotel or wherever you're traveling. To also keep your hands
away from your face when you're traveling. Look, so couple
things on this. It's well documented and spoken about on
my end about my belts with acne. Twenty years of it,
ten decades, ten decades, two decades worth of acne. Divide

by white numbers. Never everyone see that show. No, the
numbers didn't lie. No one watched that show. Where's Michael Smith?
Get off your laptop? I think this. I used to everyone,
grab a mit because the balls are flying. I don't
need balls flying at my face. What was that, froud
she s from? What was that from? Clueless? Yeah? That

one's balls flying. It's a very expensive good good good.
So back to the originally scheduled program and answer to
the question. I used to want to be cute all
the time, Like I'm gonna put on heels and walk
through the airport and be adorable, and like I just
did an interview, so I have a full face and makeup.
This face would have went to the airport in this
because I was trying to be adorable and look for

my soulmate. Now this gets scrubbed off as soon as
this podcast is over. Full on serum serum, serum serum
slathered on the face, and comfortable clothes. So to Aaron's point,
it's time. It's time to relinquish. And also I feel
like I look older with a lot of makeup on,
So I'm getting into the lessons more and probably should

have done it like ten years ago. So oh my god.
On our full length podcast that is released on Thursdays
for those of you that need a schedule album drop,
I want to discuss shorts on a plane, not to
be confused with snakes on a plane. Writing it down,
Shorts on a plane, I Q because you've got that voice.
Note I left you when we were talking about it.

Put some clothes on. Put some clothes on, right now,
put some clothes on, Carol Paul twin tips. Oh, sorry,
that's fine. That's I'm following along, Jill hand. What is
the hardest part of your job? Go forty? This is it?
The next day? Four thirty, wake up, six thirty, flight home. Yeah,

slept three and a half hours on the plane with
my neck all jacked up. But now trying to function
and you feel like shit all day. Well, I only
have two days at home. Well, I really have a
day and a half before I have to go back
on the road. So this is kind of it. You know.
Somebody asked me, are you going to take a nap? Nap? Nap?
You're tired, You take a nap, You don't move to napa?
Is Mac taking an app right now? I missed a book.

He is taking a nap. It was nice to come
home and see him. This was my first time away.
We can talk about that on the full length writing
it down We're going to because that was one of
my questions to you that I was thinking about you
this morning. Where what a crazy journey of like the
twenty years you've worked in the industry, twenty five years,
whatever number we're at that this is the first time
you were going to come home to a smash. So

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on that and
everything else in between. Okay, last question is uh, yay kay.
Are you fans of Miley Cyrus? I am a fan.
I don't want to say like I'm not not a
fan of Miley Cyrus. I don't know a ton of
her music. I know when Aaron starts singing it, or
the one from the photo shoot that you were like

really into. Remember, I remember you were sitting down for
a DK Metcalf interview oh a years ago, and it
was like this hot song and she was like listening
to it on repeat and ended up using it in
the feature and the whole thing. I like anyone that's authentic,
and so she falls under that category. She's unapologetic. She's
had a lot of different versions of herself, and I

like someone that can also write a song that gets
back at their X so flowers to you. I can't
be changed. That's so long ago. I like her. Yeah,
she's good. I can't imagine not having a relationship with
Liam Hemsworth not work out I would have done anything
for that to work out, Not to be with him,

but I would do anything me love. But I won't
do what won't do? That video? What won't he do?
I don't know, but that video was unbelievable on the motors.
But what will he not do? I'll tell you what
we're not gonna do. Keep going on on this prey
game because we've got a lot more material where this

is coming from. Grab your coffee cocktails, Stay with us.
The Fall Length podcast is this Thursday, and air is
straight off the road and has stories already. I am
on the road and flight's been canceled, makeup and tack
and I did something in an interview that I've never
done before. That's a tease in the biz. Stay with
and she's on one right now and she is nasy

pants and anyone are we on? Let's just say this
is our pregame. Welcome to the pregame. Guys, will calm down.
We were just discussing when we came on air. You
heard me were live when we came on air. What

our mothers would call for ninety eight point seven sports
talk radio would be live on air. We take callers
all day, every day Pin ninety five is jammed. We
suggest you look into I seventy five. What was I
gonna say? We were talking about what our mothers would
call it when our dads would excuse themselves and go
use the restroom. My dad, Avid, Boston Red Sox fan,
would call it dad's gone to go think about the

Red Sox. Would your mom say anything or your dad's
just in the bathroom? No? Neia is. This conversation was
because last week Aaron said, when I was reading the paper,
I'm like, you're not reading the paper. You're reading your
phone or your iPad is what you're reading. But I said,
what was it back in the day that dads would
always grab the sports pages and be in the bathroom
for hours on end. It's like blowing out the place,

and it's like light a candle doesn't happen anymore. Those
were the good old days, you know. Uh, Welcome to
the podcast. The pregame that is for those of you
new to this segment because you saw our critically acclaimed
five top rookies and decided to tune in for the
first time. Hey, this is where we answer your guys's
questions and we appreciate all of you that submit. Remember
you can submit anonymously if you don't want to be

linked to us or this podcast. Boop Go girl. I
actually want to send one in anonymously. Have we talked
about that. It's for something that's going on in our
friend group, but it's oh, for one of my friends.
Now you're getting it away. I want to send it in,
I asked jar me. He goes, don't do it. You're ridiculous.

You want to send it in anonymously, but you just
told on yourself. Can't wait to read that anonymous question? God,
do you want to also include her name? Starts with
a C and ends with an A. Anyways, it's not
this friend group, it's another friend group. I don't have
any other friends, so this is the only group I got,
which means you wouldn't know how to answer this question
from anonymous. Tips to meet friends in a new city,

we don't have to. I do need the well, I
need the new I need the answer to this question here.
I'll say this, I've moved a lot. Tips to me.
I would always always I'm a gal that loves does
saddle up and eat dinner at a bar, so I
think that's always a good way to meet people and
talk to people because usually people that sit at a

bar aren't sitting or usually sitting alone, or there's only
a couple of them. That's why you're not sitting at
a table. So I think going to the alone, like
especially on the road, if I have to get work done,
I like it me too. I got no problem with that.
But it's a very social place, a water cooler with
a stool or a counters whatever stool if you will.
So what else to meet friends in a new city.

I think it's cool to I've never done this, but
I've heard about people that do this, like joining a
softball team or soccer team or different things like that.
And I think New York has a pretty good like
older you know, like crowd kind of vibe in that way.
Sometimes too, you catch somebody's eye and classes maybe she
thinks I'm really good at doing this like whole like

set or this whole I do. I want people around
me to think I'm good and not bad. So I
feel like there's a lot of pressure. Sometimes that's good
motivation that you're doing it for the gals or guys
in class, to catch their eye, you know what I mean. Oh,
go ahead, jesus, what was that Tourette's Anna Marie Gamy,

do y'all wish you could switch places? You're horrible with
the y'all's. This is I say, y'all, and I have
no business saying y'all. I never lived in the South. Hey,
I lived in Tennessee for about five seconds, and that's
not even like the real self. Probably offended everyone in Tennessee.
But you know what I mean. You know what I mean.
You say y'all, You have every right to say that. Yeah,
but our four day stafford say y'all, so we got

it from them, so it's fine. I just love when
those girls say yes, ma'am. Four are so sweet, No, sir,
switching places places. I want to talk about this on
the Big Show because I got to visit you guys
in the studio again this week. It was so much fun.
There's so many stories to tell about it. Yes, certain
things I wish I could do in studio. You never

affected like this week in Cleveland. It's supposed to be
fifty to sixty chance of rain like shit like that
just ruins a whole like fucking four hours for me.
But I can't walk around in those heels as you
saw me. I was totally barefoot in the studio yesterday
because they can't do it. But the camaraderie is so
much fun. It's a great scene. Like it's just I

but it's just so. You want me to correct you
on the camaraderie or is it to go ahead and
say do you say? How do you say it? No?
Try it? Camaraderie, camaraderie. Oh but that's okay. We'll get
a chakrederie board later. How did the Jets players say it? Now?
I don't know. It's well, that's yeah. Anyways, it was

so bad, but it was so great at the same time. Camaraderie, camaraderie, camaraderie.
Alvin Camara Kamara. And that's what I got to get
Alvin Kamara online one because now I'm all messed up.
I've been saying Alvin Kamara for the last few years,
but now I heard It'smara. And then it's like, is

it Devon, a Chane or a Chan. There's a lot
of things. Is it Rihanna or Rihanna? I want to know.
I want to get to the bottom of all of this,
but we only have so much fun here. In the game.
What's my name? There? You go, push you off? That's good,
good camaraderie. Hey, okay, Tyler Millett, do you see yourself

ever coaching your child sports teams? Well, I'm never having children,
so let's direct this question to mac Roger Stole's mother
coach no attend Yes, probably daddy will coach his sports teams.
But that's so cute. Yeah, I can't wait. Really good?
Can you imagine you as the coach out there? You
can start yelling at the kid and then be in

trouble from like one of the twelve parents, like, well,
your kid's a loser, so he shouldn't be he has
no camaraderie. He wouldn't no camaraderie if it bit him
in the face. Next, go, You're up book and French
best book you've ever read, Babysitters Club, you forgot the

r Brooke and French best book You've ever read? Best
book you No, we haven't been drinking, but it feels
like I'm we're gonna be drinking later. Pet Cemetery or
Salem's Lot. So good. You want to include James and
the Giant Peach. What reading lists are you on? Third grade? No, Hey,
that's actually King. Oh my god, John Grisham was sold out.

You had to go Stephen King. Oh my god. I'll
tell you how I got the job at ESPN. It
was because of the last book I read, and I'm
gonna tell that story. Whoa no it is, Anna karinanav
big Tolstoy fan. I read a book that was way
above my pay grade and intellect, and I don't know
why I read it, probably to try to sound smarter,
and it had just so happened that I finished reading it.

So I walked into the one of the patriarchs of
the ESPN establishment, John Walsh, and he was an avid reader.
And one of his questions, unbeknownst to me, what was
the last book you read? And I had an answer
that got me the job. So I'll tell that story
on the Big Show because it's actually a good lesson
for all you kids out there, all of you that

are listening, not my kids. Last question, girl, what do
we got mac with this? Kay Morgan? Thirty eight? How
many dates before going exclusive is discussed? Oh? I like
this one. I like this guy. Second, you think that
exclusive means you're gonna have no more dates? Because they're
gonna run for the hills. That's true, that's true. But

this is so interesting. I'm someone that clearly uh track
record would support falls in love and very quickly because
I love love. But I don't know. I think that
it's tough. It's if you guys both are feeling it
like be exclusive. But that's a tough conversation to have
because it depends on the age, it depends on the circumstances.

I don't have a definitive answer for that, but I
would say go off of feeling. And if he I
don't know, what's a good way to throw it out there.
You can't be like, what are we doing? I mean,
that's just yeah, what do we do? Where's the where's
the white flag? A port mission? Port mission? On that one,
you can't ask those questions. I say, it's a feeling.

Oh what a feeling? Yeah? All right. We have a
lot to discuss on the Big Show. For those of
you guys that are new to the program. Aaron referred
to it one week and it has stuck. So Thursday,
our Big Show episode will come out. We got to
talk about week five, We got to talk about Aaron's
home game, all the things that happened in studio, the
fun that was had having dinner with Big Copy and

Derek Jeter. Come on a dinner a maid not to
be confused with the Last Supper, but lots to discuss.
Join us then remember submit all questions, comments and concern
to the Calm Down Podcast. We appreciate you guys caring
and I can't wait for Aaron's not anonymous question next week.
I can't wait for your concern to be how I
pronounce words, camaraderie line, We're wait God, I never give

it a whirl, see how it goes. Welcome everybody to
the Calm Down Podcast. This is the pregame of your program.
As I initial these things, you guys writing questions, comments

and concerns. Remember you can do them anonymously, which I like.
Maybe I'll start submitting questions anonymously. You won't know it's me.
I don't know. See what happens you start from me.
I told you I had a question I wanted answered.
I'll never heal anything from you. And now I was
gonna say you never submitted that because there was definitely

more questions than answers in that situation. Offline, terrible all right,
you guys. First things first, Oh, this is cute ak
eight to oh. One favorite board game. My favorite board
game is Clue. It always has been. I still have
a dream. Oh okay, well, then you won't be coming

to the Clue party that I want. I want, I'm
not good at it. Okay, Well, what I've always wanted
to do is have a Clue party and real life
and everyone dresses up. Is one of the characters Colonel Mustard,
Missus Plumb, Missus Scarlett, missus why whatever, and then you
have a murder mystery party. I think it would be
so fun. I love this game, although I was always
perturbed that you had to have at least three players

because no one ever wanted to play. Clearly, you won't
be playing with me, so three players loved it. Second
runner up is Shoots and Ladders. Go. I was gonna
say Shoots and Ladders, but I have a question. In Clue,
there's a character named Colonel Mustard. Yes he is, as
you can assume the Mustard year of the Little Piece. Yes, yes,

Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory with the wrench classic character.
What's a conservatory? Okay, she's not playing. Conservatory is one
of the rooms where you can do you know what
a wrench is, I'm gonna yeah, And I don't know
what a conservatory is. Is that where nuns are? No,
that's a convent. Oh yeah, oh yeah, okay, I'm fresh

off of light from Philadelphia. She is, and we will
talk about that on our folding podcast. This one had
the game of the year last year and there were
a fight and all sorts of things figuring it out
in my face get your eat with a slick pony.
Well it's slipped back because it still looks like crap
from yesterday where it was raining and missing the whole time.
And I just clearly said, you know what, the fact

we don't have hair out on the road, this is
exactly why, because this hair looks crazy. Well, I'm going
to save this for the full length podcast because you
also don't realize that the second that your camera goes up,
we hear everything and and see everything you do. So
would you were like, I look like a wet talk
this is crazy. There was like my things, I wanted

to text you, but you were going to go into
your hit. So I was like, I'm just going to
lay out on this one. I said, crazy. The comedy
is in the ship that you say before sometimes during yesterday,
which by the way, Cherry's like, oh, you've got jokes.
I like the theatrics, and I'm like, no, that's just
Aaron doing a report like a normal person and having
person not politary. Okay, I digress. Yeah, we'll talk about

this on the full at the game seven hours before
I needed to. We'll talk about that. I'm writing it
down being at the game seven hours before I need to. Okay. Anonymous,
we love Anonymous, keep coming. We won't say who you
are because we don't know it's anonymous. My best friends
and I hate one of our friend's boyfriends. Ooh, he
can't hold a job, very negative and picky, and even

got them to spend thousands on a dog that he
takes no part of. We've noticed he influenced her, influences
her to make bad financial decisions, even though she used
to be very financially smart. They've been dating for about
five years. Should we talk to her? Yes? Was this
commission by you from previous boyfriends of mine? Because there's

a lot of boxes that were checked off here of
various people in my past. Why was it taking you
five years to talk to her. That's crazy and I'm
sure she probably knows you don't like him anyways. What's
wrong with her? Doesn't she want to save her money
financial decisions? Does he have a job? Oh? No, he
can't hold a job. Yes, I think you bring it
up to her. This is I'm going to talk to

you missus or missus anonymous, miss anonymous and from mix
and grab some hummus because this is going to be
a minute. I have been on this side of it,
and my lovely co hosts and girlfriend Aaron on the
side told me a lot of things about my current
or not current, my previous situations and brought to light

things that I did not want to see I chose
to ignore even if I knew they were there. She
put a spotlight on them all. And as hard as
it is to hear it, especially from the people that
you love, they are saying it because they love you
and they want the best for you. So I think
you're doing your friend a complete disservice by not being
totally honest with her about this, and especially if she

keeps complaining about the same thing over and over again.
I'm going through this with some friends right now where
it's like I hear the same thing over and over again,
and finally I'm like, change it. Because I'm someone who
if there's a problem you are you told me this,
I know because you've been busy. That's an anonymous submission.
Oh no, I'm having a mid life crisis. We'll talk
about that in the big show. We got to we'll

talk about all really yeah, because it's like I can't.
I'm someone who will have I'll give you a lot
of runway, but then once we're off that runway, it's
the end of a cliff and I can't keep endorsing
or supporting the same narrative. I've read the same chapter
of your book over and over and over again, and
I'm bored. I'm putting the book down and you come
back to me when you want to write the next chapter,

because this is boring and I just want my friends
to be happy. So unless you want to make a change,
and I'm saying this to the anonymous friend or the
friends that I have, unless you want to make a change,
like then it's going to be the same shit over
and over again. So I will say this long, winted answer,
but I'm not sticking up for your anonymous friend, which
I can't wait till your anonymous friend submits a question

to ask about you. I had this friend and she
hosts a podcast, and now she just talks about me publicly.
Oh so you anonymous. I want to bring up one
thing that you said to me about when I, you know,
approached you about what was happening in your life. I
thought it was really interesting, you said. I always knew it,
but I just didn't want to put that attention that

kind of I didn't want to face it because I
had failed before in another marriage. And as simple as
that sounds, I just I fucking got it. And I
felt bad that I didn't see it that way. But
then I was like, all right, come on, we got
to get out of this, like this is so unhealthy. No,
you were my harshest critic, and I say this because
in life you are my harshest friend. And you have

also and that's a good thing, because you will tell
me truths that a lot of people are probably afraid
to say or don't want to hurt my feelings or
don't want to you know whatever. Put that on me.
But you have also pushed me to make the best
decisions in my life because of your honesty. So it'll
make me emotional thinking about it. But like, if I

don't get that from you, then I really don't get
it from a lot of people because it's you just
put you know some of our friends that do that. Yeah,
you and you are and so it's it's the best
and the worst thing in the moment because you're like puck,
She's right, But a really good friend will say things
that you don't always want to hear, but you need

to hear. So to miss anonymy, I need to hear
who you're talking about, but we won't because that person's anonymous.
Oh god, probably lessame, probably not anyways, Okay, but yes,
go ahead and tell your friend if you're a real friend.
And by the way, and I will say this too,
because this is the last part on this and I
could do a whole podcast just on friends and this

very top topic. Oh, time's up. I would say, be
prepared for her to get mad. And if if it
hurts your friendship, then you had probably didn't have the
friendship that you thought that you had, and that's where
you kind of need to be like, all right, I'm
willing to like lose this person as a friend, or
lose the like you know, closeness of the friend if

she can't handle it, because that's just what comes with
the territory. Oh coh, my girl comes for all your
so a really light calm down today, you know, Okay Morefielder,
Oh this is great. This is for you, sister. Expecting
my first baby in eight weeks and freaking out tips
for newborn live my mommy, you should have, you should be.

This is the wrong week to ask me. I'll preview
it for the big show. I had my first big
like panic anxiety, chest pains like week and just tough. Oh,
so must be good for you. Yeah, enjoy these next
eight weeks because after your kid comes, it's never going
to be the same. Make sure you've got everything done

on your checklist. Make sure you have everybody in order
that you want coming and helping you out, because I'm
I obviously didn't physically have my baby, but once your
baby comes there your world is upside down. So just
make sure you get your plans in order now and
enjoy the qt time with your partner because it's over.

It must have been love, but it's Jared. That's a
dedication to you. No, we're not getting divorced. God, Oh gosh, Jesus,
this is the time, and you have got on a
calm down sweatshirt. Okay, next question? Oh yeah, okay. Knitter

Bath five oh nine. Travis and Taylor is still loving
it or over it? I love it? I still love it,
to be honest, I am really into this song right now,
Like I think about it when I'm trying to go
to sleep. Let's be June, three hundred days ago. Is

it over now? Julian Gregory, our resident makeup artist, had
a great song. Hey, why didn't that song slap when
she first released it? Like it slaps? Now? Why is
that so popular? Nalaps? Yeah? I don't know, but I'm
into them. Still do your thing, guys, I will tell
you this right now. Here's a fun fact. And no

this isn't a plug for the podcast, but probably about
the last three weeks I have listened to You Need
to Calm Down on my way into work in the
morning at four thirty am because it just puts me
in the right headspace where she's like, it's seven am,
Like you're being so loud. I'm like, this is how

I felt about everyone in life. And I'm like, it
is too early, it is too much. If you don't
like it, just leave me alone and calm the fuck down.
So yeah, I blast that thing going down Pico Boulevard
with my coffee, and he starts my day off right,
and I whip on into that Fox lot and I

am just as happy as can be knowing that she
has set the Littles backtrack background and soundtrack to my
life and listen, I know we're going over. But I
got a little intel this weekend from some wags out
in Philly. Not ego, I'm not saying they're forty nine
ers wags, I'm not going to tell you who they are,
but saw some NFL wags. Yeah, no, they're NFL. And

I somebody asked in front of me if what the
gals on their team thought, and they were like, love it,
adorable and they were like, you know why, because that's
a man. And she's oh, here's a good one. Here's
a good take from an NFL wag, which I loved.
She said this for the first time publicly. It seems

like she's with a guy that's not like, oh yeah,
I'm with Taylor, don't take my picture. I'm at the concert.
She's with a guy that's wall Street. You oh h
oh oh oh. Yeah, I'm into it all. I'm into
it all. Yeah, into it all. Mention it all. And
speaking of mentioning, we've got a lot to mention, discuss,
and break down on the full length podcast. I have

a feeling and I get a good feeling about something.
You're not going to want to miss this one. A
lot to discuss Calm Down with Erin and Carissa is
a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit
the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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