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April 16, 2024 12 mins

This week’s Pregame on Calm Down with Erin & Charissa doesn’t waste any time! Charissa starts things off by calling out her sister and Erin shares what she might do next when she’s feeling dangerous. They answer a variety of your questions including proper massage etiquette and shared or separate bank accounts after you get married.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The next thing I would like to do where I
feel a little dangerous to get a second hole in
my ear. Calm Down with Erin and Carissa is a
production of iHeartRadio. What's Happening.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
I gotta tell you, the breaking questions have been great, guys,
keep them coming because, as you know, for those of
you longtime listeners first time callers, it really induces a
lot of conversation. And this first one again our favorite anonymous.
My sister named her friend Guardian over my nephew in
an emergency. How do I get over this? Well? This

is similar to when my sister didn't make me her
maid of honor in her first wedding, and then she
made me made of honor in her second wedding because
the first wedding had to fallout with the maid of honor.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
Let's just say she was made of dishonor.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
He he, And so my sister in her second wedding
was like, oh, you could be my maid of honor
now I'm like, oh, by default?

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Why because the last one was a disaster.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
No thanks. I almost didn't want to go to the wedding.
I was like, you should have seen me. I was
she listened to this podcast. Hi, Jen, if you're listening,
she knows I'll tell you what she was listening for.
Was my reception speech. If you thought this wedding was good,
you should have seen her first one. At that point,
my mom went like this to me, that's enough. How
long was the speech in my head? It was thirty seconds.

Apparently it went on for three minutes. This is after
I fell on my way up to make the speech
and grabbed the microphone and said score from the Russian
judge ten.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
It was there's there's a common theme with you at weddings.
You also ate shit at my wedding too wide my
dad said, he was just one of the most unbelievable
moments ever. On the dance, wedding goes, there's Chrissa coming around,
white soup.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
You're busy changing into your seventh jumper, which was amazing.
I was looking for a blanket for Larry and all
I wanted to do was damps. Okay, I missed the
shot skis and I was upset. So anyways, Anonymous, back
to your original question. Sorry, my sister named her friend
Guardian over my nephew in an emergency.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
How do I get over this? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
I mean imagine Tendra, I don't know. I don't know
how you would handle that. You have a child, so
I've heard.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
Yeah, I that's hard because even with the will situation,
and maybe this is something for the big show, it's
kind of like we have multiple options, like for right now,
if we die, who gets him? If we die later
down the road, like it's like a whole it's a conversation. Yeah,
you get wasted safe from the show. Okay, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
Am I falling between the sixth and twenty four months?
Or am I twenty four months to I don't know.
And by the way, why would you do in twenty
four months, say two years? What we've got to stop
the month's thing after one year? Don't tell me the
kids eighteen months now, I'm like twelve.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
I was busy. Oh I can't even do math for
my football games. I can't do that. I don't worry
I won't be able to do that. Wait, they kick
to field gold.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
That's okay, okay, all right, Ali bo seven Ali bones.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
I don't know if this is sexual or what it is? Ea.
Are you getting any other tats or staying with just this?
For those pehop that don't know.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
Aaron has one tattoo and it says this, I still
don't know what it's about.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
I don't either, I in fact don't remember getting it.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
I'm not in any hurry, But I would like to
bring something up that I would like to do. You
just get one that says that this and that I
want you to get that one with me? Put it right? Tattoos?
What's that?

Speaker 3 (04:01):

Speaker 2 (04:03):
And that?

Speaker 1 (04:04):
I would like to bring something up, something I would
like to get done. Next. I'm gonna talk about something
on the Big Show. This is a tease. I did
something to my face and you're gonna be like, you're
so stupid. It's not that big of a deal. But anything,
I'm such a square that anything I do is kind
of like WHOA for me. I get nervous. So the
next thing, and we'll talk about that on the Big Show.

But the next thing I would like to do where
I feel a little dangerous, to get a second hole
in my ear.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
Where I feel a little dangerous. This girl has had
Let's see, we're gonna be. I'm not even gonna say
our age. We're gonna be and you're not double pierced
your ears. Never, I mean, do you want to go
to Claire's. I'll drive back, and you didn't go to
Claire's with you? Right now, I want.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
These fun earrings that Jillian has, the hanging down ones. Yeah, Rachel,
when you're so low, only have one hole. Yeah, you're
next hole in my head? Oh shit, we're next. Sorry
I got sidetracked there.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
Lisa van Derveer ever laughed during a massage or feel awkward, Yeah,
I also strike up a conversation with the massuse. I'm like, so,
how's your day going? And then they're like, oh good,
You're like my third massage, Like don't your hands get tired?
And they're like yeah, And I'm like, well, what was
your last massage? And so now I'm having a full
on conversation with this person. I had one massage therapist.

I don't really feel like we need to say massage therapists,
but whatever, messus have a coughing fit and you would
have hated this. You would have walked out in two seconds.
You would have said, whoa, my god are you? I
was like I felt so bad, you know when the
cough is coming on, and it's like there was like
the tickle and the throat. So she's like and then

I'm like, I'm like, oh, here we go. Like and
now she's trying to suppress it. Well, this isn't good.
So now she's almost like choking herself because she's trying
not to cough.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
I finally go, don't even worry about it. She's like thanks.
She walks out of the room. Poor woman walks back in.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
She's like, I'm so sorry. I'm just getting over bronchitis. Well,
I don't know if we should be back at work. Okay,
I don't know if this is the time you got
a mask back that you got to like log the hours.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
And the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
What I wanted to say was I'm just going to
give you the tip and skidada out of here, But
then I felt bad because I know she felt bad,
so I just stayed there. So to answer your question, Lisa,
I haven't ever laughed in a massage, but I get
really invested in the individual that's giving me the massage,
and the therapist has had an episode.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
But I would definitely not ask for the scout massage
after that part. But I was gonna say, you know how,
back in the day whoa, the light's better when we
were all flying during COVID. And when's the best time
to take a plane ride? When's it not? You know
you or they just say you know. Sometimes the plane
is cleaner in the morning versus like mid afternoon a

plane gets dingier. When do you think the best time
is to book a massage therapist? Because, like you said,
that could have been her fourth of the day. I
can speak and her fingers are tired, right, I think
you want to be second.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
I think you wanted to warm up one and then
you want to get in on the second one. Have
you owned Jared ever had couples massages like the same room?
We've talked about this. I think they're so stupid. Oh yeah,
I can't remember if we talked about it. I think
I'm not into it either.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
No, because it's like, are the massage therapists thinking you
want to have a sensuous experience together? Like I don't
want to be talking to him during it. I want
time to zn out. You know, you know what I
don't need.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
I don't need the bathtub in the couple's massage area.
Who are the people I need to know? Who are
the people like hey, let's just hop in there together. Like, no,
we're not taking a bath, And who are the people
that dig baths in hotel rooms?

Speaker 1 (07:55):
I was just going to ask you this. No, I
know I can't fit in any of them anyways.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
I just need to know who are you? And like
are we cleaning it before?

Speaker 1 (08:07):
Like you get in?

Speaker 2 (08:07):
And like is that the only time you can take
a bath? So you have to take it at the hotel?

Speaker 1 (08:11):
Why you're gonna use all your clorox wipes from the
plane to clean the bathtub? No? Oh, I don't want
to see the film on there, all right, Dario Gonzalez,
What should I do if I give more than I
receive in a relationship? Tell them be honest, say I'm
giving too much of myself. What are you doing for me?

In what way? Do you mean? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (08:37):
Well I think, I mean, I don't know. I'm all
about communication. I did this the other day. I told
you about this, Steve. I don't normally do Steve's laundry.
And you're an adult man, like you can do your
own laundry. It's not like we have children, so like
I'm busy doing Like you could just just do your
own laundry, like There's some plenty of things that I'll
do around the house for you, but like laundry isn't
one of them. I also feel like it's like intimate.

I don't want to see your laundry. You need to
see mine, Like just separation there sure, church and state,
church and state. Yeah, but here at the ranch, like
I don't know, for whatever reason, I feel more domesticated.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
So I'm roughing it. I'm roughing it.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Yeah, I'll do your laundry when I'm here. I had
done his laundry for I'm not getting like weeks at
a time. This fool never said thank you, not one time.
Every time I like put the clothes away whatever. So
I was like okay, and I had had enough, and
I was like no acknowledgment of doing the laundry just
and kept calling it.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Oh, look at clean.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
He'd called it clean clothes mountain clean clothes, mountains getting
bigger and bigger, and I'm like still with no thank
you or no gratitude of like, oh, the clothes are
just stacking up, but like you're not recognizing that, like
you because I washed a lot of clothes here, Like
there's no like go out and then wear those clothes tomorrow,
like you're washing them immediately. So I said, okay, I

took all of his dirty clothes one day. I threw
him all over the bathroom floor upstairs. We were leaving
the next day, and so I go back upstairs, all
the clothes still on the floor. I go, you didn't
want to pick those up? He goes, oh, I didn't
know if you were doing something with those. Oh, you
didn't know if I was doing something with your dirty clothes. No.
I was trying to make a statement that I've washed
your clothes for the last three weeks and you have
not said thank you one time. And he's like, oh, so, Dario,

to answer your question.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
If you this seems to be the theme today.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
If you are feeling like you're not getting the recognition
for what it is that you're doing, make a statement
like that and see if they notice.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
Did he ever thank you?

Speaker 3 (10:28):

Speaker 1 (10:28):
He goes, oh, I'm so sorry, Yeah, thank you. But
I'm like, well, what the hell took so long? Exactly?

Speaker 2 (10:34):
What did you You're just your shit's all over the
floor and you're just gonna leave it.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
So you know what that you know what that brings
up for the big show you'll leave it on the
stairs and do you bring it up? Have we talked
about that we yet? In my and andrews uh huh
yea yeah, we're going to talk about it on the
Big Show. I have a whole thing with that.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
You had to walk over the item to go up
the stairs and you couldn't just pick it up.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
My God, is that it to be nail them all? Oh? No?

Speaker 2 (11:03):
Anonymous separate checking account? Okay, after married, I need my
own spending money. Girl, God, whoever the answer is I
believe in separate checking accounts when married, because they're going
to try to take it anyways. No, I'm yes, I see.
I'm a big believer in separate checking accounts for a
couple different reasons. If I want to buy you a
birthday present, I don't want it to come out of

the joint checking and then you're like, oh, my god,
why did you spend all that money? Which I agree
going to because I'm a very generous gift giver.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
No, I wanted to come.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
I want it to be my own money that comes in,
and I don't want you to question what I'm spending
money on.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
I agree, I don't want to see what that bell
Air membership costs now. I don't want to see what
it costs to play there on a day with the fellas.
I don't want to know. And I don't want you
to see what my day was like, you know, with
the goals? Were those gals? I don't know, but I
don't want you to see it.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
You don't want to see the tattoo parlor. No, nothing,
not even letters for it. I don't remember Jackie your post.
Aaron Andrews skips out on tattoo Parlor.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Bill still looking for the tip? Here, here's a tip
short on the patio. Calm Down with Erin and Carissa
is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
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