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April 22, 2024 18 mins

This week's Pregame goes into overtime as Erin and Charissa have a time answering your questions! They start off with their feelings on people who lack awareness in public. Then a listener makes an assumption and ask's Erin how she is navigating being a Type A mom. Charissa talks about her hair journey while Erin gets sweaty addressing the subject of men who think they know sports and present their wrong information as fact. There are no second chances on this episode of the Calm Down podcast. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I was showed up on the sidelines looking like Lisa Lobe.
I had glasses and black hair, and the week before
I had Barbie trying something hair.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
It's a journey. It is my Larissa Thompson.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Calm Down with Aaron and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio.
It's pregame and guess what. It's the draft this weekend.
I mean, our lives, as we like to say, are over.
But that's very exciting. I'm excited to like the football's
back in the conversation. Were in the conversation with you

guys and your fun questions so good. But let's do
a disclaimer.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Yeah, what a bad mood.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
No, but I thought we would both be super hungover
today because we went to a little sore for our
friend and instead the aggravation, aggravation and frustration of a
call and text you left me of losing your wallet
potentially in an uber. Dear Uber, this is a PSA.
I've left a message to messages on the driver's voicemail.

I know Chris's husband has left a message. She just
got her brand new license. She left her wallet in
his car. Sir, you were great with your tunes, with
your hair, with your semi screens. Can we get the
wallet back?

Speaker 2 (01:18):
Please? And thank you? I know I'm so annoyed at myself.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Have you guys ever done this where it's like and
it's like a purse that doesn't close all the way.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
It's like open and it's trying to be like, oh,
it's such a cute curse.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
And I put it in the backseat not paying attention
and I didn't check. So yes, dear overdriver, please call
me back, Please call me back.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
But I got to say I was crying this morning
to you about losing my wallet because I have to
get on a plane today and I already thought I
lost my passport.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
But I got that back, so at least I have that.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
But I'm just like I at least appreciate American Express
and bank cards that let you order that thing in
twenty four hours and they, you know, like are sending
it like AMEX is like you'll have your new replacement
card by tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
That's amazing. Side note, this is for the big show.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
Actually, I'm going to tell you something that I discovered
this morning. The tease is that American Express things. I've
been a member with them for forty two years. Well,
now they're going to living No, they're not. They're not
going to fix it. Loyalty. It's their mistake, and I
am a very loyal American Express person. I'm going to
explain this.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
That's adorable. It's it was a mistake they made, but
it's to my benefit. AnyWho. Dear Uber driver, please send
me my wallet back.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
We weren't even drunk, no, we and that's we were
having great breakthrough conversations. Also, to steal a line from
Steel Magnolias, I don't know what you're feeling on the inside,
but on the outside you look fantastic, Like when Milan
was at the funeral. Was great because I blowed dried
my hair leaving conditioner at the party yesterday. I had

to wear a hat because I fell asleep and it
took a nap and my leaving conditioner was left in
for Oh. I mean, my hair's probably never felt healthier.
You're saying much though.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
By the way, this hair is a cracking off and
I don't have any money now to pay to fix it. Okay,
enough of my place here we go pre game. We
love you guys, thank you for writing it. As always,
we got Melanie ten twelve. Does it irk? First of all,
I love the word irk. Does it irk you too?
When people walk in the middle of the parking lot?
Zero awareness?

Speaker 2 (03:25):

Speaker 1 (03:25):
Fantastic question, and absolutely it irks me. Do we just
think that, like the parking lot is for pedestrians last
time I checked.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Parking lot is for cars.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Look behind you and if you see a car, speed
it up or move off to the side.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
I'm with you, Melanie, it's so.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
And you know what, there's zero awareness for a lot
of things in life.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
People just think the world's going to revolve around them.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
I'm going to wait to get out of this parking
lot so you can saunter your ass slowly across this
Tjmax parking lot.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Let's go.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
We all got places to be. I not without a wallet.
I don't spatial awareness in general, just when people don't
have it pisses me off. Kendra and I my sister,
have actually created a tune. It's very easy to learn.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
Spatial awareness is amazing.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
Or you could throw in you don't have spacial awareness
and you should get it. I can't stand when people
have black of spatial awareness.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
It's crazy toll for me.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Fright, So are you guys at a restaurant and someone's
standing really close to you, and you'll start singing the song.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
Restaurant, bar, Disneyland, wherever, like you here too, And then
I can see you guys also doing a little jazzer
size move with the song.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
I mean, I could break out to a full chorus.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
I mean, forget Taylor Swift's forty five songs she launched
this week, we could do seventy five about spatial awareness.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
I'm with you.

Speaker 3 (04:54):
I that's something for the big sure that we can
have a conversation about. Because you and I discussed it.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
We need a road.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
I have so many questions comments we're talking about it.
I need to stop guide. Last night, when I got
home from the party with you, I stayed up for
another hour and a half reading about all the Easter
eggs Taylor Swift puts in all of her songs and videos.
I got to go over some things with you. We
got a lot to talk about this weekend, Amy together.

This weekend a Amy is Amy is our new go to.
Oh okay, you're up, girl, Patrick, cue like that? Aaron,
how are you navigating being? Presumably it's like you know
me so well? A type A mom recovering control free.
There's a couple of things, and we can talk about

this on the Big Show. I okay, So when we
go to our gym classes, which we have a really
good time doing, and they're great, he's, you know, learning
all about motor skills, interacting and socializing and so forth.
But the old I'm going to put a toy in
my mouth that doesn't belong to me. I mean, my
reflex skills are fantastic. I swatted it away so packed

now no, And then he's like the other thing I'm
having a hard time with. And I know moms out
there can relate to me, and I can relate to them.
And I feel bad for never understanding this as a
woman that didn't have a kid. I feel like such
a failure. In the morning, he's getting a little fussy
after he's done with breakfast, but we'd like him to
eat a little bit more. And then it's like ah,

and then the crying. It's not even crying, it's just
whining without tears. So I just looked at our nanny today,
who is such a great help and is so wonderful,
and I just said, I feel like a failure. I
can't make him happy. So that's something I'm trying to
navigate when he's upset. He's upset and I don't know
how to get him out of it. But bab he's
also a baby.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
And I'm going to tell you because firsthand I saw
it yesterday, prior to losing the wallet. The highlight of
my car ride was us facetiming with Mac and the
second that he sees you, he went ah, and it
was so cute. I came home and I told Steve,
I go we FaceTime Mac on the way home, and
the way he looked at you, he was so happy
to see his mom And I love seeing it, Like

makes me emotional thinking about it because it's like you
waited so long to have this baby, and like now
he's getting to the age where he can recognize you
and like all these things and he's like.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
He knows his mommy, and it's so sweet. It's really sweet.
Tommy's struggling making him happy. But I'm trying to figure
it out. That's not trude, No, you aren't. He's a baby.
It probably has nothing to do with you. It's like
all relationships. His sadness in certain moments has nothing to
do with you. He's just going through a lot. You know,
he's teen. Ooh, Anonymous, we have an anonymous question for you.

Oh we do It's great? Yeah, okay, fantastic.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
What do we have?

Speaker 1 (07:43):
Friend started a rumor I slept with a guy had
a girlfriend, and now years later wants to be friends again.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Yes or no?

Speaker 3 (07:50):
Oh well I have a track record with letting people
back in my life that I shouldn't. Hello, that's a
Taylor Swift song which number twenty six. I mean I know, no, no,
absolutely not. I'm at a place in my life and
I'm not sure Anonymous where you are at your age.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
But I would say.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
This the whole like, you know, burn me once, shame
on you, burn me twice, shame on me thing uh huh,
burn me once, bye bye, Like we're we're not waiting
for second and third and fourth chances. If this person
is going to do that to you back, then they're
going to do it again in some capacity. It might
not be as harsh maybe whatever, but no, like you're

starting a rumor that you slept with the guy that
had a girlfriend and now you want to be friends.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
Absolutely not. There are too many wonderful people out there
in the world that can be your friend. You do
not need to waste time on someone that has already
shown you.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Who they are. We talked about this a lot yesterday.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
It was a totally different circumstance on our way back
from our girlfriend's birthday party. Just the group of people
that were there, and a lot of them are my
friends that you have met casually before. But they love you,
you know, want to be I almost started a tech
chain with you in them with you and them today,
but knew the wallet situation so didn't want to go
there yet.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
But make me happy.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
They're great, great, But you show up for people, you
don't start rumors about them f that. No, I guess
you could be like give somebody a chance like you mentioned,
But I'm good. I'm just him at this point. You
and I discuss it all the time. I don't need
that in my life. I need people lifting me up.

I'm talking about you nicely in the room when you're
not there.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
Don't you see that meme a lot lately all.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
The time, And I think it targets me for the algorithm,
because I want all the support that I can get
when I'm not in a certain room. But no, it is,
and I'm the queen of a quote and I love it.
But my friendship circle has gotten a lot, a lot smaller,
and that is by choice. And I've never been happier
knowing that. Like, I don't need a ton of friends,

I just need really good friends and those and this
anonymous is not a really good friends. So keep it moving, sister.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
Oh my god, here's a teaser. I just saw one
of the tip one of our headlines for the Big Show.
I can't wait to discuss it.

Speaker 2 (10:08):
What do we got? We'll talk about it in the
Big Show. There's a tea.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
But meanwhile, Kate Evelyn one one one, CHRISA, tell us
about your short short hair phase. I think that's her
tinker Bell phase.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
I loved it. I love our hair right now and
there's no extensions and it looks good. No extensions right now.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
My whole hair journey has been documented by Google searches
that I have had some real doozies this.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
I have a lot of moisturizer on those listening.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
I was the short short phase, as I like to
refer to it, my Susie Orman.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
It was.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
It was something that I was like so down to
do because I had been. I had like the worst
set of hair extensions like for years and years, and
shout out to Rihanna, who is an incredible hairstylist. I
only trusted her to do it. I was like, I want.
I found this one picture of this girl. I thought
she looked so sexy with like short hair, and it
was do you remember it was no? I mean I
have the picture still.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
It was just some random like not like a actress
or anything, but it was a random girl and I
thought she looked so incredible. So I brought into Rihanna
and I was like do this and she's like, are
you sure?

Speaker 1 (11:17):
And I was like yeah, cause that's like you take
all that hair off, and it's like you better like
feel good about yourself because that is a hairstyle that
a you have to do and it's not like, oh,
you're rolling out of bed like it has to.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
That is one thing about short hair. You have to
do it way more than long hair.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
Like long hair like you could just take that ponytail
down and you're like, judh it up and you're ready
to go. I did, like you up in a clip
and you and you like let your things down and
you look great tundrels. You know, I think that short
hair is more high maintenance than long hair. But I
have always had shitty hair just because I fuck with
it all the time. But to answer your question, my

sweet Kate Evelyn eleven one one one, I won't ever
do that again. This is as short as I will go.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
But it was.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
I'm happy I did it at the time of my life.
I wouldn't do it as I keep getting older. I'm like,
that was a hairstyle for like the mid twenties. If
you're gonna take a chance, do it when you're younger,
not when you're older, because then you're like, mom cut
without I'm not even a mom.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
Yeah, Kristen wigg and the Target added, which by the way,
is so good. The commercials are so great. You know
what I would think about with that haircut is I like,
this is so psychotic and stupid of me, like to
have a little ponytail in pilates or berries.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
You're not having a ponytail.

Speaker 1 (12:40):
With no no, no, no, no, You're you're there's nothing
on the neck.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
There's there's a breeze coming through.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
You're getting burned back there, you're getting frostbite.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
There's nothing to protect the neck.

Speaker 1 (12:51):

Speaker 2 (12:52):
No, yeah, okay, you really do?

Speaker 3 (12:54):
You need to put some makeup on because it's like,
oh shit, it is like what wolf.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
In the morning.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
There's a certain guy that has to be with you
for that haircut too. Not all guys are down for that,
Like are you at the behind?

Speaker 2 (13:09):
Are we this a boy or girl?

Speaker 3 (13:12):
Was I? No?

Speaker 1 (13:13):
I was at I was at Extra, I was at
Extra and Fox.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
Yeah I did Lisa.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
It was shout out to Lisa Grigorge, all the bosses
that I've had, I will just do these hairstyles, like
when I went black, Like I just dyed my hair
black and then showed up for work the next day
and they were like yo, Like I was showed up
on the sidelines looking like Lisa Lobe. I had glasses
and black hair, and the week before I had Barbie

trying something.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
And I'm trying something.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
But I remember all my bosses, especially Lisa, was like, hey,
can you not do this every week like something different,
like we're going for consistency, Like we had shot all
of our promos, like all of our stuff for the
new season, and I come strolling in with shorty swing
my way.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
Anyways, hair it's a journey. It is Arsa Thompson.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
We're going to go a little longer on the pregame.
I'm taking liberties and making that announcement here because this
is such a great question, and I know Chris and
I get so fired up about this cass G seventeen.
What to do about men who think they know sports
and give wrong stats at the bar. I wish Jared
lee Stole was here right now because he would go

like this, head down shake.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
It is a It is not.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
A good time with us when we are at a
bar and someone starts yapping away about sports in general.
Don't know what they're talking about, give wrong stats, give
stupid opinions.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
I misinformation.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
Where you're like that, You're like, that's not actually what's
happened at all, But go ahead and so out. If
you want to keep petch wow perpetuating that rumor, go
for it.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
I tend to think I am like the player that
got drafted late in the draft.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
I have a chip on my shoulder because this justin.
I'm a woman.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
I work in sports actually get to hear and learn
about a lot of things the average show doesn't. And
I'm not saying anything poor like rude about that, but
it always feels like a challenge at a bar when
somebody starts to yap it away and given their two cents.
I got a neighbor. I'm not gonna I'm gonna say it.

I got a neighbor that's a forty nine ers fan.
I think I've been pretty pretty vocal about my love
for Kyle Shanahan, my love for that team, my love
for the offense, the defense, the general manager, yep, pr,
I got a covered great organization. Fab gives their two
cents every now and then about you know what John

Lynch should do, gives a two cents about how Kyle
Shanahan should coach, and Jared's Oltlake Oh god, oh god,
what you want to raller up? Just say nine ers?

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Here we go.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
I'm like, oh really, Oh yeah, because because what didn't
you like about that?

Speaker 2 (16:05):

Speaker 3 (16:06):
Because but you know that the backup but Drake Greenlaw
got hurt, so that probably didn't hurt them at all.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
I mean, I'm getting like sweat emotion. Now, how do
you feel about this question? I don't like it.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
I've gotten into it. I know this sulper shocking for everyone.
I had an airport bar after I've come from. I
don't know whether it's working a game or whether it's
having done an NFL Films interview about the guy like sure.
My favorite is like when it was Brandon Graham that
I was doing an interview with last year for NFL Films.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
Incredible individual, has played great Eagles. I think he's going
into his like fifteenth year. Family is great. Family is incredible.
And I'm sitting there in Philadelphia at the bar, and
you know the guy that wants to be like, oh,
so what do you do? And I'm like, oh, and
I always go I always go.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
Through the TV. I'm right there.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
I'm going for the lowest thing. I was like, oh,
I just work in sports. And he's like, oh, what
do you do? I was like, oh, I work for
Fox at Amazon.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
He's like, but what do you do?

Speaker 3 (17:06):
So I'm like, okay, So now we're on the third
follow up questions and now I'm finally gonna say it, okay,
Like I ho was this?

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Oh what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (17:11):
In Philly? I did an interview with Brandon Graham. Oh
he retired a few years ago. He didn't retire. I
just sat down with him. Yeah, no, no, he retired
a few years ago. I said, sorry, sir, I don't
mean to be rude, but I just sat down with him.
He's going into his whatever said fifteenth season. No, no, no,
I know he retired a few years like. He's like

adamant about it.

Speaker 2 (17:33):

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Finally, I'm like, who's the idiot, the person that argues
with crazy or the crazy. So at this point I go, oh,
you must know better than I do, no problem, And
he's like, oh, well, now you have an attitude. I'm like,
you're well, now I'm the asshole. It always comes back
to this because I actually know the information, but you
are now embarrassed because you're wrong.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
I'm the asshole. No problem.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
You know what, sir, how about I just buy you
a drink and you go sit on the other side
of the bar.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
Because I'm bored of this conversation.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
This happens a lot more than it should, and you
know this, I should probably just go to Hudson News
and get a book not rude exactly.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
If I were a man, I'd be the man.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
And no, Brandon Graham's still playing love just sign a
new deal right one ear?

Speaker 3 (18:18):
But no, he retired years ago. Oh okay, Well, you're retired.
I'm you should retire from your cocktails.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Bye, a big show. We have a lot to say.
Hopefully the uber driver calls me in the middle of
the big show. That would be a great call.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
Calm Down with Erin and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
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