All Episodes

May 16, 2024 38 mins

Part 2 of Calm Down with Erin and Charissa live from The Hollywood Improv. Erin talks about a frustrating situation she had to deal with on her birthday and Charissa provides a surprising update about something she’s been dealing with for weeks now.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Steve comes up today and goes, guess what, reach into
my pocket and I've got a surprise for you.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Hey, that's what he said. This is what he said as.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
I'm laying there icing my finger and I look like
I'm the scarecrow.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
And I was like, oh, daddy, can't wait. Calm down
with Erin and Chrissa is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
All right, you guys, and I'm very excited to be here.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Do you want to keep going with THEE? Does anyone
we Oh? Wow, you want to? Oh do you have one?

Speaker 3 (00:42):
Yes, we have some anonymous ones or sorry, not anonymous,
but if you guys want to do some live ones
and then wow, okay, great, I love questions. Go.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
I'm gonna tell all so happy to be here.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
I think the one thing that just bonds us all together,
with all of us girls, as we always feel like
you're our best friends when you talk your podcasts, like
I'm literally texting my girlfriends crying, laughing, and trust me,
we're a lot older than you.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
But I just turned forty six. Oh well, we're.

Speaker 4 (01:13):
We're way older than that, way older than that.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
I actually it wasn't my dogfight. I had a facelift.
So yes, that's why I have stitches in my face. Yes,
I wish I actually had one scheduled. I had to
cancel it.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
But okay, I just think that I can speak for
every woman in this world.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
The room, my best friend here that got.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
His tickets, and my friend.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
It's just you.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
We just feel like you're when we listen to your podcast.
That makes us happy. The sports. We love, your personal life,
We love just everything. Your friendship is everything in the world.
We know that at being sixty, we know that friendships
are everything in the world.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
That's so nice. Things like Stephen Jared, they like the
relationship stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
Aaron's my longest relationship, so that's perfect.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
No, that's so nice. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
It is I think that as especially as I'll speak
for myself our ourselves since we share a birthday. We
just had a birthday, which is you know, it's funny
obviously if you listen to podcasts.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
We talk a lot about our love for one another.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
But it's weird when you're like, you share a birthday
with your best friend's kind of weird, right. That's like
there's three hundred and sixty five days out of the
year we got lucky that we'd say.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Our boss, which is wild. Oh birthday with our boss.
I was like, oh, our friendship? Are we best friends
with him?

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Mike? Is that you?

Speaker 3 (02:34):
Yeah, no, it is because it's but we have a
lot of similarities, but we have a lot of differences.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Now with the sharing of the birthday, we just alluded
to it.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
With our age, things are happening and I'm not it
is what it is, getting older.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
I'm comfortable with getting older.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
But this one goes on kicks where she finds She's
always like a few like months ahead with the trends.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
She's really big into Korean skincare. Right now, look at
our look at her face. The joke I was going
to make because she comes with stitches. I was so
worried about the rash I got from overdoing the Korean skincare.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
I didn't even talk to you about this. We're face
at me yesterday.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
I literally have these exposed issu because oh and I
was worried about this rash on my face, and I
was like, maybe I got stitches.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
You look great, thanks.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
I overdid it with the exfoliating pads. I didn't know
you just do it once a day, and I was
doing it three times. Yeah, I really got in there. Yeah,
I'm not really wanted to read instructions.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
I really couldn't read them.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
I couldn't read them.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
That was the problem. On the bottle, it's all in Korean.
And so like the other two nights.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Ago, I got home and I was like, oh my god,
I have a rash and so I googled it and
it said only you write to day translator.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Yeah, and she's like, you're overdoing it. Why do you
overdo it?

Speaker 3 (03:46):
I was like, because I don't want to look like
I thought, you don't want to look like this. But
you know, apparently Korean skincare is the way to go,
but you only use it once a day, not three times.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
I was really trying to get my mark.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
My model in life is if it's good once a day,
what's it going to do three times a day?

Speaker 3 (04:00):
I do that with cress white strips, I'll sleep in them.
People are like, what she will, she will? So anything
about your birthday? That was super fun.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
I was at the ranch. It's my happy place. Thank you.
Shout out to Eric, my good friend who's told me there.

Speaker 1 (04:14):
He probably regrets selling me the ranch because it was
a bitch to get in.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
A whole thing. Anyone else having problem with insurance right now?

Speaker 4 (04:22):

Speaker 2 (04:23):
Oh my god, thank God for State Farm. Not an AD,
but an ad.

Speaker 3 (04:26):
I insurance is a real thing. Anyone insurance agent in here,
because I'll talk to you after.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
Oh my god, I may need to talk. I got perfect.
I've got a real issue right now. This is Shet
his number. Yeah, I might have his number. Did we date? No? Actually,
I wish I would have dated. No, I'm kidding Steve.
Steve sales insurance too on.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
My life, My point and all it is. The point
is that's going to be the name of my book.
The point is land the plane, Lady. I spent my birthday,
our birthday at the ranch. It's my happy place. I
just love it so much. And I know that you
also I wish we were together, but you also I
wish we were together. I woke up early in the morning.

As Jarrett knows and anyone in my life knows, I
have to work out for my mood. Yes, it just
has to happen or I'm in a crappy mood the
rest of the day. So I got up early. I
was really excited about the whole thing. Because I knew,
you know, probably going to do a lot of drinking,
some eating, So.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
Let's go do a workout.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
I have talked on the podcast before about going to
yoga class and people taking as Curisa says, liberty is
like if I'm next to you in a hot yoga
class and we're supposed to pull our legs over this way, like,
do it this way because I don't want you going
the opposite way.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
And then we're touching and it's wet and there's hair.
Just listen to the instructor. It's not that hard. Stop
worrying about your eyelashes. Get invested. Why are you.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
Wearing those in this class? Anyway, they're gonna fall off.
So anyways, I go to a workout class. I'm really excited.
There is one station next to me that's open. I'm
not worried about it. It's my birthday. I'm excited. She's
playing the new Taylor Swift Great Decided, and then walks
in the grunter you all know the grunter. And I'm
really pissed off because I tried to focus and I

try to just be like, you know what, it doesn't
matter that I now know what your personal experiences sound like,
and in fact everyone now knows she means in the
bedroom is what we're going on there. Yeah, it was
basically for forty five minutes in my class, it was
the Harry met Sally restaurant moment. And it was just
so uncalled for, and I really blame it's really uncalled for,

and I blame COVID because I feel like a lot
of us, you.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
Know, we were all we all were working out by.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Ourselves and I was on peloton and I was screaming
at myself and doing my thing. But this was crazy,
and she did it the whole class. And my sister's here,
by the way, I'll give her a shout out, Kendra Andrews.
My sister knows very well this look. I'm at my
station and I am like, you don't want to get

that look from Aaron.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Stop, Like we get it. Whatever it is, the chapstick
move we're doing.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
AnyWho, the final minute and a half, which is always
the hard one, the bitch starts counting like we're doing
a hold, and she starts counting it one two.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
Wait and finally said stop counting. It's my birthday.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
I was so pissed off, so needless to say, it
didn't help the workout on my birthday.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
Katie sign to night. Everyone welcome Katie to this day.
Yeah that's tough.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
At least you didn't get yelled out by the teacher
when I had.

Speaker 2 (07:35):
Someplace to go. Anyone else done this. I left five
minutes early.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
Yeah, right where it's like, and don't tell me it's
your practice, it's you a thing. Well, my practice aid
it five minutes ago because if I can squeeze this workout,
and then I got to run out, and I'm all
about yoga etquette.

Speaker 3 (07:47):
My sister in law is yoga instructor. Shut to my sister.
She's here as well. You you sisters everywhere. But if I,
oh my god, imagine if I took Allie's class, she
would hate it.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
I would not listen. She would kick me out of class.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
Anyways, she's very good, but yeah, no, taking liberty is
this one thing in a yoga class. But I get
it where you're like, you want to have a zen,
peaceful experience.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
This one calls me. She goes, oh, I said the
worst time in yoga.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
I was like, oh, I did happy birthday listen to
my yoga class. I was so pissed off, And how
do you not know you're doing that? At least you
didn't have your therapist call and leave you a voicemail.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
True, so I wanted to say, so we had our birthdays,
but also how many women will be celebrating Mother's Day? Yes,
Happy Mother's Day, And it is my great honor to
wish Aaron her first ever Happy Mother's Day.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
I mean, look at that guy. It makes me emotional
thinking about it because the journey that you have been
very open and candid about to becoming a mother, and
I'm so excited that you get to celebrate your first
don't look at yourself and start first.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
I was like, God, is time for botox? She's really
this is what she does? She deflects.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
Can we just talk about mac and how we stole
right here? Also like who has this picture?

Speaker 2 (09:11):
It's really great?

Speaker 3 (09:12):
But I love you and I'm so excited to celebrate
Mother's Day for the first time with you.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
So very exciting.

Speaker 3 (09:18):
New developments in our house are Nanny, who we love
a lot. We're grateful for sat Jarret and Night down
the other day and said, so, I'm just gonna tell
you your kid is a genius at manipulation. He has
now learned how to turn it on, including the tears
the crime. He's also amazing. We're obviously so grateful, but

we are learning a very important lesson about letting him
deal with himself and letting him cry it out and
soothe himself.

Speaker 2 (09:49):
And it's hard, and yeah, you know, there's been a
couple of.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
Instances today he was having an absolute meltdown and we've
decided we're gonna let him do it and then we'll
grab him and see if he can calm down. It's
a lot like Jarrett talks to me, like just breathe,
like breathe. And so Jarrett went to go walk Howie
in the morning and I had Mac and I was
trying to get him to calm down, and I just
started to talk to him like a normal person because

I don't want to do the baby talk and stuff.
But I was just like, listen, buddy, like I don't
want to return you to doctor Marson, that fertility clinic,
but if you're not happy here, we could always bring
you back to California Fertility Partners.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Like, but I'm gonna I'm wow you step down.

Speaker 3 (10:32):
I'm gonna warn you that lobby is cold, and there's
a lot of like you don't the.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Freezer, yeah, you're nold, A.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
Lot of stirrups, a lot of gel, a lot of ultras.
Now it's not your bouncy chair is not there, so
you may not like the heat right now is at
sixty eight trees in this palatia palace you live in.
And then my final thing, Jared hilarious. I think it
was yesterday. Mac was throwing a fit and Jarrett looked
over at him from the kitchen.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
He goes, Mac, you have a really good life.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
I was like, I told him I'd bring him back
to the fertility clinic.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
But he's the best. He's so cute. I love that.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
Aaron celebrating Mother's Day and I'm celebrating being mother, mother
of seven hundred animals at the ranch. Yes, yes, oh,
the first ever baby chick was born at Ruby Ranch.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
This is a big deal. Guys. What's the same toto? Yeah,
I don't know if it's a boy girl.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
But here's the thing, so I can't if anyone likes
roosters here my bed.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
I hate roosters. I can't do that.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Kaka all morning. I know I'm out. So when you
get baby chicks. So I like, I don't know shit
about ranching. Or by the way, it's not even ranching,
it's farming. But I think ranch sounds cooler, so I
say it's a ranch. I watched Yellowstone. It's why I
even have the place, and I just want to live
out my best dream. So as I'm drinking vodka and
taking care of the animals, which again I might be

doing it all wrong, but I felt very proud that
I've got to birth the first chick here and so
for a very short amount of time. When you go
and get people might know this, but I didn't. When
you go and get a bunch of baby chicks. I
bought all these baby chicks. You don't know if they're
going to turn into a boy or girl whatever. Anyways,
they turned into roosters.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Are like, I gotta get rid of these roosters. Luckily
Tony took those.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
But at some point the rooster impregnated this biach and
we got our first baby chick.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
There will not be another one after that. Thank you,
Thank you. I am very proud. I too, I too
had a surrogate, you know, hah bet mine costs more.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Actually, no, mine probably costs as much as your branch.
She was worth it though. No, thank godess here's anyone
looking to buy a ranch. I gotta get rid of
this place.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
No, But so I bring all this up to say,
I also have all these other little baby chicks that
weren't born there. And I walked out the other day
and Daisy, my German shepherd's head is in the chicken coop.
She has ripped the front of the screen off and
she her heads.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
I was like, oh this is oh, oh, this is
not gonna be good.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Luckily she was just playing with them because they were
all fine.

Speaker 2 (13:08):
But I was like, motherhood it's hard.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
You know. So as their manipulation going, have you noticed
like you're trying to, like Tom back to the frugility clinic.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
Yeah, I Tali. Aaron and I have a lot in common,
also a lot of differences. Our mother's day look different.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
But we just love our animals nonetheless, And if anyone
knows anything about ranching or farming, has love to take
all suggestions because I don't know anything.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
I know that Ryan said there was supposed to be
a clock, and I'm kind of worried we're going on
not me. Oh great, Okay, there, it is so much time.
This is Jared's nightmare. Wait, you said we're going off script,
which Ryan hates.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
We probably Oh no, We've got to do this one.

Speaker 3 (13:57):
People will love it because this picture is unreal. Did
you give this picture to Ryan?

Speaker 2 (14:02):
Look at me? I'm like, what the outfit?

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Oh oh oh, this is the portion of the program
we're supposed to talk about what it's like working in
the sports industry.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Picture. Oh you were busy. No, I can't. I said
it to you. It's too blurry. Well, thank god.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
Okay, well here's the story. Yes, we are so grateful
to have the jobs that we have.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Again, my boss, what up.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
Your but let me tell you when you so I
was doing a sit down. I will omit the young
gentleman who I was interviewing for his own sake, because
it's so embarrassing. I was doing an interview for NFL
Films a couple of weeks ago, and I was wearing
like a tank top thing, and I didn't want theras
straps to show on the side. So I was like, oh,

look at me, brought the like sticky strapless kind of bra.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
I'm so prepared. I want to have that weird strap
on the side. I get the picture back after the
interview is over. I'm on my way back to the airport.
You guys, the entire sweater is see through and you
can see the stick bra.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Oh no, And need I remind you.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
If you've listened to the podcast I was, I would
like some more and a little lift this.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
It was National Geographic. They're out of ear and the
stick is half stick, half not.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
I'm gonna post it on the Calm Down Podcast Instagram.
It is so embarrassing. And I called my producer a Chip,
which normally I try to be like chill about this stuff.
I was like, yo, like just edit out the zi
you know, the bad hair extension. There ain't no editing
this thing out. It looks so tacky and so embarrassing.
And all I could think about is this young gentleman.
And when I say young, I could be his mother

that I was interviewing. The whole time, He's probably like,
who is this old trashy beach that doesn't even wear
the right bra to an interview?

Speaker 2 (15:48):
It looked like it was. It was so embarrassing.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
Anyways, we're on the topic because this industry is so
wonderful but sometimes being a woman in it is bad
when you have situations like that. So I apologize to
the young gentleman who plays for the Baltimore Ravens and
hopefully they can fix it in post.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Bad He no ask Steve. He's not lucky Steve. We
love Steve, Yes, yes, we do love Steve.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
But no, the job is so wonderful and I'm so
grateful to you know, we've both been doing this twenty
something years. But all the different stories of like things
that you know, we talked about your hair. Oh, you
have an updo, you can't show Aaron has a great
hair extension trick, bend and snack.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
I have an updo and I can't do it. Well, no,
it just goes along.

Speaker 3 (16:40):
We were talking about this about you know, really, Jillian
and I are the only females that travel in our crew,
so thank god for her.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
But yeah, Jillian, hey guys.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Yeah, so yeah, you find little tricks of the trade.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Bo I know you'd appreciate this.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Right before I go on camera, really no one there
to do my hair, so it's like you don't want
to fly it all up when you've got you know,
who do you have? Jared Goff Aaron Rodgers. I don't
know who's Dak Prescott. So I do the old pen trick. Fine,
do it? Oh, I dropped my pen and then you
make sure all your hair extensions are down.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Flip it.

Speaker 5 (17:19):
It works, keV. I don't know about Aaron Rodgers's achilles.
He told me his leg is still attached. But god,
damn it, look at my hair, you know. Yeah, it works,
it works, it works.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
Don't do this move though, and think you're gonna because
you don't have a brush that you're gonna just comb
it out and one get stuck in the ring in
your hair and you're like this, sob and put it
in your pocket. How many hair extensions have you found
in your pockets?

Speaker 2 (17:48):
A lot for me? Oh my god. When you do
the wash and they're in your gene pocket.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
The individuals you know what I'm talking about right there,
don't you not at all?

Speaker 2 (17:56):

Speaker 1 (17:57):
Or the first time you're hunging up with a guy
and he's like, what is that? I was like, don't
worry about it.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
You like, don't touch my hair or my bank at
South you know what it is. I have nothing left
in my bank account after the last one.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
No, but it's great. There's like there's so many wonderful things.
Wait are you still here? He left? Because if you
because if you've.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Got the right teammates, they'll go like this, Oh you
had this happen with Luke Keigley. Like they'll go like, hey,
you've got some of your nose or like.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
You've got whatever. They'll help you out with that, which
I appreciate. Green Bay's the worst not to go to.
It's my favorite.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
But I have a real booger breath phobia, as you
guys know on the podcast. I don't want athletes talking
about my breath because I've heard enough of them talk
about other reporters with bad breath. If they're going to
say anything nasty about me, it's not going to be
about how my breath is. My nose is also a
big deal. My right side is always running. Don't know
if there's a doctor here and what that means. I

wax mine. That's what happens. Sure people think I have
a substance abuse problem. I'm like, I swear to God,
it's just from waxing, constantly wiping it. It comes out,
it really does. But it's always my right side. So
poor Jillian. It's like my teeth, my breath. I don't
talk to her while she's doing my makeup and my
right side. Green Bay. There's just nothing you can do.
And it's really upsetting because it's so cold. I grew

up a Brett fhar fan. I loved the frozen snot
he used to have on his beard, but I don't
like it for myself.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
I don't need it. And yeah, I've told the story
on the podcast.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Luke Keighley very attractive, a young superman, and I was he.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
I think they were in Green Bay. They were.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
It ended up snowing that game, and I went up
to talk to him during pregame, and when I came back,
my producer went, you have something in your nose And
I looked and it was massive and it was insane
and it was embarrassing.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
Cut you and goes, oh, I know, it was horrible.

Speaker 3 (19:48):
And I apologized to him this day, to this day,
still cut you. NFC Championship, Tom Brady and the Buccaneers
on their way to win a Super Bowl beat Green
Bay in Green Bay. We had to be on the
first row because it was COVID couldn't be down there.
Shack beartt I think sacked Aaron Rodgers twenty times in
that game.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
He comes up to be right under me. I'm interviewing him. Congratulations,
I'm going to the super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (20:12):
Massive booger up my nose, and I was, I wrote him, Yeah,
I felt so bad.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Dear America, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
Yeah, I've said that for the majority of vis dear audience,
I'm sorry for this clean ax. If you're listening, I'd
love to be a spokesperson, really would of the podcast.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Yeah, no, it's hard.

Speaker 3 (20:32):
It is.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Oh, which brings me to this whole We were talking
about it the other day.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
So I'm not on TikTok lucky me. I don't have
to get rid of it, right, but this get Ready
with me sed uf, I can't keep up. I can't
know what I mean exactly.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
Cindy gets it. I can't keep up with the get
Ready and.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
We're using this and by the time I've watched the
whole thing, I'm like, it's time to go to bed
and watch all this makeup off I've watched.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
I've went down a rabbit hole and then there's powder
and a thing and you put the blush over it,
and then we're repowdering, and then we're doing something?

Speaker 2 (21:04):
So many steps? I saw, what is that? You did?
You do that? So? How do you do that? You
look great? How long does it take you? Yeah? But
how does the how long does the initial application take?

Be honest? Thirty minutes? God?

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Oh my god? Okay, well it looks great? Do you
do these?

Speaker 3 (21:33):
Get ready with me? Which I always thought they were
grown or something. I was like, what are we?

Speaker 2 (21:37):
What are we doing? What is this acronym? And what
is this old oat d? And like outfit of the day.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
I The one that really threw me was get ready
with me for my seven am pilates class. And I'm like,
I'm lucky if I wipe the crap out of my eyes,
brush my teeth, maybe go to the bathroom and oh god,
I haven't eaten.

Speaker 2 (21:58):
But my whole thing is, what's what the weird voice
everyone's doing? Get ready with me while I go to
my seven A is that's the thing? What is that voice?
I don't know that thing.

Speaker 5 (22:08):
First I apply my concealer and then I dub a
little of the pat.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
What's what am I doing?

Speaker 1 (22:14):
And I can't keep up with the voiceover, which is
bad if that's my job sometimes to do voiceovers. I
can't keep up with the voiceover of the video by
the time, and look, I love an ad Swipe up,
swipe left. These animals need to be fed. Okay, but
if you ask me to do a reel, I'm sweating
before I even agree to the contract because I cannot
do it. I feel like when my dad first learned

a text, he goes, oh, I'm never going to text you.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
I don't know how to text. I mean fast forward, you.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
Know, ten years later he's got to figure out how
to text. I guess I have to figure out how
to do the reels. It takes me at least you
and I panic about the reels.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
I can't do it. I don't know how to do
a fact, I don't know how to do it, like
I don't know how to take it.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
And in selfie, my nose looks bizarre, my neck is weird,
and I'm not looking in the right way.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
Are you looking for a selfie? Like up here? Up there?
It's so weird it's bad.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
But by the time I get the real now it's
deleted because it's taking too long and I didn't know
how to save it. That happened to you, And now
we're trying to add the music.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
Now. I don't know if we can have the music
because it's not licensed. It's a mess.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
I'm it's just crazy. Did you tell me upstairs? You
had something to tell me about your life? And I
thought you were engaged for pregnant guys, I have an announcement. No,
I'm not, I'm not not. I found my wallet.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
I hear him now, I hear him now, Steve found
my wallet.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
Kay, and I have a theory. I have a theory.
So for the who's standing up about it?

Speaker 1 (23:41):
Oh that's Ryan, Hi, Ryan, Ryan, you are wonderful producer.
You know Ryan, Ryan has to deal with We love
Ryan and Kurt. Kurt's not here, he's put But yeah,
Ryan has a contract so he has to stay. But
so lot, I was going to Jillian's birthday exactly. Oh
my god, finally someone likes us.

Speaker 3 (24:05):
I know a lot of women that don't like me anyways.
So there's I have taken Uber to Jillian's birthday party.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
I take an Uber home. The wallet's not in the Uber,
can't find it. It's not at Gillian's house. The wallet's gone.
Steve comes up today and goes, guess what, reach into
my pocket and I've got a surprise for you.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
Hey, that's what he said. This is what he said.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
As I'm laying there icing my finger and I look
like I'm the scarecrow.

Speaker 2 (24:31):
And I was like, oh, daddy, can't wait.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
I reached into his pocket today and there's the wallet,
and I was like, oh my god, you found this one.
I think Steve took the wallet so he could be
the hero.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
I do where was it?

Speaker 5 (24:53):

Speaker 2 (24:53):
No, but I look there. I look there. I have
a theory that does these things. He takes these things
or does certain things so then he can be the hero.
And I'm like, oh my god, You're amazing. How can
I live without you?

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Needless said, I'd already canceled all the cards, so shit,
but I got what about the license?

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Got the license back, but already ordered a new one,
so we can we keep the new one either way?

Speaker 1 (25:15):
That's my You know what, bad things happen in life, guys.
But I'm a real optimist. Glass apple steep.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Seep seep seep seep seep seep purposed purpose purpose propose.
I'm gonna say, Steve, I appreciate you it's planning that
whole thing to look like a hero on the day
of the podcast show. I also love Steve being like
reaching met puckets, like the wallet.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
Fits in here. You know what I mean? It was
a small wallet. I'm kidding Phil, Okay, I mean, look
look at his hands. They're not as big as my
hands currently.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
But look, I'm thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (26:04):
I love this laugh track. This guy's great. I need
to know more about him.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
I'm taking Lexi and him home with us. Wait, can
we can we get a mic to this beauty? His
laugh is I would just like to say thank.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
You to every man that's here.

Speaker 3 (26:17):
Yeah, kendook half the crap we talk about. No one cares,
but I appreciate. I feel like Sally Jesse, Raphael.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
Do you know who that is? The red glasses? Great sir?
Can we like?

Speaker 3 (26:30):
Your laugh has been amazing? Can I know a little
bit about you?

Speaker 2 (26:34):
Yeah? What do you say? He said me? Where are
you from? What's your name?

Speaker 5 (26:44):

Speaker 2 (26:45):
Occupation name? I'm Zayny. I'm a radio personality. Big We
follow you guys. Me and my lady we follow you guys.
We love you guys. So we came here from Minneapolis, Oh,
my god. Oh we lived there, and so I'm just like,

I'm very happy. I'm happy for her. She's the birthday girl.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
That's it.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Do you have a question or want to sing? Happy birthday? Yes,
here we go. And what's what's your birthname? What's your what?

Speaker 5 (27:19):

Speaker 2 (27:21):
Heather Joe? What Heather? Heather Joe? Okay, here we go,
Happy birthday. I'm three to Heather Joe. Oh, we can
just stay at Heather Heather just Heather, Okay, Yeah, what's
her name?

Speaker 3 (27:34):

Speaker 2 (27:34):
My god, what's her name? Christina? Okay? Happy birthday to
Heather and Christina. Here we go, one, two, three.

Speaker 3 (27:41):
Happy birthday, dude you Happy birthday due, Yes, shorty dear
Heather and Christina.

Speaker 6 (27:58):
Bird sweet dandy man lay We love y'all. Thank you
so much, ladies, thank.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
You so much.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
Oh my god, Sandy, would you mind doing my voiceovers
for a real that I have because your voice is incredible.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
It doesn't matter what kind of bra you're wearing. You right,
you're not getting this at the Tom Brady roast, you
know what I mean. Awesome, Thank you guys so much.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
Hey, I couldn't help but hear the resounding applause for
Minneapolis yeah, okay, I love that.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
And they came from New York. Stop it new you
aren't the big city.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
Aaron and I loved living in New York. We lived
there at separate times.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
Actually, one of my best friends from childhood, Meg Bedford,
is here and she has lived in New York since
graduating college USC.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
She was rich. I wasn't had to go to community college,
but lived in New York for a long time.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
And the last time that you were in New York
with us was when Whitney Houston died. Oh my god,
I know exactly. I don't want to bring it down.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
No, no, Jesus no, I say all this because I
will always love you.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
And we celebrated her life. It's a celebration of life
at Bagatelle, And this one was on the She walked
in in a sports jacket for a boozy brunch.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
Okay, and she looked very Anna bun, thank you very much, fantastic.
I was just coming from a very fancy college basketball game.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
Excuse me, sec on Saturday nights.

Speaker 3 (29:30):
Thank you, Barba, Big ten, Galpo, Ryan Tomaso.

Speaker 2 (29:35):

Speaker 3 (29:36):
Anyways, she came and then all of a sudden, she
has never been The lights went down, not in Georgia,
but they went down and the party came out.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
Yeah, it was a time, we accord.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
It was like Darret's first Stanley Cup party. Whoa wasn't
there any who? I wasn't It was pre me. No,
that was really like the party. So I've heard writiness
Anus did you come back? So according to the clock,
not my biological clock, that Aaron really wants me to
have a kid, I'm not having one.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
We have eight and a half minutes left before they
kick us off. Sorry, so good news. If anyone wants
to ask a question or air out your grievances were ready.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
Yes, yes I have another Go Hawks, Go Hawks. Had
a childhood sport memory that like solidified.

Speaker 6 (30:25):
Your love of sports?

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Mmmm go seet. Oh my gosh, I love my love
of sports.

Speaker 3 (30:31):
I mean watching my brother at the Brian Bosworth poster
landa boz on the walls.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
I remember.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
My favorite gifts in life were anything autographed. I loved
getting an autographed baseball bat, anything like that.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
And I loved Steve from my athletes professional ones. No,
they were probably like counterfeit. And my parents were like
happy Birthday and it was like my dad signing it
nice I know now we have to figure out if
it's real, right, No, but I was gonna say there
was there is that moment and I mentioned working with

Gary Payton, but there are those moments where like growing
up in Seattle was Gary Payton and Sean Kemp and
Ken Grifey Junior and I had the candy bar. My god,
why did we save the candy bar for like ten
fifteen years.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
We're not gonna go back. Speaking of saving things, the barbies?
Anyone else have those collector item barbies?

Speaker 2 (31:25):
I do? What did we peaches and cream? What are
we gonna do with those? Are we selling nights in
my room?

Speaker 3 (31:31):
That Peaches and Cream was a song I liked and
it was very inappropriate.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Collector's items are weird, so is that child stick thing
you get.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
But anyways, my memories of childhood, I mean, it's all
why I wanted to become a sports broadcaster was just
growing up and watching football with my dad on Sundays.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
My sister can vouch for this. I was like, I
want to go to charge my dad's Like you.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
Could sit with me and watch football, but just shut
up and don't say anything.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
And that's how I learned the sport.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
I know.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
You know, Aaron and I have talked with great affinity
about our fathers, and it's a huge reason why we
are sports podcasters.

Speaker 3 (32:03):
Yeah, mine was watching the Celtics with my dad and
thinking Larry Bird was my friend, and Casey Jones and
Kevin McHale was my first boyfriend, and my sister Ken
can attest to this.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
The one. I mean, there's not one sports memory I have,
but a big one.

Speaker 3 (32:16):
Was when Larry Bird cracked his head on the parquet
floor and he went back to go get looked at,
and they're playing freaking Reggie Miller and the Indiana Pacers,
and then you hear Marv Albert.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Like gosh, sure comes Florid Bard.

Speaker 3 (32:28):
And my dad and sister and I have a picture
of us at Boston Garden so lame, and I why
did mom cut my hair like that? It was so
weird and we're like running up the stairs and I'm
like sweet.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
Twenty personations though, by the way, this one does a
mean impersonation.

Speaker 2 (32:43):
I need you to give me a good Troy Aikman
right now. Oh under pressure. I don't know, No, Jillian,
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (32:51):
She does a y'all thirsty that was what the text
we always got like before, like you know, we did
our crew dinners like to meet down at the bar.
Hey anyone thirsty? Y'all thirsty? Yes, I have better ones.
I need more drinks than that. Any other questions?

Speaker 2 (33:04):
Oh hey, so.

Speaker 5 (33:12):

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Was because you're smarter than the guy the guys.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
Say for the people in the back, that's what What
was your name? What was your name? Sir? Derek Garrett? Garrett,
thank you, first of all, thank you for being here.
And then you have a question.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
He was being very complimentary and he said, you guys
were beautiful.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
What drove you to smarter than what? Guys? No, I'm kidding.
You don't have to call him out any specifically that
you think are really stupid. No, sports were one. Oh
that's very sweet. Thank you, go for it.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
I know, we I mean, I know, and you know this.
I study my ass off and i feel like it's
never enough. And I'm grateful for guys like Andrew Whitworth.
I'm grateful for guys like you know, all the ones
that have just taken care of us. You know, we
had this conversation with Derek Jeter when I first started
baseball at ESPN I know I sucked. I mean, I

knew I was raised on the Boston Red Sox, but
just me learning and guys like Derek taking me under
his wing and you know, helping me out, giving me
an interview and so forth.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
But listen, like that was very kind of you to say.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
But I say this with everything that has to do
with my career, I have a massive chip on my shoulder.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
This just in.

Speaker 3 (34:37):
I never played, so I don't know what it's like
to make an adjustment at the half. I don't know
what it's like to you know, get your offensive line
to you know, have not that this guy knows.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
You know, he always gave great protection.

Speaker 3 (34:48):
But you'd be like, guys, come on, you like, what
do we need to do to you know, go up
against his defense? So I always over studied. I jarreed
knows this. I come home with chest pains, which isn't healthy.
I mean, I'm sure stay farm, I need better insurance.
But no, I just it's because I never want to
screw up. I never want there to be a moment
on television or on the sidelines where someone said you

don't know the answer to that.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
That panics me. I think, and you know this is
this is not good. I don't have that same fear.
But my fear is always this, I only have a
job until I don't, and where I feel very very
grateful that after.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
This we may not.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Yeah, no, I think that's why my boss is here,
is to fire me. But so I've got three minutes
and ten seconds left of employment.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Guys, it's been awesome.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
No, I think I think you always, and it doesn't
matter what job that you're in, is that the minute
that you think that you've arrived and you're gonna be
there forever is the minute that it can get taken away.
So I always that's why I have to have seven
jobs in case any one of them do get taken away.
But I think it's Jalen Rose gave me this advice
one time when I was working with him at ESPN.
He said, appreciate your position, but plan your promotion. And

that's not a way of arrogance. But I think it's
it's gratitude. But where else do you want to go?
Those who fail to set their goals fail to reach them. Like,
there's a lot of different things.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
But also my father always reminds us the cemetery is
full of a lot of irreplaceable people, and.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
The minute that you think that you can know guys,
I could keep going.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
I had a lot of rules for success on my
wall growing up. But I think it's really important at
least that this is my guiding compass, is that I'm
grateful for the job that I have. I'm even more
grateful for the people that I get to do it
with and the friendship that I've been able to develop
because of it.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
They've become family.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
And I know I laugh about my divorces and all this,
like you know, crap in my life, but those are
the people that are there for you.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
That said, it doesn't matter if you're a sports broadcaster.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
Or wherever you work, your relationships are they start with you. Right,
You're the author of your story, So be the person
that other people.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Want, you know, to be around.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
So, in the words of Kristen Wig at Bridesmaids for
the toast, the dessert wine is out. Yeah, the dessert.

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Wine is out.

Speaker 3 (36:58):
So we want to say thank you. And also I
want to say this, we want to do more of this.
So if any of you, like.

Speaker 2 (37:08):
I mean the Kelsey's crew, they could do it. I
think we could do it too.

Speaker 3 (37:12):
I I will say this.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
Let's all raise a glass. I'm out to you guys.
Thank you for it.

Speaker 3 (37:20):
By the way, we are nothing without you. No I
if no one listens, we're not here. Thank you guys
for spending a little time with us every week or
even if it's every few months, because that's all you
can handle. We appreciate you. We love you, and thank
you for being. Thank you guys so much. Thank you.

Nikki Glazer, everybody, she's coming to this. Heay, No, I'm kidding.
I thought my sticker on my shoes was on and
I was going to be No.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
Yeah, that's a bad look.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
No, Daniella, these are mine, They're not yours. No, this
is a rental. These are broken.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
Mine are broken. We love you, guys. Thank you so
much for coming. Thanks you, guys.

Speaker 3 (38:00):
Calm down with Erin and Parsa is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (38:03):
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