All Episodes

May 10, 2024 54 mins

Today on Financial Fridays, Tony K is joined by none other than Rainz Cash, Professional Skateboarder, Actor, & Recording Artist for Stacks On Deck Money Gang™! Tony K & Rainz Cash discuss financial aspects of the music & television industries filled with many inspirational nuggets all throughout the interview! Be sure to follow Rainz Cash on IG @rainzcashsodmg & Watch MY LIFE IS A MOVIE on his Youtube channel for awesome content dopping weekly on his page. Cannabis Talk 101, “The World’s #1 Source For Everything Cannabis”, made global history by becoming the first cannabis show to partner with iHeartMedia, on 4/20/2020. Thank you for listening & watching Cannabis Talk 101 with Christopher Wright, aka "Blue" the CEO and creator of Cannabis Talk 101 and the Cannabis Talk Network. & Joe Grande, former Co-Host on Big Boy’s Neighborhood on Power 106 FM, On-Air with Ryan Seacrest on 102.7 KIIS FM in Los Angeles and The Dog House in the Bay Area on WILD 94.9 KYLD. Toking with the Stars with Chuckie & Marty, & Financial Fridays with Tony Kassaei, The Inside Investor, on YouTube, IHeartRadio App, Spotify, & Apple Podcasts.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
After twenty two years of being a Titan on Wall
Street and start in his own firm. Tony Kasai is
walking away. What to send the Ugly Side Hooky and
Only Inside We'll interview insiders and other titans of all
types of industry, offering advice, sharing stories of a first.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
This is another episode the Inside of Show.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Welcome to Cannabis Talk one on one's Financial Fridays with
the Inside investor Tony k We're the world's number one
source for everything Cannabi.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
Information provided by Financial Friday and Tony Kasai is for
general information entertainment purposes only and should not be considered
as professional financial advice. Consult with the professional before making
any financial decisions.

Speaker 5 (00:43):
YO, I don't know where you're at, what you're doing,
or what day of the week it is for you,
But over here at the C two one on one,
iHeart CEOs, it is Financial Fridays for us ladies and
gutam and I'm your host, Tony Kay. I'm here to
get your mind right and your funny game tight. Feel
free leave me a financial question anytime at one eight
hundred and four twenty nineteen eighty. You can also connect
with me directly. On Instagram at the Insider Investor. Now,

y'all know that my number one rule of money is
that your health is your wealth. You can't be wealthy
if you are not healthy. That's what I want to
tell you. Guys bought my friends over at Rising Tide
Benefits dot Com. It is a massive misconception that you
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you can give them a call at two one four
four four six fifty three hundred now today on the
show Ladies and Gentlemen, my podcast, Papa Joe Grande hit
me up a while back and he says, hey, man,

there's this cat that I've interviewed before. I've been fucking
with them and he's somebody you should bring on the show.
And then I looked at his name and the word
cash is in it, So of course I said, yes,
my man is a professional skateboarder, he's an actor, he's
a recording artist for Stacks on Deck Music Group Records.
He has his own skateboarding game. He's got a thousand
other ideas that we've already talked about even before we

went air. Without further adude, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to
the show. Mister Rain's Cash. It was yo, you got
like a stripper name. Well it's like a four star name,
but that's something.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Yeah, you know, I used to do a little strippy.

Speaker 5 (02:21):
So my man, dude, I was telling you, you know,
in our pre production meeting, I was telling you, like,
looking through your socials, I always trying to kind of
keep it broad. I tried not to ask too many
questions because I want to keep it organic, but looking
at your social stock and I was like, man, this
dude's doing a lot.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Yeah, man, I'm busy. I'm a busy guy.

Speaker 5 (02:39):
Now, for people that aren't familiar with you, give us
a little bit background about how you got in the game,
what you're doing, and like introduce yourself to the audience.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
All right, For sure. My name is Rain's Cash, you
know what I'm saying. I'm originally from the Bay Area,
like Richmond and Oakland, West Oakland, but I had to
move to LA to you know, to take a bunch
of opportunities that I had to had to you know,
get it done. And I was really just sitting over
there stuck, you know what I'm saying, like with all
these dreams and all these passions inside me. So it

really took a while to get to LA you know,
which I could go into further detail later about, you know,
because that's you know, when you have an idea, it
sometimes it takes more than just to do it, you know,
Like I had to switch my whole geographic location to
get started. Yeah, I had already made two movies in

the Bay though before I came to LA.

Speaker 5 (03:30):
So I skateboarding movies, right.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
Yeah, they're skateboarding movies, but they're films. So like the
first movie, you know, we were like broke and we
came up on a camera and then we filmed you know,
a video part, and then we met up with a
clothing sponsor, and then at the end we got like
a bands and a beamer, you know what. I'm saying,
it was like pretty type.

Speaker 5 (03:51):
And this is before social media, So I mean you're
talking like VHS cameras.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Yeah, no, I've been. I've been filming since we had
VHS because of dude to skateboarding, you know, and then
just because I was always creative, I always wanted to
put more on it. So that's why those movies there
skate videos, but there is an actual movie where you know,
there's lines and characters and we're doing stunts and shit,
and then the second movie is fucking amazing like the

first movie, really like Broke Ground because like you said,
that was before social media, so to have the power
and this is where it came from. I was sitting there,
I was like, damn, how am I gonna make this work?
You know what I'm saying? How am I gonna get
everybody to know what we have going on? You know
what I'm saying. And I was like, if I'm on TV,
then it's cracked, you.

Speaker 5 (04:39):
Know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Right, So I put some shit together and then was
out there out the trunk, you know, giving away DVD's,
And the first DVD we sold it it was in
all the rassmutons and shit, my homie.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
Used to work at the rest.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
The first one was New Money, New Motivation, and then
the second one's called New New Money Forcedubduction.

Speaker 5 (04:57):
That's cool. So you've always had like money or revolving
around your persona if you will.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
That's always been my brand, bro like cool. Yeah, New
Money was the first movie, you know what I'm saying,
New New Money the second one, and then yeah, it's
always been It's always been purely skateboarding and fun. But
then I always have dropped information for people because it's
like I'm not only doing it just to no, no, no,

make content. I'm actually trying to teach people with my projects,
you know, like even if it's something small to where
I had a scene in the very first movie where
my friend was smoking a cigarette, right, he was just
that guy, and I even put smoking kills on the screen,
you know. And because I understand skateboarding, you got a
lot of young people watching it, so I never That's
why if you do look on my Instagram, you won't

see me smoking weed on my Instagram or nothing. Not
that I'm against that, obviously, I'm for it. If you
listen to my music, I smoke all the time. But
I know that I have a lot of younger fans,
so I just try to keep it clean. So like, yeah,
and even in the first two movies, like I don't
even think we cussed that much. It's you know, like
some of the music is, but I kept it pretty
cut and dry. But so yeah, I made those movies
and then then things really kind of took off for

me in the Bay, and I felt though, like I
hit a ceiling, you know, because I traveled a lot
with Yuckmouth and then did a couple of projects being
a cameraman at that point for like E forty and
you know, all the homies back in the Bay. But
then I got kind of far away from what the
original goal was, is for me to be on TV

and for me to bring knowledge to people and to share.
So I had to kind of drop the business that
I had made. I had made a super thriving video
business where I was traveling a lot and paying all
my bills and the whole shit, you know. So I
gave that up and kind of switched gears and just
put the spotlight back on myself. And I got like
in an independent movie where I was like it's called

ten Speed, you guys should watch that on YouTube. Ten
speed bootleg type that in sick Dude. They shot it
with sixteen film and I actually had to audition for that,
and so that I was kind of going into the
direction that I wanted to go, you know, But being
in the bay, Oh my god, bro, Like, I love
the by to death. I missed my friends and my family,
but I felt suffocated.

Speaker 5 (07:08):
Is it because of the circles you were rolling in
and getting sucked back into the streets or was it
because of the lack of opportunities in the you know,
call it the media space that you were trying to
get into.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
Probably a little bit of both. Like I feel like
it was my environment and my upbringing, and sometimes that
kind of puts a little bit of blinders on you,
because even to the fact where I used to think
that my schools hell a ghetto. I used to say
this all the time, My school was hell ghetto. I
didn't even have books, right, But then I talked to
somebody else that went to the same school and they
were like, what you're talking about. I had books in

my class. So I found out that I was in
the ghetto class and they had books in their class, right,
so that could be you know, the same is the
opportunities that I thought that I may had missed out. Huh,
they could have been there. They probably may have been.
But my journey was to get out of there because
and then let me let me kind of back up

a little bit. As I'm going forward, it's kind of
like this might sound very weird, but I see a past, present,
and future at the same time. So when I say
let me go back, I'm also having to go forward
because it's that's just how it is. So anyway, this is.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
The way like your brain processes things or your tape
you're because briefly we were talking about like you have
these moments of let's call it vision psychic or whatever. Right, Yeah,
so it's it's it is it almost like you've seen
your past and you can see your future at the
same time or is it the way you're processing information?

Speaker 2 (08:36):
Yeah, it's because I could see the future too, mostly
like when I had the Okay, let's just say very simply,
I had a dream and I did see a visualization
in my brain.

Speaker 5 (08:48):
Like a premonition of what that future looks like.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
Yeah, it's like a feeling and a visual that I
get in my head and if I'm in Oakland, it's
not it's not match, bro, Like I'm not.

Speaker 5 (09:02):
Where your energy wasn't there.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Yeah, Like if you're trying to plug your phone into
the wall but the fucking plug is over here, You're
not gonna get no power out of it, you know.
Like I just felt like I was not in the
right place, and uh, Hajji. I started driving him to
like La because Hodji was popping and Hoji is still
really popping.

Speaker 5 (09:20):

Speaker 2 (09:20):
I love that dude man, Like he's a huge inspiration.
So I was like taking him to radio interviews and
driving to La. So he really kind of showed me
what was popping out here. And we went to some
dude's house one night, fucking mansion doors opened up and
all what I'm like, I need to be here, you
know this is this is I'm feeling the vibe and
the flow here, like my shit is really Like I

felt like I was plugged in the wall, you know
what I mean. So, but it took so long. And
that's why they call that shit the trap too, brocause
like you you really will try to get out and
that shit will suck you back in.

Speaker 5 (09:52):
Well, you know, there's that cliche that Hollywood is where
people go to live out their dreams or whatever. But
I always say, man, Hollywood in la is like where
people go to like get their dreams crossed. Because out
of every thousand younger kids, older kids, people that have
this vision, very rarely do you get those success stories.
And I've I've and I used to look at it
from a analytical what is it about this person that

made them hit? But not this? You get those one
hit wonders. You get those guys who are in the
right place at the right time. But I'm not talking
about those, I'm talking about the ones You're like, man,
they made it. And I realized the one thing that
everybody had in common was consistency. Like like jumping out
of a parent playing without a parachute. You cannot have
a backup plan. You're like this, I'm gonna die on
this street. I'm gonna figure it out one way of
them and those guys always figure it out.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
It's definitely consistency and just being determined. And you know
that's the biggest part. I mean, you know, if anybody
who's watching this right now has a dream or you know,
has a goal, you can do it.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
Yeah, you know.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
What I mean, Like I just heard this thing is
actually a quote Nipsey said. He's like, don't try to
build the whole wall, bro build lay a brick every day.
You know what I'm saying, That's kind of what I do.
Like I have a lot of stuff going on, but
I really don't. I don't stress myself.

Speaker 5 (11:05):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
I live without stress. That's my main goal. Like why
I have stress? Right, So if I have a hundred
things to do, I just chip away at it. And
I'm the type of person that works. Like so if
you want to do something, you actually have to work.
That's what the people got the shit fucked up, you
know what I'm saying. Like a lot of people will
see somebody and they want to be them or they
want to reflect their lifestyle or something. But there's a

lot of work that goes into it.

Speaker 5 (11:30):
You know.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
So as I made my journey to LA, I was working,
working work. I'm still working every single day, you know.
Like it's crazy man like, and that's really the success
story behind things. And it's like if you want to
be something, just do it, because then you are that thing,
you know what I'm saying. Like and It's just really

a dream come true honestly for me, because you know,
so I eventually made it out to LA and I
had to go back and forth a couple of times
and fail, and I came back. I kept trying to
come back and then to fast forward till now, man,
I'm literally feel like my fucking dreams have come true. Awes, Yeah,
to a point, you know, like there's still more to come,

but you.

Speaker 5 (12:12):
Feel like you're on the right path. Now. You're like,
all right, now I got the blueprint. Now I figured
out a thousand ways how to fuck it up, and
now a thousand and one.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Oh yeah, oh yeah. So something like we were kind
of talking about earlier, I'm gonna let the viewers know
is really the solution to success for me, And I
feel like for most people, you know, I can only
speak for myself, but I'm gonna be giving you guys,
the key to success, you know is Okay, so you

don't lie, cheat, or steal. Okay, we were speaking about.
It's the sounds like the simplest concept, but if you
actually try to do it and live by it, your
whole quality of life is gonna be fucking amazing.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
Listen up, scammers. You know that was you know, after
I shared with you my story, and like I said, man,
one of my biggest passions, and I get so pissed
off when I see people screwing other people over for
money because A I know the pain of losing that. B.
It's almost like, you know, I don't mean to diminish
a sexual exploitation, but when somebody's been sexually violated or
financially violated, the aftermaths are almost the same because now

you lose so much trust into other people. You make
other decisions based on the memory of that trauma, and
you end up missing out on other opportunities because you know,
my mom's a perfect example. Ever since she got screwed
over by that guy, you know, now, it's like she
just wants to keep her She didn't even trust the
banks no more, you know what I mean. I know,
so it really hit a core with me, and I
shared with you more than I share with other people

because of the way you position that. And before we
go on break the other gem that he dropped and
even though it's financial Fridays, I think it's still a
valid way that he looks at life. I asked him,
what are your sources of revenue right now? And how
do you monetize yourself? And what was your answer?

Speaker 2 (13:51):
I said, I don't really worry about money.

Speaker 5 (13:54):
It sounds silly, dude, but I will tell you. You know,
one of my call it a superpower, but one of
the things that has got me where I am. I
try to surround myself with people that are higher than me,
or that I want to emulate their lifestyle, and I'll
ask them questions like that, and I've found that more
often than not, people will the ones that are successful
that I want to like. You know, they have a

stress free life. They're not checking their phones every ten seconds,
they're not fighting with their family, with their spouse, they're
not cheating on their wives. All of them said the
same thing. They all said, Listen, man, the moment I
let go focusing on the money side of it and
my passion the money came in tenfold.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
If you're just chasing money, money, money, money the whole time,
I'm sorry, it is not going to fucking work for you.

Speaker 5 (14:34):
It's probably one of the only times you're going to
hear this on Financial Fridays. But I agree with them, man,
and you know, it's a different outlook, it's a different way.
And some of you that are broke right now are
still trying to make ends meet, and may be like,
all right, well you could do that, but we've both
been at zero. I can't count how many times I've
gone back to zero and builped it up. If you
listen to the show, you know about that. But but
I believe in what you're saying, and I appreciate you

being vulnerable and sharing that totally.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
I mean, and I think I could speak a lot
of people that are at zero probably currently right now. Yeah,
you know, so like, oh, it's such a hard place
to be in. But I want to give those people
faith and really some hope because well.

Speaker 5 (15:11):
Hold that thought, because that's that's a good little nugget
that I want to come back to you for sure.
If you guys, we're going to take a break. When
we come back with rains cash, we're gonna do the
Financial Friday five, but I'm going to have him drop
the wisdom that he's going to give you to how
to get out of zero. We'll be right by it.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
We'll be right back with the Financial Friday five on
Cannabis Talk one on one's financial Fridays with the Insider
Investor Tony K. Welcome back to Cannabis Talk, one on
one's Financial Fridays with the Insider Investor Tony K. It's

now time for the Financial Friday five.

Speaker 5 (15:49):
You never find yourself caught up and you need a
good lawyer, give my man Freddy Sage a call over
at the Fox Firm. This dude handles cannabis law, criminal
defense law, entertainment law, any kind of law. My man
Freddy has you covered. This isn't just some ordinary attorney
that we're talking about here, guys. This is a good
friend of the show, a good friend of mine, a
good friend of a lot of the guests that we've
had on the show. He's helped a lot of people out.

He has a huge presence out here on the West Coast,
but he can handle all your needs. Give him a call.
Check out his website. It's the Fox Firm with two
x's and that's Freddy Stage. We're now back here on
Financial Fridays with Rain's Cash now. But man was about
to drop a gym before I cut him off. You
were going to tell him the wisdom and the advice
you'd get for somebody that's either at zero or broke

or trying to get, you know, climb out of that
hole that you find yourself in when you have not
that many digits in your.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
Backing the gol totally okay. So I mean I could
just see, you know, somebody's day. Man, they wake up
and they ain't got no money. You know, they want
to do some things, but they can't do it, you know,
for a variety of reasons. Man, But you got to
just start off. You got to just put one foot forward,
you know, and you're gonna have especially if you're in

that situation, You're probably gonna be surrounded by other people
in that situation. So don't listen to what they're gonna
tell you because once you tell let's say you're in
a room full of ten people and you're the one
person that got a good ass idea and you might
figure your way out, they are gonna tell you that
you're wrong, you know what I mean. They're gonna tell
you not to do it. But the most important thing

to get from zero to one, let's just say to
get to zero for one, is to trust yourself in
the feeling that you have inside of you and the
vision that you feel and whatever is in your heart,
because that's step one, to trust yourself and start doing
it right. Because once you do that, then just every
day start working towards it, you know what I'm saying. Like,

if you and it, you know, it's it's hard, but
it's easy at the same time, it's actually very easy.
But and you're not gonna get it all at once.
You might have to, you know, get a side job,
you might have to get a second job, and then
after those two jobs go do what you needed to do.
But you just gotta make it happen. And if you're tired,
fuck it, you know what I'm saying. If you got

some you just gotta say fuck and you just got
to do it, you know, And then I mean, that's
really it. You got to just do it. But then
just be dedicated and just work every day, you know
what I'm saying. And once you don't lie and you
don't cheat and you don't steal, you got that out
of your business and out of your life, You're going
to actually have all this free energy that's lifted off

your back. Think of all those lies that you got
dragging around, you know what I'm saying. Let all them
lies and all that shit go, and then you got
all that extra percentage of energy and brain inside to
put towards what you can do, you know what I'm saying.
And that's why most people think it's so hard, because
they're have all this extra shit right. And then just

a couple of quick basics, because I you know, I
want to just make sure that people can get these
quick little basics like don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal,
I'll say it again, okay, And then to actually think clearly,
you have to eat the right shit, you know what
I'm saying, Like don't eat McDonald's in fast food and
all this shit. And then at the end of the day,
like how come this shit didn't work? It's because you're

poisoning yourself, you know what I'm saying, Like eat less,
eat some better food. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (19:09):
And you've traveled the world, you know how fucked up
our food system here. It's not even if most people
don't even understand what you're finding in the grocery store.
Half fat aisle isn't even allowed in other third world countries.
Like there's ingredients that we allow in our coke and
our cereals that literally third world countries are banned.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
They won't even let people consume it. And where the
reality check that I got is when we were coming
back from Europe and we landed in Houston. I was like,
what does that smell? Right? And it was nasty ass
court food food court shit, and there was all these
fat people in line, and I was like, this is
just disgusting. And then when you go from one to

the next so quick, you really see the change, you
know what I'm saying. So to not poison your body
and to actually then at that point have the act
brain power to do what you want to do. Because
if you're polluting your brain, if you're drinking and you're
fucking doing coke or whatever you're doing.

Speaker 5 (20:09):
You carry around all the negative shit from the past.

Speaker 2 (20:12):
It is not going to work.

Speaker 4 (20:13):

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Like I'm trying to tell you so once you and
it's funny. Let's say you want to be a painter, right,
but you ain't told me one thing about painting yet.
Because your your natural love for being a painter and
your actual intuition of a painter, will you will paint
that picture when I go into the studio, when I'm

driving to the studio to make a song. I am
not fucking worried about am I gonna make this song?
Because I know I'm a fucking great recording artist, and
I've done it, and I will do it again, and
I will keep fucking doing it because that's what I'm
meant to do. And since I've cut out all these
things and my brain isn't polluted, I have clear senses,
and I make it fucking perfect.

Speaker 5 (20:57):
And I'm going to tell you another reason why you've
made it. You probably already know this, but to kind
of piggyback off everything you said two thoughts on that one.
I know you're gonna make it even higher than this
because of already just very minimal conversations we've had. There's
two types of people. There's people that, you know, if
I give you some advice about a sponsor whatever, you're like,
I already know that, or you would have kind of
brushed it off. What he told me said, Hey, listen,

I know what I'm good at. I'm creative. You know
I've this is not my fortday to go chase how
to monetize me, maximize me, He goes, let me be creative.
That's why I got my girlfriend. That's why I got that,
and you were so receptive to that advice. It's crazy
how many people once they think they've made it at
their level. Now, if I would never try to give
you advice on skateboarding, you know what I'm saying. So
so that's that's one thought. And I think that's a

quality for you. Know, you're listening to him, You're thinking,
all right, I'm close to zer. I'm restarting everything he said,
including the fact you touched on it early on about
not relying on whether people what other people tell you.
And this is something we always talk about, especially when
we travel and we speak at Master Mentors Live, which
is you can't you can't depend on somebody in the

hood to get you out of the hood. You know
you can't. You can't hang out with five overweight people,
You're going to be the sixth overweight person. You hang
out with six alcoholics, you're going to be at the
bar every day. So you are a product of your environment.
So you got to cut out. You heard when he
says left Oakland, I don't like to bring up people's past,
and I always say the front vie or mirror the
front and windshield is a lot bigger than the mirror
for a reason, because you want to look forward. If

you look in the past, you're going to be stuck
with all the shit that you were talking about. But
when you got out of Oakland, there was obviously things
that he felt deep down in his heart and his
soul that he needed to remove himself from. And I
guarantee you some of those when I don't know enough
about him, but but I could already sense that, Yeah,
there was probably an element there that you're trying to
leave from. There's people that it could not even be
that they're bad people, it's just they're vibrating. You're vibrating
at a different level. And you didn't want to bring

your thermostat down. You want to raise up that temperature exactly.
And so you're like, let me put myself out where
the pressure is here in La where people are like
all the way up here and you're down here. So
you're like, fuck, you don't want to emulate at that level.
So I cannot tell you how many little nuggets we
just dropped here, guys, So make sure make sure you
take note of that. Of it's simple. You know, there's
there is no magic formula to wealth. It's just doing

the consistency and those little tiny things. Don't leave, don't
don't don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal. I man, that
needs to be a T shirt.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
I mean, once you're on that vibration, like you mentioned,
everything is gonna flow towards you. Yeah, you know what
I mean. Like that's the thing, Like you don't have
to think about how I'm gonna get a million dollars. Yes,
in between, you have to come up with business strategies,
you have to make a plan, you have to work.
You actually have to make the money, but you have

to do it mentally as well. Like you can go
to work every fucking day and wish you had a
million dollars. But unless you're coming up in new ideas
and you're trying to go up the ladder and you're
trying to make something happen, it's not gonna happen, you know.
So it's dope.

Speaker 5 (23:49):
But now, speaking of a million dollars, and I can't
wait to hear your answers to these because I know
you're coming at it from a standpoint and you're not
one of those guys that's like how much money can
I make today, so I can't wait to hear your version.
So the Financial Friday five, I'm gonna ask you five
quick questions just off the top of your head. There's
no rhyme or reason too. The first question is rain's cash.
What was the best investment You've ever made?

Speaker 2 (24:10):
The best investment I've ever made? Wow? I mean really,
I would say the best investment that I've ever made
was when I would take every dollar I had and
got in my car and drove towards my dream and
really didn't know where I was driving to, but I

was spending every dollar on myself to make it happen.

Speaker 5 (24:36):
That's dude, that's my answer. The best investment you ever
made was investing in yourself.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
Yeah, it wasn't invested in myself.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
You know. One of my best reels that I've put out,
I'm like, dude, people always ask me, hey, man, I
have one thousand, five ten thousand, What should I do?
I'm like, don't invest in crypto, don't get stocks, investing
yourself by courses, go to car masterminds, you know, go
to conferences, meet other people, put yourself out there, go
hang out at a airport bar. You know what am
I of my tricks that I would do back when

I was a financial advisor and I didn't have the
money to be in the sports club or to be
in all the fan spots. I'd or a nice suit.
I'd buy a first class ticket even though I couldn't
afford it for like nine PM. But I'd go to
the airport at one pm, and I'd go hang out
at the Executive Lounge because with the first class ticket
you can outpost up there. You got free internet, you
get free drinks and free food, and everybody else in
the in the VIP lounge has money because they got

first class tickets. I'm working on the computer, and then
I would just meet people right before the flight ends
at seven pm. The flights at nine but on a
one way ticket you get to cancel it with no fees.
So I just go back to my car, cancel my
ticket and just not became my office, my.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
Biggest That's fucking dope.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
So question financial dude, I got a buck of those.
I mean, when you have nothing, you got to figure
out how you got to make it. Or I don't
believe in fake it to you make it, but fake
it until you make it, you know.

Speaker 2 (25:51):
I mean, you don't know how many times I had
to make my fucking car into an office and then
I had to make into my room. Yeah and whatever,
you know what I'm saying. But like I was in here,
though I was on top of the world, I'm sitting
in there.

Speaker 5 (26:06):
You never had doubt.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
No, I never had doubt. You know, like fun that
you gotta believe in yourself, and that's confidence is the
most important thing that you could have.

Speaker 5 (26:14):
I love it. Question number two on the Financial Friday
five is what is the worst investment this could be
into a business or a person. Man, the worst use of.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
Money, worst use of actual money.

Speaker 5 (26:27):
Mine's always Strip Clibs. Shit.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Man, this is a hard one for me because I've
always been like super careful with money, you know what
I mean.

Speaker 5 (26:37):
Like, Plus, I feel like you're so positive you don't
even you can't even remember negative Shiit like you so
yourself focused on.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
I deleted that ship like it's a fucking file.

Speaker 5 (26:46):
You're saving memories.

Speaker 2 (26:48):
So to answer your question, I deleted that file.

Speaker 5 (26:51):
I love that. Man. That's definitely a first. That is
definitely first, and it goes with what you were saying.

Speaker 2 (26:56):
Man, got emptied the trash out yeah.

Speaker 5 (26:58):
You deleted that file man. That's a great one. I'm
gonna remember that. One. Number three is what is the
best present you ever bought yourself?

Speaker 2 (27:06):
The best president? Okay, the best present I ever bought
myself probably my light?

Speaker 5 (27:13):
My cats Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
I don't. I don't think well because I had their parents,
so they were born naturally. But there was money spent
on the first time.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
Oh yeah, those things are expensive for sure. I thought
you were going to say this chain. For those of
you can't see this, he's got a very unique piece
on his neck, which is actually I don't know if
you can zoom in all this, Daniel or catch it
up later, but he's got a piece on his neck
that's actually himself. Yeah yeah, pull that puppy up here.
You know this. This is good for those of you
who can't, it's worth pulling it up on YouTube. Is

definitely one of the most original pieces I've seen. Now
I have a feeling you designed that yourself for how'd
you get that done?

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Self proclaimed hardest chain in the game, you know what
I'm saying. So yeah, this chain, man, this is my twin.
And then it's dope because like these other necklaces, rock
on it naked, so he has his own necklaces as well.
So this chain actually has a long ass story because
I had all these other chains, right, and a bunch
of other rings, and I'm not going to disclose the

jewelry place, but I had spend twenty thousand dollars right,
and see what happened is technology caught. You talk about scammers,
Be careful out there buying that drip, y'all, because technology
is available for you to miss out and not get scammed.
So basically what happened. I spent twenty bands on you know, rings,
and two chains out of tr chain and a rains

cash chain and it when you push the thing on it.
Fuck those diamond testers where you push it because it
says it's real. But that shit says it's real if
it's a lab diamond, if it's a good if it's
a good lab diamond, those touch button ones will still
go green. Okay, So my boys shout out to Ice
Ice brothers. You know what I'm saying. They got a
shop in Beverly Hills. That's where Soldier Boy buys his

shit at and their hell of cool. They let me
shoot a music video and there and stuff. They got
like a twenty thousand dollars diamond tester. Right, it's this
big ass box and you put your ship in and
it's a drawer and then it infrared scans your diamonds. Right,
found out all my ship was lab No. I'm like
these fools, man, I took everything off. I called them

and shit. So to make up negative from a positive,
I returned all that shit and they made this one
for me. So I went from having Hella rings to
two big ass pieces to one.

Speaker 5 (29:23):

Speaker 2 (29:24):
Yeah, but I went straight back. The Ice Brothers scanned it.
They're all natural stones because all my shit's real.

Speaker 5 (29:30):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
Fuck that, bro, because that's what I work hard for,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (29:34):
And look at all these nuggets. Man. No, I always say, Man,
I've never been married, and so I never had to
go through the whole buying a diamond ring ship. But
you know, I see what everybody goes through. I'm like, dude,
it seems like such a And then when you understand
the diamond industry and how it's all controlled by one
conglomerate and they got a fucking army of diamonds just
sitting in a warehouse and they just.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
Really yeah, I mean, and and just to kind of
just because we're giving the general people a general boosts
and tips and s. If you are not a fucking
rapper or something, do not go spend your money on
diamonds please, because you don't need the ship. Like literally,
like I would not have bought all this ship if
I was not a fucking rapper.

Speaker 5 (30:11):
Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. It's part of
your brand. Yeah, Like this isn't a flaws or it's
not something impression.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
But on the flip side too, I also want to
tell y'all out there that it's not like I'm a rapper.
I'm gonna go. But nah, I was a little kid
rocking hell of gold and ship because that's just how
I was living, you know what I'm saying. I was
like probably four years old. I already had like three
because back in the day, you see and you have
hell of gold nuggets. I had a Raiders thing and

a G for my name and all these chains and ship.
When I was like in elementary school, I was already
golded out, you know what I'm saying. So, but that's
just how I was already living. The rap life when
I grew up, because that's just where I was from.
You know what I'm saying. From Oakland, Richmond. You know
what I'm saying. We lived the fucking rap life and
Valeo and ship where mac Dre's from. You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (30:56):
I got this damp, but he picked the cats over
the chain. That's the best part of that. Man.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
If I had to choose out, throw this fucking chain
right in a garbage you know what I'm saying. Because
those cats are nature and they actually vibrate.

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Man, I feel I got little puppy.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
No, they changed my life because I used to be
wild as fuck and I didn't care if I was
going home and I would maybe not might not make
it home. But when I see the little faces, I gotta.
I had to change everything because I have to go home.

Speaker 5 (31:27):
I couldn't. You couldn't have said it any better. Same
thing with me. I got this little three year old,
you know, multipoo, and it's like, now, that's the most
responsibly I've ever had. I take better care of him
than I do myself.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Yeah, and you can still be a thug and a pet.

Speaker 5 (31:41):
All right, question of before is what's the best present
you bought someone else.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
The best present I bought somebody else. Shit, man, I'm
selfish as fuck. Man, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (31:54):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
I mean, my girlfriend just is my my girlfriend. I
ain't never really cared about nobody enough to be buying anybody.

Speaker 5 (32:02):
What I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
Yeah, like, bro, I'm a I'm a rough and tough man.

Speaker 5 (32:06):
You know she settled you down?

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Huh yeah in a way.

Speaker 5 (32:09):
Yeah, she did, like three years okay, three years.

Speaker 2 (32:13):

Speaker 5 (32:14):
I usually freak out at the two year mark, right
around twenty four months. Yeah, like I started looking for that.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
And so let's let's uh, this is what we're gonna do.
We're gonna answer this question. But we are going to
travel to the future, okay, when I have money to
spend to buy her everything that she wants.

Speaker 5 (32:30):
So, what's the best present you're gonna get?

Speaker 2 (32:33):
Yeah? What would you what would you want me to
get you? Let's just flip it to that. Oh okay, okay,
Oh we're gonna have g ragging in like two months.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
Champagne color Geana. I love the specificity of it, because
you got it. You gotta be specific with your dreams.
That was a good one.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
Well, that is because she knows what I have going on.
We have a lot of stuff going on together, and
you know, we have things worked out. So, uh, my producer,
which called me before I came here, Uh, he moved
to LA to help me get the music shit going.
Right once we got the shit going, and he saw

just even just going like if you were to go
to the mall with me or some shit, right, You're
gonna be like, damn, I need to do everything I
need to do to make this motherfucker shit pop off. Right,
So he saw that right. So right now he's in
Indianapolis about to sell his house to move back to LA.

Speaker 5 (33:28):
Right shit.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Oh yeah. So and then, uh, the waves that are
gonna happen from that is he's gonna start a record company,
which is obviously a thing that we're just gonna do
just because we already have all this music and I'm
just kind of just doing it. So it's that's gonna
be to tighten it up a little bit. But we
got a reality uh excuse me, a real estate company
that we're started with, and we already are gonna buy
the house once he sells his house, we're buying the

house across the street and the other street we got
already like ten houses lined up.

Speaker 5 (33:55):
So because he's already got the real estate at background.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Yeah, he's got a real estate background, and he's already
got a crew that's gonna do the remodeling. Ship. He's
a cash bro. Don't even worry about the house shit.
I'm gonna get you paid, don't worry. But I have
a real estate passion and I did real estate in
the past and also was involved with some kind of
scammer dude Like h but I should have saw it.
I mean I met a dude in jail, right, smart

as fuck. This guy is smart as fuck, and I like,
we did what we could, and he taught me all
this real estate shit and he's like, yeah, man, when
we get out, we're gonna do this. And when we
got out, we did do that.

Speaker 5 (34:29):
Bro poor houses. Yeah, well he but you didn't know
who he was before you were locked up with him?

Speaker 2 (34:37):
No, No, But all I knew was I you know, like,
dude was a trip bro. Like every fucking day even
in there, slicked his hair back, folded all this shit,
like totally every fucking thing was in place. I was like,
this dude's a trip, right, and then he's finessed his
way out of jail for a day past to buy
a house. And I was watching all this shit happen
and I'm like, bro, teach me, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (34:59):

Speaker 2 (35:00):
So when we got.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
Out and this is the same gentleman selling his house now.

Speaker 2 (35:03):
No, no, no, no, no, no, are you this guy? No? To
fast forward, that guy was a con artist, and uh
it just took off one day after I helped him
acquire all these houses and all the shit, and we
were going to meetings with me yeah, and then I
had all these investors calling me like where's Howard at
what the fuck is? And I'm like, bro, he owes
me money too. So so to come full circle, don't

let your dreams die because that was fifteen years ago,
and now here we go. We're going to get this
real estate ship.

Speaker 5 (35:32):
That dude, I can't wait to meet him and I
can't wait to hear about that some more. And i'd left,
Oh yeah, play in that world with you. Oh yeah,
you had me a real estate.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
Oh yeah no. When Will gets here, I'll have him
come and talk to you. And uh, we're also going
to do some shit in healthcare. Bro, like, uh you could.
I mean, just for one little avenue, you can buy
a van, get that shit registered and get paid for
medical transporting or patient. There's a lot of shit you
can do and it.

Speaker 5 (35:58):
Like you said, we're getting people sicker and sicker and
country every day, so there will not be a shortish
of clientele now. Unfortunately, last question on the Financial Friday
five is if you could buy one thing and money
is not an object, what would it be? Shit?

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Uh, I fucking buy one thing? Damn, just one thing. Damn.

Speaker 5 (36:16):
It can't be a genie to give you more wishes.

Speaker 2 (36:20):
Shit one thing, Man, that's hard. I already feel like
I have everything I want.

Speaker 5 (36:26):
Man, your answers are so aligned with everything you stand
a boy, it's funny the things that trip you up,
But it's the ones that don't involve like for you,
money isn't the four five. Usually people split.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
That out to me because it's weird because like and
we were actually even talking about how a skateboard doesn't
really cost any money because you could buy a skateboard
and skate that shit for like two months if you
really want, or three months or whatever. Right, But that's
what makes me happy is to be on the street
and skating and like yesterday, like I'm about to hit
this rail right and there's people in the fucking traffic

and they're like yeah, And I do it because the
fucking people.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
I do it for the people, bro, And like it's
just that's what gets me hyped. I don't really give
a fuck about material shit. You know.

Speaker 5 (37:08):
It's funny. We had dog Face in here last week
and he had a skateboard with them, and it's very
similar when he was you know, I just him going
back there and doing a couple of tricks. I put
such a smile and his like when you said the
word skateboard, you just started beaming. It's just something that
gives you so much.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
Passionate, Yeah, because it's I mean, it's so many things
wrapped into one and uh, you know, it's it's a
constant challenge, you know, and a constant mental challenge and uh,
an athletic challenge and uh, you know, if you want,
if you're a somebody who's an entertainer, it's that, you
know what I mean, Like, uh, and it's just awesome.

And I'm into just being strong and confident and fucking
doing shit that's impossible. That's right at my fucking alley.

Speaker 5 (37:50):
You know, speaking of impossible. You know, break it into
the music industry is obviously tough. We're gonna take a
quick break. When we come back, I want you to
tell me about your you know, rise and your experiences
in the music industry. Be right fast, Financial Fridays with Rains.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
We'll be right back with more Financial Fridays with the
Inside Investor Tony K. Make sure you follow Tony at
the Insider Investor. Welcome back to Cannabis Talk, one on
one's Financial Fridays with the Inside Investor Tony K. Make

sure you like, follow and subscribe to the show.

Speaker 5 (38:28):
Now heard me talk about it before. Master Mentors Live
is coming to a city near you. Go to the
website right now master Mentors Live. If you want to
get into the cannabis industry. It is the fastest growing
industry in the United States, if not the world. You guys,
go to master Mentors Life. We're coming to a city
near you. There's a handful of cities, but we're hitting
over twenty five cities this year alone. It's a ninety

minute educational workshop. If you want to learn how to
have your own pre roles, your own joints, your own CBDs,
your own edibles. You want to have a media company
like we do. You maybe want to start a podcast
or a magazine having to do not just in the
canvas industry, but in the thousands of ancillary businesses surrounding it.
Check it out, Master Mentors Live. We're coming to city.
We're now back here with rain's cash. Who knows how

to make it poor cash? That's right, that's right. You
know what I'm saying now. First of all, you know,
we talked about the skateboard career. We talked about your
acting career coming out out here. Talk to me about
the music industry and what you know, you see what's
going on. I have so many questions I like asking
people in the industry. First of all, obviously it's a
tough industry break in, and uh, you've now done it

as a rapper, as a white rapper. What kind of
stigma was attached to that? How many people told you know,
you'll never make it, you don't have the right look,
blah blah blah.

Speaker 2 (39:39):
Yeah, all right, So just so that people have all
the facts, I'm mixed Native American. Oh no, She'm Apache.
So I'm a Native American rapper, uh, and the white
inside of me is obviously due to like you know,
rape and murder and things like that. So I know, yeah,
so I feel like I'm my soul, like I'm fully

Native American, and.

Speaker 5 (40:04):
That's probably why you're so in tune with the spirituality,
the visions totally when your outlook. I mean, I totally.
I've had a handful of that kind of Indian friends
and I've seen that almost like an aura about them, right.

Speaker 2 (40:16):
Yeah, totally man and uh, but it's also crazy when
you have, you know, a total like Native American heart
and like soul, but then you live in such a
conflicting world, you know. But I feel like it's kind
of my position to help in that factor, which, to
answer your question, brings the music, which is fucking perfect, right,

because so how do you break into the music industry?
You know, That's how everybody wants to know. But for me,
I was fortunate enough to basically be born into that shit,
you know what I'm saying, Like, my area is where
rap fucking That's where too Short's from, bro, That's where
mag that's where the slang come, That's where the swag

come from, you know what I'm saying that, So I'm
from that shit, bro. So like, ever since I was
a little ass baby, I was around it around that,
you know, and then my friends growing up, like playing
Pop Warner football. Johnny Cash from This was the quarterback.
You know what I'm saying. I caught a football. I
caught a touchdown pass from in practice one time, you

know what I'm saying. So, like, I just grew up
around them. I was always singing. I was always rapping,
even when I was a little kid. You know, I
always knew the words to all the songs. And you
know that feeling when you're singing a song and you
just hit the same note as them and it's just
like all lines up. I was like, I got this,
you know. I always knew I had it. You know.

Speaker 5 (41:42):
Now, were you one of those kids and growing up
to where everybody else knew you had it too? Or
did everybody tell you know you're crazy to make this
your dream? No?

Speaker 2 (41:51):
No, nah, bro? Like I always was the populist, most
popular kid at scho you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (41:58):
It was known that you were gonna be and.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
I transferred schools a lot you know what I mean.
So it wasn't it wasn't a one time thing, you know.
And how I looked at LA, I was like, LA
is a big ass high school, bro, and I'm gonna
be the most popular kid at school again. It's just
might take more time, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (42:15):
So how old were you or how long ago should
I say? Was it that you came to l A.

Speaker 2 (42:18):
I've been in LA now for like ten years?

Speaker 5 (42:20):

Speaker 2 (42:20):
Yeah, so it really took you know, uh half, it
took a while, yeah, because I was already getting hell
of shit done and I've been putting in work. The
movie that I told you about, I gave for free
over five thousand copies in LA, and that's what really
kind of gave me a super solid foundation in LA,
because you know, I made the movie, I made the music,

I did the editing, I shot most of it, I
did the music score. I'm a real ass filmmaker, bro,
And my movie was fire. I had multiple people steal
my fucking idea. A couple of movies came out after that,
so it's just crazy the wave that you know came
from that. But the music shit, bro, Like it's just
always been my main passion. Like, I always knew that

I would end up doing the music shit. My visions
in my head of the future had always been me
doing the music shit. My modeling stuff, acting stuff always
is there. But I always knew the music shit was
gonna trump everything. And also the cool thing about music,
when you're doing music, you get hired for all that

other shit more than you would have anyway. So I
always knew that the music was gonna be my key.
And then now that I'm doing the music, and once
I started doing the music, then I can use that
to educate people at the same time, You know what I'm.

Speaker 5 (43:38):
Saying, Where for anybody that kind of wants to find
your music? Yeah, I know you said that you've You've
done all this independently, which is awesome, and I've heard
that's really the way to really maintain your control, your
ownership of your own catalog. But where can people find
it right now?

Speaker 2 (43:53):
I mean, I'm on all the platforms, so all you
gotta do is type in range, cash, rains, cash, SODMG,
uh is gonna pop up? I got hell, I got
a music video channel on YouTube.

Speaker 5 (44:05):
I got and that's Rain's r A. I n z
yeah rain like rain.

Speaker 2 (44:08):
But what is Z yeah? Rains cash. Uh So I'm
on all the platforms, you know what I'm saying. Uh,
you could also catch me U a couple of little
I want you to go check out Soldier Boy. Also
go check out Soldier Boys stuff because you know we're
all you know, I'm messing. See I got the t on,
you know what I'm saying. Go down to the store
all mail Rose. We got a store all mail Rose.
Get you some drip, you know what I'm saying. So

uh yeah, So.

Speaker 5 (44:33):
What about what about your Instagram? How can they find
you there?

Speaker 2 (44:35):
Oh yeah, Instagram is rains cash s O d mg.
So just all one word rains cash s O d mg.

Speaker 5 (44:42):

Speaker 2 (44:42):
And then that'll link you up to a lot of stuff.
And I put check my story out because I put
like old links to movies and ship on my story
or new stuff. Every day I go get skate footage
and put it on there like it's lit. So so yeah, man,
so the music shiit bro like it's just honestly, just
to answer your question, has always been a natural thing
to me. It was always gonna happen. And I love

making music, and uh, it just flows out so naturally
sometimes to the like afterwards, I'll be listening to it
and I will not even fucking remember making the shit, bro,
Like I'm like I.

Speaker 5 (45:13):
Was in the zone.

Speaker 2 (45:15):
Yeah. And then and about how you mentioned independently, and man, honestly,
it was never a goal for me to sign some
deal with these people, right. I always was gonna do
it independent, uh, just because that's always how I did it.
And now here we are, fast forward and the world

is finding out all these deals that people are in
and all these fucking sag strikes, and it's I've been
told y'all, how long have I been telling y'all? Man,
taking tral of your own shit. You know what I'm saying.
You want to shoot a movie. You don't need to
get hired to shoot a fucking movie. Go shoot a movie.

If that's what you want to do, get some friends together,
do it for free. You know what I'm saying. You
don't need to get paid to do it. Just go
do it, and then you know you'll probably end up
getting paid. Some shit will happen, but you know, and
that's what I did with the music, is I just
took control of my shit, bro, Like I'm gonna do this,
and I fucking do it. When I sit down to

the studio, if I got ten beats, I'm gonna make
ten songs. And I'm not gonna fucking get up until
I made ten songs. I might go to the bathroom,
but I probably will not even eat. I'm that dedicated
to where I'm fucking working, bro, Like I'm getting this
shit done. And because I get into this flow and
I'm like, oh my god, I can't believe, Like as

it's happening, You're like, I cannot believe this shit's happening
right now, let me just keep going. And then it's
just like I'm feeling so blessed with my talents, bro,
and the flow that I have, like I just have
to go because that's what I've been given. And then
I'm really trying to help people. And then as all
this it's crazy because one of the first let's see,
I think it was on the second album I did,

I did a song called Anonymous right, which brought light
to the nipsey hustle of murder and the murder trial right,
And then I teamed up with his dude technique reviews
on YouTube, and he is like one of the first
true I don't want to even call him a truther.
He's an investigative reporter and he was doing Biggie and

Tupac shit man way before all this shit was a trend.
Now it's a trend. And so I made a song
about Nipsey's thing. Reached out to Tannique. He's a musician,
he makes piano things. So he sent me a beat.
I redid the song on his beat, and now that's
the beginning and end to every video on his guy's

YouTube for the last three years. So that's a and
to get. Okay, so when you look at my Instagram,
how to get all those followers because I have so
many different little pots, right, So that's one of the
pots right there is me and Tanique linked up. I
made the song exposing ship that happened, which people need
to question and start asking these questions anyway, and then

now everybody who hears the song, it makes them think,
you know what I'm saying. And then that also shows teamwork.
Me and the me and the homie got together, no
pride aside. We worked together, and now we brought something
to the people to think about. You know what I'm saying?
And that's what really people need to do. And that's
why I'm really vibing with this music, bro, because you
need to listen to my fucking music, is what I'm

trying to tell y'all. You need to go listen to
my music because a lot of the ship that I'm saying,
I'm giving you the whole ass game plan and the
whole blueprint, like how to how to do it, whether
it's a business plan. I got a song where I
gave you the whole blueprint on how to get rich
on Toro. But the way I say it, it's not Hella,
It's not any way gimmicky or weird you like, damn.

He really just fucking gave me the fucking shit right there.
So I don't know. I don't want to.

Speaker 5 (48:58):
That you put it on the bro I have.

Speaker 2 (49:00):
I made thirteen albums in the last in the last
three years, and honestly, I wasn't even trying. Yeah, I
wasn't even trying. That was just the beats that I
had accessible to me, because I I only will make
a song on a beat that's made for me. I
don't get shit off YouTube. I don't if you sent
it to somebody before don't even fucking send it to

me because I don't want it, you know what I'm saying.
So yeah, But but in that line, if somebody would
have dropped the hundred beats on me, you could add
one hundred songs to what I have now. But so
I have thirteen albums out that y'all can go stream.
That shit's on Pandora, iHeart YouTube, all the Spotify. I
got some shit on SoundCloud too, you know what I'm saying,

So you could just go check all that out. I
just dropped to what five music videos in the last
like two months, So yeah, like you're there, bro, Like
I work, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (49:53):
Like I work, I will say, Man, before I met
you and and before today's show, I wouldn't have thought
that this would be one of those shows where we
dropp so many nuggets and so many valuable pieces of information,
and this will definitely be, you know, one of the
top pin ones. And I can't wait for the staff
to start spitting off some of these little thirty second
business advices because even though we've come from two walks
of life and two completely different industries, there's so many

parallels and everything you've said, and I can't wait to
have you back with your man when he gets in
talent he sells the house, because it sounds like that
would be another interesting consent.

Speaker 2 (50:23):
Oh yeah, it's going to be.

Speaker 5 (50:24):
Anything else you want to add before we get take off?

Speaker 2 (50:26):
Yeah, I just realized that I was missing kind of
like a big piece of how to manifest and make
all this stuff happen. Okay, So I spoke about, you know,
believing in yourself and doing on things and taking action
and all those things. But what you have to realize
and keep in mind. This might sound a little just
out there, but I'm gonna just say it right because

this I'm saying this without giving an hour of education
into this.

Speaker 5 (50:53):
Right, Okay, we.

Speaker 2 (50:55):
Could be I'm not saying that we are we And
there's a great chance, because it has has been scientifically proven, right,
that we could possibly be just reflections of light. Right,
We're just like reflections of light. Even though we look
like a solid person, we're just a bunch of We're
not a solid thing. Yeah, we're not solid. We're and

then okay, so your DNA IS is like a fucking
hard drive, right, right, And they've already proven that in
a like a gram of DNA that they can store
like billions of texts and books. And then not only
can they store text on DNA, but they can pull
it off the DNA and put it back right and

then so okay, So and I'm just rushing through this,
keep in mind, and just rushing through this really fast.
And then I also got a you know, it's like okay,
and then okay, And then I also want to quote
Billy Carson right when they did all the math and
the storage that our bodies are capable of holding, it
literally adds up to how long we have supposedly been

in existence. Right, So you hold all the world's history
and memories and shit in your body, but then you
also have power to rewrite that shit. So let's just
say and I had to say all that, so let's
just put you into somebody's shoes. Let's say you live
in a bad neighborhood. Your family doesn't have any money. Really,
you guys are on food stamps or whatever. You know

what I'm saying. You're just kind of in a bad position.
And so was your family before that, and so was
that family, and maybe your uncle and your aunt and
your whole family's not doing too good. You know what
I'm saying, You can rewrite that shit and start over,
Like you can change that whole shit, and you can
actually change it just with words, honestly, Like you could

wake up every day and tell yourself that I'm gonna
win today, I'm gonna fucking kill it. I'm gonna do this.
And if you keep telling yourself that, you ain't not
gonna be in that position much longer. Yeah, you know,
so like it's a complicated thing, but I'm just saying that, like.

Speaker 5 (52:59):
You, I couldn't agree with you more man, because one
of my one of my buddies that I got to
know over the past several years, founder of Lines Not
Sheep sean Whale, and he said, it's something I've made
a lot of content around it, and it's so true,
but it's so basic. And he he said, you know,
I said, what was it that made you not put
a gun to your mouth? Because we had a similar story.
And he says, you know, the way, the way I
look at it is life's like a book, and if

I don't like what what my book looks like, I
just start a new book. And it sounded so cheesy
and so simple, and I thought about it, and it's
literally that simple. You're waking up right now, you're looking
in the mirror, you're miserable, starting new book. You know
you're you're in control of your own destiny. Well man,
I can't wait to have you back to later on
or having you here. I can't wait to work with you,
collab with you. I think we've already talked about a

lot of ideas. I can't wait to have you back.
You've got an open invitation on my show, and thank
you well you guys. It takes an army here to
make this happen. I want to thank Adrian, Amy, Mondo,
Mary Mikayla, Jenna Juice, Queen Drea, who the hell is
that now, Daniel Diego, Lacey Logan, Gary Carly, Kayla O'Connor
Beach Barcelona, Ali Muffins, Og Ruby, Chris Franquino, Jennifer Erica, Elvis,

and thank you Joe Grande for introducing me to Rains
Cash My Man Blue, Happy Birthday. I know it's your
birthday tomorrow, you guys, thank you so much for listening
to Financial Fridays here on iHeartRadio c T one on one.
I'm Tony k. You can always find me on Instagram
at the Inside Investor. Remember to keep that wallet tight
with your mind right. I'm going to see you next
Friday on Financial Fridays.

Speaker 3 (54:24):
Well, thank you for listening to Financial Fridays with the
Insider Investor Tony K on Cannabis Talk one oh one,
the world's number one source for everything cannabis.
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