All Episodes

September 22, 2020 51 mins

Joe G from MJ’s Wellness tells us how he got started in the CBD industry. How his product works. How many of his patients have fully healed. His plan to go global in South Korea. Who his product benefits and he gives us his HIGH 5.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Now it's time for Cannabis Talk one on one with Blue,
Joe Grande and Mark and Craig Wasserman, the pop brothers
in law with special guest Joe G from m J
S Wellness. Find out how he got started in the
CBD industry and has planned to go global in South Korea. Hello,
welcome to Cannabis Talk one on one. My name is Blue.
Alongside of me is the world famous Joe Grande, Mark

and Craig Wasserman, the pop brothers at law, and we
have an amazing show for you guys today. Joe let
him know what's going down in the neighborhood. Well, thank
you guys for all this Sigar podcast Cannabis Talk one
on one all across the globe. Yes indeed, and if
you ever want to be a part of the show.
Eight d nineteen eighty that number again Blue one a
hurt for nineteen eighty. There it is in Espaniel, Craig

via remote, Zozo and Mark. Have you learned it in
Hebrew yet? Here it is for our Hebrew up people,
Bony Frim. Well, it looks like you forgot to pay

your phone bill. And Mark Washerman is on a remote
at a court right now. Know your phone is cutting out, Dog,
you gotta get a real plan. First off, your brothers
at home on the internet on a computer. Uh, they're
both doing this via distance right now. Because Mark, how
did you do your court go today? Did you win

or did you lose? Again? We never lose? Well, he
lost that profile and we lost today. Well, thank you, Mark.
You keep cutting out. You might as well drive over
here because we can't even hear you. Mark. Just start driving.
It'll start giving you better reception, because your reception is

not worth listening to. So moving on, Joe, Yes, thank
you guys for listening to at least Craig, Joe and Blue.
Mark is in left field as usual. If you ever
want to follow us on Instagram, it's at Cannabis Talk
one on one at Pot Underscore, Brothers Underscore at Underscore,
Law Marks at wast Law, Craig's at wast Law, Dog
Blues at one. Christopher Rice, I am at Joe Grande

fifty two today. Somebody's Still in My Name is on
the show. Partially he goes by Joe G. And the
reason you go by Joe G took Japanese in college,
So my friends kind of nicknamed me that nice well.
You know, Joe g is the founder and formulator of
MJ's Wellness. You can go online to MJ's Delivery dot com,

which is m j S D E l I V
E r s dot com. He's on Instagram at m
j s Underscore Wellness w E L L n E
S S. And I gotta tell you, Joe, for those
who are just listen into this on the podcast the
first time, tell us a little bit how you came
up as the as the you know, CEO and the

formulator of MJ's Wellness. Because we've talked to you and
I've been dealing with you for years when we first met,
when when you had your golf tournament, you had a
cannabis golf tournament. But we did this on the FM
radio show in southern California. Now you're HEARDing eighty six
different countries right now, so we're gonna do everything like
we've never talked to you, obviously. Sure that being said,

how does the company come? How did you bring it up?
How did you start this? Well nineteen let's see, I
UM I started researching cannabis products that were developed before
the government made it illegal. And I found that most
of the the corporation's farma corporations had products that they made.

Most of them were called tinctures, which is an alcohol
extraction tincture. And I went from that and kind of
move forward and started off where they left off and
created a new line of products. Back then they were
called MJ's Wild Nectars and UH. They were pretty much
products to get you high through a different delivery method,

a sublingual route. And UM did that for about four years.
And then in uhteen, I met the mayor of a
city in San Diego and he had a stage four
squama cell carcinoma. And UH, unbeknownst to me, I gave
him my my new products that I was making some

CBD products, And in forty five days he went into
remission and he said it was my products, and I
didn't believe it. In fact, the first five remissions, I
still was having a hard time believing that that my
products were doing it. UM And from there, moving forward
to today, I'm on my fifty four remission that I

have actual testimonial and proof of and it's just to
send them over to dad. I gave your dad this
number a while back, Mark and Craig, and I believe
you guys talked to your dad, talked to I talked
to his dad, and I think we kind of got
lost in translation there follow up or whatnot, but we're
happy to help. Yeah. A matter of fact, their parents

just called me the other night asking about what they
should take, and I actually referred them to get you, saying,
I don't know if you guys have talked to Joe.
Maybe he forgot. That's possible, more than likely. But what
makes we'll follow up with that though, because he has
absolutely important, absolutely well, we'll put him on the right
track for sure, and something like that, Joe, what's the

difference between that? What makes MJ's product different from every
other product out there? So I think the number one
thing is is if you look out in the legal market,
I'd say nine percent of the companies that make cannabis tinctures,
they're not really tinctures. Uh, they're actually just a liquid edible,
but they sell it as a tincture. Um. I used

to make tinctures. Now I created serums, and there's a
big difference between the two. The serum is oral, sublingual, topical.
It has multiple pathways of delivery, and what I try
to do is create a multiple spectrum product that's delivered
into multiple pathways into the body to try and activate

as many receptor cells as you can. And when you
do that, you actually excite the bodies receptors and turn
them on. And UM, I think the reason why my
stuff is effective is really my design, my dose and
delivery methods. What are the delivery methods that you're currently using.
I mean obviously there's oral, oral, but what else? So

every cancer patient I work with, UM that's in serious
metastatic stage four, they do a monthly protocol. They take
the oral, sublinguals, the topicals and subpositories and I try
to give them a dose or they actually give their
own dose but every three hours. UM, and by doing so,

it keeps them what's what what we call the therapeutic range,
which is a range of cannabinoids in the body that
don't overload the body but activate and stimulate you to
make your own endocannabinoids which we all make, which are
called a nandomide and two a G So so you're

actually giving it to them, uh, three to four different
you know ways. Yeah, methods of topicals again oral and
then two positories and so then you're saying to do
that every three hours to give them a consistent a dose.
It's is that I mean, you know during business hours
or or while they're awake, or or did they even

wake up and continue. So the one thing about my
products is there there's no high to them. UM. They're
given in a dose that's low enough to activate, and
also in the acidic form of cannabinoids, which is tetrahydrocannabinolic acid,
So it's like taking the flour and eating it. But

they just did a study in Um Israel Dr Marshao Lawn,
and he found that the acidic forms of cannabis are
ten to thirty times more therapeutic than the activated t C.
And the big misnomer is most people think you have
to get high to heal yourself, and it's exactly the opposite. UM.
I've had patients that I put him halfway into remission

in two months, and then they go off the deep end.
They start eating edibles, they start smoking vapes, and what
happens is your body will actually shut down the cannabinoid receptors.
They do what's called down regulation, and the receptors actually
turn off. So That's why you can't overdose on cannabis.
Your body won't allow it. It has a system designed

to shut down. So when you overload, you take too
many dabs or you eat too many edibles, you can't
get any higher than that highest high. So I eliminate
the high a lot of reasons. Like your dad, I
work with kids that are too three years old up
to years old, and they don't want to be high,
but they'd like to have a chance to at least

to try it and heal. So when you say the
medicine with the lower THHC, would that be for anyone
and everyone? Like say, for instance Mark when he says
he gets medicated or Craig, would they be better medicated
if they weren't smoking and they were doing just more
CBD are When you use that reference, is it only

for people who need it for a certain treatment or illness?
Good question. Actually, you can take cannabis in any dose
and it can be therapeutic. It depends on the individual
person and what they're trying to ameliorate. UM. I know
a lot of women like to smoke cannabis because it
helps with anxiety, it helps with depression. UM. The one

thing that I've seen with people that have serious disease
is you're better off almost resetting, taking three days off
and not doing anything and then starting with the lowest dose.
Because shockingly, you guys, probably and most people won't believe this,
but the fifty four cancer emissions that I have, um

these people took no more than a hundred milligrams a
day total. That's the was gonna ask I was gonna
ask you that next. Yeah, that's the equivalent of taking
a couple of hits off a joint. But I stretch
it out over the full day. And as Blue was mentioning,
you know, what what do you do at night? So
I have a nighttime formula that you take before bed

is serum and then you you do the suppositories, so
you're getting the medication while you're sleeping, and uh, it
makes her a great night's sleep too. It's just crazy
to think that how long did it actually take you
to make the formula and create these formulas. What was
that process like and how long did it take and

what were some of those legal hurdles that you had
to get past because of the law of surrounding cannabis.
So the the original method that I used was I
mixed the cannabinoid oils with honey, agave and natural syrups um.
But what I found was it's all sugar, and cancer

is fed by sugar. So I kind of moved away
from that and I developed the serums UH in order
to absorb into a different metabolic pathway in the body.
And so as far as as far as the testing goes,
I when I got into the legal market, they test
for everything, seventy pesticides, forty solvents, fifteen heavy metals, everything,

and I was able to pass it on the first try.
Um shockingly, I mean even the homogeneity test UM. On
the legal side, it's it really has been more or
less whatever the state allows us to do. UM. I
think as far as methods, UM, it's not that difficult
of a process. It's just UM, it's kind of the

way I design it. And there's some I P technology
in there that I that I have that I don't
really share, but it does help out quite a bit.
I would think that's the case. This is your products
sold in cannabis retailers or hem CBD. So okay, So
I've been in the legal market for the last year.
In the last three months. My original partners decided to

pull out because they've lost so much money with the legalization,
and all UM and I start back with my same
same building, same area in about a month and a half.
And you mentioned hemp. UM. I've never made or I've
never sold a hemp product in my life, but my
products are right now in uh South Korea's f d A.

They're being tested right now so I can import into
South Korea. UM and it's the same exact design. It's
just using a T free hemp dissoalid is instead of
a cannabis because that's what they're testing for. If there's
any T seeing it, they're gonna fail it. Sure, so
your products going global then, yeah, shockingly, I'm pretty excited

about it. Yeah, that makes it interesting. Let's take a
break real quick and we come back. You said you
have fifty four remissions. Yeah, I want to hear some
of the stories of some of these top remissions that
I remember hearing before that are just mind boggling. You're
gonna want to hear this. It's kind of just talk
one on one. Will be right back after this. Welcome

back to Cannabis talking one oh one with the Pop
Brothers at law, Joe Grande and myself Blue and Joe.
Are you tired today? I'm you're just like I don't
even feel you're like you're I feel like I need
to pick you up and punch yours. I don't even
know why. I was like, I've had I know why,
you know why, You're just like not smoking cigarettes here
and there. I'm just see that nicotine. Joe, we probably

went to you've mentioned the fifty four remissions. Give us
some of the stories of some of the great, you know,
developments that your product has done for these patients. Sure,
so I always go back to this one lady that
I met um. She had a glioblastome a brain tumor
um It's one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Normally,

what happens is they'll go in if they can, they'll
try to remove as much of the tumor as possible,
but it grows back exponentially within the next six months,
and usually you're dead within six months. And I started
with this lady two and a half years ago. She
was diagnosed the same month that Neil put the drummer
a rush. You just passed in January, same exact type

of tumor. She's still alive to this day. Her doctors
still don't understand why the tumor hasn't grown anymore. So
she's one of my favorites. And um, I think one
of the craziest um types of cancer that I've dealt
with is pancreatic cancer. It's probably the fastest and most
deadly of all. And I have seven pancreatic remissions, and

it's as fast as it kills you. For some reason,
taking these protocols, it's the fastest remissions that I've seen. Usually.
That's awesome. You know, I would like just what I'd
like to do is I'd like to have some of
them on the show with you, you know what I mean,
just their testimony. This is what's funny. You guys just
hard to do. I mean anecdotal anecdotic evidence. And the

first time, well, I was gonna get two stories, which
is I had a kid named Mourio that I've been
mentoring since he was fifteen years old. He was twenty
three four when he told me he got cancer. I
called Joe. Right, So since I first met you, Joe,
in between that, I've called you for two or three people.
You've helped each one of them. They're probably with some

of these fifty four. Moricio was and like I said,
this is a kid that I was his big brother
when I worked at the radio station. Remember I heard
the story with Yeah, but after we've interviewed so then,
but I'm letting the audience know that, you know, I
called Joe G and said, Joe, I got this kid
that is like my son to me, what can we do?

And you know, he was going to chemo and he
was doing all kinds of things and he got on
Joe's protocol and then I don't know how quick it was,
but the best part about it was Joe G calling me, going,
Joe Grande, you just durned yourself some more wings, And
I go, what do you mean? He goes Moricios and remission,
and Moricio called me too and he goes, you earned

your wings from above helping somebody else out. And I
get the chills just because of the call that Joe
gave me and the Mouricio called me following that proto call, going, dude,
it worked, I'm in more, you know, remission. So it's
like crazy out there that you market Craig don't care
enough about your dad to follow up on somebody where
I have to you know it there and somebody I

don't get it. It's your big you know what, I'm
gonna call your mother, Dare. It's a decision to try
this other medication for another round. And that was his
decision to make. I made that decision. Now he's going
off of that other drug and I'm gonna try to
get him deaf. You know, it's hard people when you
have enough anecdotal let because he can't can't hurt right,

It's difficult, you know. I I'll tell you what. You know,
when my my father was going through cancer and and
and chemo and and all the pills and everything else.
You know, we we went to a uh suppository, uh
you know, some edibles and he was doing high, high
doses of edibles and he wouldn't stop smoking because that's
his thingum. But he he completely kicked all the the opioids.

He completely kicked all the the drugs, the NARC's, narcos,
norcos and the boxy caught on and all the stuff
they were giving him. He kicked all that. And he
was like, I'm quitting, And I'm like, you can't just quit, Dad, like,
he've been taking this ship so long, you can't just quit.
And he's like, I don't care. He's like, I'm dying anyways,
I'm quitting. So he quit all that and as soon

as he did, and he went straight to like edibles
and and the supositories and the different you know cannabis
that he was using. I'll be honest, man, he was
on his feet. You know, he was in bed for dude.
It's amazing, man, I mean he was literally in bed.
Did he last without taking any of the pains and
every well, he until until he was in hospitalized, and

that's all they would give him because then they were like,
well he's on he doesn't He keeps saying he doesn't
want um you know, yeah, morphine and stuff like that.
But they're like, this is comfort care, so you have
a choice. You're in charge of it now. And it's
like do you want to give him comfort care or
do you want to see him stuff there in pain?
So comfort well, and he gets too even worse, I
mean when you know, and I never really said this

in front of anybody, but it's something that you, as
as an adult, will probably have to go through if
you have to watch your parents leave is you know,
there's a point where you have to say, you know,
do you let them go or do you let them
live on on the Yeah, and and and so you
have to go through that process. And when you're going
through that process, you're like, yeah, and then and then

do you want to give them comfort care? Do you
want to give them you know, morphine and keep them
high pretty much? And then while they're super high in there,
you know, in that that state, you know, you can't
even ask them questions, you can't even talk to them,
and they're over swollen, and they're just like gosh, you know,
and then you want to believe, you know, they're coming back.
They're gonna there's gonna be a miracle, I guess, to
the point where there's no bouncing back and it happens.

I mean, you know, and it's this is and by
by no means I'm gonna say this for you, Joji.
You're not saying this is the cure all for everyone
out there. No, Actually, um, I think it's complimentary too
many things. I've had people that have had seven rounds
of chemo and come to me and ask me to help.
I've had p pole that were just diagnosed, didn't do
any chemo, they still went too remission. Um I am.

I'm pretty confident that if you're gonna do chemo, you
should absolutely take a cannabis protocol. It actually can protect
your body from all the damage chemo does. And I've
seen it. I've I've lost three people to chemo. They
had no cancer in their body when they passed. And
what's the weirdest one, what's the weirdest type of you

know scenario you helped with? Man? Okay, beyond cancer, I've
I've had some really weird disorders. One of them is
called more Gellon's. It's a skin parasite and it's from
lime disease. Actually, when the tick bites you, it puts
three parasites in your body. One of them is a
skin parasite and it actually eats your skin and hair

and as gross as it sounded, poops it out underneath
your skin. So these people scratch their skin and they've
got holes all over their body. They go to the doctor.
The doctor says, you need to go see a psyche
iatris because their microscopic. So I went on Facebook thinking, hey,
I can help all these people. I I helped this one,
this one guy with it and the face group. The

Facebook groups banned me from all their sites because I
wouldn't tell them how I make my product. I said,
I've never heard of more gallons. I work with cancer patients.
So they banned me. They talked bad about me. But
I got about ten private messages from women and they
were all women. They all had it, and UM I
met them all. They all got the protocol and they

all experienced the exact same thing. Cannabis boost your immune
system and these parasites live in your body because they
suppress your immune system. As soon as they took the oral,
sublingual and the topical, they spent about eight hours in
the shower. Because these parasites just come straight out of
the skin. It's like they're jump They're jumping ship. And

that's probably one of the weirdest. Um. Another one is
a thing called complex. Yeah, a cheeseburger just comes out.
What about what about the very first one? What's your
very very first case? So? UM, I was in um

Pala mesa golf course and I'm sitting at the bar
after a round of golf and I look over at
this guy and I said, Hey, you look just like
Robert de Niro and he turns to me and he goes, oh, yeah,
A lot of people tell me that, and half his
next missing and I'm like, is that cancer? He goes, yeah,
I got squam self carcinoma. It turns out his name

is Bud Bud Cole. He was the mayor pro tem
of Bonzell in San Diego. And I said, so, what's
your plan now? He goes, well, I'm looking for that
cannabis oil. And I said, really, come out to my truck.
So I gave him my my new medicine that I
had developed, and forty five days later he calls me
and says, come down to my ranch. I want to

talk to you. So I went down there. He's like,
I want you to grow on my property here. Uh,
you cured my cancer. I'm like, what are you talking about.
He's like, check it out. He pulled up his sleeves,
all the tumors in his arms were gone. He was metastatic.
So he went into full remission. And the funny story
about him was he has parties every weekend. So for

like two months straight, every Friday night he'd have me
come down and he'd have a line of people standing
there waiting to talk to me. I felt like Jesus like,
come come to my son, what is your problem? And
man every type of issue from COPD to skin disorders.
That was great. He's still going strong. He travels the
world right now with the Band's great. What about we're

talking to Joe G from MJ's Wellness and you can
go on their website and check them out. M j
S Wellness dot Com is the website J's Deliver Sorry yeah,
and then on I G it's m j S Underscore Wellness.
But what would you tell people, Joe who are skeptical
of cannabis and sit there and think it's the gateway

or don't want to treat it for for anything else.
What's your message of those cats out there? You know?
Good question. I've had a lot of people that they're
just they have a fear of it. Everything they see
about it is you're high, you can't control yourself. And unfortunately, uh,
religion also plays a part in it where they feel
like they can't do this. And what I try to

tell everybody is you've already done it. You make cannabis
in your body every day. Your body developed a system
called the endocannabinoid system, and you make in very small
quantities anandamide and two a G A nandomide is almost
an identical molecule to th C, so our bodies make

it naturally. But in seven when they made it illegal,
they stripped everyone from getting those cannabinoids. And we used
to get them from the animals we ate because all
the animals would eat feral hemp and we get tiny
and it's the cannabinoids that way. So I think that's
why it's so beneficial in the lowest dose, because that's

the way our body is kind of evolved. And it's
it's it's um. It's nothing to fear. For one, you
don't have to get high to benefit from cannabis. And
then someone says, but it's the gateway drug. Yeah, well
it's it's actually the exit drug. I've got probably fifty
veterans that were on opioids and everything and they switch

over to this stuff and every time they went to
reach for a pill, they grabbed the bottle, take a squirt.
The reduces their their craving everything. So I've seen it
with alcohol, heroin, UM, every type of pharma drug out there,
So it's not a gateway can exit drug. I think.
I think there's been a lot, a long list of

like people that have just been coached, you know, throughout
history to think that it's a gateway drug, because it's
true that some people truly believe that this is. And
when I could tell you right now, alcohol definitely is
way more of a gate ready drug than anything because
you know it's legal. It's you know, if you get
all loosen, y'all do that. I try that. Yeahan one

night stands if you had drunk thinking, oh my god,
that was a great decision I made. Yeah, I had
a baby. It's all the pain killers, the pain killers,
I think, the internet killers after they get injured. A
lot of pins started with everything else. Well, yeah, they actually,
I mean the protocol is always injury drug, you take

the drug to alleviate the pain. And unfortunately, with many
of these drugs, you have to increase the doses to
get the same benefit. That's the difference with cannabis. In
the lowest dose you can get the highest therapeutic benefit.
And like I said before, you can't overdose on cannabis.
Its just your body won't allow it. So, so, what

what's your background? So funny, I mean, I was in
banking for thirty years. Um and when uh, when the
market crash back in oh six and oh eight, you know,
I don't like MS. Yeah, I just decided to get
out of it. And as mentioned before, I started researching
that cannabis became milly or legal in oh six there

and um I just started, you know, figuring out a
way to get into that market. And um Man, I
in the beginning, it was I was like the only
guy that made these products, and up and down the state,
it was like driving around like Tommy Boys selling selling
tired and breaks, selling break pads. I think it was

I think it was I think it was a breakpad. Yeah,
it was break pads. Yeah. Callahan Callahan, Callahan auto. That's
exactly what it was. So I think one of the
one of the thought processes in my mind is Zelinsky. Yeah,
one of the thought processes in my mind is that,
you know, has this been has this been difficult with

people that are out there that that you know when
they have that, you know that that that thought that
it won't help them, you know what I mean? Because
in the beginning, I think it's more of the the
disbelief and then and then and then once they actually
are with you. So are you getting a lot of
people that just won't do it because they don't believe? Yeah?

I have uh. I mean a recent story, UM, a
little three year old girl. The grandparents came to me
and asked me to talk to the father. The father
ends up being a drug rep for a chemo company.
So he's no way, I'm never giving my child cannabis.
And I'm thinking, you're giving him poison, you know, so

top of oxy and everything else to help him out
with pain this So there are there is a huge wall.
And what I try to do is a soft approach, um,
And really it's more or less. I try to teach
them about it. I send them to to places to
educate themselves about it, and then make an informed vision,
much like I did when I was in finance. You know,

you you you can't make a stupid decision and then
you know, blame everybody. It's your choice. So I try
to send them down the right path and then have
them make that determination. And one of the things that
I can't do is I can't be there every day
dosing these people. They they have to take that and
do it the way they do it and it's really

up to them and the ones that do it exactly
the way I show them, they always have the best outcomes.
We're talking to Joe g right here from m J's Delivery.
That's m j S d E l I V E
r S dot com on Instagram at m j S
Underscore Wellness. Now, Joe, as you mentioned kids in dealing
with that, for instance, my daughter who's seven, and a

lot of kids out there that get told, you know,
they have some type of a d D, whether it
be hyperactive. Are just focusing Are these type of products
good for children out there? For that, are go on
the regular pill medication that every doctor wants to give
to so many other kids like my daughter and everybody
else out there. Well, you know, personally, I'm not a

big fan of pharma. I was a d D when
I was a kid. My parents there's ten kids in
my family, nine boys. My mom would would send us
to school with seat belts and if we got out
of line, the teacher was told to strap us into
our seat. So that was our a d D medication. Yeah,

I think I think it's overprescribed and it normally does
more damage than help. Cannabis Uh, it's been shown to
have neurogenesis effects. And it's so funny because I can
only imagine when you say the word cannabis, so many
people think, I'm not gonna give my kid cannabis, almost
like they're thinking you're gonna put a joint in their bath.
And that's just the case. And it's like makes it's

not about smoking weed. That's the solution. It's so explain
exactly what these type of products are that they're going
to use. Child. So let's say it's your child and
and they're they're diagnosed with an A d D or
an A d h D type situation. The first thing
I do is I tell the client to start with
the c b D. It has a small amount of

th h c A in it, but you look there
free small amount point zero three are a little more
than that more than that. No, it's it's cannabis. It's
not hemp. So I would say it's about a ten
to one ratio. Is the legal understand that? Yeah, Um,
I would. I would always start them with the CBD

UM first to alleviate the parents concerned that, oh gosh,
I'm giving my kid cannabis. But um, if that doesn't help,
then I have them do the c therapy, which is
a one to one blend of th h C A
and c B D. Now, th h C A is
the acidic form. Like I said before, there's no high
to it. The only way you get high from cannabis

is if you decarboxylate the molecule and you break the
acidic chain off of that molecule, then you get a
psychotropic effect. So it's not really required for medical benefit.
And so all my products are in the acidic form.
The CBD isn't because it's there's no high to it.
But what I try to do is blend is many
cannabinoids into one product to get the maximum therapeutic what

I'd like to call the warm blanket effect, where it
may help with three three issues that you have, but
you may have four other things that you didn't know
you had and it will help with those two. So
I would recommend any parent, regardless of the age, to
try cannabinoids first. I really would, and not only that,

and I'm always telling people you should try it anyways.
It's like you're taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D. If you're
gonna take these vitamins that help with your body as
a supplement. You should be trying some CBD because CBD
is gonna do everything that you just subscribed earlier. If
you have inflammation, it's gonna help get the inflamation out.
If your body is too low on something that's gonna
help increase it, too high on something that's gonna help

decrease it. Whether you be a diabetic, high blood pressure,
from cancer, there's so many different diseases out there that
this is an all natural product that you should at
least try because that pill you're taking that you think
is helping you for the doctor is messing up your kidneys,
your liver, your ulcers, your bladder, everything else internally that

is twisting up, and you won't try something to put
under your tongue. I don't understand the people that look
at that and use what Blue was saying earlier, the
gateway drug. The oh this cannabis is that you guys,
when you hear the word cannabis, it's not always smoking weed.
And I hope the right people could hear this message
sometimes because I know a lot of people are the

ones that believe in it and know it. But it's like,
you know, those folks out there, if you're listening, this
is the type of message that we have to get
out to everyone because it's not just about smoking weed.
Cannabis Talk one on one isn't just the advocates and
pushing smoke weed. Everybody is the cure for all. Note
the plants is the cure for all. And I'm gonna
get off my soapbox. I'll be back at nine pm. Well,

there it is, guys, It's Cannabis Talk one on one.
We'll be right back after this break. Welcome back to
Cannabis Talk one oh one with Lou Joe Brande, Mark
and Craig Washerman and the Pop Brothers at Law. And

today we are here with Joe G, the founder and
formulator of m j S Wellness, and I want to
take just a brief second to thank Peanut, Jennifer and
Elvis before we get into the favorite part of the show, Joe.
It's the high five with Joe G. And you know
what I just wish as people don't realize this, Marcus

remote in his car right now doing that, I would
love to be the person walking by courting just talking
to himself. YU and you do a conference call doing
like this game show hosting thing joint at court and
he's at the Courthouse of all places. Oh as he likes,

as you should, Mark should. Yes, it is time for
the high five with Joe G from MJ's Wellness Joe
five questions for you. All you have to do is
answer him as honest as can be. Question number one,
how old are you the first time you got high?
And where'd you get it from? Well? I was thirteen.
Uh my my next door neighbor was older than me,

and he picked me up in his Ford Falcon and
we drove up to this place called the Geek up
in the foothills of Tustin. Spoke my first joint with him,
and and I wouldn't say every day since then, but
pretty much close. He became a full timer. Well that's good.
It's made you a very smart man. Yeah, alright. Question
number two, it looks like we lost Mark and Craig.

I'm here, Oh, no, you're there, Okay, I mean, I
I don't know why this is your favorite way to
consume cannabis. Uh. I would say my favorite way is
probably vaping dry herb um. Other than taking my products,
I'm recreational. I kind of tell my clients. You've got

to be more medical. I'll be the recreational guy here,
but I would say that vaping, uh, you know, just
regular flower nice nice question. Number three of the high
five craziest place you've ever used or smoked cannabis, that
would have to be in a hospital room with a

cancer patient. Yeah. No, uh yeah, well we were We vaped,
so it wasn't like the big smoke. But yeah, he
took hits right there in the bed. Is that Mr
st Joe's no orange orange, that's a good way to
do it. You know, it's screw it. Didn't you smoke
some weed out there? I was. I was smoking there

with my wife there, like last time she went to
the hospital. I was just vaping in the hospital. We
smoked like that like in the in in vapes, you know.
But I mean, I actually, you know, I don't want
to go into my high five, but you know I
smoked in court in court in you know, uh, in
the courtroom, remember saying yeah, but it was in the

actual courtroom. It was. It was in the court. The stairways,
the stairway, I walked in the stairways. Fire to join,
fire to joint and at the hill Street at Hill
Street down in l A. And we'll do your high
five next. I know, I just I don't know how.
I don't know how I got there. Yeah, yeah, alright, alright,
we're here here with Joe G, the founder of formulator

of m j as all, Miss h Ge. What is
your go to Munchie's when you get high? Oh? Man,
it's really bad, But I love the pepper sunflow our seeds.
What's great about them is that you don't get the
cat tongue after when you do with the salt ones.

But yeah, definitely, I can eat a whole bag of
those in the city. My wife's favorite those. Question number
five of the High five with Joe G. If you
could smoke weed with anyone dead are alive, who would
it be and why? Well, you know, I hate to
say this, but it would probably be my mom and

my brother. Both of them passed away. My uh my
mom passed from lung cancer. My my brother Tony had
a epilepsy and drowned in the jacuzzi. Both things that
you can kind of have cures for now. Yeah, it's
really sad, and I didn't know at the time. I
didn't know cannabis was even medical back then, how long
ago did your mom passed? And she she passed to No.

Six And then my brother Tony died in three he
drowned then a jacuzzi seizure. Yeah. Yeah, it was tough,
but it blew up the family. You know, nine boys,
one girl. He was he was a rad dude. So
those two for sure would be number one. UZ. Sorry

to hear that. There's no even reason why they're there's
not like there's not a reason why. So your mom
and how old are you in your mom past? Then?
I was probably in my thirties at that time. But
it's always tough no matter what. That's a warning about
smoking cigarettes. My my my mother and her her sister
both died within three months of each other. The pretty

much cancer lung cancer and and uh what age. My
my dad died at sixty two, you know, from lung cancer,
and um, you know that was kind of like for me.
I was like, oh man, I can't go off the
same way. You know, my mom died at fifty two
from my dad's ninety. I just golfed with him last

Monday Way Stripes of a Warrior Can't Cancer tournament and
we skip Mammoth in January. He's still going strong. Well
Mark and Craig's dad, how old is he? Seven? He's
eighty seven and the dude still goes to the batting
cages or eighty six? Which one is at you guys,
close the little brother or older brother eithersall. He's still

needed and he has the cancer that you know, it's
just he's a tough son of a gun. I tell you,
I love seeing that guy out there. Let's get him
a protocol and get him started before you know, he's
here in a hundred mile and our fastball. Yeah, well, no,
I I think I think it's worth, you know, given
it a shot. Like I said, my father on his
way out. You know, when he went straight over to
to cannabis and kicked all the opioids in his life,

it literally put him to a better quality. Yeah. And
and a lot of people don't understand that quality of life.
But let me assure you when when you feel that
quality of that new quality of life and he could
see it in buddy, it'll change your life, you know.
So be smart about out there, guys, and look up
the website m J. S well Uh Deliveries dot com.

And just to let you know, Markis delivers delivers, Yeah,
don't delivers. Say it again in the right way. Go
ahead and you say it m Jay's delivers dot com
m J m J D E L I V E
R S and the way it's written out. Just to
say for you Mark as well, because you did the

same thing I've done for years now. It's m J's
not m j S. So m J's is how you're
supposed to call it. Mary Jane. Yeah, but I've done
it wrong, so I don't. That's my fault. I forgot
to put the apostrophe in my logo. We'll fix that
for you, brother. So and I always go and I
know that I always oh m J. When he's like

MJ's like, oh god, So Joe Joe G. What's the
future look like for MJ's therapeutic brand. Well, I'll tell
you something really exciting. My track has always been the
medical side of cannabis and UM. I have a friend
who invested early with me, and he uh, he got
this patent from a friend. His friend wanted to um

borrow some money, so he took the patent in lieu
of the loan and the guy never paid him back,
so he took the patent into a scientist and he goes,
you know what you got here? He's like, no, what
is And he goes, you have a bacteria that can
eat out oil or any contaminant in about two weeks,
and we'll clean the ground and make it fertile again.
So he Um. He started selling the Dubai and and

all these other countries. And then about four months ago
he calls me and says, I need you to come
and meet this doctor. And I'm like, for what. No.
This is in North Carolina, so I can't really say
his name, but he's a drug discovery doctor. He's developed
over seven hundred drugs. He pats them, he puts them
through his own clinical trials, and then sells them to

the farmer companies. And he's this, I did it. He
wants to do hemp and cannabis now. So I went
out there about a month and a half ago. I
went through all of my remissions and stories and um,
I'm going back in a couple of weeks and UM,
I'm crossing my fingers hopefully to get a clinical trial going.
He has a d e A license, so it's it's

the it's the short path for me and and uh,
he asked me, what what what what kind of trial
do you want to do? And I told him, let's
do pancreatic cancer. He's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, Come on,
that's that's the that's the worst kind of doctors there
with him as well. Oh yeah, there were there are
a bunch of guys. They're shaking their heads and and uh,
you know, it's it's it's really hard for a doctor

to to be a forty year on collegist and have
someone like me come up and their patient goes into
remission in two and a half months, and but it works.
So they don't know what to say, they don't know
what to do. A lot of them egos are so
big that they would never even admit it. But it's
it's changing. Things are changing now. So my goal is

to trajectory towards that, try and get a trial going.
And and you know, we're going to have a vote
in um September for the More Act, which is legalizing
it at a federal level. If they pull it off
Schedule one, then it opens the door for trials and stuff.
So I'd like to be one of the first horses
in the gate, you know, you can still kind of

we we gotta flip the Senate for that to happen,
I know, I know. Otherwise the more Act will sit
on the floor of the Senate. Of course, McConnell, they'll
probably roll it up and smoke it and but you know,
we probably but you know, hey, all have all the
chances that that it's looking like I mean, there's a
very good chance that we can flip the Senate. Yep, yep.

It's an election year. You know, they want to try
and get everybody on their ships. So maybe it'll happen.
If now not the times when we don't have a
time at all elected to flip this thing so we
can get it off the list. Yeah. What I say
to people is, don't wait for the government to help you.
You have your life. It's your decision, and you keep

your life in your hands. You can listen to the
doctors and the experts, but intuitively, you should look for
cannabis first. I would tell everyone if you if you're diagnosed,
do a month's month's protocol and then go get a scan.
If you see reduction, don't start the chemo, take another

month's worth and get well again. I think it's The
way I've said it for for a long time now
is that our country is one of the most sophisticated
countries in the world. And for them to come out
and say that cannabis has medical use, legalize it in
more than fifty of the states in the United States,
you better wake up and smell the coffee, because it

is happening. You just have an experience, experimentity yet and
and so there's no way, there's no way absolutely that
we just came out and goes, oh, it's medical and
and you know, it's a kind of it's kind of this. No,
it's not kind of this a kind of that, it's
anecdotal evidence. It has they've already done their research is
going to be doing. Correct if they've already done this research.

What's happen where your your your products are carried only
licensed retailers in uh in California? Correct? Yeah, so right
now I'm actually not in the legal market. I'm I'll
be transitioning back in and about a month um with
a leaf up in Atalonto. Um. Okay, yeah, that dispensary
that that that's where you'll be able to get your product. Well,

I'll be back into all the stores. Um. The problem
with with the legal market is a lot of them
don't care about the medical side. They're selling the high
and it's you know, you come in, you talk to
a bud tender and they're selling you the highest uh
potency of wax and and it's it's a little boring
to stoners because the first thing they say is what
it doesn't even get you high? So you know, it's

it's a different sales approach really. So my goal and
hopefully with Leaf is we're going to have a delivery
service and I will then start almost like an Amazon
type of delivery where a patient can go online order
their products and they'll be delivered to their home every
month on a certain date. Yeah, so it's almost like

a subscription model and that way we know what the
clients are taking. And and I thought I was resulting, Yeah,
I was gonna ask you if it was at a
legal store, like when you walk into you know, do
the bud tenders no, Because I went to a store
in sant and it's really good friend of ours and
I brought in a very uh but seventy year old

friend of mine that who's year old mother was going
through the end of life and they wanted some uh
tincture or whatever it was, and they were able to
give her a you know, a fifty fifty three to
one and low THHC high cbd UM. And I think
more of the retailers are starting to get a little
more sophisticated. They are actually the young the younger generations

really looks at it more medically. As I mentioned before,
a lot of women use it and and I think
it's changing. I really feel that the medical side is
gonna have its day here pretty soon. And um, you know,
like I said in the beginning, there's therapeutic benefit in
every dose. Man. If you're at end of life and
you want to take in edible and get rocked out

of your mind and then go sleep, that's great, that's therapeutic.
I mean what they do with morphine really is when
they decide to finally put the drip on you, you
never wake up. You just you you just fall asleep
and you never wake up again, and then finally your
heart stops beating. So I had a gentleman just recently

ninety two. His uh part of the reason why I
got the Korean deal. The father didn't want to do
the morphine, so he took my products. He was coherent
the night he passed. He was in his chair talking
to his wife and son, and he passed in his sleep,
had no pain, no physical issues at all. Love it. Yeah,

that's that's like kind of like I think I like
to go out to Yeah, I mean better, you know,
just sitting there taking morphine and not knowing who's around you.
My dad went out that way to the last you know,
he said, sending to me, and then the morphing kicked
in and he thought I was somebody else, and I
was like, damn, I wish you could win in a
way where hey good you know that. You know, they
called me a different name, but I was a different kids.

So it's like, you know, this is a better way
to go out, Joe, What are the other products out there?
I know you've got a new product, this red cream.
What is this? So so, my main protocols consist of
a CBD daily uh C therapy one to one therapy
three three three with Delta eight, which is a really
rare compound. It's getting real popular right now, but it

has the ability to go after cancer cells that spread
in the body um and then I have topicals, which
are the roll ons, the suppositories. And my new product
is the the MJ's wet Rose. It's a it's a
cannabis um loop sex loop. It's actually inedible. It's can
be used for everything. It also has medical benefits using

it that way too. So we'll figure out a marketing
plan for that one here shortly, hopefully, Yeah, God willing.
Maybe do some testing, you know, a line of people
up there, and let's go one home, send one home
for me. I'm available. I'm available for testing. Mobe ok.
Can we use that as a promo anything else you

want to plug? Before we let you go, Jay, I
want to thank you guys. I mean, you guys do
a great service to the to the world. Really, uh.
The most important thing about cannabis is educating people and
and pulling the curtain back to show what what it
really is and what it's really not. And I think
you guys do a great job of that. And thank
you for inviting me in here. Well, thank you. So

we want to thank you for being on our show
and you always have. You're welcome to come back at
any time, my friend, And one more time with that
website for us. MJ's delivers dot com, mjs delivers dot com,
we deliver results. Well, there it is, guys. As ken
this Talk one oh one. Remember this. If no one
else loves you, will you? Joe does have a good one. Guys,

thanks for listening to another podcast of Cannabis Talk one
oh one, the world's number one source for everything cannabis,
featuring Joe G from MJ's Wellness
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