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March 19, 2021 34 mins

Find out how coming to America from Paris helped Eddy Michaels catch his break in the music industry.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
It's now time for Cannabis Talk one oh one with Blue,
Joe Grande and Mark and Craig Wasserman the Pot Brothers
at Law. We're the world's number one podcast for everything cannabis.
Hello and welcome to Cannabis Talk one on one Monday.
Is Blue. Alongside of me is the world famous Pot
Brothers in Law and Joe Grande and you were now
tuned into the greatest cannabis show in the country. You
want to thank you guys for listening to the podcast

Cannabis Talk one on one right here on I Heart Radio,
Apple Podcast or wherever you get your download. And if
you want to join the show, you can give us
a call one hundred eighty and make sure you check
out the I g s at Cannabis Talk one on one.
You can find the Pot Brothers at Pot Underscore Brothers
Underscore at Underscore Law, Mark is at wass Law, Craig
is at wass Law. Dog. I'm Christopher Right at one

Christopher Right and Mr Joe Grande as Joe Grande fifty two.
Now we have an amazing singer on the show for
you today. It's Eddie Michaels who is just released what's
up man? How you doing doing pretty good? Good? Good
man good? Just released your new single, the EP untitled
Open Invitation. Yeah, man, let's talk about that. What's going

on with it? Okay? Uh, just a little summer put
together for Valentine's I figured, you know, um, it was
also a great way to start off one, you know,
especially what we had went through in so I feel
like for me it was kind of like a fresh start. Um.
Still of giving my fans and my supporters a single,

I figured I give them, you know, for uh, an
open invitation nice, you know, for a selection of four songs.
So that's how that even came about as well, nice,
you're nice? And where where are you from? Thank you?
Originally I'm from Paris, France. I grew up in the
United States my whole life. So okay, so we're at Paris, France. Yeah,

tell me how but you came out to call? You
came when you got Where did you come to? Yeah? Okay?
So after after after Paris, I came to the United States.
So I lived in Bridgeford, Connecticut for about two or
three years. My family then we moved to Georgia. Um
that's where I really like what um, as far as

like high school, well, middle school, high school, college and
right now, I'm currently resigned at the DMV SO near
Washington East. Okay, Man, now tell me how how did
you start your music career. Um. At first, it was
it was it was kind of like a hobby because,

like I said, at a at a young age, trying
to figure myself out, I'm learning that I had talent. Um.
It really just took time for me to really grasp
and figure out that Okay, maybe sing it was where
it was right I wanted to go. I didn't take
me till um, I think my sophomore year in high
school to figure it out that it still look like

you're in high school. Bro, you're young. Thank you, thank you,
thank you. I look older than I look, but yeah,
thank you. I appreciate that. So continue that, continue your
journey about how you got into the music game. Man. Okay, So, yeah,
my stuff were here, I think really after because I

had a talent show at school. This is where, um,
my first time I actually shared my talent to to
to to the world and quote unquote because I usually
sing to myself and I sung in the church too. So, um,
I grew up in the back group for the musicians
for my dad's side because my dad saying his younger

brother and younger sisters saying too. So I kind of
fell into that, you know, that round and everything. So um.
But yeah, it didn't take me to sophomore year in
high school. At the talent show just seemed the reaction
of my friends, audience, and like I was seeing and teachers,
even some of my teachers in the pre school really
look at me like, whoa here, it's this kid that

we know in class and we see it around every day,
not knowing that he had, you know, he got a
voice like that. So I think at that time, um,
it really dawned on me and it really clicked like
I can really be an artist, Like I really do
have potential to be an artist because at that time
I was playing sports, so I was playing like basketball,
I was into football, lot and run tracks. So um.

But once that happened, it was something that I felt
in me, like I fell at home, you know, in
front of people, entertaining, sharing my voice and really just
being a performer. It was after that it was that
oh wow moment, like you sang in front of the
school and then you got that love. Oh I could

do this. Yeah. It was just soon about that day
that gave me butterflies. Like you said, it was just like, Okay,
let me try this out. Let me see, let me
see what I can take this. So every since then
and it's been a it's been a it's been an
amazing ride. So tell us. Have you worked with some
artists some some major artists at all? You just kind
of just sliding in right now, tell me about some

of that. UM. As far as major artists, I haven't
had a chance to work with an yet. I'm putting
it into manifesting it that seeing I will what you
got to do manifested, Yes, sir, I gotta manifest itself. UM.
But I have had an opportunity to open up to

some of my influences that I grew up listening to UM.
As far as Tank, I don't know if you guys,
No Tank, Anthony Hamilton's UM, Tamar Braxton, Drew Hill, uh
and Vogue, Eric Bennett just to name, but just being
able to be in there around UM as an artist,

you know, developing Eric Eric Bennett got you okay, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I know. Ron ron U is um one of the
girls and then vote now, you know, and so if
you oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yah, yeah yeah. She's
a dear friend of mine. I love ROHNU. She We
go back, way way back, and I used to produce

music myself. So what about cannabis? Used you smoke out there?
Tell me any stories on that? Well? Yeah, my story
on cannabis was back in college. Let's talk about it
for a minute. Yeah, oh man, it was. It really
started as like, you know, when you're away from home

and you're you're actually in college. You you're on campus
with your friends, and you're like, oh, there's nobody here
to really like monitor me type thing. So I started
at a little kickback, you know, got invited to a
little pick back with your friends, and before I know,
everybody was passing you know that weed around and everything.
And then before you know, I was like, whoa, what

is this? It was actually my first time too, So
but after that, I mean, I just I just started
getting the hangover, and you know, I smoked it every
now and then here and they were just said, it
may feel like I was floating in clouds, right right.
So yeah, but so I didn't really I didn't really
get too far into it because I didn't want to

get addicted to it. You know, I smoked it here
and there um when it came time to it, you know,
so it was just really on occasion, but it wasn't
like the type routine. This is where the young man
below me in the in the zoom is going to
teach you about addiction and cannabis. Tell him awesome, Well,
I think the great thing is is, you know, the

great thing about cannabis is it's actually not addictive as
other drugs are. And that's the reason to me. I'm
not a doctor, I'm not a psychologist, whatever, but that's
the reason you're able to I love hearing these stories
where you know, cannabis isn't for everybody. It's just it's not.

And it's great to hear people say, you know, I
tried it. It wasn't for me. I do it now,
and it was addictive, you know, like like coke, like myth,
like crack, you take one hit and you're chasing you're
chasing that dragon. Cannabis it's not like that, and you're
just a proof of that. Like you know, if it

comes around every now and then you'll take a hit
or too maybe or whatever. It's just not like us
part of our daily life. And some some musicians use
it for creativity because it helps them. It helps them
and if it doesn't help you, especially in your craft,
that's a great thing about cannabis is then you don't
do it well you would we like you have to
do it every day and you're like, you know, like

hitting your arm, like you need that thing. It's just
that simple, man, And that's that's that's great to hear
with With that though, you know, let's see this. Have
you have you you know, been out on the road it.
I'm sure you've been on these tours, right, so you've
been on tours and things like that, so you know,

you you see it a lot around it and whatnot.
And one of the things that I've I've noticed is
a lot of people will say cannabis isn't addictive, and
it's it's not. We know that the actual TC isn't addictive.
But one thing that I do want to say is
that when you start smoking it every day, it becomes
a ritual, and then that ritual becomes addictive. Right, so
you know ritual no, no, no, let me interrupt ritual. No.

This is a big difference, And I said that blue
because I I was gonna. I was following along until
the last thing you said, the ritual becomes addictive. No,
the ritual becomes a habit, right, habit a habit you
can break, you can necessarily sometimes easy to break it.
Easy break a habit I held a lot easier than

you can break an addiction. Well, yeah, that you're probably
it's my thing, so it is a happier right, So Eddie, Eddie, Man,
Let's let's say this, man, what was the favorite song
you ever recorded? Is it the newest one out right now?
Or is it just something else? Hmmm? I have so
many personal favorites, uh, being hard to choose. Um. If

I if I can say a song right now, a
lot of them, a few of them aren't leading so um.
But if I say right now, I would definitely say, um,
open invitation is definitely one of my favorites. Um that
I got out right now? So all right, so here
it is open invitation right here. A lot of cannabis

talk one on one acapella with Eddie Michaels. Oh Man,
I say you got something for us someone, Look, can
we hear you do a little acapella and we want
to hear that, you know, I mean, let's hear the chords. Man. Okay,
all right, what you what'd you guys want to hear?
Whatever you feel, bro, whatever you feel okay, okay, um,

it's like my favorite to go to. Uh. I like
this thing, barn McKnight, A lot of bank nights. But
here go, m ah, here we go, here go, give
me a second, here we go. They will never come
to day. You will let him missing that I won't

and need to be because you. I wanna give my
god baby true me simply wad me because your aunt

give away thly. We're not looking to your life and
no reading life. All I need is you in my life.
Nice name of that song. I want you to a house. Huh,

we'll go ahead. It's a somber vinment night. Never felt
this way. That was hot though, you guys gonna. I
was gonna say tell you to wait and my wife
comes back, I want you to sing it to her
for me to turn into a slow jam at Craigsiles. Huh.
That was that was nice. Man. You do have a
beautiful voice. Man. When we come back right now, it's

a girl ladies from Cannabis It's Cannabis Talk one on one.
We'll be right back. Welcome back. Now it's time for

the Women of Cannabis Talk one oh one with the
Skinny Queen Jane Alt and playboy playmate Christine Smith. Hi,
welcome to Cannabis Talk one oh one. I'm Jane Alt.
You can follow me at j E N A E
A L T. Hi. I'm Christine Smith and you can
follow me on Christine's Fire And we are then with

the Women of Cannabis one. So today we have an insane, insane,
insane story. Listeners, can you imagine facing life in jail
just for knowing weed was being sold as you're working
on trucks, just in your environment. Basically you just knew
of it. So Craig Cecil somehow remained positive and defiant

despite life behind bars. So just a quick read of
this article. Craig Cecil was facing a lifetime in prison
for a cannabis's fence despite never touching the plant. And
Craig Cecil is one of the most upbeat individuals you
will encounter. The sixty one year old Illinois resident is
quick to laugh and bursting with positive energy. And I
don't know how because basically, two thousand two, the then

forty two year old Cecil was indicted on federal charges
stemming from an illegal cannabis distribute should ring. He wasn't
the financer of the project, nor was he the point
of person or the driver. He didn't even facilitate the details. Instead,
Cecil was charged because his body shop worked on refrigerated
trucks from Lake Head, Florida, that were used for transporting

and this is Florida, so I'm glad it's like just
weed they're transporting because it's Florida. But anyways, Cecil admits
that the drivers at some point told them so Jenny, Literally,
the drivers just at some point we're like, hey, worshiping
weed in the trucks. And he's like, okay, well whatever,
thanks for the info. And then he basically was arrested
and was facing life in prison. How terrifying is that? Yeah? No,

if you take this guy and you're just doing a service,
right and you're just fixing the trucks, Yeah, they got
the big barrels in the back like shape tubs, and
you're fixing it and eventually one of the drivers say
to you, Hey, I just want to let you know,
we're we're moving some key en abyss. What do you

do at that moment? Do you say, well, I'm part
of this now because I what what you got? What's
that means? Exactly? Shut the book up? Seriously, because that's
the thing, because you think about it, listeners, You're just
going about your job. You have a family to feed,
you have to look the other way. I mean, what
do you do? You quit and then they knock on

your door like boom boom boom, Hey why did you quit?
Are you're scared? You're not going to talk right? I mean,
what do you do? You just shut the funk up?
So is someone liable? Does that mean that people are
supposed to face federal prison for not being police? I
mean one of the biggest complaints right now is the
police don't know how to act right being the police,
and now we're gonna expect citizens to do gel time
because they don't act like the police. I just think

it's um back to that moment, like I don't know
what I would do, especially when you're making all these
things and like then all of a sudden, think about
with his family. Well that's a crazy thing. So it's
just like this guy had nothing to do with it.
He just heard about it, according to this article. And
then so the sun I guess the ringleader's son, you know,

he got caught and then he was in the fence
cross air and what did he do? He did not
shut the funk up. So he was like, blah blah blah,
what are you doing up? I want you to read
this one say you're in the camera, I'm not doing
hold on, okay, so I'm doing three commercials the once apparently. Listeners, Okay,
hold on, I'm just trying to get your pretty face
on there. Let's see. Alright, So back to the story, listeners, Okay,

so think about it. So this guy got charged for
a hundred and fifty pound drug drug bust that started
in Texas ended in Georgia, so basically multiple multiple state
just because hey, and this is a very good point,
because one person didn't shut the funk up. Everyone down
to the delivery truck repair man was facing time. So, Janey,

what do you do if you get pulled over, if
you get in trouble, if you see anything, if you
know anything, what do you do? Shut the funk up? Okay?
Thank you? See because this guy a father of two
faced life. Now, think about it, your mom, you're in cannabis.
Laws could change right overnight, somehow state laws could change something,
and then somehow you're a fellow on him. I mean,

it could happen. Does that mean that your son should
have to worry about his mom doing jail time over
simple laws change? And this is what people are facing
every day in these states where it's not legal. People
are still sitting in jail. It's a huge thing. And
as the laws change, like this man got life in prison,

Like that's not even like you're like you're just even
working on just the trucks here, Like I mean, even
if I did know about them doing that, I would
never think that would be anything like with life. No,
it's crazy like in his family. I mean, can you
imagine the shock and disappointment with this whole ordeal. I mean,
I'm reading this and like he never even touched the plant,

had no knowledge, and in numerous court proceedings he lost
his business. And this is what people are still going
through every day. And I was reading through this article
and everyone's saying the same thing. It's terrifying because violent
criminals don't get as much time as people with weed,
rapists on average don't do as much time for people
with cannabis. And like, so, Jeanne, how do you think, Like,

I mean, this is life changing when all of the
states and thank god, like you know this guy, like
everything worked out like he came out Okay, But I mean,
I I just can't wait for when every single state
is legal and you think about that day when these
people get their fathers back. Who were they thought their
kids who thought their fathers were bad parents were felons

when they're literally just growing a plant to try and
help people. I mean, once these laws change, people are
finally getting their their parents back, their their lives back.
Like it makes no sense that everyone is still sitting
in there for a plant just to be a dollar
sign in someone else's bank account. That's all these gels
are right now. I mean, it should be real rehabilitation

centers at this point, it's would be violent, violent criminals.
Why are you violent? How can we help you? Like
the entire prison system needs to change, and I think
once people get out for drug charges, this is going
to be the first thing. Like, Okay, now all the
people that shouldn't be there are there now, Okay, why
can't you function in for society? How can we help you?
Because they already lost their freedom. That's a punishment. They

lost their freedom, they lost their rights. But we need
to have severe prison war form and maybe hopefully ideally
down the road with cannabis, because all of these people
that are on uh, that are on opiates and on
drugs is because they're trying to relieve mental pain. Most part,
they just want peace. They don't want to be high,
they just want peace and jumping because I know you're
about to say something skinny queen, Well, I just want

to talk about, like, I mean, all the things that
he did, why he was in prison, Like I don't
know in the story where it would fall, but when
he was starting to fall, he turned to the books. Yeah,
because initially hit an unprepared trial lawyer and what he
went through, Um, he's really gonna be able help a
lot of people, I think. Well he did in prison.

He helped a lot of people, and he got people
sentences um actually reduced, and I find that really really
just inspiring, especially you know, being incarcerated but never let
He was saying that the spirit of people got broken. ENGINEE.
So how long ago did you start smoking weed. Uh well, okay,

thank god, it's not the amount of appoint my asking.
So do you remember back in the day where you
were terrified to throw a joint away because you swore
your house is gonna get raided? And back then it
really could have really kind of that little joint in
your garbage can could have got your front door kicked in.
I would have been doomed then living my dad everything.
He would have went to prison forever. Sorry, dad, no alcohol?
Is that the listeners if you were, if you didn't

hear the story of the last time, which in a
she first smoked cannabis with her dad. Yeah, good old pops.
And so think about it. So, and this is relevant
to the story that we're talking about today. You are
saying as a child that you thought your dad was
a bad person because he smelled cannabis corrept I did
think he was a horrible person because of cannabis, and

I was um disgusted, and I thought that he was
a shame. I was ashamed. And uh yeah, that's basically
all the stuff I thought. No, think about it, and
that's the stigma. And that's what I love about you,
is like sometimes we have to go through that so
we can understand. Because if you didn't go through that
and you didn't feel that way, you wouldn't be able

to help all these people knew to cannabis, walk through
the di stigma to go, hey, I understand I was
lied to just like you. But it's not true. The
plant is here to help you. It's not dirty, it's
not gross. It's not gonna make you lose your mind.
It's gonna make you get your mind back. It's gonna
make you get your sanity back. Yeah. And it's these stories,
these multiple stories of these these people that go through

all this and get all these like the sentences and
they're put behind bars and all of this um reform
and legalization. It's it's really cool. I mean, yeah, we're
all getting me able to smoke weed. But have you
thought about the flip side. Have you thought about how
many of those jail cells are going to open and

how many people wil be able to be free now
because of all these laws. I think that it's like
a beautiful time that we're in and I just I um,
I think, Peanut, what do you say? Zero? So I
just I'm telling you we need to start thinking about that,
praying about it, and really looking at the fact that

as legalization happens, Welcome Mexico. We'll call in the taxpayers
the money that can finally go where it does. Because
my house was rated and I cannot tell you how
many times I went to court, the court, the court
to court. How many times the police would you know,
follow me home from where a crafts me all the
time and energy I'm like sitting here and going really, guys,
like this is me, Like I'm just a little scrawny kid,

Like I'm not the threat here, Like I'm not the enemy,
Like why won't you guys just like drop this? And
I had to have I mean this was back then.
I was I don't know, early twenties, so it was
a lot. But my lawyer was five hundred an hour
and yeah, and the judge was just like, all right,
well are you in a center? Do you have a
really good lawyer? I'm like, well, I mean both. But
it's like if I didn't have that lawyer and I

didn't look like I did, and I didn't have certain things,
I would have been in jail. I mean, can you
imagine dating your house raided, your whole basement full of
plants and I was fortunate enough not to do time.
We'll think about now this is another flip side of
the weeds is think about we're all sitting back and
we all have our we can smoke it, we can
dab it, we can I don't. Christine snorts it and

like you're chilling at your place, you got people over,
We're all hanging out and we're partaking in it. Imagine
now flip too, We're back into like nine now try
doing and thinking about all that stuff and what any
of that would have flied anywhere? Negative ghost writer God
and so awesome now like all the women that we

can meet in cannabis to stand by and be a
voice for each other, like the people who are in
jil getting raided. And so today's Women of the Ward
a year goes to carry Radstock. That's carry with the K.
That's awesome. And she's a co founder and CEO of
Hippo Premium Packaging named Industry Cannabis Women of the Year.
And I love this because I saw this news article

just come up, and I've met the group. They're an
awesome company. They seem very very nice. So I want
to give the women of the day, shout out to
Award of the Year to her, because it's so awesome
to see women other women start camplet these like us.
I'm super excited today to be blessed to give some
super shout out always what time is it, Christine? Um?

I think Stein time, dive time. Also, make sure we
want to not just say it's silky smooth. We want
to make sure that you're on point, because you know what,
I am a may Man made man. We're gonna get
it made man because when we're doing stuff and we're
making our money, we've got to make sure that we
have more time. So why not combined it and just

make sure that stuff is good made man. All right, Lawyers,
back to you and the other boys. Give them some
more sexy and po Thanks for listening to the Women
of Cannabis Talk one on one with the Skinny Queen
jan Alts and Playboy play Made Christine Smith. Welcome back

to Cannabis Talk one on one. Thank you, Janee, Christine.
That was amazing. We want to thank amzing ladies of
Cannabis Talk one on one. So listen, you know right now, Eddie,
you know we we that was those vocals that I'm
telling you that was hot. And like I said, our
engineers and the staff backer like, yo, let me get
a feature. You tell you a funny story about features.

You know. I'm listening to believe it or not, listening
to a lot of hip hop. And I started seeing
the titles on the radio and it says heat right,
oh yeah, right and and and for the longest time,
I'm like, who the fuck is feat? I thought it
was another you know, feature, Drake and you know somebody

else and somebody else's name the health feats, So I
thought that was funny. You're like, beats huge. I want
to know that, dude. Uh man, little humor there. Yeah,
I can't relate. I can't relate because without the whole

feature being being spelled that, you really don't know unless
you's like okay, and I don't listen to I was
looking at the head like the titles, going, he's got
a lot of songs. Hey, well, here here's a fun fact, Craig.
Tell me tell me some of the people that have
been at your house. Man, I already know just off
the top of your head. Um, well we've found out

actually at the river with metro booming. Um, let's see
I think let's see Metro was here. Also, we've had
um uh Walker came by once. Uh, let's see my
my my son deals with all those all those uh

artists in his in his business. Um and uh, there's
probably been a bunch more of a blue put me
on the spot. I Metro was really cool. He was
probably one of the coolest guys I've ever met, very
down to earth, very respectful guy. And it was great
too because they had both of his bodyguards with them

with just like three trunks. They were were huge, and
they were also looking out to our our river house
at they're in Laughlin and uh them just like the kids.
I put them on the stee Dude, I said, take off,
do this and that was actually great cool so that
if Metro don't like you, we're gonna shoot you. Yeah yeah,

So listen now it's time for my favorite part of
the show is the High five with Eddie Michael's right here,
brilliant singer. Man. We want to thank you for that.
That acapella right here, that was very nice. Question number
one of the high five, how old were you the
first time you smoked? And where did you get it from?
I was nineteen and this was at uh was actually

my freshman year of college, this kickback, So that was
definitely my first nice alright, alright, yeah. Then when when
you did smoke, or if you do on occasion, what
is your favorite way to smoke? Um? So I used
to you know, I used to roll it up and
then you know, you passed it around. But now ut
on the cages here and there, there a little ball,

there's a little bowl thing, you know, the little weeds
on the time. Yeah, the little pipe. Yeah, it doesn't
It's simple, easy right right, takes away to you, you know,
the paper roll and everything. Just crunch it up a
little bit and you know you're on your way. Question
number three of the high five, Craziest place you ever

used or smoked cannabis? Mm hmmm, craziest place. I don't
think I've had any crazy places. Usually a lot of
my places are like either like kickbacks or at home
by myself. So as far as I would say, the
craziest place was definitely probably UM Vegas because I think

one time we we took a trip to Vegas, me
and my team, and because I had a performance in
Vegas UM around this time and I had smoked, had
smoked and weeds and we were in public and you
know how Vegas is what happened in Vegas, state in Vegas.
So it was it was just the things that I
witnessed in Vegas first time. This is my first time

thing in Vegas, Like Trumpont's touched me, like, whoa, I
can't believe people actually out here doing this stuff. Like
funny story. So I'm a little I'm a little high
house and everything. And it was me and a few
of a few of my friends. So we're walking down,
you know, down the malls and everything, you know, down
the streets, and there's two naked girls walked around just

as if like nothing, as if like they got closed
and they take pictures with everybody. I just thought that
was the wildest thing, like for me to witness that
in person right now. You were on yeah I want
to see the freaks. Man. You went to the right spot. Man,

oh man, I don't know exactly, I don't know where
was that, but whatever place that was, because I was like, yo,
actually walking like this, like I can't believe it. Yeah,
like butter Ball Naked Club, but he ain't a little
wings that you were on the back yeah, a little

little Yeah, I'm still there. They're still there. They're still
there every week, every week. Right, question number four, it's
High five with I am Eddie Michaels. When you do
get high, what do your go to? Munkey's candy? Candy, chips,

ice cream, cookies, sweets, and because like if mom gets
so dry and uh, I have a I have a
I have a sweet too once it kicks in like
that sugar rush. Yeah, that sugar rush is something else
that one, but definitely candy. What kind of candy? Which one? Especially,

what's what's the what's your go to candy? Uh, Mike
and Nikes? You got sour patch kids on my second ones? Ye? Chips,
oh nice? And as far as like chips, Doritos, a cheetos, um,

those are my other ones. And then so I just
drink a lot of like either Ginger les Bright. Question
number five of the High five. If you could smoke
cannabis with anyone dead or alive, who would it be? Ye,
Snoop Dogg. Why Snoop? Because this man I don't know,

but it's so about he can smoke. He can smoke
so much and still be function though, and I can
and for me because I see him with Skalifa, like
you know, they do his little smoke sections on on
on YouTube. So I'm just like, if I still have
a smoke with Snoop, though I probably will not last,
like depending on the top of you know, probably that

they use in their in their in the reading everything,
I might not last. Maybe probably a puff for two
maybe through right, especially the quality right and then you know,
Snoop just be still going and like probably put put
on music and like really vibey when I'm when I'm
tapped up everything. Yeah, man, you know so yeah, all right, Eddie, Eddie,

we want to thank you for joining the show Man.
Is there anything else you want to let your your
listeners know, you know, our fans, your fans out there
about yourself or or where they can reach you. Definitely. Um,
so my name is Eddie Michaels. Uh definitely checked me
out on Instagram and I am Eddie Michaels. Um. I
knew you can be open. Invitation is out now all
musical platform. It's definitely a vibe you guys would not

be disappointed. Very versatile and that's some cool things, uh
in the work. Um as far as like a music
video from my single Right Time. I've got some more
singles on the way and shout out to my team,
Shout out to you guys, thank you for having me today.
Shout to Rocky Um and all my supporters and my
fans up all the guys, well, thank you, Eddie Michaels.

We want to thank you for joining Cannabis Talk one
on one to remember this if no one else we do.
Thank you for having me. Thank you for listening to
Cannabis Talk one oh one on the I Heart Radio app,
Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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