All Episodes

September 28, 2023 • 96 mins

On this week's episode of the Pac-12 Apostles podcast, George Wrighster explains all of the strange fallout and back-and-forth from Oregon's win over Colorado, and Ralph Amsden cheers on Jake Dickert for going after Lee Corso. The guys get into the first week of conference play, and preview the upcoming slate of five games.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, here we go, Pack twelve fans, This one's
for you. This it's the PAC twelve Apostles, and only
the truth lives here Pack twelve Apostless.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
I'm George Reister, He's round Ams, and this is the
PAC twelve Apostles, the show four PAC twelve fans by
PAC twelve fans, soon to be just college football fans.
Because this is the last season of the PAC twelve Apostles,
we have to rename the whole joint. And you guys
can always send your recommendations in to I'm Matt i

Ammad at Unafraid show dot com, hit us up at
PAC twelve Apostles, and of course share the podcast and
leave a five star rating wherever you listen to podcasts,
because you know we are dope as hell. But this
week in the PAC twelve there was a lot of mess,
a lot of stuff going on, and of course we

have to start with the same same thing that has
been bugging us every single week, and that is the
AP pole. Ralph, I don't understand how sixty two people
who know college football, watch college football every single week
can screw this poll up so much.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Yeah, give you give the AP voters a little bit
more of the benefit of the doubt than I feel
like I want to, especially after I went through and
counted twenty four of the how many voters are there?
You said, sixty two, twenty four of the sixty two,
twenty four of them for the second week in a row.

Have Tennessee above Florida. How they got the same record
and they played each other.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
And Florida's only loss is to a team that they
have eleventh, ten, tenth, Now right, like, oh yeah, yes,
so make it make sense? People make it.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
I don't know what to do with that information. You
gotta throw the whole vote, you gotta throw the voters away.
You gotta go get new voters. They got made fun
of for this last week, and then one week later
it's still that way, twenty four of the sixty two voters.
So it can that's not even like with the complaints
of the PAC twelve.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Yes. So, in case you're watching this on YouTube or
any other digital content, the poll is up and Georgia one,
Michigan two. I cannot make any sense Ralph of Michigan
being at number two. They've played East Carolina, UNLV, Rutgers,

and one other team that is not very competitive. They've
scored thirty thirty one, thirty one and thirty five. I
guess they look like a good football team, But what
have they done? And people are like, well, they were
great last year. Return the same whole team that was
last year. This is a whole nother season. Like why
do you have to lose to move down in the.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Well, you don't have to lose to move down in
the poll. USC just dropped three spots after a win.
The only reason Washington moved up is because USC dropped
three spots after dropping forty two on the road.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
Yeah, and it's but it's like Florida State gets dinged
for playing some close games. Georgia didn't get dinged for
barely be scraping by South Carolina being down at halftime.
I believe to South Carolina they won by fourteen points.

I just or twelve points. It makes no sense to me.
Ralph and there and I had Josh pat on my
radio show last night and he was like, Yo, there's
a certain amount of voters who I've talked to who
are saying, well, I don't want to put a pack
twelve team up that high because you know, I'm not
sure if I want to elevate that conference like that,
and you're like, what does that have to do with

the past? What does the past and the PAC twelve
having some down years have to do with the fact
that you are sure that they have really, really good
teams out there, really really.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
They're not watching these games. They're not watching these games.
Part of that's our fault. If we're taking responsibility for
everything that happens in our own conference, part of that's
our fault.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
Well, all of these games, all of these teams were
on national television, though.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
Washington was just asking you, over the last ten years,
how many?

Speaker 2 (04:32):
How many that's true?

Speaker 3 (04:34):
Of how many of the sixty two AP voters are
putting PAC twelve network as a tax? Right off?

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Wilner? I do it, Willner, that's the end.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
I'm not a voter, but I do it. But like, yeah,
who who is actually watching? Also, who's staying up?

Speaker 2 (04:52):
You staying up? Would probably say twenty percent of the
voters because they may have Spectrum or Sling or something,
have access to PAC twelve network maybe, And that feels generous.
It feels generous, So probably fifteen percent maybe, So that's
going to great a problem.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
And it's tough that you got box score watchers too,
because I'm telling you right now, it is my job
to stay up and watch these games. And sometimes the
last half of the last game, I am in hell,
just like mentally physically exhausted, because I still got a family.
I still got to like be with my family all day.

And then a lot of the Pac twelve stuff starts
around three and then now and then I got eleven
straight hours of watching football, which is incredible. It is incredible.
I'm not complaining about my life, but as far as like,
imagine if your favorite thing was reading, your favorite thing
was reading, it's your favorite thing, and you get handed
the best books in the world, but you got to

give a book report on them in fifteen hours. That's
how it feels sometimes because I'm just like cramming and
I'm like, I gotta learn from this. I can't just
sit back and like only be watching some things and
you know, running around. I gotta stay I got I
gotta stay locked in. And it's hard. So how do
the AP voters like, So it's already hard for them,
I will admit that. And that happens late at night

and it's after they've done most of their stuff. Plus
they're covering teams, they're writing stories, and you know they
don't have the network, so they have they just are
not in any way yea and fully engaged.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
They're like, yeah, Michigan, Yeah, that's that sounds good. Nobody
will be upset about us putting Michigan there. That's the
that's the conversation. Nobody will be upset with that. Yeah,
and everybody will be fine with Washington, USC, Oregon and
Utah like just jammed up. Just you got.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
I want to point out because you have to pull
up just now. All misdropped five spots. Yeah, we'll misdrupped
five spots. They scored one timeuchdown against number thirteen at
the time, Alabama, one touchdown, they gave up twenty four points,
and they dropped five spots. UCLA scored one touchdown against

then number eleven ranked Utah one touchdown, only gave up
fourteen points and only seven of those were on defense,
and that was on the road, and they dropped eight spots.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
Hmmm, wonder if something weird's going on here. I don't
think that it's intentional, it's just it's just the bias.
It's just it's just real, all right. Oh and obviously
that is frustrating to all fans. Next thing up, and
this started before the even This controversy started before the

games even started, And that was Jake Dickard being upset
at what Lee Corso said at that the Oregon State.
Washington State was the nobody watches Bowl that game?

Speaker 3 (08:03):

Speaker 2 (08:04):
What? What network was that game?

Speaker 1 (08:06):

Speaker 3 (08:09):
I mean I watched it on YouTube, so it couldn't
have been on PAC twelve. It could have been on
PACT twelve network.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Yeah, so so you have a nationally televised game that
that it doesn't feel like a lot of people are watching.
And then and I thought, so, do you think that
he was trying to be critical or do you think
that he was like taking a shot at those particular schools.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
I thought it was funny. Nobody, nobody affiliated with Washington
State or Oregon State should ever let anybody at any
major network get away with saying anything. So I'm gonna
be really clear about Jake Dickard's comments. Anytime ESPN mentions,

you get on their ass, misinterpret it, lie, make stuff up,
just be like, I don't like the look on his
face when he said Washington state is good. Any time,
any time that your school gets mentioned by one of
these networks, hit them back. I don't care if they're

handing you flowers. Punch them in the face anytime, like anytime,
because one the networks absolutely had a hand in this. Okay,
they absolutely had a hand in this. This is the networks. Okay.
The networks are a mother that is that's got money,

and she's gonna pay for her son's wedding, right, but
she does not like the bride. She doesn't like the bride. Yeah, okay,
so she's done everything to sabotage this wedding she's gonna
pay for. She's done everything she can to sabotage the
wedding that she is gonna pay for. So anytime that

mother gives the bride a compliment of any kind or
says anything about that bride of any kind, that bride needs.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
To speak up.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Just because this is your money doesn't mean I forgot
about everything you said and everything you did.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
You bum so.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Like that. That's how it has to be for the
two schools that ultimately got screwed over by these negotiations.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
So that game was on Fox, and it did one
point four eight million viewers. Okay, right, and.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
Not bad for a couple of fifty thousand person towns.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
And that's seven million, I'm sorry. And that was a
seven pm kick Pacific, okay, m hm Utah. UCLA did
one point three to two million, and that was a
and that was a twelve thirty kick.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
But it was on the same time as Oregon Colorado.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
Yeah, oh wait, sorry, sorry, sorry, well Oregon State Washington
State was a four pm kick and so that lets
you know that. So the UCLA Utah game would have
done better, but that game was born as hell. Bro
Lord have mercied. That game featured no offense and yeah,
and it was up against Colorado Oregon, which did ten million. Bro.

It outrated Ohio State Notre Dame. Unbelievable.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Yeah, just for so for anybody that's sick of hearing
about Dion Sanders, you're not going anywhere you.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
Hearing about the Deon Sanders. The other thing, though, everybody
who is in love with Deon Sanders new college football fans, welcome, welcome,
We we welcome you here. We were loving that. You
have a lot to learn. But one of the things
that you're going to figure out real is is that
Colorado has been available to see every single week this year,

Big noon Kickoff everything. Well, they are still contractions, contractually
obligated to at least two PAC twelve network games, and
that's because you have to at least play the same
number of non conference home games that you have on
the PAC twelve network. So at some point in time.

So if you notice Oregon and USC they get them
out out of the way early in the season because
they want them. Washington, all those schools playing in prime
time on ESPN, Fox, FS one, whatever channel is magnified

more than the PAC twelve network. All of their games
are going to be on, and then Colorado fans are
gonna be like, where the hell is the game? Where
where is the game? Where's pack twelve networks? And where all?

Speaker 3 (13:03):
I can't sit in there like I can't hear? Yeah, yeah,
And I'm not like I've I actually I've like sympathized
with the struggle that Colorado fans, New Coffins Dion fans
we're about to go through. But I just very much
want to see. I want to see and feel the
frustration for the first time, like you ever know. It's

like you the first time you did something and now
you just want to see it happen to somebody else.
Like did you ever touch like tinfoil to an old filling? No,
you know what that is like where it gives you
that sting in your mouth or whatever, or like the
thing from a Christmas story where you like lick a
frozen pole and your tongue gets stuck. Yes, yeah, it's
like the worst thing in the world, or like the
first time you ever get hitt in the testicles, right,

worst thing ever. But you'll absolutely watch somebody else get
hitting the testacles because you know, like you identify with
that paint. I cannot wait for new Colorado fans to
endure the pain of just sitting down because they got
lots and they expect to be able to turn this
game on.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Just just turn it on like a regular normal tell
and then they're gonna be like, what channel is the
Colorado game on?

Speaker 3 (14:13):
I have I already have the search term saved and
ready to go for when ASU and Colorado kick off?
What is PAC twelve network? Just on Twitter, I'm gonna
retweet literally everyone that tweets.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
That where that is back twelve network.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
I'm gonna get unfollowed by probably a thousand people for
all the retweets. But I just I've been I've been
waiting for this.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Oh my lord, oh my lord. But back so so
Jake dicker has room to be upset. But I agree
that to your rule of a thumb for them, just
just make everything chaos you hate us to, just just
cause noise and ruckets wherever you can.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
There's one thing about it that I'm not sure is
a good idea though. What's that The more that Jake
Dickert goes to war to war on behalf of Washington State,
the more it's gonna hurt when he leaves.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
Damn. See why are you?

Speaker 3 (15:15):

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Well, I guess I did bring up Jonathan Smith potentially
leaving Oregon State, so I guess that's there. So yeah,
so as I guess that.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
And Jake Dickett's from like Big ten country. He grew
up a Wisconsin.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
Fan, Okay, So they can't hire him at Michigan State yet,
can they? Because Nel Tucker. The news at Michigan State
is that he's officially fired, so they are officially looking
for a new head coach. And and this is the
second well, I actually so a place that is one

hundred percent for sure going to be looking for a
new head coach. Last year, well this upcoming year, they
reached back out to my son in in recruiting and
they were like, oh, can you send us your updated grades?
Blah blah blah. And I almost wanted to be like,
for what.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
Talk, man?

Speaker 2 (16:18):
But I mean, coaches land all sorts of sorts of places,
So of course you you would do it to make
sure that you because you never know that portal open, brother,
even though we have no intention on getting in it.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
But still, yeah, I get that, but there's no You
got to figure Northwestern is probably gonna be making a
higher yes, Michigan State is definitely gonna be making a
higher yes, and and they're gonna be looking out to
these teams like Oregon State and Washington State knowing that
they have more resources to offer. And it's gonna be
tough for some of these coaches to say no. And

I do think Jake dickerd should just absolutely be an
insane person when it comes to like pushing back against
that works. Forget Lee Corso, he should go after Sister Jean.
I don't care how old they are.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
Have you noticed that there's more willingness to do these
things now because coaches used to be like, no, we
can't do it, we don't want to make waves. Deon
Sanders is out here breaking stuff. Bro, he's out here, yo,
Like he called out CORMONI. Well he didn't call out
CORMONI McLain. He actually said that. Like he's been asked

about why money McClain is not playing. He told the truth.
He was like, yo, he's not doing exactly what he's
supposed to be doing. He's not studying is enough, he's
not watching film enough. Actually he's got to show up
to the meetings and all of this stuff. And you
was just like damn and Zach Smith, the former you know,

Ohio State and Florida coach, he pointed out. He was like,
Dion might get in trouble for this because you're not
supposed to say, because it's twenty hours a week film
and all extra film and all that stuff is supposed
to be voluntary. So him admitting that he's checking the times,
even though every coach does it, saying it out loud,

no WHENO yeah, I think, well shout out is not
even like Dion is going to be like see of course,
of course, where everybody is doing it.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Yeah, I mean shout out to Zax Smith for looking
out for how to keep coaches out of trouble for once. Uh,
But I do think that, like I I appreciate it
because if you are that honest with your players, you
can say stuff like that to the media and it's
not a surprise to them. This is one thing that
my you know, I'm gonna be one of those people

that talks about their wife, but one of the things
my wife always says to me is the people under
you shouldn't be surprised. Ever, like anybody that is working
for you, if they're surprised, it means that you're either
erratic as a leader or unprepared. So nobody under you
should be surprised by the things that you say about

their performance because you should be in communication with them
at all times about what your expectations are, whether or
not they're meeting them, whether or not they have intent
to meet them, whether or not they're in the place
for them. You know, she always says, you're working them
up or you're working them out. Always, anybody that's under you,
you're working them up. Are you working them out?

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Somebody on my social media said, oh, my god, Dion's
wrong for it is he's hurting his kids NFL future.
The scouts are not going to pay it to I
was like, he's not hurting anything, he's actually helping him.
And the dude still has two more years before he's
draft eligible, right, so number one to even think about

the NFL, he's got to get on the field first
and foremost, and then he's got to build these habits
if he wants to make it in the NFL.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
Yesh, As Mike Tomlin says, the standard is the standard. Yeah,
some people think that's stupid, but it's like it's brilliant. Like,
if you want to get to where you're going, that's
the path. You could try to deviate around the path,
but that's the path. Like, so you're either walking the
path or you're not, and that's up to you. So
I'm gonna leave the ball in your court for you
to do the things that you're supposed to do. But

I pointed to where you're supposed to be, and if
you're not there, I can't help you.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
Yep. On the Oregon Colorado fallout, bro the aftermath of
the Oregon Colorado game, it got weird, dude, It got
it got weird, and I couldn't tell you how tired
that I have become all this week. Keishawan John said,

oh the oh coaches around the league, where where we're
calling and helping Oregon game plan, You're like, first of all,
that's a common practice amongst friends. They all call and
help each other. That's number one. And number two, Oregon

did exactly what everybody saw on film. Run the ball
right at Colorado, get pressure on the quarterback end of story,
and Oregon just so happens to. Granted, Colorado has some
really good players on their team. However, Oregon has more
of those really good players at the most important positions

at offensive line and defensive line, so they that's why
they won the game. This is This was not a
commentary on Dion's coaching and his future. Anybody that expected
Dion to win more than six or seven games, and
granted we were I said between four and six at

the beginning of this season.

Speaker 3 (22:03):
I said two yes, I said team of all time.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Yes. If anybody has had any expectations that this was
going to be a big time situation, failure, failure, failure,
Like you you have no idea about college football, but
that's okay. You maybe wanted these new people to college
football because this is not the NFL. It takes a

long time to get your rosters right, even in the two.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
This very much reminds me of the Kimbo Slice thing.
Very much reminds me of that, Like Kimbo Slice beat
up a bunch of people in backyards, became like a
YouTube world star, uh superstar, right, Like everybody's I was
watching Kimbo Slice videos. So everybody's watching Kimbo Slice beat

people up in backyards. And then he gets a shot
to go into the UFC into like a legitimate thing,
and everybody's like he's gonna kill everybody, And it's like, well,
do you understand what it took for all these other
people to get.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
To the UFC exactly exactly.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
Yeah, Like if he can last around in his first fight,
it's we need to throw him a party, right, And
I think he was on like the ultimate fight or whatever,
but like he ended up and he ended up really
proving himself and proving his worth. But it wasn't gonna
be just because of the the hype isn't enough. It's

not enough. And also he's a coach, he's not the players.
And he said the best and most important thing I
think you could ever say say after the lost to
organ is you better get me now because this is
the worst I'm ever gonna be. And oh my god,
do I believe that?

Speaker 2 (23:48):
Yes? Yes, And that's actually what like the backlash has
been because so many people Ralph in my comments and
you've and you've seen it. Oh, you're only saying this
about Dion because he's black. You're only saying that you're
only supporting him because like, what are you kidding me?

It is like it's so frustrating, like you you've had
so many bad takes you have Lashawn McCoy. Oh if
you if you're hating on Dion, unfollow me. Lose my
number if you are. And and people saying Dan Lanning

was bullying Colorado by a fake punt it was fourteen zero?
How was that bully? If they were up twenty eight
to nothing and did it thirty five and nothing and
did it? Okay? Whatever? Right, but come on bro, like
like they're it's like all of these people have forgotten

about football. And then they're like, oh, the pregame message
was so disrespect respectful to his team. Do you know
what Dion probably said to his team prior to the game.
Coaches are there to motivate their players. It's not personal.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
Yeah, I got I got a little miffed at Josina
Anderson saying like, oh, what would have Dan Lanning's pregame
speech been if Travis Hunter was available. I'm like, Uh,
it would have been the same, but louder, it would
have been louder. And then and then you had and
then you had people like Jammel Hill. I like Jammel
and but she was saying, like, how can Oregon accuse

another team of being about clicks when they obviously knew
cameras were in there. I think it's an interesting point,
but I don't necessarily think it holds water, because what
you have to understand is, no one in history has
ever seen something like big noon kickoff cover one team
four out of five weeks. Never. This has never happened before. No, never.
There are a bunch of people that don't watch college

football watching because of Deon Sanders, and Deon Sanders is
playing into it. He would on stage with Lil Wayne
at nine AM and Boulder, Colorado. If you've been to Boulder, Colorado,
nine am and Lil Wayne are not two words that
you would ever put together exactly.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
We're like it.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
Dion is playing into the hype to market his program.
He had the its personal chance. I love everything that
Dion is doing, every single thing that Dion is doing,
but the idea that one program is uh doing these
things and it's like and and and they're also doing
it as much for hype. No, this is like a

several year build for Oregon over many different college coaches
trying to get the right formula. Dan Lanning's a National
Championship winning defensive coordinator, and his whole thing was he
had to go in there and say, you see this
giant wave of hype coming your way. It's vapor, it's vapid,
it's nothing. Go run through it. Go run through it

and watch what happens. And I'll tell you what if
the cameras aren't in there, The only difference in that
speech probably would have been that you might have MFD
Colorado a couple of times. I think it was maybe
more sanitized because the I don't think that you see
the Colorado players running around pregame talking trash. Another thing
that I have no problem with and love nobody has

done I just want to point out, no one has
done anything wrong at Colorado or Oregon. No one has
done anything wrong. All of it is good, thank you,
all of it.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
Because college football is about climbing up to the top
of the mountain. And then when you get to the
top of the mountain, the people at the top are
trying to kick you in the face and knock you
back down. And if you are so happy to be
able to throw one of them down from the top
of the mountain, because remember, everybody can't stand at the
top of the mountain. There's only so many spots. There's

four stots. There's four spots at the top of the mountain,
and then there is a peak above that, and everybody's
trying to pull you off, and you gotta just jabbling
him down. Bro, You're gonna be get the hell off
of here. And then one and one time Alabama was
up there so long, and then Alabama was busy knocking

down trying to knock Clemson down because they beat him
in the National championship and all that, and here comes Georgia,
whack right in the back of the head, knock them off,
and it's like yes, and now George is fighting off teams.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
Yeah, and it's not hate. It's not if. If people
don't want Dion to be at the top of that mountain,
that's not hate, that's a love of their own. They
understand there's only so much room. They get that, and
so I love this. I think Dion is gonna be
up there. I have no doubt in my mind that
Dion is gonna get the best kids in America and

he's gonna work his way up that mountain and he's
gonna be a formidable coach for a very long time.
It's just not yet. It's that simple. It's not yet.
I think they're a middle of the road PAC twelve team.
This year, the Pac twelve will cease to exist. So
this whole thing is like I can't wait till Oregon
and Colorado play again. Breaks my heart because they're not
gonna unless Phil Knight wants them to as like a

Nike showcase out of conference game. So like, we're never
gonna see this again. This was the last time for this.
So people that are mad, you're gonna be mad for
a long time unless you can just get over it,
grow up a little, get over it.

Speaker 2 (29:24):

Speaker 1 (29:26):
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Speaker 2 (29:38):
Now on to the next thing, which is the games. Now,
let's start with that forty two to six beat down
by Oregon over Colorado. Ralph, I knew that this was
a possibility, I said a seventeen point victory I think

on this podcast, asked, but I didn't want I let
my trying to be cool in the situation. I don't know.
I knew that this was going to be a one
sided affair, knew it, but I just couldn't bring myself

to to really admit that. If that makes sense.

Speaker 3 (30:23):
It does. My biggest question was will Colorado play their
game or will Oregon play their game instead of like
trying to get baited into the fact that that that
there there are multiple issues with this Colorado defense, and
they did for the most part, and you actually have
to I tweeted this, and I mean it. I don't
think Oregon's offense played all that I mean they were

up thirty five to nothing a half. I don't think
their offense played all that well. No, Bonnicks got sacked
over the points, right, And yeah, so I think that
there I defensively, I loved everything yea that Oregon was
doing offensively. There are as scary as it sounds like,
there are definitely ways that this team could have played

better in that game and could could have improved on
the Colorado end. I don't really know what to I
don't I don't really know what to say because they
weren't able to really do much on the offensive side
of the ball. You can't be one dimensional unless that
dimension is almost perfect, right, But like, not only can

Colorado not run block, they can't really pass block at
the level that they need to. So you've had one
dimensional pack twelve teams have success Mike Leach king of it. Yep, right,
cal in the in the Sunny Dykes days did it
very well. But if you can't pass block and you
can't run block, a quarterback is not going to be
enough to keep you in a game.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
And sure, Sanders, and if you want to beat the
elite teams, you have to be able to run the
ball at some point in time. Yeah, like you you
have to be able to run the ball effectively. Like
there's no around it. It's just it's just the truth.
And I was impressed by Oregon's defense, their physicality, they
looked like they were Like Dan Lanning said after the game,

he said, the standard was met. And I want people
to pay attention to this one thing, right is when
it comes to Oregon this particular year. And I haven't
even talked to you about this point, Ralph dan Lanning,

you pointed out national championship coach of one of the
greatest defenses of all time. Right, so, Dan Lanning knows
exactly what it is supposed to look like, exactly what
it's supposed to look like. And Dan Lanning would not
be doing all of this talking. He would not have

been doing that, let the cameras in pre game and
all of this stuff. He knew what the outcome was
going to be. He knows what teams are supposed to
practice like and look like. He knows what national championship
teams are supposed to look like, and what really good
teams was. Because he lost a national championship, won a
national championship, he knows what it's supposed to look like.

And so if he's out here talking and doing and
saying it, he knows that this team is really really
good that and I don't think that people have really
paid attention to that part of it.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
Yeah, I agree, but I do have one question for you, George. Yeah,
is Colorado black America's team?

Speaker 2 (33:40):
Get the Skip Bay this tweety, I was like, are
black people a monolith? Do we do? It? Showed Skip
is too smart and been around for too long to
to like say something stupid like that. This isn't the NFL.
College When people are fans of college football, once they

choose up, that's who they chose for whatever reason, because
a friend went there, their family played there. It's the
city that they grew up in, the you know whatever
team that they latched onto. That typically does not change,
and it's not changing just for Dion. Like, for instance,

I am happy for Dion's success, want them to continue.
I think he's doing a great job, going to give
other people opportunities, all those things. But when that game
was on on Saturday, I wanted them to lose eighty
to nothing. I wanted to get them to get their
foot put in. They back by Oregon and now back
to regularly schedule programming.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
I get it. I mean, I'm it's another thing. To like,
I don't know, I just speaking for everybody as why
putting it out there that, Like, I just can't imagine
a situation where'd be like, is this white America's team? Like, yes,
because there is no white America. Because white people understand
that we're all different. Ye, Like for some reason, some

of us when we're looking at other people are like, no,
they're they they all view something the same there, you know.
It's your replies over the last couple of weeks have
been absolutely wild of people just being like, of course
you're talking about Dean, you're black, and that's all black
people want to talk about. And those people sound super
super ignorant in your replies. But when Skip Bayles says it,

people are like, oh, that's just good TV. I don't
think it is. I think it's terrible.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
Yes, all right, So next game up Arizona twenty one
Stamford twenty And there was a major injury in the
in this game in terms of Jaden Delora is hurt
and he's out, well, he went out in the game.

Noah Fafida came in in, but most importantly they won
the game. But this is I mean, is this promising
for h like, is this promising for Arizona? Yes, they,
I mean a win is a win, But I don't
know how promising it is when you barely beat Stanford.

Speaker 3 (36:23):
Right one point win on the road, that your backup
quarterback had to orchestrate the game winning drive.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
Yes, yes, you needed a game winning drive to win
this the team that lost the sax State. But Arizona
is three at three and one appear to be headed
to a bowl game if they can keep the train.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
You can't. You can't turn down wins if you're jetfish.
This is all progress and it's hard to win a
college football game. I was very wrong about this game.
I thought Arizona was going to beat the hell out
of stat too. What I didn't anticipate is we had
some long, long clock eating drives. This is felt like
a very short game, very short game because they.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
Were already rushes.

Speaker 3 (37:04):
How many punts were there?

Speaker 2 (37:06):
There were? Let me go to the box score. There
were five by Arizona and two by Stanford. No, sorry
for by Stanford.

Speaker 3 (37:22):
Okay, So like it felt to me like less for
some reason, because it just felt like you had a
lot of and maybe those are three and outsider, but
it felt like you had a lot of long sustained
drives that took time off the clock. Jaden DeLaura didn't
do it. Let me be really clear about what I'm
about to say. Jadeen Dolaura hasn't done anything to lose
this job. And if he is healthy, he should probably

be the starting quarterback. And you brought him in as
a transfer to do so, and he has elevated your program.
He might not be the best quarterback on the roster
and he might not give you the best chance to win.
What does it take for Jetfish to make that decision,
Because that's a big, big.

Speaker 2 (38:01):
Decision decision, bro to to take jade and DeLaura out.
Who transferred there? Who is.

Speaker 3 (38:11):
Talent alone? Talent alone is an upper echelon, yes, Pat.

Speaker 2 (38:17):
And Jayden's a junior. So if you replace him, that
that relationship is over. He will be playing somewhere else
next year.

Speaker 3 (38:28):
And it's gonna be hard for him to play somewhere
else next year because of outside circumstances that we will
not get into, but it will be it will be
hard for him to be landed in an optimal place
as a transfer. At this point, he's kind of in
a position where the best thing for him to do
is to stay the course at Arizona.

Speaker 2 (38:50):
Yep, yep. I mean he could always go down from
the power of five.

Speaker 3 (38:56):
But yeah, or let me just ask you a point
where what would you do? Because because I'm that ankle
turn did not look good. I hated that hit, by
the way, and I'm not I'm not calling it dirty
or anything like that. I think that sloppy football creates
sloppy circumstances. And it was a weird play by Jaden
to sprint to the sideline. It's weird to and it

looked like it was a high ankle turn. I don't
expect him to play this week against Washington. What if
Noah Fafida goes out there and he looks better, then
what what would you do? George?

Speaker 2 (39:27):
Oh, I'm playing, I'm starting Noah Fafita. Ralph, I don't know.
I have some news for you. This is not college
football related, but it just bang on my screen like
three times. The Portland Trailblazers, Milwaukee Bucks, and Phoenix Suns

have agreed on a three team trade.

Speaker 3 (39:56):
Well that's PAC twelve news, then, isn't it blazing?

Speaker 2 (39:59):
I'm guessing who do you who? Do you think the Blazers.

Speaker 3 (40:02):
Get DeAndre Aydon probably yep. Who do you think that's
a University of Arizona? Who do you think Joseph Nurkic damn?

Speaker 2 (40:12):
How does he know this?

Speaker 3 (40:13):
It's just been a rumor for a week.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
And the Bucks get Damian Lillard. Oh my god, yo yo,
Dame didn't get to go where he wanted to go.
But dude, on a side note, that is the greatest
thing for the Milwaukee Bucks. They're gonna have Middleton, They're
gonna have Giannis, They're gonna have Dame Lillard. So Dame

Lillard is the guy who can take all the shots now,
like when it comes down to making a big shot.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

Speaker 3 (40:46):
Anyway, if the Bucks win the title, I'm gonna be
so mad because the Phoenix Suns will help them, help
them do it, and I don't know if we're better.

Speaker 2 (40:58):
Yeah, okay, all right, but that was technically packed.

Speaker 3 (41:02):
Twelve news because DeAndre Aten's a wildcat. But bye bye da.
He was sort of fun watching you never draw foul.
I wanted him to be good so bad. I wanted
him to be good so bad, But I've never in
my life never seen a big man that afraid of contact. Ever. Yeah,
I've never seen.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
A big man score ten much, which is.

Speaker 3 (41:24):
Man scores ten points every first quarter in averages sixteen.

Speaker 2 (41:27):

Speaker 3 (41:28):
I don't know what to do with that.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
Yeah, all right, So let's get back to regularly schedule programming.
Stanford played two quarterbacks, Justin Lampson and Ashton Daniels. This
they threw for two hundred and forty six yards, no touchdowns.
But this continual like playing like some of these places,

playing multiple quarterbacks. This is such a bad idea, such
a bad idea.

Speaker 3 (42:00):
Yes, I don't know who. I don't know. I don't
know what they're doing. I don't know what they're doing.
They have a mobile quarterback and they have a like
a downfield passer. The mobile quarterback isn't doing anything. The
downfield passer is turning the ball over a bunch.

Speaker 2 (42:25):
So pick one and Taylor your offense to that guy.
That's the that's the answer, that's the.

Speaker 3 (42:32):
You can't they're flipping them in game.

Speaker 2 (42:35):
Yeah, it's foolishness.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
Do you have to ask yourself why there are multiple
quarterbacks in college football right now that could have been
your starter this year that left to go play elsewhere. Yep,
that's like Louisville's starting court louis four and oh.

Speaker 2 (42:58):
Right, yep, yes they are. They're still undefeated in the ACC.

Speaker 3 (43:02):
With Jack Plumber at quarterback. That should be your starter.
So I don't know they're bad.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
Yeah, and they play Oregon this week, and then at Colorado, UCLA, Washington,
Washington State, Oregon State, Cal, and then Notre Dame. I
would be very surprised if they win more than the
one game that they've won already.

Speaker 3 (43:35):
Yeah, how do you stop Washington, by the way, is
it possible?

Speaker 2 (43:41):
Yes, yes, it is possible. Oregon will show you how
to do it in a few weeks. But no, no, no,
But but if we're being serious, so let's go to
that Washington game, Washington fifty nine, Cal thirty two. So
first thing is to stop Washington number one. You have

to score points, have to score points, and scoring points
is going to be not like like you like. You
cannot turn the ball over against this team. And you
must get a pass rush because if you get a
pass rush, you can affect Michael Pennocks junior. Now, Oregon

showed that they could do it in the first half
last year, but you have to continuously do it because
they can score extremely easily, like like it is a
it is unreal how easy that this team scores. Michael
Pennicks is accurate. This offense is explosive. So but this
team can be scored upon. So there's no lead that

is big enough for you for them to be out
of the football game. There's no lead, so you have
to continuously score. So you're gonna have to score forty
five points to beat this team. But you can hold
them to thirty two points if you play high quality defense.
Your dbs have to be good, and truth be told,

we haven't seen anybody that can. I mean it's their
first halves. They scored forty five points in the first
half versus Cows forty five to twelve.

Speaker 3 (45:28):
But the points before Michael Pennix even took the field. Yes,
the punt return, the interception return Roma Duneesay is a monster.

Speaker 2 (45:39):
Yeah, you have to keep them. Yeah, you have to
keep them at bay. Like you can't give them free points.
Like Michael Pennock Junior, they score fifty nine points. He
was only able to throw for three hundred and four
yards only. No, I'm serious, I mean that's that's well
below his standard m.

Speaker 3 (46:01):
Yeah, like like twenty five percent less.

Speaker 2 (46:03):
Yeah. So Cal did a good job of containing him.
But the problem was is that they just gave them
too many points. And Cow has a quarterback problem. Ben Finley,
Sam Jackson. They started Ben Finley in this game. He
went seventeen for thirty two for two hundred and seven
yards and two touchdowns, three interceptions. Sam Jackson came in

ten for fourteen for one p fifty six and a touchdown.
They got to pick a quarterback to Ralph, they gotta
pick a quarter way.

Speaker 3 (46:35):
I just realized were you talking about Stanford's quarterback situation earlier? Yes, Oh,
I thought you were talking about Cal.

Speaker 2 (46:43):

Speaker 3 (46:43):
I was like, okay, ro same same issues, same issues.
But I would rather at this point have Col's. I
would rather have Stanford's quarterback room than Col's because at
least it at least it's like we're trying to find
the person who can move the ball best and our
whole team is down with Cal. It's like we've got
a pretty good team, our offensive line is over performing,

and you know, our quarterback situation is ruining this entire season.

Speaker 2 (47:12):

Speaker 3 (47:13):
So yeah, I thought I thought you had already jumped
into the Oh my god, that's so funny. That's yeah. Anyway, anyway, No,
Cal's in a bad place. I've never in my life,
I just want to say this about Michael Pennis, and
you were a professional route runner. You're paid to run routes.
I've never in my life seen a quarterback like make

all of their money on seven and eight routes. This
this is like the deep post. God, if you give
him four seconds, he's going to hit somebody running a.

Speaker 2 (47:45):
Post yards down the field.

Speaker 3 (47:48):
Over and over and they're not going to have to adjust.
They're not going to have to adjust, not a bit.
He's going to hit them in stride. It is crazy
because I've seen people complain about his footwork. I've seen
people complain about other stuff to do with Michael Pennis,
and I'm like, good, somebody very much smarter than me
is gonna have to explain. Because I'm not looking at like, oh,

is he going to be in the NFL. I'm looking
at like, can anybody stop him at the college level
without hitting him within four seconds of him taking a stack?
I don't know if it's possible. I don't know what
coverages you have forty five yards down the field to
cover people that are crossing thirty yards down the field
and end up forty five yards down the field.

Speaker 2 (48:27):
Bruh, it is wild. Pass rush is the pass rush
is the key. But this team is really good, bro. Like,
I mean, I know that the complaint against Washington is
and it's fair and justified that they haven't played the
toughest schedule that you've ever seen in your life. But
because they've played Boise, who's just okay this year, Tulsa,

Michigan State, who stinks in cal So, and then they
play Arizona. So that's the question is are they going
to be fully tuned up when they play against Oregon
in a couple of weeks Because Washington plays against Arizona
this week and then the following week them and Oregon

are off and then Washington Oregon play, So are they
going to be fully tuned up for the physicality and
everything that that game is going to bring when they
haven't had to have that?

Speaker 3 (49:33):
Yeah? Absolutely, all right.

Speaker 2 (49:36):
The next game up, we got USC and Arizona State. First.
USC forty two, Arizona State twenty eight. First thing is
Kenny Dillingham, who took back play calling duties this week
from Bowl Baldwin Yo. Kenny, Kenny, uh. You you were

the OC at Oregon last year. You were a wizard
there and dude, his wizardry was I don't know how.
I don't know how, Ralph, that they were able to
do this, like to practice all of those trick plays

and gadget plays out the whole week.

Speaker 3 (50:29):
What a great point that was. I was thinking about
that too. I'm like, don't you only I mean, I'll
be honest, Like a lot of those trick plays did
look very like drawn up on the sideline, like.

Speaker 2 (50:43):
Like, haven't you run out of them?

Speaker 3 (50:47):
He's like, no, no, it felt like they're being drawn
up in the dirt, like on the playground with a stick,
like all right, you you run this? Like I think
Cam Scattabo said that first punt fake was improvised. That's
psychotic to me. I've never had that much freedom at

a job in my life.

Speaker 2 (51:13):
This Arizona State team, if they had so Drew Pine
in that game, like it looked like Scatterboo was having fun.
It looked like the rest of the Arizona State, especially
Arizona State Defense, they were having a blast. Drew Pine
looked like he was the most miserable person in college football.

Speaker 3 (51:34):
Yeah. I didn't watch enough Notre Dame last year to
know if like that was, like if that was a
common thing, And I don't I'm not usually like critical
of players during games on tweets. I don't really like
to say like, oh, this player is, you know, looking
this way or coming off this way. But it was
just so obvious he looked after every play he you

know what it looked like is it looked like his
dad was the coach and that he knew he's gonna
get yelled at in the car on the drive home. Ah,
Like it just it just he looked miserable. He looked miserable,
and it was And I guess it was contrasted against
a game that was so fun, so fun because on

one side of the ball you get to watch Caleb
Williams uh and just an unbelievable receiving corps and Marshaun Lloyd,
which good luck stopping him to the rest of that quote,
is a good running back, yes, yes, And and then
on the other side you're watching Asu like like draw
plays like it's the Little Giants.

Speaker 5 (52:37):
Or something, and Puerto Rico, Yeah, and and and so,
like you're waiting with baited breath on every Arizona State
snap if it's going to be a complete disaster, which
I gotta tell you half their plays were complete disasters.

Speaker 3 (52:52):
They were running bubble screens.

Speaker 2 (52:53):
To mirror go to the next play. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
It was like I've i the game was so fun
on both ends of the ball. I'm gonna miswatching Kata
Williams so much. He struggled his way to accounting for
five touchdowns. Yeah, he's struggled way to accounting for five touchdowns. Yes,
because Brian Ward. Brian Ward put him through hell last
year when he was the Wazoo defensive coordinator. USC got him.

Speaker 2 (53:16):
I'm telling you this right now, USC can be beat
the the the team that I'm pointing to. I think
that Utah can get them again. If Cam Rising plays
ever again.

Speaker 3 (53:35):
He's yeah, he's Cam staying right now.

Speaker 2 (53:38):
Yeah, because if if you notice that line moved right
before the game, because they it had moved from three
to six and a half and then it went back
down to three. I was like, oh, he's not playing
right so so who knows what the hell is going
on there? But but USC, they're vulnerable bro, everybody's pointing
to them, this team can be beat by Washington, by Oregon,

by Utah. I actually think that from what I've seen
so far Oregon and watching another two best teams in
the conference, I.

Speaker 3 (54:10):
Believe all I would say like, look down the PAC
twelve rosters, find the running backs that can throw, and
those are the teams that are gonna beat you. What
is you like? So I tweeted like Cam Scatabo's gotta
be like USC fans gotta be having nightmares about this guy.
He is short, thick, sneaky athletic. I'll let you figure

out what that means. And he's got the balance of
a Boston Dynamics.

Speaker 2 (54:40):
That touchdown that he scored, or that that that long
run where he bowled over two people that those were
would have if he had gotten tackled by either one
of those tackles, nobody would have been like, oh okay,
that's a good, good play. But he turned that not
one crazy broken tackle, getting keeping his balance to two.
It was a hard catch to be good. That was

an amazing play. I am. I don't. I didn't think
that Arizona State was gonna be any fun to watch
after they got absolutely obliterated last week. But listen, they
might be onto something.

Speaker 3 (55:16):
He'll be watchable football as all we can ask for
at this point. And I want to give a shout
out because I talked to him after the game, Brendan Rice.
Dear god, dude, because not every USC receiver gets to
shine every game. Yes, and how could you? How could
you in that in that roster seven tubs And this

is in his home state, on the field where he
came out for a visit, and Antonio Pierce said, don't
set foot on my grass unless you're ready to commit.
Chase him out of there. So he ended up going
to Colorado instead, and now he's transferred to USC. But like,
it had to feel pretty good for I know Antonio
Pierce isn't there anymore, but I it had to feel
pretty good for him to go out there and show

out in his hometown. And I remember he had like
the biggest recruiting rivalry at the time with Chad Johnson junior,
because Chad Johnson Junior would talk.

Speaker 2 (56:08):
Trash, like where's Chad Johnson Junior.

Speaker 3 (56:12):
No, he's like twitch streaming, He's I think he graduated,
he's done with football. But I pointed out to Brent
was like, Hey, Brent, yeah, yeah, he played three years.
He was on the team for three years. Okay, But
I pointed out to Brennan and I was like, you
had more touchdowns today than Chad Johnson Junior had catches
in his entire college career. Like, because Chad Johnson Junior
used to just be on Brendan Rice's ass when they

were coming out of high school and they had this
kind of like fun It was a fun rivalry, but
at the same time, it was like, you know, I
wonder sometimes that Brendan took it personally at all, but yeah,
it just it had to feel really good for him
to do what he did.

Speaker 2 (56:47):
I think it absolutely did.

Speaker 1 (56:49):
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Speaker 2 (57:01):
All Right, Next game up, Utah fourteen, UCLA seven. Lord
have mercy, Ralph. This game was painful to watch, dude.
This game was the most exciting thing that happened in
this entire game happened on the first play of the game,
and that was Dante Moore throwing a pick six. Now

We talked about this, right, which was how was Dante
Moore going to react to being in a hostile environment
his first time, first start outside of the friendly confines,
the you know, quiet confines of the Rose Bowl and
Rice Echles was not going to be a pretty place.
And he started it out with a bad pick nasty

time on a slant and pick six, and UCLA was
never able to recover offensively, but their defense was just,
I mean beyond outstanding. Yes on both of.

Speaker 3 (57:59):
Our Should a recap of the game be over after
your one sentence? Just like this game was over after
the first play, Brother. This game reminded me of was
it San Diego Fourth of July where they accidentally set
every firework off at the exact same time? Yes, that's
what this game was. It's just you could.

Speaker 2 (58:20):
Have gone home. Yeah, yeah, literally, the game was over
after that. Dante Moore ended up fifteen for thirty five.
He was struggling, receivers were struggling to get open Ucla, Ralph.
When I tell you this, this number and I know

it does account for what would be the lowest yards
per carry that you've ever seen a team average.

Speaker 3 (58:48):
Well, Colorado does about one point eight every week.

Speaker 2 (58:52):
Well, uh, you CLA finished this game at point one
I'm sorry, point three zero point three yards per rush. Now,
if you do take Dante Moore's ten for negative fifty
one out, then they're still only averaging two point seven

yards to carry. So this is the team that ran
for that damn near four hundred yards last game. Yeah,
Utah put them in a headlock. Bro. They put them
in a headlock and gave them a nuggie. This was
I mean like this was headlock nuggie, pull you up

by your underwear and give you a wedgie like that's
and then and then dump you in the toilet bowl
and give you a swirlly like that's what they did
to UCLA's offense. But but UCLA's offense did the exact
same thing that Utah's offense. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (59:54):
Well, and then at the same time, like you couldn't
be comfortable if you're at this stadium, if you're at
Rice Ecles and you're watching this game like you're into it,
but at the same time, like I would have, I
would slept terribly after this game because like it's just
anxiety the entire time when your defense plays this well,
when when when Junior Tafuna is healthy and like they're

you're not letting them get anything. This looked a lot
like the Baylor game, right, it looked a lot like
the first three quarters of that Florida game.

Speaker 2 (01:00:25):

Speaker 3 (01:00:26):
This this defense is just vicious and they get after it.
But at no point did you have the game put away. No,
there was no point in this entire game. We're joking
saying was over after one play, because it technically was.
But at no point during this game you were one
I think didn't you see La have like a dropped
touchdown home?

Speaker 2 (01:00:44):
Yes, yes, you went to a red zone like you were. Yes,
you were a you know, a a weird somebody fell
down and away from being in overtime.

Speaker 3 (01:00:57):
Right, So it's weird because you're undefeated. Almost all your
wins are good wins. Yeah, but you don't know if
your team's good or not.

Speaker 2 (01:01:08):
Correct, You have no clue if your team is good.
You're just you're just like twenty sixteen. Hey we're making it. Hey,
we're making it. Let's tophen cam Risen comes back at
some point in time. He warmed up this week, though,
So I don't know if that means any good.

Speaker 3 (01:01:26):
I feel like he's been out there tricking people for
the last couple of weeks. Other people have talked about
Utah and how they hide their injuries and stuff, and
at this point, like you and I just agreed that
they are who they are. That's what we agreed on
last week, and we're gonna judge him that way, and
our rankings warflect that. But it does they do at
this point in the season kind of remind me of

twenty sixteen. Arizona State started five and oh, a couple
of people got hurt, finished five and seven. They can't
go from where they're at right now.

Speaker 2 (01:02:00):
Oh, offically, they can't get worse.

Speaker 3 (01:02:03):
Yes, I agree, any team, any team scores twenty four
against them, which is not a good offensive game. Any
team scores twenty four against them. And I'm not one
hundred percent convinced that you talk and manchin.

Speaker 2 (01:02:16):
Oh, oh, for sure, for sure, if Oregon State scores
twenty one, they're gonna win. They play Oregon State this weekend.
If Oregon State scores twenty one, with assuming I mean,
I don't even know if cam Rising is gonna play
or not. But Utah is favored by three points. And
we'll get to that in a minute. But I just

don't know what to make it, as dude, I don't,
I literally do not know what to make of this
Utah team. I'm happy that they are ranked extremely high,
but if they play, if they play Clemson, I feel
like it would be like a three to zero game.
Utah would probably win or Clemson could win because they

have some really good players who might make one play,
like like the whole game is gonna hinge on one
play like that pick six or a fumble that goes
for a touchdown. Like that's the way they're playing football.
And you cannot play like this because I don't care
how good Utah's defense is. You're not holding Washington under

twenty one points. You're not holding Oregon or USC under
twenty one points. So you must score. But but the
other the part that concerns me is this offense looks
so bad. I don't know how much better it can.
I mean, granted you put Cam Rising in, it's going

to be better. I just am not. I just don't
know how much better it's going to be with Cam Rising. Like,
does this go from a you know, a twenty one
point a game off? Well, NAXI not even twenty one points.
If this goes from like an eighteen point a game
offense to like a thirty five, is it that big

of an increase?

Speaker 3 (01:04:06):
Maybe maybe maybe because they're not they're not getting off
the field. They look like you had pointed out that
you thought they had receiver talent this year. Yeah, so
maybe it really does matter that much with with with
just one player, but who that's a tough place to
be in. It's a tough place to be and you want,

you know, I look at USC and I'm like, if
Kayleb william goes down, Miller Moss is at least gonna
come in and he's he's gonna be okay. If Dante
More goes down, Ethan Garber's gonna come in and at
least he's gonna be.

Speaker 2 (01:04:38):
He's gonna at least be able to do what they
did last week.

Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
Dylan Morris isn't gonna be Michael Pennix, but he's not
gonna lose you games. You're gonna have to rely on
the defense. But he's been at Washington for fifty six years.
You're gonna be okay. Oregon State knows how to navigate
issues at at at quarterback. You know, Utah is the
one school where it's like, oh, they're either going to

compete for a championship or they're going to compete for
a bowl game, depending on who is a quarterback. And
it's not even a quarterback that's going to be like
a first second round NFL draft pick.

Speaker 2 (01:05:13):
Yep. Yeah. And these stats, bro, like, these stats are
getting wild. It is amazing that Utah is able to
win with with the amount of you know, with with
the amount of what's not happening on the offensive end.

So this defense is they look incredible. I am I'm astounded, bro,
But we are gonna figure out where they're at. And
then the other part of Cam rising coming back is
how long is it going to take for him to
fully get engaged and in the in the team well

in the season. So so stats, Utah is averaging twenty
two point two two points a game. Twenty two point
two and they're four and oh the worst team offensively.
Let let's put this in perspective. Stanford is averaging twenty
two point five points a game. They're one in three.

Arizona State is averaging sixteen point two I would say,
sixteen point seven points a game. They're one in three.
So the fact that they're four and oh is mind bending, Dude,
mind bending. They're only giving up two hundred and sixty
three yards of offense, so is UCLA. This is this
is crazy. Their scoring defense is only giving up nine

and a half points a game. UCLA is giving up
eleven Oregon thirteen, Arizona sixteen, Washington seventeen, Oregon State seventeen,
USC twenty. Bro, this is wild. Like, how good the
Pac twelve defenses have been? Granted, conference play hasn't started yet,

but these non conference games would have normally been bad too.
If we're being honest.

Speaker 3 (01:07:07):
Yeah, I'm one hundred percent with you on this. I'm
worried for Utah's future. And at the same time they
could be our conference champion. No, I don't know, you don't.

Speaker 2 (01:07:19):
Think so, Bro, there is I'm telling you right now,
there's no chance you tak can win the conference looking
like this.

Speaker 3 (01:07:28):
No, not looking like this. Not looking like this, but like,
in the same way that you talk could get players back,
other teams could lose players like there's a within the variable,
within the realistic variables that exist, Utah could be our
conference champion. They're back to back as it is right now. Yeah,
y did they get did they get really did they

get surpassed? Or are they just very beat up right now?

Speaker 2 (01:07:55):
That's a good question. But the thing about being beat
up is when do you get back health? That's another question.

Speaker 3 (01:08:01):
Maybe never. That's what Arizona State's running into is they
keep running guys out there that aren't fully healthy. Now.
Drew Pine, who just started against USC, is knocked out
for a month. What Yeah, he has three different injuries
is what they said. They're not revealing what they are,
but he has three separate injuries. They're back to Trenton
Borgay coming off of a ankle sprain, and Jane Rashot

is out for the season. So the quarterbacks are.

Speaker 2 (01:08:28):
Jaden Rashata had crutches sitting next to him in the game.
I don't know if you saw that or not.

Speaker 3 (01:08:35):
I did. I did. I think, Yeah, he had some
type of surgical procedure and they're thinking red shirt for him.

Speaker 2 (01:08:43):
Yep. So that's a whole other can of worms and
nothing that. I don't think that this Arizona you know,
fan base, Arizona State fan base was obviously excited about
but Lord Heber's they are up against it. Washington State

thirty eight, Oregon State thirty five. This game appeared to
be a blowout Ralph. It appeared to be a blowout
and then it wasn't.

Speaker 3 (01:09:14):
Yeah. Yeah, toward the end of the game. I say,
toward the end of the game, it's more of the
second half they DJ, we gotta lay. He was running
and they have changed. I won't say that it changed
them from one dimensional offense to two dimensional offense. It
just gave them more threats in the running game. DJ

also had he had a couple of good passes in
this game, but he didn't. He didn't look super comfortable.
I think part of that is you You do have
to remember there are defensive coordinators in this conference who
got this job by being good at their job. Jake
Dickert is one of them. Well, that's not exactly how

he got his job, or not going to get that
right now. Shout out to Nick Rolovitch, who's like code
in the XFL now in the same state in Seattle. Uh,
but I think you have a good defense, right and
it kept him uncomfortable. Oregon State ran the ball very well,
but they were running the ball very well from a

hole they were down like fourteen to nothing pretty early on.
You know they Fenwick looked great. Uh did you know? Oh,
Yagula look good running the ball? Like I said, he
had a couple of good passes, but like did none
of it mattered because cam Ward is incredible.

Speaker 2 (01:10:38):
For thirty four for four hundred and four yards and
four touchdowns and they managed to run for one hundred
and eight yards too, so this was exactly what Oh
and then did he rush for a touchdown too? This
is exactly the way Washington State wants their offense to function.
And the Oregon State's defense is not bad, no, and

that that's the part that was shocking to me is
that they gave up thirty five points in the first
three quarters. They gave up twenty eight in the first half.
That was the part that was shocking to me.

Speaker 3 (01:11:11):
To beat to beat Oregon it was thirty five.

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
Fourteen going into the fourth quarter, so I was like,
oh damn, they're running away. And then they gave up
twenty one points in the fourth.

Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
To beat what's the best way to put this? To
beat Oregon State on both sides of the ball, you
have to play a perfect football game. And I don't
mean win. I mean beat them. Yeah, like Oregon State
is good enough on defense with the players they have
that you have to be perfect to really beat them.

Camboard was perfect. It was literally perfect in this game.
Did everything. And you don't really know as a team
how you're going to sit on a big lead unless
you have to do it against a good team. I don't,
I don't BlimE. I just thought it was an awesome
performance from Washington State. It was a it was a
great game, but it wasn't close. Despite the final score,
it was not close.

Speaker 2 (01:12:04):
Yes, I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:12:04):
I don't walk away with a ton of concerns for
Oregon State, but I do walk away saying, oh, they're
probably not going to be the contender for a conference
championship that a lot of people hoped that they would be.
This game we just saw was what a lot of
people were hoping would be there at the end, which
would be very funny, would be very funny.

Speaker 2 (01:12:25):
Well that listen. I can most assure you that it
will not be Washington State versus Oregon State for the
PAC twelve championship. I can assure you that it may
be one of it may be one of them involved
in that game, but it won't be both.

Speaker 3 (01:12:42):
Do you do you feel after watching this do you
feel even more so that like Washington State is for real? Yes?

Speaker 2 (01:12:48):
Yes, yes, and yeah and so I was gonna say
that it won't be Oregon State either, but it could
be Washington State. This This team is good, dude, This
team is good, and they are going to get the
test of a lifetime uh coming up here in a
few weeks. Like it is going to get rougher and
tougher as the season continues to go on.

Speaker 3 (01:13:11):
I want to interrupet because I want to ask you
one question that just points out that Washington State is
kind of like up against it media wise. Let's say
Washington goes ten and two.

Speaker 2 (01:13:21):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (01:13:22):
Michael Panics plays exactly how he's playing right now.

Speaker 2 (01:13:25):

Speaker 3 (01:13:26):
Let's say USC goes ten and two. Okay, Caleb Williams
plays exactly how he's playing right now. Nothing changes. Oregon
goes eleven and one, Yes, Bo Nicks plays exactly how
he's playing right now. Okay, nothing changes. While Zoo goes undefeated,
nothing changes about the way that cam Ward is playing

right now. Do you think the media of this country
will give the heisman to cam Ward over Caleb Williams,
Michael Panics.

Speaker 2 (01:14:00):
Okay, so them staying undefeated would mean that he made
the playoff. The answer, will they give him the Heisman? No?
Will they invite him to the Heisman? Yes? I mean that. Well,
actually that that would mean that he beat a bunch

of really good teams as well, and he beat those
quarterbacks head to head. So I guess that makes it
more likely because they do play bow Knicks in Oregon
in a few weeks. They play Washington in the last
game of the season. They don't play USC. So yeah,

so if he played USC too, yes, But now now
they'll give it to to Caleb for a second time
first or to my Michael Penick Judior because they have
at least, you know, had that sort of reputation. And
this is like preseason rankings. Preseason rankings matter all right

now it is time for our Pac twelve Power rankings
for this week, and it was Ralph's turn to do them,
and he got them spot on again, spot on. We
we have a bead and a clear a clear understanding
about where we stand on these things, Ralph clear understanding

and uh and I actually love it. I love that
we are here and that and that we are dare
I say, simpatico?

Speaker 3 (01:15:38):
Are we spending too much time together? Or is the
PAC twelve just making it easy on us?

Speaker 2 (01:15:43):
PAC twelve is making it easy on us. It's it's
way easier. So Washington number one? Why is Washington number one?
Because they were number one last week and they nothing
that and everything that they put on film said that
they should still be number one right now?

Speaker 3 (01:16:02):
Defense, special teams, offense.

Speaker 2 (01:16:04):
Yes, everything's going well. They did give up thirty two
points to cal As a little concerning. People might call
them garbage points, but the different but I don't subscribe
to that because those people that gave up those points
at the end, those are the same people when you
have a sprained ankle a strained back, that are going
to be in the football game because it is a

long football season, so they should be coming in playing
well as well.

Speaker 3 (01:16:30):
Wasn't that a big problem for Washington last year though?
They were just giving up like truckloads of garbage points. Yes,
because their defense looked terrible, but they were winning games
by two scores.

Speaker 2 (01:16:43):
Exactly exactly, all right. Number two the Oregon Ducks. I
think that that one feels easy too. But like we've said,
like we said a couple of weeks ago that one
that eight was like the hardest thing, and now I
would say one to three is the hardest right now.

But I think that there's a clear one. Oregon dominated.
USC struggled with with with the Arizona State. Even though
they won and they were never in danger, it just
didn't look like you wanted to look.

Speaker 3 (01:17:20):
I think Arizona State had the ball down six, like
with eight minutes left in the game, so there was danger, but.

Speaker 2 (01:17:27):
It never amounted to anything because they couldn't get because
they actually had two drives where they were down six
and they couldn't get anything going on either one. Had
they had taken that the lead in that game, that
would have been wild.

Speaker 3 (01:17:42):
Ap would have dropped them ten spots in seven.

Speaker 2 (01:17:44):
Three oh oh for sure. Number three USC, number four,
Washington State, number five, Oregon State, that made it easy.
Number six Utah. I can hear Utah fans screaming right now, numbers.
How could you put us number six? You've watched your
football team.

Speaker 3 (01:18:04):
That six is the number of offensive points you scored
at home against UCLA. Six is the number of the day.

Speaker 2 (01:18:15):
Yes, and a pick six is what gave you the victory.
Number seven Colorado after they got blown out there ahead
of u c. L A at number eight. Yes, UCLA
couldn't score the football they're they're playing with a freshman
at quarterback. It's it is what it is. You are
going to have some struggles. And this is what Chip

Kelly is doing with Dante Moore, exactly what he did
with dtr letting him play through his troubles. Now, this
upcoming week has got to be better. But still number
nine Arizona. They got to figure out their quarterback situation
right now. But they're but they're three and one, so
that's what matters. Cal number ten, Zona State number eleven.

I was considering changing Arizona State and Cal, but Arizona
State as bad of a quarterback situation as it seems
like it is at Cal, it's worse at Arizona State.
They because they literally don't have options available. They don't
have Jade Rashata or Drew Pine available at this time.

So it is Trenton Borgay's team. Like, I don't even
think you could he could throw five picks. I don't
even think you can take him out. Now.

Speaker 3 (01:19:32):
I hope that doesn't happen, but I agree.

Speaker 2 (01:19:35):
And number twelve Stanford, Yeah, there's no there's nothing even
to talk about there.

Speaker 1 (01:19:41):
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Speaker 2 (01:19:54):
So now the games this week. We got a short slate,
which is always cool for US. First game up Utah
at Oregon State Oregon State minus three over under forty
four and a half, Ralph.

Speaker 3 (01:20:12):
It's in Corvallis.

Speaker 2 (01:20:20):
I am taking Oregon. I'm letting everybody know right now,
I'm taking Oregon State, and I'm assuming. I'm just gonna
assume that cam Ward is not gonna put I mean
cam Ward, the cam Rising is not gonna play. I
don't believe he's gonna play until he plays. Therefore, I'm
taking the under in this game. They will both score

under twenty points. So uh yeah, so give me or
at least Utah will So give me Oregon State, uh
minus three, and I'll take the under.

Speaker 3 (01:20:54):
I'm gonna rubber stamp this, but I do think it
is the matchup of maybe the best.

Speaker 2 (01:21:01):
In these games on Friday. So weird stuff happens.

Speaker 3 (01:21:04):
Yes, I think this might be the matchup of maybe
the best offensive line, definitely the best offensive line coach
I think in the conference against the best defensive line.
Why not? Why why not? Let's have a like, let's
have a let's have an eleven to seven score a
Gami game or something like that. Favor of Oregon State.

I'm going with the Beeves all right, and over under
as far under as under gets seven to three Oregon States.

Speaker 2 (01:21:35):
Oh my god, that is definitely possible. Uh USC at
Colorado USC. Okay, So, Oregon was a twenty one point favorite,
right and the over under was seventy and I'm pretty
and that did not hit clearly because Oregon was the
only people who scored points basically, so over under seventy

four and a half. USC is favored by a half
half point more than Oregon was twenty one and a half.
Give me Colorado, give me the over. I feel really
good about this, really, yes, feel really good about it.

Not for Colorado winning, but this being a much closer
game than people think it's going to be.

Speaker 3 (01:22:25):
After watching USC very closely this last week, they're going
to score so many points in Colorado and after and
everybody else this scoreboard. Yeah, no, they this is a
Paul west head offense. For my like this, this is

insanity what they're doing in LA. However, one of the
big reasons why ASU didn't win. That's so wild to
say that, but win against USC this last week is
Drew Pine is a statue Shador Sanders is not a statue. Correct.
This offensive line is not gonna block for him, but

he will create his own pocket and he'll get the
ball down the field. Fourteen point win, just like against ASU,
makes sense to me. But if USC, if it was
late in the game before USC ended up with forty two,
I think they're gonna go into the fourth quarter of
forty two, so it gonna be forty nine thirty five USC.

So I will take the over and Colorado.

Speaker 2 (01:23:32):
Yep, all right. Oregon is Stanford at Stanford. Oregon is
minus twenty seven over under sixty one. Ralph, this is
a conference game. I just want everybody to understand this,
that these are like that. This is a Georgia line.
This is an Alabama line minus twenty seven in a

conference game.

Speaker 3 (01:23:58):
Okay, I'm gonna lean on your your football playing experience
at a high level to ask you a question here,
what goes into a letdown? What happens when you beat
a team, maybe maybe beat a team you shouldn't stop.
It's definitely not right.

Speaker 2 (01:24:14):
It's the it's the energy and the intensity at practice.

Speaker 3 (01:24:18):
Okay, is it possible? Is it possible that it that
Oregon comes out a little sluggish because they just there
was a lot going on last week and this week
it's going to be crickets.

Speaker 2 (01:24:31):
See if that if Oregon had been super emotional in
the game, if you had saw the players like committing
a couple of personal files and stuff like that, then yeah.
But though the way the coaches handled it and talked
about it, it felt like that that was the business

that they expected, you know what I mean. Like it
didn't feel like that they played up you see what
I'm saying. It didn't feel like they played their best game.
But it felt like they played really good on defense.
But it didn't feel like they played their best game,
particularly offensively. So being that you didn't play your best game,
there's gonna be plenty for the coaches to harp on

and for you too, and for a guy like bo Nicks.
So I don't think that a letdown is necessarily possible.
It's particularly on the offensive end, but on the defensive end,
they cannot allow big plays and you'll see what this
team is really made of, like this week, if they

go out and stop a mud hole in Stanford two oh,
you know that they can stay focused from a big
hyped game to not.

Speaker 3 (01:25:45):
I love the idea of it's Oregon versus Oregon. Showed
that video to my wife. She was like, that line
is goosebumps, Like, yeah, I love that. I just was curious.
I really wanted to know because there's not going to
be any energy around this game at all. No, no, no,
and they they were. They were just in the middle
of a lightning storm.

Speaker 2 (01:26:03):
So and Oregon at twelve NET think think about about this.
So we got Oregon or Oregon State in Utah and
FS one Utah Colorado on Fox and the other three games.
So we got Oregon top ten team, Washington top ten
team in the Darkness on pac twelve. Yeah. So but

I'm I as an Oregon fan, I like this right
now because they're flying. Everybody's talking about USC everybody's talking
about Colorado, everybody's talking about Washington, and Oregon's just hey, hey,
I'm not gonna get get excited until after we beat Washington.
But this is this feels good. This feels good. Yeah,

all right, so I'm gonna take Oregon minus twenty seven
and the un I hate this.

Speaker 3 (01:27:00):
I have mean B two we were really in lockstep
right now, but I hate this over.

Speaker 2 (01:27:06):
Yeah, I don't I don't know how sixty one points
g get get scored unless Oregon scores fifty five of them.

Speaker 3 (01:27:14):
It's true, and even then it might be fifty five
to three.

Speaker 2 (01:27:17):
Yeah, so so so yeah, so that that is a
little bit weird. Uh. Arizona State col Cal is minus
twelve and a half over under forty seven the games
at Cal twelve pm kickoff. Arizona State is just reeling.

They they just gave everything that they had against Arizona State.
The injury report just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.
I don't know if they need a new strength of
conditioning coach. I don't know if I don't know what
they need some epsom, salt bath, some something some they
need to order. They need to stay up till four
o'clock in the morning and order some some holy water

or something.

Speaker 3 (01:28:03):
But I watched a full one of those commercials this week,
a full thirty minute one.

Speaker 2 (01:28:08):
Oh dude, dude, that's so much bogusness is hilarious.

Speaker 3 (01:28:12):
I've watched said I'm gonna send you a blessed dime,
A blessed dime. Oh don't Maybe maybe they should call.

Speaker 2 (01:28:23):
Yeah. I don't trust cow, bro, I don't trust col Yeah.
I feel like I trust Dillingham more than I trust Cow.
But Cow's defense should be able to do a good job.
I am going to take Cow minus forty minus twelve
and a half and forty seven is the under. Oh god,

the yuck. I'm gonna take the.

Speaker 3 (01:28:48):

Speaker 2 (01:28:50):
I'm gonna take the under.

Speaker 3 (01:28:52):
I was gonna I was gonna say, this actually might
be the best one. I feel like of all of
the of all of the totals, unless unless Cal has
the discipline to run the ball every time, because I'm
not one hundred percent sure this Brian Ward defense is
all that great against them.

Speaker 2 (01:29:08):
I'm telling you this will not be like a twenty
one ten game. This is gonna have like weird numbers.
It's gonna be like twenty two to twelve or like
you know this this has scored got me written all
over it because you may have a safety, you may
end up with a one point safety. You may end

up with a bunch of field goals, one touchdown, a
missed extra point. This is not gonna be one of
them straightforward games. I don't know how Cal wins by
twelve and a half points, but I'm gonna take it,
I feel like, but I feel good about the forty
seven under though.

Speaker 3 (01:29:50):
Well. As a as somebody who covers high school football
in the state of Arizona, I will be glued to
this game in the event that it could possibly be
Ryan Finley against Trenton Borgay, because that Ryan Finley's somebody
who like played for such a small team in Arizona
like numbers wise that he played corner, quarterback, kicker, and punter.
He was never not on the field. And Trenton Borga

is the guy that got no offers out of high school,
so like no no major offers. So I would love
to see that be the matchup. And then you got
Brett Johnson and a bunch of other guys. Here's what
I'll say. If Arizona State's energy doesn't let down on
the defensive side of the football, this game will be close.
Arizona State has never traveled to California, well never especially

nor Cal. Ever, Arizona State's not a good road team
and never has been. And I don't know why, but
this is not a good Cal team. It's not a
well coached Cal team. Yeah, when you said twenty two
to twelve, I could live with that, but that means
that Arizona State covers. So I'll take ASU in the.

Speaker 2 (01:30:57):
Under a right, you believe that you could be right
on pace? Right there, buddy? All right, all right? Last
game up that we have is Washington at Arizona Washington
minus eighteen over under sixty seven and a half. Where

are you at on this? Ralph?

Speaker 3 (01:31:23):
Arizona showed that their defense is pretty capable. I'm only
saying that because I don't like the sixty seven and
a half.

Speaker 2 (01:31:34):
Wait, say what you said it? You don't like the
sixty seven and a half?

Speaker 3 (01:31:38):
Not really, not really, I just I feel like Arizona's
defense has been they've been capable. Yes, Stanford got twenty
on them in part because they u A. Wasn't doing
anything on the offensive side of the football, really correct,
So I don't know though, I mean, like forty seven

to twenty is sixty seven. That's and it might be
no I would say at this point we probably depend
on it being Noah Fafida.

Speaker 2 (01:32:15):

Speaker 3 (01:32:18):
So a first ever start against the Washington defense. They're
giant corners. Gosh, this could be bad, dude, this could
be real bad. The only thing that's making me not
jump in right away and be like, oh Washington, uh
is is that this game is in the black hole

that is Tucson, YEP.

Speaker 2 (01:32:41):
Perfect place for Noah's first start. I give me the
Arizona Wildcats money plus eighteen ha ha ha.

Speaker 3 (01:32:54):
Look at you're gonna say money line got hel he No.
I know you love Noah Ffida. You've been saying it
on this podcas cast for three years.

Speaker 2 (01:33:01):
Yeah, he's and he's throwing a team Mac, his old
high school wide receiver who's killing already. And I do
not believe he has a propensity to turn the ball
over as much as Jaden DeLaura does. So, uh, give
me the the Wildcats and give me the OVA.

Speaker 3 (01:33:24):
Okay, I have to do something different than you, So
I will take Washington and the under but I don't
Tucson is one of those places, especially for Pacific Northwest teams,
you just don't know what how they're going to react
to it. And it's the late night game, right yep. Man,
I would love nothing more than for Washington to go

out and just prove that they're for real, to steamroll Arizona.
But it's just Washington in the state of Arizona is terrible.

Speaker 2 (01:33:52):
They're terrible, Yep, yep, and Arizona's one of them places.
It's like a black hole, is like going to wild Zoo.
It's hard, dude, It's super super hard. So yep, all right,
So can you tell the people what happened with our
players of a week last? Last week? I'm crying tears.

Speaker 3 (01:34:11):
Rock Fight, boring Wind on my part whins to win,
though Bucky Irving's like the only guy that didn't get
his whore.

Speaker 2 (01:34:18):
I was looking. I was like, I was like, I
got a chance. I got a chance.

Speaker 3 (01:34:23):
And Tim mac had like the worst game of his college.

Speaker 2 (01:34:25):
Yes. I was like, come on, bro, how's that possible?

Speaker 3 (01:34:31):
I won, like if it was like a yardage contest.
I won like negative two yards to your negative five exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:34:39):
All right, who are you taking this week?

Speaker 3 (01:34:44):
Well, now that I've closed the gap, I have to
start being smart, right It can't be like as big
of a risk taker. So give me. I really want
to use one of my quarterbacks this week. Blah, you

got me in my head. Give me Bonix.

Speaker 2 (01:35:15):
Oh, I'm just gonna pick.

Speaker 3 (01:35:17):
A different duck every weekend. I'm gonna win.

Speaker 2 (01:35:19):
I'm gonna go have you mad at your own team. Oh,
you are going to be mad at my pick this week, buddy. Okay,
Marshawn Lloyd, Oh no, oh no, I'm gonna lose.

Speaker 3 (01:35:46):
Hopefully ends up a Bucky Irving situation where everybody scores
but him.

Speaker 2 (01:35:53):
You have yards. It'll be fine.

Speaker 3 (01:35:56):
That's true. That's true.

Speaker 2 (01:35:57):
Oh my god, I'm so mad you've miss that when
that was such a layup, just sitting there, just just
waiting for you. Buddy.

Speaker 3 (01:36:06):
I should know better too. I went out and watched
him play live a couple times last year. He's a monster.

Speaker 2 (01:36:10):
Yep, yep, little fire hydrant. You guys, I'm George Reister.
He's Ralph Amsdy. This is to pack twelve apostles. Peace out,
Catch you guys later.
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