Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Comedy Central. It's been a hell of
a week. W NBA star Britney Grinder was found guilty
in Russia and prosecutors are recommending a brutal nine and
a half years over a damn date pen. Meanwhile, in
this country, the fans finally arrested the cops responsible for
Brianna Taylor's death. I proposed a trade the cop who
killed Brianna for Brittany because clearly Russia loves the prosecute shooters.
I'll go by the name of Charlomagne to God. And
it's been a hell of a week. Queen Nola, let's
go hello the one all the man knows. Honestly. Yes,
he's the author of Do the Work and Anti Racist
Activity book and host of the Emmy Award winning series
United States of America with W. Kmar Bell. It is
comedian w. Camar Bell. Fack uh. She's a CNN political
commentator and columnists for the n Y Daily News. Please
welcome se Cup. What's happening that Sea? And He's headlining
at Caroline's Comedy Club August fifth and six here in
New York City. Give it up for Michael Blacks and y'all.
How y'all feeling there? Y'all? Good? Good? It has been
a hell of a week. Monkey pops is the national emergency. Uh,
John Stewart, he shamed the GOP and passing the burned
bit pill, proving that shaming still works. All right, Maybe
we can get John to talk to DJ Kalett about
his weight. Maybe. Maybe. Meanwhile, nobody knows why Nancy Pelosi
went to Taiwan. My guest is to get an abortion.
And just when you think being married to Donald Trump
couldn't get any worse, he buries you on a golf course.
Even in deaf Evanna can't get away from Donald Trump's
tiny white bass. Now. Now, Avana wasn't the only stiff
on Donald Trump's golf course this week. Tucker Carlson and
Marjorie Taylor Green where in attendance is Trump hosted a
Saudi golf tour. Now, if you ask me, none of
us are in a moral position to tell someone how
should how they should make their money. Okay, we all
do business with various people and we don't know everything
they're into, but we don't care. We cash the checks
and I'm black. I want reparations so that means I
have no problem taking money from a morey corrupt country. Okay,
who who among us has turned it down? Seven hundred
million dollars? What do you Thinkssie? Well, listen, I mean
I won't work for like Fox. I mean that's my
my bars, my bars. I guess kind of. I've turned
down dirty money before. Okay, I need to sleep at night,
and sleeping on a pile of money isn't my thing.
But if you're the standard you're setting is you have
to know that all the money your take and it's pure,
that all the brands you buy, that, all the sneakers
you buy, the coffee you drink, that it's all pure
for you to have an opinion about. Yeah, it's just
you'll be broken. It's not a realistic standard. So I
think you make choices, you know, seven dollars and make
much away pretty easy. What about you, Mike? You know
I moved. Donald Trump is the nigga wig straight. Neither
is this brain. But he's a businessman. Yeah, you know, Um,
the only fun money I know right now, and when
you pay me to be here, motherfucker? Mr Bell? What
say you? I mean? First of all, yes, they're all
money isn't something to read dirty with making capitalism is
completely dirty, But there are degrees of dirty money. And
I think the real question here is it's not if
they were giving seven humillion dollars to single black moms
in Detroit. That's better, that's good money. But they're given
to Phil Nicholson. You already have hundreds of millions of dollars.
Is this gonna put you over the top? You got
your eye on a yacht you haven't picked out. Yeah,
it's like turning down poom poom when you're already sucking.
That's what I said. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Next topic,
Beyonce just sell nos. Carter got jumped this week by
disabled Twitter after the release of her latest album for
the use of the words spas and the song lyric Now.
Beyonce could have sent her favorite Hitchman Salange to tag
all y'all asses, but instead the benevolent b has decided
to replace the lyric now mind you. Lizzle got the
same heat just last month with her latest release. Personally,
I really wish Beyonce and Lizzo didn't change their songs
for this context matters. Words have multiple definitions and as
long as you are using the word in the proper context.
That's all that should matter. Okay in England. England has
some nerve lecturing us on words. Do you know what
they call cigarettes over there? Hey? Hey, okay, you got
a point. You got a point? She said a brother
that you got a point. It is this type of
public pressure, a slippery slope delimiting our free speech. Michael,
you know, as black people, we use out a slang.
You know, it's it's it's like the N word almost
we just amouch each other. That's not even slang. Those spas,
it's not that. If you're using in that context saying
I'm spa not in a concert, that's not slaying. That's
actually whats and I guess it was. But Beyonce want
some fans in London, good done, drink cup of tea.
If you don't give a funk about this spas the
funk out beyonta cup? What do you think? But I
have a problem telling people to edit their art or
arts allowed to be offensive, it's allowed to be bad,
and telling someone an artist, and in this case, to
black artists, you gotta change this. I just I think
that's wrong. I like that you don't go to or Okay,
this is about capitalism. This in the UK, spas is
a different word than this here, just like in the
UK and here cunt is a different word. So if
you want to go tour in the UK and you
want your audience to appreciate you, then this is about
listening to your audience. I don't think whether she changed
or not, that's up to her, but it's not. It's
a decision about capitalism, a decision about like I want
to be able to tour over there and have them
except me, so I have to listen to my fans.
We talk about cancel culture. This is more like consideration culture.
I don't know. Then it's a slippery slope. Then you've
got you at some point you're gonna come up against
Maybe this is even the case. Two different groups of
people who are offended and you've got to choose, and
you're gonna offend one over the other. And that's just
not sustainable. Yeah, what's scary as four years ago I
thought about, Okay, think about all the things they're telling
us that we have to change. Now, what are we
gonna have to change four years from that? Lots of
more stuff. Last that's too much of a slippery slip,
and why don't they attack the dictionary go after Marria
Wester's Beyonce and lives. All easy targets like really, get
them to change the words if you want to. They
have attacked the dictionary. A black woman who was a
student had the dictionary change the definition of racism. Really. Yeah, well,
I listened to the the black women, so she's right. Next topic,
According to not me, Joe Biden is on a role alright.
He made a deal with the real president Joe Manchon. Uh.
Gas prices are dropping faster than the sales and monkey
pox cereal and he even took out an alkay to
terrorists listen to him. I just I just don't believe,
simply don't believe. Um. Is Joe Biden better than we thought?
The short answer is no. The long answer is hell no. Uh.
The Inflation Reduction Acts still hasn't passed. John Lewis Voting
Rights Act hasn't passed. Build Back Better hasn't passed. George
Floyd Policing Act hasn't passed. The most Biden has passed
in the office is gas And not to mention the
fact that Biden is condemning Russia for Centis and Brittany
grinding and nine years over a VA pinned. Meanwhile, mad
people are locked up right hand America on bogus marijuana charges.
What is he doing about that? And am I being
too hard? Come on? No, Presidents are supposed to kill terrorists,
yes in the job description when you apply, will you
kill terrorists? Yes? I will. That's not a thing we
should be celebrating him over well, first of all, then
you guys killing about it was already dead. Okay? How
old is he in his early thousands? How old is listen?
Oh man? Why don't he just worry about standing straight?
This got fought every time you get up there? He
fell off the bike, fell on the plane. They got
stays straight? Yes, don't go nowhere, ye man. My panel
is sticking with me. When we come back, we'll find
out once and for all if we're in a recession.
And later I'll be talking to the good brother Don Lemons,
boy hell of a week and just commented, welcome back
to hell of a week. I still got my panel,
w Camal Bell, st Cup and Mr Michael Blackston. Now, look,
the economy sucks. You know it, I know it. In
your raggedy ass while it knows it too. But is
it a whole recession? Or is America just down bad
at the moment? All right? Even the White House doesn't
know for sure. So I sent America's favorite black bean,
Mr Chico Bean down the wall screen to find out
the truth. Check it out. Are we in a recession? No?
I don't know what technically is recession. It seems like
I think that's what they're saying on TV. But business twice,
what do you think is the most expensive thing that's
gone up? As? Do you even care or not at
nineteen to win a recession? Yeah? Of course you're looking
for a job. Yeah, hopefully gold that Goldmen sacks. Yeah,
never mind what I was getting ready off for you.
I'm gonna bring your upsets after first. You're gonna love it.
I'm not going upset. I don't know what's not going up,
saying the woof Ward Street man. Of course, the answers
you get from the man on the street depend on
what streets you go to, all right, some screets, some
more real than others. So I had to send Chico
from Wall Street to the largest projects in New York City,
Queen's Bridge, home and not saying Jones throw that beautiful
Chico games. Do you believe right now that we as
a country in a recession? That's a very personal question. Yes, yes,
we're all. Yes, sir. Why I feel like we're in
a recession because anybody broke is getting high working our jobs.
The minimum is not matching, not food prices, gas prices,
shirt prices. I it ain't a recession for us because
we ain't in the discussion anyway. There you go. That's
what I was trying to get. You know what I'm
trying to say. But if you want the political answer,
it we're in a recessions we was broke anyway, are
we Are we in a recession? Well, technically two quarters
of shrinkage is a recession shrinking all the time? The
second I said it, second I said it's Trump were
in power with Democrats be saying this was a recession,
a thousand percent, a thousand percent. So I tried to
take the politics out of it, and technically, yeah, okayo
to talking to people who really know what's happening in
the economy, the scripples. Do you believe that we as
a country are in a recession right now? There's a
lot of people drinking a lot more. If that's for sure,
I'm about to be my next question. Do you believe
that we are in a recession? I do believe that
we are. Yeah, most definitely. I feel like Nigga, they
still be spending a bag like they do only care.
Did that have anything to do with you coming and
get a job here in Vanity? Yes it did around
how bunch of money would you need to come in
here and have fun? Bring your bank account? Yeah? Well
we're definitely gonna be in a recession after that, Mr
Mr Blackston. When you go to the script clubs, do
you notice it a difference? I just bring the strippers
to my house. That's like you save money like that?
Say yes, the recession isn't the mind man. You know,
if I feel like Americas having a recession, I just
go some way that's broken in America and then I'll
be Do you think that you think recessions in the mind?
I mean I don't. Those words are just things that
economist and people are broke. Okay, people are making less money.
That wise New Yorker said the rent is too damn high.
That is still the case, absolutely, and the fact that
there are strippers out there making money feel like they
have to do that during a COVID pandemic. And monkey
Box proves of the economy. You know what. I don't
know if a the recession to that, but I know
this it suss. So I asked people saw any hope
for the future. What's the vibes you get from Joe Biden?
Really like that. I stopped following anything with him when
I didn't see anything with the student loan. When you
tell us, oh, yeah, come both for us, We're gonna
do stuff for y'all, but it's like you'll never see
him after that. Ash President was doing a good job
economically for this country, So I kind of liked President
speaking from someone that came from the bottom. But there
really is money to be made out there, and people
just need the opportunity to just try to go get it.
You want to see my crew roll, Yeah, I'll work
for him if you want to come work, if you
want to make my wheel duchess to Wall Street, and
he gave me an opportunity. Look, I'm still growing in
all the right places, alright. It and that's when we
go into that. Man, I feel better already alright, I
want to thank my panel. W come all, Bell st
Cup and Michael Blackton stay too. Go be right back
with my guest. Don. Let me welcome back to Hell
of a Week. My next guest is an award winning
journalist in New York Times, bestselling author who you can
see every weeknight from ten pm to midnight on CNN.
Please welcome. The anchor of CNN is Don Lemon Tonight.
It's a good brother. Let's help my brother Gon. Just
see you, manead Man, thank you for having me on.
I'm so proud of you. You've had me on your
show a million times. Yeah, but I love having you
on the show. I love having you, and I hope
that you come back. But I'm very proud of you.
I want this to work. We don't often get these opportunities,
So congratulations and best of Actually, thank you, and I
appreciate that. I know it's gonna be a hot conversation
with you. So let's yeah. I saw you on the shop. Yeah,
and I really liked you on the shop. I like
seeing you in those settings. And one thing you said,
you spoke about being vulnerable while reporting. You said you
have to be vulnerable because you have to be real,
Like it's found on that anything that you do, you
want to be successful. And I think you have to
have a degree of authenticity. You have to love it,
but you also have to be vulnerable because you need
people to see who you really are, and you've got
to be real. I think for me, it's just like
being an artist, right, we're I think journalists are a
reflection of the times you catch yourself off. God, when
you cry on air, I do because that happens at
the weirdest times, like you don't expect it. And then
I say I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry
that I end up doing it. But it's, uh, it's
always very real, like you know, yeah, it's sometimes just
in the just for no reason, I'll do it, like
you know when someone dies and feel passionate about it. Well, yes,
it is, like but I was trying to win, That's
that's right. But um, you know, like when Aretha died
because Area was my friend and I was just like
I was trying to get through the show and and
not cry. I saw you say that Republicans must be
treated as a dangerous society by media. You say they
cannot be coddled. How does the media, Well, I didn't
say that the public Republicans must be treated. I think
that was a headline. That's another problem that's with journalism.
Everything is aggregated now, so people sort of write what
a headline is or whatever. That's not what I said.
I said that we there shouldn't be a false equivalence
between what democrats are doing and what we're Republicans are doing,
said Republican. What Republicans are doing for the most part,
I mean leadership. Republicans leadership, what they're doing now is
dangerous for our democracy in our country by leaning into
and often promoting whitec supremacy and white nationalism, um by
you know, trying to um get rid of the levers
in our democracy that that keep us being a democracy.
That's what I meant by that, And I don't mean
every single Republican for the most part, Republican leaderships and
people who are not standing up when the Republican Party
does crazy you know what, Like you simply talk about
right and wrong. We're talking about right and wrong, but
we're also talking about the truth, and we're talking about
living in reality. Yeah, you know who was an EP
on this show? Last season. That's my guy. He's the
new head of CNN. He wants to shift CNN from
opinion based partisanship news to a political center. Will you
still be able to call it like it is? So
let me just say I don't. I don't think that's
exactly what Chris is saying. I think that's an narrative
that has been placed in the medium. I think what
Chris wants to do is to be able to have
Republicans and Democrats and who whatever your political stances on
CNN so that you can be accountable and that you
can answer for it. Um. So, yes, I will be
able to do what I do on CNN, and if
I'm not allowed to be able to tell, which is
to tell the truth, which is to form the American
elector in the American public and also the world because
we're an international news organization. So if if I'm not
allowed to do that, then I will go on and
do it somewhere else. But um, I don't think that
that's exactly like that. And I don't mean just CNN.
If people don't allow journalists to be journalists, because again,
we hold the powerful accountable, we h questions question heads
of state the leader of the free world, kings, queens, dictators.
That is what our jobs are to do. That's what
we're supposed to do. So why would it be any
different for us to do it for the people who
are into our to us to question what they're doing,
to hold them accountable, to make sure that you know
they are doing what it's right, even if they are
the people who are who hire us. Yeah, you know
one thing I do miss. I have to admit I
do miss this. I missed the handoff between you and
Chris Cuomo. Why for one thing? Because you used to
say I love you brother, and he would say I
love you brother. It was something about seeing a black
man and a white man on television doing that that
was like wow, you know, especially during the time of
you know, the Black Lives Matter movement and everything like that.
Do you do you still love him? Of course? Okay,
of course I love everybody. Yeah, of course, that's that's
what That's what you tell a woman when you're really
done with what you forget. You know me, you're right,
you're right. But yeah, he says, he he says, he
feels like you should have called him. Do you feel
like that, Um, I should have called him for what.
I don't I don't know what I don't. I don't
know the context is. I don't know what he said,
but I don't have I guess after everything happened with him. Um,
I had spoken to Christopher a while. I mean, you know,
I don't believe that that's true. I don't know what
he said. I haven't heard what he said, but I
don't know that's not true. You got you. I don't
want to end on that note. You did say something.
You want to You wanna play Mary kill, you want
to do something fun. You're trying to get me in trouble.
Check out down him in the night. Week Nights that
ten on CNN when we come back, we got more
hell of a week. Hey, welcome back. Listen, people, the
media has to stop praising President Biden just for managing
to keep his balance for ten seconds. Okay, we still
have a six three majority of evil in the Supreme Court,
voting rights remain unprotected, and police refor him. It's about
his dead is the unarmed black victims they've killed? All right?
This is no time for political premature ejaculation. Okay, And finally,
let's remember that context and intention matter just as much
as words. I mean, right now, Beyonce is changing her
song heated, But where does it stop? Crazy? And love
isn't about the mentally ill me myself? And I isn't
making fun of pronounce? And what about her song if
I were a boy? You know what? Never mind. I'll
be back next Thursday with another edition of Hell of
Hell of a Week. I go by the name of
Charlemagne to God Peace, So be sure to listen to
Hell of a Week with Charlemagne to God wherever you
get your podcast. This has been a Comedy Central podcast