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November 12, 2022 20 mins

Comedians Neal Brennan, Jamaal Bowman and Aida Rodriguez debate the week’s top stories with Charlamagne Tha God. Plus, D.L Hughley stops by!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Comedy Central. Hey, hey, hey, hey, good evening,
Good evening. Welcome to hell of a week. I'll go
by the name of Charlemagne and God. Helloo, how y'all
doing out there? That's right? If your head and you
made it through another week on this third rock from
the Sun, I'll buckle up as I take you through
this weekend. Hell mm hmm. Now, actor Chris Evans has

been named People magazine Sexiest Man Alive on their new
cover that just dropped. I was ready to hate and
say things like we don't need your European standards of beauty.
But Chris Evans, I can see that, all right, But
I knew have an important question. How the fund do
white people keep tracking all these dudes named Chris. You've
got Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Chris Pratt. How

do you even tell the difference? How do you say
one white Chris is any sexy and the rest of them? Okay,
they're the same guy. It's like a fraternity feel sexy
superhero white clones. All right, at least we got the
good man is to give all christ is some variety. Okay, Yes,
Chris brown. Now, an Air Force plane flew a flight
path that looked exactly like a big old dick. That's right,

look up in the sky. It's a bird, it's a plane.
It's a Glizzie. All right. It turns out this a
dick was pointing at a Russian base. This is what
Russia gets for falling asleep at a party. All right.
The Air Force says it was a coincidence, but let's
keep it real. Russians are used to having a dick
constantly pointed them. Okay, uh and other news. According to

the United Nations, Earth's population is expected to hit eight
billion people next week. Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley has won
his eighth term as Senator at eighty nine years old.
I'm tired of people making laws that ain't gonna affect

him five years from now, hell, five months from now.
All right, Grassley shouldn't be allowed to make laws when
he's about to be laying under the grass lee all
right now. Twitter pointed out that Grassley is six years
older than the chocolate chip cookie and only five years
younger than slice bread. You know how old you gotta
be to be older than flavor? Okay, how dare you

run for re election? At best, you scooted for re election?
All right. You know when people say stuff like the
best things in slice bread chuck goes, you mean the wheel?
All right? This guy is older than the FM radio.
That ship came and went before he did. When he
hears the drive bys, he's thinking about bone arrows. All right.
We've got a lot more things to talk about, including

the end of Donald Trump and black men voting. Let's
start the show. That's right. It has been a hell
of a week and here to talk about it is
the most politically informed panel in late night. He has
a new fantastic, incredible stand up traumedy special called Blocks,

and tickets for his tour brand O'Neil just went on sale.
My guy a comic hero. No matter what Chris Rock says,
Neil Brennan is hell. He's an accomplished educator and congressman
representing one of the craziest places in America. No, not Florida,
but the Bronx. Please welcome Jamal Bowman. Yes, and you

can watch her incredible stand up special and documentary Fighting
Words on HBO Max. She also directed two new Latin
X stand up specialist Ian Lara's romantic comedy and Andre
Nose to win his three that both from it. It It
is Friday Etta Rodriguez is Hell and later in the show,
one of the o G Kings of Comedy D L. Hughley,

will be here as well. Okay, but here's what I
want to talk about, Topic one, public displays of election. Okay,
on Tuesday, what was supposed to be a heavy red
flow of Republican victories turned out to be more like
a light spotting. All right, at least twenty eight candidates
endorsed by Donald Trump lost big lee in Pennsylvan, Ain't
Your Michigan, Arizona and more. But of course he was

ready for that eventuality. What does Donald Trump hate more?
Reading our accountability? Meanwhile, Trump's biggest rival in the g
op Ron de Sante's cruise to a twenty point victory
in Florida. Is this the beginning of the end for
the Teflon Donner? Is he gonna pull another rabbit out
of his calm over? He's supposed to announce his campaign
any second, so I'll call him not so Remember what's

the Basketball movie? Because that's not so? For sure? Um?
I think that so Trump is the president of his
circus man. He has his own little click and they
I don't have a joke for this, because this is serious.
Our democracy has really been no. I know, I know,
but I just feel like he has this. Those people

don't think he lost, am I right? They think he's president.
He's not. He doesn't need to be president of the
United States. He's the president of all the dummies. Yeah. Yeah,
my hope is yeah, yeah, My my hope is what
the results from Tuesday's show is that we're ready to
move on from Donald Trump. Right, so in we had to,
you know, we we we had the big lie, which

led to the insurrection um tens of millions of people
still believe that it is a big lie and he
is the legitimate president. But what the results show is
the American people have moved on. And this is not
just in spite of him. It's in spite of the
media propaganda that continued to push the Republican narrative around
him around crime, the big lie, et cetera. But the
American people came out and voted for candidates who were

running against his endorsed candidates, and we we won big
on Tuesday. Still we're still hoping to maintain the House
and grow the Senate. So we'll see what happens with that,
neil Um. You know, Ron de Santis is looking strong.
He's like Trump but with a functioning bladder, right, So
is he going to take the party away from him?
He's just gonna put the Geo people. What do you saying?
I don't know if the Santist can win election in America?

You know where he can win election. Lego Land used
to be a picture of him, very quickly, very accurate.
He's a Lego. He's got Lego face, very accurate. I
don't I think you gotta go through Trump. I think,
like I really still believe it. I still believe he
has like you're saying, like his crazy circus. It's like

almost half the country, so they gotta on the Republican side.
To me, he's like the head of the label, Like,
you know, you gotta go through. You want to be
signed a death row, you gotta talk to Yeah, we
know is gonna be the standard of Trump. But I
think what's just scared people who got the Democrats don't

got nobody. Yeah, so I disagree with that. You think
you think I think we have a long bench. Right,
So we have Elizabeth Warren, who's a possibility. We have
Governor Whitmer in Michigan who's a possibility. We have Jamal Bowman,
who's a possibility. We have Congresswoman on cost Coches the
rest of the squad. She'll be old enough. Here's the

other thing. The largest growing voting think Americans ready to
vote for somebody. That's absolutely you can't even how they
gonna be president. The largest, the largest growing voting block
in the country on millennials and gen Z that's that's
her base, that's her generation. She can absolutely get it done.
And again, Jamal Bowman might be on the battle who knows,

right it's about it's about shifting the consciousness of America
and painting a vision of what's possible. No one on
the Republican side can do that, and no traditional Democrats
are doing that like our younger, more progressive base in
the House. I mean, it's respectfully, I ain't hear nobody
that can be the same as a Trump. I think, oh,

I feel like he's he's kind of like a Chris
in terms of cute whites. But Jamal, I do want
to the wide Democrats like celebrating that there was no
red wave, especially if the House in the Senate is
still up with graps. That's not a win. If the
GOP gets the House in the Senate, yes, so a
red wave is like fifty seats, which usually happens during

the mid term. They may get to three or four seats.
That's not a win. That means they still have to
work with us to get things done in the House,
especially when you have a Democratic president. So it's still
up in the air. There was a red wave in
New York State, though, which is very problematic because this
is a democratic state, and it's because you know, like
four or five seats flipped, and it's because Democrats continue

the out republican the republican and that's the problem. So,
you know, we take their narrative on crime, for example,
and try to tell it in a better way where
we should be again shifting the consciousness of focusing on poverty,
focusing on mental health, focusing on substance abuse, focusing on
the issues that we know lead to crime in the
first place, and focusing on rehabilitation. Democrats have failed at that,

and we failed to your point of connecting to the
grassroots and connecting with real people in the hood. You've
been disengaged. We have to do a better job of
talking than them and bringing them into the process. Right,
my panel is hanging out, plus del HUGLEI is coming
through what hell of a Week? In just a minute, Hey,

welcome back to hell of a Week. I'm here with
a panel that's so spicy. Taco Bell is about to
put them on the menu. Hi, is that racist? So
blaming the writer we got out of Rodriguez, Neil Brandon
and Jamal Bowman hair and the legend D L. Hugrey
is coming up next topic to always bet on black Now.
Coming into Tuesday's election, there was one demographic we were

repeatedly told could not be relied upon to do it's
democratic duty. All we kept hearing was black men need
to get to act together. Well, we always had it together.
We showed up like we always do. Okay, exit poll
show any focus. Black men voted for Stacy Abrams, her
second strongest group of supporters after black women, and she
still lost. Now, Jamal, why would everybody feel quick to

think black men wouldn't do the right thing? They think
that little of us? Yeah, man, they see us as niggas.
They see us as thugs, they see us as criminals.
It's it's how we're portrayed in mainstream media, even within
the Democratic Party. No matter how many times I tell them,
they have to target back man black men, they have
to go into the communities, they have to bring them in.
We want to be involved, you'll just ain't speak in

our language. They continue to paint the narrative that we're
not engaged and not involved. So it's great to see
that for Stacy Abrams. Unfortunately it didn't help push over
the top. But we got to continue to organize the
grassroots across the country to do more and even grow
our strength even more. I wonder about Stacy Abrams do
Right because she's written like the literal playbook that has
gotten Democrats elected all over the country, but it never

seems to work for her. Why do why do you
think that is Georgia Georgia. You know what's funny, because
Georgia is painted it's like flow Orda, right, Georgia has
painted like this black place because of and Florida, like
because of Miami. But Florida and Georgia are the same
place outside of Atlanta and Miami. They're just one state
connected state. They will they will vote against their best interests.

And that is what these candidates are praying on. And
I think the solution is that all those black men
that vote should smash all those white women who vote.
They should all have much of black babies, and it
creates the black population that Florida. I've been saying this
for years. A week, I like that, I want to

talk about latinou That's always the big surprise, right, So
do I go ahead? You know? I mean the Latino
vote was flipped right before the people said voting for
Republican Bryan Kimp. So why does the Latino vote differ
so much from the Black vote? Because we got our
own white people, and people don't understand that that we have.

All the assimilation possibility for Latin X Latin A Latin
people is higher. People can come from other parts of
Latin America, marry white as like they're told to do,
assimilate and assume a white identity that black people cannot
escape from. So they will continue to vote in that

way because them that's that's upward mobility and and unfortunately
for us, success means being patted on the back, not
all of us because y'all gonna go crazy 'all Twitter.
I ain't got a Twitter, so it's okay. But they
they get the pat on the back from white people
and they feel like that's what being American is and

that colorism is real in our community. It is real.
I'll say for the record right now, I'm extremely white.
Can't trust Latinos, can't trust white women, even trust is
black men. Black men have a lot to apologize for,
all right, I'm into America to Kenya barrass all right,
oversized white teas soldier boy, all right, impregnating the Kardashians,

too many brothers, the name but vote name one of
the things we got to apologize. Point what's interested in
me is how eager people were to criticize black men
before the election even happened. All Right, don't we have
enough on our plate without you blaming us for ship
we haven't even done. All right? Okay, now, speaking for
all the black men of America, if you want us
back at the poles in the Brooklyn Nets, and I

have a list of six requirements you need. Number one
is we're gonna need you all to meet with Dr
Umar to demonstrate his understanding of the Black Man's Flight.
I'd like to thank my panel, Ida Rodriguez, Jamaal Bowman
and Neil Brennan sharing that with him. When we come back,
a King of Comedy deal, Hugill, you'll be here more

hell of a Week in just a minute. Welcome back
to Hell of a Week. My next guest is a
Peabody Award winner, a two time New York Times best
selling author and actor, and original King of Comedy. Can't
forget radio personality to a right these days. You can

catch them every afternoon on the DLU We Show. Please
welcome my brother man. You look you got more chest.
That's makeup, I see. I'm like, what is the best
man doing the interview? And mother bucker? You know I'm
never forgetting that. I put that on Instagram. Okay, Now,

what's your biggest takeaway from two Day Night Idea? Um,
I think that we are far more powerful than people
give us credit for, and I think that that's what
keeple scared. The people are like, I think at a
certain point, democracy was always a it was always a
fragile proposition because it needed principal white men to do

the right thing at the right time. And we're all
the principal white men. I mean, but in the in
the end, it would be this man that would go
that they care more about the tenants of the Constitution
or you know, more about the country itself. And now
they're they're the people. They can't look past their own
interests of Evangelicals voted for a man like Herschel walkers

everything they hate about black people's he's he raises children,
doesn't take care of him, he lies, uh, he's he's incompetent,
he's ignorant, and so he's everything. But yet people that
love Jesus love Herschel. Well, I think it's not I
don't even think it's about Herschel. I think it's about
the Republican Party. Is they know that whoever they're put
in that seat gonna do what whenever. This is I'm

not even a slight it's not even about it political ileiology.
When white people from that party love black people, it's
because they're obedient. Yeah, it is you. You never they
never pay remarkable black men. None, none of the black
men they've ever dealt with will ever be famous for anything.
Like if Clarence Thomas is if he didn't send in
his profession, in his profession. But but politically they're unremarkable.

They're not gonna get a school or a stamp or
a street. You're telling me to Scott, not gonna get
the dude. Do you pick They picked black people the
way most people pick pick dogs for obedience. Like I'm
telling you, you didn't pick herschel Walker because you wanted
your kids to be like He wasn't well spoken, he
didn't expouse it, but he didn't have a good command

of issue. You picked him because he's gonna do what
you say. I agree with that, but I don't think
if it's I don't think it's just the race thing
with the Republican Party, because any person as a Republican
and any of those seems gonna do what none the
hardy says. Republicans always when you're a big black man,
you better be obedient. It ain't not it's not even
irrespective that when you're a big, strong black dude, we
don't need your strength, we need your compliance. We need

for you to do what we say. So his aesthetic,
of course, he looked like a Greek god, but he
has to do the the the principle of the contract
we have is you gonna do what we tell you
to do and you're not gonna ask no questions. And
the reason they didn't vote for Stacey Abams, it's because
black women are hard to control. Tell I've been married
to one for a long time. Not no one. We're

not trying to control. No. Yeah, yeah, it's exactly, yes, yes, yes.
Now we had the good brother Donald Rollins here last week.
He said, you wanted hershel Walker to win, right, because
it's good for comedy. Right, how do you feel about that?
Because you are concerned US citizen, but you're a comic

stuff now. But I don't need that kind of comedy,
like like like people do shipped to me every like
like when white people got mad that the Little Mermaid
was black. But I mean, I'm like, if you think
that anything is overboard, it's bound to be somebody black
down there if you look hard enough. I bet it's
a pop up. I bet I bet it is. And
where did that crab get his hair done? That? If
you know what I'm saying, Okay, I don't. I don't

think you need I think I think it's more sad
than it. I don't don't. That's like wearing tight shoes
so you feel good when you take them off. Now
you said that the idea of America, Oh, we gotta
explain that need because I got you know, I would,
I would, I would never wear the type shoes for
so long? Women will, they will? And then I bet
it's a woman there with the pair Tensis shoes in

the bag right now because she gotta lived up. Yeah.
Now you said that the idea of America is opposed
to the reality of America. Break down. Well, when you
read the history and the story of America, it's no
through a particular prism, and it's a great place to visit.
But when you see the reality of it, the problem
with America is that it can't hold up to Google.
You can't hold the truth like we're arguing about you know,

the national anthem and stands it down where it talks
about killing nigger. So it's it's America was set up
to be a certain way. It was unassailable and couldn't
be challenged. But facts challenge what we know. Um and
when you see it's like you've ever seen a hotel,
Like you're gonna book and it looks great on the
internet and you get there, like what the fund is this,
that's America. I agree with that. And you know, you

think about how they built America. You can't really build
the country for all when all it's not at the
table and the exactly planning of it. You know, like
you right, there were all created eight They can give
me some tea. Do you see what you're doing? Move
to my god, dear hug, thank you for coming. Man.
Make sure you check him out at the brill improv

Now when we come back. Well, hell of a week.
Welcome back to hell of a week. Now before we go,
I want to talk about a man. I truly feel
sorry for sending the Ted Cruise of Texas. I hear

you booing. Okay, you think Teed cruise doesn't hear you bootoo?
All right? You think that's not the last thing he
is when he cries himself to sleep every night, huh.
You hate him and he deserves it, all right. The
sad thing is he wants us to like him so bad.
Harry is in the World Series parade for the Houston
Astros and somebody tries to clock him with a cand
of heart Selza. I'm glad he's okay, because nobody deserves

that although I'm surprised they threw a white claw at
him because I think Ted only drinks white power claw. Right.
And by the way, if that had been a Democrat
dodging a can of white claw, you know, we would
have spent a week the crying the rise of political
violence in America. But since this Ted cruise, we just
point our fingers and laugh. Ha ha. But that's not right.

In fact, there's only a few people in the world
I feel sorry for, and that's the poor bastards who
keep electing him. They called me. Charlemagne and God come
back next Thursday for another hell of a week. So
be sure to listen to the Hell of a Week
with Charlemagne and God wherever you get your podcast. This

has been a Comedy Central podcast.
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