Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Comedy Central. Hey, Kanye West does not
care about black people. And that's just one of the
many reasons. I can only describe my mood this week
is disappointed. Oh it's been a hell of a week.
My first great disappointment comes from South African albino Elon Musk. First,
he decided to give putin some head, no hands and
and tell you Crane to just give up the land
of Russia, as if Elon must would ever just give
something up because folks demanded it. If that's the case,
give me a billion dollars Elon, Okay, that's right. Then
Elon flip flopped and said he wanted to buy Twitter
again when he could just save his money and give
me a billion dollars just because I wanted, all right.
But the biggest disappointment is him ending the week by
unveiling his newest invention, the Optimist robot. Yeah, that's who's
gonna take all the jobs in the future, not migrants. Okay,
but of course the robot already malfunctions, all right, or
maybe he's working just line. I don't know. Kanye is
the robot, by the way. Um. I was also disappointed
that Billy Einner blames straight people as the reason his
new gay romantic comedy Bros. Flopped at the box office.
Did just see it? Okay? Um, all right, Billy, the
blame should go to the people who take up about
thirty of the alphabet Okay, L, G, B, T Q
and A plus. Okay. That community has enough people to
fill up thirty pride parades all around the country, but
you can't fill up one AMC theater. All right. Inclusivity
is fantastic. I wouldn't be here without it. But inclusivity
can't be the sole focal point of a project's marketing.
All right. You know what I care about a great
storyline and great characters. All Right. You're not just gonna
come get me to go to the theater because the
movie is full of never before seeing representation, all right, Billy,
you noticed, because you'll be in the streets. I'm gonna
spend my money on a movie based on people telling
me it's good, not just because it's gay. So you know, sorry, Billy,
it's not great. People's fault that y'all couldn't put bottoms
in the seats are our tops for that matter? Okay?
And since me on the subject of inclusion are lack thereof.
Let's talk Caitlyn Jenner. Okay, when the Vermont High School
girls volleyball team was banned from their own locker room
over a dispute with a transgender player, Caitlyn said that
girls shouldn't have to share locker rooms with trans athletes.
I happen to agree with Caitlin. It's simple for me.
It's a penis and a high school girls locker room.
If the girls are uncomfortable, removed the penis. And I'm
not even gonna make a gender reassignment joke right there,
even though I couldn't, because it's easy, all right. I
have sympathy for transgender kids, but I'm a father of
a high school girl, and high school girls are uncomfortable
enough in locker rooms already, so let's not add to
this scress. Okay, all right, And from my final disappointment
of the week, Tom Brady and just Sell have hired
divorce attorneys, which means two things. One, Tom Brady's real
true love is foot All and too, Pete Davidson just
updated his tender profile. Okay, We've got a lot more
things to talk about, like rap lyrics being used to
court Stacy averson herschel Walker Queen Nyla. Let's talk the show. Dammit.
That's right. It has been a hell of a week
and here to talk about it is the best dress
panel in late night. He's a comedian who stand up
special Growing Shame is now screaming on YouTube and his
special romantic Comedy debuts on HBO Max November eleven. Ian
LRAs Hell, Right, heverybody. She is an ABC News contributor
and host of The Lincoln Project screaming show to breakdown
taras set meyers Hell. And he's a rapper and activists.
Actually one of my top five favorite rappers of all time.
He's hailing from the land of a t L. Georgia,
not other to my good brother killing my just now,
let's get into it. Topic one ballot bullshit. Stacy Abrams
was the Democrats saving grace in when she mobilized enough
voters to flip Georgia blue and they picked up two
Senate seats. But she's having a rough week. A federal
court rejected her challenge of the state's unfair voting laws
and a new poll by eleven Alive and Georgia says
Brian Kemp is leading her fort and her second run
for governor in Georgia. Meanwhile, world renowned or at all
Hershaw Walker slipped in the polls, but it's still expected
to win his Senate seat, even after news broke that
he pressured a girlfriend and getting the bullstion while running
on the family values platform. Now, Mike, you are Georgia.
You are ye, And Stacy is obviously brilliant and she's
losing her shoe. Some people would say it's not brilliant,
he's winning. What does that say about the people of Georgia.
You don't have to be brilliant to win an office
in America. It's been like that. It's tric You do
have to be cunning. And herschel may be very cunning
in a Charles White light way, maye Charleston White maybe
maybe giving y'all the drunken style. But I say that
the truest problem lies in um testling figure and I
have to give her credit for this. Yeah, push the line,
you guys, follow her and make sure you go to
some of her UM conferences on how to organize on
a local level. She just did three D people in Atlanta.
It was amazing, but She says that it's not about
the other person, it's about what hasn't your party done.
And I think the Democratic Party has not done a
very good job at making delivering promises and even just
holding true on historically what we thought they would. And
I think they can do a better job of it.
As an understated yeah, and and and and I am
being a little more genteel because I'm not trying to
I'm not trying to throw a race one way or
the other. But I'm just saying, in a state like Georgia,
you have to meet people where they are for real.
And and what I mean is, I'm from Atlanta in
fifteen minut outside Atlanta's Georgia. Georgia's black, thirty five cent
African American, which means the other you know, the rest
of people not black, but they are. They are poor,
working in middle class. And if you're gonna appeal to
those people, you know you can appeal to. We don't
want hospital shutting down, absolutely, we want teachers to get raised, absolutely.
But the Democratic Party in the last two weeks they've
done um vote versus fucking and and it had two
incredible entertainers with Saucy Santana and Trina. But that ain't
gonna get black folks out to the polls that and
in fact, it feels condescending, it feels mocking, and it
feels like slave cartoons. I mean, that's not to this
those artists. That's to say, in the way that it
is presented, the way that people take it, it doesn't
feel right. The other thing is, well, they said Joe
Biden just announced before we walked out here that they're
going to do that they're gonna allow people with marijuana
convictions to come home from the Feds. Well, most of
and which we've been calling for, but most of the
most of the convictions are state convictions. And when I've
talked to say Stacy myself and said Ms Abrams, what
are you gonna do about legalized marijuana? You can deep
from lives, just like the in Colorado. Her fear factor
fear tax was always well, the fans are gonna come. Well,
you should be talking to the president saying let's take
it off the schedule one list now, Nigga, so we
can win these states. And and if you're in, if
you if you don't have the goal to do that,
can you have the goal to be governor. So we
need someone that's gonna be tough and gonna be strictly
for Georgia. And marijuana makes money, so beyond letting people loose,
they should be the first that are allowed into it.
And if I was running, if I was in her campaign,
when one day I say, I say, I say, I
give her. I give her this advice because I've seen
her under the Gold Dome, I've seen her out campaign,
and I say, whatever white person you got running your
black outreach, fire them and hire hire tesling figure out.
Hire her the day, because what she's gonna do is
she's gonna say to you as governors, what you can
be doing as governor of Georgia is saying, hey, not
only are we gonna be criminalized marijuana, we're gonna make
you a thirty five percent of all licenses in African America.
We're gonna make sure we're gonna give land. Grant said,
We're gonna use fat money that's coming in here to
make sure that black farmers can be growing cannabis so
that it can be sold. And you wouldn't make it
gratuitously obvious that you were gonna write some wrong So
that's what I tell you. The problem though he is
the guy she's running against. It's running an effective campaign,
and at Brian Camper is running effective campaign because this
week what Mr Kemp did was he went to an
all black boys school that's ran by a conservative black
man down in Albany, Georgia, young black man. He didn't
Dr Mario. He didn't go around preaching for a lot
of years. That's so this is Dr mar He produced
the school and then he started I got to school.
I'm not mad he got. In fact, you know what
I'm seeing you a grand I loved. I'm glad he
just got to school. I'm sending him for this guy
got a charter school with all black boys. So guests
who the picture goes up with him yesterday he has
Governor Kemp with the boys yesterday. That picture goes up.
Shelley Winters, who's an incredible black man, does a lot
in Atlanta, happens to be a conservative, has a great
radio show. He's a great radio show host. But he
goes into public and out in streets every day. He
got a bunch of conservative black men again, other kept
went with them. Then he went over to a Democratic
Clay with Ryan Cameron, one of the most popular radio
hosts about Georgia staunch Democrat and then press the Democrats
in that room. I would advise if I was in
Miss camps camp, you need to go everywhere he just went,
and Miss Abrams, you need to go everywhere Brian Kemp
just went. Because what Brian Kimp did was having an
effective week with black people and I would love to
see her do that. But if she doesn't, that ain't
our phone. Tara, what do you what do you think
like Herschel's Hill is the g A and what is
Miss Abrams possibly doing wrong? Well, Um, when you said
that whatever white guys, she has a white person running
her black outreach, I thought you were talking about a
Republican campaign. That's usually what happens with Republicans, but this time,
but they learned, right, They've learned because we've seen how
you know, Republicans are gaining ground in the black community
and in Georgia. I was shocked at those numbers. Stacy
Abrams has lost eight percent in black men black men
support since the last time she ran. She was he
only at seventy black voters overall, and it speaks to
what you say, all politics are local, and that is
an axiom in politics that if you understand that, you're
gonna win. And that's exactly what Brian Kemp is doing.
And he's also opened up the door not only to
appeal to people where the meeting them where they are,
but because he stood up to Donald Trump, that has
also given a permission structure to some Democrats to go, well,
he's not that bad, so that she has an uphill
battle here to you know, an uphill to climb hill
to climb here on this. But um, it's all about
turnout too. I mean, in the last ten years, what
a million people have moved to Georgia. The demographics in
Georgia have changed considerably, but in that million people, it's
ninety percent minority, and yet she's only at sevent So,
you know, I think it's gonna be. Yeah, it's fascinating.
I think Georgie is gonna be a fascinating political science
study on what happens when you start to veer away
from meeting voters where they are and and concentrating on
the on the issues that matt them right then, as
opposed to just kind of more national issues that it's
all politics and local especials when you're when you're a governor.
But the herschel Walker thing, I mean, I think Hersu
was a good communicator. I think majority of people who
in Georgia probably sound like him and can relate to
him more than they can, you know, and I can.
That's what they can say about Donald Trump. Yeah, that's
my that's my question. I'm obviously not as intellectually fit
as give him up. I already endorsed Dr Umar for office,
so he's my guy. Well, we're in talks. I'm texting him.
He's still deciding. But I like, from the outside looking in,
I thought, if told us anything is to be counting.
Like you said, you gotta say the craziest stuff. Stacy Abrams, Well,
all I know, I'm from New York, but I know
her to be respectful, noble, decent human being. What you're doing,
you're wasting your time. She out here being a shanty.
You need to be the city girls. That's what you know.
If she came out tomorrow, it was like, we're gonna
take these white men, We're gonna take all that money,
give them pregnant, kick him out the house. People be
like yo, Well, instead you have herschel Walker doing that
running around, you know, crazy stuff. Listen. I just think
that it scares me to death that herschel Walker is
even within striking distance of this. You know, you have
the philanderer versus a preacher, and you you know, herschel
Walker people think different. She's not running against her sho
trying against I'm talking about herschel Walker against Senate versus governor.
And you know, the Senate is incredibly important because you know,
the Senate determines Supreme Court justices. They you know, they
vote on on federal judge ships, which are lifetime appointments,
and the Senate fifty fifty. Now, so if you if
Georgia flipped the Senate last time, So this is like
an incredibly important race. And the fact that someone like
herschel Walker, who is a liar, who is a cheater,
who a philanderer and he's out here makes no sense.
Can't put a full sentences. I'm like, you know what
we need to We need to expect better of our politicians,
you know, I mean, we need to demand better the
people that we vote for. And herschel Walker is a disgrace.
And I think the people of Georgia really need to
stop and think about is this really who we want
to represent us? And I think also he's a token.
Republicans put up the black guy against the black eye
senator and thought, a hot we've got one, and if
we vote for him, we're not racist. See we voted
for that black guy. Meanwhile, the candidate is terrible and
an embarrassment. He shouldn't be anywhere near anybody's Senate office.
He needs to be getting mental health therapy and therapy
for his CTE and taking care of his kids. Mike,
you know you got a lot of flak when you
met with Brian Kimp with some great things of coming in.
All right, both of them is prit to white Jesus.
I just say that, and I just say that because
much of the stuff that's been used in aligne Walker
to black man has been used to align war knock.
He stayed a little local, but you know, his ex
wife said some very slanderous things about him, and it's
just I don't like for black people to go for that.
So when we're talking about moral objectivity, most politicians ain't
ship and their hords for months, and that's just what
it is. So but the question is prostitute is working
my strip for me? So when you're don't vote, think
about that in terms of pimping, because I don't trust
nobody that pray to white Jesus. I don't care who, what,
what people are you gonna vote for whole man, I'm
gonna hold my vote, but I'm gonna give you this.
We were all I like, I like this, and in
matters of what I'm voting for, not cool what I'm
voting for. I saw a Republican governor, I've seen a
Democratic candidate. I've seen both of them have opportunity to
speak directly in my community. And I would encourage you
guys to research and see who's done it if you're
from Georgia, if you're not. But one thing that comes
has come out of that meeting with Brian Kemp and
Um I call a lot of flat for them. But
I'm gonna tell people, I don't care how much flag
you get, if you pay your taxes, demand to see him.
I don't care trust a council person, your awards person,
whoever win. And the next day we got to talk.
I got to see you, man, because you're the plug
to everything that comes into my community. So when I
want to talk about federal funding that could have saved
the hospital in Georgia, I have to talk to Governor
Kemp and say, why didn't you take that Obama money?
Because we need a hospital, right, I need that. When
I want to talk about black men and only rifles,
ship ship Stacy Adams win Man, we saw a boy
get chased out and shot by shotgun. Why would you
want to limit my Second Amendment rights? So no matter
who's governor, I'm gonna talk to him. And the way
she says she didn't say that. She didn't say that.
What I like under the current regime is there's a
woman named miss Ali. I met ms Ali, Nigerian woman
came here and made a life for herself. She worked
in the juvenile court system. Brad Boyd was a judge
U mentor of mind. She started the Georgia Public Defense
Foundation because too many people were getting out of jail.
Mayor want to convict. You gonna get a chance getut
of jail. You know, you get out of jail with
Georgia with twenty five dollars in the sat. The closure
you came in with Kemp allowed her to put this
foundation together and prototype it out of a judge named
Superior Court Judge Asha Jackson, who started a program. And
when she wouldn't send you to jail, she'd allow you
a year to work on your life, turn your life
around so you never see prison time. That Democratic judge
put down that prototype. That Democratic woman picked up and
laid that called me out of the North and no,
I don't smoking the joint. She said, Hey, I want
you to chair something. Put me as a chair of
this organization. This organization is radically changing the way people
get out of jail. Had you told me the last
white Republican to do that was named Abraham Lincoln. He
was free and niggas. So what What what I say
is look for the quality of work that they're giving
your community, not the personality. We need. Policy, We don't
need any more political personality. It's not the Dallas Cowboys
versus the Washington football team. I don't care which team wins.
I care that I do. I'm a Cowboy fan. But no,
I agree. I like what you said though. It's not
about the who is the what, it's the one don't
go anywhere. My panel is sticking around more hell of
a week. In just a minute, welcome back to hell
of a week. I'm here with a panel that's hot,
sticking in your average. We got Ian Laura Taras set
Meyer and killing Mike Time to keep the conversation's going
topic to Now, let's talk to jail house rap. It's
been a big week for white men doing right by
black people. Earlier today President Biden, as we announced earlier
that he's gonna pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession.
In California, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new bill limiting
the use of rap lyrics in court to convict rappers
of crime. Here and it's gotta be a dream come
true for you, right because you can finally rap about
you know, smoking weed. And I go to jail for listen,
I'm pro I want to hear about your crimes and music.
I used to have that same mentality, and I feel
like I called the whole generation to be doing this
stupid They know, Listen, rap music is two black guys.
What murdered documentaries is two white women. That's how we
feel about it. That's how we feel about it. Okay, Okay,
we don't condone it. It's appalling, But when you hear
you're like, yo, how many people we kill? It's crazy.
I think every rapper should just start a song the
same way they start lawing order, Like they should just
be a disclaimer, like the following bars are completely fictional,
not based on true characters. Resemblance story reality is completely coincidence.
That would be great, tell me who you robbed at
the gas station. But the problem with hip hop historically
is that we've shamed people for not being real. You
know what I mean, Like, you have to keep it real, right.
I don't like that, Like, like you shouldn't lie, Takashia,
lie about it. We're still gonna bump it. I know
that's Mike. You come from a generation where you have
to be real, but now they're real, and there's tw
many people get also from a generation where we understood
we were watching a representation of realness. We knew Scarface
was the rapper the stories in part came from from James.
We knew that n w A was a representation of
so you know, as kids, we weren't as dumb as
like my kids. Yeah, but that's talk though, that's the
different Textalk changes everything. That's a good point Mike, because
I feel like in some of these cases, you know, uh,
folks are actually committing crimes, right, and they get put
under investigation, and then some of these folks are dumb
enough to wrap in detail about the crimes they committed,
and so then law enforcement officials used those lyrics as
another piece of evidence. So I understand when like the
Georgia d A. Fannie Willis says rap lyrics will continue
to be used in coming new cases. So who's right
in this matter? Is it Gavin or you know somebody
like d A N G A. So I'm not gonna
do a versus because I still live in Georgia. Want
commit crime, you know, recoacting b n L A, smoking
on without a card only in trouble. But it's just
not a Finni versus Gav Gavin. Right, This is for
me an issue of my constitutional rights. I have a
constitutional right for freedom of speech and artistic expression, just
like I got a constitutional right on the fire, have
constitution right to travel out being interrupted by the law.
So black people, let me say, as frustrating as it is,
I saw in the eighties black people trade their constitutional
rights for safety. It was the middle of the crack era,
we allowed black boys to be stopped beating, stopped by police,
frist stopping freestans. The college in New York, the Red
Dogs with a drug unit, a landed. They kicked my
ask a couple of times. We allowed it. We actually
asked for it. And because of that, we have a
thirty something your legacy of higher imprisoning rates, fatherless homes,
because we moved from a place of fear. Now, if
we allow our First Amendment rights, or rappers First Amendment
rights to be taken, what's gonna happen when you put
up a Facebook post about a centaer I wish he
just died, and the next thing you know, you're being
marched out of your your office space and handcuffs. There's
a white woman named Nancy Brophy who wrote an article
how to kill your husband. A few years later, she
killed her husband. That white woman killed the ship out
of that white man took that insurance money before she
went to East Africa to buy her another husband. They
stepped in and said we're gonna charge you with murder,
but they can't use her article. They had to prove
it another way. All I'm saying it's fair is fair
black people, watch out what your advocate for, because the
worst and first affected by anything that leans itself toward
breaking your constitutional rights, it's going to affect you first.
When they talked about constitutional rights around firearms, first person
I said I'll get locked up was a dude with
dreads in Florida. They locked this black ass up just
as sure as that A R fifteen was in the
pitch on his Facebook post. So what I'm gonna say
to you all is, even though it's uncomfortable, even though
you don't always like it, you got to stick and
be a constitutionalist about that. Because Charlotte Magne will go
to jail for some ship. Howard Stern never would have
don't put that in the ad. But I don't want
you to go to I don't want what about I
agree everything you're saying about the constitution, But there are
street laws to right. We've always advocated to not snitch. Yes,
So what about these brothers who get on these recordist
snitch on it? Well, I didn't get this not snitched
laws from the streets. I got it from my mother, okay,
And my mother said, there's three or y'all is you
and your two sisters figured the ship out amongst yourself
because you tell her. But Mike, your mama was adult. No,
my mom did a sale drugs, got the look that
I want to right a coke aine traffic. She should
rub about that stops out to Denice. But before we knew,
she was an active cocaine traffic and she told me
and my sisters settling yourself and amongst yourselves. So the
not snitched policy for me was something I learned from
her and from my aunt who was an active black thing,
because for them it was about solidarity and figuring it out.
So I want to say not only when I'm advocating
for the freedom based on lyrics, the freedom of young thug,
the freedom of Ghana, and the freedom of the guy
who they say that the like wife and Lucci. All
three of those brothers to me are in jail for
crimes that right now they have not been convicted of,
and she would be home helping the community like they
were when a year ago they were bonding people out
of jail who couldn't get cash bonds. Me and your
brother who got caught selling the nick your mama couldn't
get them out because she don't own our house no more.
They bonded over thirty something brothers out. I think those
three men need to be back on the street while
they await trial. And I think that's yeah. Wait, Mike,
I have I have a question. I have a question.
I don't know how this works. I went to private school.
But snitching, when you snitch on somebody, you're protected against yourself.
You can tell on yourself. That's not snitching. I just
can't tell on somebody else. Well, I didn't write all
the street rules, and I don't know. Oh, you didn't
know what you wanted. They're doing it. So you said
they snitching on yourself. But snitching is on the person yourself.
It's not snitching. If I get on the record and
you know, I say, man, I killed somebody behind the subway,
and then they find a body behind the subway. Ah,
that's that's what these people are doing. In fact, that's
owning up to it. That's looks like you own it
up to the crime. You're taking the run. It's no
IF's confession. Tab Yeah, I mean listen jay Z wrapped
about sex, Murdering, Mayhem, Romance for the Streets. The Only
Wife of Mine is a life of crime that was
in the nineties when lyrics mattered, actually in storytelling mattered.
I'm from Jersey. I appreciate nineties hip hop. I don't
know what's going on today, but I'm a nineties hip
hop girl where storytelling lyrics matter. Biggie d M, you
know d M x jay Z. But in those stories,
they were wrapping about their lived experiences, right, and people
maybe right, so right so they so people were like, okay,
and that's where the street cred comes in. But if
you're gonna have the the the fun and fantasy part
of that, and that's part of art and expression, that's great.
But then if you want to get real and say, okay,
this is about honesty and truth, but then you're talking
about crimes you've committed over a beat. As Fanny Willis said,
there there are consequences to the First Amendment. There's consequences.
If you want, you can express whatever you want, but
there are consequences when you do that. The freedom of
speech stuff is not without limitation. So in this instance,
I think it it has to do with each circumstance. Right,
The law New York says that all right, rap lyrics
can't be used um as a form of an expression
against you, but you have to if you are going
to use it, you have to have proven evidence that
it's relevant. And I think that's a fair compromise because
in in the case in Georgia, you know, these guys
are off on rico charges and there's I encourage people
to research the case. It's not like they just were
in the wrong place at the wrong time. They're talking
about assault, attempted murder, robberies. There's a whole criminal activity
going on here. That's why they're in jail now waiting
for do process. But if you're talking about bragging about
the stuff that you've done in this criminal enterprise that
you're allegedly in, how it's it's effective. Wasn't doing that
the other the other case, the ones that were committing
they were rapping about, wrapped about murdering, selling drugs. I've
wrapped about everything you just name and and and, But
but you don't what I'm saying. No, I was not.
But that's what I'm saying about equity and fairness. Nancy
Brophy was brought up on charges after writing an article
how to Kill My Husband. They didn't allow her article
to be used against her. All I'm saying in terms
of lyrically, think about how many times you got on
Facebook and say it some crazy nutass ship. You go
on Facebook and threatened to kill the president. I didn't say,
I said I wish he was dead. They go, They're
gonna have different. That's called trial. Wrap On. You all
should get wrapped on. Trial is written by Eric Nielsen,
Andrea and Andrea Dennis. I wrote the foreword. Read the
book so you can see the poorer you are, the
lower you are. Everyone. They're white boys who wrote eminem
like lyrics in Michigan and had to go to jail.
M didn't have to go to jail because it was
understood after math is behind an interscope and they got
the lawyers to afford it. So I'm just going to
encourage people before we move from a place of fear
and say, Okay, well you wrote about it, you rapped
about it. The guy behind the seven eleven, who knows
who killed him? I was just rapping about the seven.
The record was a different. Yeah, I killed I killed
the Mexican dude. That dude was Hondri. It's different. But
as a as a stand up comedian, as a stand
up comedian, it is are you can't hold me accountable
for what? Well, you can't hold me accountable because the
first remember, protects you from being in prison. It doesn't
protect you from being held accountable, but there's always consequence.
But like a joke, you can't come up to me
and tell me like, yo, you said this joke about this,
you actually did this, Like no, it's a joke I'm creating.
But the difference is we're confleting how it's being applied.
If if there's an action active criminal case and there's
detectives and there's evidence, and there's a trial, and your
due process rights are being you know, explored, and then
you have this evidence that oh wait a minute, this
person not only did they are they accused of X,
Y and Z, but they wrapped about X, Y and
Z and it kind of matches here. So Urian, he
was Mexican. So I think that we need to be
very careful to your point. We need to be careful
though also about what we condone and rationalize in our
own communities too, because these are all these could be
people that are committing crimes against your own people. And
then you know it's viol in jail because they don't.
I saw that nigga smoking crack saying, I'm got crosstitute,
motherfucker out smoking cracking cry now told me he bought
Let's and I know that they d So why I
wish something like I don't like no, no, no. What
I'm saying is what I'm saying is the guys that
we're currently cheering for to be in jail are still alleged.
They're being harder. They're not guilty yet we talked from
a place. Ain't talking about that. I'm talking about Yeah,
but what about them? TV Mike, what about them? Rappers
will be on records smoking packs, and they're actually naming
people that they actually killed. Did they name that we killed?
The jest they got killed in their inniverses? Hoo is
because that nuance kind of calms se because a lot
of the rappers, again rappers are representatives, are the real gangsters.
A lot of times rappers like get killed the oh
my got shot. Yeah he just kill kills the tall
plot nick in the corner. So you know what it
used that used to be the no, hey they really out? Yeah,
go back to Nancy glorified for it. I go back
to Nancy bro. We goingfi killers all the time. By
the way, we love killers and music is a powerful tool,
especially in the black community. We went from you know,
Negro spirituals and slave days using music to to guide
people to freedom, to the civil rights Earth's you know,
arm in arm for for rights to now we're glorifying this.
You never heard of I'm just have you ever heard
of stagger Lee? Okay what stagger Lee? Stagger Leg was
a pimp who wore stats and cow who killed the
nigga for knocking off his cap and wrote a song
about it. A song not stagger Lee. We canna keep
you going all night and we come back. I'm getting
my fanal predictions on who's taking over the Daily Show
by Hell of a Week In just a minute, he
welcome back the Hell of a Week. I'm still blessed
to be joined by the hardest working panel in the
late night Ian Laura Taras, set Maya and Killer Mike,
I Strike Michael Rinda, Ladies and Gentlemen. England is not
the only place getting the new king alright, Trevor Noah
is stepping down as host of the Daily Show. That's right,
Who will be the next to sit on the throne
as king of late night political satire. We'll find out
tonight and the game will pick your fight off. That
was fire? I can't The game is simple. I named
two contenders for the Daily Show Crown. You tell me
who wins the cage matching? Why? First up, two very
funny men who are both current Daily Show correspondence and
have both appeared on this program, Jordan Clipper and Roy
Wood Jr. Panelists Who wins the fight in I'll start
with you this. I know both of them. I gotta
pick the O G. Roy Wood Jr. If you don't
know Roy Wood Junior, Roy what you got? Roy Wood
is one of the best comedians working in the entire country,
one of the funniest dudes. I'm I'm royal all the way.
Jordan Clapper and what he's done pointing out the absolute
absurdity and asinine hypocrisy of Trump supporters and the man
on the Street interviews. But what's going on right now?
I just think I like Jordan Clapper, but that's because
I'm a political person, so I'm a little biased the Jordan.
I think it hilarious. Jordan hious answer is Claire, what's
true in nature? Is also true in TV. Once you
go black, you never go back. Roy Wood Jr. Wins
the Okay. Next round, Roy faces off against another Daily
Show correspondent, Ronnie Chang. Okay, like Trevor, Ronnie was born
in another country. Will this outside his perspective give him
the edge panelist? Who wins? Hater? Are you start? All right?
I'm going with Roy on this one because I did
say he was funny. I think he brings like you said.
He's an o g at the come at Comedy Central.
So since he made it to the next round, I'm
all about Roy. Here you go. Okay, Uh, this is
a tough one. Ronnie the Malaysian Sensation another great stand
up comedian, but I gotta go with Roy. Roy Wood
is just the beast. He's a monster stage Mike. There
you sorry, Ronnie? Sorry, Ronnie, I love you. This is
a close when Ronnie's funny as hell. But I don't
know if Ronnie has to grab as Roy Wood Jr. Has.
So Roy advances to the next level. Now in the
next round, this is where it gets tricky. Roy takes
on the first true outside of to the throne, Amber Ruffing. Okay,
who I think is on this show next week. Don't
make her cancel? All right, hand at least pick your
fight at killing Mike who you got? And Roy wood Jr.
I have five sisters. I like selling them half the
render household. I will be going with Amber because I
don't want my ship kicked in when I get Hey.
And but it's great, she's already a tv OS. You've
never seen Roy sitting behind a dusk and get the
opportune of your host. I'm still going with Roy Roy Woody,
all right, Tara, black girl magic, my husband like another
close win, both fighters and more than qualified the way
the crown. But I don't think Comedy Center will passes
up the chance to get a host who's black, funny
and a woman. And we're rough and winds. Okay, now
it's time for the final boss. It's the return of
a legendary warrior. Samantha B. Sam had her own show
for six seasons. She got Emmy nominations papering the walls,
plus she got her start as the Daily show correspondent.
But does Amber have what it takes to fend off
a daily show? O g H. Pick your fighter in.
I'm going Amber. She might get the job, so I'm
trying to okay, trying to get in her good gracious Now, Mike,
I defer to the wisdom of my comrade. Okay, black
girl magic. Okay, you go, Tara infol it's it's a
new era of time to move forward, like go back,
let's do it. Yeah, I just wanted to record to
show you see all the black people stuff together the movie. Bros.
Y'all can learn a lesson from this. You see what
I'm saying. Another tough one. Both fighters have married. But
Samantha b strikes me as a very smart person. There's
no way she wants to go through all that ship again.
So I am rough and it is the new King
of the Daily Show. All hell the woman King. Take
you all very much, playing Hell of a Week. We'll
be back in a minute. Welcome back to Hell of
a Week. Now, before we go, let's talk about the
land of Oz. That's right, Pennsylvania, because Dr Oz is
running for Senate there. But his campaign had snagged this
week and when the report came out that he's apparently
a puppy killer allegedly Okay from two thousand and ten,
a laugh for which he was print to will investigator
allegedly killed over a thousand animals, including over three hundred
dogs and puppies, and experiments that violated the Animal Welfare Act.
This is what I have a problem with the fake
Karen Okay. If doctor Oz was allegedly doing this from
eighty nine to two thousand and ten, why do people
care now? Y'all loved him on over and the allegations
were already out there back then. You loved him for
thirteen seasons on his own daytime talk show. He was
an alleged puppy killer then too. What's changed now? Oh?
His allegiances. When he's endorsed by Oprah, it's all good.
When he's endorsed by Trump. Puppy killer. I hate to
tell you, but if these things are true, you've been
supporting the puppy killer for a long time, so that
makes you a necessary to puppy killing. The reality is
nobody truly cans. They're just using this to win an election.
Every year, three point three million dolls into shelters in
six hundred and seventy thousand are euthanized. If you want
me to believe you truly care about doctor Oz allegedly
experiment on do go down to your local dog shelter
and adopt one. Okay, they called me Charlottagne the Guy.
I'll be back next week for more hell of a week.
This has been a Comedy Central podcast