Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Comedy Central. Hey, welcome to Hell of
a Week tonight. Tonight we're going deaf Con three on
the news. I said, news, okay, and I don't even
know what the death cam means. But what I do
know is my name is Charlemagne the God, and welcome
to my show Hell of a Week. Now. You ever
just look at your phone and be like, what the hell? Yeah,
well you say that because we are living in hell, okay,
and that's why we call the opening up the show
this week in Hell? All right? Uh? First up in Hell.
Russia is getting desperate in Ukraine, and this speculation that
Vladimir Putin might try to redeem the situation by launching
nuclear missiles. Yeah, North Korea is testing nuclear missiles. President
Biden said, we haven't faced the prospect of nuclear arm
agatting like this since the Cuban missile crisis. Now, the
prospect of World would three can make a steak. And
to those like myself who deal with anxiety, it can
make make us anxious. But the Ukrainians it makes some horny.
That's right. True story. Over fifteen thousand Ukrainians have signed
to pack to hold a giant outdoor orgy. If putin
launch is a new I'm not mad at it. What
else is there to do? Uh? Now? This raises a
few questions though, like how long does it take for
a rocket to go from Moscow to Keith? Because it
could be a short ass orgy, all right, because it's
not really an orgy if you only have time to
sleep with one person. It's right. It's like it's like
paying for a buffet but only having time to get
a toss salad, you know. And I don't want to
be tossing the salad or getting my salad tossed when
the new kids. My advice to Ukraine and start sucking now, okay,
all right? Uh? Next up in how Texas Texas Pete
that is Texas Pete brand hot sauce is getting sued
because it's not actually made in Texas. Listen, people, listen
to people. Sometimes names are just names. And for the record,
Megan isn't actually a stallion. Okay, no matter how many
people want to ride her. All right, but all wasn't
bad in hell this week The light came courtesy of
Gail King. All right. Now, a few weeks ago, she
took a breakfast soup flay from my staff break room
and left the note confessing to the crime and offering
to pay for the missing south flay. Well, I think
Gail here on the show for her honesty, but I
did in fact want to get paid. Okay, So with
emotional damages and whatnot, I figured the price of the
soup flay came to a little over twenty two. All right.
Here's the thing, Gail King don't play all right this morning.
Not only did she take another breakfast sandwich, but she
wrote the damn check okay, and she won't take you back,
all right. But she's crafty. She made to check out
the team Charlemagne because that don't exist until now. Okay,
because my lawyer started in LLC this afternoon. Jail. All right, so,
uh my, my staff thanks you for their Christmas bonuses.
All Right, We've got a lot more things to talk about,
like free speech and oh yeah, the Nazi named Kanye
Queen Isla. Let's get it. It's been a hell of
a week, and here to talk about it is my
panel with the best hair in late Night. She's the
author of a new memoir called Uphill and hosted a podcast.
Jamal Hill is unbothered Jamal Hill. You can catch his
new movie The Curse of Bridge Hallow on Netflix and
see him performing live this weekend. I'd got some comedy
club and the theater at MGM National Harbor. Marlon Williams
a hell and she's a comedian and the host of
the Amber Roughans Show on Peacock and maybe the new
host of the daily show Amber Ruff and later in
the show, the Great Wolfe Goldberg will be here. But uh,
it's time to tough Jews, I mean news, dude, news. Okay,
let's get started on this mess alright. Topic one, the
cherious case of k K Kanye. He's a Nazi as
far as I'm concerned. Okay, if you wake up and
choose white supremacy and decided to push anti black slogans
and anti Semitic rhetoric all in the span of seven days,
you are Nazi, all right. First, he decided to go
shambo chic when he rocked his White Lives Matter shirt
during his fashion show. Then he posted screenshots to him
texting ditty anti semitic threats all the way to gets worse. Uh.
He was kicked off social media after tweeting this, I
don't even know if I want to reveal it. I'm
a big sleepy tonight, but when I wake up, I'm
going deaf Con three on Jewish people. The funny thing is,
I actually can't be anti Semitic because black people are
actually Jewels. Also, uh, I don't know how people say
this guy's are freethinking. In one minute, he's repeating white
supremacist talking points. The next minute he's repeating black is
are like talking points. The guy doesn't have an original
thought in his wide hip having body. So my first question, Jamal,
you're always good with thoughts. Do you have any um well,
I'm trying to say this a while using a bunch
of customers, but like he's a buffoon and he does.
I mean, that's just kind of what it is. Yeah, Marlon,
you're good with thoughts as well. Normally, I don't know what,
you know. What he's like. I mean, it's bro like
he's like he's like the crazy cousin. It's like like
seeing I'm a black man and I know mental illness,
and all I'm seeing is very rich mentally ill man.
Look at the week, Look at what he said. If
that's not crazy, that's like the homeless dude on the corner.
He's saying crazy ship. But Jamie Fox is put rican this.
You know, I'm a big mental health reason I don't
want to jobs. Not just these are just crazy people thoughts.
But there's a brilliance about him period is what This
is a bad week, not this week, but prior to this,
he's what he's what he's I think he found, in
some insane kind of way, is how to make insanity
sane enough to be successful. And there's a line that
you got across and right now he's over on that side.
But when he's right in the middle, there's something And honestly,
like I know mental illness. I wish one of my
crazy cousins can make beats and do rhymes and and
and and and create clothes and comfortable ass sandals. I
wish things can be true though you can be a
white supremacist. I mean, you be a bigger and have
mental illness. Yes, you know, I mean the reason I
don't want to keep putting it on mental illness because
every white supremacist start using that excuse, every bigger it'll
start using that excuse. If you look at it, they
probably are crazy, like like literally like we had it.
We had we had a white supremacist, crazy nigger in
office called the president. Let's be real about this, and
everybody to following bunch of loony I think sambo Chica
is the funniest thing I've ever heard of my life.
I didn't be laughing about that a week. But I
think he has I mean, yes, he is uh sad
little racist and yeah Nazi and yeah, but I think
what he's doing is like trying to stay alive in
the news, you know, and bad attention has become good
enough for him, and and that's what I think he's doing.
I think he's acting out to get more attention. And
I do think it comes from a place of self
hating racism for sure. But I'm interested to find out
what's gonna happen when those four white friends he has
left turned on him, like Tucker Carlson already turned on him.
That's what's gonna happen. Then. Yeah, you know my guy
Van lath And he came out and said that Kanye
allegedly professed his love for Hitler during his slavery as
a choice friend and footage of my best friend. You
don't think you can't say that out of context. I
didn't take that. That's a crazy person, crazy thoughts man.
My thing is the WI is it okay for like
anti black rhetoric to be left in these interviews, but
anti Semitic rhetoric gets removed and all bigotry be removed?
He had better say that. But but you already know
what it is as as a country. As a nation,
were extremely comfortable with that position. I mean, we've been
anti black from the beginning, so it's a default mechanism
for us. But the other part two to shift a
little responsibility as a community. We're not responsible for Kanye
and his antics, but we have tolerated them because we're
a protectionist community. We we step outside somebody that's in
his position that has given us good music. We have
provided cover for this individual for a very long time.
So in some ways, unlike in the Jewish community, it's
certain ship that's just not gonna ride. In the gay community,
there are certain things that are not gonna right, we
do not have that same attitude about in terms of
holding each other accountable. Yeah, I understand that we have
to protect each other because we know when you're in
the position that you're in when Amber Marlin myself that
we have to look out for those who have made
it to a certain point differently, but we can't do
it to the point that it disrespects our integrity and
it come after our self respect, and unfortunately we've done that.
That's right, And why should we protect you if you're
sitting on us exactly the little bit of protection your
head is No, that's right because at some point you
gotta come back to us, right, and so now you
can't because he wasn't a choice, but our protection of
you was. And also I think we do have the
power to protect each other. And I look at this
as you know, the man is the man is off
his meds, bro like, and we gotta be like it's
funny till somebody gets hurt. And then we then we
all like, oh, I can't believe he jumped off this
building or he cut off his arm, Like, yo, you
didn't see the signs. Yeah, he is moving like a
person who feels like he's not gonna be around much longer.
That's what it feels like. Well, I mean, it's troubling
what you see, but I also and I know how
much you've been such a strong advocate in the mental
health community. I know a lot of people that suffer
from mental health that don't do that. And I do
think that there's room to be critical and room to
be holding him accountable, and also room to acknowledge where
he is obviously struggling. And but I'm not gonna link
those two together in that way and say, oh, he's
professing his love for Hitler because he's mentally ill. Like
it's a lot of people that suffer from that that
don't know that. Yeah, but when you're mentally ill, you're ill.
It's it's a sickness. But like I don't want white
I don't know either. But we as black folks, we
know when we see somebody that's you know that that's
not right. Right now, bro ain't like he ain't saying
like things that's right. And I'm not excusing him. I'm
not on this side. I just say, people are food everything.
This whole cancel culture got us all fucked up. We
want to cancel everybody for this and cancel everybody for that.
And I think what he's trying to do in his
own crazy head, and maybe because I'm crazy too, I
understand a little bit of what he's trying to say.
But in the same way is he's not trying to
be bogged down by anything. He's trying to just move
how he wants to move in freedom. Everything is freedom,
everything is in in his own mind. It's a justice
in his own sick Maybe you can't be free if
you're a slave of the white supremacy, because he definitely
a slave of the whites. And I'm but my freedom
do not support him. And I get that, and you're
right now, and you're right too. If you're gonna see
me in the White Lives Matter shirt then and go happen.
But he's also the same dude that sat there with
the president in his face and was like, George Buss
don't like black people. Everybody also gave a white supremacis
president of the lap dance and damn it suck. And
I get that, but this is but don't let's say
those two things out loud again. That's a crazy motherfucker.
Like this is the morrow of the story is Kanye
West is not care about bliss tics. Okay, I don't
know what that is. But the whole code wars matter
all right, Okay, topic to a little Funny Business. Former
Glee star Leah Michelle is getting read reviews after replacing
Beanie Feldstein and Funny Girl on Broadway, but Leah's passed
reputation with deva behavior and alleged racial Michael aggression. Still, Hunter,
what do you think Marlin A can we used to
give Leah because she's so good as Fannie Bruce. I'm
sorry you at that so fast. I ain't hear what
you're saying. To be honest with you, I don't even
know what the funk I was just on the white
white the white people putting in the prompt. I have
no idea what any of that ship was whatsoever. Okay,
don't go anywhere. My panelists sticking around, Well, Hell of
a Weekend. Just a minute, Hey, welcome back to Hell
of a week I'm here with a panel that's so
strategically valuable Putin might invade him. All right, we got
Marlon Williams, Jamal Hills, and potentially the new host of
The Daily Show, Amber Rough and we'll be going back.
We'll be joining us later. But let's keep the conversation
going topic to what the heckle uh this past weekend
comedian Arial Alias was on stage performing at a club
in New Jersey where she got into a back and
forth with a Trump supporting Karen And this happens, all right,
that's right, Karen's knuckle dragging husband through a beer at
the comedian salute the area l for handling like a
g okay, But she also definitely handled it like a
white person, because there ain't no way a black person
is drinking all right. But here's my question to the panel,
as a performer, media personality, is this happening more like
I have been punched in my head, you know a
couple of times out here in these streets for things
that I said. But we y'all feel like we just
have to accept that this is where we are in society,
like we just might get ran up on one amble
about one percent. There is a market difference between before
Donald Trump was elected and after Donald Trump was elected.
I know a lot of places, a lot of comedy places,
a lot of improv places have had to enact um
new ejection rules where you only have to do a
few things before you get ejected, because it has escalated
to beer throwing so much these past few years that
now the rules for being at a comedy club have
had to change, which is ridiculous. People are throwing beers.
I just think that that shot is like old beer.
You've seen the head. I'm back. I'm not that nigga.
I'm I'm hitting you back. If I could you come
up on stage, I'm taking the mic and I'm gonna
bust you in your face, and then we're gonna ask
questions after having to No, it don't happen to me
much because I mean, I don't know. I mean, I
don't go. I don't play the audience participation thing. I
do a show. I do a show. If you hecko
too much, you get out. But if you come towards
the stage, I'm sorry, I gotta hit you first and
ask questions from Jamal. I always wonted this because you know,
you you say things that people don't necessarily like. And
have you ever been approached to the street now, I
mean to quote that great urban philosopher, said the entertainer.
I wish the motherfucker tell people I was like for real,
like I used to tell people all the time, like
when I was especially when I was at ESPN and
after I said those things about Trump, which was the
height of the security threats for me is that like,
don't let this ESPN ship fool you. I'm from Detroit,
from the real hood about so you run upon me.
You have to worry about me, and you have to
worry about my six f two husband. Yes exactly, you
gotta worry about him as well. But to her point,
I think it has been a definite change. The boldness
has increased. And you said after he was elected that
was step one. Step two was the insurrection, because I
think especially after that, when they were allowed to run
up on their own government, that is when I think
a lot of people decided, well, there's really no boundary.
Even though I'm in an entertainment venue and I'm just
paid to be entertained by you, they feel like they're
part of the act. I really am white. Yeah. You
mentioned Heckler's earlier, right, and we all say that we're
for freedom of speech, but aren't the Heckler's practice and
freedom of speech not when other people are paying their money.
Other people are paying their money, you should be respectful.
And I think that the people that pay their money
to come see the comedian, those three people don't three
thousand people. Sometimes they want to jump your gass, I
was shipping sitting down and enjoy the show. I will
say that after Rocket Chappelle, this white on white comedy
crime is just the universe evening things out to me.
I'd like to thank my panel for not doing anything
at me tonight. All right, when we come back, we're
being pulling up a hell of a week in just
a minute. Welcome back to hell of a Week. Now.
My next guest needs no introduction, but we're gonna give
her one anyway, because we've got people here who write
introductions and they need to put food on the table. Okay,
For the last fifteen years she sat at the head
of the table on the view. She's one of eleven
people on the planet that have achieved an egot, and
her new film Till opens in select cities tomorrow and nationwide.
I told with when he please, welcome to legend. Whoopie Goldberg.
I want you Ms Goldberg. Don't you dare, don't you
dare call me miss Goldberg. I say, miss Whoopie at
least just Whoopy. Listen, when you have a like Whoopie,
you cannot put a miss in front. You can't missus.
It's just it's a ridiculous. Okay, so please just whoop
all right, no, no, see this is what happened. Whoo
who yeah, just man, that's not like we really cool?
All right, what's happening? What's up happening? Now, let's talk
about Till I had the pleasure of seeing until a
few weeks ago. Um. It tells the story of Mammy Till,
the mother of Emmett Till. Talk about why making the
film was important to you, well, because you know, we
have many, many films about lots of American history, and
for some reason, many of our stories disappear and they
don't see to register as American history. And this, more
than anything, is about American history because it talks about
the systemic racism that allowed someone to feel confident and
comfortable in murdering a fourteen year old boy. Now we've
heard it more often, but in that you just you know,
and his mother said, oh, hell no, I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna let this just be a boo hoo fest.
So she put out what she wanted, which was for
everyone to see what they had done to her son.
And that's important because it's scary, it's hard, but you
have to make noise. You've got to make noise. And
you know one of my favorite films, uh is the
Diary of Anne Frank And for me, this gives you
an idea of World War two and what people were
going through. Well, this gives you an idea of America
for black people and what we were going through. So
I really wanted to make sure that we told the story, uh,
so that we could tell the truth. So uh, you know,
this really started with Keith Beauchamp, who you know did
the research. He also made the documentary that allowed them
to reopen the case, you know, eighteen years ago. Um.
And so he and Barbara Broccoli, who is the woman
behind Bond and Fred Zolo, who is the man behind
Mississippi Burning, called me and said, listen, you want to
be part of this. I was like, yeah, yeah, I do.
You supposed well this so here's the thing. You can't
curse here if you want to ship takes a long time.
When they came to me to play her, I was like,
way younger. And the beauty of it is I could
never have done the justice to it that Danielle dead
Well did this. Young lady. You've got to see this movie.
You've got to see it. This young lady is like,
it's like a revelation. I was just saying that for
some reason, we are not just in vogue again, but
the best of the best is rising to the top.
We're seeing it on Broadway, We're seeing it in the movies.
I mean, it's it's really great, and I'm I'm hopeful
that people will not just go and support it because
it's women and it's black women and it's black people.
But I want to just support it because it's great art.
There's great art happening, and we don't need to make
lines of delineation. We've been black the whole time. We
know what we are, you know, so please go. I
feel like it's it's it's more important than ever because
in the country where like they're trying to revise history,
create this old history, I feel like the only way
the truth is gonna be told is through well. And
that's always been the case. I mean, think about all
the movies that you saw as as young people, where
you saw what it should could be like when you
don't have to stumble across Oh, by the way, you're
white and I'm black, and oh my god, what's gonna happen.
You know, it's when we're just doing it, when I'm
kicking your asks, not because you're white, but because you
messed me up. You know what I'm saying, and you're
you're in my face because you want me to be
a better person. That's what I want, and that's what
i'm you know, I'm I'm like a hundred years old
and this is all thank you not but well, you
know we don't crack. Wait, wait, there's more we spread now.
It was a very tough watch, but you made I
heard you made a conscious decision not to show any
physical violence because look, everybody knows what happened. We don't
need to show you. We just need to show you
why she made the decision. She made that gut wrenching thing.
You know, a lot of people have used and it's
great and a lot of movies, but it wasn't for
this movie. It wasn't for this movie. And that the
hardest thing to get people to understand, because people kept saying, well,
you know, do we really need to see this again?
Please know that you've never seen it once. You haven't
seen it at all. So you know, when people have said, well,
why do we have to go through this. We have
to go through it until people understand what happened. Because
every time we go no, no, we don't, we want
to make sure we don't want to hurt anybody's feeling.
It's not about hurting anyone's feeling. The truth hurt, though.
The truth hurts, but it is not a truth unless
you are that person. Now, you know what I'm saying.
The people now, I just need to see what went
down and commit to not allowing it to continue. That's all.
That's all I wonder about that too. Like you know,
when you remove the trauma from the production, we know
the story. What about the people who don't know, do
they need to see that? Well? I think after they
see the body though, they don't really need more. And
I will say to you all, because I know that's
a trepidation for a lot of people. Don't be afraid
of this. One of the lines in the movies, Uh,
her aunt comes up and says, I can't I can't look,
And she says, you've got to look. You have to
look because if you don't look, you won't know. And
so this is a this is a movie about a family.
You know, there's a movie about a mom and son
who are ordinary. They got you know, their middle class folks.
The room is nice, she looks nice, she's got a job,
as the whole thing, and then incredibly insane shit happens
and thrust them into the forefront of history. It is
a movie that your kids, if they're ten, could see
with no problem. Um and as long as you talk
to them about the fact that we don't want this
to continue, because we have a list of names of
people to whom this has been done, and at some
point we all got to say, okay, you know no,
So let's take you back to the very beginning of
what systemic racism looks like, how people treat you. And now,
if you're a gay person, you recognize this is also you.
If you're a woman, you recognize this is also you.
This systemic racism has these fingers that go out and
they get everybody. They get everybody. They get Italians, they
get Greeks, they get Mexicans, they get people from Spain,
they get everybody. And the key is to make everybody
aware that we're all in the same soup, you know.
And if we all know we're in the same soup,
let's do a little better. That's what my hope is.
Right anyway, you know, um after you like you sit
across from guests and co host you strongly disagree with,
and we as a country lost the ability to talk
to people that we disagree with. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
don't understand it, but that's where we've gotten to. You know,
it started with people saying you were an American because
you disagreed. You know, that never seem right to me.
You know, you're if you're American, you're American. If you're Americans,
that's simple, doesn't matter what you think, because that's the
that was the beauty of the country. Right. So all
the forefathers of the force whatever came right and said, listen,
here's the stuff we're not interested in. We don't want
you to tell us who to pray to. We don't
want that. We're not going to tell you how to think.
So we don't want to force people into thinking this way. Now,
we're gonna leave some stuff out because you know that's
what we do, but we're leaving you enough space to
recognize what should be in there and put it in.
It's like people who say, you know, well, how is
it that God you can believe in God and science. Well,
it's because God made you smart enough to figure out
how he did it. How did you how did you
make the big bank? He gave us the wherewithal If
you are a person who believes in God, he gave
you the o with all to figure it out. That's
the great thing. And I'm not sure we still even
really know. Well, we don't know all of it, but
we know a lot. That's right. That's right, Yeah, that's right,
that's right. Um, before you go, I do have to
ask you about something because I saw this on social
media this week, Sister Act three. Yes, that is that happening.
I saw Keiki Palmer saying it might be happening. Yes,
it it is happening. You know. It cooks everything a
very long time. Okay, but um, we're we're getting it.
We should get the script by the end of this month. Hopefully,
you know, we'll get it together and get it done
sooner rather than later. And it's as well. Well, I'm
gonna tell asked Pokiki to come in. You know, I
want everybody to come in. I want this zone to comment.
I want everybody okay, you know, okay, I want the
girl with the chest. What's her name? The girl with
the chess. That's a lot of girls, especially in the
BBL era. Who's the girl with the chest? I want?
I want, I want everybody. I want as many people
who want to have some fun, because I really desperately
need to have some fun, especially nowadays. Right, Yeah, Can
I just say one thing about you? Sure? I am
so proud of you. Thank you. I I just I
love your brain. I love that your brain is working
and you're challenging things and asking questions, and I'm just
honored to be here with you today. I sweat easily.
So thank you. We'll we're going Bert, thank you for
coming through tonight. You I appreciate you. Make sure you
catch tail opening tomorrow, intellectity and nation wide. I told
when we come back hell of a Week, welcome back
to hell of a Week. Now, before we go, I'd
like to remind everyone that Crack is still whack. Okay,
but it's also best friends with the President's son, all
right now. The other day, President Joe Biden went on
Jake Tapper and said this when he was asked about
the prospect of Hunter going to prison. I'm proud of
my son and you got hooked on like many families
have had happened hooked on drugs. He's overcome that. He's
established the new life, kind caring words that we never
heard from Joe in regard to the crack epidemic that
destroyed black communities. Okay, in fact, Joe was responsible for
the drug laws that put so many black people in
jail for smoking rock, just like his son. So, Joe,
now you know how so many other parents felt when
their child was battling addiction. But with the legislation you created,
the anti drug abuse active at six and eight, you
chose to get them locked up instead of getting them help.
So I understand your empathy because that's your child. Well
killing Mike said it best last week when not in jail,
because they don't sw that Nigga stoke and crack points
were made. My name is Charlemagne the God and I'm
gonna keep doing this until the world gets bored. See
you next week, So be sure to listen to Hell
of a Week with Charlemagne the God wherever you get
your podcast. This has been a Comedy Central podcast