Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Comedy Central. Hey, uh, thank you, Trevor,
and thank you for seven phenomenal years of the Daily Show,
My friend, job well done. All right with you leaving, though,
Late Night just got a lot more white. Okay, but
that's all the more reason for Comedy Central to renew
this pretty talent diversity higher right. Hell all right, welcome
to hell of a week I go by the name
of Charlemagne, the God. Hello, and now that was the
very last thing I want to do because I'm exhausted
by this planet. I am legally obligated by the State
of New York to take a look back at this weekend.
Hell h Now, Reverend Rafael will not finally beat Herschel
Walker in the Georgia Senate runoff. Yeah, now, Herschel won't
get to solve all the issues that he campaigned so
passionately about, you know, like his policy on climate change.
But the crash. This isn't anything to be doing the
Cupid shuffle over. Okay, you needed a runoff in two
visits from President Obama to be the former NFL running
back turn Werewolf. All right, let me tell you something.
They didn't vote for her, so they voted for the
Republican Party because they know whoever is in that seat
is gonna fall in line with whatever the rest of
the party wants. Okay, So, dear Democrats in the Senate,
can we please see all fifty one of you come
together as a unit to pass some bills to protect
our democracy and make life here in America better? Please now.
Jana Barras is facing backlash after unveiling the trailer of
his new Netflix movie written by him and Jonah Hill,
which centers around a white guy played by Jonah Hill
pursuing a black woman played by Lauren London. The comedy
has titled You People, which ironically is how Kenya Barros
prefers to any black person who is not of mixed race. Okay.
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's niece was kicked off
the Spirit Airline flight to New Jersey. Reports say that
she was displaying unusual script and foaming from the mouth,
and she fought off cops and shouted, do you know
who I am? She finally was booted after asking a
nearby Latino family if they were smuggling cocaine. All right,
people are mad at her, but for what Okay, sounds
on Brandon me. She was flying on Spirit Airlines headed
to New Jersey. What else was she supposed to do
other than fight people and yell racist ship at Hispanic families?
All right, I'm pretty sure that's the Spirit Airlines code
of conduct. Okay, And if she's related to Chris Christie,
it's possible she's just been the deputies because she thought
they would do nuts. All right. R and B got
his summer. Walker posted that she is looking for a
male personal assistant who meets specific criteria. Okay, Walker saw
it out applicants who are at least twenty five years old,
know how to build stuff, and are preferably white or gay. Coincidentally,
this is also the description on little nas exs grinder profile. Right,
We've got more to talk about, like Brittney grinding and
g m A entanglements Queen Nala, let's get it. Hey,
it's been a hell of a week and here to
talk about it. It's the most random panel in late night.
He's a comedian whose special Same Time Tomorrow is now
screaming on Netflix and you can get tickets to his
class actor now, Sam Mourella is hell. What I'm saying
he's the host of the Say Less podcast and you
can catch him on the Ringer and MSG Network. Cuisine
from you Eat Days and I guarantee you were the
only show in late night to have the principal in Africanism,
founder of the Frederick Douglas, Marcus Garvey Academy, act critic
dr Orman Johnson is hell and later in the show,
Ivan Orgy from Institutre will be stopping by. But let's
get into topic one. Rushing out the door. All right,
it has been more than the hell of a week
for w NBA star Brittany Grinder, but she has finally
been released from a Russian prison and we'll be home
with her family for Christmas stuff right now. President Biden
said he's working to bring home every American wrongfully detained
anywhere in the world, including US Marine Paul Wheeling. But
is it too soon to ask the question where is
the energy for people unjustly locked up for weed? Right
here in the good old US of Bath? When will
we release some of our own political prisoners. I'm ecstatic
that Brittany will be home for the holidays, but we
have to discuss. Okay, so dr Uma, why doesn't America
free its own political prisoners. H rat Brown with mia
Abu Jamal Leonard Pelter. Are we only good at pointing
out other people's message? I think so. I think America
has a very high price on mass incarceration. Private prisons
are big business. Regular prisons are a big business. And
I think that America would much rather play global police
than take care of his own business at home. Okay,
we had this discussion before, but it feels it a
critical that Biden can see how unjust Brittany's charge was,
but not pardon everybody locked up on a federal level
for a non violent we conviction here in America, you know,
explaining some records what you thinks. I think Brittany is
in an unenviable position right now, right because she's been
in Russia for the past what eight months time months?
It seems like she literally wore the stars and stripes
on her body representing our country. And now when she
comes home, she's not just gonna have to heal that's
happy for her. She's gonna have people that were like, yo,
my mom and dad, they serve how come they couldn't
come home or nothing like that. And you know, her
being an athlete. Her being somebody of a big, you know,
stature and have a whole lot of platform, she's unwillingly
becoming this like political prisoner when she comes back, right like,
everybody's gonna look at her as the face of prisoner swaps.
And none of us are experts at that, but where
we find ourselves to try and be experts at sports.
So we want to compare it to sports and say, oh,
you're trading a w NBA player for or somebody who's
been called the merchant of death. It feels like unfair trade.
It feels it's like a trade of stuff curry for
like Frankie Lakino or something like that. The people who
may not understand what that is. But it's a bad trade.
It's a bad trade. YEA, Like no that, I don't
know that, man. What do you think? Man? I think?
I mean we got fleeced by the Front office of
Russia for sure. I mean they really I mean prudents
like soiling himself, falling down staircases and he's still just
playing Biden here. I mean, this is crazy, you know.
And the worst part is Brittany is gonna come home.
She's gonna get greeted at the airport by Biden, and
you know he's gonna tell her like a long, boring story.
You know, he's gonna be like, let me tell you
about one time. She's like, I've been in prison, Please
let me let me go home. You know other Americans,
you know, like history teacher Mark Vogel and like I'm
mentioned former marine brother of Jared at Subway. I totally
forgotten what I mentioned, former Marine Paul Wheeley. Uh, you know,
they're still in Russian prisons. And I'm very happy for Brittany,
but it feels like can only get people to rally
around a cause when celebrity is involved. Why is that
dr I'm not sure that Britney's case is as much
about celebrity on the global level as it is about
the survival of the Democratic Party in Black America. When
we look at what happened to her, many of us
have seen this happened to other political prisoners in the country,
and we're pretty fed up with the situation. And I
think as the Democrats get prepared for the next presidential election,
given the fact that President Trump just announced his candidacy,
it was important that the Congressional Black Hawcus go home
for Christmas with something under the tree. Brittany Griter's freedom
can be that gift to Black America to try to
woo them back to the Democratic Party in time. Fors,
what does this do for the Biden administration? Doesn't Does
it make your respect them more? Not necessarily, I'm sorry,
but not necessarily on my part. Right, Like it feels
like like dr Umar said that she's throwing Black America
a bone. Right, It's like when it comes to the
voting and what we just went through mid term elections,
they're gonna say, all right, what did the Democratic Party
accomplished in the last couple of months, in the last
couple of years, and now they have a big shiny
toy to show off and like see, look, we went
to Russia in the middle of awards, all these things
going on, and we got somebody home. The unfortunate part
about it, like I said earlier, is now b G
is this face of prisoner swaps. And now, you know,
thankfully with the We Are BG Foundation, she's gonna continue
that fight to get you know, Americans that were wrongfully
detained back home because now she's got a story to tell.
Like now basketball is the least of her concerns at
this moment. You know what I'm saying, Like unwillingly enough,
just by carrying some cannabis oil, you know what I'm saying. Now,
when she comes home, she's gonna be the face of
everybody thinking, well, how do we get all these how
all these criminals back home or all these people that
committed crimes back home to their families and Christmas basketball
might be the least of her concern, But Phoenix is
playing horribly right now, back and the forward or not
some side, she'll be back. What do you think? What
does this do for the Biden administration? Doesn't do you
respect him? One? Absolutely not. I remember when Joe Biden
was having a conversation with you and he told black
people that if you don't vote for him, you're not black.
And then after he got elected, he took care of
every other constituency except Black America. When they look at
Britney Grinder, they're looking at four distinct voter bases. You're
looking at the celebrity base, You're looking at the lgbt
Q base, You're looking at the woman base, and you're
looking at the African American base. These are going to
be very four, very critical voter basis come election time.
So they're really just arming up for that war against
Donald Trump. I agree, that's a great point, and uh,
I think it checks off. I think it touches more
boxes in the w NBA player, speaking of the will
folks start supporting the w n B A now just
the most supported w NBA player. Well, I've been to
a couple of w NBA games, but then Dolan moved
them to Westchester. I'm like, I'm not going on the train. Yeah,
I'll go in there at the garden because I mean,
we should be supporting the w n b A, right,
So let's not getting towards that. The w NBA has
definitely been on the up swing, right, Like there's still
not a profitable company, you know what I mean, They're
still losing money every year. But ratings are up, viewership
is up, you know what I mean. Like a bunch
of women athletes have been rising for the past several
years because of the w n B A. So I
think the unfortunate sort of circumstances this whole thing is
that when Brittany grand eventually gets on the court, and
I promise you right now is probably not the one
thing she's thinking about, but what she does get on
the court, she's gonna bring this entire new audience with
her just to see what happens. I hope so, because
you know, the only way to the w n b
A is gonna grow is if we support it, and
then hopefully they want other players won't have to go
overseas in situations like yeah, yeah, I mean athletes like her,
Lots of athletes in the w n BA, they go
overseas every single season because the w NBA season is
just so short. They only played for three months, and
they get more money in the Russia, they get more
money overseas. So hopefully with this, you know, unfortunately this
you know who, the whole thing happened with her for
the past several months. We're gonna hope that this is
gonna rise the profile the w NBEE and you gotta, uh,
you gotta celebrate it. I mean, I see a lot
of tweets saying like, well there are still people, you know,
trapped in Russia, but you have to celebrate her being back.
And I saw that all these posts, you know, like
thank God she's back. Do you think anyone in Russia
is like finally the merchant of death at home. My
pantilists are sticking around. After the break, We'll be right
back and more Hell of a Week. Welcome back to
Hell of a Week. I'm here with my Fani, Dr Umar,
Johnson Cuisine from U E. Day and Sam Morrele. Okay,
and it's time for the next topic. Good Moaning America,
Good Morning America host t J. To Bage, Becky Slayer Holmes,
and Amy black Men make my eyes roll Back, roll
Back have been suspended after their adulterous work of inches
were made public. Okay, what are y'all laughing for? That?
They were pulling off the edd due to the distraction
this situation calls even though it doesn't technically violate company policy. Panel,
I'm gonna turn to you, Dr Umar. I'm sure you
have your sympathetic to these interracial lovers. Phil free to
speak freely, doctor, it's safe face. I didn't know he
was against the interracial and then I didn't say that.
Nobody said, well, means we're both mad and Kanye, but
for different reasons, possibly just situation. Here's the situation. Statistically,
more than half of all married people cheat, so unfortunately,
adultery is as common as monogamy in the United States.
The issue here for t J was that he violated
a sacred taboo in this country. Let's not only are
you dating a white woman, you're dating a married white woman.
I don't believe this punishment, as in the case of
email Udoka, is not so much about adultery as it
is about a black man not knowing his place, and
I believe that they are committed to teaching him his
place before this gets out of hand. I think the
real quick, I know my place. My place is in that,
don't cheat. Yeah, just to add to that, man um,
I think when they came on screen afterwards and they
just kind of felt like, you know, you're not gonna
act like we didn't see y'all on Instagram. Like I
think that's what kind of took it over the edge.
Like I felt like if they started the show, like,
you know, there's some things out there and we want
to apologize to all the but we might have hurt
them on the way. I think the way that they
were just so blatant about it, you know what I'm saying.
And just on top of that, they got pretty privileged man,
and we saw, you know, I mean that today the
morning show, the showing Apple TV and we just love drama,
we love scandal. That's different. That's that people were talking
Matt Loward, Bill O'Reilly, Charlie Rose, we should be celebrating
TV and news personalities having consensual sexical. There you go.
That's a big one right there. I did their show
once and they were they were lovely, they were laughing
at everything I said. I figured they were probably giggling
now because they just sucking the broom closet. But the cast,
to your point though, isn't it at g m A's
fault for letting him come on the air. They shouldn't
have been a plan. Oh they know what time it was?
Thought what tim it wasn't took over everybody's time, on
everybody's Instagram, everybody's Twitter. They'd be still with stupidest out
to not put them on on on TV that day.
You know what I'm saying, like that lose out in
them ratings that that's exactly what they said. They said
this ABC said this brings unwanted attention. I was like, viewers,
isn't that what you want? Get a little will? They
won't say Ross and Rachel chemistry on the news and
maybe yeah, and I do want to acknowledge that it's
just men on the panel tonight, right, So so so
let's talk, you know, because DRM bought up a good point.
Is it is it just is it really that hard
to be faithful? My brothers, speak for yourself. No, no, no,
I'm asking a broad question that has nothing to do
with me in my life. It's not that hard, man,
Like I think at the end of the day, bro, Like,
no matter everything you put together in a relationship with
your wife, your kids, and all the type of stuff,
at the very least, you can't live with that embarrassment, man,
especially when you have a big platform like this. You're
a Good Morning America. The entire world watches this show,
no matter what's going on in your own personal business.
I think the most that each of them owed to
their spouses is to let it be perfectly clear that
we are not with these people anymore. We are just
doing our own thing. And they didn't do that, and
they let you know, the story just kind of get
away from each other. So who cares what you say
all the time? The you know the truth, the truth,
nobody cares about the truth before because a lots more entertainment.
I'm gonna go another way. I think that too often
sociological problems are blamed on morality. What I mean by
that when there is a lack of suitable mates in
one's environment, then naturally people tend to look for what
is suitable, whether or not they have a ring on
their finger or not. And if you look at communities
such as the African American community, where you have a
disproportionate rate of men and women, more women than men,
then you're going to see a lot more poligny in action,
although unofficial, because there's not enough men to go around.
And so I think the moral argument too often is
used to cover up very hardcore sociological issues that are
not being addressed. Let me, let me, let me, let
me talk about that. Because you know Dr Gumar's rumor
that you have more than one wife. I don't know
if that's true or not. I've never been married, Oh wasn't,
but I will have two queens, yes, So it's lick
at me. More realistic. I think we have to understand
that monogamy is not natural to alpha males. This is
not this is not only this is not only true
amongst human beings. Even within the animal kingdom, the alpha's
tend to have more than one spouse. And if you
also look at women, as much as they may chide polity,
many women will date an alpha male with another woman
if she's attracted to him. Just look at the amount
of women who date married men, but at the same
time say they're against plural marriage. Whenever, whenever a dude
quotes the animal kingdom when he's talking about sex, that
dude's fucking. Is it wrong in the people that works
in I mean, I don't know. I mean, I mean,
I don't think this was that bad. I think they
kind of got thrown under the bus a little bit. Yeah,
here's a problem. He's getting more ship. You're saying that
because he's black, and like, hey, as another black guy
in this panel, I gotta say, no, I think he's
getting more shipped because he fucked three people there had sex.
It was three, there was three people he had sex,
all allegedly never good. When a person says that, you know,
dr uma, you have a term called the snow bunny crisis.
Is this is this, indeed a snow bunny crisis. Absolutely,
this is the snow bunny crisis on steroids because it's
adultery involved. Okay, what is the snow bunny crisis? Exactly
what's going on, I would say in the African American
community is worse than bird flu. The snow bunny crisis
speaks to a tendency of educated, well placed, successful Black
men to date outside of the Black community and more
likely to date within the white community. Now, most black
men are married to Black women. I want to be clear. However, however,
black men date outside of their community more than the
men of every other community put together, which obviously has
drafted consequences for the Black community where you're looking at
single motherhood, a lack of viable men in the community
in terms of leadership and mentorship. So not only are
you dating out the race, you're taking away resources from
our community, i e. Your bank account, your retirement, your
father one, your four okay, and everything else. Because when
you transition and women live longer than men, you're taking
all this wealth from the Black community, and you're giving
it to a people who have taken enough from us,
and you're not leaving for our own people. Listen, I
get dating at work, but not when you're married, Okay,
you make vows in front of God and then wonder
why God taps that job because you said you we're
going to be a loving and faithful husband or wife,
but you lie? Okay? And I speak from personal experience
when I say your life can only elevate when you
are a faithful man to your mate. Right. Uh. I
want to thank my panelist Dr Umar Johnson Kas and
Sam Morele for coming through. Up next, Ivan Orgy will
be stopping by boy Hell of a Week in just
a minute. Hey, welcome back to Hell of a Week.
You know, my next guest for her Emmy nominated role
as Molly on HBO's Insecure, her new stand up special
A Whole Meet is currently screaming on HBO Max. Please
welcome Ivonne or g y'all. The first thing for us?
How are you? How's your energy? Man? I am happy?
You know what. I am content and it is a
sexy place to be. I'm serious because it's like sometimes
you can say I'm contented, but then you're like, yeah,
but let's do that one thing I wanted and it's
like no, I'm she in a really good place. Feel
like peace. It feels like happy it really does. It
feels like wanting for nothing. It's like you can always
get more than quick to receive, but I don't I
want I want anything this season. Oh my god, this
is my year of deep that's how a peace. And
this is my year of deep joy and optimal peace. Yeah.
Um the special specials, great talk about the tween. Let's
just see and you better be. Oh oh my god,
so yes in the specialized talk about how you know
white people on our Caucasian and friends, uh to the east,
they love a let's just see, let's just see. I mean,
we never know. It's just sick. And I grew up
in an African household. We didn't have let's just see
ministry we had. You bet I be. And it's different
because like the opportunity that other races have to be
able to just like explore. And I'm gonna take a
year on just a back fac let's just say discover
new lands, um colonization, let's just say um. Whereas you
know in other in black races and other races, you know,
it's just kind of like this is what's set out
for you go here. You bet that'd be this, you
bet that'd be back by seven. You bet that be
a loyal you bet that you know. It's like everything's
playing out for you, and sometimes while there are good
paths down that road, it's like you you don't know
what you're missing because you didn't give yourself the opportunity
to see what was on the other side, to fail
and learn from the failure. Because it's like an option.
It really is, though, guys, it is. And yeah, it
is an option by your parents. React now because I'm
sure that you know there there you bet to be
You're not doing that at the moment. Yeah, I mean
they're happy now. My mom was on TV twice. She's like,
it's okay, okay, what's doing on that stot? Okay undervice.
I love in the special you advocate for mental health
a lot, and you talk about therapy a lot of
But when people like you and I, you know, talk
about therapy, some people in public can be like, well,
what problems does you know vonn Orgy or Charlotte Magne
have you know they're on television? You know lots? Okay, No,
I mean I think I say in the special, I
say I think every person of color, especially in America,
like therapy should be mandatory and free, like stread up
on them every June team. They should be just cupon
fort sncession. No, because it's like you don't even know
what I think. When people thinking about trauma, they like
PTSD or like something happened like my mama beat me
like that. No, it's just like you know, I grew up.
Life happens, even transitioning, right, So I remember it was
probably like season three of me being on Insecure and
I was still living in the same apartment I was
living in when I was shopping in the ninety nine
cent store for groceries and the three seasons bay, I
was working on something drum. That was why I need therapy,
because the African American community won't let you stack your call.
Why are you still here because I'm working on something
And and I remember j Ellis hoped the fence uh
to my apartment. He was like, I know how much
you make, you should leave. And I was working on
saving up to buy a house because I was like,
I'm gonna get this rant control rent and I'm I'm
I'm gonna go to my next blessing. But I still
have poverty mentality because when you've been poor for so
long you are just like it's scarcity mentality. It's like
I never want to go back. You know. It's like
I'm not the wilderness, but oh you know, and so
I don't know what sound effect that was, but that
was not felt um and so it's like that's trauma.
Because what happens then when you inherit the blessings and
then you're like I don't want to trick it off,
but I'm scared to walk in. It's like, so you
need you need, you need therapy to to help you
usher in a phase because like I don't know about job,
but I don't know if there's generations of people who
had wealth and knew what to do it. Well, that
wasn't my testimony, and so it was just like you
need therapy for that. You need therapy when you're in transitions, right,
it's like, okay, well I'm happy doing this. What happens
when there's a new season, Just like you need different
kind of coats if it's fall, if it's winter, you
need different kind of covering. I'm not allow, I'm still
stuck on jail. Let's jump in the fence. What the
hell that's that? Because because it was time for me
to leave because anytime you can jump the fence, it
wasn't safe. That's what he was trying to say. Okay,
there's no security, but rent was seven hundred out. So yeah,
know does vone orgy get to this piece season without therapy? No?
And I did a different type of theray. I did
E M d R therapy. So I had been doing
talk therapy for about three years and E M D R.
It goes into the nervous system because sometimes because a
lot of y'all smart, there's a lot of degrees in here.
I smell it um with the shame, mutter and degrees,
Oh this is the audience. And and you know, sometimes
you can know that if you go to therapy, like
so what it was was Charlotte made two years ago,
said that this was it, and this is why it's
been stuck in my hand, so help me coo coo cool.
But the practicing it out. Sometimes you can talk to
yourself and to think you you're okay, and then when
the situation presents itself, your nervous system remembers it as
if it just happened, and so you're you're not actually
dealing with the root of the trauma. So E M.
D R. Goes to the route and I'll be in there.
I I go in, I'm like, yep, I think it
happened when I was seven. My therapist was like, well,
let's just go back and make sure that that was
the first encounter. And all of a sudden it something
not even think about. We've done wound work. So it's
like whatever my mom was feeling why she was pregnant,
like that gets like passed down to me. So I
come in with already to the world as a new
baby with set of issues that I didn't ask for.
We got a mutual friend, Debbie Brown, and I love
dev family, and Debbie always used to tell me, like,
you know, therapy is good because you go there and
you get the language right, but you have to actually
do things that actually heal. Yes, that's what you're doing now.
And nothing, nothing tastes better than freedom. You all, it
is so sexy to be free. Just just I'm telling you,
because that was the thing, like I was being blessed,
but where the enemy was attacked me was in my mind,
in my mind because it was just like everyone else
could see that I was enough. I couldn't because if
you grew up immigrant household, African American household, it's always
this performative blood kind of thing, right like, and no
one says performative love. I love we love you, but
did you make stretch as we love you more? You know,
Like it's just like, okay, so you're like you're chained
to the cycle of Like I saw how they reacted
when I got an A versus when I gotta be
I gotta always get a. But it's like what if
I hate organic chemistry and I got an F Okay,
but it's just like I should still be enough. I
should still be enough, and it's like that I never
I didn't have that. So it always messages since it
self worth yeah, or like in order. No one ever
said that. Because my parents loved me and family loved me.
But for me, what we internalize things that sometimes you
don't even have to tell us, but maybe in their
actions were like, this must be what they mean. And
so I was just like, as long as I am
a giver, as long as I'm excellent, as long as
I'm top in everything, I will always be loved. And
it's just like, but you don't even like yourself. You
don't even know because you're chasing something that's not that's
not it's not real, you know, not that you've done
the work on yourself. Tell us what was wrong with Molly?
This has nothing to do with me. You see that
fictional care some trash. Now you talk about your parents
a lot in the special and to put it nicely,
they have high standards in old school Nigerian values. Right, absolutely,
so quick game I want to play. Okay, I'm gonna
name something experienced by non Nigerians, right, and you tell
me if that ship would fly with your parents. Okay.
Now the answers are no, hell no, and what's something
that they would say that means? Hell? Hell? Hell? Hell no?
God for a beat? God for okay? Okay, okay. So
taking a year off from college to discover yourself, no
hell no, A God forbid? What are you discovering? That's
a difference, they like. Let's just say, okay, you better
be discovering your books, all right? Moving in with a
guy to you know, see what happens is that a no,
hell no, a God forbid? You're not married? You are
not married. If you're moving in you here's your husband? Okay,
Like sounds like that that would be the response. Okay,
when we are the grandchildren, because you gotta have the grandchildren.
Because what are we doing being roommates? What are we
doing investing money in an n f T. I don't
even know what that is? Investing your show? I don't know. Okay.
Majoring in art? Is that a no hell no our
God forbid? What do you think it is? You? You've
been around enough Nigerian's what do you think it is art?
I feel like I feel like they would like art. No,
clearly you're not Nigeria enough. You're not eating enough rice.
Call it art? They call it at the art is
left out. You're majoring in acts? What where have we
gone wrong? Okay? Final one? Uh? In any way? Shape
of farm talking back? Is that a no hell no,
God forbid? If I die today, that's you see that
killed me? That's like, that's what they would do if
you talk about to that. So I raised a black talker.
That's what I did in my life? What did I
do to this? Of this shot? Like our parents are
the most acting. I'm surprised they don't appreciate art. We
got our just over acting from them. Hi, y'all talking back. Hey, now,
it's so fiaco. Who are you looking a hill seeing
me trouble? It's just so eloquent man. Everybody. Check out
the special on HBO Max to hold Me and check
out her book Bandboozled by Jesus, How God tricked me
into the life of my dreams coming out on paperback.
We'll be right back for more Hell of a Week.
Welcome back to Hell of a Week now. Dion sand
has recently left his job coaching at hbc U Jackson
State for the wider confines of the University of Colorado. Now,
Colorado is white, Okay, the snow is only the third
whitest thing in Colorado after the people in the cocaine.
Right now, he will say he's a sellout. I know
this terrible mc hammer impression is what you think Diana
is about. But his resume shows us otherwise. He coached
high school football, he opened the charter school that closed
because they were having financial issues, And when he took
the job at Jackson State, he told them keep half
the salary to build a new student facility. Not once
in all those years did I hear anyone say, damn,
Dion is really pouring into these kids for little to
no money. Coach Prime lost two toes helping Jackson State.
So one question, what have you done for HBCUs lately.
HBCUs were underfunded before Dion, and they will be underfunded
after Dion. It's not up the one man to save
all HBCU. So all that time and energy you spending
calling Deanna sellout, how about exerts some of that energy
to the third Good Marshall College Fund and donate to
the local HBCU and your choice. If you're not down
to do that, then please shut the funk up forever. Okay,
I go by the name of Charlemagne God. Come back
next Thursday for another hell of a Week, y, so
be sure to listen to Hell of a Week with
Charlemagne and God wherever you get your podcast. This has
been a Comedy Central podcast.