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December 6, 2021 44 mins

Olivia's DWTS partner Val is married to the wonderful Jenna Johnson Chmerkovskiy.  

Olivia and Jenna are talking about the mixed emotions and bittersweetness now that DWTS has come to an end.  

Olivia learns how Jenna met , started dating and eventually married Val. Speaking of Val, was he the right partner for Olivia and we learn a bit more about their relationship.


Jenna opens up to Olivia about what it was really like dancing with Jojo Siwa and reveals another former partner that really impacted her life.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is Conversationous with Olivia Jade and I Heart Radio podcast.
Hello everybody, Welcome back to Conversations. I am I say
this every episode, but I am genuinely so excited for
today's guest. And I think I feel like these episodes
are so much more special when I know the person

coming on. And so I'm really really excited because today
I have Miss Jenna Johnson coming on. And if you
don't know who Jenna is, she is an amazing person,
an amazing dancer. She's a pro on Dancing with the Stars.
She's actually the wife of my partner Val who I
was paired up with this season for season thirty of

Dancing with the Stars. And I want us to get
to know her a little bit. I want to talk
about her season being partnered with a female for the
first time in history on Dancing with the Stars, and
just get all that information. So with that being said,
please welcome Miss Jenna Johnson. Yes, Hi, welcome to my

New York Hotel room. Oh my god, gorgeous love it.
I miss you already. This is really weird that we
don't see each other every week anymore. It's been well,
I guess yesterday marked a week since the end. I know,
but it's very weird. It's so weird. Do you feel
weird not dancing on a Monday? Um? Yes. And it's

funny because I feel like Val tried to prepare me
for it of like just get ready because it's going
to settle in and it's gonna hit you. And I
was like, yeah, yeah, I've I felt this before, but
yesterday was really apparent. I was like, man, I miss it. Yeah,
And I don't know. I just you give everything for

so long, for so many hours, and you just have
such purpose every day that when it comes to a halt,
although you know what's coming to an end, it's just
it's wild, I know. And I feel like for some reason,
even though I've obviously never been on any other season
of the show, I feel like I feel like it
went by really really quickly, like faster than normal or

is this normally how the process is? No? Last season, well, no,
this season flew by, And I feel like because it
was such a great energy all around with everybody, and
I think a lot of the partnerships really had a
great time, it just flew by. I mean, as stupid
and cliche as it is, like time flies when you're

having fun, but it flew like I remember the promo
shoot day like it was yesterday. Same. That's the scariest
part to me, though, because I even remember when I
first met Val, like day one. He was like, enjoy
the next three months because it's gonna you're gonna blink
and it's gonna be over. And I was like, Okay, yeah, whatever.
And I really do feel like I blinked in it's
sucking over and I don't know how it happened. I

know it's pretty devastating, devastating. Was this your favorite season
that you've done on the show, you think, or just different?
Here's the thing, it's I've had many favorite amazing seasons
for different reasons. I think this one was so uniquely
special in so many different ways, um that it will

forever mark like a very very special place in my heart. Um.
I think as scary as it was, and I this
is gonna sound crazy, but I remember meeting you and
being like, by the way, like I'm not lesbian or anything,
I'm just standing with the girl this season like I was,

I didn't know how to handle myself or carry myself.
You know. It was just like so new territory for me.
But I really think being partnered with a girl was
so much more. I just felt so much more connected
and emotional and her and then understood it was it

was insane. Yeah, And all the guys are always all
the mail pros are like, we have the harder job.
I think you take the cake this season for the
hardest job by far. I mean not even that. But
I've just I've now felt what it's like to dance
of both a guy and a girl. The girls have
it wait harder. Really, that's the tea guys, that's just

my opinion. That's the t I want to get into,
like the whole this season a little bit later, because
first I feel like I want to hear just about you,
like your upbringing, how you got into dance. I would
just want the people listening to know, like who you
are and how you ended up on the show and
meeting Val and like making all these connections to get
to the point where you're at now. Oh man, All right,

well here we go. Um. So, I actually was born
in California, Um, but early on I moved to Utah
for my dad's job, and in Utah there for some reason,
is this massive dance hub. There are thousands of different
dance studios UM in that state, but specifically there's this

one that just like breeds dancers. So I started dancing
at the studio when I was three years old. I
didn't want to do anything else, Like truly, I don't
have any real hobbies because there's nothing that I wanted
to do other than dance while growing up, Like I
didn't want to play any sports, didn't want to do
any of that. Like, I just loved it. I loved

performing UM and at this studio. Just to listen names
so you understand, this is the studio that Derek Julianne
went to. Lindsay, Whitney, Brandon, we all come from this studio.
So I actually grew up dancing with Lindsay and Whitney
and Brandon. Um we're all the same age and they

were my best friends growing up. I danced competitively ballet, jazz, contemporary,
hip hop, and then was into used the ballroom when
I was around I think I was about eight. But
I never wanted to choose like one or the other,
so I just I did all of them and basically
had no social life throughout high school because I was

at a competition one weekend. Then I was at another
competition this weekend. Anyway, Um, yeah, it was amazing And
I always knew I wanted to pursue dance, but I
never knew that I could actually have a career or
make a living for myself dancing, like you know, at
the time, what did that mean? So anyway, I was eighteen, Um,

I was pretty successful growing up. Um, I have some
some titles. And anyway, I was eighteen, I tried out
for a show called Say You Think You Can Dance?
Got onto that show, Um, made it to the top
four girls. We actually film, you know, the studio where

you were hearst the opening number for the finale across
from dancing, So that's where we filmed. Stage thirty six
I think it is. Yeah, So You Think you Can
Dance is at CBS. Yes, I had no idea, So
we filmed there and during that season there was a
full season of Dancing with the Stars happening across the hall.

Producers saw me on that show, UM, and I got
hired the next season, which was amazing. It was insane,
like a dream, I you know, fresh out of high school.
All my dreams are coming true. It was. It was insane. UM.
My first day of Dancing with the Stars rehearsal. I

was the only new person that season. So i walk
in for my first like group number, and I'm like,
so nervous, new kid whatever, so young, and like these
are all my idols. I walk in and one of
the first person people I see is Vow and he
comes right up to me, his little slagger, his little

a walk, Oh my gosh, and he starts introducing himself.
He was it was really nice. He went out of
his way anyway. I didn't think much of it because
I'm also really focused. I've been working in my whole
life for this like dream job. Um. One of our mentors,

my mentors at the time, her name is Mandy Moore.
She was choreographing this number and she happened to put
me in battle together, so we were partnering. Whatever. He's
the whole time just like flirting with me in my
ear and I'm like, this guy stopped just stupid little things.
When I was like, you know, midweight through, I'm like, oh,
you smell really nice. He's like my cologne. You could
sell this on the streets in New York. I'm like,

who is this guy? Who does he think he is? Um?
And another funny story from this same rehearsal, no joke,
this is my first time meeting that Schmerkovsky brothers, like
in person, because Max was on the show too at
the time. Right, Max was also on this season. I
got partnered with Max at a different part and no joke,

Maxico's who is this And I'm like, I'm Jonna and
He's like, no, no, but like who are you standing
in for? And I was like, I'm sorry, my name
is Jenna. I'm on the ship. Like that was his
first his first words to me, stop cut too, brother
in law, Brother in law. It was a love story.
But yeah, So that was the first time I met

Thal and that was season eighteen of Dancing with the Stars.
That's how old were you? I was nineteen at the time.
Oh my god, you were a baby. I was night.
I was nineteen years old. Yeah, a baby, Oh my gosh.
Never in my life did I think I would ever

meet anybody in Los Angeles, hey be. Never wanted to
date a dancer, ever dancer? Um. But yeah, I just
I just think things happen when you least expect them.
And that was definitely in a moment. Yeah, totally. When
you're not looking for something, they kind of just like
fall right into your lap. I am a huge believer

in that. And also I think one of the cutest
things I remember was probably like my first or second
I've never told you this. It's probably my first or
second rehearsal with thou and you know, I'm just getting
to know. I'm talking basically family stuff, and he gets
so excited. He's like talking to me about his whole
proposal story to you, showing me photos videos. He was

so giddy to tell me this proposal story. I was dying.
I was like, Okay, this is so cute. I need
to meet her. And then literally, like I think the
next day you walked in and that was our first meeting.
But it was very cute. I will give it to
about he is incapable of planning anything ahead or just
planning in general. Um, and so when he pulled off

the proposal like it, I was absolutely stunned, like shocked,
beyond belief. Did not expect it, and I was like, man,
you can relax for the next ten years because that
took the cake. Yeah, this like a public story. Do
you do you guys talk about you always tell the
audience how it happened because it's so cute. Yes, So

I had actually just one UM Dancing with the Stars.
This is when we had a spring season. I had
one with Adam Rippon and Val didn't do that season
because he was on tour with his brother Max, so
he would like fly back and forth and come support
me on Monday nights watching the show. It was so sweet. Anyway,
we always love to do some sort of trip every year,

just the two of us after the season UM, and
we really love Europe. So we had planned that, you know,
we had been a part because he'd been on tour
I've been doing this season. After the season, We're going
to go on a big trip of some sort. And
I was like, you know what, they can you please
plan this because I just don't have any time during
the season is too much, So he was in charge. UM.

So I finished the season. We went straight to Amsterdam
was our first stop. And this was the other weird
thing is he knew for sure that speaking to my
dad was mandatory. And another thing that we just we
hadn't even looked at rings together. We hadn't like, I
just kept sending him engagement rings, but like I never

was particular about the shape or whatever. So and I again,
he can't plan ahead. So I was like, well he
hasn't even looked at rings, Like there's no way. So
we go on this trip. I also basically packed his
bags for him. Didn't see anything in the back, so
I already looked. Um. We get to Amsterdam. We spent
a few days there. It was amazing. I've never been before. Um,

we just had such a great time. This is like
four days in Amsterdam, nothing happened. Then we go to
Venice and we had a magical first day there. Our
second day and we like to go a little bit
bougie on these trips, like we like to go to
the night us, like dinner parties and and experience it,
you know. So he had told me that our second

day in Venice we were going to be going to
this like dinner party experience extravaganza. And I was like, absolutely,
I'm down. So that's how he got me all dressed
up and typical Vale. It's like ten minutes before reservation,
He's laying butt naked on the bed, scrolling on his phone,

and I'm like, I hate being late. So I was
so pissed at him, and I was hungry, like absolutely
starting and I'm not nice when i'm hungry. So I'm like, babe,
get your clothes on, let's go. What's going on? He
gets ready he was stalling. I found out later. Um,
we get ready. We take this little boat over to

San Marco Square and we He's like, okay, we have
to go to this little cafe. Someone's going to meet
us there and then take us upstairs to like the
dinner situation. Great, So go to this little cafe and
it's outdoors, it's outside, it's in the middle of the square.
It's like the epitome of romanticism. It's just like insane.
So we're sitting there, there's like a live band playing.

There was a rose on our table. I'm just like
in heaven. All of a sudden, the band starts playing
our favorite song, which is Larre. It's this Italian song,
and so they start playing it and I'm like, oh
my gosh. He's like, you know, it's good luck to
dance in the square, and I was like what. We
never like him publicly anywhere, just for fun. So I

was like all right. When in Venice, so we stand
up and we're like slow dancing, and he starts telling me.
He starts talking to me in my ear and he's like,
you know, when I was seventeen years old, I came
to Venice for the first time, and I promised myself,
when I found the one that I wanted to marry,
I would take her here and propose. Here. Got down
on one knee. I'm like, what's happening, pulls out this ring.

Everyone's staring at us, is like screaming, clapping, cheering, crying.
I'm like, what's going on in the meantime, Olivia? This
is where this is where it gets crazy. He had
hired a full team, like a video three videographers, photographers
that were acting as tourists that were like staged in

the cafe around the square, capturing this whole thing from
like when we got off the boat to sitting to
slow dancing today. Captured the whole thing, and so he proposes.
I'm like, oh my gosh. One of the first things
I said is did you ask my dad? He was like, yes,
you see it in the video. Um. And then all

of a sudden, this whole camera crew comes out and
they're so excited they take us, we do a whole
romantic photo shoot with the sunset. I was like, what's
going on? Do we still get to eat dinner? But yeah,
I was starving. But it was just so amazing and
the I love thoughtful things, and that was just so

well thought out that I just appreciated it so much.
And I loved too because he was like, I didn't
do I didn't propose with our families whatever, but I
wanted them to be able to like be here in
this moment with us, so I wanted to be able
to capture it. So it was just so sweet. He
really thought this one through. He really I thought it through.

What was his because I know when we first met,
I don't even think you had maybe you had done
one session with Joe Joe, and I think it was
still kind of like I think I had to be
day one or day two of rehearsal. You were like
nervous obviously, just because you guys were literally making history
on the show. Had never been a same sex partner.
What was like advice from like family or from Vale

or somebody that like did they have anything to say
or an opinion on it, or or were you just
kind of like solo navigating. You know, I think something
and I'm sure you learned this, but Val does not
care at all what people think. And that's why I
think one of his best qualities which sometimes freaks me

out and he can get in trouble for sometimes, but
he just doesn't care and he's going to live his
truth and do whatever he wants or that's going to
make him happy. And so with this, he just kept
telling me that because I wasn't nervous to dance with
a girl, I was nervous about everything else that came

with dancing with a girl, you know, and making this
history moment. And so he was so encouraging and just like, YO,
use this opportunity to be creative and to like make
history viral, do things that no one's going to expect
you to do. So I really valued that. Um My family,

you know, because I grew up in a very Christian home,
I was really nervous about not nervous. Um. I was
just like, how is what's their reaction going to be?
You know? And so I'll never forget after the producers
told me that, you know, you're probably gonna be dancing
with a girl this season I called my parents and
I was just like holding my breath for their reaction.

And the first thing that they said, my dad said,
he was like, you know what an honor that they
would choose you and trust you with this, And that
really just I think eased my heart and I was like,
you know what, this this is an honor. So I'm
gonna give a thousand percent um. But yeah, it was

it was a lot having to kind of break the
ice to everybody, and you know, everyone's reaction was different,
and having to explain it. It was crazy. I honestly
didn't even know what it would look like because I
had watched the show growing up and obviously see male
female partnerships, and so I remember after you guys first
dance though, like week one, first ballroom floor dance, and

was like, oh, like they're going to be just fine.
I didn't expect it to be. So it was powerful
to watch, but it was also like, I didn't know
physically with two females dancing, like how do you make
that look like natural and really really like exciting and
fun to watch? Cringe and not cringe, you know what
I mean? And I think that was our goal the

whole season and I think because we were so comfortable
with it and just went like dobe into it and
didn't hold back, I think then everybody else was able
to watch it and be like, oh, this is natural,
this is you know, this is okay. I enjoyed this.
It's entertaining. Yeah. And I think also just watching you guys,

and specifically watching Joe Joe this see in from day
one to day eighty something or however many days the
show was till the finale, the growth she had because
of you, and she will say at first, she gives
so much credit to you about how you helped her
find this sense of confidence, and it's so apparent, like
being in the same room as her from day one

to the finale day, like just the growth she's had
and the confidence that she's built from the show. And
I relate to her in a certain sense, but I
think it was on such a grand scale for her
of just like, Okay, this is me. I have to
be comfortable with who I am. I'm spreading a message.
But at the same time, it's like she's eighteen, Like
that's so young to have the opinions and you know,

just the feedback from the world and yeah, and like,
sometimes you don't want to hear what people have to say,
and you just want to love who you love and
you want to live your life and your child still.
And I thought, just from just it was amazing to watch.
And I give you a lot of credit. I know
she gives you a lot of credit too, because I
think when you're partnered with somebody who really cares and
you can really trust them, they just not truly bring

that out of you. And I credit Valor lot to
like just the confidence I built from doing the show.
I was gonna say, I saw the same thing with you.
You know. I feel like in other seasons, I've been
able to help some of my celebrity, my male celebrities,
um grow, evolved, get better at dancing, but this was

this season I really saw um my efforts helped transform Jojo,
you know, into I guess a woman, and maybe because
I had done something similar, you know, I could relate.
I looked at her and saw the eighteen year old
me and there was so much potential, so much growth,

um so many areas to gain confidence until like be
accepting and loving of herself. And I really did see that,
and I think that it helped the blow of getting
second place, UM was seeing I felt like I had
already won because I just saw such an incredible outcome
of who she was becoming, and I was just like,

you know, this is the best I could have ever
asked for. Like that's a win within itself. I mean,
I wish people could really see like I mean, you
can hear us. I'm sure you can see on TV,
but the way people transform from the show, and I
feel like, specifically people who maybe are a little bit
younger and feel lost in just a certain degree, because
I can relate to that, like coming onto the show

being in my early twenties feeling like what's my purpose?
I feel like nobody really likes me in the world,
and like, now I'm going to put myself on national
TV and it's probably all going to fail and it's
going to be embarrassing. And then literally after like day two,
I was like, oh wait, this is really fun. And
then week two and then week three and then week four,
and I was like, I'm obsessed. I love this. I
love myself. I love waking up and being in my

own body and getting to do this. And I feel like,
just from talking to Joe, I feel like she had
like a similar experience. But I know that that has
to do with you a lot, and I just think
it's amazing. But I think too, you know those people
that you're explaining, and I think you're one of um.
Jojo is definitely one of them. And it can be
younger people. They are the most fulfilled and gained the

most out of the show. You know, it does change
their life in a sense. And I saw it with you.
I mean your body changed. I feel like your confidence changed,
the way that you carry yourself. I saw that was Jojo.
You know, she was like wearing little crop tops towards
the end, and she would never have worn that week one.
I know. She said that in an interview. She's like,

I didn't even want to show my arms before and
now I'm here and I'm like the whole last woman.
I I made her cry one time. One time I
made her cry, and it was because it was our
second week. She was wearing this baggiest shirt and I
was like, Jojo, I can't see your body. You need
to take it off. She had something underneath. I knew it.

She's like, I'm not taking it off, and I was like,
I'm sorry, but I will not dance with you until
you take it off. Tears, full tears, and I was like,
is this happening right now? Full tears, sobbing, And we've
talked about this, so this isn't private. I know I
can speak on it, but sobbing. And then I just
like kind of it hit me and I was like,
where is this coming from? And She's like, you know,

I don't like my arms, I don't like my shoulders.
I feel like I'm brought her And I was like,
I wish you could see how actually stunning you are.
So I grabbed her hands. We walked in front of
the mirror, we did some like affirmations for a set,
she took off her shirt and we danced, and then
literally the next day she came in the crop top

and like never wore a full baggy shot ever again.
And I was like, such a moment. That's something she'll
also remember for the rest of her life, which I
just think is I mean, the show, it's really crazy.
It does stuff to you. You're only in it for
three months, but it's crazy. Okay, now that it's over, though,
what's what's upcoming another season? I'm assuming on the show,

I actually got Valento a pickle. Last time I asked
this question, I accidentally I don't know if I like
exposed too much information, So you don't have to answer
anything if you don't want to again, vows an open book.
He doesn't care. Um. No, I'm excited because so val
and I aren't going on to Dancing with the Stars
tour this year, which is wild for us because we've

been on about seven of them. Um. You know, it's
it's hard to say no because we love performing. But
I think it's time for us to start being our
own family and you know, being married and not being
married on the road or on a TV show. It's

you know, it's I'm excited to have this moment together
and to have some time to just like breathe out,
take our time with things. Um. But we have some
upcoming projects that I'm really excited about. We also teach
for a kid's convention. Um, I'm sure Bell told you
about that. But we go out on every weekend we're
in a new city teaching. It's called seven Dance that

we're gonna me starting up at the beginning of the year.
So come January we're gonna be traveling. I can't wait. There.
These kids are amazing and like the best. So what
does that entail, Like you guys go to different cities
and states and just train kids that are Is this
with like dance and co vals thing or is this no,
that is with a different company. Yeah, it's what I

essentially grew up doing as a competitive dancer as a kid. Um,
this is what inspired me to want to be a dancer,
a professional dancer. Basically, it's a weekend long thing. You
come and you take classes. You got to compete with
your studio, so we'll teach about six classes a weekend
and it's like full out dancing. Oh, it's just amazing

that it's awesome and year old sty thousands of kids,
and it's awesome to see this new generation of like
these are going to be the superstars you know. Yeah, totally. Okay,
I'm gonna look down because I wrote out one question
that I saw online and I just changed it a

little bit because I thought it was such an interesting question.
And okay it says obviously it didn't say online and
Dancing with the Stars partner, But tell me about a
Dancing with the Stars partner who touched your heart and
tell me about one who changed your practice. And I
loved how this person word at that. I thought it
was fascinating. Mm hmm changed my heart, changed my practice. Wow,

it's so great. Um. I will say that Joe. Joe
definitely changed my heart. Um, just in how I saw
the world, how I saw people, how I saw myself,
how I was more accepting. She definitely changed my heart

in so many ways. UM changed my practice. I would
say either my partner, Adam Rafon, he was an Olympic
ice skater and at the time while he was doing
the show, he was traveling. This was just up for
the Olympics that happened, and they went on this tour,

this like nationwide tour with all of the Olympic skaters together.
So we would legit wake up at six am practice
in any hotel, lobby, hotel, convention center, the jan keyest
little studios all over America, and then he would go

and do these like four hour shows where he was
skating full out, doing me in greats. Then we would
travel that night or the next morning and then rehearse
at six am. That I just saw such commitments and
he never complained one time, not one time. And I

knew he was exhausted beyond belief, but he would give
me everything, um when we would step into the rehearsal,
and I just from then on, I committed myself to
every time I'm going to step into a dance studio,
I'm going to give my all because if he is exhausted,
and I'm like, I I can do this. I can
do a three hour rehearsal, you know what I mean. Um.

So I feel like that changed just the way my practice,
meaning the way I hold my rehearsals, the way I
show up, the way I commit myself. Um. He really
really touched me then. But I would also say my
last season partner, Nie Shulman Catfish, Um, he challenged me,
and at first I hated it and I was like

this guy like he would like not question me, but
he would be like, are you sure? Or maybe we
could try this? And I was like, but you know,
I think that was the New Yorker and him, But
it also pushed me and made me have options ready,

made me be quick on my feet, and I would say,
I really appreciate that that And before I would never
have taken that. I'd have been like, sorry, buddy, no, no, yeah,
like this is that I'm actually the pro. Yeah, well
that's good. Though, I feel like they can also create
new experiences. I don't think I ever tried to give
my two cents this season. I was just like, I
don't know what I'm doing, nobody, whatever you want, yeah, literally,

whatever Val wanted. I was like, okay, I'll try it.
It was hard, though, and it's hard also like form
my like on the opposing end, it's hard to put
that much like trust into somebody else. And obviously, I
feel like with most of the contestants, like after a
few days you realize that that person has your best
interests and like you can fully trust them and they
know what they're doing. But it is hard, like it's foreign,

you know. I want to ask you because it is
normal for us, because we do this year after year.
We and then we actually kind of expect it from
our celebrities, where you're walking into this blindly and you're
right to be able to trust somebody, you know, with
what you're wearing, what you're doing, what you're looking, like,

how you're dancing feels that is that must be terrifying.
It's terrifying, and I think for me personally, it was
like ten times more scary because I hadn't put myself
out publicly, you know, in two years, and I've told
you about this privately before, but just for the people listening,
it was like really hard for me to to know.

Like I I never thought for a second like val
or whoever they ended up partnering me with, would have
like mal intentions or like wouldn't have my best interest.
Like I I believed in the person I was dancing with.
I'm like, Okay, it's going to be fine. It's all
really sweet people. But also I had known like how
people viewed me and the way when I would be
out and about people would treat me or look at me,

and I didn't want that to like interfere with anything.
So I was really hesitant to even say as to
the show. And then once I did say yes, I
was like, well, this is my first time being public again.
So anything I say or I do, or the way
I dress or something that's in a package that oh
my gosh, why did they add that in my package?
Like I didn't want that to be seen. Like moments
like that I was really nervous about because I just

didn't want the narrative that had already been put out
there about me to go any further. So that was
like hard for me, just coming from a place of
like I already feel like so many people don't like me,
So now I'm nervous to like trust again just in
general and to like be your pure authentic self. Yeah, totally.
So that was like a little scary for sure. But

as I said, like, after I think one or two practices,
I was like, oh, this is actually really fun, Like
I enjoy this. Well, you know, I will say that
I think that thou was the absolute perfect partner for
you because he cares Beyonce and he again he doesn't

care about what anyone's as or thinks. Um, he will
make those assumptions for himself. Yeah, that was super evident
to like day one or two. He like, Yeah, But
I also think that he gave you everything and was like,
I'm the number one fan, her number one supporter. I

will ride or die for this chick, you know what
I mean. And I think you would have gotten that
with other guys on the show. But I think that
he gave he was the perfect partner for you. I agree.
I think to like everything happens for a reason. I'm
a huge believer in that, and I just think that
that whole situation and him because as I don't want

to be repetitive, but also like I feel like I
hadn't had some especially a stranger that didn't know me
before all this, Like I hadn't had somebody like believe
in me or trust me or want to see me succeed.
So I was really thrown off honestly when I met
him and he was just super nice and like a
genuine teammate. I was like, is this real? Like as
somebody and I hate to like put any words into

your mouth, but like I bet it was also weird
feeling to be treated with like love and respect and
like genuine the best interest, your best interests in mind
every single day. And I'm sure that that was a
scary but like also really beautiful feeling. Yeah, it was

really rewarding. Like it's just something that I never thought
would happen from the show. But it's so happy you
did the show me too, Like what if you would
have said no, I know, I think about that often.
I'm like, what would I be doing. I'd be probably
in heavy therapy still, which I have dialed back on,
which I think is a good a good thing for

me because that means that you know, I'm I'm progressing.
I'm getting out of my little um funk I've been
in for a few years, slowly but surely. But I
credit so much of that to the show, and dance
is therapy. Dance is therapy. I highly encourage everybody to
try it. If you're a little sad, just blastom music
on your TV. Bust a move. You'll be fine. Go

on Dancing with the Stars if you can. The world
is your oyster. At this point, all right, I'm gonna

wrap it up, but I want to ask you. Is
there anything that I didn't know to ask that you
want to share, or anything that like our question that
like maybe somebody has asked you before and it was
just a really really great question and you have good
perspective on it, or something that even though I know
you pretty well, I would say that I could have
missed out on. Oh, or is there anything you want

to talk about like upcoming? Do you have projects? I
think you I had a thought for you, Jen, I
think you should do a clothing line because I didn't
know the Joe and Jack's brand wasn't yours. So I've
been like, yes, I've been wrapping it this whole time,
really really like proud of it. And then I realized
that you did a collaboration with them, and I was saying,
this woman has great style and she knows from being

in the gym all the time. You guys should see
her body. It's insane. And also a professional dancer, Like
I think you could really nail a line suited for that.
So that's my business. Two cents, Thank you so much.
Maybe should go into it together. I do, actually, I
do have a dance for a line with a company
called Joe and Jack's um Well released her first collection

and it was fun to see people wearing it this
season and dancing with the stars. Here's the thing. I
would love to do that, but my brain doesn't know factories, manufacturing,
dealing with that whole end. I feel like my brain
is more creative and not like the business side of it.
So I think I would go absolutely psychotic m trying

to do it all myself. But maybe we'll put out.
You know that val had a line called Valentine Dude.
He told me this like recently, like towards the end
of the season, and I was like, what, Yes, he
had like such great little shirts and this like little
logo and sweatpants. It was amazing. I think we need
to bring that back, bring back Valentine. We're like plugging

a brand that doesn't exist anymore. I know, I know,
I know. He told me to Me's like, it's just
too cool. It was just too cool that the people
didn't get it. And that's why that is the most
well thing to say. It was too cool. Yeah, um no,
I think that's something that I don't know. I don't

actually know if we've really talked about this, but I
am just so into I think also after seeing Joe
Joe's transformation, even your transformation, I'm just like all about
bodied positivity right now. And I've been on both ends
of the spectrum of like being hated on because I

was too fat for everyone than being skinny shaved because
I'm too skinny. I need to go to eat a Hamburger,
like I just can't deal anymore. And I just think
that everybody is in their own phase of life, and
especially women. I think our bodies are transitioning all the
time and evolving, and I just think it's so important

to embrace every stage, every phase that you're in because listen,
without this specimen thing, like, we wouldn't be here, we
wouldn't be doing what we get to do every day.
So yeah, body post to the man. I'm just I'm
all about it being great for our bodies and in
every phase of life. I couldn't agree more. And I
feel like it's hard to being a quote unquote influencer

or like on like social media or whatever you wanna
call me. But it's hard because I feel so hypocritical, right.
I post my best angles, like the best you're always
looking like a snap tan, the best outfit I have,
Like I'm always putting something out there that I'm like
I feel my most confident in, which I think is
cool to a certain degree. But also I'm I'm a

hypocrite because I have so many moments where I'm really struggling,
like looking at myself in the mirror or like not
liking how my body looks, or one week feeling like, wow,
you look really good, and then just being a human
and a girl and my body like completely fluctuating in
a week, and then me feeling like about it because
I'm so used to comparing myself online, and I think
that's it's something that so many young girls deal with

and social media in general, And you know what I
thought about. I don't know if I might have talked
about this on an episode before, but I feel like
social media should have like some sort of age limit
because when we were growing up, it was like I
was the last, right, Like I think I was the
last generation that didn't grow up with social media, Like

I just made it out of like elementary school with
no Instagram, no Twitter, Like I guess there was Twitter,
but like we didn't use it um And I feel
like it it enabled me a to like use my
brain and my memory and create these crazy, crazy stories
that maybe didn't exist, but I could use my imagination
as a child, and I just feel like that is

not really a thing anymore, and it makes me sad.
I was just on the train, no Joke, and there
was this this little girl with her mom and her brother.
She was probably no joke twelve, maybe eleven twelve, reading comments,
scrolling through comments, comments, and it wasn't I don't know
if it was photo of her, what ab what. She
was just reading comments and I was like, this is

absolutely terrible and just for probably ten minutes straight on
the train, every comment she was reading. Damn, that is
not good for children to care to want to read
those comments, to believe any to like even have interest

in going through what they have to say. You know,
Oh man, Yeah, I am one thousand percent on board
with an age limit to social media. Yes, there's got
to be some restrictions. It's just getting and it's not
healthy for anyone, even being in our twenties. It's not
like me reading my comments, even if they're nice, it's
not like it gets me anywhere that far, Like, I

don't know the brains are meant, well, we're definitely not
meant to know this many people or know about this
many people and see this many people like I don't
think us as humans were built for that. Well, and
it's inevitable too because and thou will say this all
the time to me, I'll get hundreds of comments, but
if there are four that are negative Nancy's, I'm gonna

only remember those four periods. Only remember those four and
why how is that good for our brains? I just
had hundreds of comments that were like Queen, yes, four
comments I know, vaders and that's all I care about.
And I'm like I did something wrong, no, because it's
just how our brains are programmed. We want to please people,

we want people to like us, and the reality is
like our parents. My parents growing up always told me, like,
you know, you can't please everybody. Not everybody's gonna like you.
And I also grew up knowing that, like there's always
somebody that's going to be smarter and nicer and prettier
and kinder, but there's no me. And that's like such
a cheesy, like easy mindset to have, I mean hard
mindset to have, but it's easier said than done. Yeah,

But like being a kid and I remember going to
the playgrounds, I remember having like plates with my friends
and not having a device at all. You know, I
feel like we're just missing out on a lot of
actual human interaction rather than social media interaction. And it's
it's sad. I think that it needs to get some help. Yeah, somehow,

I know it makes me so sad. I was talking
about that with my sister last night. Actually, we were
like really getting into this topic randomly, and I was like,
it's just really scary that I don't think there is
a way now, we're in so deep. If you did
take away social media, I think people would freak out,
like I don't think we can, which is so scary.
So at least like Instagram. If you're listening, maybe throw

up an age restriction. I don't know, help some way.
Um all right, well, I love you. Thank you so
much for coming on this podcast. You're always so entertaining
to listen to genuinely. From day one, when I met
you and you walked in the rehearsal room, I just
didn't want you to leave. Um, so I'm so happy

you came on, and I'm so proud of you. Look
at you. You have your own podcast. Girl. I'm so
awkward still. I'm like, I feel like the only episodes
that I'm like really comfortable with are like you vow
my sister being on, Like I'd like to interview people
I know because I'm like, well, if I mess up,
they'll sense it and they'll cover for me. These are

the best podcast to listen to, though, because they're like
honest and real. So you're nailing it. Thanks Bay enjoying work.
Give vala hug for me. I'm giving you a virtual hug,
and I love you. And I'm so proud of your season. You,
I mean, you murdered it. It was insane. Thank you,
thank you, thank you, and thank you guys for listening.

And we'll see you next week. Peace,
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