All Episodes

May 29, 2023 52 mins


A-Block (1:43) SPECIAL COMMENT: I’d like to congratulate Joe Biden on kicking the asses of Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump in the debt ceiling deal. More over, I'd like to thank Speaker McCarthy for writing President Biden’s first re-election campaign ad for him.

Reporter: “Mr. Speaker, How would you describe your interactions with Biden during negotiations?”

McCarthy: “Very professional, very smart. Very tough at the same time.”

Voice Over (Announcer): “President Biden. Even the Republicans think he’s very professional, very smart, very tough at the same time!”

Voice Over (Biden): “I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message because you heard him: I’m very professional, very smart, very tough at the same time.”

Voice Over (Announcer): “Paid For By Biden-Harris 2024 and the Committee to Make Trump Eat Spit.”

B-Block (11:52) Hey, it's Memorial Day. I'm OFF. Can't you TELL? Rather than re-purpose previous podcast components, here's stuff you'll either want to listen to, or not want any part of. Cool. It's your day off too. These are old newscasts and sportscasts and we start with one I had completely forgotten: a commentary for the United States Radio Network in 1985 in which I bash a football team owner named Donald Trump. And then three newscasts when New York radio station WNEW ran out of newscasters and had to have their 21-year old backup sports guy do drive time!

C-Block (27:53) An assortment, beginning fittingly with Memorial Day 1987 when I filled in for Brent Musburger on CBS Radio. Also in here, the day George Steinbrenner fired managers for the second time in the same year in 1982 (on WNEW) and a series of college broadcasts from WVBR at Cornell from 1979.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

Available transcripts are automatically generated. Complete accuracy is not guaranteed.
Speaker 1 (00:04):
Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of iHeartRadio. I
would like to thank Kevin McCarthy for writing Joe Biden's

first reelection ad for him. Reporter, mister speaker, how would
you describe your interactions with Biden during negotiations? McCarthy very professional,
very smart, very tough. At the same time, voiceover announcer
President Biden. Even the Republicans think he's very professional, very smart,
very tough. At the same time, voiceover by President Biden.

I'm Joe Biden, and I approved this message because you
heard him. I'm very professional, very smart, very tough at
the same time, voiceover announcer paid for by Biden. Harris
twenty twenty four on the Committee to Make Trump Eat Spit.
I mean, there is a lot not to like in
the dent ceiling deal, Like why were we even in
this situation again, and why seemingly will we be in

it again in two years? And why are we literally
taking food out of the mouths of the young and
the poor while adding eighty billion to the Pentagon budget.
But even all three of those things have good caveats
to them, but otherwise complete win for the president. Complete

and you know me I am not a cheerleader here.
I'm not beholden to this man. He cleaned McCarthy's clock,
humiliated the Republicans and raged the Republicans, neutered the Republicans,
kicked Trump in the ass in no particular order. Trump
told McCarthy not to make a deal. McCarthy made a deal.

Bannon says the deal stripped Trump of his leverage in
the election. Ha ha ha a. Barney Rubble was so stunned,
she said, wait for the text like she could read,
and she changed the subject to Memorial Day. Set the
Republicans against each other again. Congressman Bob good just no
true scotsman did, He says, no one claiming to be

a conservative can vote yes. Ted Cruz hates it. Lindsey
Graham hates it. Ron Johnson hates it. Congressman Ralph Norman
says it's insanity and has virtually no cuts. You are
correct sir. It's set the Republicans in the Rules Committee
against each other. So McCarthy will need Democratic votes in

the Rules Committee just to pass a bill that kicks
his own ass. And he Clyde the congressman set hard
pass Clay Higgins the Congressman referred to both parties messaging
a wiin as if he weren't a member of one
of the parties messaging a win. Last time I looked,
the president of the trumpest Center for Renewing America had

tweeted or retweeted fifteen agonized times. And yet Kevin McCarthy
insists more than ninety five percent of House Republicans are
very excited about this deal. Five percent of all the
House Republicans is eleven. House Republicans. I just quoted four

over my dead bodies, plus Tom Massey will be five.
Chip Roy is six, Dan Bishop is seven. You don't
have a lot of margin here. The number needed for emotion,
of course, to vacate the chair to put McCarthy's speakership
up for a vote of no confidence is one. And
Dan Bishop said McCarthy was supposed to eliminate eighty seven

thousand IRS agents, even though that's nonsense. But now Bishop
is convinced McCarthy only eliminated one, seven hundred and forty
of them, which also kicks Trump in the ass. Their
rage over the IRS was that there would now be
so many more audits of rich Republicans who are breaking
tax laws. Well, who's always been obsessed with audits. Trump

has always been obsessed with audits.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
That's who.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
That whole thing about the irs is about Trump. Kick
his ass. There's no default, there's no you know, world
economic cave in. Social security untouched, medicare untouched, medicaid untouched,
tax rates untouched, domestic spending. Flat energy permitting process was

supposed to only permit fossil fuels, now it permits green
fuel too. No sharp safety netcuts, no memory holding of
student debt relief, no rains Act, subjecting every major agency
regulation to be voted on by Congress one at a time.
Lord knows what happens next. They'll be voting tomorrow. But

Biden got his part of this done early enough that
markets and US lending credibility will escape this almost unscathed internationally.
Now those good caveats I mentioned, The work requirements for
SNAP are actually lower now for enough people, and have
been waived for veterans and the homeless and kids and others,

so that the net number of people for whom requirements
are raised and those for whom they are lowered is
actually believed to be equivalent. A wash. No change, and
the Pentagon increased caveat eighty billion eighty five billion. Look
at it this way. In the first sixteen months we
set about fifty seven point three billion in military aid

to Ukraine. We just got pro Russian fascists like Marge
to give Ukraine at least another fifty seven point three billion.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Sh don't tell them. It's wabbit season and they're the wabbit.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
The eighty billion increase for the IRS that was supposed
to be rescinded its entirety, including all those agents, it
may drop to sixty billion. And as to doing this
all over again in twenty twenty five, Biden has since
said he is now going to look at the fourteenth
Amendment as a means to erase the debt ceiling, so
that part of the agreement may not even exist by

a time of we're going to do it again. And
I suspect he threatened McCarthy with using the fourteenth now,
which is why he got this deal. Otherwise, McCarthy is
an even bigger idiot than I thought he was, and
I thought he was a pretty big idiot going into this,
And most importantly, by holding fast, Biden pushed this issue.

Why do we have a debt ceiling. He pushed it
front end center in American politics. Did you ask yourself
this question six months ago, six weeks ago? And he
and the other Democratic leaders who I constantly be rate here,
they have kept every Democrat in office silent about how

much Biden kicked Kevin McCarthy's ass and Trump's. Oh no,
we're pleased. Have a good Memorial Day, everybody, and maybe
best of all for you, if you follow politics and
baseball from Minnesota Twins fan Aaron Rupar of public notice

this sparkling sixcinct drollery. To wrap the whole thing up quote,
A debt ceiling deal has been reached, pending to physical
Some other Memorial Day headlines for you. Ken Paxton impeached
by the Texas Senate over what really matters to Texas Republicans.

Forget the fascism, This is about kitchen furnishings and extramarital affairs.
Ken will never be able to look his wife in
the eye again.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
That's a joke. Take a look at a picture.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
Headline from the Philly Inquire, A non exhaustive list of
trash Penn students left on the streets of Philadelphia. What
a non exhaustive list of trash Pen students left on
the streets of Philadelphia. What I mean, It's bad enough
you're calling them trash Penn students, but you're leaving them

on the streets of Philadelphia.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
Oh, I get it.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Trash Pen students left.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
I get it.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
My friend Will Bunch saw that first. Lara Lee Trump
tweeted a photo of her kids last night. The boy
Trump's grandson seems to be wearing rainbow crocs. Alright, fascists,
better get that hate machine protest over to Lara and
Eric Trump's house. Chadwick Moore, biographer of Tucker Carlson, says

he has been banned from Fox quote news unquote and moreover.
His sources there tell him they are not permitted to
say the name Tuck on the air anymore. Well, of course,
there's lots of things that people at Fox can't say.
I ever watch Janine Piro try to read a telepropter
and sure enough, another Trump town hall on Fox Thursday

from Iowa Clive, Iowa with Sean Hannity.

Speaker 2 (09:27):

Speaker 1 (09:29):
It's on tape. CNN did not, But even Fox has
realized not to put Trump on live from Clive at five.
You should not wish people a happy Memorial Day, but
I hope it's a good one for you. As I

said Friday, i'd be doing a podcast today if there
were breaking news. I certainly think all of this qualifies.
Biden wins the debt deal and gets the commercial made
for him. Thank you, Kevin McCarthy. Now there is a
writer's strake. Is there going to be a problem because
of that? Now? Look, this is my day off. I

think the last one I had was in February. So
rather than pad this thing out to the required length
by rerunning stuff from previous podcasts, I've got something you'll
either completely enjoy or not want to listen to in
a million years. If it's the latter, cool, I get it.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
See you tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
On the other hand, after the break, I will be
playing old stuff two segments full, but nothing I have
done more recently than nineteen eighty seven. You will hear
if you stick around a bewildering supply of old radio broadcasts,
starting with one I had completely forgotten about ever doing.

Might be the first time I ever trashed Trump. It
is from nineteen eighty five on the United Stations Radio
Network as I was filling in on a sportscast for
Charlie Steiner, the voice of the Dodgers. It is over
how Trump was mishanded his team in the old United
States Football League. When you say boy Alverman never stops

talking about Trump, it's true. After that, there follows the
day Friday July twenty fifth, nineteen eighty when the big
New York radio station I've referenced here many times before, WNAW,
which had an enormous full time news department and plenty
of fill in freelancers, they ran out. They had to

ask the long haired twenty one year old phill In
morning sportscaster to do the news in afternoon drive. That
would have been me at twenty one in the number
one radio market in the country. So listen or don't.
A whole bunch of seventies and eighties sportscasts in the
second block. But first the Trump bash from nineteen eighty

five and the day I pretended to be a newscaster
on WNEW Metromedia Radio in New York. That's next.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
This discountdown the United States Football League is absolutely essential
to civilization as we know it, and other falsehoods. I'm
Keith Overman for Charlie Steiner on the United Stations Radio
Networks with some thoughts on sports, and I'll be back
after this. I must admit that some of my happiest

moments in the last three years have come while watching
the United States Football League. Not the games, mind you.
The games are usually sloppy, boring, and pretentious, but the
league is a gas. If it stops being a gas
and instead, as they say, takes the gas, I'll be
upset first. There is a comical situation in New York.
The New Jersey Generals in Houston Gamblers merged in what
is not too cleverly concealed a bid for an NFL

expansion team.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
What's the first thing.

Speaker 3 (12:45):
General's co owner Donald Trump said after the merger that
his new team could easily beat the New York Jets.
The New York Giants are almost any other NFL club.
This is nice, but not particularly relevant to the USFL.
Trump more or less, the league's captain is not only
making sure he doesn't go down with the ship if
it sinks, he's also busy building a yacht for him self.
In the first mate not scheduled to be on board

that yacht is Doug Flutey. It's believed around USFL circles
that Flutey is headed to Boston for the nineteen eighty
six season, which is very appropriate considering he electrified that
city while at Boston College. But there's just one problem.
Boston doesn't have a USFL franchise. But they'll work it out,
they always do. Somebody will move to Boston. Maybe the
San Antonio Gunslingers are the Portland Breakers. The Kalamazoo Wheels. No, wait,

the Kalamazoo Wheels play in the International Hockey League.

Speaker 2 (13:33):

Speaker 3 (13:34):
That's my favorite part of the USFL saga, the alacrity
with which franchises moved from city to city. The American
Football League had only two franchise shifts in its history.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
The USFL has two a week.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
The league has all the stability of a box of
ball bearings in a teflon frying pan. The USFL may
well go the way of the World Football League, Pro
Team Handball and the Seattle Pilots. I hope not. I
need a constant source of entertainment. Of course, I take
solace in the fact that bad ideas never go away.
If the USFL full, somebody out there will make sure
that someday there'll be another one. I'm Keith Oberman for

Charlie Steiner on the United States Radio Networks.

Speaker 4 (14:12):
It's time now for Keith Oberman. He was doing the
Morning Sports when I was doing Ted Show last week.
This gentleman is parapatetic, not to mention that he gets
around a great deal for a young person. I'm Jim
Low and I hope you rejoin me in the Jim
Loow Music Hall straight Ahead on WEW Metromedia Radio in New.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
York WAW News at five point thirty. It's sunny and
ninety two degrees. I'm Keith Olberman. There's been a seventh
fatality from yesterday's explosion and fire at the factory building
in Queen's. The latest victim twenty one year old Evelyn
Rodriguez of Queens. Another eight still reported in critical condition
undergoing treatment at the New York Hospital's Burns Center. No

major power problems reported. After the conclusion of what turned
out to be a rather brief Public Service electric and
gas strike, an all night bargaining session produced tentative agreement
on a two year deal, providing an eight point five
percent raise the first year, a nine percent high the second,
Some five thousand clerical and electrical workers had struck the
New Jersey power outlet last night. Security precautions reported tighter

than ever at the Metropolitan Opera House now, this after
Wednesday's murder of violinist Hennett Helen Hagnes Mitticks. Police continuing
their investigation, questioning now members of the Berlin Ballet troop
who are scheduled to leave the city next week. Reports
now that miss Minnicks died of injuries suffered as the
result of her fall. The special Senate subcommittee that will
investigate Billy Gate has announced plans to start its work

on Tuesday. Full details on these stories and the rest
of the news on The Hour at six with Bruce
Charles now in Sports Commissioner Warrants O'Brien of the NBA
has awarded the next Seattle's first choice in next year's
college draft. That O'Brien's response to a court ordered restructuring
of the compensation the Sonics got two years ago when
the NIXT sign away Marvin Webster from Seattle. O'Brien gave

the Knicks the choice of the choice or the two
hundred and seventy five thousand dollars that he valued the
choice at Knicks are expected to go for the draft pick.
They say, though they're not pleased with the O'Brien decision,
you'll want Lonnie Shelton back. Turnabout, though possibly not fair play.
At the Moscow Olympics this afternoon, Nadia kohen Ch, originally
placed by the scores in a tie for the silver
in the women's floor exercises, saw her marks upgraded so

that she wound up sharing the gold with her arch
rival Nellie Kim. Earlier, Naja took a gold in her
own right in the beam competition. A bunch of British
Olympians had something to waive the Union Jack about today,
Alan Wells winning the gold in one hundred meter dash.
Steve Ovitt and Sebastian Coe both earning semi final victories
in the eight hundred meters. They'll square off along with

six others in the finals tomorrow. Daly Thompson of Great
Britain moved into the early lead after three of the
decathlon events.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
Alexander to Diet and the.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
Russian male gymnast took home a loop bag full of
six medals today alone, one gold for silver's one bronze
diet In with eight medals at the game so far.
The local sports Mets at home, Yanks on the road
after this this.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
The Australian Airline.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
The Yankees and Royals meet for the second time in
a week, starting tonight in Kansas City. Louis Tiant coming
off the disabled list to start this evening against the
Royals and happy to have him back as Yankee second
baseman Willie Randolph with.

Speaker 5 (17:16):
Janker is that experience. Of course, he's been there, and
when he's down in the dog days, which we're coaching
right now, he comes to Big for he likes the
hot weather and as I said before, Louise, that old
craftsman who knows what to do when the situation near arriving.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
Randolph and the Yanks are eight and a half games
in front of the East in the American case, up
by eleven in the West. The Royals have reportedly given
third baseman George Brett and Eat five million dollars for
a five year contract. The Mets are home to Cincinnati
looking for better things than last weekend's one and three
record against the Reds at Riverfront Stadium. Pitchers tonight and
the opener of the nine game homestand Paul Moscow for
the Reds Pat Zachary for the Mets. Not a single

game in progress in baseball right now, though momentarily. Double
header action starts at Philadelphia the Braves and the Pills,
and at Cleveland the Angels and Indians, starting at six o'clock.
The Red Sox Red Sox played two at Minnesota. The
Dow Jones Industrial Average down eight point oh two today,
closing at just more than nine hundred and eighteen. The
American also down one point forty five to settle at

three sixteen point forty seven, and the over the counter
Nasdaq Index dropped point twenty nine to close at one
sixty nine point sixty three. The WAW Weather Center forecast
for New York City and Vicinity Tonight clear and mild,
lon near seventy.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
We'll have one of those full moons as well.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Tomorrow, mostly sunny, the humidity going up in the high
and the low nineties. Just in case you forgot what
the yearly part of the week was like. Tomorrow night
fair and warm, low in the mid seventies, and on
Sunday partly cloudy, hot and humid again, the high in
the low nineties. Right now, it's sunny, ninety two degrees,
the humidity twenty seven percent, the winds are at five
miles an hour, and they're from the southwest.

Speaker 2 (18:48):

Speaker 3 (18:49):
I'm Keith Olberman WOAW News with Jim Low.

Speaker 4 (18:52):
Five million dollars for a five year contract. Wow. But
you know something, It didn't steady. They're out of work
six months of the year, only t in lot of
music hall. When you come back, we'll have a big
band sweep and another nostalgia trivia Hall of Fame question.
Straight ahead on WEW Metro Media Radio in New York.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
WAW News at six point thirty. It's sunny and ninety degrees.
I'm Keith Olberman, the news being brought to you by
the New York Bank for Savings. Violinist Helen Hagnus Midticks
was alive when she fell sixty feet to her death
down an air shaft at the Metropolitan Opera House. At
the statement today of the City Medical Examiner's Office, severe
fractures to the skull, ribs, and legs apparently caused miss

Mitticks's death. Increased security procedures reported today at the met
including the use of ID cards by employees, a seventh
person has now died as a result of the terrible
explosion and fire at the metal factory in Queen's yesterday.
Another eight people still in critical condition at New York
Hospital's Burns Center. The PSE and G strike is over
less than twenty four hours after it began.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
An aline bargaining.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
Session producing a tentative agreement that would, if approved, give
five thousand clerical and electrical workers raises of eight point
five percent and then one percent over two years, and
the two sides in the path dispute have been called
back to the bargaining table for a meeting. They will
meet next Wednesday. Full details on these stories and the
rest of what's happening on the seven o'clock News with
Bruce Charles Now in Sports. Preston Gomez, who took over

the Chicago Cubs after the end of last season, was
fired this afternoon as the team's manager. Third base coach
Joey m al Fatano, who took over last season when
Herman Franks resigned as the Cub manager, has again been
named acting field boss. Chicago is thirty eight and fifty
two right now, in last place in the NL East.
They're thirteen games back of front running Pittsburgh Baseball. Tonight,

the Yankees are at Kansas City, with Louis Tinant trying
to make a successful comeback after three weeks on the
disabled list. Rich Gale to pitch for the Royals at
Chase Stadium. The Reds are in town to start off
a nine game homestand for the Mets, it'll be Paul
Moscow against Pat Zachary. Three double headers underway in the
Major leagues right now in Philadelphia. The Phillies lead the
Braves two to one in the third inning of the
first game. There, Angels over the Indians three nothing in

the second game of their the first game of their
doublehead second inning rather and the Red Sox and Twins
scoreless in the first at Minnesota. The Jets and Giants
battled to a ten ten tie at Hostra this afternoon.
In the Rookies scrimmage, second round draft choice Ralph Clayton
outshine top Jet pick Lamb Jones. Clayton with a five
yard touchdown run and four catches for forty eight yards.

The Giants td came on a Scott brunner to Danny
Pittman four yard pass at the Olympics yesterday Natiya coom
and Hch had her score readjusted downwards that took a
gold medal away from her. Today she had the tally upgraded,
as Patty Berman reports, and she wound up with two
gold medals.

Speaker 5 (21:39):
The final competition of women's gymnastics was a best charge
to Yo Hotion and political tension HII Bourman Moscow.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
Also at Moscow, Russia's male gymnastics win Whiz Rather Alexander
didat In won no fewer than six medals, a gold,
four silvers, and a bronze.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
In competition.

Speaker 3 (21:55):
Today, the Soviets with thirty four gold seventy six total medals.
Second place East Germany has only eleven goal, just forty
seven total.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
All the Knicks we'll say is we're not.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
We'll have more on that story after this from the
New York Bank for Savings. So put your hard earned
money to work at the New York Bank for Savings,
the Beehive Bank, we give you more, member ift.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
I see.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
The Knicks are not happy about NBA Commissioner Larry O'Brien's
decision this afternoon that they should receive Seattle's first choice
in next year's college draft. That O'Brien's way of restructuring
the Marvin Webster compensation case from two years ago. About
a month ago, a court said he had to give
the next something back from that compensation. Mike Burke and
the gang at the Garden were hoping for Lonnie Shelton.

Jim Simon's is sixty two yesterday, is seventy today, but
he's still up by a stroke at the Greater Hartford Open.
Patty Hayes and Sally Little up by one at the
LPGA event on the Island at Jericho at Yonkers Raceway.
We'll reopen tonight after more than a week of quiet
due to the horse owners boycott.

Speaker 2 (22:54):
Downday on Wall Street.

Speaker 3 (22:55):
The Dow Jones dropped eight point oh two, closing at
nine to eighteen point oh nine. The American Index dropped
one point forty five, closing at about three sixteen and
a half, and the over the Nasdak lost point twenty nine,
finishing up at one sixty nine point sixty three. The
WAW Weather Center forecast for New York City and Vicinity.
It was a nice day, it will be a nice evening,

clear and mile lone near seventy. The full moon out
Tonight mostly sunny, getting stickier tomorrow as the humidity goes
up high in the low nineties. Tomorrow night fair and warm,
low in the mid seventies. Sunday a lot like tomorrow,
only more cloudy, hot, humid, high in the low nineties.
Right now, sunny and even ninety degrees thirty two celsius.
Humidity stands at thirty two percent. Winds coming from the

southwest at six miles an hour. The news has been
brought to you by the New York Bank for Savings.
I'm Keith Olberman WNW News back now to Jim Low.

Speaker 6 (23:46):
This is WNEW New York, eleven and three to zero
on your dial.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Metro Media Radio.

Speaker 4 (23:51):
Stay tuned right now for Keith Oberman and the news
in the sports in five minutes, Stan Martin, five minutes,
mister Martin on WNW Metro Media Radio in New York, tell.

Speaker 3 (24:08):
Me WHATW news at eight o'clock. It's clear, eighty six degrees.
I'm Keith Olverman. Security is tight the atmosphere tents at
Lincoln Cider this evening, where the Metropolitan Opera will go
on with the show. New security procedures such as the
use of ID cards by employees entering the opera house
when it went into effect today after Wednesday's murder of
violinist Helen Hagness. Midtis more on the circumstances of the

violinist death released today. Mona Rivera has a report.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
It was a gruesome death.

Speaker 7 (24:36):
I'm Mona Rivera at w Andew News.

Speaker 3 (24:39):
The explosion and fire at that Queen's factory happened yesterday,
but the suffering and the tragedy appear to be stretching
out to many days. The death till now seven after
forty two year old Lewis Cruz of Manhattan died early
this morning and twenty one year old Evelyn Rodriguez died
at a quarter to three this afternoon. Miss Rodriguez was
the fourth die of injuries since the explosion.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
Three died on the scene.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
Eight are still reported in critical condition from the blast,
three with burns ver seventy percent of their bodies. Their
prospects for survival very poor. Not all the news is grimmed.
This Friday night, the Public Service Electric and Gas strike,
over less than a day after it started. PSEE and
G reaching tentative settlement this afternoon, with five thousand electrical
and clerical workers who'd walked out last night. Utility spokesman

Art Lenihan details the pact.

Speaker 7 (25:25):
We have reached a tentative agreement with the negotiating team
of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The agreement calls
for an eight and a half percent increase in wages
during the first year, eight and a half percent the
first year, and a nine percent increase in the second year.

Speaker 3 (25:45):
Union approval still necessary before its official. Maybe, just maybe
things will be on the verge of breaking in the
seemingly endless path strike. The federal mediator involved as directed
representatives of the Port Authority and Local thirteen thirty of
the car men to go back to the negotiating table
and that they will next Wednesday at eleven Amtionally, Republican
presidential nominee Ronald Reagan told in Los Angeles news conference

today he expects to receive personal attacks for President Carter
during the campaign for the White House. As to what
Carter is up to as campaign nineteen eighty swings into
high gear, here is Walter Rodgers from Washington.

Speaker 8 (26:20):
Privately, Carter aides are deeply concerned about the political problems
created by the President's brother, Billy spokesman Jody Powell, acknowledging
this is an extremely difficult time for US Walter Rodgers
at the White House.

Speaker 3 (26:32):
New developments in the Billy Carter story seemingly coming by
the hour, now Attorney General Benjamin Siboletti saying now that
he and President Carter had discussed Billy's involvement with Libya
back last month. The Justice Department's Internal Security Division responded
to the revelation by launching an investigation into whether or
not Civilletti's involvement in the Billy Carter mess was in
violation of the law or of Department regulations. In sports,

the National Basketball Association has awarded the Knicks the first
round choice belonging to Seattle in the next college draft,
that part of the reworking of the Marvin Webster compensation.
The next day, they're not happy with that. Nadia Komen
each won two gold medals at the Olympics today, earning
the gold and the Beams sharing the gold in the
floor exercises with her arch rival Nellie Kim. The Giants
and Jets battle to a ten ten tie in their

rookie scrimmage at Hofstra Yonkers reopens this evening and Preston
Gomez has been fired as manager of the Chicago Cubs,
coach Joey Amalfatana taking over as a temporary replacement. The
WNAW Weather Center forecast for New York City and Vicinity
Tonight clear and mile low about seventy. Tomorrow, it'll be
sunny and warm again, high in the low nineties, but
there will be lots of the humidity. Tomorrow night fair

and warm, low in the mid seventies, and wrapping up
the weekend on Sunday, partly cloudy, hot and humid, the
high back up to the low nineties. Right now, the
temperature eighty six degrees thirty degrees celsius. It's clear, with
the humidity standing at fifty three percent. Wins from the
northwest at nine miles an hour. I'm Keith Olberman WNAW
News with Stan Martin Garner.

Speaker 2 (27:59):
You're at WNAW, New York with Stan Martin Oky Next
News Time.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
A Memorial Day in Los Angeles. I'm Keith Oberman for
BRT Musburger with Sports Time, sponsored in part tonight by
tenactin Athletes's foot Remedy. Eric Davis did not hit a
home run as his Reds beat the Cubs. Five to
four this holiday afternoon. But that's all right. Eric Davis
will still hit sixty three home runs this season. At
least that's what basic mats suggests. Seventeen homers in his
team's forty four games works out to sixty three homers

in his team's one hundred and sixty two games.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Charlie Brown may have been able to.

Speaker 3 (28:32):
Insist that Lucy tell her statistics to shut up, but
the homer binge in baseball cannot be ignored because it's
not just Eric Davis. Last year, only two players hit
more than thirty five homers. This year, twenty seven of
the Moron schedule to top that mark, and five.

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Could top fifty.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
The start of Oakland rookie Mark McGuire projects out to
sixty two homers at the current pace, Mike Schmid, Andre Dawson,
and Ozzie Virgil would hit fifty three each, and at
this rate, light hitting Philly shortstop Luisaguio would pound twenty
four of them. And when Luisa Guio starts hitting twenty
four homers a year, it's time to start asking questions.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
What's worse than athlete's foot?

Speaker 3 (29:08):
And only your FTD florist has it There are many
explanations for the festival of home runs, the most obvious
of them being that someone's put something inside the baseball,
like rubber or maybe a nice thick Holland Dais sauce.
Major League Baseball on the manufacturers, the Rawlings company insists
nothing's changed, but Cardinals manager Whitey Herzog says he's taken
a bunch of nineteen eighty six baseballs and a bunch

of nineteen eighty seven baseballs and cut them down.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
To the core.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
Whitey then dropped the shorn balls from the height of
five feet. He says the nineteen eighty seven baseballs always
bounced higher than the nineteen eighty six baseballs, higher by
a foot per bounce. Advocates of other explanations believe all
this proves is that Whitey Herzog has a lot of
spare time on his hands. The other theories players are
suddenly stronger due to new weight training techniques perfected in

the last year, or with a number of star pitchers
on the disabled list, there are more bums throwing fatter
pitches to the hitters, or that the Ballyhood debuts of
slugging youngsters like Eric Davis and Kaville ken Seko have
inspired every player to see if he too can't unleash
the hidden power within.

Speaker 2 (30:10):
If this theory is accurate.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
Then those six home runs by Louis Aguio suggests that
the Phillies' utility man has an ability for self improvement
that makes l Ron Hubbard and Norman Vincent Peele seem
like amateurs.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
I care about feeling good.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
NEWSS Director Back to home runs. There's nothing wrong with them.
There's nothing wrong with a lot of them. But you
should have to go to the ballpark to see them.
The way things are going at the moment, all you
have to do is look out your window. There'll be
a home run flying by any moment. Now for Brent Musburger,
I'm Keith Oberman on the CBS Radio Network.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Hey, next News Time five twenty nine, here's Bill Keane. Bill,
I'm Bob Hagen.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
WAW News on The Ted Brown Show at six thirty
three and now WAW Sportsen Commentary with John Kenny. Good Morning,
Keith Oberman for John Sitcoms starring Jerry Van Dijke, Newscasters
at Channel seven, Premiers of Italy and Yankee Managers and
before you ask one of those groups in common know this.
Gene Michael has been fired for the second time in

eleven months, and guess who done it.

Speaker 9 (31:10):
Pride will be interim manager for the balance of the year,
and I'm hoping he'll be able to do a good job.
And some of these players would be well advised to
start playing up to as good as they think they are.

Speaker 3 (31:23):
George Steinbrenner last night naming Clyde King manager after the
Yanks dropped repaired to the White Sox one nothing from
fourteen to two. He said he really rather fired the
players and not the manager, but of course he couldn't
do that. The Bear statistics nine years nine managerial changes
to this year. There are now three managers. George is
fired twice each and Putty Poort Clyde King. This is
the list of the jobs he's held since coming into

Steinbrender's employee in nineteen seventy six, in order, special scout,
Minor league instructor, major league coach, special minor league coach,
major league coach, special roving coach, special assignment scout, major coach,
a special roving coach, and now manager the rest of
the season or three Steinbrenner explosions whatever comes first. I
was talking to Tommy John yesterday before the ball games

the stadium, six hours before the firing, and he told
me the real reason he wanted out of New York
was that he saw the situation snowballing, things getting far
worse in terms of turmoil and turbulence and not better.
This was before the stick got canned, and it did
indeed get worse even before the Stick got canned. As
the Aanks were getting blasted in the nightcap, George pulled
a Ray Kroc.

Speaker 2 (32:23):
Remember when the Padre owner got.

Speaker 3 (32:24):
On the PA system in San Diego to apologize for
how badly his team was playing, well, George had Bob Shepard. Shepard,
the PA announcer, offer a ticket turn in, give your
stubs back in exchange for a ticket to another ballgame.
That embarrassed the ballplayers, as did the Michael firing. And
you can bet things are going to go crazy in
the Bronx the rest of this year. Forget the Pennant race.
And what's the reaction among Yankee fans. Well Waws Mike

Eisgrouse spoke to one router in midtown Manhattan this morning.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
That man's crazy, That's what I would say, Michael A. Steinbrenner,
I'm Brenner. Why all the firing he does? I tell
you I think he should sell that to him sounds
like a good idea.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
And George, this firing your employee stuff is getting out
of hand. Go see the team doctor Bontomo and see
if he knows a good counselor and get it checked out.
Maybe it is something that's an impassioned plea from a
jaded X Yankee fan. Elsewhere, one of the guys George
got rid of last year shut out the Mets. Doug
Bird throws a three hitter, Cubs five Mets nothing. Mets
turned to triple play, sort of like getting a Sun
ten during an atomic explosion. Briefly the scoreboard National League

Giants over the Braves six to three, Phillies three expos
to Dodgers shut out the Reds four, nothing cards for
the Pirates two and in eleven, Houston seven, and the
Padres six. In the American two other twin nighters, but
none of the losing managers got fired. Baltimore and Boston
split Orioles the first seven to two Red Sox, the
second seven to six. Texas and Cleveland Cleveland the first
two to nothing Texas.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
That I capped five to four in ten.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Also Seattle over Oakland three to two, The Twins beat
the Angels five to four, Royal six, the Tigers five
at the Brewers seven, Toronto four, and the Jets make
news getting rid of a rookie safety named Chuck Cook
and buying from New England to tackle named Charles Cook.
Which makes me think that's what will happen in the Bronx.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
One day.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
George will fire Clyde King and replace him with Clyde King.
Keith Olberman for John Kenney on the Ted Brown.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
Show, on.

Speaker 8 (34:18):
I'm Bob Hagen, WAW News on the Ted Brown Show,
It's seven thirty four.

Speaker 3 (34:23):
And now WNAW Sports and Commentary with John Kenny. Good morning,
Keith Olberman for John. A stunning development from the Bronx.
The Yankees have not fired their manager this morning. Of course,
last night is a different story altogether. At one six
am Eastern Steinbrenner Time, right after the Yanks drop two
to the White Sox, Gen Michael was jumped, Clyde King

brought in as the third skipper of this nineteen eighty
two Yankee campaign. Here is the prime suspect in the
last scalping at Fort Apache the Bronx.

Speaker 9 (34:51):
Sometimes I wish that you could let go of a
lot of players instead of having to let go of
a manager, but that isn't the way this game happens
to be structured. I think we've got some players on
this team that think they're a lot better than they are.
That gets hurt us.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
That's not everybody.

Speaker 9 (35:08):
We've got some guys that are as good as they
think they are, but we've got a number of them
who think they're an awful lot better baseball player than
they really are.

Speaker 3 (35:14):
Apart from assuring that the Yankees could never get it
together in time to make a challenge down the stretch
this year, the move accomplishes of the following and lets
George say he's fired now three guys two times each.
It lets him even up his years running the club
at his managerial changes, now nine each. It means twice
George has fired a manager before he was even supposed
to get the job. Michael wasn't due back at the
Helm until nineteen eighty three, and it gives Gene Michael

the unique distinction of having been fired twice from the
same job in less than eleven months, and of course
it blows away any remaining credibility George or the front
office might have had with fans, or players or managers.
Speaking of managers, Saturday is old Timers Day at the Study.
Even there's no truth to rumors that the two teams
of returning heroes will be old Yankee managers who quit
versus old Yankee managers who were fired. Yanks and White

Sox play at doubleheader again today. Clyde King meets the
press at one o'clock. Last night, the scores were one
nothing from fourteen to twogo in the fourteen to two
one did it for George. He's even said fans attending
last night's game could turn in their ticket stubs for
tickets to future games. Unfortunately, he made that announcement while
the second game was still in progress last night, and
I'm surprised some of the players didn't walk off the
field when they heard that. As to the Mets, they

continue on in their mundane, peaceful little way, playing the
Cubs again in Chicago this afternoon at Wrigley.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Swan versus Jenkins.

Speaker 3 (36:26):
Yesterday it was hex Yankee Doug Bird throwing a three
hitter to beat the metsis five zip Around baseball, the
following teams played last night.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
Some won, some lost, but none fired their manager.

Speaker 3 (36:36):
American Week Milwaukee over Toronto seven to four, Kse beat
the Tigers six to five, Twins five the Angels four,
Mariners over the A's three to two. Two twin night
doubleheaders splits Boston and Baltimore, Orioles in the first seven
to two, Red Sox the nightcap seven to six, Cleveland
and Texas Indians the first two to nothing, and in
the nightcap in ten innings it is Texas five Cleveland four.

Speaker 2 (36:55):
National Giants over the Braves six. Three.

Speaker 3 (36:57):
Phillies beat the Expos three to two, all three Philly
runs coming in the sixth inning. They were unearned, started
by an error by Doug Flynn at second base. With
the Expos for the first time last night, Astros of
the Padres seven to six. That one in eleven Cardinals
for the Pirates. Two Dodgers shut out the Reds for nothing. Briefly,
Scott Klein, endorsed and All Conference defenseman at Providence Colleges,

signed with the Rangers. He and his brother Kurt, who
was also Ranger of property, do not in fact belong
to the family that makes its livings, sowing the names
onto the back of the Ranger Jerseys names the story
with the Jets too. They've picked up tackle Charles Cook
on waivers from New England, and to make room for
Charles Cook, they've waived a guy named Chuck Cook a
rookie safety. Obviously they have a Charles or Chuck Cook quota.

And finally, back to the Yanks. If Georgia is gonna
switch managers twice or three times a year, he ought
to use it properly for the public relations bonanza. It
could be he should schedule the firings in advance and
put them on the schedule as promotion days, bat Day,
ball Day, cap Day, guillotine Day. Keith Oberman for John
Kennelly on The Ted Brown Show.

Speaker 10 (37:59):
One Texas Ranger relief pitcher Sparky Lyle is making a
bundle on his latest literary effort. Here with a review
of the book is wvbr's Keith Oberman, who incidentally sharpened
his fangs for this one.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
This book Stinks.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
The Bronx Zoo purports to be an astonishing inside look
at the world champion New York Yankees and their coast
to coast rivals. But the only thing astonishing about it
is that Sparky Lyle and co author Peter Golenbach could
transform an incredible season with one of the most interesting
and talented groups of ballplayers ever assembled into two hundred
and forty eight pages of absolute dribble.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
The book is in diary form.

Speaker 3 (38:41):
And the comparison to Jim Boughton's classic Ball four is
a natural one. Unfortunately, for Lyle and Golenbach, the comparison
is hardly favorable. Ball four is a book about a
bunch of men who play baseball, one of them being
Jim Boughten. The Bronx Zoo, on the other hand, is
about Sparky Lyle's obsession with not pitching enough for the
Yankees in nineteen seventy eight. There are some humorless anecdotes

and superficial character portraits thrown in, but they are there
only to stretch the book to its pointless length.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
Not only does Lyle's constant.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
Bitching get repetitive, but after fifty pages, it gets damn irritating.
Another remarkable fault of this book is Lyle's wishy washy
approach to his teammates and his fellow travelers. Lyle spends
two pages decimating former Yankee Sam McDowell's reputation, calling McDowell
everything from a liar to an alcoholic, and then he
concludes the piece by noting, sudden, Sam, he was a

joy and a treat I wish the guy all the best.

Speaker 2 (39:33):
He deserves it.

Speaker 3 (39:35):
Every time Lyle blasts a teammate or a management type,
as he did McDowell, he sugarcoats it with a throwaway
compliment like that one. A lot of the book's problems
ohe to co author Golenbach, whose other baseball effort was
a disjointed Yankee anthology called Dynasty. It was written in
the same sixth grade style that reappears here. For all

we know, Lyle could have written this book like Isaac Newton,
but after Golenbach got at the manuscript, it reads.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
More like Wayne Newton.

Speaker 3 (40:02):
There are supposedly great insights and remarks revelations in this book,
but they eluded me entirely. Certainly it should be interesting
to read about the foibles and the fallacies of famous ballplayers,
but Lyle presents all of it in such a matter
of fact, dry as cotton style that you find yourself
praying for the remaining pages of the book to be blank.

The Bronx sou by Sparky Lyle and Peter Goleenbach. I
was dumb enough to spend ten bucks on it, don't
you be? You are welcome to borrow my copy. You are,
in fact welcome to keep my copy. That's the sports Essay.
I'm Keith Olberman, Keith. It sounds like a great book.

Speaker 2 (40:41):
It's five forty five. Time for Tonight's World Report Sports
with Keith Olberman. Keith. Thank you very much, Betty Good.

Speaker 3 (40:46):
Evening, World Reports Sports brought to you by Harold's Army
Navy on the Ethic of Commons.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
Harold's makes the difference.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
They wrapped up the last six rounds of the NFL
College Draft today, and there were a few names left
when the San Francisco forty nine ers opened it up
in the seventh round by picking Stanford running back Phil Francis.

Speaker 2 (41:03):
Of most interests to Ivy League players taken. Among the
late picks, he Ale.

Speaker 3 (41:06):
Tight end John Spagnola, drafted as a hometown choice of
the New England Patriots in the ninth frame. Brown guard
Bob Forster was Detroit's twelfth round choice. For the third
year running, the IVY League's Player of the Year was
not drafted. Dartmouth quarterback Buddy Tevens left at the church
by the pros. Nobody nibbled even at Corneill's Joe Holland.
A two sports selection occurred in the seventh round when

Saint Louis went for wide receiver Kirk Gibson of Michigan State.
He happens also to be outfielder Kirk Gibson of the
Tigers farm at Evansville. Gibson's baseball deal forbids him to
play any pro football, but then again, the Cardinals might
get away with it by playing their usual brand of
amateur football. Sorry about that one, and making the neat
transition to baseball. The Texas Rangers have junked Veterans shortstop

Bert Campanias Camfy going to the California Angels for infielder
Dave Chalk in a straight trade. Just three years ago,
Texas owner Brad Corbett paid camp and Aarras a million
dollars for five years of service, and baseball experts said
Corbett was crazy.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
They were right. Cappan Aarras had just one eighty six
last year.

Speaker 3 (42:05):
For Texas, and the Rangers were forced to import three
rookies to play short this year.

Speaker 2 (42:10):
The swap for Chalk has reportedly.

Speaker 3 (42:12):
Been in the works for months, delayed only by Chalk's
status as a disabled player. Other baseball notes tonight at
Latta Braves, general manager Bill Lucas is being kept alive
by artificial means, but doctors do not hold any hope
for his recovery from massive brain hemorrhage and cardiac arrests
suffered Wednesday night.

Speaker 2 (42:27):
Lucas is forty three.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
A decision whether to shut down the support system keeping
him alive will be made this weekend. Meanwhile, two ballplayers
have gone on the disabled list. Twin pitcher Jeff zon
zapp for three weeks with a bum shoulder, Philly's second
baseman Manny Trio out for the same time period with
a fractured left forearm. The Red Sox got Carlton Fisk
back on the active roster today, but they can't say
when he will return to playing action, and the Yankees

sent rookie reliever Ron Davis back to Columbus, making room
for Jim Beattie, called up on Wednesday, turning over to
the local scene It's Cornell's Spring Fast weekend. To the
top event for area fans is the Big Red Laxman's
two o'clock face off with Princeton tomorrow. Wvbr's Alan Carrow
has more Keith, thank you, Allen. The forty fifth Annual
Outdoor Heptagonals come up this weekend at Brown The Big

Red Verse second in the Indoor heps and are the
defending outdoor champs going into this one. Here's Jeff Cohne
with the preview Keith, thank you, Jeff. Thursday Night Fevers
starring Pedro Borbone. That's next after this from Harolds nine
to five thirty.

Speaker 11 (43:35):
To the scene the swing Cincinnati Disco, the dancing dudes
and foxy ladies streading it like this note tomorrow the
doors swing open and any steps He's dashing debonair wearing
a baseball cap. Yes, he's pitcher Pedro Borbone of the
Cincinnati Reds.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
He strides to the bar.

Speaker 3 (43:52):
Cool as can be, but suddenly an altercation of fight,
Oh no, Barbone and the bartender and Borbone bites him.

Speaker 2 (43:58):
Fiction. Pedro Barbone says yes.

Speaker 3 (44:00):
The Cincinnati police say no, it actually happened last night
and they have charged their Red's reliever with assault or
striking and biting Disco Lounge employee John Toppits when Topits
tried to break up an altercation between Borbone and another patron.
Are you sure this is the way John Travolta started?
Still ahead of us tonight on World Report Sports. All right,
already still ahead of us tonight on World Report Sports.

Indiana wantson, but he can't go back there. Habs on
the Tube and a Derby bet Straight from the Horse's mouth.
Details up coming, But now from Louisville, here's the other
part of the Horse's anatomy. Howard Cosell. Hello again, everyone,
that Howard Coseell speaking of sports.

Speaker 2 (44:40):
This is Howard Coseell from Churchill Downs.

Speaker 3 (44:46):
We bring you Howard and assorted guests over the telephone
lines twice a day on WVBR at A twenty five
on Morning Report, and every evening right here on World
Reports Sports. It's less than twenty four hours since Sam
Nassy took over the NBA's Indiana Pacers, but already the
new club owner is making waves. Nassy's saying today he'd
like to see Indiana State star bird wear a Pacer

uniform next season. Bird and the Boston Celtics are on
the rocks as far as contract negotiations go, but the
Celts say unequivocably they have not given Indiana permission to
talk to mister Bird. Two games on tap tonight in
the NBA Semi San Antonio at Washington opening up this evening.
The TV game from Seattle sees the Sonics up won
nothing over Phoenix and no action today in those not

at NHL's Cup Final Semifinals. I'll get it out yet,
but word from the league office is in Montreal that
it'll be the Canadians and the Bruins on the tube
tomorrow night from the Forum, and not the Islanders and
the Rangers airtime on Channel nine Locally, Tomorrow night will
be eight pm.

Speaker 2 (45:41):
Finally, tonight, as customary.

Speaker 3 (45:43):
On the eve of Derby Day, the WVBR sports prediction, Well,
Wilburrow'll take for lying Paster, Thank you, and goodnight World
Reports Sports brought to you by Harold's Army Navy on
the Ethic of Commons. There are still three hours of
shopping left at Harold's tonight. I'm Keith Overman. Stay tuned
of VBR for updates throughout the evening and Steve enmarks
complete sports wrap up tonight.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
Hopefully it'll be a little bit more on the level.
He'll be back at late edition time at eleven o'clock. Betty,
thank you very much. Keith. It's five fifty five. The
Stock Report is after.

Speaker 10 (46:11):
This, And finally, WVBR is one of the few places
with a bona fide baseball card collector, the one and
only Keith Olberman.

Speaker 2 (46:18):
Here's his sports essay.

Speaker 3 (46:19):
It was Craig Mustard, the Red Sox fan, who got
us started.

Speaker 2 (46:22):
What downtown did you wear? What's Tompkins Street? Where? Where one?
What store?

Speaker 12 (46:26):
Burling's Market down on West Tompkins Street?

Speaker 6 (46:29):
You got basebookers are so?

Speaker 9 (46:29):
I'm today's wearing a Yankee app We're in a Yankee Let's.

Speaker 12 (46:32):
Go, come on, I think I can get Let's see
three boxes which should be turning sixty seven twenty one
thousand and eighty packs of cards or a ten of.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
Pack might be able to get us set that way.

Speaker 8 (46:52):
I don't aund two.

Speaker 3 (46:55):
Yeah, we hope to have it.

Speaker 9 (46:57):

Speaker 2 (46:58):
Are you standing outside the market now?

Speaker 6 (47:00):
Crazy for moving in?

Speaker 11 (47:04):

Speaker 2 (47:06):
I don't see them make me let's sick? Where are
they have the baseball cards. I'm gonna kill you, mister.
I saw him here. I'm going to kill him.

Speaker 10 (47:16):
Kill him.

Speaker 6 (47:18):
Was that these guys are gonna kill me?

Speaker 2 (47:20):
I saw the whole box of them. Yeah, at least,
do you really sure? I want to get him now?

Speaker 11 (47:28):
Right now?

Speaker 5 (47:29):

Speaker 2 (47:29):
Where, Red Sox Fan, I thought, do we go? Now? Where?
North Side and Mickey's Market the next two stops?

Speaker 12 (47:36):
Follow me?

Speaker 2 (47:36):
Guess what? They didn't have them there. Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 5 (47:42):
Jake's Red and White might have it.

Speaker 2 (47:43):
Jake's Red and White. Where's Jake's Red and White?

Speaker 6 (47:45):
So you followed me?

Speaker 2 (47:50):
They didn't have them at Jake's. We had one last chance.

Speaker 6 (47:54):
Standing here in the corners of Seneca and all many streets.
Getting the signal from Craig Mustard from inside the shortstop.

Speaker 2 (48:00):
We're gonna make a dash across the road.

Speaker 6 (48:01):
Now take the swing through approaching the door.

Speaker 2 (48:07):
I'm sam about twenty feet from it.

Speaker 6 (48:09):
Now into the door.

Speaker 2 (48:13):
Save yourself this time, Mustard.

Speaker 9 (48:14):
Red Sox Fan saved himself as usual.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
Pulled it out in the clutch. All right, what do
you want for a box box? Yeah? One full box
with the twenty packs. Mustard.

Speaker 5 (48:24):
I pulled it out in the clutch.

Speaker 12 (48:27):
He pulled it out from all right, let me have
three boxes, three box, three boxes, take your choice.

Speaker 2 (48:32):
Hey, b end three.

Speaker 12 (48:36):
We're gonna see the first car and pull out in
the seventy nine campaign.

Speaker 7 (48:39):
In all right, we'll make that ceremonial.

Speaker 2 (48:42):
First pitch, first pitch. Yeah, I'll take the quarter. Thank you.

Speaker 9 (48:45):
How can I give you three dolls?

Speaker 7 (48:46):
I figure out way to Twitter will.

Speaker 2 (48:50):
It's a Mets, a met it's a mediocre season. It's
forgot a second basement short stop. All right, troops, we
got our mission. Let's go.

Speaker 6 (49:02):
Thanks so long, Doug Flimm. He sends me to a
grocery somewhere and leaved albaha. Of course, where else would
they have them but the shortstop.

Speaker 2 (49:13):
That's the sports.

Speaker 6 (49:14):
Essay from Downtown, Oly, I don't want to That's the
sports Essay from Downtown, produced with the invaluable assistance.

Speaker 2 (49:24):
I'm Eric Corn, Craig Mustard and Top Schewing Gum. I'm
Keith Oberman.

Speaker 10 (49:29):
Let's go twenty one dollars for baseball cards and in
this week's sports essay, Keith Oberman looks at one team's
vain hopes of a championship.

Speaker 3 (49:38):
Thank you, Jeff the New York Rangers have not won
Hockey Stanley Cup since nineteen forty. Ice fans, and especially
Ranger fans, have puzzled about their team's lack of success
throughout the years, and they've attributed it to many people
and things. Fans of the forties blamed it on World
War Two and the loss of a bunch of stars
to military service. Fans of the nineteen fifties blamed it
on World War Two. Fans of the nineteen sixties blamed

it on World War Two. Fans of the nineteen seventies
blamed it on John Ferguson. Finally, last I'm Ranger management
decided it was time to stop hunting down the scapegoats
and instead take positive action. Freddy Shiro is imported from
Philadelphia to rebuild the club. The Twins, Swedes, Anders Headber
again elf Nielsen were swiped from the WHA, and the
club's practice site was moved from decadent Long Island to

decadent Westchester. So the Rangers, their moguls, and their fans
think they will do it this year. Last night's seven
to one playoff opening route of Los Angeles makes them
think the late season slump is over. And the march
to the Cup is underway. You see, the Rangers really
have no control over what happens to them past March first,
or so.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
They never had and they never will. For in mid March, their.

Speaker 3 (50:42):
Home, Madison Square Garden is attacked, attacked by the circus,
attacked by the elephants. Big gray, smelly, ugly elephants. You
know what elephants do, Yeah, they never forget. But that's
not what I meant. Elephants are big, they eat a lot,
they don't use everything they eat. They get rid of

what they don't use. As Warner Wolf would say, Boom,
elephant droppings certainly have a lot of direct influence on
the garden officials' ability to reform the ice service every
time that the Rangers play while the circus is at
the garden. But more than that, elephant droppings represent a
lurking evil, a suicidal desire by garden officials to sabotage
the Rangers every spring by stringing trappieces and nets across

the garden ceiling, by giving clowns first call in the
area that should be devoted to Dave Maloney and Ron Greschner,
by letting elephants let loose on the floor.

Speaker 2 (51:34):
Ohe you Ranger fans forsaken by your team.

Speaker 3 (51:37):
For the sake of elephants, don't even dream petition the
club to drop the next two games to Los Angeles.
It's so much easier than sitting through all this elephant
droppings year after year after year, and all you can
do is go get a shovel.

Speaker 1 (52:01):
Count Down with Keith Olderman is a production of Eye
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The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

Stuff You Should Know

Stuff You Should Know

If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

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