All Episodes

August 10, 2022 33 mins

Why did Trump's immediately allege the FBI planted evidence IF NOBODY HAS YET SEEN THE EVIDENCE?

(00:00) THE A BLOCK: It's obvious: you don't say "anything damning they find was planted" unless you know they're going to find stuff that's damning! (02:12) Why hasn't anybody just said "Trump's innocent"? (03:51) Sean Hannity with an unexpected update on the pee tape (05:12) Trump is suspiciously quiet! (7:15) Democrats have a chance to campaign on the GOP wanting to "Defund The Police" (8:11) And what's this about the FBI grabbing Rep. Scott Perry's phone?

(10:54) THE B BLOCK: Every Dog Has Its Day: Please meet Ox (12:45) POSTSCRIPTS TO THE NEWS: Primary results, Facebook helps prosecute a 17-year old for having an abortion, Rudy loses again. (16:31) WORLD OF WIDE SPORTS: Serena! and (18:28) Marshawn Lynch reaches the Mugshot Hall of Fame. (19:45) THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Alex Jones, Me, and Mrs. Jones and Dave Barstool Portnoy and Andrew Cuomo vie for the title.

(23:14) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL (26:45) 10 years since Aaron Sorkin put a quote of my Dad's into the mouth of Jeff Daniels' character on "Newsroom" and every woman I ever dated contacted me (28:44) I meet Josh Charles, who played me in Sorkin's "Sports Night" and we swap tales of woe (30:25) At Stephen Colbert's Comedy Central finale I meet Jeff Daniels and we swap the truth - and take a selfie!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of I Heart Radio.

How can you allege the FBI may have planted evidence
if nobody has yet seen the evidence? Last night, to
Trump lawyers, one of whom was at the raid, suggested
the FBI probably planted evidence at Mari Lago, and Newt
Gingrich went on one of the nut jobs streaming networks

and suggested the FBI probably planted evidence at Mari Lago,
and a guy on Fox News with the i Q
of a ferret said he had a hunch the FBI
probably planted evidence at Mari Lago, and Lindsey Graham calmly
agreed with him, And then a guy fired from Box
News said, the FBI probably planted evidence at Mari Lago.
And it's really really odd that before anybody but you

and your lawyers and maybe your closest confidants have any
clue whatsoever what was in the ten to twelve boxes
they pulled out of your home, before the government says
what was in them, where there is a slight leak
about what was in them, where there is the slightest
indication that the boxes were not just full of presidential
coasters and matchbook covers he stole so we could sell

them on eBay. Your own lawyers are in essence saying,
the FBI found bad, bad, bad things when they raided
your house, but it all must have been planted. We
don't know what the damning documents in the Trump Marilago

boxes were. But if twenty four hours after the raid,
you are already insisting that those damning documents were planted
by the FBI, hit me means there are damning documents
in the boxes. You just don't say evidence was planted
before the evidence is revealed, unless you know evidence is

going to be revealed. Holy cow. Not. Trump's not guilty.
Of course, he didn't steal top secret documents. There's nothing
in the boxes you'll see. Not He's innocent. Not. There
was nothing to find, and that's what they found. Nothing, No,
none of that, just all that stuff they haven't found

yet was platted by the FBI. Nobody, but nobody has
suggested Trump is not guilty. Even the fascists and the
Trump brown nosers and Republicans who rushed to comment about
the raid and did not declare that the evidence we
don't know about yet was all planted. None of them

even said Trump said us, and he's not guilty. Every
high profile politician folk entirely on a raid b the process.
Ce the evil FBI d the more evil d J. E.
If they can do it to Trump, imagine what they
could do to you. And of course, f Biden's FBI

director and an Obama judge, even though the FBI director
was appointed by Trump and the judge who signed the
warrant was appointed by checks notes Trump, Elie Stephonic and
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Josh Holly and Rhonda
Santis and Glenn Juncan and Kevin McCarthy and Nicky Haley

and Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo and Bobert and cave
Woman and all of them bleating everything from impeach Garland
to defund the FBI to Biden is a despot, attacking
the agents, attacking the warrant, attacking the bureau, attacking the
d o J. And not one of them saying I'm
confident President Trump is not guilty. Sean Hannity Tuesday night

didn't even say he's not guilt. He all he said
was to tell guest Marco Rubio quote, there were no
hookers in the Ritz Carlton in Moscow urinating on Donald
Trump's bed. Thanks for that update, Seawn. Even the militia
types and the Q and ans and the January sixs,
all of them announcing locket load and civil war and

cold civil war. The entirety of their public output is
about how corrupt the FBI is and how Biden is
a despot. Now Garland must pay, still waiting on one,
of course, they found nothing Trump's innocent, even the lunatic
nominated for governor by the Republicans of Maryland, Dan Cox,
fundraising off the raid by writing quote, as governor, I

will use the ninth and tenth Amendments, the Maryland Constitution
and Declaration of Rights, the Maryland State Police and Maryland
National Guard to stand against all rogue actions of this
out of control, tyrannical Biden administration with fierce tenacity, and
then adding all this was quote not thing short of
communist Stasi police state tactics. I noticed you didn't mention

whether or not Trump was innocent? And where is Trump's statement?
Where was Trump's statement on Tuesday? Where was Trump spokesman
Tyler budda Witch's statement on Tuesday? Where was Trump spokeswoman
Liz Harrington's statement on Tuesday, it's quiet, and to finish

the cliche, it's too quiet. While the Washington Post, in
the New York Times and CNN and all the networks
try to convince us that the Reddit at mar Lago
was this kind of dangerous Campbell and that kind of
rubicon crossed and this kind of unprecedented risk. Why on earth,
How on earth was l Douche himself silent? This is

arguably the most attention he and he alone. No co conspirators,
no January six militia guys, no endorses he himself. It's
the most publicity he himself has gotten since he left
Washington in humiliation on January. The field is his, This
creature who lives to play the victim, to be the martyr,

to be at the center, actually shut up. I'm going
to go out on a limb here and say he
shut up because he has been thrown off balanced by
this raid, and he and the real lawyers agreed he
has to stay quiet, or had to since that first
whiney announcement about the raid happening, because they all know

he's guilty. Nobody is saying otherwise. They all know, the
FBI had the evidence, got the evidence, and as the
hundreds and thousands of his own sycophants wind and raged
and threatened and lied at every corner, Trump may have
actually noticed the same thing I noticed that nobody is
defending him. They are all only attacking them. Now, apart

from the obvious flaws in the two defenses presented for Trump,
it was all planted, and it's all their fault, there
is something for Democrats to lean into here. Trumpists have
been so unnerved by the raid, by the state actually

standing up for, you know, the laws, so terrified by
that that they have widely called for shutting down the
Department of Justice and defunding the FBI, defunding. They're going
to defund the closest things we have to the federal
detectives and the federal police. This is the new Republican mantra.

It started within literally hours of the raid. Defund the police.
Hang that around the neck of every Republican and every
fascist and every Trump butt liquor. The Republicans want to
defund the police. We we are the Democrats, We are
the party of law and order. There's one other fascinating

development in this The last of the non violent Trump
coup attempts the bid to appoint this environmental lawyer and
pro Trump lunatic, Jeffrey Clark as attorney general so he
could appoint Special Prosecutor Sydney Powell, and they could between
them start seizing voting machines and declaring states of emergency.

That all hinged on the efforts of a guy Clark
knew his name was Scott Perry. Earlier, Scott Perry had
texted Mark Meadows and told him that the Dominion voting
machines had been hacked by China. Perry was and is
a congressman from Pennsylvania, and late Tuesday afternoon he went
over to Fox and revealed quote, this morning, while travel

in with my family, three FBI agents visited me and
seized my cell phone. They made no attempt to contact
my lawyer, who would have made arrangements for them to
have my phone if that was their wish. I'm outraged,
though not surprised that. All right, I'll interrupt the quote
to ask you where do you think he went next?

Did he proclaim his innocence? Not a chance. Scott Perry
simply attacked Merrick Garland, not one statement like I've done
nothing wrong. I'm innocent. I guess we're just lucky he
didn't also accuse the FBI agents of planting evidence on
his phone nude pictures of Alex Jones's wife or something.

And lastly, amid the universal handwringing about rating a former
president's home, during which nobody but nobody seems to think
they didn't find really really bad stuff. During the calculations
of how this impacts the presidential race in twenty four,
a closing thought courtesy the comedy writer Ben Wexler. This

is going to enrage Trump's bass bro the words happy Holidays,
enraged Trump's bass still ahead on countdown. Post scripts to
the news Facebook works for the police. Good day to

dismantle Facebook. Speaking of days, I'll recount the day Aaron
Sorkin put my late dad's words into the mouth of
Jeff Daniels at a brilliant collection of worse persons, including
this idiot portnoy from bar Stool Sports who ripped one
Little League baseball player for consoling a player on a
rival team. That's next. This is countdown. This is count

out with Keith Olberman just ahead. So we're married to
Alex Jones, and he said a naked picture of you
to Roger Stone. Did you say that's the least of
your problems? Is that what's bothering you? Bunky Ahead in
the latest edition of The Worst Persons in the World.

First in each edition of Countdown, we feature a dog
in need whom you can help. Every dog has its
day today. That dog is Ox. Ox is stuck in
the Hempstead Animal Shelter on Long Island, New York. He's
two years old and two d and fifty four days
of his life have been spent in that shelter. Ox
would be best with a family where everybody is fifteen

or older, but he likes other dogs. He's forty six pounds,
very energetic, very goofy. Oxes black and white, a medium
sized pibble mix with a big smile. If you're interested,
email Adoption at Hempstead NY dot gov, or just go
to my account for Dogs in Need Tom Jumbo Grumbo
on Twitter to see Ox and get the links that

will take you to his website. That's Ox in New
York at Tom Jumbo Grumbo on Twitter. Thank you coming

up on Countdown. I said it to Aaron Sorkin and
the next thing I knew it was coming out of
Jeff Daniel's mouth on the TV plus, did you see
the Marshawn Lynch mug shot? Sports? And worst Persons coming up?
But first postscripts to the news, some headlines, some thoughts,
and some snark. All right, dateline the primaries. Representative Ellan

Omar narrowly one renomination in Minnesota, but Bizarro trump fist
Scott Jensen got the Republican nomination there for Governor Scott
Walker's choice for the governor nod in Wisconsin, rebe Clee
Fish lost outright, possibly because Walker misspelled her name in
a tweet. Stateline, Menlo Park, California, This would be a

good day for you to delete. Facebook, the unpoliced playground
for grifters, conspiracy theorists, Russian trolls, and militias, is now
acting as an agent for prosecutors for state government. Seventeen
year old Celeste Burgess and her mother, Jessica have been
charged with abortion by medication in Nebraska, and the primary

evidence messages on Facebook between the mother and daughter, which
the State of Nebraska went to court to get and
which Facebook provided without the slightest resistance. They just said okay.
Those messages were then the basis of further warrants with
which prosecutors were able to seize thirteen computers and phones
and twenty four gigabytes of data. If you write something

on social media, especially on Facebook, and you think it
is somehow private, think again, you would get more privacy.
Standing in the middle of Times Square, naked and screaming.
Speaking of naked and screaming, Dateline Washington, Dug Mastriano, one
of the January six thugs, the one who wound up
as the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, bailed out

of his virtual appearance in front of the January six committee.
Several news outlets said that entire appearance lasted less than
fifteen minutes. Mascranno never answered a single question, and all
they did was listened to Mascriano demand the right to
video record the session. One assumes he will now be charged,
as Steve Bannon and many others have been, with contempt

of Congress, which of course is the letter g on
the fascist candidate Bingo card a related story, but Dateline Atlanta,
a Fulton County judge, has refused Rudy Giuliani's request testify
to a grand jury next week by zoom and told
him instead to either show up or prove his lawyer's
contention that Rudy just had a heart stent put in

and he can't fly, and he didn't buy those plane
tickets to Europe last week in his aim. Judge Robert
mcderney had another suggestion as well, quoting the judge John
Madden drove all over the country and his big bus
from stadium to stadium. So one thing we need to
explore is whether Mr Giuliani could get here without jeopardizing
his recovery and his health on a train, on a

bus or uber or whatever it would be. Unquote, how
about hitching? Have you considered hitching Rudy? And dateline Salt
Lake City cliche has come to life Number twenty seven.
There's a pro Trump, pro gun, pro violence clothing manufacturer
called Lions Not Sheep, and they sell Let's Go Brandon

and f J B shirts and similar apparel for those
so weak they need to boast about how strong they are.
Lions Not Sheep loudly stated its T shirts and other
apparel were manufactured in America. The Federal Trade Commission investigated,
and now the company has to pay a fine of
two d eleven thousand, three and thirty five dollars because
the only part of the manufacturing process that actually occurred

in America was ripping off the made in China tags
and replacing them with one's reading made in USA. This

is Sports Center. Wait, check that not anymore. This is
Countdown with Keith Alberman briefly from the World of Sports.
She's calling it an evolution, not a retirement. But nevertheless,
it sure looks like Serena Williams is retiring after the
US Open, after twenty three Grand Slam victories twenty four.

If she wins the Open, you could talk about her
career four days and that they will at the Open
before it after it. But I never think of Williams
without thinking of the great Chris Everett's open letter to
her in Tennis Magazine just a while back. Me quote
part of it for you. I've been thinking about your career,
she wrote, and something is troubling me. I appreciate the

becoming a well rounded person is important to you. Is
you've made that desire very clear? Still a question, Lingers,
do you ever consider your place in history? Is it
something you care about? In the short term. You may
be happy with the various things going on in your life,
but I wonder whether twenty years from now you might
reflect on your career and regret not putting of yourself

into tennis, because, whether you want to admit it or not,
these distractions are tarnishing your legacy. Chris Everett wrote that
about Serena Williams in two thousand and six. That's five
Australian Open winds Ago and five Wimbledon's and four US
Opens and two Frenches. That's some tarnished legacy right there.

I mentioned Tuesday that Bill Haslem, the former anti LGBT
governor of Tennessee, is now on a path to take
over hockey's Nashville Predators unless the National Hockey League does
something to stop bit. I have since been reminded that
Luke pro Coop, a six ft four pound behemoth defense
prospect likely to play in the American Hockey League in
the season ahead, came out last year first player under

contract to an NHL team to do that. The team
he's under contract too is the Nashville Predators. He's likely
to play with their h L farm team this year.
Somebody better stopped this very fast. Not him playing, but
this idiot has them taking over the team. And lastly,
in sports, somewhere there is a mug shot Hall of

Fame and Marshawn Lynch was just inducted into the mug
shot Hall of Fame. Yes at seven thirty am local
prevailing time in Las Vegas Tuesday, police pulled over a
guy driving erratically. It was the former Seahawks star, one
day after the team welcomed him back as a quote

special correspondent who is or was to produce con tent
for Seattle. The content in Marshawn Beast Mode Lynch resulted
in the following four charges d u I, failure to
surrender proof of security, failure to stay in your lane,
and driving an unregistered vehicle. In the mug shot, his
left eye is open to a distance of about half

an inch, his right eye to about a quarter of
an inch. And no, he's not just here so he
doesn't get fined. Stella had Aaron Sorkin and the line

in one of his TV shows that lad, all of
my ex is to immediately contact me in a span
of about twenty five minutes coming up on countdown. First,
the daily roundup of the miscrants, morons, and Dunning Krueger
effects specimens who constitute today's worst persons in the world.
The Bronze Dave Portnoy, that confused looking guy who brought

you bar stool samples sports at the Little League World
Series regional in Waco, Texas on Tuesday, at pitch got
away from Texas East pitcher Caden Shelton and hit Isaiah
Jarvis of Oklahoma in the head, knocked his helmet off
the batter. Jarvis was okay, but the picture Shelton was
visibly shaken, nearly in tears. Jarvis first shouted over to

him from first base, then jogged to the mound and
gave him a hug, assured him he was okay, and
he told Shelton, quote, you're doing great. This Potts. Portnoy
promptly tweeted, this isn't good sportsmanship, and he spelled sportsmanship
as if it were two words. It's umb. You got
this kid on the mound. He's rattled. Tripp to Williams.

Pot on the line. You can play Patty kicks after
as far as the pitcher goes, that's your plate. The
kids are thirteen, which is presumably also when whatever happened
to screw Portnoy up so badly happened you almost feel
sorry for Portnoy, almost lebronze disgraced ex New York Governor

Andrew Cuomo reacting to maral Lago f yourself by tweeting
quote d J most immediately explained the reason for its raid,
and it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives,
or it will be viewed as a political tactic and
undermine any future credible investigation in legitimacy of January six
investigations for crying out loud, how many mistakes can you

make in one lifetime? It had nothing to do with
the January six investigations. Read something, She's Cuomo between you
and your brother, Chris, I'm gonna need to see some
d n A proof that you are actually Mario Cuomo's kids.
But our winner, Alex Jones just keeps getting better and better.

For him now the truth comes out. The intimate texts
to Roger Stone that the Sandy Hook lawyer referred to
They included a naked pick of Jones's wife, which Jones
texted to Stone for whatever bizarre reason, Erica Wolf Jones
confirmed it to Business Insider, quoting her, Honestly, I was

unaware that this occurred, she said, I'm sure this was
some kind of bragg exchange. Look how hot my wife
is kind of thing. Let me interrupt. If so, what
did Stones send Jones in return? Look? How hot my
two pay is? Anyway to finish Mrs Jones is priceless quote.

I am upset that he took privilege to send the
image to someone without my knowledge. However, that's really the
least of my problems right now. Business Insider actually claimed
to not really understand what Mrs Jones meant by that's
really the least of my problems right now, when it
seems pretty obvious she's stuck being the wife of Alex

freaking Jones. Alex, have you ever seen pictures of your
wife naked? Would you like to Jones? Two days worse
person in the world. Finally, our number one story in

the countdown things I promised not to tell and back
to my favorite topic me. I heard Jeff Daniels say
the words, and in the next minute my cell phone rang.
It was an ex girlfriend. While we were talking, an
email arrived from another ex girlfriend, and then in came
attacks from the current girlfriend at her folks house, then
two more emails, and before I was off the phone,

two voicemails, and then regular friends started to contact me.
This is just over ten years ago now. Was Sunday,
August five, two thousand twelve of Daniels was playing the
controversial newscaster and commentator on Aaron Sorkin's HBO series Newsroom,
which was based structurally on Me and Countdown. And I

know this because Aaron Sorkin told me so before he
filmed any of it. And I know this because he
asked me if he could base the pilot episode on
what happened to me at MSNBC in the spring and
summer of two thousand ten. And I know this because
he came in and shadowed the staff of Countdown for
two days to get the feel for the place. And

I know this because he wound up basing one character,
Maggie Jordan's on my assistant, Margaret Judson, and then hiring
Margaret Judson as a consultant, and then hiring her as
an actress to play a part that wasn't supposed to
be her. And I know this because he was furious
when I would not fly to Denver. I think it
was to do a cameo in the pilot. And I

know this because he said he was hiring me as
a consultant. And I know this because I never saw
a dime out of it. This was the second time
Aaron Sorkin had based one of his TV series on
one of my TV series. The other was called Sports Night,
and Esquire magazine once asked me to interview Sorkin about
Sports Night, and I asked him the real tough question,

what was the origin of Sports Night? And his answer was, quote,
you are the origin. So when The New York Times
had called me about Newsroom, I lightheartedly said it was
nice to know in advanced this time that Aaron Sorkin
was making a TV series about me. Sorkin did not
like this at all, and he told all his actors

to tell all their interviewers that this was not true.
And I know that because Jeff Daniels told me that
that was what Sorkin had told him. Sorkin is interesting.
I had known him for about ten or twelve years
when he came into Countdown to see what it looked
and felt like, and he was twenty minutes late, and
my assistant Margaret, after whom he named Maggie Jordan's, whom

he then hired away from me. And when he finally
hired as an actress to play tests Weston and she
was great by the way. Margaret brings him in and
he apologizes for being late, and he says he's staying
in a hotel two blocks away, and he should have
just walked, but instead he got in a car, and
the next thing he knew, he was six blocks away,
caught in traffic caused by the complete shutdown of one
of the crosstown streets for midday construction. And I laughed

and I said, well, like my late father, the architect
used to say, New York, it'll be a great town
whenever they finish it. And he laughed, and I laughed.
And two years later, in the seventh episode of the
HBO Newsroom series first aired on August five, two twelve,
and reaired throughout the week, Jeff Daniels as the anchorman,

Will McAvoy, who wasn't me but actually kind of was me,
is late to his newsroom because he gets caught in
Manhattan traffic caused by Sunday night street construction, and he
says to his exasperated producer, New York, it'll be a
great town whenever they finish it. Now, as when my
phone and email blew up, and the then girlfriend and

like forty percent of all of my exes ever all
had the same question, New York, it'll be a great
town whenever they finish it. Isn't that what your dad
used to say? Even the ones who never met my
dad knew this because I used to quote him constantly,
Because the real humor in the quote is the fact
that my dad was an architect and construction was his business.

New York, It'll be a great town whenever they finish it.
And then one of the last of the x is
reached out. She waited until the show was over. Now,
I don't think any of us is proud of this,
but she had also dated Sorkin once or twice, and
since she had written celebrity stories for a New York newspaper,

he had later asked her by email what the world
of gossip reporting was like, and she told him by email,
And what she now told me made Aaron Sorkin's use
of my dad's quote and other parts of my life
seemed like possible coincidences. She said she was watching the third,
maybe fourth episode of Newsroom, and in walked a new character,

a gossip columnist, a woman, and the first sentence the
character said was my friend. And Ex said, word for
word something she had sent to Sorkin in one of
the emails about the gossip business. She said, when she
heard it, her face started to get read and it
would keep getting redder. The gossip columnist character's second line

had also been cut and pasted from my Ex's email,
then her long speech, then all of her dialogue. She
said in her second scene. My ex actually managed to
record that episode and to find her own email to
Sorkin and to compare them. And she said, other than
changing a couple of tenses, he had used her answers verbatim.

I met the actor Josh Charles during the two thousand
World Series. I was there anchoring it for Fox Sports.
Josh was there promoting his new show on Fox. Josh
had played Dan Rydell on Sorkin's Sports Night series, and
even Sorkin and I agreed, dan Rydell is just me
with a different haircut. I was walking up Sixth Avenue

one day in October two thousand and from several blocks away,
I saw Josh Charles walking towards me, so I had
several minutes to prepare what I could say to him.
This was not spontaneous, sadly, but after our eyes met
and I smiled and he gave me that yes, I'm
on TV. Look that I recognized and have myself deployed.

He switched suddenly to shock and even a little apprehension,
and I said the line I had been rehearsing in
my head for several minutes. Excuse me. You don't get
to say this often in life, But didn't you used
to play me on TV? Right there on sixth Aven
You Josh told me about the ordeal of working with
and for Aaron Sorkin, and I thought he just met

for actors, but I later found out because New York,
it'll be a great town whenever they finish it. Josh
and I are still friends. We've gone to ball games together,
we were in a fantasy baseball league together, and one
night on my ESPN two show, we came back from commercial,
giving the audience no warning or explanation, and we simply
started co anchoring the show and calling it Sports Night

and making references to the program and to Newsroom, And
then he said, why did we keep reading this? And
I said, I don't know. I just assumed Sorkin had
run out of new ideas. The mutual laughter that followed
was sincere, there is one more punchline to the Newsroom
Sorkin story, because I was like his seventh guest ever.

When Stephen Colbert wrapped up the Colbert Report on Comedy Central,
I was invited to be on the final farewell episode,
me and like nine other people. There were so many
of us, ranging from Barry Manilow to Brian Cranston to
Big Bird, that they had like nine green rooms in
the Comedy Central building. And I get there and they

send me to the green room I would be sharing
with several of people. And I trudge up a bunch
of stairs to the top floor and in this big
room there is only one other performer there yet it's
Jeff Daniels. Without saying hello, he says, now, wait, let
me explain. Sorkin told me, and I explained, and then
he explained, and then I explained some more and Jeff said,

oh a lot, and once he said oops, and Sarkin
didn't tell me that. And after about three minutes he said,
so I owe you an apology and I said, no,
you don't. It's not your fault. And he smiled and
he said, well great, I'm glad. So can we take
a picture together that I can put out on Twitter?

And I said, yeah, absolutely, but only if you capture
in it New York. It'll be a great town whenever
they finish it. I've done all the damage I can
do here. This is where I ask for ratings and
subscriptions from you, for the podcasts and for telling your

friends and our enemies. I say thank you. The Countdown
theme from Beethoven's ninth the Range produced and performed by
Countdown musical directors Brian Ray and John Philip Chanelle. All
orchestration and keyboards by John Philip Chanelle. Did you hear
my New York accent? Come out there and all talking
about my dad? All orchestration and keyboards, guitarist, bass and

drums by Brian Ray. Produced by t Ko Brothers. The
other Beethoven selections have been arranged and performed by No
Horns Allowed our sports music. The Olberman theme written by
Mitch Warren Davis. Courtesy of ESPN Inc. That's the one
from the show that Josh Charles and I co anchored
for about three minutes, musical comments throughout by Nancy Faust,

the best baseball stadium organist ever. Our announcer in this
episode was John Dean. Everything else is my fault and
that is countdown for this the five first day since
Donald Trump's first attempted coup against the democratically elected government
of the United States. I'm Keith Olberman. Good Morning, good afternoon,
good night, and good luck. Countdown with Keith Olderman is

a production of I heart Radio. For more podcasts from
I heart Radio, visit the I heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.
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