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September 22, 2022 • 45 mins

Ally is joined by TikTok personality DeMarcus Shawn to discuss how he developed his sense of humor, his relationship with the audience, and where his platform can go from here.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Today's podcast is sponsored by Sea Geek. If you didn't know,
see Geek is the official ticketing partner of the Brooklyns.
Whether you're trying to go to a Nets game, Liberty Game, concert,
or any other event at Barclay Center, you really only
need Sea Geek. Welcome to Courtside Conversation. I'm your girl,

Ali Love. After years on the Heartwood as the in
arena host for the Brooklyn Nets, It's time for me
to take a courtside. We're here with artists, athletes, and
all of our favorite people to break down the game
called life. We're getting real about the grow up and
the glow up. So let's take a seat. Hailing from Chicago, Illinois,

today's guest gets a laugh for me every single time.
He actually brightens up my day on my timeline. With
a strong following of over six million on TikTok, he
is the king of content that we all need in
our lives. Let's go ahead and take a seat courtside
with DeMarcus Sean. Oh my gosh, this is excited. I

can't even see. Guy said excited. I'm excited. This is exciting.
I'm going to use all things grammatically correct in this conversation.
DeMarcus Sean, you are one of my favorite people to
follow on social media. I stumbled, yes, yes, and I'm
I stumbled on your account. Maybe it was the explored page,
maybe it was a friend of a friend. Honestly, I

don't remember, but I'm so happy that it happened because
you're my piece of joy. I tend to yes, these
are facts, and so let's go ahead and take a
seat in the courtside conversation to have this courtside conversation
to talk about your journey. And just so you know,
we lay this out in four quarters because we are
all play this game called life, and my friend, you
are winning. So let's jump right into the first quarter

and throw it back because I need to know how
you got where you got to and then express how
much you really do feel me up. So this is
gonna be a love fest for you. I hope you're
ready well before we even before we even start on me,
can I just say, Ali, I've literally before you even
like found me, already knew who you were really Yeah,
because like okay from like Palatine and stuff and like

all those so like I do so cycling as I'm
sorry from slur my words. I have my busial line
then but um, I did the palatine and like so cycling,
so like I've already seen you on that. So I
was like when I had seen your message, you have
messed me before, and all my messages they go into
you know, the um what's it called the request like

the message, so like it wasn't there, So I didn't
see the first one that I've seen it again, I
was like, wait, hold on, I've seen her, like I
like worked. I was like, I don't know her, but
I was like, I've worked out with her on literally
off the screen, so like when you have mentioned me,
I was like, this is crazy. Like of course, So

we we were looking for guests, like I created this
podcast and we were pitching it and we got to
this place and we're like, okay, who are our ideal guests?
And I put your name on. Then I was like,
I don't know if he's gonna come on. But because
I sincerely think the again, I don't even I don't
want to tell you because I want to get into
the questions. Let's go ahead and start the conversation. Take
a seat. Here's the deal. First quarter, You're in Chicago

right now from Chicago Born and Race. Is that the deal? Yes, Okay,
tell me about it. You have two brothers. Were you
always this funny? Was humor always a part of like
being this creative and particularly on camera and within skits. Yes,
to be honest, I've always been very um kind of
I guess, like very goofy as a child, especially like

both of my brothers, they're kind of the same. Like
we're all like very groupy where we like I remember
we used to always go to like it sounds so crazy,
but we would go to like let's just say Walmart
and do like something crazy where we're just like dress
up in like fat suits and like walk around and
just walk around Walmart and be like somebody's gonna think
this is real. And I'm like why why would we

do something? And we were like twelve ten seven, you know,
just do stupid stuff because we live right next to Walmart,
so we'll do stuff like that, or we're just like
act out of skit and recorded and then we still
have those recordings today where we'll be like, Okay, this
was stupid, like or we're like record like a funny
like we'll act like we're making a movie where the

movie made no sense. So we've always been doing stuff
like that. Um, I guess like with this, like with TikTok,
I never really seen it as like where it could.
I guess both me and this type of spotlight. I
just thought like it was just me, you know, doing
something I always kind of did, you know. Yeah. Yeah.

So of the three brothers, what's their names? And where
are you in the age. So I'm the youngest youngest,
and then's my oldest brother, Larry. Um, he is thirty. No,
he's thirty. And then it's my middle brother. His name
is Demetrius and he is twenty seven. Wait, why do

we have is your dad name Larry? Yeah, my dad's
name is Larry. Because I was about to comfort Larry
because I was like, you got to be a Larry Jr.
Because you said Demetrius in de Marcus and I was like,
they don't left to him out, Larry. Ye, he's there, Larry,
You're still a part of the family. He said, he's
still there, but he's not fully there. He's not He's

not you know, he don't have the names. M hmmm.
Does he have the humor of the three brothers who's
the funny he does, he's probably like the funniest. He's
very like, very goofy to me. My other brother, he
he's very laid back, like he has his like a
whole bunch of goofy size. He's more because me, I'm

nobody knows is I'm super shy. So like when I
go yeah, when I go out and About'm like super shy,
it takes a lot for people to kind of get
unless I'm like with a group. Obviously, if you're like
with a group of friends, you're a lot more outgoing.
But if it's just like me or something I'm it's
hard for me to come out of my shellf So
like when it's like me and my brothers, they're normally

the first ones to like talk to people. And then yeah,
but my middle brother he's pretty goofy too. He's really quiet.
And then like once you start to talk to him,
he say, it's the most stupid stuff like that makes
no sense. Why would you even saying And he's like,
I'm just telling you how it is. I'm like, okay,
So when you all three get together, it gets you

become hilarious. But when you were talking about filming one.
I love Walmart. Anytime I would come home from college.
I'm from Miami, Florida, so any time I would come
home from college, I would have to go to Walmart.
And I'd have to go to Walmart at like twelve
o'clock at night because it's a luxury to go to
Walmart so late and go to shopping for like five
obsessed So I but when you were in Walmart, you know,

living right next to go to your house and going
to Walmart to make funny videos. This was kind of
pre TikTok, right, Like, this wasn't an opportunity in terms
of pre TikTok. And when you ask kids these days,
like who do you want to be when you grow up?
I remember when I was a kid. I think what
I said was like, I want to be a dancer,
which eventually I became, But I was like, I want
to be a dancer, or I want to be a

tennis star or something like a tennis player. Now you
have kids and they're like, I want to be an influencer.
I want to be on TikTok or Instagram or Snapchat
or any of the platforms. What was that dream for
you as a kid, knowing that you did this with
your brothers and you had a great time and you
did goofy things, which a lot of us have have
those memories, especially if you have sailings were are close friends.
But what was that thing where you're just like I

want to be this when I get older. You know what,
It's crazy. I well definitely wasn't fit or being anything
and like, but my whole thing was like I switched
up so many times. I think as kids, you switch
up your career, your career plans so many times, as
you mentioned, like I went through a spend to where
like I used to be like, Okay, I really love animals,

maybe I'll be a venarian. And I'm like, I the
school school, you know what I'm saying. I had good grades,
but I'm like you kind of got to go into
the doctor field. I'm like, yeah, I don't want to
do all that. So I was like yeah no. And
then I jumped around to where like I kind of
wanted to be an actor for a little bit, and

then I was like no, and then I got me
and my brothers also like we've all um does something
musically a little bit. And I've always wanted to teach like, um,
like be kind of like a vocal coach to teach
singing and stuff. So I was like, maybe maybe I'll
do something like that. And then it him in if

you're telling me that you can sing right now? Like
are you telling me that you have a really good voice?
There's nothing like that, And I had I had surgery.
I had surgery for a little bit, so like I'm
very insecurebul on voice. Oh, because I was like, wait
a minute, if you start busting out singing, my love
for you just went to a whole new level. Look,
I can said, look, I can send you, um, but

I think I have a video for me singing in
high school. I can send you. I can said it
to you as me singing at like a talent show.
But yeah, I really wanted to do that. I really
want to be a vocal coach. And then um, I
was like yeah no, so and mine went through So
I went through so many spells what I really wanted

to be. And then um, I think for me, I
when I finally got to a place where like I
started working at Starbucks, I was like, you know what,
I'm just gonna settle, Like I don't really care about
where I kind of end up. You know what I'm saying.
I'm just floating through life. You know. So I was
working at Starbucks and I really love coffee. Oh really, Yeah,

I'm like a coffee kind of sewer. Like how many
cups you have a day? Maybe about three? Three cups
of coffee? Oh my god. Lately I've been trying to
cut myself back to like one, one and only in
the morning. But and when I say three, it's normally
like three. Let's just say if he's had like Starbucks,
it's like three grand days. Oh my gosh, are you

kidding me? Three isn't that big? Like I don't drink
coffee at all, but a grande means big and span it.
So it's medium. It's medium, which is probably like if
I have, like my water is that it's like it's
like that. It's like like eight just under eight ounces, Nate.
It's I think, oh my god, I haven't worked that Starbucks,

and but it's been like two and a half years,
so I'm like, I'm trying to remember the sizes. Dan, Yeah,
I forgot I know, a sixteen, twenty four, but I
think twenty four it's the biggest, So I think the
biggest seen maybe be the large and under that maybe
the media. So you're drinking forty eight ounces of coffee
a day, like I barely get in forty eight on

a good day forty eight ounces of water, which you
should have way more, actually have way more than that.
And you're like, I, actually I'm consuming that breakfast, lunch,
and dinner. I have a little cafe, Like that's your thing.
But the thing is is that most people drink it
for um to keep them up. It doesn't work on
me no more. I think because like my body's got
a mutu it so it doesn't like keep me up.

It's just more like I think it's an addiction that
I need to get checked out. It's an addiction I
need to work on that I'm scared about. Of course,
that conversation. We're having revelations. Yeah, my sister law, me
and my sister in law because we went to school together.
Um so me and her, I remember like every day
before like high school, we are just like go get

a cup of coffee. And I remember after words when
we graduated, we went through a spree where we're like
wake up and then she'll call me and she'll be like, hey,
I'm gonna go get coffee. You want to come, And
I'm like yeah. So we like went on a spree
for like a girl like year and a half just
getting coffee at least about a couple of times a day,
and I have to cut it off then, as you're

a new friend, I'm gonna need you to at least
cut that in half. Like we're just became friends, and
here's the epitome of our friendship. Every time you're drinking coffee,
you're gonna think of me and like, you know what,
let me just drink a cup of water. Either. So
you have two options. You either as many cups of
coffees as you drink, you have a couple of water
with it, or we cut and a half and you
just do thirty two ounces or just like thirty ounces

of coffee and thirty Lately what I've been doing lately
because I've been trying to like get in my water
and take Okay, now I'll have like in the morning,
I have like because I'm trying. I'm tryna be like y'all,
I'm trying to be like you with like a Finnish
be like a nice love Finnish girl. Not really. We're like,

I'm trying to drink healthy, be healthy. So like in
the morning time, I'll have like my cup of water,
you know, and it's norm like a bottle. Like I'll
try to force myself in the morning time to drink
like a leader when I work out, because like a
leader is pretty easy when you're working out to drink down.
So I would normally drink that, and then at breakfast,

I'll drink another bottle of water plus my coffee, which
is a lot of fluids in the morning. But on
his he's gonna like basically circle back to his same habit.
He's like, but then I'm gonna have coffee at Lush
and I'm gonna do me. It works out, It kind

of works. You know, I'm having more water than coffee
in my mind, that's the way I put it. So
I'm like, you know, it's a lot of fluids in
the morning. I don't know if that's really healthy, but
in my mind, I don't drink a lot of water
as it's so I'm like, you know, what if I
get it in in the morning time, forced myself to
drink it during the ay time, it's okay. During the

night's aim if I don't have a lot of water.
Today's podcast is sponsored by seat geek. If you didn't know,
seat geek is the official ticketing partner of the Brooklyn Nets.
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let's roll into the second quarter, because I feel like
maybe I need to have a separate podcast or like coffee,
no coffee, but water. And I'm not saying no to coffee.
I just I'm saying like, anyways, let's move it to
the second quarter. Um for creating. Now you're at the

space where you're just like, Okay, I'm deciding, I'm gonna
like life is good, Like I'm working at Starbucks, I'm
meeting people, I'm in my zone, like I'm in my space,
I'm feeling, you know, I'm in my bad gonna sense.
And then at this point do you start creating content?
How does creating content become a part of your language?

Um for me. When I was working at Starbucks, I
been to talk a little bit, not gonna I'm like
one of I was like one of those people like
I'm never downloaded TikTok. Like yeah, I was like you,
you know, you look at it, you like it's for
the kids, Like let the kids happen. Like it's not
like I was like twenty three at Starlucks something like

it's for the kids. Let the kids. I'm trying to
be on my grown man status, you know, I'm not
trying to be on there with the kids. And then
everybody was like the markets, just get on it, like
it's hilarious, Like it's a whole bunch of relatable stuff.
So I downloaded it finally and I started creating stuff,
but like it was just more stuff for like me
and like my family members. Like I didn't really create

stuff for like everybody else until I made one with
my nephew and it was like, oh, saving a dog.
Can I put quotation around it? Because like it was
like I knew the dog where it went. It was
just like wandering around my neighborhood. So we like made
a TikTok in mind. My nephew was like six at
the time or like he was like seven. So he

was like, let's go, We're taking a dog back to
where it belongs, you know, saving a dog. And it
got like two hundred and fifty thousand views on it,
and that I don't care how many views I get
to this day. Once I make it over like ten thousand,
I'm like, that's still ten thousand people viewing your stuff,
you know. So I'm like to have it at two

hundred and fifty thousand, I'm like, wow, okay, that's a lot.
And for me, I wasn't more so happy with the
fact like I had it, like I ended up inter views.
My nephew. I was more happy because like he was like,
I get to have all Like he was just like
more happy. He was like, I'm famous now, and because
he really wants to be like a um YouTuber and

be like a gamer. So nice ten now. So I
told him, I'm like, once you get to a certain age,
like for me, it's more so like the comments and
stuff and you know, the venturing off into the websites
and stuff. So I'm like mm hmmm. My brother, my
older brother, he's like, I'll let you take over that
if you want, I'll let you do it. So I

told him. I was like, Okay, once you get to
a certain age, then I'll go ahead and start a
channel for you and then we will work on it.
But for you though, with those likes, I know you're
saying like it was next to you get to share
that with your nephew and like with family in a sense.
And but did that spark kind of like that was
that the moment that sparked the itch of just like

maybe there's something here that I need to scratch. And
it did in a sense, it did, I think more
so it was like, oh, this is kind of cool.
Let me let me, let me try it again, let
me try it again. But to be honest, I don't
really look at the likes and um views as like
people at the makes sense and maybe it's a way No,

I don't know, tell me more, tell me more about this,
because I'm because I need your help. Okay, I'm not
in any way, shape or form to the capacity of
creating content on that level. And I feel bad when
my if I'm on Instagram and I post a photo
like I'm literally like the everyday person. If you put
something on Instagram, you kind of want all the people too,
and I have pretty much a big following. I'm like,
my engagement is so low that sometimes I have to

check my psyche because I'm just like, oh my god,
does this mean nobody likes me? Does this mean I'm
falling off? It starts to like, so teach me how
to stop looking at the likes and the views as people.
Who are they to you? I look at them as
points and that sounds so bad, But I look at
it as a game. So instead of me looking at it,
I never kind of looked at it because it will

overwhelm me. If I looked at him as like people,
you know, on the screen. You look at it and
you're like, oh, a million people like my stuff, you know.
But if those million people came to you in person,
was like I love this, I love that, I love
the video, this was to get very overwhelm man. So
like for me, I'm like, okay, I just look at
it as like games on the point, like points on

the game, and if let's just have a video, don't
do as good. I don't really get like mad or
like but heard about it. I just kind of like
look at it's like, okay, maybe let's we just try
next time. You know what I'm saying, it's we all
break them points in. Ain't that big of a deal,
you know. So I know, like for some people may
listen every and be like it's a little bit weird,

like he doesn't see us, No, I see you. It's
just like I think, for me, it kind of helps
me to keep myself a little bit more grounded too,
because like I think for some people they look at
the people too. On the other hand, you may look
at look at it and be like a million people
watch my stuff, so now it's like, oh, I'm better
than or you know, you start to get the big
head too. So for me it's like, well if I

don't think of it as like people, I don't know
that as people. And it since I kind of tricked
myself so in a since I started to think like
what I'm still just which I still am. But for people,
it's like I'm still just a regular person. So I'm
just like creating, you know, I'm just putting out videos
and see it, they see it. I like this concept,

that's what I and I'm literally going to adopt this reason.
I'm very thank you for sharing that because I never
looked at it as points, but I do that with
training or with racist um. I call myself a baby runner.
Like I run. I have my treadmill right here, and
I teach cycling at Pelton. As you know, I love running,
and so when I do races, anytime I do a half,
I'm just like I counted as a whole. I'm like, okay,

this is twenty six point two miles, although I'm only
running thirteen point one. It's like it becomes a game
in my head of instead of me trying to get
to thirteen point one, I'm just trying to get to
twenty six point two. And if the finish line is
at thirteen point one, it's a little treat. I'm like, oh,
look at me, look at me. You know. The same thing.
I do the same thing with like my working out three.
It's like when i'm like work, I tell myself, I'm like, okay,

it's the most weirdest thing. So like if I'm like
walking on the treadmill and I don't let's just say
you walking at the ink line, I'm going like hard
and I'm like, I got the speed up high, and
I'm like, okay, I don't feel like doing this at all,
Like it'll be a day where I don't feel like
doing nothing. And I'm like, okay, I tell me, I
took myself in my head and I'm like, okay, instead
of walking for forty eight hours, I only have thirty

minutes to go now, so I bring a bring it
down in my head. So I'm like, okay, I could
walk that, and then I'll walk it where where in
my mind I really want to get to like an
hour for like walking on tradmill. So I'm like, okay,
already walk the thirty Let's go for like another Like
I'm already here, Let's go for another five, and then

I'll keep it going and I'll keep it going until
I make it there. And I'm like, okay, we'll talk
back tomorrow. So like I love that kind of concept
of like thinking because it helps you. Is you trick yourself? Yeah,
you have to trick yourself because sometimes your mind just
actually gets overwhelmed. It starts to create a narrative that
doesn't feel good to the soul. And I have to say,
like the reason and I started this whole podcast like

gushing over you, because the reason it does that is
because social media is a great place, but it's also
a scary place and it can be a dangerous place,
and it could be all the highs and all the
lows at the same time. And I know, just like you,
like as much as people may know who we are,
it's just like regular people. Like we go to the
bathroom just like regular people. We have bad days, we
don't want to work out, just like everybody, and not

even regular people quote unquote, but like people that aren't
as known right, like don't have a great of people
that know who they are. But it keeps you grounded,
it keeps you aware, it keeps you humble. I think
for you, you remind me to find the funny in life.
And that's why I enjoy following you. It's like I
tend to get a little serious, right, especially like as
a young woman about her business their success, and then

literally there's failure. I know that people are like no,
and I've said this before, there are only lessons, and
I'm like no, no, no. When you got to make
a life for yourself, and it's either like you live
here or you move back home like or or don't
have a home, there's six months and then there's the
place you don't want to get too. Yeah, you don't
want to get to that place. It's called failure. So
when I get all my feed, it's feeding me. That's

why it's called a feed. And I come across your content,
you remind me to find joying the simple things of life.
Where you're you. I mean, I think some of my
favorite is when your boss at work doesn't give you
the day off. I think my favorite video so far
and we're not we're ahead of schedule because I'm not
supposed to get into this until the fourth quarter. Butou
I have to tell you now because it's gonna lead
me into this aspect of inspiration that I want to

talk about. One of my favorite videos is you coming
in asking your boss, which is also you can you
get p t O, you know, paid time off, can
get your vacation And your boss says yes, no problem,
and you're like, what are the dates? And the dates
are basically like four days in a row, and your
boss is like, yeah, I can see me that, but
the one in the middle, I need you to come
in and you're like, but I'm the point of it

is like I'm traveling and they're like, well, I'm saying yes,
but I definitely you can get off the seventeen and eighteen,
but the nineteen you can be here. You can be off.
I need you in that day and it's like, what, No,
I'm not coming, Like I'm gone, like I'm literally seventeen
hours away. So wait, did that hasn't happened to you
for real? Yeah? I've had not like fully like that.

I've had like where I've had like the four things,
and then like the last day, They'll be like, but
I need you in that day and I'm like, put
my days. I don't come back until that day you
and they'll be like, will you be in like in
the morning, I'm like no, like I take off on
a plane, Like if I leave at like seven, I
won't get here until like one two or like that's

you have to around that up. And they're like, yeah,
we really need you in and I'm like, well, y'all
won't see me in. It's not happening. And it's crazy
like I read those comments. I read the comments, not
like all the time. That's another thing, like I try
not to read my I give myself like five minutes
at a time to read my comments, but um, when

I read them. It's funny because like you see like
all these different like so many different people and they
go through the exact same thing and maybe like like
a different like scenario in a sense of how they
do it, like how they go through their problems, but
it's all the same, which I love. So like they
are bringing their own little commentary to it, which is hilarious.

Where do you get your inspiration from? Like when you
started this journey, you're like boom, that one video was hitten.
I'm gonna start doing this. I'm gonna stay curious around
what my opportunities are here, Like where who do you follow?
You're on my you're on my feet? Who feeds you
on your feet that you draw inspiration from, whether they
are also in comedy or TikTok or other spaces? Like

where does that come from for you? For you to
get filled up on the receiving end? So for me,
I literally look at life, it's not really like so
much of like one content creator, because there's multiple content
creators where I will draw like inspiration from. But to
be honest, it's really just like life and kind of

like I didn't think about this until like maybe like
a month ago. When I was, like, to be honest,
most of like my content is because I'm for me.
I'm kind of like a private person with my life.
And I think, like you're gonna say the same thing
with being on social media, you have to be as
private as possible. We're only giving the people what they

what you want them, what you want to have them see,
you know about your life, you know so, And I
think it's just for me. It's more so of a protection,
you know. So then I can be very private. I
can enjoy the little things in my life and have
them to myself. So in a sense, this is me
showing people like my life without showing them my life

in a sense, so you kind of get to see
like my whole entire story of oh gosh, like he's
been through this, well really I have. But like you know,
I'm just showing you a scenario without like where everybody
has their own niche so you may get on there,
you may talk about a scenario and yours is all
about like just telling the story, where mine is just

like acting out of story. But I'm just doing it
in a small skit and it's just pretty much I
don't say, like because really people think I poked fun
at a lot of different people, which I do like,
and it's only a good like. I don't. I hate
to like like make fun of people. I try to
like poke fun at people, but really like most of
my stuff, to be honest, is kind of like poking

fun at me because like half most of that stuff
in there, I've kind of like been through or I've seen,
So that's what makes it pretty fun for me. So
that video of like is that your mom who face
times you when you at the store and the forehand
and she's like, wait, you see this? You need this?
Let me show You're like, Mama, can't see it. That thing.

She's done it multiple times. I take my mom and
my mother in law, I'm like, how I see we
see your forehead? Like I have no idea what we're
talking about. I'm so thoroughly confused. And every time I
answered the phone, it's like you see it. It's like, okay,
we'll just send me a picture, and then the picture
the picture is blurrying itself, or the pictures like them

with like their hand on it showing It's like, Mom,
you still messed up. You missed that, you missed the
objective that we needed to. Like, at this point, I'll
just be like, yeah, I'll take it. You're like, yes, Mom,
thanks for thank you appreciate you. Like at this point,
I'll go out and get it all right, let's roll
into halftime. We usually do a little rapid fire. It's
a little bit like this or that, and then I'll
ask you some funny questions at the end. Now, when

for the rapid fire. It's rapid fire, so you've gotta
go really fast. It's sure, it's sweet. Don't worry about
the first thing that comes to mind. TikTok a reels,
TikTok trending sounds or original content, original content, dance videos
or food videos. Oh food, I love food, coffee or tea.

I know the coffee girl. Okay, this could be confusing.
But soda or pop soda, y'all call it soda? Chicago
pop pop pop. I call it pop. That's why I
asked you, because you'll be calling nobody know what pop?
There you go. Summer or winter? Summer? Okay, summer, summer

all year round, but winter for fashion? Oh yes, I
like that caveall Okay, I mean for that one cooking
or eating? Eating? No, I don't think nobody. Everybody loves
to cook. But really it's all for the eating. It
is all for the eating. iPhone or Android iPhone, email
or text? Text? Who text or call? Texts? Okay? Good?

I always say, don't call me? All right, I feel
like I know the answer to this one. Comedy or
horror films. Comedy. There you go, And now this is
last questions around out have time. If you could watch
one of your videos you're watching yourself on repeat, which
one would you choose? Oh? That is hard, Um, I

would probably have so many. I think there's one where,
um a while bag that I made where it's like
the teacher when you have to do the exit ticket
to leave out a class, and you know the teachers
checking the um papers as you're going out, and if
you got the right answer, you get to leave. If
you got the wrong answer, you gotta sit back down
and go again. So I think that's probably the one

that I could probably watch on repeat. I think the
one that I can watch on repeat, even though it
probably shared so many already. Clearly, if you're listening to
this podcast at at this point and you have not
checked him out, like you sincerely need to Marcus Sean,
go go check them out. Um. But I think the
one that hits home with me just being in fitness
and being an instructor is like when the person goes

like it starts to become healthy and gives advice, Like
you're sitting there and it's like, well do you want
to you know, if you want to get in shape,
and you know they get it. You're like, this is
what someone yeah to do this and then if you're
trying to lose body masks, you do this, Like I
love because it's me. People become experts. They go ahead
and was like they do like a challenge, and then
all of a sudden they just start to sell it

to their friends. They're the expert. They're now telling you
how often to work out, what to do, what to eat.
And people do it to me. My cousin tell me
to shut up all the time. So you do that
to people. I do it to people and my cousin.
My cousin literally because we work out most of the
time together. So like for him, he is like lazy
in the morning time. For me, the morning time is

when I like work out, So like I'll call him
like they're get it up. Like, let's go, are you
gonna sit on your butt all day? Or you want
do you want to be fat all day? Do you
want to just sit there and be disgusting? And he's like,
for him, he like he tells me all the time.
He's like, I hate it and love it. He was like,

he was like, you tear me down every morning. But
he was like, for some of my reason, you get
me out of the bed. And he was like it's
the most thing. But for him, he's like, the markets,
we get it, we get it. You're into fitness. Shut up.
I'm like, I'm sorry, I'm just fun. Guys. You are
having fun. All right, let's get into this third quarter

over six million followers. And I know you said you
think of it as a game. But one of the
things that I talked about on this podcast is oftentimes
we see people in a small aperture called social media,
called whatever media platform, right, and the life that we
often when we look at these people from Afar, we
look at them and we're just thinking that their life
is perfect, that they got it all made, that they

were born funny, that they were born with funny family members,
that family members that accept them, like we paint this
narrative that may not may be true, but may not
be completely true, right, it really does close that aperture
of the story. And so what I try to tappen
too is that element of struggle, because not because we
want to highlight and to your point, make fun of
people struggle, but I do think it makes us all

relatable in some capacity, and it's a struggle in the
story that most times makes the story worth living, worth telling,
and worth sharing. And so at this point in your career,
over six million followers, you are consistent in creating content.
Do you feel pressure? Again? I know you think of
it as a game, but have you felt do you
feel and if and when you do feel pressure or

overwhelmed or in those unknown spaces, how do you handle it? Well?
I've had felt pressure and more than once multiple times.
I think as being a content creator, that's all you feel.
To me, once you fully step into that space of
like full on content creating, that is all you like,
all you feel because you're like, well, okay, now I

have to get out another video. I like to say
you do not have to get out another one. But
I think for me, once I tell myself once it's
because I don't like to really look at it as
a job. And it's it's bad to say because like, um,
obviously it is a job. But for me, like I think,
Like for me, I look at other people and I'm like, well,

why do I get to call it a job when
other people are out here, you know, lifting things up
with like with their bare hands, and or actually like
at a hospital and like saving people's lives and stuff
like that, like I think of it, or like on
the phone talking our day and helping people through struggles
and problems. For me, I'm like, why do I get
to call myself a job like they are where I'm

just like sitting here on a you know, on a
computer on a phone, you know, when people do that
on a daily basis, and I get to call it
a job. But I think, for me, if I get
to a point where I say like, okay, it's starting
to feel like a job, I have to take a break.
I have to take a pull on break. I have

to take a step back, and I'll take a break
from social media, you know, whether that's one day, two days,
sometime a week. The longest I took is like a
week and a half. Um, But even into I don't
have no set time limit on my breaks, and I
don't I don't even tell people. I don't even tell
my followers, like, hey guys, I'm taking a break because,

to be honest, there's so many other creators out there
that are amazing, you know. So I'm like, well, they
have more than enough, you know, as people say every
single day, oh um, social media is so oversaturated where
creators for me good because then I can take my breaks.

They have all the content, they can look through my
old stuff, They have other creators that will feed them
with content and they won't even know I'm gone, and
by the time I get back, it's gonna be like
I never left. So for anybody that's creating content, take
your breaks, you know, no matter if it's a week,
a month, two months, just until you feel better within yourself.

When for me, when I know like it's time to
come back, when I'm like I'm making ideas in my
head and I'm like already, like I'll like be in
my kitchen and I'm like i'll say something in a voice,
in a weird voice, and I'm like, I have another idea,
and then like every but some days when I do
do that. I'm like, I'm not ready yet, but I'll

write it down, you know. That's yeah. Wait, so tell
me how you do the voices because you always talking
to yourself, but having a conversation obviously it's two people
or sometimes three people, So you record the voice, do
you play it back while you're responding to the voice.
Most of the time, so on TikTok, they have um
like the audio, the voiceover audio. So I'll record my

video and then like that's like my video is playing,
I'll like listen to it first and I'm like, okay,
this would be a part where I'll jump in and
then But the tricky part about it is is like
when you press record, you can't hear what you're saying
in the video, so you have to be like look
at the video at the same time to be like okay,

it's done, let me say what I need to say,
and then you have to jump off. So most of
the time, like my videos are somewhat kind of like
a one shot because like I hate to make it
seem like it's like too much like acting or I
like very natural stuff to make it seem a little
bit more realistic. So if I stumbore or anything that's

just people. People are gonna stumble in their words, So
I try not to like edit that stuff out, but um,
most of the time, like the audio recording, I have
to do it sometimes multiple times because like I wanted
to make it seem like a natural response to what
I'm actually saying instead of like it sounds like an audio. Yeah,

when you are doing these ideas, you do a lot
of them in your own home. Have you started to
explore and I saw you were like on the roof
somewhere doing other things. Is that's something that's gonna be
new for you? Because consistently you've gotten great engagement, like
even on Instagram and TikTok, it's like increasingly, And I
think it's because it's relatable comedy, Like it's that humor
that it reminds me of my mom when you're doing
like showing the picture, or my friend or who just

got into fitness, but I'm the fitness Like it's very relatable.
So when you think of creating this content and you
have these ideas, are you at this point where you
want to take it out of your home or do
you think if it's working, let's continue doing what's working. Um,
I'm like that, I'm kind of like, if it works,
why I picks it? You know. I'm well also I'm
the tope person. I will experiment, but um, at the

same time, I still work with what I know, so
try not to like completely shut it out. I think
when you go from and not like saying no other
creative name or coming to people, I'm just saying like,
for like, let's just say like earlier people where let's
just say like buying. Whereas most people they created their

content on their phones back then, similar to TikTok um,
but when they went over they got more um professional
style of recording, where it's come of like, oh it's
not the same, it's not the same vibe. Sometimes it's
really not the same vibe, and so like it's something
very simplistic and funny. When it's more so like, um,

just the phone just in a simple setting, you know,
not so many different theatrics going on, which I love.
I love it too. Um, let's happen to the fourth
quarter this seur final quarter? Are you planning to take
And I know you're saying earlier we were talking about
oh this this is what I thought of doing when
I was a kid, you know, I wanted to be
a veterinarian. I thought about acting. You just did a

video of looking up. You watch a movie and then
you look up what an actor makes. At this point,
do you have any plans on and you have your
YouTube and you have all these social channels, do you
have any plans of taking your talent off social media
in a sense or exploring other areas. If so, I'd
love for you to share. Yeah. Um, well, I'm actually
a couple of past and so I really love to

create behind the scenes and everything. So I would love
to create, like whether that's a movie or anything. Of course,
I love having my TikTok and I love being in
front of the screen, but also at the same time,
I don't sometimes don't want to be like fooling in
front of the screen. I would love to like create
something to also let other people out there shown in

front of the screen, where I just create from behind,
where I just write out everything, or I just kind
of like map out how I want things to go
in the film. You know, so I guess somewhat like
a director and since something like that, like creative direct theme,
Like I love creative therrect thing. Also, I like to
do photography fast photography and stuff, so like I would

love to like do like a sheet. My babest dream
is to do like a sheet for like Vogue, to
like do a photo shoot for vote, like shoot it,
so like I would love to do something like that.
Um yeah, those are those are my two tough things
to like create and like really just make like master
pieces and not so much. Like again, I would love

to co star and a show or anything, you know,
I think that would be cool. But my biggest two
main things is to create something behind the scenes and
just let other people sign and then I just create it.
That's fantastic. All right, this is my last question. So
many people that are listening are gonna listen because they
love you, they know you. People that are listening are

coming in because they're a big fan of courts Our
Conversation and they've been a part of sitting courtside with
all these amazing cool folks, including yourself. Um, for those
that are tuning in no matter why, I would love
for you to share what is your piece of advice?
You shared your outlook a little bit of I think
the idea of making social media a game and thinking
even ask points not minimizing the love that humans are

giving you, but minimizing the idea that you're worth is
dependent on a set number. Your self worth is depending
on a set number. Um. But what are the party
words that you can share to our listeners in terms
of the way you approach kind of like your life
and your metric for success, Like I feel successful, Like
I feel good about my life right now? What is

that for you? I think for me, I don't take
it social media too seriously. I think for some they
they do, and they well and it's not like I said,
there's nothing wrong with that. But when you take it
too seriously, in a sense, you're kind of sending yourself
up for failure some time because that's all that's all

you are thinking about. So when you kind of look
at it such, you're just having fun. I know that
sounds super cliche because so many creators say it, But
when you are just sit down you just have fun
with it, It's gonna show through the camera. It's gonna
show through the screen of whatever you're doing. You know,
when you're just being authentically you on the screen. You know,

people don't really like a lot of robotics stuff. So
have you just been flew in and just very fun
with yourself. Just do that. And also I think for
younger generations to not really look so much at look
at the um I think numbers. I think people look

at numbers a lot um and it can really discourage them.
And even even for me, I've been there, I've and
I will go through it myself sometimes where I'm like, oh,
the numbers they're hitting today, they're not doing what they're
supposed to, you know. But then I'll just like a
step back, and that's when I started really thinking like,

well maybe I should take a break. Just take a break,
you know. But when when you're looking at the numbers,
it don't really become fun. It's not fun at that point,
you know, So don't look at the numbers. Try to
have fun with it and just be you on the screen.
And sounds reclichiation. Sometimes you just need to see those

words sometimes the words that we all know. It doesn't
matter if we know the words, it's it's more of
we need to be reminded of those words. So I
appreciate that. I really do appreciate your time. Again, all
that you do, your healths to see. Even though you
take breaks on social I do appreciate your consistency. I
do appreciate the relatable humor you do brighten up my day.

I'm like showing my husband, I'm like, look at this.
I like to show everyone. I'm just always like I
send your videos to my friends in our group chats, like,
I just thank you for making I guess that comedy relatable.
Thank you for being consistent, and thank you for looking
at and offering kind of like the outlook on life
that you said. Potentially could we cliche for some people,
but it's just a good reminder. So again, thank you,
thank you, thank you for taking us courtside for this conversation.

I'm honored. Thank you for you for having me. Yeah,
of course, yes, de Marcus, Shawn, everyone,
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