All Episodes

July 29, 2024 59 mins

An awkward hug, a flip flop decision about Clay, and love interest jealousies headline this episode! 

Find out the behind-the-scenes details of creative decisions that were made to compete with The OC and Gossip Girl.

Plus, find out which two scenes left Sophia, Rob and Joy in hysterics!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
First of all, you don't know me.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
All about that high school drama girl, drama girl, all
about them high school queens. We'll take you for a ride.
And our comic girl cheered for the right teams drama Queens,
Jolie's Girl of Girl Fashion, but your tough girl.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
You could sit with us.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Girl Drama Queens, Drama, Queens, Drama, Queens, Drama Drama, Queens,
Drama Queens.

Speaker 5 (00:24):
Where are you?

Speaker 2 (00:24):

Speaker 5 (00:25):
Funny story Joy. I am at a hotel in my
hometown and I just had a very funny realization. There's
a lot going on at the house this morning, so
I figured I should duck out some place that I
knew I could actually get some quiet. And it just
dawned on me that I showed up to this hotel
and jim clothes with a backpack and a stupid ear

to ear grin because I was so excited to do
this right. And I go to check in and she's like,
I'm not seeing your thing. I said, oh, it was
actually for last time. I'm only going to be here
for a couple hours, and she's like, oh okay, and
and I'm getting I'm like looking at my watch and
she's like Okay, here's you room like great great things
thing Cia, and I thought I didn't crea. I'll tell
her that she for sure thinks I'm having an affair.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Oh yeah, Oh for sure.

Speaker 5 (01:10):
I have a wedding ring. I'm wearing gym. I look
like a guy who was like, honey, I'm going to
the gym and then, oh my god, a doubt to
the hotel in his hometown for an hour and a half.
Why would I admit that? I mean, I guess because
checkouts at noon. But so for sure, this hotel staff
right now thinks that I'm the guy having an affair. Amazing.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
I think he should just keep it going, just confused.
It gives everybody something to talk about.

Speaker 5 (01:33):
Guys, I'm just a boy with a podcast. I'm not
having an affair.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
God is the perfect way to kick off this episode.
Hello everyone, Well, hey everyone, the drama Queens. We have
season seven, episode three, Hold my hand as I'm Lowered.
Air date September twenty eight, two thousand and nine. Hey, Sophia,
you want to read the synopsis?

Speaker 3 (01:55):
I sure do. Joy the synopsis of this episode, Ladies
and Gentlemen, is Clay and Nathan disagree on how to
handle an ever worsening scandal, and Haley begins to wonder
if Rene's accusations have merit. Quinn and Brooke organize a
photo shoot, and Mouth ups the stakes in his battle
with Skills. Meanwhile, Alex makes Julian an interesting proposition. And

of course this episode was directed by Liz Friedlander. She's
just so great pace.

Speaker 4 (02:24):
So before we get started, I have to tell you guys,
for all you friends out there, I am in Cooperstown,
New York, because my nephew is playing in the Cooperstown Tournament.
If you don't know much.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
About baseball, it's it's like a little league.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
Twelve year olds get chosen from their teams, get chosen
from all over the country and selected to come like
the best of the best all over the country. They
come play as ninety five teams and then they all
play all week and whittle it down into the final
two and then there's a championship. So it's very exciting.
So I'm here the whole family in the woods to
watch my nephew play baseball. And we were all piled

on top of each other and there's a lake and
the kids and it's all been really fun. And that's
all to tell you that I did not watch the
episode himself.

Speaker 5 (03:07):

Speaker 3 (03:09):
Gasp, you guys are gonna have to tell me what happened.
I was like, where are we going with this? I
love the setting, you know.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
I'm sorry, So I am now going to be the
fan who is listening to the episode like I didn't.

Speaker 4 (03:21):
I don't remember this, so what is it that's going on?
So you're going to have to fill me in a
little bit.

Speaker 5 (03:25):
Fortunately for you, I think soph and I are overachievers,
and I'm pretty sure I don't want to speak for you,
so if I think it's safe to assume you as
well took copious notes and sure did. We can cliff
notes this in our.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
Excellent excellent so so that this is the first time
in the history of our drama Queens where I have
not watched the episode. But I apologize, and uh, super
appreciative for the way that you guys show up and uh,
we'll fill in the.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
Place for me.

Speaker 5 (03:50):
I appreciate your honesty because I actually was wondering this
the other day. I thought, I wonder if there's ever
been a time where one of them hasn't watched the episode,
And then I thought if I was that spot, would
I come out and just be honest and lead with it,
or would I play that game of yeah no, yeah,
just yes, ending everything and to see if I could
like sneak by, So way to be brave, Joy, way

to be honest, to try to.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Be realal So, somebody start because it can't be met.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
So we open on a French cafe and a little
boy doing a yo yo a catwalk spot and I'm kidding,
So where do we start?

Speaker 3 (04:28):
We actually open on you Joy. The first shot of
the episode is Haley looking through the sonogram image and
the photos of Nathan and Renee at that party, half
of which Clay is in the background of which was
a nice little touch on behalf of set deck.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
So Haley knows and this is gonna this is gonna
get real.

Speaker 3 (04:53):

Speaker 4 (04:53):
Do we know what James or what Nathan told her
like was it is? Is he sticking to his story right,
like it's all the same thing that he's told Clay.

Speaker 5 (05:03):
Yeah, yeah, Yeah. He's adamant that he hasn't done it,
which is great because then he's constantly infuriated that we're
even entertaining any options of paying this woman off. She's
asked for two hundred thousand dollars to go away. You
are incensed by that, rightfully, So so that's kind of
where you are at. And then I don't want to

get ahead of it, but yeah, it leads to sort
of a butting of heads between Clay and Hayley because
that in fact, this is the scene Joy, when I
was telling you my first memory of this show is
you screaming at me on a on an outdoor patio set,
it was this episode. It's when you show up to
Clay's beach house and you're basically laying into me, saying like,

what are you do? How dare you? Yeah, he didn't
do it? Why would you let this happen? And yeah,
it's a great scene, and it also we're jumping ahead
a bit, but I'm curious of you if you know,
it's the same thing. We reconcile that scene a few
a little bit later where I come down the peer
and talk to you, and I end it with an

extraordinarily awkward, questionable choice.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
Yeah you.

Speaker 5 (06:13):
Should we just talk about it right now, get into it. Yeah, okay,
so you lay into me. Clay has a fair counter argument,
which is this is Nathan's dream. He's worked incredibly hard
for it. It's a contract year. This could really make
everything go sideways, so this might be a worthwhile investment.
It's one commercial and if it helps him get his deal,
it saves the big picture dream which you hear but

is also of course infuriating. You walk away from my
house down like down the pier, and I come meet
up with you, and it's a bit calmer heads prevail
situation where I'm like, I hate this too. It just
seems like the smarter play. You're like, okay, we come
to an agreement, and then Clay slash me made the

choice to go ahead and put a arm around you.

Speaker 3 (07:02):

Speaker 5 (07:04):
The only thing I could think in my head was
maybe I was trying to subtly tell the story that
we have now known each other a while and we've
grown close.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
Okay, that seems reasonable.

Speaker 5 (07:15):
That said, I still though, put the arm around you,
and at the very end go back, viewers, you can
see I kind of give you the little thumb rub
on the shoulder like you do with the kid or
a loved one, and I just felt like the combo
of the two it just was enough for me to go,
come on, Clay.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
What's also hilarious to me is that the choice is
made after the two of you have been arguing up
on the porch and Haley is literally like, but you
know what it looks like? Like you know how bad
this looks even though he's a good guy, And Clay's
argument is he's a grown man, and you go, so

are you act like it? It's like such a great
And then I'm like, anyone who took a photo of
Clay and Haley on that peer from a distance when
he puts his arm around her and she leans you
do you lean your head back? And then I'm like,
it looks like do people on a date? It looks bad?

Didn't we just cover this scandal all around? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (08:22):
I don't know, though, I think you're absolutely right, Rob,
I think that was super intentional. We wanted to create
the sense of familiarity that you've been around for a
long time, because we definitely you know, I feel like,
especially at the beginning of this season with new characters,
there's this sense of kind of overcompensation maybe of like

we're just working really hard to make the audience believe
it and not just trusting. But also that seems totally
reasonable if you have been around for a long time.
I mean, I don't know, do I like do I
let my friend? It's not like you're married. I guess
if it was like my friend's husband, it might be
a little more uncomfortable. But you're a single guy, but

I'm married.

Speaker 5 (09:10):
I don't know. Also, we've never seen Clay hug you yet.
We've seen us interact in scenes, and we haven't been
physically affectionate. So it was just odd that as soap
was saying, on the heels of a conversation of appearances, yeah,
that on the heels. This was the time. This was
a moment where I felt, yeah, you're right. I understand

us as actors making that mistake because we're in this bubble,
in this moment, trying to create this world. This is
the job of someone behind the monitor who's just watching
it on the square. Needs to go. Nah, the optics,
the optics look a little weird. Guys.

Speaker 4 (09:44):
That's tough for a visiting director to come in. And
I mean, Liz had been in and out of the show, but.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
That's that's a tough job because.

Speaker 4 (09:54):
She doesn't know what's coming, and she only has the
information that she's been given from the previous episodes. But
there's so much a little time in prep that it's
not like visiting directors have time to just read all
the previous scripts of the last four episodes and then
make sure they they can't even see the edit, because
the edit's usually not done by the time they start prep.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
That's hard. It's hard to be able to put.

Speaker 4 (10:13):
Every little thing in context when you're just dropping in
for a couple of weeks.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Yeah, and I will say the first pass of it,
I was like it's sibling e and then it just
made me giggle thinking about like what the long lens
paparazzi photo of it would look like. But I also
get that other point, you know that if you've got
a director visiting who says, well, what's the relationship between

your characters, and it's like he's like a brother to me,
he's my husband's agent, and then they go yeah, okay, yeah,
So I don't know, don't know how it.

Speaker 4 (10:50):
Would have been a smart pr move to have a
paparazzi on a long lens take that photo, and then
that also would get leaked and then it's like ooh,
everybody thinks it's lots of scandal. But then if you
find out that the thing with Clay and Haley is
just really nothing and he's just consoling her and they're
being friendly, then maybe the public would be less likely
to believe the thing about the other woman too, And
they just throw all the baby out with the bathwater

and the whole thing gets thrown in the wash. Maybe
that's what a crisis comes.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
I don't know. I'm like, well, that's dark.

Speaker 5 (11:20):
Yeah, And that wasn't me taking a swipe at Liz.
That was more just that thing of the like sometimes
you don't know when you're the actor and the scene
just with the outside appearance of it, you know, looks like.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
Well, and that's when you really hope one to your point,
one of our producers, like who watches every day, is
actually on set for that scene and they can go,
I get what you're going for, but it looks a
little weird. No, exactly.

Speaker 4 (11:45):
It is the job of the people who are their
long term to be able to jump in and fill
in those blind spots, because a visiting director only has
so much capacity. So it really does depend on that.
So maybe somebody dropped the ball, I don't know, or
maybe it worked, fans, I don't know what do you
guys think?

Speaker 3 (12:03):
Did it work?

Speaker 4 (12:04):
Did it make you feel endeared to Clay?

Speaker 5 (12:06):
Yes, let us know. I'm actually so curious. Please let
us know if you thought it was creepy or sweet?

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Yeah, brother, Lee or mah, because.

Speaker 5 (12:16):
I think actually, now that you say that, Joy, I
do think we were trying to go for a very
familial brother sister thing. So let us know, fans. Was
it creepy brother or sweet brother?

Speaker 4 (12:29):
I feel like creepy or sweet could be a really
fun thing to do at the end of episodes.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
Yeah, lit' stop like a carnival game.

Speaker 5 (12:37):
Listen, this episode was This might just be every episode again.
I'm coming. I'm basically watching the series fresh as a
new viewer, but I've an all three episodes so far.
I've walked away going this was juicy. Yeah, Like there's
there is not a shortage of good content to really
get into. I mean this one, this one starts off

hot and kind of stays that way. Is that just
every episode of this show is? This is why the
show is what it is.

Speaker 4 (13:07):
Not every episode everything. No, there's some filler space episodes.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
Yeah, but this one was fun and I think Liz
gave us a great indicator that it would be right
from the jump because all of the opening scenes happen
so fast, and there's so much movement and you know,
tension and humor and whether it's this low moment for
Haley or the you know comedy of like Brooke and

Julian and then Skills, you know, getting naked and getting
scared and then Alex having been out all night in
the shower gag like it's flying at you so fast,
and each thing is juicy, like each each little beat
has a detail to it that we haven't really either
seen before or that we know we want to see
more of per Skills and Mouth.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
And speaking of Brook and Julian, shout out to Austin
for being the sacrificial lamb in that opening vignette where
he is wildly gratuitously and unnecessarily just shaving in his underwear.
It was like, oh, yeah, okay, And a part of
it was like, sorry, buddy, I didn't take my shirt
off last episodes that went down on you. You're the

team player apparently. Yeah. Brooke just walks by Julian, she
says something and he's just standing in his boxer briefs
shaving and is like, okay, he could have been doing
literally anything and they're like, nah.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
They fill their quota. Is this the time in the
show where other we were It was switched over to
CW by then, because you know, we started out on
the WB and then there was that merge with UPN
and CW where they created CW.

Speaker 4 (14:57):
Was this the point where we were officially competing with
the OC and Gossip Girl and all those shows where
it was so much, so much gratuitous whatever, like sex,
sex everywhere. They just wanted to make sure that you
guys had your shirts off on the beach. They wanted
to make sure that somebody is naked in every episode.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
They sure seem to. But let me tell you what
I had two thoughts when that scene hit. First was
thanks Austin for being the sacrificial lamb so I didn't
have to do it. And also, good for you, sir,
Like Austin was surfing every weekend. He looks so good,
and I was like, someday, you're actually going to love
that you have this. I hated when people used to

say that to me. We were in our twenties and
they'd be like, someday you'll be thrilled. You knew you
looked like this, but I was like, you know what,
that's going to be nice for you to have someday. Congratulations,
my friend, you look great.

Speaker 5 (15:51):
Yeah. I recently worked with a director who did an
episode of our show, and I was asking him, oh,
what did you do? And it was during the time
when Julian was just sort of being introduced, and he
was like, yeah, it was when they were introducing you know,
Austin as the new sex pylon. What. I had never

heard the term sex pilon, but I have to say,
when I was watching that vinet and he's just standing
there looking amazing, I thought, you know, it's not it's
a bit objectifying, but sex pilon, that's you fits.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
It tracks, Yeah, it tracks, by the way, I rob,
I know you didn't take your shirt off in the
last episode, but I do not want you to feel
left out. And since we did start on the Clay
and Haley of it all, I literally have in my
notes when you guys get out for that beat on
the pier where you're like really being like, but this
is the thing and we might have to do it,
and it's like the notes about this scene and then

in all caps, Rob has beautiful skin. Oh, Like, I
literally made a note. I was like, sir, do you
like the close up? You have no pores? Also, congratulations
to you.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
Wow, thank you. Yeah. I think by the way I
have it in here somewhere this, I think this is
the episode. So when I first got on, there was
a worry that I wasn't quite old enough for the
role and I looked a little baby faced for it
and for what they wanted me to be doing. And
so of course their Hollywood solution was grow some stubble.

And at this time, I mean, you've seen the extent
of my stubble at the time, and I think this
was the episode where we just went let's just go
clean shaven. Like I remember, it wasn't comfortable for me,
and by that point they had seen enough dailies to
go you just you still look like a baby faced
kid with just a little bit of stubble. So there's
a scene h later on. Yeah, it's actually the scene

with Joy where I put my arm around her where
if you notice, all of a sudden, clays clean shaven.
I think that was the moment on the show where
they went let's just let's just give up the ruse
and just go clean shaven.

Speaker 4 (17:53):
So do you stick with that clean shaven for the
rest of the.

Speaker 5 (17:56):
I believe so please?

Speaker 4 (18:00):
I think so yeah, you do a beautiful skin. You
should have gotten a campaign off of that show.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
Gosh, let's let's just talk about my skin for the
next hour. Say more about it now. And one thing
I thought that was so awesome in this episode is
all of the Alex Brooke and Milly stuff.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
Tell me all about it.

Speaker 5 (18:23):
Like, so, I just want to start by saying, Janna
does such an incredible job with this role.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
She is so good.

Speaker 5 (18:31):
She's so good, She's so good. And I think because
I wasn't doing many scenes that I was just in
the dark about it. But you know, one thing I
love about a character is when it's hard to make
a decision on who they are, Like I like a
bad guy with some humanity, I like a good person
with some flaws. And what's so great is there's a
couple moments in this because she is so over the top,

just dumpster fire, dumb, self absorbed, and then she has
these moments of sincerity or self awareness that so she's hilarious.
Episode just getting ahead of it but there's also amazing
cameo by our artist Tim who plays her makeup artist
at the chute, And there's a moment where she's on
the at the shoot and she says it's her and

Milly and Tim is doing her touch ups and she says,
how do I look? And Tim goes ahead and answers
and he goes fabulous, and without skipping a beat, she goes,
I didn't ask for the help. I didn't ask the help, Millie,
how do I look? And Milly goes, why are you
asking me? And she goes, because you're the only one
who's honest with me here, And it was that great
moment of oh, but you're you're also smart enough to

see what's going on. Yeah, And then there's some stuff
later in the episode, but so talk about that because
your stuff with her, I mean, when you try to
get the dog out of or excuse me. She comes
in and tries to slam a pill when she's lagged
and hung over for the shoot, and she announces to everyone,
I just need a pill, and she puts a pill
in her mouth. Sof does a bit where she runs

over and tries to get the pill out of her mouth.
Exactly the the way you would a dog. It is
so funny.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
It was so fun I'm seeing it in my mind.
I can totally picture this. Oh my god, it's so
I mean, Jana is so funny. I am. I'm relishing
and watching her as a viewer and not as a
scene partner, because as a scene partner I had to
be irritated all the time, which was hard because she's
so fucking funny. And now I'm just getting to laugh.

But I forgot what happened in that scene. And yeah,
I mean, she puts a pill in her mouth and
I grab her face like this so she can't close
her lips and literally just dump her head over like
from the back of the neck. I grab her by
the back of the neck. It's I yelped. It made
me laugh so hard, genius, it's just so good. And

Millie catches the pill rather than mountain.

Speaker 5 (20:52):
The whole thing.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
It's it's just like parental gone sideways, and it's so
it's so funny, and I think it is so hilarious
because of how hard Jana commits and then we just
have to react around her, and it's it's perfect.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
She does commit all the time and I agree with you, Rob,
It's so interesting to watch a character that keeps you
on your toes. It's the it's the same, it's a
Gene Wilder thing with at the beginning of Willy Wonka
and the Cane, right where he comes out, and it's
just like the you think he's one thing and then
he flips over and reveals himself to be someone that
you never quite know what's really going on. And I

love that. I don't know that we have another character
on the show like that, Like Dan, you always really
know at the baseline what's actually going on, no matter
what he's putting up.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
But I like this. I like this the.

Speaker 4 (21:45):
Introduction of a character that's so complex and she's got
so many different layers.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
Janna manages to play her in this way where she
leans into everything horrible so much, but there's release something
under there, like she's Alex is the kind of character
that drives you crazy, but something in you likes her.
And I made a note. I was like, oh my god,
I'm having the joy experience when I when we get

to the end of the episode and I'm watching like
the genuine flirtation between Alex and Julian I hate it.
I'm like, I hate that. Oh I really don't like.

Speaker 5 (22:23):
That at all.

Speaker 3 (22:24):
Wow, oh my god. I remember when Joy said this
about Haley not liking seeing Nathan with somebody because you yeah.
And then I was like, well, I guess maybe that's
part of how you know as an actor that you're
in the right like endgame relationship, because I was like,
oh no, I hate this part. Like Julian is Brooks person,
ma'am go.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
Away, yeah, excuse me, ma'am yeah bye.

Speaker 3 (22:46):
But like they're so good and so likable. Then I'm
watching it going, well, of course he likes her. Look
at her. How could you not like her? She's so
funny and horrible but great.

Speaker 5 (22:57):
And then what they did that was so smart? Was
it because it wasn't just about a physical thing it
would have it would have really kind of put Julian
in a bad light if it was just a pretty
girl flirting with him and him entertaining it. What it
actually becomes is she shows up at at Brooke and
Julian's place with a script.

Speaker 3 (23:17):

Speaker 5 (23:17):
She's like, I know you think I'm dumb. I am,
but I also know what I'm doing and this is
a good script and you're a producer and you should
read it so and then then it's like, Okay, he's
not It's not just that he's chasing the next pretty thing.
There's actually something here that he finds intriguing and there
might be a business. It was just a It was
a great way to sort of allow what happened to

happen without it being like, is he not the guy
we thought he was.

Speaker 4 (23:42):
Yeah, he's endeared to her because she is smart.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
And it's rooted in the purpose he feels like he's lacking.
She pushes his buttons early in the episode Joy and
asks why he's not doing that movie in New Zealand,
and he said he was looking for something else, And
it later comes back around where she essentially says, oh
you you thought I meant something else could be me. No,

it's this script I have for you. And so she's
meeting him in this space of like loss and lack
with you know, purpose, maybe his next creative thing. And
so there's like a passion to bond over not just
an energy.

Speaker 5 (24:24):
Yes, and she allows that that moment to happen, which
is great, your business savvy, You're not just a one
note terrible person. And then literally in the same breath, goes, Actually,
another boy's having me tonight, but I can come by
afterwards if you want. So it was like she earned
a moment and then was like, but I'm Alex so.

Speaker 3 (24:42):
No, yeah, but I love that. That's what keeps me giggling.
And then I'm like, just when I felt something about
this energy, now I want to punch her all over again.

Speaker 4 (24:52):
Great, I appreciate how complex she is.

Speaker 5 (24:58):
Hey, random sidebar love Gene Wilder, did you know that
he told the director of Willy Wonka that was that
that whole move where he walks with the cane and
then rolls and jumps up that wasn't in the script.
That was Jean's idea. And he said, I'm not doing
the movie if we're not doing it. And then director said,
are you are you serious? Why? And he said, because

it sets up the entire movie that if I do that,
from that point on, you won't know what's real and
what's make believe. Isn't that a genius?

Speaker 3 (25:29):
I mean, so genius, so smart? Incredible.

Speaker 5 (25:33):
Yeah, speaking of smart, let's talk about Rachel. Because Rachel
and Dan's story unfolding this episode I thought was told
so incredibly well, it was so interesting the shot of
when when Rachel reveals that she was the one, so
this sorry joy. This is when Paul is doing his show.

Excuse me. Dan's doing a show and a man stands
up midshow and is like murder, murder. Oh he catches
him off guard, but they roll and Rachel says, roll
the cameras. Then they come back to it after and
when it's after the show and Rachel walks up and
Dan says like, I'm sorry, and she's like, don't be.
I planned that. There's this great moment. So first of all,

you realize she is just so business savvy. Also like
does she care about him or is it business? But
then isn't this end that's seen great? So if I
thought Liz did such a good job where it has raped,
the shot has watches Rachel walk off stage but she
literally it's just her silhouette and she walks into darkness
and just fades to black.

Speaker 3 (26:36):
It was so well lit. That got me, and and
what I loved about their story is you see you
see her power as you know, his business partner and wife,
and he does that he'll be like my producer who's
also my wife. Is how he brings her on stage.
In this episode, it just was like, oh my god,

you see not just her in the moment, you get
the flashbacks and you see it go back, so you
see when they meet, because when he brings her up,
they start doing this whole storytelling about like, oh, and
when we met, we wanted the same thing and it
was so chaste and like he's wasted in a strip
club and she recognizes him and is performing and you know,

you have all these scenes of them in this motel
and he's drinking himself to death and he's reading all
these self help books and she's kind of going at
him about what a lazy, you know, way that is
to try to fix yourself, and then he says something
and she realizes like, oh, that's a self help book,
and immediately she makes him stop quit drinking. She's like,
don't drink that I need you. Do you want to

get out of here? And I was like, I'm obsessed
with her.

Speaker 5 (27:46):
Yeah, Wiley, this show is very good at at not
letting you figure people out right away, or just giving

multi layered portrayals of people. Because that whole flashback storytelling
starts with her in a strip club and so you're like, Okay,
she's the hot girl as a stripper, now whatever, and
then yeat like so if was saying, it ends with
her being smart enough to realize there's an amazing business
opportunity here where we can both get out of this rut.
And there's also the way that the storytelling and the

way it shot is so great because they finish having
sex and they roll off each other and she says,
not bad for a guy with a bad heart, and
he says, why don't you stay the night and see
if you can kill me? And she says that'll be expensive,
and he says that's okay, I'm rich and I'm dying.
And then it cuts to them in the present day
on stage, being sweet and polished, and she's like, he

had everything I wanted and he's like, and so did you.
And I thought that was such a great moment of
sort of like exposing how much hypocrisy, see there is
in terms of like how people portray their lives to
be versus what it actually is, you know. And they
did such a good job with their stuff.

Speaker 3 (29:09):
It was great, and they're so subtle together, and you
watch and I think that's where you see Paul and
Neil a bit because they're both so smart, and you
watch in these quiet moments with Dan and Rachel, they're
having this real tete a tet. You see their sort
of reactions and looks communicating with each other before they speak,

and it's so refreshing because you know that when they're
on the talk show set, they're performing, but when you
get to see underneath when they're not, like it actually
made me such a fan of them as a unit.

Speaker 5 (29:46):
Yeah, and getting to see again that he's so sweet
and soft with her. You know, he's so charismatic on camera,
but then he kind of becomes a little boyish around her,
you know. And so again it's that it's not making
it easy to figure him out.

Speaker 4 (30:04):
Is it really still drawing out the mystery that we
were discussing last time of seeing him with his God Rob.
I meant to mention it last time you use this
phrase the man experiencing homelessness instead of saying a homeless man.
I just thought that was such a lovely phrase. But yeah,
so he was, you know, sitting down with that man,
and we were talking about how it seems there's this

ambiguity of like, where is he is he actually trying
to change is Does this episode continue that question or
is it more clear that it's like, no, he's definitely
a full hypocrite and this is all a ruse.

Speaker 5 (30:38):
I think No, I think it's still very much telling
a story where this could be the new Dan because
what they're showing in this story part of it is
he was a guy at rock bottom who wanted to die,
and now he seems to be a man with purpose.
So up until this point you can be suspect of
her because her trajectory does seem quite opportunistic, as his

seems genuine.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
And she's not.

Speaker 4 (31:02):
Being forthright that she used to be a hook, well,
a stripper. I guess if she's charging him, then she's
a prostitute also. But like she's not being forthright that
this is where I used to be and now I'm
in it. I've recovered from the position that I was
in before.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (31:20):
So is it like we're hiding this or she's being
open about it?

Speaker 5 (31:23):
No? No, because when we first when he we first
see him on the talk show, he says, my wife
used to drink and sleep around, like.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
Drugs and all the things.

Speaker 5 (31:33):
Okay, yeah, yeah, that when he first I remember hearing
for the first time going, buddy, you are roasting your
wife and we need to be this honest. But no,
so they to their credit, they've been pretty forthright with yeah, work,
we came from a pretty unhappy place. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (31:54):
I don't think they're being forthright about their first date night, yes, right,
but they are very open about who they used to be.
You know, the sort of stereotype of the broken person
I used to be seems to really be.

Speaker 4 (32:10):
Yeah. Thing we shall see. I want to know what
happened with the mouth and skills.

Speaker 3 (32:16):

Speaker 5 (32:16):
First of all, one of my very first notes is
I love the pickle that we have found Mouth in
because what it opens with him at the news station
and his station manager coming up and going, hey, your
buddy is Nathan Scott. Oh yeah, old buddy's great. He
went into a restaurant flipped out on a woman the
other day and can you look into it? And it's

then he then he meets up with Nathan that river
court and has to ask him. But what's what I
loved about it. Mouth is such a big heart man.
He's such a good friend because he asked Nathan and
he doesn't ask if it's true. First, the first thing
he says was I'm so sorry, man, yeah, you know,

and he ends the conversation with Nathan says, what are
you going to do and he says nothing, let me
know if you need anything. I thought, oh, man, that's
a buddy. He's got his back, you know. And then,
to Nathan's credit, because he knows that the situation that
mouth is in. After mouth says that and starts to
walk away, he stops me and goes, hey, you do

what you gotta do. You have the job to do
if you have to report your report, you know. And
I thought that was there was so much respect shown
between the two.

Speaker 4 (33:32):
Wow, that's tough, right, yeah.

Speaker 5 (33:34):
Because what do you do. It's like you always of
course you want to believe the best in your friends,
but then you have to sort of entertain an alligator.
I thought. I thought it actually was kind of quite
timely with sort of everything that has happened with me
too and everything in the past, where I thought, oh,
it's like, yeah, how do you reconcile if someone you
love has done something you know that you don't agree

with or that is just straight up bad, you know,
And OH thought, oh my godsh So when it's the
episode started, I thought, oh, I can't wait to watch
you walk this line. Buddy, Wow, I love that.

Speaker 4 (34:07):
I love Nathan just giving him the permission to do
his job. Be like, it's not going to affect our friendship.
I know you have a job to do. I know
you're not going to do something salacious and try and
do a hit piece on me or hurt me. Like,
but I also understand the position you're in and it's
a small town like you have to report what you report.

I'm WHOA, that's tough, but that's that's a lot of
that's a lot of honor and courage.

Speaker 5 (34:34):
Stand up guy, a boss move, because if he knows
he's innocent, then why not weah Yeah, it's sort of
this conviction that he's like, I know how the story in,
so you do what you gotta do.

Speaker 4 (34:47):
Yeah, yeah, one way or the other. Eventually a paternity
test happens and he knows that the information will come out.
So also that's a real hole in her whole issue,
Like she's trying to get two hundred thousand dollars, but
for what, like, wait wait six months and find out.

Speaker 3 (35:05):
Well, or is the goal to get the money before
you can find out if Renee is really the person
we're led to believe she is, right, Like, if she's
the kind of you know, stereotypical, you know, vixen, horrible
person who would do this to some family. Like, Okay,
but you know, if so, is the whole idea to

get paid before you could get an AMNIO or any
of those other tests.

Speaker 4 (35:33):
Yeah, but if she knows that it's not real and
it's not true, and she knows that he knows, and
she knows that he knows that she knows, then not
to make it too complicated, but like, why not just
wait six months.

Speaker 5 (35:45):
Because I think what she's doing is playing off the
fact he is in a contract year right now and
he is trying to get a new deal, and this
could really hinder his value. I think that's what they're timing. Okay,
that it's entirely calculated that she knows he's up for
something right now and this would not help his case
at all.

Speaker 3 (36:02):
Yeah, but also, let's.

Speaker 5 (36:03):
Be honest, it's the NBA that would not hurt him.
NBA has no problem paying people who do all sorts
of things, I mean, all professional sports. So it's a
kind of a altruistic assumption on the NBA's part, But
I think that's what she's going for, is that she
knows he's in a time crunch, and so she's just
trying to capitalize on that. You have a great line

Joy at the start of this episode where it's when
you and Nathan are talking about it for the first
time in the kitchen and you're looking at the party
pictures of she and Nathan and Clay off to the side,
and you say, drunken sluts with perfect teeth.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
I wrote that down too.

Speaker 5 (36:51):
I loved it. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (36:55):
It was also a really good scene because you see
this smplicity of the situation. Nathan is like, I get
asked to take pictures all the time, and you are
explaining that because it's late and she looks the way
she looks, and his arm is around her and she's
carrying a cocktail and he's got a beer in his

other hand, like you know him. You know this is normal,
and you see but it looks bad and you should
be smart enough to know that. Yeah, And that's such
a thing, right, Like in our world, it doesn't always
matter what's true. It matters what something looks like absolutely.

Speaker 5 (37:36):

Speaker 3 (37:38):
What I loved is that you seem to be clearly
communicating that you believe him and you know this isn't true.
But you know that everyone who likes to shot on
people out there in the world, I mean, hello, look
at the internet that they're going to go he did it.
I can tell by that photo, that meaningless photo. I
see something, and some stranger will side that what didn't

happen is true and you'll never be able to convince
them otherwise. Totally, that is so tough.

Speaker 4 (38:07):
That is such a tough road to navigate. I mean
for everyone in the public eye or anyone in leadership positions,
like teachers who need to make sure that their doors
open when they're meeting with a female student. You know,
to your whatever you're I don't know who you're sitting
with in a restaurant or what you're posting online. It's

like there's an element of Okay, I am a human being.
I get to live my life, and I can't be
wandering around worrying about everyone and pleasing everyone in everyone's mind.
Think making sure that everybody knows and sees me the
correct like I just it's too much. You could never
But then there's also a tier of responsibility depending on

the position that you're in. And I don't know that
those lines are clear cut, but it is an interesting
topic to explore.

Speaker 5 (38:57):
Yeah, and what's fun about the Mouth dynamic of it
is he doesn't have the luxury of all of Nathan,
all the other people in Nathan's lives where he can
kind of sit back and wait for things to unfold.
He Yeah, he's a bit in a pressurized situation because
he's going to be forced to speak on it, speak

on it in one way or the other publicly, you know.
So he doesn't get to kind of sit back and go,
I don't I don't believe it, but let's just see,
you know, he has to actually come forward and start
reporting that. So I like that because I was immediately
stressed out for him. Yeah, I'm like, oh, I don't
envy this position at all, you know.

Speaker 3 (39:37):
And the way there, the way the days diverge, is
so interesting because Mouth' day starts off hilarious. You know,
Skills gets up immediately, drops trow walks out into the
living room, and then you hear him scream at the
top of his lungs and you see Mouth walking out, laughing,
adjusting his tie on his way to work and like

they're having this fun day, and then he just gets
slammed sideways. And then the central theme in such separate
ways for Mouth and for Skills is really about friendship.
But Mouth is dealing with this crazy thing with Nathan,
and Skills calls Jamie to help him trap a lizard.
It's like they could not be having more opposite days.

But they circle back around together to each other on
this subject at the end, and hearing them talk about
their friendship was like even more weighted. I guess for me,
given what I'd seen Mouth just do with Nathan and their.

Speaker 5 (40:39):
Friendship, Jamie was once again the wise little owl who
Skills initially calls to come over to help him the iguana,

and there's a hilarious exchange where Jamie's there and he's like,
all right, so how much you're gonna give me to
do it? And he goes all right, and he pulls
out like twenty bucks from his pocket and he goes cool.
He says something like this is catching cat catching a mouse.
That's catching a mouse, and so he starts he's he's
bargaining up Skills. The Skills is like Colma has to

give him all the money in his pocket, and he's like,
now I can catch a dragon. This is he says,
that's something like this isn't small dragon money or something.
But what it ends up becoming is then skills sort
of downloading the situation with mouth to Jamie, and again
Jamie just being a child, he just sort of says
what's obvious, what's simple, and what's honest, and skills you know,

sort of tells him what's going on. And he Jamie Skills, like,
why what did he say when you said that? And
he's like, oh, I guess I haven't said any of that.
He's like, yeah, dumb, dumb, tell him, tell him how
you feel basically, you know, talk to your friend. Yeah,
it talks to your friend, right, But again, it's just funny.
It's like it's the child who's able to see it
the most clearly. I have a question. So if I

guess this one's for you, but Joy, you can weigh
on this. So later in the episode, there's a fun
there's a fun bit where Brooke takes Quinn and I
think Millie joins as well, out to trick for a
drink because in Haley in Haley's area. That's right because
they go out because Haley's having such a hard time
with what's going on, with what's transporting, and because at

this point it looks like they are leaning towards having
to pay two hundred thousand dollars to this woman who's lying.
So Haley is out of sorts. It looks like I'm
going to take you to trick. We're going to drink,
and so there's some funny stuff there. But towards the
end of it, Alex walks up to Clay. Clay's drinking
and she's like, oh, it's a Keila. I used to

love that, you know. Clay's like, oh cool, and he
takes a shot and she kisses me as soon as
I have had the shot, like presumably to get like
a little taste on her lips. And then when she
throws herself at me, I'm like, great, be at my pouse.
In thirty minutes, her exit move is she licks my neck,
And my first thought was ew and has nothing to

do with Alex or Janet. It's just I don't want
anyone anyone licking me. But I thought my question was
was there ever a time when that was hot? Would
that ever work? For you if a dude licked you?

Speaker 3 (43:29):
First of all, was this in the script?

Speaker 5 (43:31):
It had to be.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
I think it was meant to be kind of like
a because she kisses him to get the tequila, does
the lime? And I I think it was like a oh,
you're looking for sweating, you're looking for salt? Was okay?
God was the idea. But no, if some if a
person just licked me, they'd get punched in the face. Yes,

that's so. I mean, you guys are flirting and kissing
and clearly arranging to like have a little sexy time.

Speaker 5 (44:01):
But like.

Speaker 3 (44:03):
If if just a human in a bar licked me, no, dog,
you're getting punched right in the mouth.

Speaker 5 (44:11):
Yeah. This this felt like one of those moments where
I was keenly aware of how much time has passed
for me between shooting this series and where I am now.
Because I'm at the time, I did not bump on it.
I probably thought, yeah, is this hot? And now at
forty three years old, I watched it and I went
ew disgusting. No, that would be my heart out. I'm done,

I gotta go wash my neck. You're was it a.

Speaker 3 (44:35):
Strong lick or was it like a little like a
little taste, no joy. It was strong, like a head
grab and a and a what would you say, like
under collarbone to under ear.

Speaker 5 (44:48):
It went clavially almost to ear lobe tip. That's a
lot of real estate. That's a lot of delicate real estate.
Also close to my nose. So if you have bad breath,
I might catch it with of it, and then I'm
for sure throwing up and we can never see each
other again.

Speaker 3 (45:04):

Speaker 5 (45:05):
That's a nightmare of mine. Listen, uh, insight into my
childhood trauma. One of the things my mom used to
do to me was once I got too big for
her to like people like wrestle me or man handle me,
and she knew she'd like lost that she would lick
her finger and wipe it on me. No true, Unfortunately,
I swear to God it's the truth in it disgusted

me to no end, so she knew it worked. So
I got to say, I also am bringing emotional baggage
into this reaction, and I'm going to own that. Listener,
I get it, but I still think it's disgusting.

Speaker 3 (45:37):
You know what I will say, Rob, is bravo to you,
because what that is is you identifying a trigger and
clearly your therapist is great.

Speaker 5 (45:44):
Gold star from Trevor.

Speaker 3 (45:46):
A my guy. I don't know. I'm thinking about this.

Speaker 4 (45:50):
I'm like, I'm trying to be I'm trying to be fair.
Like I don't know, if I met somebody at a
bar and we're flirting and it's like going well, and
we do shots.

Speaker 3 (46:03):
And then they lick you like a basset hound, not.

Speaker 4 (46:09):
Not strongly like that I could not handle, like maybe
like a little tongue tuck, like just like a little
taste before we walk out a door together.

Speaker 3 (46:18):
Like but in a kiss you mean not in no, no,
like you look.

Speaker 5 (46:23):
Like a isolated event.

Speaker 3 (46:27):
I don't know why my instinct is it. I don't know, No, no,
you would want to kiss instead? Yeah, but or like
it's I No, I.

Speaker 4 (46:34):
Feel like I could see it being a little sexier
from a girl than a guy for some reason.

Speaker 5 (46:39):
Well can confirm, right though, you have to go to
YouTube and watch what Sofa was just how she was
just that's not.

Speaker 3 (46:46):
Going I just am like, how, what's the scene? What's
the blocking? Also, I realized, like we're so Pavlovian. I
have this little square, so I'm trying to fit all
my action into it and then I just look like
a mole, like I don't know what I'm doing, but yeah,
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (47:02):
Man, that feels like a little much the clavical to ears.

Speaker 3 (47:07):
Like they had her do. She's a real player.

Speaker 5 (47:09):
She went for it.

Speaker 3 (47:10):

Speaker 5 (47:11):
I actually think what may have happened was correct me
if I'm wrong, But I believe when Tommy Lee and
Pamela Anderson were a couple, there was a famous moment
or a famous picture of him licking the side of
her face.

Speaker 3 (47:25):

Speaker 5 (47:27):
Oh, I do want to say that. I feel like
our boss was very influenced by rock stars. Yeah, so
it would not surprise me if that was something that
was seen and I was like, hey, that guy did it.
It's it's cool and sexy.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
Yeah. Yeah. The only person I've ever I mean pantomime.
I didn't like swipe the lick, but I did that
pose once with my best friend Cameron, which like tracks
because Cameron gay and not a man who I'm like
involved with. It was it was like this very funny

thing that we did. I was like adjusting his bow
tie and someone referenced that. So he took this photo
because it was like this amazing black and white. It
doesn't matter. I'm digressing. It got so creepy. Great because
it's honestly like a very sexy picture. But you know,
neither of us wants to date each other, so that's
not it. Years later, someone took that photo and photoshopped

Jensen's face into it, so now it looks like there
is a picture of me licking Danil's husband's face.

Speaker 4 (48:39):
Why do people do these things?

Speaker 3 (48:41):
Well, I don't know, because they want to do like
some whoever his character was on Supernatural and Brook Davis
like fan fiction. I don't know, but it's so creepy
to all of us involved, and like, I don't know, man,
it's a good thing. You know.

Speaker 4 (48:56):
Now you can't trust any pictures that you see ever,
because everything is just yeah, digitally altered.

Speaker 5 (49:02):
The problem is we know that the internet doesn't know that.
So the problem is that photo gets reposted. Oh yeah,
and before a voice of reason comes in, there'll be
one hundred people who will be like, that's not right.
She's he's married. They she should know better, and then
like eighty comments down will be someone going actually this
is an edited photo from twenty sixteen. Yeah, but point

people have already had two hours to get upset about it.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
You know, well, and that's exactly it. That's exactly it.
It's so it's just icky to me.

Speaker 4 (49:35):
I don't know, so, I guess I've never heard your
heart to lick anyone's face. I mean, I get it
in a comical context, like obviously that's funny, but as
like a sexy move.

Speaker 3 (49:46):
No, but not as that's exactly what I that's I
guess why I'm like describing the literal zero ounce of
chemistry Cameron and I have because it's like it's it
has to be a gag or I guess they ask
for a scene. I just don't know that that would
be like a I don't know, not for me. I'm
on team Robin. I'm not into the licking. We're moving on.

Speaker 5 (50:08):
It can't be a move. Maybe a flourish at best,
but you can't be like I open doors, I pick
up checks and I lick next. You know that can't
be your romantic toolkit.

Speaker 3 (50:22):
Oh my god, why do I feel like you just
wrote a country song? You did?

Speaker 5 (50:26):
Oh my god? We need that on a t sh
Joey get to it.

Speaker 4 (50:30):
I open doors and I right chicks.

Speaker 5 (50:33):
There it is.

Speaker 3 (50:34):
I flirt with boys and I.

Speaker 4 (50:36):
Lick there next gross.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
Gross, you know what I do want to shout out
though that was also great, And again just to really
repeat how hilarious Janna is. Before she makes out with
Clay for the tequila and grabs the lime, she orders
two tequila shots at the bar Joy and she's like,
in a terrible disguise, you know, it's Alex Dupray, and

Millie catches her and she goes, well, we're drinking, and
she makes Milly take both tequila shots. And when Milly
takes the shots, she bites the line Alex does and
just watches and she looks at her and she goes,
are we drunk it? And Millie kind of shakes her
head and goes, no, we're buzzed, and she's like, oh,
I love being buzzed. And it's it is so funny.

It's just so funny. I love that. I love the unpredictability.
And a girl who plays like.

Speaker 4 (51:30):
She is she actually playing dumb. Is she using her
and she's just using her entire toolkit, her body, her wiles,
her wisdom, her vulnerability, like all the things. I mean,
it's kind of terrifying somebody who is able to manipulate
all of themselves in that way, but super fun to watch.

Speaker 5 (51:51):
So sure. We also had the arrival at the very
end of Alison Mun's real life husband, Scott Olroyd Yes
Sean tells husband, So that was kind of a fun reveal.
At the very end, she's she's not answering her phone
a trick, and then he's awkward right behind her. Oh,
she screens this call and he's like, you're gonna have
to answer sooner or later.

Speaker 3 (52:10):
Like, ooh, it's a.

Speaker 4 (52:12):
Long, wonderful what's with the photo shoot? You guys organize
a photo shoot for what is this the Alex thing?

Speaker 3 (52:18):
Oh my god. Yeah, it's the big close over bros. Shoot.
So the the sort of running past Julian and only
his boxers in the morning happens because Brooke is saying
she's late, and it's like this whirlwind of you know,
me going to work and him being stuck at home,
and it's really well set up from the beginning. Tim
our actual makeup artist from the show, is playing Alex's

makeup artist. It's very flourish of things happening in the store,
and then we go and do the photo shoot up
on the roof that used to be the put Putt course. Yeah,
and it's really like, it's fun and it's lively and
it's loud and there's a lot of I don't know,
I felt like we kind of got a peek behind
the curtain at production, obviously in like a very pop way.

I liked it.

Speaker 4 (53:05):
Is that the first time we seen the golf course
not golf coursey. Yeah, I think so, I don't know,
removed that was sad. That was sad when it disappeared.

Speaker 5 (53:15):
There was also a funny moment at that shoot where
it opens with Alex showing up a proper mess, just
hung over and disheveled, and announces to a room full
of people, I need a pill. That's when the whole
bit where Sophi is trying to slap the pillar ye
oh yeah yeah, And so it's she's made a whole
production of that, right, And then later at the end

of the shoot or towards the end of the shoot,
you see her sort of sneak away and Millie walks
by and goes like, uh you good. She goes, yeah,
I just need a water, And after Millia walks away,
she like surreptitiously tries to take a pill, Like, why
are we being coy now? You literally announced to the
entire room I need a pill when you walked in
the door.

Speaker 3 (53:54):
You don't want to get attacked. She wanted to get
bum rushed.

Speaker 5 (53:57):
Yeah, oh see, that makes more sense. I guess I
was thinking of it like she thought she was keeping
a secret, And to me, I'm like, there's no secret.
You cat came out of the bag the second you
walked in the room. You know, But that makes sense.

Speaker 4 (54:09):
She doesn't want to get.

Speaker 5 (54:11):
Yeah, Joy, what was your honorable mention from the episode.

Speaker 3 (54:27):
My honorable mention is your thumb on my shoulder. Just yeah,
the last little detail. Oh my god. Honestly, my honorable
mention occurs. It's a very random thing, but I was
very impressed by it. When we're doing Glam before the
shoot for Alex downstairs that close over, Bros. Joy, Julian

walks in and hands me my coffee order. Millie her
coffee order, turns around to Quinn with her coffee order
and says, I called Hayley And I was like that,
that's nice. That's nice. Keep that man, like, keep keep
that energy with people. I the thought that you know,
somebody would do that I was like, honorable mention for sure.

Yeahs move sir, Yeah, he's a good dude.

Speaker 5 (55:17):
Mine would be from the same scene where when Alex
sits in the chair. So if you come in red
Hot with the line where you lean in and you
say to Tim the makeup artist, you might want to
start with a little lying slut remover. They just e
been thinking, this is the person you just paid five

hundred thousand dollars to look happy in your clothing right
before the shoot you opened it. Why don't use a
little lying slut remover on her? Oh good?

Speaker 3 (55:51):
We just had to commit.

Speaker 5 (55:52):
It was great. So many quotables in the show, so
many great lines.

Speaker 4 (55:56):
Man, I can't wait to watch this episode. I'm gonna
so a doubleheader.

Speaker 3 (56:02):
I love it. Well, we have a listener question, oh
Kayla asks if you could have any character from Wintree
Hill as your best friend in real life, who would
it be and why? That's so sweet?

Speaker 5 (56:14):
It's a great question.

Speaker 3 (56:15):
See, I'm going broker skills I like.

Speaker 4 (56:19):
I think both are excellent choices for very different reasons.

Speaker 3 (56:24):
I love that honestly. Yeah, I'd want to be friends
with Brook Davis, but that might like break the time
space continuum. So I would one hundred percent love to
have Skills as my best friend. Why not?

Speaker 5 (56:39):
Yeah, yeah, skills. I Skills is great because you also
know you're going to get a little Jamie, because those
two are a tandem package. But for the sake of
just of being different, I will say mouth because I
was really moved by how sweet he was. I just
felt like I was watching a real, steady good friend
this episode, and that's what I'd like. I'd just give me,

give me a good, steady buddy. Who's in my corner?

Speaker 4 (57:05):
Yeah, I love it. She's been a while.

Speaker 3 (57:14):
Let's see.

Speaker 5 (57:20):
Most likely to save you from a bad first date?

Speaker 3 (57:24):
I love it. How is that not Brooke? Who else
would it be? Maybe Millie?

Speaker 5 (57:30):
Brooke was my immediate knee jerk as well. My second
thought was Clay because we see him doing a lot
of cleaning up.

Speaker 3 (57:36):
Oh yeah, a lot of crisis. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (57:37):
But yeah, my heart immediately shouted Brooke.

Speaker 3 (57:40):
Yeah, yeah, I think I feel that it's unanimous. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (57:44):
I think all of Brook's friends have a text code
with her and they I don't know what the code
word is, but she gets that message and it's like
check the location, show up and.

Speaker 3 (57:54):
Yeah, and then you get the costs happened. That's right,
must go quick, Willie feel down the well, you better
come with me now.

Speaker 5 (58:04):
It's like it's it's the Brooks signal instead of the
Bat signals a giant. It's a giant thumbs down shown
into the sky and she knows she needs to swoop
in and save a friend from a landing. What do
we got next episode? So?

Speaker 3 (58:18):
Oh my goodness, next week, Season seven, episode four, Believe me,
I'm lying? Okay, dear, hey, thanks for listening. Don't forget
to leave us a review. You can also follow us
on Instagram at Drama Queen's O t H or email
us at Drama Queens at iHeartRadio dot com. See you
next time.

Speaker 4 (58:39):
We all about that high school drama. Girl Drama Girl
all about them high school queens.

Speaker 2 (58:45):
We'll take you for a ride at our comic girl
sharing for the right team Drama Queens up Girl Fashion,
but your tough girl, you could sit with us Girl
Drama Queens, Drama, Quise Drama, Queens Drama Drama, Queens Drama.

Speaker 3 (58:59):
Queen means
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