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April 4, 2022 37 mins

The conversation with Craig Sheffer continues and is full of surprises! Hilarie reveals who else read for the role of Uncle Keith and we are all shocked. Joy tells Craig about the epic crush she had on him while filming and he tells us about the adorable way she revealed this to him years ago (which Joy forgot!!!).

The Drama Queens bond with Craig about their time on One Tree Hill and we learn so much about him including how he was discovered by Andy Warhol! We also explore his challenges working on OTH, and his complete utter shock when he learned Keith (*spoiler alert*) was going to die. 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
First of all, you don't know me. Were all about
that high school drama, girl drama, girl, all about them
high school queens. We'll take you forward, Rode in our
comic girl cheering father right drama, Queen's Girl Fashion. But
you'll tough, girl. You could sit with us girl Drama, Queens, Drama,
Queen's Drama, Queen's Drama, Drama, Queen's Drama, Queens. You guys,

this is a conversation that Sophie and I personally have
been looking forward to for years. We've got Joy on
the second confessing no former feelings for our very handsome guest,
Craig Cheffer. O. Craig Hey, Craig Joy has a question
for you, and we'll all do a joint can ask
him ask it? Craig, do you remember you and me

sitting at De Luxe with Paul when Paul you know,
I had a massive crush on you for the first one,
four or five years, O show, did you know? You
had to have known this? I heard something, but I
know at the time, Actually, Joy, Joy, I didn't know
how to handle you actually left me a letter on

my doorstep. No I didn't, Yes you did. Wait wait,
I didn't you left me a letter on my doorstep
at the beach asking me like, let's go to a
lovely afternoon on the beach and stuff like that. And
I'm so embarrassed. You're not You're like you're a child.

I was paralyzed. I was like, she's just a baby.
I don't know what. Oh, oh my god, pretend you
never left it. Thanks, because I was forgotten. Terrible it out.
You're such a good guy, because any other dude would
have been year old. Give me some You're such a

good what a great guy. Well that's the thing. We
were sitting at dinner with Paul, and Paul goes, hey, Craig,
you know, Joy has been in love with you like
four years, and I'm just it was like, you know,
I mean, I was a kid, so I hadn't been
you know, I hadn't had anybody just do that to me.
It felt like high school. Somebody just outed you with
your secrets and you were so oh god, I'm set

you guys right now, I'm so sweaty. I'm like, I'm
I'm I'm sweaty. I didn't I'm not sweating. I'm sweating
out of my eyeballs right now. I don't know what's happening. Well,
you handled it all with such grace, and it's just
all the more testament to what an awesome guy you are.
And we just well we had a great connection talking
about poetry and writing and all that stuff that you

were like, yeah, you were all into that. So I
think that's really what it was about. We set noise
talking about you were writing and I was writing, and well,
you you're such an attractive personality. You're so interested in
other people, You're so interested in learning, and you're a
curious person and you know you really I think that's
what makes you such a great actor too. And you

brought all That's why we fell in love with Keith
as well. We we loved this guy who was so
compassionate and so interested. You know. Keith was a great
listener and and he was everybody's best friend, you know,
and you brought that sense, that sense of yourself. It's
so interesting for us to watch the show now and
look back. Hillary you said it. Craig's are romantic, like

you make things, you create, you you write poetry, you
you lean into um you know, the essence under the words,
and none of us, you know, we were all twenty
one year old ding dongs and like we were in
the era of Tiger Beat when all the boys were
idiots and and here you were, like talking about poems

and you were like velvet in a person, and we
were so just enamored by you. And it's fun to
see the way we all kind of looked at you, like, Wow,
he's a he's a grown up. We see him, We
see all that in Keith, and it's I mean, we
just love him. We love to watch you. This episode

was so gorgeous for for that romance that you put
in him. I am so like old man with technology.
I was trying to try to find a show less
and I can't find it. What do you remember from it, though? Like,
how what do you remember from originally getting the script

of the pilot and coming aboard this ship the original Yeah,
ravens oh oh, I just really well, first of all,
I really liked the character, you know, Um, I like
the mentor aspect of him and the relationship with the
brother and the whole Um. I don't know what Shakespearean

feel to it, you know what I mean? And uh, yeah,
I just I don't know. I just was really looking
forward to it because I had never done television to
that point. Um, before that, it was just movie movie movies,
and things started slow down. And well at that time
it was when I was doing a lot of direct
to what's called the direct to video stuff was happening.

So this was an opportunity to do something that was,
you know, going to get seen more because for about
four years before that it was things were getting little slow. Also,
that's when reality TV really took over, like programming, right
hell yeah, so yeah, So I just it was a
new adventure and it was really great to be down there.

Had you beend to Wilmington's before, Yeah, I had done Um,
I had done a movie with my daughter's mom called
The Grave with Josh Charles and Eric Roberts and Eric Robbers.
Oh my god, I love him. Um Craig, you beat

my husband out for the role of Uncle Keith. Um. Yeah, yes,
way literally when we met, he was like, I auditioned
for that show and I'm like, what what are you
talking about? Whatever? Are you kidding me? Everyone wanted to

be Uncle Keith because that was like the sexiest part.
It was like the cool guy and you brought so
much of your own style to it um. One of
my favorite stories you've ever, ever ever told me is
about Andy Warhol discovering you. Oh my god, I need

you to tell people this story because i just watched
the Andy Warhol documentary and I'm like, where's Craig. I
haven't seen the whole thing yet. I only watched the
first ever since I since I told you that, Okay,
so I'll tell the story very quickly. I'm twenty three
years old. I've just gotten my first role on Broadway,

literally like the day before, two days before. So I'm
at my last day working at Cafe Shasha on the
West Village. Like my I was like, I'm done with work.
I'm not gonna work. I never did work again after that.
I'm leaving work. I'm walking down the street. I've got
my shirt open, you know, just trucking home and and

and my jeans on, and this limousine kind of slowly
posed by me, and the windows cracked down. I'm like,
and I see top of the head looking out, and
I'm like, it was a little weird. And then I
walked down a little further. Now comes back the other way,
it circles again. I'm like, somebody stopped in me. Anyway,
limousine pulls up and this guy gets out, a younger guy,

and he comes up and goes high. Um um, Andy
Warhol is in that limousine and he wants to shoot
I'm like Andy, I says that the Campbell soup guy.
But that was That's how I knew about it. Like
it was just as ship hell from Pennsylvania that moved
up to New York and gradually h grew some culture
in my u you know, and my soul. But anyway, um,

so I go over the window and he's like, you know,
i'd really like to shoot you. And I was like okay.
He's like, yeah, for me three hundred bucks. And and
so I called my age and I was like, this guy,
Andy Warhole wants he wants to take your picture. Go
do it, man, what are you kidding me? And make
sure you get a copy. And I was like okay. Anyway,

So I go up to the student and I have
lunch at the in the in the factory, around this
big table with these other people, strange people. They were
just strange everybody in there, everything about it, and he says, well,
you ready to do the pictures? Ye know? He goes
on the back and he's like, well, um, how many

clothes can you take off? And I was like wait
a minute. And I was like, he said, well can
you take your shirt off? And asa share? Anyway, So
he had American flag on the back wall and he
took you know, did a photo shoot. He did a
bunch of pictures of me and and and that was

one thing. He was really nice. He invited me to
all all the parties that they had, you know after that,
which was kind of cool, you know, and he started there.
It was like all kinds of big stars like Bowie
and you got to hang out with people like that
and and anyway, So here here's the the end of
it or the so my daughter, my daughter is a

brother and sister? Who are my god children? Um? The
the girl like cause my daughter and goes, oh my god.
They call me chongo, which is monkey in Spanish. Just
so tongo. There's some one of those pictures what Christen's website?

What I had never seen the pictures. No, I never
went to see him or anything like that. So yeah,
so it's is it online if you look up Andy Warhole,
there's a picture a picture they shot at me. They
sold it on Christie's and I guess, but it's really

no way. When you told me this story like twenty
years ago, you were like, never seen the picture. I
can't find it. They have no idea what it looks like.
I we have to post this on our social media.
I'm beside myself. I'm looking for it right now. Oh
godg you want this, Okay, hold on, hold on, my god,

hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
I'm putting it in the chat. I'm sending a link
right now. Yes, I'm saying at you, God, Yes, this
is why you pull over your limousine. This is a
h you know what's crazy? Also, is I never um,

I never thought you and Paul really looked like brothers.
But this photo, the close up of you with your
chin down, you guys have a very similar look to
That's interesting. Oh my god, Craig, Craig, I'm proud of
you and I love that. Oh my christ there's a
there's Oh there's a bunch, Craig, absolute smoke show. Oh

my god, you holding this barbell? Look at your track?
Are you kidding me? Hold run no, Craig, you need
to go Google search on yourself. I'm pating. We'll show
you how, we'll do it for you. Yeah, Oh my god.

I loved these stories though, because Craig, you never told
a story about like big, huge, famous people in any
kind of jaded manner. You were every bit as excited
as like we were as twenty one year old, you know,
like you never let the business kind of I don't know,
eat you harden you. I think that's a you know,

blue collar roots, good family. They would wouldn't put up
with that, you know, kind of like them. That's nice talk.
Heart of what made you perfect for Keith Well and
perfect for every single woman on our show? Because, um,
your track record on this show is extraordinary with the
Karen had it all, the deb of it, all the

jewels of it all. Um, your chemistry with all the
women is is that just a gift? There? Would great
group of people. Really, we had so much fun together.
Moira felt like, you know, my wife and Ubara a

lovely little dessert. What a flirt that Barbara? What? I
am really curious, you know, because you guys were such
good friends to us as young women on our first show.
But you know, to to the point of what we're
talking about, some of you had histories together. Some of

you were there with your kids. What what was that
sort of camaraderie among the grown ups like for you
with you and Moira, Paul and Barbara, what what did
that life look like? Because you know, we know how
weird it was for ourselves to have to uproot our lives,
leave college, leave jobs, moved to North Carolina. What was
it like for you with you know, family, Uh, it

was to me, it was great. I think one of
the things, like with Moira, is you know, you guys
have had this last twenty years years of you know,
your brand of stardom and and the different roads you've traveled.
And Moira and I kind of always traveled around each other.
We were always kind of both doing all these you know,
big movies and and stuff like that. And then and

then both of us were on TV for the first time.
It's just and and I think also being sequestered in
a place like we were, and the outside world your
your NORMALI outside world isn't there. You kind of bond
because that's that's you know, that's where you are and
what you have, and you're in a new world. And um,
I think that displacement kind of makes for new friendships.

M Yeah, I want to know about when Keith spoiler
alert and Keith died. Um did you did you know
in advanced did they did they come and talk to
you ahead of time or did you just get the script?

And you're like, oh, I guess this is happening now,
Like what was that? Like? It was actually really, uh,
extremely disappointing because I had just made a movie and
financed myself for like a million dollars and Mark Schwanna
told me that because they had let me go for
the last six shows the season before, and I was like,

you're gonna cut me, you know. He came to dinner
and tell me said no, no, no, as long as
the show's run, you're you're gonna be on it. You know,
you're you're the character based on my brother, so all
this stuff and literally the guy didn't call me until
like I was talking to ponies, like, dude, I'm leaving
in three days. I go, what you know, to go
back to the show. And it was the next day.

I was out golfing the phone rings and smart Swanni goes, oh,
that's really exciting news for you. It's gonna be the
best season ever and that, I said, we as I
was wondering when you're gonna like, I didn't even get
a call, so I didn't what was going on. And
I had my agent call yesterday nobody returned his call,
and he goes, yeah, it was good news and bad news.
You know, um it's a great tells me about this

great thing. And then he goes and then Paul shoots
you and I go, okay, so I'm dead. Does that
mean they don't get paid anymore? Yeah? It was like yeah,
And I was like, wow, all the regular role with it,
like it was pretty cheap. No, it was, but just
the way it was handled and that you don't call

me and you can talk to me about it, it's
not okay. That's just kind of the worst example of
people in power in our industry treating us, the ones
who move and change their lives for their shows, like
they treat us like worth supply rather than disposable. Sorry,
like three days a week, And I was like, guys,

can you because Willow was with me in the first
two years from schooler and all that, and then after that,
I was like, can you maybe just give me every
other Friday off so I can fly home and they
were just such, yeah, maybe we have said it on
this show. We're like, oh, you can say whatever you
want to say. Almost we didn't, Craig, we didn't know.

It was most of our like first pretty big jobs,
and so we didn't know how toxic it was until
I went and I worked on White Collar and they
were lovely. They're like, oh, you want to see your child, fantastic.
You haven't seen your husband in three weeks, fantastic. We'll
figure this out. And I was like, oh, oh, well,
there's a different way. Not that it's not that that hard.

You can and we do know that, you know, production
tentiles can get crazy simple things. It was just like
it was so about like control. As a matter of fact,
I had really uh. I showed up as this character
had teeny bit of facial hair. I wore my boots
outside my pants. That got always did we talk about

your boots all the time. They threatened to fire me
about my boots. I was like, look, I'm just gonna
leave my boots in my I wear my band in.
I've been doing it for the first three or four weeks. Well,
we don't want that anymore, and we want your hair combed. Back,
and we want your shaved, and we want this a
little that the point of the call, my agent going, well,
if this is how our struggle is going to continue,
we're just gonna get rid of them. Oh my god,

that kind of stuff that they break down your soul,
you know. Yeah, And it's only a power struggle because
they're creating totally unreasonable a totally unreasonable bar for anybody
to reach and non collaborative control. And something that feels
important is like to acknowledge, Look, you you hired each

of us because of what we brought to a character. Right,
you take that away. If you take it away, what
are we doing? And there there's so little acknowledgement given
to the uprooting, the moving, the pulling your daughter out
of school, having to put her in a new place,
the leading your entire family behind, the being on this
crazy schedule. We love what we do, so we do it.

But you literally our creativity, Yeah, you're not. Are we
here anything in your entire life? What time you wake up,
what time you go to bed, nothing except for your creativity.
And for somebody to say, we hired you for your
creativity and now we want to step on it. You
just go like, what's happening here? Why am I here?

Wild control? Oh, if we washed our hair in the
wrong direction, we were like threatened with being fired. My
last season. They called. They were like, your hair is
too red, and I was like, I'm gone, I'm a ghost.
It doesn't matter anymore. That yeah, no, it was. It

was crazy. I remember our our our Voldemort. I'd gone
to do a movie in the summer between seasons two
and three, and Hillary knows we talked all about it
because there are favorite kind of girls. I was playing
this like super goth chick in New Orleans, and I
cut bangs and I dyed my hair jet black and
like the character had tattoos, super fun. So obviously I

dyed my hair back to like the brooke Davis Brown.
When I come home and Mark lost his mind on me,
my bangs were growing out. It was like a cute
little side like little part moment. We all loved it.
Joy I remember being, oh, my god, you're so cute
with bangs. Like we were excited. And you know what
he said to me, a grown man who was my boss?
I was twenty two three. I I can't do math, Uh,

he goes, who the I told you you could cut bangs.
You know who had bangs, all the cheerleaders in high
school who never wanted to have sex with me, And
I was like, what's happening, What's happening? Is this what
I'm getting yelled at for? Like Craig it was so
controlling and gross and misogynistic and creepy for us. You know,

he'd yell at Hillary and I if we put our
hair in ponytails during cheer practice. Like that was one
of the reasons also why they were trying to figure
out if they could write me off the show too.
Joy didn't want to do the blocking that every single
you know, if the director showed up and they said, okay,
we would sometimes show up to rehearsal and it would
be a blocking It would be uh supposed to be

a blocking rehearsal, but they would have it already lit
and they would already have decided where you're gonna walk,
and it was just like we're just gonna do a
run through and then and then just say your lines,
we're gonna roll, Okay, can't come to set camera ready,
And I'd show up and I'd be like, I appreciate
that everybody's trying to move fast, but I don't want
to walk across the room because it doesn't make any
sense for my character. She has to stay grounded right

where she is. If she goes to that moarther room,
it implies that she's going further into the house when
all she wants to do is run out the door,
you know what I mean, Like, it doesn't make sense.
And then they're like, well, we're already lived there to
discuss it with you. Yes, you get, you get to
make the final decision all that, but you're you're not
even regarding our creativity or exactly if you've got a

good exact if you've got a good reason, like let's
talk about it for sure, exactly. But it's the difference
between discussion and order, Like when someone orders you to
do something versus says, hey, I have this idea, what's
your idea, Let's meet at an idea. It's a it's
a control versus a collaboration. And and I think, as
we're having this moment in society where we're talking about

the way we treat each other, like what I love
about us and the thing we formulated back then that
we've held onto, is we really like to collaborate with
each other, and we don't like it when anybody's getting controlled,
whether it's us or anybody out there in the world.
And that's the kind of stirring I'm here for. So
the point is that I love us, and I have

to say Craig and I think I can speak for
all of us. It's kind of mind blowing to know
we we thought we got a lot of this because
we were young women. We had no idea they were
doing this to YouTube, literally no clue to us. You
know you you came in like royalty on our show
and to the network, and people always I don't know
if you know this, but people were like, can you

believe we got Craig show? First? It was why I
signed on to the show. They talked about how we
got you and Moira so much. So it's like I'm shocked,
But knowing who they were, I'm not surprised they were
terrible to you, but I'm shocked they were terrible to you.
They were to you guys too, because I was like,

you know, they're young and beautiful. They can't complain about
anything that these people. I was like forty two at
the time. I guess ago you were a baby. I
think it's really it's really comedy industry that the people
writing you guys were getting that same pressure. I think
it would have been. I remember on my first movie

at a diabolical director and an actor, they were playing
this um method game with me of some sort, and
I just remember how it just me up. For years,
I didn't trust anybody. I go on set and I
was like, I gotta protect myself, man, you know, And
then you go on a good set you still felt
that you had a you know, really feel things out

because there's some and for people like people who are
real artists, it's trust is everything. As an actor, you
got to be able to be vulnerable, and if you
feel like you're getting messed with, it's really hard to
do your best work and then to feel good about absolutely.
And it's I think it's a really common thing in
the industry though, that the people writing the checks are
under the misconception that actors are just the puppets or animation.

Like you can. I was going to use those exact
terms of five minutes ago when you were talking. Yeah,
I felt like that many times on a set where
that they just don't quite understand that I actually have
put a lot of thought and work into that. There's
a reason why I'm not just a face. I actually
have done a lot of work. You know, I don't

know there's a brain in there. They're hoping to perfection
perfect c g I, and they won't need us anymore. Hey,
let's see how that goes, Craig. I think part of
the reason we're also close is because we went through
this pretty toxic experience together. Like when we see each
other at conventions, it is a big family reunion. And

I want to be very clear. You were a safe
place for us well before the me too movement happened,
before we ever vocalized our concerns. You were always a
good guy for us, and I appreciate that. Um. I
feel badly that this experience didn't honor you as it should.

But I want to know, like what your favorite job
of all time was, Like, what's the job that was
the most fun experience ever? Well, there's I had a
lot of jobs that were fun experiences, but you know, yeah,
Riverence through it by far like the most. It just
has so much heart soul. I don't know, it's just

so deep. You're so dreaming in that movie? Did you
know the guy some people think it's dream here, But
did you keep did you keep up fishing at all
after that movie or was it kind of just the
thing you did for the film. And then you called
I can't I can't even hook a fish and feel
good like I grew up. You know, my family has

a hunting cat, and I was just like, I so
can't cook. Oh gosh, that guilty. I lived on a
lake though for twenty five years, and remember I enjoy
swimming in lakes and going off rope swings and all
that stuff. Yeah, and I fish. I'm not a vegetarian
or anything like that. She'll be able to catch him,

but Sophie does that. Sophia goes fishing in Montana. Now,
just I was gonna say, Craig, I'll catch your fish
for you and then I'll cook him. I really do
think that. My my sort of you know, nostalgic love
affair with learning to fly fish is because of you.
I I mean, not not like you guys did in

the movie or anything, but yeah, yeah, I'll send you
a picture. Um, I started actually going thank you you, cutie.
I started um going on fly fishing trips years ago
before Grant and I started dating. I I just I

don't know. I've always, you know, loved the great outdoors
and been like a road tripper and a camper and
all those things, and it was a thing I'd always
wanted to learn. And I was up, you know, Hillary
mentioned in Montana with some friends and I was like,
I'm just gonna do this, and I got so hooked.
And I've taken like groups of girlfriends to fly fish
in Alaska, gone back to Montana, um fly fish in

New Mexico. I love them. I love it what she started. Craig,
you didn't thank you, thank you for my favorite sexy
lady hobby at them sometimes, isn't it. Yeah? Yeah, And
there's nothing like when you've had a good day and
you're like, I've done it, I've gotten good at this,

and then the next day you don't catch anything and
you're like, and I'm humbled by nature once again. I shall,
I shall go home empty handed. How long are you
in l A, Craig? Are you there? Are you living
in l A? Now I've moved back? Yeah? Right, alright, Well,
next time, like I said, it was the first week

of the pandemic and just hung out for a long time.
And now I'm, you know, um starting to work good. Yeah,
you just played Nixon on American Horror Story, which how
was that? Super cool? It was? It was just a blast, man.
I love now talking about again a creative experience. I

mean they were so supportive, you know, like Ryan Murphy
was just very you know, I would hear like what
I was doing. Nobody ever really tried to control anything,
and I mean, you know, I got direction all that.
But yeah, it was really really fun. I love him.
And when they sent it to me, I was like me, Nixon,

I was like, I don't get it. And then I
was like I started watching stuff. I'm playing around. I'm like,
there he is, and I like stuffed my cheeks with
cotton like Brando did The Godfather. Oh my gosh, my head.
It was. It was just fun. I was like playing
a character, which is like we all love to do

the most right something else or I'm so curious about that.
To play someone so famous, where do you start? Like
what what's the doorway into as an actor playing a
character like Nixon? Where do you begin? Yeah? I just
started with YouTube, you know, I just started watching his
speeches and his mannerisms, and you know, I only had

like three days to prepare it for I put myself
on table, you know. Yeah, so, but I do immersed
myself in YouTube for like two or three days and
started playing with makeup and and wow. And as soon
as I do, I was just like, this is weird.
I look like you know, I just said, I put

my own spin on it because it was they this
says season. It was double feature last year, and I'm
in the last four, the second half of the double feature,
and it's like it's all shot in black and white
and it's fifties UFO stuff with you know, Eisenhower and
Kennedy people. Nixon's like this macadline died behind the whole things,

selling out to the UFOs to be selling out to
the aliens to become present. I just dropped the photos.
Who has Nixon into our Oh my god, this is unbelievable.
When you're day actor, you're actor. I am really lucky
that we had you at the beginning stages of our

trajectory because you have always been a really strong example
for us of good behavior on set and creativity and
asserting yourself without being combative, you know, like you're you're
a really good leader. And so now when you're when
we're in l A, We're going to come bug you.
Is that okay? Can we come bug? You can do?

I'm you, guys for all this, all the stuff you've
been doing, all the all the stuff you've been doing.
I'm just happy. And I just can't believe you guys
are I can't believe you're like almost the age I
was when I did. They didn't tell me about it. No, No,

I mean, I guess Barry wasn't old. Everyone thought Barry
was old, and I'm like, Berry's not old, you guys,
Berry's like young, he was young. You know, he's just
been playing a grumpy old man forever, but he is.
That's my We spent a lot of time together at

Charlie Barn. Yes, oh my gosh, yes, that's so fun.
That such good to see you. Before we leave, what
was your favorite place in Wilmington's Because the fans really
do like to like do tours of our old haunts.
So last question, favorite spot in Wilmington's mm hmmmm hm

oh Circus Circle. Oh yeah, you were Circa right. I
just loved Circa. I loved the dark Wood. It was
just like my house. It was like being back at
my house. And that food there was incredible. I like
the Soapa Bar two a lot, but I'd say those
two are my favorite. Pork City Chop House wasn't bad. Yeah,

remember that the beach. Yes, Chicketty's is that still there?
There were so many good restaurants. That was one of
the great things. Would you say, chick Hetty's that Italian
restaurant that was over by Yeah, the hash guy owned
that place. Yeah, I missed that place. Well, we're gonna
have to take a trip back, Craig. Are we going
to see you in train Hill again? Coming up sometimes? Yeah?

Oh yeah, oh yeah, we're gonna go to Trunk Yeah. Wait,
you better wear those boots and you better keep your
pants tucked into. I want to see boots in a
bandana around my neck now ever, since a pandemic, I

need not around my head anymore. Oh, Craig, you are
just the best. Thank you so much for out what
those today. Thank you, guys, We love you later. We'll
see you soon. Bright One Tree Hill fans, guys, I

cannot wait for all of us to be together with
Craig wearing jackets that he made for us. It is like, yeah,
and I'm talking to call my pants into boots, no
pants outside of the pepper Never. I gotta get him.
I gotta get my bandanas out. I'm ready for this
for you. Yes. Can we drama queen bandanas? Yes? Oh

my god, we need him drama queen bandanas with little
flaming hearts on them. Ladies, let's spin a wheel because
we've done a two parter and last week we didn't
get to see. What are supers my favorite right? Most
likely to become a motivational speaker, that's what Sophia does.

Let's little job, I think so yeah, I mean that
was the easiest one that we remember had to do
kind of and Brook, I mean, I don't know who
else besides his mouth. Mouth is always a good you know,
I mean, he's a jack of all of all trade. Andy.
Andy gives talk. So what is your favorite bit of

motivational speaking that you've ever done? Was it the one
with Michelle Obama or was it the one with your
favorite speech? Oh? Man, I mean yeah, doing doing education
advocacy work with Mrs Obama was pretty insane. Um, But

I don't know I think I've taken different things from
different moments. I I remember, you know, speaking downtown at
a big march in l A and just looking out
at the sea of like a million people and thinking, Wow,
if everyone is willing to show up for each other,

for their community, for democracy, for ideas like we we
have this uncrushable spirit as humans, and it just makes
me feel really pumped. Yeah. No, I I can't help that.
This is this was this is definitely me. I'm hearing
the words coming out of my mouth and I'm like,
what stump speech? Am I giving? I need to I
need to go to bed. You have come such a

long way since DW not I baby, we are very
I'm very proud of it. All right, What do we
got next week? Next week we have episode seventeen of
season two. Something I can never have that sounds depressing.
What's something you can never have? I don't know what

apparely none of these characters can never have healthy relationships.
I'm very curious what what that pertains to next. I
can never have expensive sunglasses. Yeah, I can never have
rugs that don't have like dog p on them. That's
what I'm compound is killing me. Okay, yeah, well we

love you guys. Thank you so much for joining us
once again. Thanks to Craig Scheffer for being a total
smoke show and entertaining us. Hell's yeah, hey, thanks for listening.
Don't forget to leave us a review. You can also
follow us on Instagram at Drama Queens O t H.
Or email us at Drama Queens at I heart radio
dot com. See you next time we are all about

that high school drama. Girl Drama Girl, all about them
high school queens. We'll take you for a ride in
our comic girl Cheering for the right drama Queens up
girl fashion, but your tough girl, you could sit with us.
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