All Episodes

September 6, 2021 62 mins

There are so many questions and the Drama Queens have all the answers.

Why did Peyton have so many dads?  

Who's on team Nathan?

What makes Jake so hot?

Haley has another questionable fashion moment.


Hilarie, Joy and Sophia discuss the hot tub scene in this episode and why it led to turtlenecks becoming essential to Brooke's wardrobe.


And, Don't miss "real life" kissing advice that we all need to know.


Plus, Acting Tip 101: How to "act" drunk.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
First of all, you don't know me. We're all about
that high school drama. Girl, drama girl, all about them
high school queens. We'll take you for a ride in
our comic girl Cheering for the Right drama Queen's go
Up girl fashion. But your tough girl, you can sit
with us. Girl drama Queens, drama, Queen's drama, Queen's drama, Drama,

Queen's drama Queens. Hey, al you, drama queens. Welcome back
to your episode eleven one eleven. The Living Years not
a soul. It feels good in the Living Years. It
is the living here. That's why. Okay, the Eagles maybe

John Medley. Okay, anyway, listen, here's what happens in this episode. Um.
In this episode, unable to cope with the pressure from Dan,
Nathan quits the basketball team, while Peyton enjoys having her
dad home, Danny Danny, and we get to meet her
dad for the first time, which was such a nice

introduction of a new parent to the scenario. Um And
I wish we'd gotten to see more of him. This
lovely actor Thomas and Griffith. Yeah, I mean, I had
to three very good actors playing father figures. To me,
there's Thomas I Griffith here, and then Kevin Kilner came

in to play the character later, and then John Doe
played my birth dad years later. Um but in this
first introduction of Peyton's dad, uh, the character's name was
not originally Larry. The character's name was originally Glenn. But
I was living above that Glenn, the scary guy. Scary

guy would stare at you girls. I had so many
creepy nights with Glenn were like I would go out
on my patio and our patios are right next to
each other, and he'd just be like, you alone over there,
you know, and I'd like, just broken up with my boyfriend,
was like living alone, and it was It was the
first time I really kind of had to navigate that myself.
And you know, I'm that person that's been watching Dateline

like forever and like before that unsolved mysteries that things
so and like SPU Marathon's on something, Oh my god,
Oh my god, yes, and so worst case scenario was
always like on my mind. But this dude named Glenn
that lived next to me had creeped me out enough
that when I got the script, I immediately went to
our bosses, and I was like, guys, he's going to

think it's a sign. He's gonna think I'm like communicating
with him. I want to change the name. Um. And
they're like, uh, okay, we don't care, you know, like
what do you want to change it to? And my
childhood love, like the boy I loved from kindergarten through
freshman year in high school was Larry Eppard. He has

since married one of my other great loves, Sarah Seene,
who we cheered with, and I, you know, like I
guess they hadn't gotten married yet, but they had been
together since we were in high school. And I was like,
Larry is a safe person, like Larry is when I love.
It's a name I can say with like affection, like
I love you, Larry. Did you tell the show? Did

you tell them that the writers that? Yeah. I was like,
it's my childhood love. It's the person who I trust
so so much, you know. It was just a name
that did sound like a like strong dad energy, Like
there's not a lot of kids walking around named Larry,
Like we were going to run into a Larry at
trial high school. Um. So they're like sure, but that

is how that's how dad got his name. But yeah,
to Joy's point, I had been told, did you guys
hear this? I did now that once you said it,
I had like echoes in my memory of something. They
recast my dad because they thought that we had so
much flirty energy. And when I when we were in
the thick of it back in like two thousand three,

I just kind of took their word for it. And
now that I'm watching it back, I'm like, I don't
see it. I don't. I don't see it at all.
I see so much like tenderness, but it doesn't feel
like it has a chemistry. It feels really authentic and
the affection feels real. And he definitely does not, I

mean to me anyway, appear to be flirting with you. No. No,
he likes it. A really nice job, a beautiful job.
Poor Thomas. He's on Cobra Kai now, so he was
like the bad guy from Karate Kid and they're bringing
it back on a Cobra Kai now. So I hope
he's out there kicking ass um. I think we had
a good three episode run with him. It's hard bringing

in a new parent character and having to see these
characters that have been really independent now all of a sudden, like,
oh shucks, daddy, it felt weird to say, daddy, that
felt weird for Peyton, Yeah, I could see, Yeah, I
can see that. I loved it though. I loved watching
the way you guys played your scenes, and I I
love seeing that that sort of youthful innocence in her

because she does always have to be a grown up.
And like he comes home and you know you, you
really seem like a sweet kid. And we weren't flirty.
I'll tell you it's flirty today in this episode was broke.
That was a lot of flirtiness but also vulnerable. But

then yeah, I mean it went to a really vulnerable place,
which I loved. I loved that arc for you. But yeah,
that was that was tough. We were all kind of
cringing at that hot tup scene. That was way to start. Yeah,
I mean that that was the scene that led to
my you know, first ever screaming fight with my bosses.
And I did what I said I was going to do,
which was when we came to work for the next

scene wearing a turtlenext so girl, I was like, watch me,
this is completely inappropriate and I will continue to wear.
I will wear a dirt on that forever is the
title of this episode, Pasties and Turtle, because honestly it
should be. It be. You could have had the same

effect with all of your scenes, whether it's like from
last episode where you're taking the polaroids to this episode
where you're on zipping your pants and stuff. You could
have gotten the same effect without turning it up to
eleven every time. Yeah, you know, it was like somebody
read a perfectly good script and was like, you know
what we need is more cow bell. It's like coll Honestly,

they were like ring the bell child. I will say though,
like it made me so happy to finally get to
a point with her in this episode where all of
that gets taken away, you know, like the cracking, the
joke being like I'm gonna borrow this pollar in case

he's feeling frisky, like all those gross one liners. We
get to this point where she's she keeps saying like
I feel uncomfortable, I feel scared, I feel like I'm
not enough, I feel like I'm not being chosen. I
I feel afraid, and and it and those scenes grow
in intensity, and when she finally gets to say I

don't feel like I feel like we're both being played,
which honestly is true. She's so right, She's like, he's
literally he's dating us both. It's weird. But by the
end when she gets to sit and be really vulnerable,
and I kind of feel like it's the foreshadowing for
years later when she finally admits that she's terrified she's
not enough. Oh, when she's like, I need you to

need me. This is the beginning of that, the beginning
of this girl saying I don't feel like I am
as valuable. I'm scared you're not going to pick me.
I'm scared you don't really want me for anything other
than you know, or you have to supplement me with
someone else, which is a terrible feeling, you know where

It's like, like, Brooke Davis is enough. I think our
fan base, you know, could like perfectly express that, um,
but to know, like, oh, you have to go and
hang out with a whole other person because you're not
stimulated talking to me, or you're not you know whatever.
I I got nervous watching this. I was like, oh,

is Peyton gas lighting Brook? I mean, like, you're fine,
everything's fine, Everything's fine, and I think I think no,
and maybe that's just me being defensive of Peyton, like
I think she genuinely wanted you to feel like, no, baby,
this is your win, this is your win. But Lucas
for sure, gaslight sir, Like Lucas for sure is like

what are you talking about? But you know, you know
what I actually see for Peyton, and I have such
a heart for it. I see a friend really trying
to do her best. I think in that scene where
you're like, no, you're good and you're enough, he's choosing you.
I think the reason you leave is because you can't
keep going, Like what a weird moment to leave a person.

But I think you leave because you're doing your best
to be her friend. And in the last episode when
you know, when you left the cafe at open mic
night because seeing us was hard and I run after you.
The sort of like missed connection that these girls are
having of like, don't feel like a third wheel. You're
my best friend, You're more important to me than him,

and you're like it's the third wheel thing, Like Peyton
is picking Brook. She's saying, you're my best friend. I
choose you over this, and it I don't know it is.
It is a love story, and I think when you're
I have a lot of like, oh baby girl, tenderness

for Peyton in this position, because what a nightmarish spot
to be in. And are just kids who don't know
how to explain the totality of their feelings to each other. Well,
I like that Haley is expressing her feeling this in
this episode of Loyalty to Nathan through booze and skip

in school. But honestly, it didn't make me cringe at all.
I love this. It was like, you go, Haley goes wild.
We're all like kids. M Why does Haley keep ending
up with these hats? Oh my god? At this point,
they're just screwing with you baby. Yeah, that was That
was the most hideous thing I've ever seen in my life.

That was worse than the penis hat. You're saying, you
don't want to sell that as merch. You don't want
to sell Haley James like nick goober hat. Maybe that
one was the penis hat and I mixed up my memories.
I don't know know the other one surely looked more vallic.
Yeah that's bad, um, But I do remember that was
the first time I ever had to throw up on
anybody camera. And they gave me this cup full of

like a little like a banana smoothie, and I had
to take a sip of it right before I got
in the car and hold it in my mouth. Yeah
until the shot. So you just sit there like acting normal,
and then you have to pretend like something's coming up
and then you throw it up. Um and Paul, I know,

I just had never thrown up in anybody's lap. I'd
throw up in his lab. Crazy. They didn't done that
multiple time. Um. He was a great sport about it.
I wish we had him on right now to talk
about it, but we'll ask him when we when we
see him. Um. But that was a fun day. It
was a fun episode. And we went out to the
beach and um that house was so gorgeous, dance beach house. Um,

and it was fun to be James and I had fun.
I think I just remember being outside. He and I
hadn't gotten to do a lot of stuff, just the
two of us out on a location. We usually were
on stage somewhere, so that might have been the first
time it was just the two of us on location somewhere.
Has there been another scene that is it the first
time we're on the beach might have been. It feels

like it. Tree Hill was this kind of like nondescript
town in the middle of nowhere, and then they realized, like,
oh god, we've got this gorgeous ocean right there, let's
use that. But yeah, I feel like the beach kind
of belonged to you too. You know, we'd see the
distance at the party, but we hadn't been out there,
had we. I don't know. I don't think so. So

it was a really it was a gorgeous house. It
was a beautiful day. I had on that stupid hat
and I got to play drunk, which was so fun.
So here's the secrets of playing drunk for all you
actors out there, um, which I hope I did a
good job so that you actually want to take this advice.
But the secret to playing drunk is play sober. So

whatever you whatever you think you would do to act sober,
like intentionally like I am acting, I am I'm going
to put this down, I'm going to sit down here
and I'm going to be fine. I am fine, I'm fine,
I'm fine. That actually is always the thing I do
when I have to think them is I literally like,

I get a little like this, I kind of give
myself a sway and then I say and forth, I'm fine,
I'm fine, And it puts me right there where I'm
like the sense memory comes back, the spins so difficulty
opening your eyes. Yeah, that went. But what I like

about this episode is that we see Haley and Nathan
who have nothing in common, and we see Brooke and
Lucas who have nothing in common, and these two couples
are trying to navigate like how do we connect? And
because Haley and Nathan talk so much and they talk
about therapy and you know, they really like dig into

the meat of a relationship. They're getting there, you know,
whereas Brook and Lucas are like, she's begging him. She's like,
I want to connect. I want to connect. I want
to connect, and he's like, let me put my tie
in your mouth. That's how every conversation ends. He's like, sure, baby,
you got it. It's like, yeah, let's kiss. Yeah exactly. Well,

And one of the things I love so much too,
as we look at the difference between the two that moment.
As fun as it was to watch Nathan and Haley
skip school and have these little adventurers. I'm like, you know,
get teenage wild. I loved when he came to her
and said, essentially like I don't want you to change

for me. I like you, And he says, I like
that a person like you see something in me. And
the energy that James brought to that scene, at least
for me as a viewer, was it felt like he
was saying to her, you make me want to change
for the better. I don't want you to change ange
to like ditch class. But it was good for her.
Though it was good for it was good for her,

But I just I loved that he rather than leaning
into it and being like, let's just keep you know partying,
was like, no, but you, I like you. Did you
ever do a bad thing for a boy in high school?
What was the worst thing that you did? I don't know.
I was I was a pretty tame kid. Oh I
know what I did a lie. I had a boyfriend

who was real bad. We've talked about him, and uh,
he snuck out of school and went home and like
had lunch and then drank a beer and then came
back to school. And the English teacher smelled beer on him,
and so he got sent to the principal's office and
they didn't have a breathalyzer at the high school, and

they were like, you have been drinking. And he's like,
what are you talking about. They're like, you've been drinking
and he said, no, I have not. I did go home.
I did. I'll admit that. I skipped school and I
went home and I had leftovers from last night. I
went to outback steakhouse with the Burtons last night because
we had gone out to dinner and my parents had

had him like join us, but he didn't get like
beer soaked pizza, you know, like what what smells like beer?
The next day and so they called me into the
office and they're like is this story true? And I
had to be like, oh yeah, for sure, it's the
leftover outback steakhouse. That's what you're smelling. Friends. And it

was traumatic because I was like student government and like,
you know, super good. That's hilarious, though, Hill did so,
did you ever do anything in high school that was
like bad for a boy? Yeah? Oh man, well, oh
I remember my junior year in high school, my friend's
parents were going out of town the weekend of prom,

which I'm like, parent plans back planned it, like you
set us up. And because I was like, you know,
a pretty type a responsible kid, I remember her parents
being like, well the two of you were in charge,
and I was like, I'm not I'm not in this family,
but okay, UM, like sure, because I think the idea was,

you know, we know nine times out of ten, like
you know, Sophie is the designated driver. If there's like
house parts had a checklist, she's like turning porch lights on.
I got wild from time to time, but I was
generally too scared, and so I think they were kind
of like, you'll make sure things don't get out of hand.

And we had some friends, uh that liked to be
out of hand. And what was supposed to be like
twenty people having an after prom party turned into like
a hundred and fifty people at the house. It was
a rager, was insane and too many people. You were

like Lindsay Lohan and mean girls. No, it was on.
It felt like a movie like it was so crazy.
There were so many people, and I remember just being like,
what are we gonna do and like trying to manage stuff,
but also you know, trying to make sure. I don't know,
I didn't want to, like I didn't want to be

like a you know, a um, and yeah, things just
got so wonky safe, thank god, but I was terrified.
I could just picture like looking in the bathrooms to
make sure there's still enough toilet paper for everyone. Yeah.
I was like, I was like, oh, you need a
bottle opener here, you need a little over here, like whatever.

I remember one of this guy who a girl at
my school was dating, was like showing us something and
I didn't want I was like, cool, like I don't
know what that is. And literally years later, when I
was in college, the first time I ever saw a
person and roll a joint, I was like, oh my god,
he was smoking marijuana. Like I was such a dork.
I just didn't know. And so, um, I remember going.

I went to sleep that night and like there were
obviously not enough beds for everyone, and I slept in
a bed with my boyfriend. And it turned into this
like massive scandalous like because of course we got caught.
We all got caught. Um, we tried to lie. It

didn't go well. That's what I did. I lied. I
lied to my friend's parents. Because I tried to say
only a couple of people came, and then they invited
other people and then, which was true, but we were like, ah,
and I don't know why we said this. We were
like everyone was out by one am, we swear, And
my friend's dad holds up a photo like this and goes, so,
why does the clock behind this guy opening a beer

in my kitchen say four thirty? And we were like,
and then somebody had taken a picture of my high
school sweetheart and I asleep in a bed together. But
they did it because the joke was this poor guy's
been dating Sophia for three years. Like yeah, everyone was

like oh and and so then it turned into this
thing where like weirdly parents like the parents were like,
what did you do? And I was like, I slept, Yes,
I was sleeping, what are you talking about? And man,
it was a whole it was like a whole big thing. Luckily,
he has the loveliest family and his parents were just
like the fact that you kim give us a break.

Y'all were fine, Um, but I definitely felt bad because
I lied. I lied to my friend's parents about the time.
But that was really not that wasn't for a boy
so much as just for us because we were trying
to not get grounded until we graduated. The lion man.
Uh No, I was pretty good. I mean no, I

can't think of any thing I did bad for a boy.
I really like. No, that was that was really annoyed
me and my best friend at the time, who was
totally in love with in high school, who was a boy,
was also a good kids so you know, he was
like upstanding young man citizens was trying to do the

right thing. Um No I do. I don't know why
this is coming to mind because it's not really on topic,
but I'll tell you anyway. I remember, um because I
guess it's a misunderstanding I did. I did feel like
because I it's because I'm an artist or a theater kid.
I told you, like I would change in the backseat
of a car, whether it was a boy or girl

driving like whatever, I would have Like, I just was
used to dance in theater, and you just I was
very comfortable with my body, um, but not in like
I wasn't trying to everybody. I just was like comfortable
in my body. And by the way, it's a banging body.
Joy i'd be comfortable. I was so it just but
I knew that I felt misunderstood a lot. I felt

like people looked at me like I was trying to
get attention with my body and that I was trying
to be slutty when I wasn't. I just was like
a dancer kid, theater kid. Oh you mean they were
mad at you because you didn't feel insurmountable shame about
time joking was a letter on her Are you going
up to his lake house? He and his family had

this had this lake house, and I remember going up
to it one summer and and I got there's there
was a shower, um and we were kind of like,
I don't know if I had just if we were.
It was a bunch of kids that weekend. I think
his parents maybe weren't there. And I remember I got
I was taking a shower and he came into Brush's

teeth and there was a big curtain. It's not like
we could see each other, but and we were very
very close, like besties, like since we were thirteen. So
this was a very Lucas Haley relationship, except that I
was desperately in love with him. It's okay, it all
worked out. But I was in the shower and I
don't know if you guys do this when when you
turn on the hot water again, being like a tactile

person and being in touch with my body, I just
sit there under the heat and I'm like and I'm
just like, you know, let my I let it all.
And then I'm a singer and I'm vocal, and so
I'm sitting in this shower and he's brushing his teeth
and I'm in this steaming shower going and he just
goes and he just like he stops the water and

he's like, what are you doing? Oh god? I didn't
even clock that. But it wasn't like he was turned
on it, but he was like mad at me for
trying would do. I was like nothing, I'm I'm just
I'm taking the shower. Oh god, oh no, no I'm not.
And he was like whatever, joy and then brings his
mouth and walked out of the bathroom. He was mad

at me, and I just don't like, I could never
have said anything to convince him that I was not
like trying to turn him on and get him. When
all those herbal Essence commercials were out, remember the herble
Essence commercials. It was like the woman moaning in the
showers's son some uncomfortable. You guys, I'm so red, let
it go, let it go out in the bathroom, are supreme.

So yeah, I read too. I'm starting just even thinking
about it. I'm I'm horrifying embarrassing moments from I just realized,
you guys, I need to say this. So we threw
this party that got out of hand after I'm so
upset and and we got caught, and it was so sad,

and my mom really did me a solid and was like,
I tell your father he's going to kill you, which
honestly doesn't make sense. My dad's like a very sensitive artist.
I don't think that would have happened. But my mom goes,
I'm going to tell your dad, I found a packet
of cigarettes in your car and that's why you're grounded
for three weeks. And so, um, dad, you should probably

know that when I was a junior in high school,
we threw a ranger of an after prom party and
Mom and I lied to you about what. I don't
think he knows. I was realizing that in real time.
Um My, sweet dad, he cries every time he tells
me he's proud of me. Probably wouldn't have flipped out. Um,
but I I was today years old when I realized

I saw how a secret from him cigarettes my mom.
I was like, what, all right? Whatever my confessional moments, Um, okay,

how do we get back into the show right now?
My question is, Okay, So, Sophia, if your dad would
have been upset about you having this party like in
high school when we shot this, we're only like a
couple of years out of high school. We're like, you know,
three or four years out of high school. How did
your parents react all this like hot tub stuff, Like

they didn't understand that. They were like, this is what
is this? You know? I think it was just it
was always it was uncomfortable for for them, you know,
like as a kid, I don't know, I don't think
any of us or anyone listening, like, you don't want
to see your parents have sex. And I don't think
parents want to think about their kids having sexy. It's

awkward when it comes on on a movie and you're
all sitting in the room together. It's just like man
and and you know, there's that probably points to the
fact that as a society. We need to grow up
a little bit and like get unashamed of our body's joy.
Teach a class um. You know what does it real quick?
I just showed Gust the Shining where you know, like
the hot naked woman in the bathtub gets out and

he's been a creep and they start kissing and then
her body he composes. So I just watched that with
Gus and he never wants to see a naked woman.
He's it, which is yeah, is going to fall apart
rot um, that'll do it. Yeah, that's the only sex

scene that's acceptable is when she turns into a corpse. Well,
and the irony that here we are, you know, talking
about like crazy teenage behavior which we were always modeling
on their show, and like everyone's flirting with everyone and
they recast your dad because apparently y'all were flirting and
there was no sexual energy. I don't see it. I mean,

maybe it'll come up in future episodes, but I didn't
clock it at all. You know who has real sexy energy?
And they have a scene in this episode and I
was like, oh, man, Deb and Keith talk like when
they're chatting, and he's like yes, said Nathan to talk
to me. I'm just like, isn't it a little one

of chemistry works? Because I do love Keith and Karen
and there's a there's a no like they know each
other and there's a warmth there and there's something familiar.
It's tender. But there was like some kind of heat,
some kind of energy between deb and Keith. I don't
know how. And interestingly, though, Craig is like a I

don't want to say he's a flirty person, but he
is a person who listens and he looks at you
when he's talking to you, and it feels nice. And
so his character like listens to the women. He listens
to Debb, he listens to Karen. He wants to tell
them both like you're a good mom, You're doing a
good job. He says the things that you want to hear.

Lucas is copying that behavior and he's telling Brooke girl,
you are great, and he's telling Peyton like your art matters,
you know, Like it's I don't know how intentional it is,
but it is a generational pattern that we're witnessing, except
that the way Lucas is doing it is I guess

the way a teenage boy would which is mimicking rather
than ah, I don't know what't to help me with
a vocabulary word of like he's mimicking Actually it's not
a coming from authentic place of really listening and caring.
I think he's the girl. Yeah, yeah, well it seems

like he wants to kiss all the girls, like, you know,
the the continuation of the way he shows up for
Peyton and then the way he shows up for Brooke.
It makes sense to me why Brooks says, I think
he's you know, when she says he's trying to have
it both ways, he's like he's basically trying to date
us both And when you watch it, you're like, yeah,

gud is Yeah, Yeah, for sure, he's configured. Probably the
most sixteen year old thing about Lucas. You know, they
like wrote the like I love books and I'm a
man and I'm the man of the house and I
think about things. But like ultimately, sixteen year old boys
want to get down with as many girls as they
can get down, you know, like it's just it's well, yeah,
I think foremost juven thing about the character is the

immaturity with his emotions. Yeah, and if he didn't have
that you'd probably be like this, this is not a
kid nod be James Vanderbeek, you know what I mean.
It's terrible for Brooke and Peyton, but it works really well,
you know, for for a young boy. I like it

in the show too, because it's a good contrast with
where Nathan is at, having already experienced all of the
stuff that Lucas is just kind of walking into waiting
into the world. Nathan's already been through all that, so
now he's on this journey to self discovery, to discovering
how to be a better person in the world. He's
seeing Dan for who he is. He's really confused and

torn in so many directions, but he's learning how to
stand up for himself. I mean, I was just so
in love with the character of Nathan in this episode.
He really won my heart in a big way. I
was just proud of him. The way he walked away
from the two parents are about who's going to give
him a ride, and he's like, I'm I'm going to
take care of me, you know, setting his own boundaries.

It's pretty great. I loved it. I loved We were
watching the episode, you guys, and it was so cute.
I don't even remember what scene it was, but a
scene with with with Nathan ended Enjoy You Go. I'm
team Nathan Man. Love it. It was so cute. The
Dan Scott I Love You only exists because of Nathan

asserting himself right. But was such a great piece of
acting from Paul, and it was shot so well. What
I loved, loved, loved about it is that it's super tight,
so it feels like a whisper and it's over Dan's
shoulder the French overs. It feels like I can't look

you in the eye when I say this, and and
you know, normally when you shoot a scene, it's like
your master shot, which includes the whole set and all
the actors, big white shot, and then coverage coverage. You
get coverage to each character for them to use that
angle on Paul and do a whole camera setup for that.

That's secret special. I love you. Um, it was really
really good. That's good. Yeah, it's such good TV. And
the way Paul chose to play it, you know, saying
how much he cares about him no matter what he chooses.
He says these things and starts to cry, I mean,
his his tears in his eyes and the that pregnant

pause where he says all the validating things and that's
already so hard for him, and it's like he almost
chokes before he says I love you and he and
you're right, he can't look Nathan in the eye when
he does it. Oh, I mean, what a what a
vulnerable place for Paul to have gone as an actor.

What beautiful choices he made in that moment. Yeah, I agree,
there is such a bastard. And all the other scenes, well,
I'm considering that. The scene starts, by the way, with
Nathan coming in and saying, I'm really sorry for all
the stuff I've been pulling and Hillary, when we watched it,
you were like, he's apologizing to his abuser, and then
we get to the end of the scene and we're like,

oh man, Paul did really good. It's such a weird
thing when you're trying to observe the characters but you're
also watching your friends be incredible actors. Yeah, Tom Tom
Wright did a great job directing this episode. I especially
loved the ending when we got to see everybody in
their own place of kind of feeling feeling out, their
own sense of loss, confusion, misplacement, um in the world,

and um, you know, hoping for hope. I felt like
we got a piece of all of that, which was
a tone that I think had been missing a little
bit from the last few episodes. I think we kind
of got away from that with all the drama, and
this episode seemed to come back to the heart the
core of what this show is about. It's not about

the drama. It's about the people well, and the and
the space for big feelings. I mean, even thinking about
the fact that it opens in the therapist's office, it's like,
this is going to be an episode where we really
excavate what's going on with everybody and it and it
rings true through the whole thing, and it's really good. Yeah,
I loved that. I want to talk about Jake Jagelski.

Let's talk about all the time. I mean, Jake Jagelski
is a really grounding character in this because he makes
Lucas kind of cut the and he's got way bigger
things going on than anyone else. You know, like having

a child is such a major deal that it's like, oh,
your feelings got hurt by a boy. Cool story kid,
you know. Um, I I loved working with Brian, like
it's not a secret that I was just like, oh
my god, he's along. Um, But to see him with

these scenes with the baby in this episode and bringing
her to practice, and the slow burn between Peyton and Jake,
she has not like, I mean, we see like little
twinkle in her eye, but Peyton has not been like
what's up, whereas so many other characters in our show
are just like I love you, like right away, like

the rush into relationships, like even Sophia. You were saying
when in the last episode when um, when Brooke shows
up and she's like, hi, boyfriend, and we're like, oh
were they like yeah, fine? Uh? The slow burn with
with Jake, I like, I'm slow to warm up in life.

It's good for pet. This is sort of what we
were talking about in the episode that we saw where
everybody was goading you and you kissed Lucas out of
almost and then suddenly you guys were in a bedroom
tearing each other's clothes off and he's telling you I
want everything with you, I want the whole fairy tale.
After like four episodes, it's just like, you know, I mean,

he just met you, man, what And this feels That's
what I was saying when we were watching. I get
such soul mate vibes from Jake and Peyton because he
is waiting for her. He gets it, and she's she
takes time and he takes time. He's got plenty of
going on too, And I just feel like it was
such a good match and I'm so mad that we

got robbed and we didn't get to see you guys
together forever. That's all I supposed to do in a
different movie. There was a movie that we were supposed
to do together years ago. Really, yes, something he did
and they like called to see if I could do it,
and I had, like, you know, I had a toddler
and Jeff was gone and I wasn't able to go
do it. But Greenberg is one of those people I've

gotten to work with so many of our friends doing
Christmas movies, you know, like Tyler and Buckley and you
know Antoine and Lee and all, you know, the whole
gang that. Um, I haven't gotten to work with Brian again,
and I would like to. That's going to give me
my my Peyton and Jake for life moment, and we

want to see that. You know What's funny though, like
when you point out how swiftly characters are, like all
of it. You've changed my life. You're changed three episodes. Yeah,
it's like, gee, this is a lot like pressure I love,
and I guess I'm like, oh, that's that's what I

relate to. Like the moment in the last episode at
the open mic night when there's just that beat between
Peyton and Jake and you like look at him. I'm like, Oh,
it's that's everything. And I'm like, I guess that's how
I flirt. I'm like hey, and then I don't talk
because I'm I'm slow to do the warm up too.

I don't know. Greenberg in real life was became like
a good friend in me season one because I had
gone through that breakup. I was like starting to date
someone knew I didn't have a car. He went car
shopping with me, and like I remember, we were like
looking at mountaineers like that. He was like, well, you
need is a mountaineer, Like, let's go look at Yeah.

I was like sure, Mr, I'm gonna get you in
my car. Cool. But then he became I had never
lived in l a and so he became the person
when we started to have to go out to l
A for press for the show that would like show
me where to eat dinner and like where to go
and you know that that same cool dude energy, like girl,

I'm not I'm not into you, but i'm your cool
guy friend. You know, Jake has that he's not looking
for a girlfriend. You know, everything's about the daughter and
his interests lie outside of I want to put my
tongue in that girl's mouth. That's that's a sense and
apart from the other boys, and we're like, wow, look

at that guy. And then it's like, oh man, the
bar is maybe not that high. He's high above it,
but I feel like the bar is kind of low.
Set your bars high, ladies, it's high school. It's listen.
I kissed so many people in high school and I
don't regret a bit of it. To kiss people, get
it out of your system. Oh man. When I lived

in New York after high school, I kissed so many
people so fun did of course, what's the best, Give
me the best New York City post high school? Kiss?
Oh my gosh, were you here? Like kiss me? I
told you about the guy that was it from from
Juilliard that I you know, we were dancing around and

I was standing outside of his college dorm and he
like answered, I went back because I left something there,
and he answered the door shirtless, and then like I
was like, I'm dying right now, and then he he
hugged me and like my heart was pounding, and he goes,
your heart's pounding. Oh, it was very exciting. Um, but
I actually don't even remember if we kissed. Then I
think I ran away, like I always did it just

I was like, I'm okay, well then just ran off,
but I did. I was dating a guy in New
York and I remember it was just like a dreary night.
We went to see some Beatles movie at like one
of those you know movie theaters underground that that played
old movies, like the Draft of Drafthouse or something, and
then um, yeah, I remember going outside and it was

like it was on the East Side and it was drizzly,
and we just kissed on a street corner and it
was so and by the way, this is somebody who
had been dating my roommate and then Candle I know,
and then he but this is the high school thing.
Oh my gosh, I'll read this is the same thing

that happened to the switcher who and then he was like,
I think I like your roommate instead, And I was like,
I don't know if I Oh my god, I think
I was kind of like broken this love the switchero.
She was like, I'm fine, it's fine, whatever, don't worry
about it. You know, I wasn't that into him anyway.
And then of course years later she was like that
wrecked me. I was like, I'm sorry, Oh god, We're
like what you said it is realistic. Just young and dumb,

and we don't understand our emotions and we don't have
anybody telling us what's so gay and what's okay. We're
just trying to figure it out, and they so badly
want to be okay with things to like be cool,
you know, team player and team player. Here's the thing.
If you're young out there listening, we just need you
to go be as messy as humanly possible, because one

you'll get to laugh about it when you get older,
and too. It's a good way to practice chaos, Like
like chaos from kissing somebody is so easy. It seems
big when you're young, but it's really easy practice tool
so that when you're older and like really hits the fan.
You're like, I know how to deal with it. Kissed

to the wrong person once and I practiced these feelings. Yeah, yeah,
I kissed somebody. There was a boy my right before
I left for college that I worked with, and he
was older and he was very um he felt dangerous.
Like one of our dates was like we went to
a cemetery that was supposed to be real haunted and

he'd been living alone in like a farmhouse out in
the middle of nowhere, and you know, like and he
drove like a detective baby. He was so good looking,
and I was like, I'm working with this guy, but
I'm gonna kiss him for sure. And so we went out,

we had to I don't know where we went one
night and he picked me up and he brought me
home and like we talked on my parents front stoop
for a long time and I was like, well, I'll
walk you to your car. My parents neighborhood had the
best show because I was kissing a new dude every
other like that's the last summer were college. And as
like we got to his car door, we just stood

there and I was like, I don't want it. To
be awkward at work and he goes, it's been awkward
at work and then kissed me, and I was just like,
this is a movie. This is that is good kiss
as many people as possible. Yeah, for sure, I'm down
with that. Oh, I know what I want to talk

about in this episode I make up Because you guys
have met Jojo, you haven't met Kelly Jefferson yet. Who
was the other half of that dream team. Um, Sophia,
your I makeup in particular is so on point beautiful.
It's so good, it's so bold. Talk to us about
the collaboration between you and Kelly Jefferson to create the

iconic early Yeah. I don't know. I I wish I
could remember how it started. But when Kelly came in,
because you know, she wasn't our our makeup artist. Right
in the beginning, she was like, this girl is into fashion,
and she and we were like looking through magazines because

there was no Pinterest yet, and and we really got
into this idea, which I love because it's like Brooks
trying to make herself up like the girls she sees
in the magazines, but she's sixteen, so she like matches
her eyes shadowed to her outfit and I just love it.
And we really thought a lot about how to do

it and how to bring um something young to it,
because it's a it's a it's a it's a look
that you see on girls in their twenties, or at
least you did then, and so we really wanted to
figure out how to make it feel like, you know,
this young girl who was super into makeup, but she

didn't have like an eye. She did every day she
coordinated with her outfits, and I don't know, I just
loved it. And Kelly with the candies ads, remember the
candies adds the shoes. I feel like that kind of
color and that mischief is like really kind of how
the Brook character started to feel like, I'm gonna weare

this juicy lip gloss today. Yeah, oh yeah. We got
really into God, we bought so many palettes of really
colorful eyes shadow. We got really into like super glossy
lip gloss. I mean, Kelly and I really really worked
on what that girl looked like. Joy you You're a

makeup was really good too, Did you once you started
dating Nathan? Did that free you up to be flirtier? Aesthetically?
Because they really tried to make you like, you know,
the girl that didn't wear any makeup in the beginning. Yeah,
I think that was part of it. She was like
just experimenting a little bit more with I feel it,
wanting to feel grown up. Um. But I also don't

know that we put I don't think I put that
much thought into it. I might have, but I don't remember.
But it was Kelly on this episode. She must have
been because that is such a Kelly. Yeah. So um yeah,
I mean I think that was just her instinct was
to was to draw out my brown eyes I don't know,
try and make them look bigger or something, DOEI or

I don't know, but a great job. Yeah, we need
to ask her for sure, Kelly George Jefferson Okay, So
Destiny wants to know, after so many years of doing
the show, how were you guys able to snap into
character and back into your own personality during filming and
do you think that affected your actual personality. I think

it would be the other way around for me. I mean,
my personality would have affected the character more than the
character affecting my personality. I think, I hope. Yeah, I
mean I've said it in the past. I feel like
part of the reason I got so goofy and interviews
or just like kind of flip it and would lie
is because I needed people to understand that I'm not

peyton sort like I I'm not an innately sad person,
so I would clown it up a lot. I still
do um because I also just don't like wallowing. You know,
I'm not a wallower. Be sad and move on me too. Yeah,
I feel that I don't like to wallow, but I

am really analytical and really introspective and really want to
like I want to suck the marrow out, you know,
I want to get the lesson. I want to understand systems,
like I like technical things and none of that. You
see in brook we got a glimpse of it this
episode where she's like, I need to know your hobby.
I need to know what you like. I need to

know what you like and I want to get too. Um.
But I yeah, I think what was hard And I
talked about this a little bit before too. It was
hard for me to feel like people thought I was
some like out there super sexual person because Brooke was.
Because it it brought an energy and like a gaze

my way that made me feel very um, very exposed,
and very uncomfortable. So it's interesting. I I know that
as the years went on, there were things about my
personality to Joy's point that affected Brooks more um. And
I do think I took some some lessons from Brooke.

You know, I got I was such a people pleaser.
I I was a pro at like ignoring red flags
and just being a good girl. And and Brooke really
taught me to be like, I'm not gonna put up
with this, like absolutely, you know we're finished here, this
is the line you've crossed it. I did have that
when I started playing her at all. That took me

years to cultivate. And I in hindsight and like, I
don't know, but in hindsight, I feel like she probably
helped me learn that. That's so cool. Yeah, I was like,
I'm done, I'm done. I'm just crying and Materials still

dealing with my kids. You know. It's so funny because
I like, my son is a really tender animal. And
so sometimes when we're watching these episodes and I see
Peyton being like particularly sensitive, it's like it's like watching
Gus in a wig, because he has the chin tremble
when he gets upset and I'm just like, oh no,

it's my kid. Yeah, yeah, he can't watch these Tilly's
much much much older, otherwise they'll just be able to
manipulate me. It's too much. All right, we got another question, Joy,
it's our next question. Well, I like this one, and
I and I've we've talked about this, but I think
the fans will love to know. Um. Aaron has a
question about stage names. Uh. She asks, have you ever

considered or did you ever consider using a stage name
instead of your real name? And Joy, why do you
use Bethany if you don't go by that name? Is
there story behind why you go by Joy instead of Bethany? Yeah? Um,
I'll run into my my partial portion of this real quick. Um.
I of course considered using a stage name when I

was younger, because I was obsessed with the name Rose.
And I remember going on an audition once with my
mother and I was old enough to sign my name.
She made me sign myself into the sign in sheets,
so I must have been I think I was probably
ten nine or ten, and I wrote my name as
Rose Lens on the sign in sheet because I wanted

to see what, you know, what it would sound like
to have somebody call that out and if I liked it.
So she said, you know, somebody came out to called
Rose Rose Lens. And I stood up and walked in.
My mom's like, uh, you know, do you know where
you got the name from? Where'd you hear it that?
You were like, that's the one I don't I've just
and it's my daughter's middle name. I've just always I
don't know that name just very syncopated with me in

some in some deep way, um symbiotic. I don't know
what the word is anyway. Um, but yeah. And then
I'd changed the spelling of my name to j O
I E when I was thirteen, just in high school,
and went by j O I E. Lens for many
years professionally, and then changed it when I got one
Tree Hill. I was, um, just going through sort of

a shift in my life and trying to figure out,
I guess, wanting to be more authentic and not trying
to be whatever everybody else, what I thought everyone else
wanted me to be. Um, it's like the theme of
my life. It's something I've been trying to figure out
how to. It's been a very it's funny being my
age now and looking back and being like, man, I'm like,

I gotta took me a long time, Like I was
aware that that was a problem of mine when I
was twenty, but it's still working its way out of
my system. Yeah. So that's why I decided to use
my whole name. I've never personally liked the name Bessany
for me, um, but I I felt I was. It

was more of like a leap of faith, like I'm
just gonna embrace fully who I am and just go
for this and use my whole name. Um. So whatever.
I still wish I was rose Lands, but it's too
late now Rose. Yeah. It's funny because I interestingly know
a lot of guys who go by their middle name.
Oh yeah, oh sure, yeah, you know yeah, And I

don't really know where that comes from. If someone wants
to give us the research on that, we would love it. Um.
But one of the things that I always thought was
cool about you using your full name, you know, first,
middle last, was that people who aren't really close to you,
we'll call you Bethany, and we get to call you Jo.

It's also how we know who's fulish. It does it
doesn't help. It helps to know when somebody says, hey, Bethany,
and I'm like, oh, you don't know me, Yes, how
can I help you? Somebody calls me Joy, then I
know they know me. Yeah, I don't know. I just
think that's so cool. I never thought to use one hill,
did you? So when we started doing the show. I

never had this problem at MTV. I had this problem
when we started doing the show. Is you know, like
the creepy message boards. People started accusing me of making
up my name because the spelling is like all wonky,
and they were like, she's trying so hard to get
attention by like changing, like clearly that's not her real name.

And I remember, like you know when you get mad
about Tiger, I mean, would know I'm named You know
how I got my name? I guess this is the
story that I get. My mother was like turbo pregnant,
and if I was going to be a boy, I
was gonna be named after my dad um. But she
didn't have a girl name. And I guess she went
to her brother's house and there was a Golden Retriever

next door that was like yapping, and this woman comes
out of the back door and it's like Hillary, Hillary,
knock it off, you know. And my mom was like, cool.
I mean that's the story that I've gotten over the years.
But a yappy Golden Retriever with an I E Hillary
with an I E. Yeah, you know. I thought about
going as Hillary Ross. My middle name is Ross with

one s s. Again, it was like a weird spelling thing.
I like it. I don't know, guys, um, but no,
I I don't know even now. You know I'm Hillary
Burton Morgan now and it just feels like so many syllables.
I know that Ben hr lens and I don't. I
don't know. It doesn't like it's like like Sarah just
a good Parker. It all rolls off your time. It

made signing autographs significantly more work. I should just do
are initials. Yeah, h yeah, the B is a little
am I a B M. Girls, I'm such a ten
year old about it. Perfect you know what that means? Um,
oh my god, if you just I need you to

do just once, sign something Hillary poop number two. I
I don't know. I love. I like the sound of
your name with Jeff's name. It feels very complete. Do
what it feels like to me? Fair a faucet. Major's
that's what I thought. It's like, yeah, I was one

of three names. Everyone else got three names. Chad Joy
got three names. I never thought to have a stage name,
and honestly, I kind of wish I did because people
are so freaking creepy, Like most people are nice, but
the ones that are creepy are so deeply creepy. They

track down your parents. Yeah, And it's like I really
wish I had like a layer of protection, like even
with silly things, like you know, certain verifications you need,
like for your bank where you have to give them
your mom's maiden name. I can't. You had to make
something up. And I mean this is obviously a thing.
We all share it. I don't know if it really

irks me. Like I I am such a believer in
like respect and boundaries, so when they get crossed, it
like it makes me like not be able to sleep
at night, and it just like it really like affects
my feelings. And so I'm like, man, a stage name.
Maybe I could have just had, Like what would your

stage name be? In a perfect world, it's you, You
go in the studio, you show up in twentieth century
Fox or what was the big studio back then. I
don't know. M m M fine, Fine, you go to
m Golden Mayor and they've got the little window and
you walk up to the window and there's a guy
sitting there and it's got two things of index cards.

One is first names, one is last names. And that's
how they picked your name, by the way, is really yep.
You would just file through the thing and pick a
card at random, and pick another card at random, and
there you go, Ava Gardner. No stop, that's it, okay,
So what will yours be? It was also today years
old when I learned this. I can't believe it. We

need we need good stage names so that when we
do our next series together. Here's mine, Eve Harling, Oh,
Harling Harling. I love it. Eve is really good. I
would take There's all sorts of names. I love the

sound of man. Let me tell you what I would
love to have not shared a last name. We two
former US presidents, especially when everyone it's so insane, and
I still get people who like yell at me, who
were like, you know, you're you're so progressive. Your family
must be embarrassed. I'm like, my family's from Canada, and

what you're talking about? Um, but so yeah, it would
have been cool to not have had that. I would
I would have taken an index card of whatever. I'll
take anything you got. I always want to be someone
really bitchy, like like Andrameda psychs, you know, like like
something kind of androgynous and just like I'm hard drama.

It's good evil. Um yeah, we like Peovil evil works,
you know what I mean? Every movie needs an evil person.
Oh yeah, man, like like a name like Cruella de Ville.
It's so good, so good? Should we show while we're
talking about selecting things at random? Should we spend the
wheel was a good seg joy? Okay, what do we got?

The winner is most likely to live with their mom
as an adult. Well okay, so character most likely to
live with their mom as an adult? Wait? Did Brook
live with Victoria? Victoria lived with Brook? I think Victoria
lived with Broke maybebe she didn't live with me. I
would have loved it, honestly. If I if I could
have gotten more hilarious scenes like with you know, definitely

just juggling stuff at home, I would have loved it. Yeah,
who which character would live with their mom? Can I
sign Brooke up to live with her mom. Now, all right, fine.
I think Keith would have, but in not in the
derogatory way that I think this is implying. I think
he would have done that to care for he seems
like the most nurturing. That would be the kind of

person that would have stuck around. And actually Craig himself
also would be the type of person that would would
do that. Yeah, Craig Keith chicken dinner. Yeah, and in
the sweetest way, in a loving way. Yeah. Caretaking respect
for your elders. I love it. Hey, do we know
what happens in the next episode? What do we have

to look forward to next week? Anything? Anything dangerous? Anybody
else taking their pants off? Next episode? I have to
look at the rundown? What is it? Crash course? In
polite conversations, is the next episode? Are you guys at
home watching along with us? I hope so. I hope
so too. It's fun to watch it week by week

like we had to in two thousand three, you know
that weekly anticipation, because as I'm washing dishes before we
tape these things, I'm like, man, I can't wait, Like
I know, I can't wait. Yeah, I'm excited. I hope
we and guys we watch these right before we film
our podcast. I mean, that's how we do it. It's
not like us watch it sometimes this week, like we

are sitting down watching them together and rolling right into
taping for you. So I hope that you'll watch along
with us. In fact, maybe we should do a live
watch sometimes Instagram live watch right before we film our
podcast or something. Let's do that. Well, we're going to
practice our live events, and I'm really excited about the
live event that we have coming up for O th
h day. Um. I hope we get a ton of

fan questions. Yeah, I think we should all coordinate our outfits, right, Yeah,
what are you guys wearing? I don't know what to wear.
I don't either. I'm excited to see you in person though.
That's going to be really fun. Yeah. Alright, so you
guys get your tickets to that watch watch episode twelve
so that we were all on the same page next
week by everybody. Hey, thanks for listening. Don't forget to

leave us a review. You can also follow us on
Instagram at drama Queens O t H or email us
at drama Queens at I Heart Radio dot Com. See
you next time. We're all about that high school drama. Girl,
Drama Girl, all about them high school queens. We'll take
you for a ride in our comic Girl Cheering for

the Right Teams, Drama Greens, Dreelise, my go up girl Fashion,
But your tough girl, you could sit with us. Girl
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