All Episodes

December 8, 2023 β€’ 42 mins

N.O.R.E. & DJ EFN are the Drink Champs. In this episode the Champs chop it up with the legendary, Bun B!
Live from Honeyland Festival, Bun B joins us to share his trill journey!
The Trill OG himself shares stories of his career, UGK, Pimp C and much much more!
Bun B also discusses his recent business venture, Trill Burgers, the delicious smashburger!
Lots of great stories that you don’t want to miss!
Listen as we continue to celebrate 50 Years of Hip-Hop!!
Make some noise for Bun B!!! πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
He is Drinks Chess, motherfucking podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
He's a legendary queens rapper. He ain't agreed as your
boy in O R E. He's a Miami hip hop pioneer.
What up is dj E f N? Together they drink
it up with some of the biggest players, you know
what I mean? And the most professional unprofessional podcast and
your number one source for drunk fas.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Drinks Chans, Mother Days, New Year's c's It's time for
Drink Champs.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Drink up, motherfucking mother.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
What did it could be?

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Hopefully winning shippy? This is your boy in O r E?
What up is d J E f N?

Speaker 1 (00:49):
And this is drink Champs? Yeahs. And right now, when
we talk about you know, oh geez, when we talk
about legends, we talk about icons, we talk about a
person who put it down for a whole coast, a
whole region, whole area, whole whole, national wide and global wide,

one of the most historic groups of all times. And
now he's transitioning. And I got a belly full of
a trilburg of a vegan style and people were eating
and say, are we sure this is vegan?

Speaker 3 (01:25):
That's how good it Wasn't I thought it was you
gave me me bro't pause, yo he yo.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
But in case you don't know who I'm talking about,
we're talking about the one, the owner of, the honorable,
the impeccable motherfucker.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
It's good, it's good to be back with you, brother.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Let me ask you something. Every time I come to Houston,
you're probably the first person I call you j And
there's a couple of other people.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Said, yeah, no, no, that was Humble Brand at Bubble Brad.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
I've never heard of sugar Land. Can you describe where
we're at right now? Yeah, you're in a suburb, but
here is the festival, but we're in sugar Yeah, you're
in the city of Sugarland. This is a suburb of Yeah. Yeah,
but it's not Harris County. It's in its own county.
But I mean, everybody understands this is Houston.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Like we in Houston, we say we going in Sugarland,
but you're still in Houston. If you're born in Sugarland,
you probably say you live in Sugarland. Whe If somebody
asks where you're from, you're not gonna say you from
sugar Land. You're gonna say you're from Houston. Okay, this
is what. I hope. I'm not disrespecting nobody from Sugarland.
If I'm wrong, somebody need to stand up for Sugarland
and he'll live, you know, all right, speak up, sugar Land. Okay,

that's a bit sugar people speak up now.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
On the real estate market, you look at Texas, Houston, Dallas,
one of the like the most places that people are
running to.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Is this something that you're seeing perfectly well? Yeah, I
mean the cost of living here, right is exceptional, right
for people in the entertainment in this, people in athletics,
or just people in a higher tax bracket. You know,
you know, there's tax incentives to move to Texas. You
know what I'm saying. The quality of living here is respectable.
So you don't have to put it like this. If

you spend three hundred and fifty four hundred thousand dollars
on your house, you're gonna see four hundred thousand dollars
worth of house technically in Houston. Now if you moved
to certain areas where it costs a lot more to
buy the land that you build on. Yeah, but Texas
is still a very wide open state in terms of
real estate. There's still a lot of uncivilized land here

that people are still able to go in by acres,
build you shit up. White Wise also a better place, absolutely,
I mean why you think Drake would come here and
just like I'm gonna come buy a house here. A
lot of people have house here, houses here, a lot
of people in the athletic world live here in the
off season. Yes, okay, absolutely this house is crazy Sugarland too, right.

I don't want to speak on that. Yeah, I don't
want to say what that man house that but this
guy Jial targeted. But it's nice though, it's nice. I
mean technically James Harden got enough money to buy a
big house anyway, but his money definitely goes further in
Houston for sure. Good schools here. You know, it's just
like any other city. You know where not to go.
You be all right right now.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
Let's get into trill Burgers. Man, I'm gonna be honest
with you. You're my friend. I had business in Houston,
so one of the first things I did was come
see you at the spot. Yes, and it's I don't
want to call it hip Hop's number one burger. I
want to call it America's number one burger. Are we

going cobel.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Are we saying no? No, it's the best burger in
the world. And I can tell you why. But that's
not just me saying it. Right, So this Trill Burgers
is the best burger. Sorry they laid out right, But
the best burgers in the world always come from America.
So technically, if you got the best burger in America,
you have by default the best burger in the world.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Who gave you the ward good morning? Good morning America
makes the looise for white people giving out black people.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
That's one for the as.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Yeah, I mean when white people recognize your ship.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
You know.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Let me tell you something. This is when you know
the food is good in the hood. When you go
there and it's in the hood and there's white people
eating in there is a fact because they wish say
life for that jerk chicken. Goddamn it you they misking
that life for that curry soup, and they listened that

life for that Tril burger.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
Goddamn it.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (05:38):
So you save that burger. Relax, man, I'm saying. I'm
just we're not in the hood, were hood of Jason.
What you said you're gonna get a gang. Hey Man
warlorder forgot if you if.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Your arms still were good, you get throw a rocket
hit the hood.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
But you know, I know personally there's so many people
who try to buy trill Burgers, try to franchise by
the brand, try to get down and you're like very
adamant about keeping it how it's run brand.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
Yeah, yeah, because I don't think it's time to I
don't think we need anybody for that right now. We
don't need that level of cash investment right now. We're
good for that. We don't need any help marketing a
brand in the company. We're good with that. We'll get
to that step eventually. Everybody gets to that step where
you have to bring in specific partners so you can
target bigger demographics and expand the brand out. But for

right now, I think we're good in a you're looking
for Oh yeah, no, no, and I think we can.
We can, you know, knock out a couple of locations
in Texas alone. I think we get six to eight
doors and Texas open very easily within the system that
we already have.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
Right because I'm not gonna lie to you, that's what
I knew. You have way more integrity than me.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
That's that's new yourself under the bus, right, man, that's
a new one.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
I would have sold to McDonald's. Trill Burgers would have
been Trill Donalds.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
You would have put your joints happy Meals.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
I'm gonna burgers and win these out of make collaborations
with everybody, you said.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Fuck that. Well, if this ain't the time, even if
this is something I want to do with the company
in the future, this ain't the time. We haven't built
up enough value into the company. I'll be selling out
for a Volkswagon. I'm trying to tell if you know
a Bugatti. Yeah, I want Bugotti value. I want big money.
You know what I'm saying. Because my thing is I
can get rich with the model that we have now right,
I can make a couple of million dollars. But this

is if we do this right, everybody involved with the
ownership of this company is in position to attain generational wealth.
And that's really what we want to do with this company.
You know, I shouldn't if I live to be one hundred,
I still shouldn't live long enough to see how far
this this company grows.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
You know, So let me ask you, because every bike
thing they could cook, right, you know what I mean? Like,
no bidke thinks they're a bad cook, right, Everybody.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
Like, oh know, it's a couple of people know they
can't cook. No.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
I know I could burn cereal meat personally, I know
how Like that's me said, burns cereal.

Speaker 2 (07:58):

Speaker 1 (07:59):
But a lot of people that I know, they think
they could cook, yes, but they don't go into this
culinary arts. What made you gos like so hard with this?

Speaker 2 (08:08):
So we started a food blog about ten years ago,
me and my partner, the Premium Pete started the food
blogs you Gotta Eat This dot com because we met
over sneakers, and we met through other people and through
other things, but we bonded over food. Wow, and we
just love to eat food. Me because I was a
fat dude than him. He just I don't know, he
got a tape worm or something because he just just eat,

eat eat. He eat way more food than I eat.
And we thought, you know, we started a blog, we
go out, we take a couple of pictures, maybe we
could get reservations at restaurants and something like that. But
it really yeah, but it really just yeah exactly, but
it really expanded into something well, we started to go
to different companies, you know, people would go and test
out different products, and it made us want to actually
get into the culinary space like with businesses. So he

activated first with his grandmother's Apasta sauce, right, you know
what I'm saying, which is amazing, and he's been doing
very well with that. And then when I got approached
with the opportunity to do these burgers, I had been
looking for something, and when these burgers came in my lap,
I was like, this is it. This is what I've
been waiting for all my life. I haven't felt like
anything like this since probably hip hop getting married and

this this is like, this is what. It's a different passion. Yeah, yeah, no,
I got passion. It alliance with purpose, you know what
I'm saying. It makes me want to be present in
the moment and learn. Yeah. No, that's the thing. Like,
it wasn't worth compromising what I would do it If
this was just a regular ass burger, I wouldn't even
touched it, you know what I'm saying. Because I built

up thirty plus years a blood, sweat and tear integrity
with this UGK brand and this trail brand, It's not
worth selling out for a couple of thousand dollars behind
the bitch ass burger. I knew this burger was the truth.
I knew it was the truth. I knew it was different.

Speaker 5 (09:48):
But let me ask you this, though, when you found
the burger, it wasn't trill. You made a trill.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
The burger needed me to quantify being trilled it. It's
a thing. If somebody else would have said, hey, this
is trill burger, they would have been like, all right,
I get the burger, but what make it trill? But
they didn't come to you. Sat no, no, no, no,
no no no. I can't do that. You labeled it yes,
Because my thing is I'm going to be associated with
this burger. I'm gonna be the face of the burger,

less associated with something that people already know me for,
that already got weight to it. You know what I'm saying.
I wouldn't have done it if this burger was not Trio.
In my eyes, I wouldn't have put the name on it.
It wouldn't worth it.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
Because you said the burger fell on your lap. In
my mind I pictured you barbecue on one day and
it fell on and nah, just hit barbecue on one
day in this say you couldn't.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
You couldn't do this in the backyard. With all due
respects to all the chefs and the cooks out there,
this is not something that you could have developed in
the backyard.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
So it described to us. Someone came to you and
said this is this hits the.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
Burger to you. They came to me, they said, we
have a burger. We think it's the best burger. We
want to partner with somebody in Texas. We thought, we
think you're the best person to partner with. I try
the burger. I was like, this is a badass burger,
Like for real. I was like, this is it. They
were like, we're gonna work on it a little bit more.
They came back to me. I tried it. Not only
was it the best burger I'd ever had by far,

but it was one of the best meals I'd ever had.
That's why people keep coming back to Tril Burger because
it's so satisfying, and the flavor and the taste and
the product has been consistent. So it doesn't matter if
you come to Honeyland and get a Trill Burger, if
you go to the brick and mortar to get it
if you get it at a festival at the NRG Stadium,

during the Texans game at the Dynamo Stadium, rock the bells.
Wherever you get that burger, it tastes like the burger.
You know what I'm saying. Now. As you can see,
I don't know if we're cursed or something, but it's
always a process to get a trill burger. You either
got to stand in the sun. It's coal outside. As
you can see, it's raining out here. People complaining about
the weight, They complained about the weather, but it ain't
Nobody complaining about the burger got jam.

Speaker 5 (11:56):
But what was the learning curve between them bring you
the burger? You are in the music industry, you're a
legendary MC and now you're transitioning into the food industry.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
What is that transition? Was it easy? Was it lert like?
Was there bumps in the road. We're still in progress, right,
I'm learning. I'm learning it every day. No, no, no, no,
that's right now. Those far technically, yes, it's successful because
we have we don't have to fight to get people
in the door, right, But there are many things that
I don't know about this industry. There are things that
I'm learning every day, you know what I'm saying. And

we're trying to streamline the process. We're trying to refine
the process, but this thing keeps growing exponentially. It's so
many moving parts to this company, and so we're just
trying to get the model downpacked right, and then we're
trying to replicate the model. Once we know we can
easily replicate the model, then we can start popping in
bitches where we want to put them, you know what
I'm saying. But all these things come with time. You

don't want to move too fast and not know anything.
Just like if you're an artist and you come in
the game and you go platinum off your first single,
you ain't ever been where. Now your promo tour, you
going all over the world. You got one of these
biggest records in the world, But you don't know nothing
about about publishing, mechanical royalties, merge. You don't know nothing

about it. So you can't really take full advantage of
the opportunity in front of you. Luckily, I have some
great partners that I work with. But even with all
the resources and the tutelage and experience that we have,
we still make mistakes because nothing like this has ever
been done before. There is no blueprint to do what
tril Burger's is doing. We've broken every record every music
festival we've ever been to. We broken every single day

and weekend vendor record anybody's ever had anywhere, even including
coach Teller. All of these big things. We go and
we kill it. You see this line out here, it's
ridiculous because it's a real product. I'm not standing at
the booth taking pictures and they know that in the rain,
and they still standing out there because the product is real.
It's not only an incredible food product, but it got

thirty years of trial culture built into it, you know
what I'm saying. So there's residual benefits for not just
buying the b but supporting the brand. And we recognize
that as a company, and we appreciating. Love y'all and
respect y'all for that.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
God damn makes some noise for that. Now, If anybody
ever been to trill Burgers or ever visited a location
where you've been posted at, it's only two types of burgers. Yes,
the beef burger. Yes, it's a vegan burger. Can you
tell us the breakdown or why you chose those two.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Well, first of all, you know, we want to keep
a streamlined the process as possible so we can cook
as much food and get it to people as quickly
as possible. So the less things you cook, the easy
it is to get people what they want, you know
what I'm saying. But then also outside of that, you know,
we want to make sure that we're making our food
available to as many people as possible. That's why there's

a beef burger, and that's also why there's a vegan burger.
If all you Turkey people, I love all you Turkey people,
we hear you. But everybody has to understand. I'm sure
most of you people understand how food and kitchens work. Here.
I have to have a separate grill for every protein
I cook, So I have to so every beech don't
cook the beef. I know you can't it here. You can't.

Speaker 5 (15:02):
You defeat the purpose, okayou.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
I mean, I mean if you cook a vegan burger
on a grill, now you're violating. You're violating with that.
So all the bee burgers have to be cooked on
their own grills. All vegan burgers have to be cooked
on their own grills. So if I wanted to incorporate Turkey,
I'd have to either take away one of the grills
that's already used for something, I'll put another grill in there,

and I don't have enough room to put another grill
in there. But it's something that we considering that the
brand grows and we start to looking at the other
locations also to go like, we haven't really been able
to do door dashing all of that because our kitchen
is small. It's finite, so we know people want the burger,
and then you know, we're still trying to make sure
that when we do do that, that burger is packaged
in a way that is still refreshing for people when

they get the food. Because I don't know what the
fuck people uber drivers be doing, go stop at their
gay house or some shit. I don't want nobody to
eat me all fries and going through y'all ship, you know,
so take a little piece, you know, you know, I mean,
it's human, it's human. Naser. You ever you ever went
to get like McDonald's or something they send you to

go get the McDonald's. You don't just take your hand
in the bag from fries, right of course you do it.
Of course you do. That's just human asia, you know.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
Okay, now is the question straight from my friend Shampoo. Okay,
he wants to know, are you guys going to ever
make Glizzies?

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Can I just say this? I say? Can I say
this to the camera? Which camera am I talking? Which camera?

Speaker 1 (16:31):

Speaker 2 (16:32):
Is Shampoo? Only somebody named Shampoo would be asking about
glizz Only somebody named shampoo. If you had one question
to ask me, it would be about glitz.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
Let me tell you how crazy.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Don't let Shampoo ask no more questions on your podcast preconditioning.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
We'll let me tell you how crazy Shampoo is. I
invited him to my crib for a barbecue, right, so
I try to cater to his This is what he likes.
He likes glizzies, So I bought turkey glitz. He was
mad at me. He was like, I like Oscar Maya Holmes.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Y'all wrung for just bringing gizzies. I mean, just tell him,
just tell him to bring Oscar with him next time,
and he'd have an Oscar glizzy anytime he want.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Boss, So let me let me ask you, bun, because.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
One thing about.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
Your boss is you You are one of the greatest
people I ever met.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Not greatest rappers. You're the greatest.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
People I ever I see people, not only me and
e FN, but people sincerely loved you, people sincerely.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Fuck with you. I'm blessed.

Speaker 1 (17:34):
Do you think is that's the reason why the Trio
Burgers was a success. That you got people in there,
and then once they got in there, then the burgers
smacked them the other way.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
And I risked it off of this burger. I put
everything about me that everybody knows about me and everybody
associates with me into this burger because I believed in
the burger that much. Now, it was all about getting
people in the building to try the burger, right, But
if people don't like the burger, they not coming back,
coming back, you know what I'm saying. So I'm not
trying to hit a one time lick. I want a

sustainable building, you know what I'm saying. I want a
sustainable company that can exist in multiple locations and be
everything that people want a burger to be, you know
what I'm saying. So no, this is about the burger
being the start of the show because I can't be
there every day. So if people only come in to
see me and take a picture. If they walk in
and I ain't there, they walk out, right, I don't

want people to I want people to walk in for
the reason they're supposed to walk in, because the food
is good. Period.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
And let me add to what he's saying, like, how
much of the independent Texas djscrew mentality that you come
from the jew applied to the marketing of Trilburger's.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
Well, this was just about you know, I put this
burger on my back, right, and the same way that
we went out as artists and had to build this thing, grassroots,
word of mouth. That's what we did with this burger,
you know what I'm saying. We treated the burger like
it was a new album or a new artists, you
know what I'm saying. So we went on promos. It
cost us a lot of time to get in the building.
You know what I'm saying that festivals we have to
pay fees. Now, people invite us to festivals, they wave

the fees because we bring culture with us. When we're
into the festival, we're a draw like people. You know,
people are already coming to the festival and maybe people
are on the line. Maybe I don't know whether or not.
Don't want to go. They know tril Burger is gonna
be the I'm gonna go because I've been waiting to
try this burger. I'm at the burger, you know what
I'm saying. So you know this is about building something
that's sustainable on its own that way, Like I said,

ain't nobody start eating at Windy's and they've been gone
for a while. It was like, I'm going to eat
it later.

Speaker 5 (19:32):
I was like, nah, you're gonna eat if I don't
sound like them.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
I don't want to hurt. It's worth just stuffing hurt.
Let's go on Burger so it's easy on you. Is amazing.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
And what kind of cocaine is in the bun? That
bun is addictive? It's potato. It's a potato bun. But
come on, no one's listening. Tell me the secret.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
It's a potato bun which my due process turns into sugar.
And there's nothing more addictive on the planet. This sugar. Okay, okay, cocaine.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
They running neck and neck Sugar is easy franchise in Miami.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Yes, that was cocaine.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
No no moving.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Got it. Look look look the glasses you got it
right now.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
You already know, we already know you're going to open
more locations.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
If yes in Texas, Yes, will.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Be your ideal location.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
Outside of Texas. I mean, look, I believe Dallas is
dying for this burger right now. You know what I'm saying.
So you're saying outside of Texas, Oh, Dallas.

Speaker 4 (20:37):
Well, let's be fair, Texas is like its own country.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
So yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, which is five different times. Also,
we're taking.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
Out We're going to do at least six to eight
doors in Texas before we even look to move outside
of the state. But I would love to bring this
burger to Louisiana. I love to bring this burger to Oklahoma.
You know what I'm saying. I want to bring this
burger everywhere that people eat food eventually, you know what
I'm saying, one country at a time. You know, I'm
trying to be nice. I'm gonna let I'm gonna let

him live in France until I come and body it
and all that. But I'm excited about the opportunity to
bring this burger to New Orleans, to bring this burger
into Atlanta, to Detroit, but also cities you know, like
the Louisville's and the Saint louis Is of the of
the world, you know, the Cincinnatis and the Columbus Ohios.
I think everybody should have an opportunity to have the
best burger in the world. You shouldn't just have it

because you live in a big city. Fuck all that.
I'm not from a big city, so I know what
it's like when something like this comes to town. So
we want to bring the circus to town for people
when we open these trail burgers.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
I look, so, what is the next product you're gonna
add on to the menu?

Speaker 2 (21:38):
But we just started trill tenders. We just sold yes,
but that's not gonna be on the menu because we're
gonna keep the burger business burg so it's gonna be
a separate business. So we just competed about three weeks
ago in Tenderfest, which is the national chicken tender competition
sponsor behind R and B Company.

Speaker 5 (21:56):
Best my invite you want to go to.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
You look like you ain't text me, that's my bad.
Test was in Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
Real, yes, downtown, don't tell me downtown.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
No, No, it was actually it was actually in the
middle of Beverly Hills.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
They got Beverly Hills chicken tenderest.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
Yes, they called me and they and we weren't even
in the chicken tended business, so we got invited to participate.
So what they do They ask a lot of well
known chefs and companies to come in and do their
version of a chicken tender. Right, take a product that's
very you know, very low five, very easy to access,
and try to make something high profile out of it.
So we competed against three other chefs and restaurants in

l A and we won. Like wow, make some noise
for that, you know. So technically Hind said, we have
the best new chicken tender in.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
America sold on. This will be in Burgers.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
No, this will be its own, separate business. Yes, and
it's a beast. The reason it is a beast is
because it's the freshest tender. Like we're not we're not
compromising on quality with Trilburger. That's the thing you know
you're gonna get. You're gonna get a quality product, You're
gonna get an ample serving business. Yeah. Absolutely, no, it

doesn't make sense to consolidate that. Consolidate that because I
believe it's its own brand that can stand on his
own two fee. Yes, and it's a lot easier to operate,
quite frankly, than a burger business, you know what I'm saying.
So I don't need as much staff, I don't need
as much prep for it. It's very easy to open
that door. The food truck's coming very soon because the
truck is very easy to do with tenders like that
that line out there, we could never do that kind

of a line with a food truck. You just can't
get the typical amount of equipment we're about to put
it and get a mobile kitchen like you can't even
call it a food truck the size of it what
we're about to do. We're about to do some great
things with this company.

Speaker 1 (23:53):

Speaker 2 (23:53):
We're really excited about the opportunity to present this burger
to as many people as possible. And that's been the
thing that's really been holding us back is not having
a truck. Because the truck's very easy to put into
a space and activate. When we got to rent the
grills and all of that, sometimes it gets complicated, you know,
zoning and different things come into plays. So I think

as the time goes on, next year twenty twenty four,
we'll really be able to attack because we'll be in
multiple places in multiple cities at the same time.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
I'm a big dipper. What kind of dipping sauce is
on a chicken tenders?

Speaker 2 (24:28):
So we have a sweet pink sauce. We have two
sauces for the chicken tenders. We have a sweet we
have a sweet pink sauce, sweet pink, yes, yes it is.
We have a sweet pink sauce. And then we have
a spicy soy based sauce. So we give you two sauces,
so you have an option. I personally like I like
to mix a little bit of both. I like to
dip it in the pink sauce and top it with

the soy. But that's up to y'all. But we make
sure that there's enough flavor. See that's the thing about Trilburger, right.
I realized that most burgers are popular not because of
the patty, but because of what they put on a burger.
Very few people by burger for the patty. They buy
it for the condiments. But so if you took just
the patty off of most burgers, you wouldn't even want
to eat it. The way it looked. I argue that
Tril Burger, the best part of the burger is the patty.

You could take everything off of a Trill Burger and
you would still want to eat, you know exactly. You
know what I'm saying. So that's how we feel with
the chicken tender. Even if there's no patented sauce or
anything to dip in, or even if you don't have
any ketchup, you should still have a moist chicken tender
with a crispy crust on the outside, with flavor in everybody. Okay,
so let's just let's just rip. Let's just rip the

band aid off of the thing.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
Is this chicken tender spot also gonna have straight up
fried chicken?

Speaker 2 (25:38):
Not yet, No, I'm looking. I'm not trying to complicate
the market. Right. If we're going to do fried chicken,
then we got to do different things with sides, biscuits
and all of that type. That's not the model that
I'm trying to do. My mottol is probably closer to
a cane or a Chick fil A. You know what
I'm saying. You stay in your lane. If you find
one thing you could do, you do it well. You replicated,

and you can do it like that. You know, I
don't have to make a million things to make a
million dollars. If I do one thing well, I can
find a million people to buy it. So, Bud, you
obviously found that.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
You obviously found this passion, right, how does it match
your passion for hip hop and the music side.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
When I found hip hop, I fell in love with
hip hop. I wanted to hear all the new records.
I wanted to see who all the new artists was.
I wanted to read the magazines. It's the same thing
with food. I want to learn more about the business.
I want to read more. I talk to different people.
I had people that have proximity to the industry, but
because I wasn't in that space, I couldn't really talk
to them about that stuff. Now I have now that

I'm in the food space. Friends of mine that are
in restaurants, like, we both know Big Teach, right, we
were both very supportive and helping Teach, you know, help
get his brand out there. Now Teach gets to bring
that to me and help teach you help teach them
so much. Absolutely so, all these relationships that I already had,
I just try to make relationships with a lot of
good people everywhere. It doesn't really matter what they do.

Just because they can't benefit me today don't mean they
can't benefit me tomorrow. So I don't try to burn
any bridges that I built with people, because you never
know where you need to cross it, you know what
I'm saying. So it's been beautiful to have people that
I've sold into that have been successful, so back into me.
And it's not just fool people either. People like Drake
and people like call It. They come over. They know
they have energy that can help activate my brand and

help put me on that next level, and so they
bring that to me. Most people would be trying to
bother Drake for Averse, right I don't need no verse
help me get these burgers off, you know what I'm saying.
Do you feel the evolution of hip hop?

Speaker 3 (27:36):
We're celebrating hip hop fifty right now, and do you
feel the evolution of hip hop to where it's at
right now? Makes it a perfect time and place for
you to launch a business like this? Is it helpful
that we're evolved this way in hip hop right now?

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Yeah? I think if an artist wants to be involved
in the business side of the music industry. It's a
perfect time. I think most artists have to have some
type of business acumen in order to be successful. There
isn't anything that you can't learn from being successful in
the entertainment industry that won't transition into other things. This
is business. The way you communicate with people, knowing who

to talk to, who to look for when you walk
in the room, all of those things transition into any
factor of life, you know what I'm saying. So I
just found my path through this burger. But I tell
everybody find your burger, find something that you love to do,
and figure out what it is that you already know,
all the resources you've already taken in the experience you got,
and the people, in the relationships you've built, and see

how that shit can help you. You know what I'm saying.
Because you may have a friend that could never help
you in any other aspect of your life until now, right,
and now that becomes your closest friend. You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Right now, your staff all cast COVID tomorrow, right, they
can't come hypothetically hypothetically. Can you open up the spot yourself?
Can you make the burger yourself technically.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Yeah, but if my whole staff got COVID, probably eighty
ninety percent of the city got COVID, so we probably
ain't open nowhere. That was a terrible night. I don't know.
Could you technically make a trill burger. I'm gonna make
a burger in about an hour for real. Yeah, I'm
gonna make a burger on the grill. Now, there's no
part of this burger, there's no part of this company

that I can't add myself to you. If anybody that
came to any of the early pop uas probably saw
me cooking back in the day, you would see me.
Sometimes somebody couldn't show up. I would have to go
in the line. I would have to go work the fries.
I would have to prep the burgers or wrap the
burgers or something. But I can build a drill burger,
no question. It doesn't make sense for me to be
out there and doing that when it's such an easy

thing to learn, and it's something that I'm asking people
to do every day. I wouldn't ask people to do
something that I wouldn't do myself. So, because this is
a hard job to do, standing over that grill, it's
a brutal job. Imagine doing it outside in Houston on
a hundred degrees summer day. So when my staff is
outside sweating, I'm outside sweating with them. You know what
I'm saying. If they got to put work in, if

they need me, I'm there. People see it all the time.
I'm always ready to turn up. Now.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
What's that that kool aid you sell?

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Straight up? Yeah? The cool cup, cool cup, juice, the watermelon? No, no, no, no,
it's my wife, my wife top. We might be putting
a little bit too much serve in your your elimonade.
Sum yeah no, no, no syrup. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
You can't go to sleep over that that is. You
don't need no coffee, none of that.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
But shout out to Exotic pop Man forgiving you know,
young artists, young Black people, and a revenue stream, particularly
the families of those that we've lost. They've been able
to create these sodas for many of of use and
artists that have passed away. And by selling these sodas,
they're given the proceeds to the family, not a portion
of the proceeds. He gives the proceeds to the family.

You know what I'm saying, it's a way that we
could continue to honor their memory and sow into their families.
And so what we've been doing at Troburger is that
when is somebody's anniversary of their passing, if they have
an exotic pop soda, we do a special combo with
the burger and the soda to raise money for the family.
On that day, we.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
Gotta go to tril Burgers to do an episode. We
want him to come to Miami to do an episode,
but half of the episode we should.

Speaker 5 (31:13):
Yeah, like you're in Miami, and then the second part
of that and we're at Burger's.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
I can't. I can't tell you, man, how this couldn't
happen to a better person. Man, You know what I mean.
You're you're You're a genuine guy. You're honorable guy.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
Let's give him flowers, man, Yeah, yeah, man. Our show is.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
About giving people flowers, and we gotta give your flowers.
Come on, Paul, you drunk motherfucker.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Hold up stop, Hey, hey, this is beautiful. Yes, this
is beautiful. Yes, I gotta do this for somebody. We
got to put this in and we got to put

some burgers in a box like this, and on the people.
This is beautiful what y'all done for the culture.

Speaker 1 (32:02):

Speaker 2 (32:02):
That's why you've been rewarded in the way that you've
been rewarded, because I've seen this from day one. This
was not a money grab. We didn't know if no
sponsors or nothing was coming out. I was just trying
to get drunk with your friends and talk shit. You
know what I'm saying. And some of the best nights
of my life has been me and Norrie drunk. The
stories we can never tell, you know what I'm saying,
hanging out and left right. Hold, let me ask you something.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
If Pepsi was alive, Yes, what would his mill beat
at trill Burgers.

Speaker 2 (32:32):
He would probably want it all the way because he
ate onions and pickles, so he would have ate this
all the way. But the only I think that's the
only person that would have ate more trill Burgers than
my wife because my wife technically is eating more trill
Burgers than anybody else. Like she loves the burger. I mean,
I had the Veggie's amazing. But if you could have
a trill Burger anytime you wanted high, wouldn't you. I

can't eat. I try to get mad about it, but
I can't, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
Tried to Vegan Burger.

Speaker 2 (33:01):
Oh yeah, no, yeah, absolutely. I think he would have
tried everything we sold and he would have told me
it's on his opinion, So it would have He would
have been the one that I would have been like,
after I tried it, I would have probably asked him
to try it and see if he felt like I felt.

Speaker 1 (33:14):
Let me ask you a hip hop question. So many
people who respect you, all new in between whatever. Do
you ever get shocked at how many people you know
pay hoppits to you?

Speaker 2 (33:25):
I do? I do. I was just at this event
in Los Angeles that CBS put on with the Recording
Academy to celebrate hip hop's fiftieth anniversary, the one that
everybody was at. Yeah yeah, that looked amazing, and Chuck
D came over to me, and I mean, the outpouring

of love and admiration that Chuck D continuously shows me
blows my mind. Wow, you know what I'm saying, Because
records like my Ouzi ways a Ton was the type
of shit that made me like, yo, they talked different
with this. This is just a whole different way of talking,
you know, And when I realized that you didn't have
to be from a certain place to do it and

be a part of it, that I was sold, you
know what I'm saying. But you know, to see a
Chuck d in a flavor flave like flavor had walked
past me and didn't realize it was me and came
back like double back, you know, he ain't got that
to do, you know what I'm saying. And so when
the ogs, my ogs show love like that, it's only
right that I'd be as gracious, if not more gracious,

you know what I'm saying, Because the people that opened
the doors for me, like, you know, I had to
fight to get there, but there were people, there were
people with the foot in the door holding it open
for me, you know what I'm saying, And they appreciate
the way that I came in and the way I
represented in the culture. And it's so fulfilling. Because before
there was any money, before there was any cars and

mansions and all of that, you wanted rappers that was
nice to say you was nice. And I've been able
to say that pretty much everybody I looked up to
as an artist looks at me as as a as
a real rapper, like not just a dude making songs
like I'm really out here doing my thing, and that's

that's an amazing thing.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
To carry it and to double down what he just asked,
And this is a question that Nora usually asked the guests.
Did you ever think hip hop would take it this far?
To the point where you've expanded your brand further than
hip hop and it's still hip hop, but you've gone
in other realms outside of the music side of hip hop.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
Not at all. And I'll tell you why, because I've
been here long enough to remember when hip hop almost
just off off. The general principle rejected sponsorship right right,
because we were very concerned about corporations coming in and
really taking advantage of the of the of the culture,

you know, manipulating the culture and that people within. We
didn't really know whether or not that was going to
be a bad thing. So when Hammer had a cartoon
and Kid and Play had a cartoon, and people were
doing Pepsi and KFC Commercial Mountain had the Mountain them
the big you know, it wasn't until the Sprite campaign. Yes,
it wasn't until that sprit campaign when they staw Yes.

Speaker 5 (36:22):
Yeah, yeah, I mean they were the ones breaking the ground.
Whutang Biggie ice Cube, all those guys were slowly breaking
that down.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
But they realized that they were allowing us to define
ourselves and dictate, dictate. At first, they tried to manipulate
it and present it in their way, but it started
to come off as parody and people that fuck with
the culture didn't fuck with the product. So it wasn't
until they started bringing authentic voices from the culture into
the space to allow them to tell the story. Perfect

example is Russell Simmons and Rush Communications the Coca Cola campaign.
I don't know if y'all know, but y'all know the
Coca Cola bear. When y'all see the Polar Bear wintertime.
Russell Simmons company came up with that campaign for Coca
transform the brand. You know what I'm saying. But if
there isn't a product on the planet right now that
doesn't sell, isn't that doesn't sell itself through hip hop,

you know what I'm saying. Like this music, there's themes,
it's breakdance and all that shit. It sells everything on
the planet. Movies there's no movie trailer. It's so hip hop.
We don't even know it anymore. That's how hip hop
every We don't even pick up on it. That's what
I'm saying. It's so hip hop. I'll look up, I'll
just be doing something and then no one man should
have all this power? Or what movie is this? It

seems like they do the same song over and over
selling it, you know what I'm saying, Because we tell
these stories of triumph so well, we tell these stories
of pain and grief and transition through those things and obstacles,
which is what most movies are about. You have a conflict,
you resolve the conflict that. Who does that better than
black people? You know? Who deals with that? Who navigates

the nuances of that better than black people?

Speaker 1 (37:57):
So let me ask you, right, pimps could come back.

Speaker 2 (38:01):
For one day, Oh Jesus snort, and.

Speaker 1 (38:04):
You guys could do a versus.

Speaker 2 (38:11):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
If I look at y'all, y'all like that one, everybody like.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
I don't know if there's anybody else besides balling g
for us to go up against it. I don't and
I don't think. Let me let me tell you something.
Pimp's presence is very real in a room you've ever
been in a room where UGK record has been played
and MC burst come on, the spirit of Pepsy is
in that room. The energy shifts when you hit that ship.

So just just that, the spirit, the idea, the notion,
right because when you hear the music, you imagine what
if he was in this room right now, in this space.
The thought, the idea of him occupying space with you
in modern time, in real time, it's just so it's
so hard to grasp. It's just you would you would

your mind would explode if you saw Pips in mind
into just so just the idea of him physically being
here that I don't know like and I don't even
know what U g K would look like right now, right,
there'd be different albums at this point, so by the
time we got the verses, it might not be nobody
that could have held this ship. I'm just saying, is

there is there.

Speaker 1 (39:20):
You know, because everyone knows all of us is pretty
much unique individuals. Yes, Is there any new artists that
you look at that reminds you a little bit.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Like similar to Pip or no one ever? There is
no one man I think that can replicate it. Right,
You see some dudes with the personality something. Yeah, I
see I see that in most people, you know, making
this Dawion embodies a lot of what Pimp represented. I
think that's why it was so jarring for people to

see it coming from a woman. You know what I'm saying,
But she's not saying nothing that pimp wasn't saying. It
just came from a female perspective. But I think I
think I think Club God be King. I think he
carries a lot of I think he's talking about a
lot of the crazy, nasty ship that people will be
talking about.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
You know.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
I think I think there's a lot of people that
carry his his beliefs, like krit has. You know, Krick
carries this passion of making Southern musical production looked at
a very high level. Killer Mike has the care and
concern for his community and his people that that Pimp had.

You know what I'm saying. There's so many different things,
but I don't think no one person could encompass everything
that you had encompassed. That's why he was so special
to people.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
And if anything, they're all carrying the torch that is PIMC.

Speaker 2 (40:40):
Yeah, I think we all do in the sense I
think you know, I think many of us have to
carry that toych because you know, we can't just sit
by and watch fuck shit. You know somebody got to
say something.

Speaker 1 (40:51):
Yep, well one man, congratulations man that you've for comeing
to see us.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Thank you in your hometown. It's all I don't I
don't want to leave sober. I gotta this is drink
Take a shot? Is this is drink? Sha take a shot.
I feel like I'm cheating if I leave sober.

Speaker 1 (41:13):
And by the way, I want to show love to
e fl.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
Just got the key to the county, so that means
Miami and all surrounding areas like the sugar Land if
you would have got.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
The keys, and also the Sunny d B Sunday Birthday
Darrel's wife birthday, I believe.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
And no more shampoo questions, no more shampoo. So much
mat chancing y'all, everybody, Thank y'all for having me at
Honeyland today.

Speaker 5 (41:50):
Drink Champs is a Drink Champs ll C production in
association with Interval Presents hosts and executive producers n O. R.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
E and d J. E.

Speaker 5 (41:59):
F L from Interval Presents, executive producers Alan Coy and
Jake Kleinberg. Listen to Drink Champs on Apple podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify,
or wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks for joining us
for another episode of Drink Champs, hosted by Yours truly,
dj EFN and n r E. Please make sure to

follow us on all our socials that's at drink Champs
across all platforms at the Real noriegon ig at Noriega
on Twitter, mineus at Who's Crazy on ig at dj
efn on Twitter, and most importantly, stay up to date
with the latest releases, news and merch by going to
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