All Episodes

July 21, 2022 35 mins

Comedian, Wild n’Out cast member, entrepreneur and content creator Pretty Vee shares her rise, faith and journey to becoming the household name that we have all come to love. As she cooks, she shares how her life taking the backroads helped her get to where she is today. We talk radio, inspiration, DaBaby, working 9-5s and how much she made when she first became an influencer.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to another episode of Eating While Broke. I'm your host,
Colleen Wait, and today we're out of the podcast studio,
thank god, and into Atlanta. And guess who is with
us today? None other than Make You Dance, Dance, Dance.
I'm not y'all. Wow. I'm so happy to have you

here today, Thank you so much. So we were on
the phone, we were chatting. I was like, what are
you gonna make us? What are you what are you
cooking for us? What are you feeding me today? Um? Turkey,
We're gonna do a little turkey and meat. We're gonna
do some nice little jazz rice. I'm gonna chop it
up with a lot black beings on the side. You know,
you know that's my little one too, a little one
too quickly, Yes, quick. And it was a completely affordable.

I went into Walmart. The only thing is that pretty
View wanted the salt and vinegar chips. And I felt
so bad because she asked me, you know about the
salt in vinegar chips? And I did look. I was all.
First of all, I didn't know what I was looking for.
I looked at sour cream chips and I didn't know
what exa I've heard of them, but I didn't know

what bag they came in. So okay, okay, So now
okay is always in the hood, you gotta have a
soft if you broke you know what s because that
was twenty five since and min when I grew up.
Now it's probably a dollar act, your little local corner
storep you in New York. You gotta godega. That's just
what it is. But you gotta know what. I didn't

know what they are, and I've definitely had them before,
but I haven't seen them enough to be like, oh,
that's the But I did. I searched, and I was
telling me, like I searched, I'm down here in Atlanta's
my first time. It was a whole experience. Okay. Liveing
in l A, we don't see as many black people.
I was just like, oh my gosh, it's black people everywhere.
This is amazing. But I won't say the Walmart was
like bone dry. It was. It was like every shelf

was like half empty. Like it was since I told
you to go slide to the our gas station and
get you a que If I said man to due,
we said gets to get medic chips. You could put
it we should put we would have put some hot
sauce in there, and we put the hot sauceae and
that's when you see pork. We eat hot sauceas and
to crushing, the crushing, the crushing up. I used to
have song men get chips hot sauce, and we said that, um,

hot sausage. But you would put the sausage where in
the bag and crunch it up. You put the chips
in the bag with the hottuce, and then the hot
sausages in the hot sausages and but then how would
you eat it? Gop it up? Why did we eat
that today? Because I couldn't find sol in vinegars and

I don't eat pork, so that's okay. You could have
done a turkey sausage. All right, Well, why don't you
get us started on this and then hit the same alright,
so y'all, this is what time we on. We got
this turkey, so the meat okay, um, we are not
going to use all of this right, so we're just

gonna take a quick glob is the stove on? What
are we doing? Stuff has to be blood plots on?
So the comedian pan it's so well, I gotta take
the local spool or I gotta goupe like this, as
you guys could see the accent to go ahead. You know,
I'm definitely cooking this for my girl Coco. So nowadays,

are you cooking at home or you uber eats and
um eating? Now I'm cooking, but I'm definitely going out
to eat. And my mom lives like fifteen minutes away
from me, so I have the best of both worlds.
You should say, food is ready, I'm there, speedy Gunzales.
Oh you're not late because you know it's there. Well,

I'm late. But then when I know I'm hungry and
I just want my mom company, I'm there. You know,
my mom is a pastor too, so sometimes I need
to he got good up, good up word. So I
like to just go and sitwhere and then when it's
food involved, hilarious, are you good to go? So what
we're gonna do? You guys? We have a turkey meet
in the hot right now. And again, like I said,

this is my meal while I was broke. I mean,
so for some people, a mazing my great, that's a
regular meal I eat on the day. But babey, I
was eating this swinty four seven of my day coming
home from work. I used to work at the Film
Fair Marriott. I used to work for the Baby. I
used to work for somebody. Did you say I used
to work for the Baby, Yes, I was doing his

admin work. I was working for South Because Music, the
group with Honor Teller, and um, I was doing like
radio plays. And I started off doing radio. I wanted
to do radio so bad. I looked up to Art
Angie Martinez still do La La the Ludicrous is Wendy Williams,
everybody like in that field, and I wanted to do that.
You know. I didn't want to be in front of
the camera at first. Um, but I just knew because

I could do different voices and different things and different characters.
I was like, I could do this, Um. But it
didn't pop off of me like that. But I didn't
have my own radio show in college called the uh
Lounge twenty two. And then I moved to Charlotte and
I had my own show called the v XL Show. So, um,
I was, so, you've been moving around, You've been around
in the industry. Yeah. And then I was working at

phil Firm Maria, and I was so tired of it.
So I used to go into this building and I
always hear music, like what is that? And I'm like, God,
I just want to be in some form of this industry.
I don't know which part you have for me, but
I know it's there. Um and Donald Taylor told me, Hey,
I have a job open for you. Want to be
my assistant, my admin? And I said yeah. And from

there he had an artist called Baby Jesus now the
Baby and there was this was two thousand and seventeen,
sixteen seventeen. Yeah, so you're working for them, You're are you?
Are you? Would you say you were struggling or were
you just like paycheck to paycheck? Because you're also doing
where you working in the Marriott? And yes, I was

working the Marriott, And well I got fired from the Marriott,
and then I went to South Coast Music Group and
I was actually working on my craft and working on
South Coast. I didn't forget the comedy, like I was
still doing skits on Instagram. So you were doing your
comedy and in working it, but you're not in radio
at all. I'm not in radio at all. I mean
I had my own show at a station, but I

stopped doing that because of some some conflicts I haven't had,
but um, I was still like, you know what, I'm
gonna still do this comedy theme my cousin, you know,
I was like, Yo, you need to show the warrior
talent on Instagram and that from that, that's when I
created Peanut Mom, Sharon and all my characters from there.

So were you doing stand up comedy at all before
the skits? Yes, I did. I. Um, I went on
the road with Jess Hilarious and some other comics and
they were the first one to bring me on the road. Um,
and I was doing that too, and I was still
like trying to figure it out. You know. That's when
I auditioned for a while and out around that time too.
I didn't make it at that that year in two

thousand eight nineteen is when they called me back to
to be on the show. And it's been my seventh season. Now,
that's amazing. Yeah. So I've been all over the places
you have been, and seems like you pivot a lot
throughout your whole career. Yeah, now I do notice. So
you dance very well. Is that like just natural or

was there any passion in the dance. Definitely, It's still
passion in the dance world. I really want to look
up at ballet U, a ballet Um studio out here
in Atlanta because I used to dance for seven years
doing ballet and I stopped doing that, and then I
used to Me and my cousin Deja used to dance
for the Miami Heat but we used to do Junior
League tries to come out halftime. So yeah, dance, ballet

is my thing. I love ballet, ballet in I could
do tap, yeah, but in being Jamaican, you grew up
around your family with this or anything they do is dancing.
So I grewup around people on their head top, split
in and winding up like all over the place. And
that's just me. Wow. Yeah, I love dancing. It's just

it keeps you youthful. When when did you say would
you say like was a pivotal moment where you were like,
I think I'm onto something, because if you were, you
went from you know, you were doing radio, you were
pursuing radio. Then you ended up getting ah your own
radio show. But then it seems like you went to
work for the Marriott then you ended up becoming admin.

When along that journey where you like, I think I'm
onto something here. When Arnold Taylor fired me and told
me to go kick rocks and you need to focus
on your comedy. Yeah, shout out to Arnold Taylor. And
the baby called me that same maybe like two days later.
I was like, man, you're too funny. Do your ship.
So that year was the year I was like, I'm
onto something, Jesus. And that year was about faith. It

was about movement for me and knowing that I have
a call and a purpose of my life. So why
not take take this step in from there? Um, I
haven't stopped since. So when you got fired, where you
at all taken back or where you like I knew
when he said he fired you because you had higher purpose.
Yeah that's kind of bitter sweet, I would imagine. Yeah,

But it was more of, you know, I didn't have
my faith a kicking heavy now. You know. It wasn't
like I could go back and work and and do
this and and and you know, get my job back.
He was he said what he said, like, I gotta
let you go, and I need you to focus on
what you need to focus on. But they didn't know
I didn't have a backup. I didn't have no backup,
but Jesus, so how are you making them? To meet? Um?

I got viral off Instagram and then I was making
five in allars of month. And then from there me
and my sister was putting the bills. Wow, yeah, y'all,
we're putting this. We just finished putting this pepper on it.
We brought the salt Arairea on the air. I was,
it's looking good as it get a little dark. You
got the black beans wrong. We got the black beans
all hot up the hood. Put some water on in

that baby too loud. Let's let's put a little sick
and sick and sack and sack act. Okay, all right?
Did I did I burn? Did we burn the pot? Yeah?
Okay you burn? They pop? Okay, So look we're gonna

hold on. We need like a little here, we have
more tools. What do you have more tools? Okay? Yeah,
we need a little stir. Okay, do you need me
to stir the beans while I please please make yourself
at home? I will, I will, I will. I'm so
sorry the beans put it down for all of you listeners.
I have never made beans before outside of on this show.

So this is my first time experiencing black beans. I
thought they just come like ready made, like baked beans,
but they don't. Um. But back to you being viral,
So your video, at what point did you realize, Okay,
I'm viral because now you have like almost six million
followers on Instagram. But was there a point where you

were like whoa, um, when I was firing myself in
the street, when you was when I spotting myself in
the street, and I was like, that was my first
view that went okay, okay, okay, and then from there
I was like, all right, I'm virable. What's next? Did
you feel pressure to keep it up? Definitely? That's when
the creativity came, like all right now at this point

besides like the no, it was the baby as big
then or were No, he wasn't had more funtwers him
at the time, so he was trying to get his
music out and all that. And what's so crazy is
I used to always come down to Atlanta and to
help the Simone to do a song with this guy.
I was like, do a song with this guy. He's upcoming,
He's so dope. She was like okay, and never did
Now she run around somebody that's her boyfriend, you know,

at that time something like she's like, I know since
so the world works in mysterious ways. But yeah, we
was definitely uh locked in when it came down to
us promoting each other because I used to do skips
with the baby we I got. I still got skips
on my page. I sent to him. I sent him
some skits the other day that was hilarious. So now
you're going from we're just trying. I'm trying to catch

your evolution journey. Now, so you wanna be am I
doing a bad job. And I just want to make
sure these beans is cooked, cooked, cooked correctly. So I
see you season the meat. It looks all good and tasting. No,
it's definitely soft. Now we're gonna see these beans. Ah,

we season the beans. Okay o my allergies. So when
it comes to the influencers that you hang out with,
you guys were all you guys? How did that like
collaboration come about? Like how did you guys all become friends?
Just the connection like you know, one do a video,
the other other one tells them about the energy. You
know that we always because I don't hang are a

lot of people we are actually dumping this meat. Okay,
I don't hang are a lot of people. You are
asso sweet. So for all y'all listeners, I tried to
you know, of course, I was trying to get pretty
V for a long time. We had gone back and forth,
uh at Black Effect, trying to get pretty V and uh,

I can't even tell you how sweet she is off camera?
Thank you? So like the personality that makes you go, oh,
we're friends, but you know you instay connection, that's how
your vibe and even on the phone. Yeah, I was
like I didn't want to get the phone. I was like,
she was so sweet immediately, like we're asking each other
questions like I'm just making you make it? So how's

that like? So yeah, but back to back to our interview.
So you're going viral, You're you're at this point, you're
making good money. I would assume, right, Um, which one
which part? No? Because when I first got by, I
was making no money like that probately all was a
month ain't no money? No, But at what point do

you start to elevate? When I got wailing out Nick Cannon,
when Nick Cannon gave me an opportunity to showcase my
talent on that show because when I start seeing, okay,
this is gonna help me, and I'm able to move
outside of Charlotte. And that's why I'm him in here
in Atlanta. That's what made me move. Wow, it wasn't
the Nick Cannon at it again? Yeah, Nick again? And

I would say out of thirty episodes, and Nick Cannon
plays a pivotal role and at least ten of those thirty,
oh my god, he plays a role. He plays a role.
He's like the silent role player. He's like, oh my god.
And that's what we as levers because I'm a libra, right,
so we don't have to showcase what we do for people.
We don't have to do that. When your heart speaks,
you just move, you know. And I think Nick definitely
has cheer lead me on on that show for seven seasons.

And that's why I was able to buy my first house.
I was thank you in Atlanta and here Ina, I
was gonna ask you, Yeah, I just bought my first house. Um,
literally just closed on my mom's house. You watch your mom, then,
God is amazing, that's amazing. What an accomplishment. Yeah, well

God could said God did that? God by her house,
you know, because it was it was um, it was
it needed to happen. But I just also feel like,
you know, at the end of the day, you know,
he's just been amazing and I just want to see
what else he has in store for me. That knows
big things happening. So you guys, we are actually done
with the turkey meat. Oh night, you've been you started

up really well, and we're actually done with the black beats.
See the black beads don't take too and then we
finished the jazz and rice. Okay, so what do we
have to do now? So now do you want to
taste before we throw it on your plate? I trust
my food, your food, okay. First of all, I'm hungry
and I'm an eater, okay, so period, this is yours,

So digg in first. Here we're gonna make we put
the meat in first, or the rest of the turkey first,
like this, so that just in the middle extra Look
all right, now I'm gonna get some rice, alright, Sam,
school you're fine, all right? And this is full me up,

y'all When I tell you I can't even afford the
cheeseburger with the extra chold sauce on the side. You
are one of those dollar burger meal. I was definitely
dollar very girl cheeseburger, Yes I was. And then we're
gonna give you some black beans. Say, oh yeah, all right,
black beans. Oh it looks good, It looks, it looks

looks looks le Look, there's a couple of flowers, and
we're good to go. Okay, so let me switch sides,
which is just hoping the camera work. Okay, but we're
just messing. I feel bad for the editing crew. So
we're gonna throw a little rice on here. It's very
well seasoned. So you know, my sister actually cooked this
morning me for me, and because I was so lazy,

were cooking food? Ain't doing that? I think because I'm
the last child and my mom. The whole time you're
pursuing entertainment, are your parents are hundred percent in support?
My father at first wasn't because he was like, what
that you need? We're gonna find a job. He was like,
IM a comedian, you need to go work, and I lie, y'all,
he needs to be a realistic John's And I said

that that's not what my heart is at. And what
did he say? Now He's like, oh, I see you
in time score on two Street. Okay, that's my daughter.
Wo turn up. You know. So my mom was also
for my mom as a pastor, so for her, she's
so in tuned. So she was like, Oh, you're gonna
be the arts. Before I got you, I was in
middle school when she said that. He said, you're gonna
be the arts and continue to trust God. And I've

trusted him and I'm still trusting him because I also
feel like my job is not done. I still have
so much more to accomplish. I have so much more
to accomplish, and I'm so ready. So my dad was
at first he was he was a little shaky and
then he grew on him. How long did it take
for him to get over the shakiness, Um, I were
like two years. He was still like, Oh, we need

to try what you are doing because you need to
make my local money. So your comedia know, y'all are
krown foolishness crazy y'all. You do a perfect accent, you know,
perfect perfect. It's so funny because you go in and out.
So does your mom talk with an accent? My mom
does only when she's like talking to the family, and

you know when we were around that Miami family. My
dad straight like my dad has. Of course he had
throw the accent in there, but it's like you could
see here it okay nice. Yeah, my mom does it
when she's mad, when she's about to whoop our asks.
Oh yeah yeah, yeah, this is his death alright, you
got I try to plaint my extra special, you know,

trying to Okay, here we go, This looks delicious, comfortable,
and we got sweetie and we have sweetie. And sweet
tea was definitely given very much when I was broken
enough to say, you can't drink it now. But I
don't drink juice like that. So now I'm like, you
know what, just bring me back to my place of
really you know, my humble vibes. And I'm still a

humble beast. But now it's time to sit on some
sweet sweet tea. I love it. I love any excuse
to drink anything sweet. Oh. I remember when where I
was at when I drink a sweet tea. I was
trying to figure it out. Now I'm won't feed you.
Here we are, we're eating. So now you're successful, your viral,

you're a comedian, you're on willing out and now we're
going back to you eating a dish that you ate
when you were broke. They're not crazy to think that
I could eat make this today, though, But when was
the last thing you ate this? Oh? Baby? Two wow? Alright,
well let's take a let's take a bite into two thousands. Now,
if you gotta run to the bathroom after this is

I understand? Okay, she goes, I got another shoot, But no,
we have to pray before we Yeah, sorry, Father God,
that's is food, little God. And I just asked that
you take away anything that I threw in here that's
not going to agree with cocoa body. And if we
have to rush to the restaurant feeling I actaid, I
will go first. In the name of Jesus Amen. That

was the best prayer of all time. God, Please forgive
me for laughing during that list. See you know what
the meat is same as a season. So well, this
is fine. Look at that. This is fire. Let me
tell you something I'm saying. I don't even know if
this dish, never heard of it. Look, you got your

robe on and you're just watching baby Boy on TV
and love a basketball and you just eating you got
doing eating this, but you just eat because you don't
know what'sn't it? Did you come up with us or
someone in your house? Then my sister did. First of all,
this is amazing, it's amazing. It's totally affordable. This meal
was super cheap. I'm mad that I didn't bring the

salt and vinegar chips. Next time I see you, I
promised you love a case of salt vinegar chips. Just
waiting the good old days. So what does it feel
like eating this dish looking back at like like where
you are today? You just bought your house, you bought
your your mom as a house. Now you're wiling out.
You're super viral. And the great thing about what I

think it's amazing about their story is your viral being you.
You're You're you, You're not a character. But what does
it feel like eating this dish sitting in the seat
you are today? It's definitely humble beginnings, you know, but
it's also I've I've learned you to always sent to
yourself and always be humble. So I think for me

eating this food is just like you know, just you
know where you just came from, you know, and it's
a place where I would never go back. But I
would not deter this meal though, because I was still eating,
you know, I was still cook some turkey with some
brown um, some brown rice and some black beans. You know.
But it just it just shows you like you've came
so far, because I promise you I didn't think about
this meal until we was on the phone and I

was like, oh, I gotta move that I used to
eat back in the day. So it's just really at
my humble beginnings where I started and just know, like
me my sister was actually sharing a two bed room
apartment in Charlotte, just trying to figure it out. You know.
Was there ever a point in your career and I
know you're very faith driven where you were like a
little shaken where you're like maybe maybe I meantually just settle.

I mean, those moments came through my mind, but I
just knew I had a bigger purpose and I just
knew if I could turn that frown into a smile,
I know I have a purpose and not seen it.
So could you tell me an exact point where you
were like, uh, I don't know, Um, I just maybe
felt like like where someone like maybe made you question,

Like I know, even with our show eating while broke.
I always have those moments where I'm like, oh my god,
I must be crazy. You know. Did you ever have
those moments where you like, maybe I'm just especially especially
if your dad was also like you know, if you
have one, I'm not saying it was a naysayer, but
someone that was like I mean, as influencers always trying
to figure out what's next. So even you any you're

always just trying to forget you know, how far I'm
going to get into what I'm doing. But I always
live by longevity. My favorite meeting is Jim actor of
Jim Carrey. So I just always lived by like I
want my name to be with besides him, beside his name,
you know. So I think when my father used to
always say they ain't this or this ain't that. I

just remember like I gotta keep going. You know. It
was some moments where I was like, you know, like okay,
but I just never thought of going back where I
came from. I always try to look ahead, so I
never had a moment where I'm gonna do this. In
my mind is always picture myself like I'm not here
where else I would be, you know, But I don't
know because this is where I called to do it.

So there was never a backup plan. Ever, never a
backup plan. This is what I would be wanting to do.
Was always say I want to be a lawyer. But
ch'all no. Every time I talked to a lawyer of
one of my best friends as a lawyer, oh they
it's a horrible job. It's just like good on TV.
Yeah no. So this was always my plan A plan B, B, plans, C, D, E, F, G,

and whatever the alphabets after that. So when you were
working at the Marriott, you were just doing that to
like survive, and you know, my mom tis ever, they
will find a job. So I was trying to show
up a little bit, like all right, I'm gonna go.
Do you remember where exactly you were when you shot

your first video. I was at my best friend's apartment.
There's somebody outside into it, and where you shy uploading it?
I get shot. Sometimes I'll be like, uh, I love that.
I don't know that thing, girl, yeahs ship that. What
the hell we did upload that? Kid? I love that.

I was excited. I wandered, I don't see what the
views was. And then I've seen Missy Elliot under that
Monica all these famous people. I'm like, oh, we lit
and it was funny. I was like, bitch, so what's
the next kip? Yeah, and I was like I don't know,
So I had to really dig deep in my mind
to create something. So yeah, yeah, I love your I

love how real you are on your page. So when
you get the call for walling out, like where are you?
What are you doing? When it's like, okay, we want
you to join wale, I was at my own girl
house when they call me because I like to get
on willing out the audition, I said. I told him
I was like DC Young Plock cousin, and they were like, bit,
all right, you're not did you even know him? No,

I didn't know him at all. So you said that,
but obviously I didn't play a role in your getting
I was like, I'm DC Young if I look cousin,
and Colins Miller is my uncle on the tape on
the day and so then the back and then what happens.
My home girl was like my m was like, you
need to um, you know, you need to say that,

say somebody your cousin on there. That's how I got
the audition and then when I go, that's how you
got the audition? Okay, so you get that. Flew to
New York. I brewed to New York, y'all, and um,
I went up in that room and I seen Dolly.
I see Nia, I've seen everybody from VITICM. And I
was like, ship, well, here we go. He said do this,

do that, and I was like okay. Dolly was like, oh,
that's the girl from Instagram. Dolly had Dolly had a
little poofball and she was just like, um oh, I
know that girl. She's the group from Instagram. And I performed,
but I didn't make it. Was there that day just hilarious.
Was in that day? They all made it but me.
So they told you right there on the spot that

you made if you made it or not. No, they
just say next play games and then they call you
back after you leave. And I didn't get a call back.
How do you know they got the call back? Um,
because I don't. I don't know be someone never told me.
I watched your YouTube and found out that she had
got a call back. Oh gosh, how did that make
you feel at the moment, like damn? Which I wanted

to make it? Do but it's fine. I was trying
to do it all my time. So then where are
you when you get that show call that you got it?
I was at my home ground. Wait, how many backs?
How many times did you audition? Audition once? I hadn't
want to keep going on JEP moves, So I was
the first time. That's what we at that So but
I was it was still part where I was still

late because I was hosting Lala Carmelos Lala Anthony's uh
um Um charity giveaway in New York two years in
a row, you know, and I just like that was
a blessing, you know, for me around those times. So
when while they called me back, I had something to do,
you know, so um, and you're already viral, You're already

so so this sounds like it was an option, but
you really wanted it. Yeah, the finances needed to just
upgrade a little bit. Yeah, yeah, that's what we were
looking at. Um. But but yeah, and then two seasons later,
that's when they called me and says says, you want
to come on the show. I'm like hell yeah. And
then did you have to audition that second time when
they called you again? Or no? I just want to
trade into workshops. What so okay, Now tell me where

were you that? What was going on? Yeah? I just
went straight into work shots and I was we was
in New York. Then for me back to where I
lied to go, excuse me a little messy. I went
right back to New York where I lied to the audition,
and then that's it. We're and I've been on the

show for seven seasons broken now and so funny. Everyone
you mentioned I've known since I was like twenty one.
I know now very well. Now now did an episode
of beating Will broke with like eggs and tacos. Yeah,

it was actually pretty good because he used real butter.
I didn't have never used real butter until now. It's delicious,
he said, Ill, no, it's good. It was really good.
I was surprised, I promise you. I don't know if
it was as good as this dish though, Oh yeah,
nothing's as good as this. This is this is what
got me think back in the day. So, can you
tell us anything behind the scenes of walling out that

would be juicy? Um? Ain't just like, ain't not really juicy.
Everything goes on on stage, well, they do the workshops
there's no like free. Nobody spills the tea on what
they're gonna say about anybody else before people close to
the best yep. And then when it's sound that yeah,
we h, So who's your favorite cash member? Do you see? Really?

No favorite? Hands down? Why is because it's funny or
is it? It's like off cameras just like me, Like
we're the same working person, his physical comedy, him just
being bold and daring, don't give two ships about what
somebody says about him. That's me. So when we link
and we talked outside of wailing out gets it. He's

like my little person in the mind like yeah, so
we're just fun. It's just fun. What advice would you
give to someone that's for suing comedy that's pursuing because
even pursuing being an influencer or pursuing being a mainstream
on television, your journey wasn't short at all. It seemed
like it was a a a roller coaster a little bit.

My advice I would give to any upcoming comedian or
any actor actress, Um, don't give up. You know, you
gotta be consistent and you gotta go with the punches.
Everything is not gonna always go so smooth. It's gonna
be obstacles in a way. It's gonna be tunnels, it's
gonna be roller coaster. This is gonna be I always say,
if I don't need five and seventy and eighty five,

whatever it is, it's just so crowded, take those back roads.
Because sometimes when you take those back roads, you could listen,
you could hear, you could focus, and your blessing is right, dear,
you just gotta keep going. We like to go off
those exits and we like to go to quick trip
and sit out and vibe out. No, sometimes God want
you to keep going, so don't give up. You know,
just wow, you never made traffics sound so good, Like

traffing just sounded amazing to me. I'm like, it doesn't
sound that. So we just want to go where anybody
who's going, and sometimes okay to go take those back roads.
I grew up in South Carolina too, so when I
used to see all those back roads, sometimes blue back
roads was just you and God, you know, you speaking
and you're trying to tell him what you want. Its
crowding you. On five, did you ever put a cap

in your career? Like if I don't make it in
five years or ten years or three years, I'm gonna
become a lawyer or something. I've never put anything anywhere.
I just let God leave because you know, I'm supposed
to be here no else. And then when you transitioned
out of work, when you got fired and you're now
making five dollars a month on Instagram, did you cut

your overhead so you can focus on pursuing your craft
or like, how did you survive during that time because
obviously Instagram wasn't paying you that much. Um, it was
more of just me, just that's all I had. Of course,
you have your parents who help you, and you know, um, guys,
who I that's like Hella two and it all. It

was three own and all the spell of light, yell
of Phombio. But it was more for me, just like
I don't have no fair familiar yott. I got fired
from that. I got fired from every job going up McDonald's,
GJ Max, Dollar Tree, Southcos Music Group, TJ Max, I
mean everywhere you can think about in the black hell. Um,
So for me, I'm like I didn't got fired for

so many jobs. I know I was worth for nobody
but myself you know. So I think for me it
was more of just like I don't care if its
found at all, you're gonna slit that, we're gonna flip that,
and then I'm gonna keep being consistent. And after that,
Fancy carn and they were like, hey, I need to
come to l A. I'm do that for Rihanna, you know.
You know. So it's things that started happening out of nowhere,
you know, for me, and it was just like what

God said he was gonna do. Yeah, I love it.
So you have your own products, You went into business
for yourself, You sell your own Can you talk to
me about some of that? Well? At first, I was
um selling bathrooms bonnets. And my company is called the
vx Collection. VXL is ving Xcel, which is my last name, Xcel,

so we just and that's your real last name. Huh.
So that's amazing, Like, look at God, what a name,
VXL Collection, And then I have the VXLE Entertainment UM
and uh, I was selling bathrobes for since two guys
in like seventy so that's what kind of I was.
I was making my money off there too, And you
came over with that concept off of what you were

doing in my rope that was brilliant, Like, you might
as well sell ropes V because you're getting crazy many
rocking in the kitchen, Sharon, all those and you came
up with the idea to sell the ropes and then
my body to and like okay, So you were like, okay,
I need to make more income. I'm gonna go ahead.
I'm gonna start my own venture. And you sourced, you

got your e commerce site going. You did all that.
I did all that. That's amazing, and then I stopped
doing that because it just got I got a lot,
you know. UM, and when the pandemic came, I definitely
stopped UM. And then after that, UM, I partnered up
with Adrons and now I have my products and stores. Wow,
what a journey. So so comedian entrepreneur pretty v wilding out.

Past member in the building fed us and I just
have one more question before we dip out. Is this
food is really delicious, But I don't know what you
played with the meat with. I just want to know
what did you put on it. I put um salt
and pepper, I put some glic powder, I put some
complete seasoning and UM, I think That's all I put there. Yeah,

that's all I put. Okay, y'all this this was absolutely superb,
especially for on a budget. And the best part about
it is that you can catch pretty vs recipe and
what are you gonna name this? Thish um turf Turkified
Catch and Eating Wall Broke cookbook, Peace for More Eating

Will Broke from Heart Radio and The Black Effect, visit
the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you
listen to your favorite shows. Broken h
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