All Episodes

August 17, 2023 21 mins

The break room is shocked to discover there is a thief in their midst as Liz's yogurt goes missing. And the employees dish on covid programs ending, Jan 6, and The Eras tour. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Attention, Shoppers. Employees Only is an improvised podcast about a
fictional superstore. Any similarity to a real store or real
people is completely coincidental.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Way does the breakroom smell like fish? Was Victor microwaving
SeaBASS again? I told him this is a common area.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Okay, Now that I have y'all in the breakroom, I
just want to make some lunchtime announcements. Okay. First of all,
we have completed one sixteenth of our sales goals for
the quarter.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
Hell yeah, all right, that is a whole cup out
of a gallon.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
That's a good way to look at it, Arnold, And
I think we have two more days, so I think
we're gonna hit the goal, all right. Second, y'all, we
are missing a lot of shopping carts and we think
a local gang is using them to do street races.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
So a local gang, Yes, sounds like coded language a
little bit, Jerry, what do you mean by a local gang?

Speaker 2 (01:02):

Speaker 5 (01:02):

Speaker 1 (01:03):
I just mean teenagers, Liz, I don't mean a certain
ethnicity or anything like that. Well cool, I don't know
what color, Robert.

Speaker 6 (01:09):
Does anyone know what astrological sign? If there are cart
racing batties out there. Somebody has to.

Speaker 7 (01:15):
Tell me they're out there, Shilah. They're out there, and
they are not the kind of boys you want. I've
seen them out there. I've seen them out there on
my smoke break because you can see where they're doing it.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
They take all four wheels off or they lock.

Speaker 7 (01:25):
Them up, and then they're sparking down the parking lot. Okay,
and they're just jumping around. They're doing tiktoks.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
You don't want boys like that. I've done it. I
did it. Of course, back in my day, it was
a mustang.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
Do don't go watch them race the carts.

Speaker 5 (01:38):
They tell us what to watch.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
I can ask you to as an employee of this store, Jerry,
then you've got to give people something else to watch.

Speaker 7 (01:46):
You turn on the TV and it's closed circuit. What
else are you watching? It's the same thing we go as.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
Thank you for bringing up the TVs. That brings me
to my final announcement. Okay, someone keeps going into electronics
and making all of the TVs play the movie Venom
Let there be Carnage. Okay, that movie is rated King
thim Uh Liz. Something wrong.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
Someone has taken my yogurt that I just put in
the fringe this morning. Oh lord, this is a major
betrayal of trust. This is my Activia probiotic yogurt that
I eat after lunch to keep everything moving. I need it, Okay, Shila,
Robert Arnold, you were all in here before we all

got in here, So it's one of you.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
I'm gonna find you.

Speaker 3 (02:32):

Speaker 7 (02:32):
You can put that arthuritic puff knuckle back in your
holes throw, okay, because you know it ain't me. You
know it ain't me. You know I'm a total top
with me. It is fruit on the top.

Speaker 2 (02:40):

Speaker 4 (02:41):
I'll honestly take that, Arnold because it is a fruit
on the bottom.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
Shila, Do you have an excuse? What's your alibi?

Speaker 6 (02:48):
I don't eat yogurt. Yogurt is old people food. Are
you sure you didn't eat it and forget it? I
mean that happens to my grandma all the time, Shila.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
Isn't there like a TikTok tutorial about hair extensions you
could be watching right now?

Speaker 6 (03:00):
Oh my god, that's such a good idea, Robert.

Speaker 8 (03:03):
You're gonna blame it one black person in the break room.
Black people don't even eat yogurt?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
Is that true? Is that true that black people don't
eat yogurt? Because I had never heard that.

Speaker 8 (03:12):
Jerry, How to hell? You're gonna tell me what black
people do and don't do?

Speaker 7 (03:15):
Mm hm, Well, I got a book for you. It's
a book written by Thomas Sole where he says that
black people should be eating yogurt.

Speaker 5 (03:21):
I don't.

Speaker 8 (03:21):
If I were to eat a yogurt, it would be
ad animal or a yogurt. I'm not eating no old
white lady yogurt.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
All right, guys, this is really serious, Okay. When someone
has their lunch stolen out of the fridge, we take
it very seriously here at Bywell, so, Liz, I am
on the case. Okay. When you have eliminated the impossible,
whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Jerry, what is that? What are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (03:51):

Speaker 1 (03:52):
It's Sherlock Holmes. It's something Sherlock Holmes said.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
Okay, but like, how does that even apply here?

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Okay, that specific quote might not apply to this situation.
Can you know, can you just let me do my
thing and find your find your yogurt thief?

Speaker 8 (04:04):
So oh, okay, yoga goes missing and it turns into
a whole episode of Scooby Doo SVU. But when they
ate my lemon pepper wings, nobody knew nothing.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
From mistakes to right on lewis nothing. We don't sound
everything by.

Speaker 4 (04:32):
Ooh DC, sweet carbonated heroin running through my veins.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
I love this stuff. Anyone need me to cover their shift?

Speaker 4 (04:41):
This week, they're ending all the COVID era relief, so
my uh student loans are do again for the first
time in three years.

Speaker 6 (04:48):
Oh my god, Liz, you went to college. What did
you major in grocery cards?

Speaker 4 (04:53):
No, Shilah, I was a woman studies major with a
minor in art history.

Speaker 6 (04:58):
I also studied women in college, but I filmed it,
so I made money.

Speaker 7 (05:01):
Well, honey, I posed for pictures, and some of them
were even in black and white.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
I posed for pictures.

Speaker 7 (05:07):
I am so glad that there is no AI bringing
that to life.

Speaker 4 (05:10):
Well, I'm on track to pay off my loans by
twenty forty eight, and I figure by then I don't
really even have to worry about it because the world
will have been destroyed by climate change.

Speaker 7 (05:18):
So well, work is good, work is good. Everybody should
be working. I in my opinion, they never should have
made everybody stay home because of that COVID. It was
just an excuse for laziness. It was laziness from the
top on down. You all know when I had COVID.
I came into work, y'all remember.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
Yeah, we remember, it was a full outbreak.

Speaker 6 (05:38):
Wait, is COVID actually done? Because I was planning on
having COVID next Wednesday unless somebody can cover my shift.
I got invited to be a part of Post Malone's
harem and I will be a Sunday.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
Well, I can cover your shift. I need the money.
Oh perfect.

Speaker 7 (05:52):
I know it's gonna hurt you a little bit, Liz
in the short term, but I think it's good that
we have work requirements to get food stamps. You can't
just lay around coffee and say I'm fat and sick.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
If you can.

Speaker 7 (06:02):
Survive any virus, I think you can survive forty hours
a week working at Burger Kink.

Speaker 8 (06:06):
Yeah, the loans was cool and everything, and everybody ran
through those and eight crab legs for two months straight.
What's messing me up now is the price of stuff
going up. Daycare costs more. You know, they were getting
government relief and now I gotta pay more for to
wash the kids.

Speaker 5 (06:19):
Now they they in the car.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
Could you crack a window?

Speaker 8 (06:22):
You think I left them in there with the window
rolled up? No, of course I cracked a window. And
I gave some of them little ice packs that you
put on your injuries when you hurt yourself as soccer.
They'll be good. It's expensive, man, everything went up. Why
did eggs go up? If I pay this much for eggs,
some chickens better hatch out these bitches. You hear me,
Why do cereal go up? It's a Crunchberry shortage. Cap'm

Crunch died of COVID. I guess huh.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
I knew Captain Crunch back in New Orleans.

Speaker 7 (06:49):
And let me tell you, he pretends to crunch, but
when you get down to it, he is soft on
the inside.

Speaker 9 (06:55):
By Arnold, your boy Trump got indicted for the January
sixth riot.

Speaker 7 (07:07):
No no, no, no, no, no, no, he's not my boy.
I leaned towards him. I leaned towards him, and if
he was in the room, I would lean forwards for him.
They're saying, oh, he did an insurrection. Honey, it didn't work.
You can't hold somebody accountable if it didn't work.

Speaker 6 (07:21):
I love that. I love that so much. We should
apply that to my criminal record.

Speaker 8 (07:25):
You try to murder somebody, you go to jail for
attempted murder.

Speaker 7 (07:29):
Yeah, honey, it wasn't attempted murder. It was just they
were playing a game like.

Speaker 8 (07:35):
It was redneck Freaknick and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed
watching it at the house. I saw people trying to
crime walls where there were stairs, and.

Speaker 7 (07:47):
Some of them were black. Some of them were black.
You can't deny it. One or two or three of
them were black. You saw what he had people doing.
Them dudes went down there and took a dunk on
the floorida Capitol. They went and dookie for freedom. That's ridiculous.
And it was the first thing they did too. That
shouldn't be the first thing you did. That was terrible planning.
You don't go in somewhere and doodo on the floor first.

Speaker 6 (08:08):
They probably ate Lisa's activity yogurt.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Yeah, Shilah, it's effective.

Speaker 4 (08:13):
If that man goes to prison, I'm gonna need a
couple days off because it's just gonna be me and
my magic wand and MSNBC for a few days at
home together.

Speaker 6 (08:23):
Mmm, Mike can kiss choking.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Okay, Shila, you need to respect yourself, Honey.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
We all do it.

Speaker 7 (08:29):
Honey. There's there's five hundred ways I've been choked. I
used to live in Ashville. They used to choke me
all night long in Ashville. And let me tell you,
you can get choked. But don't ever let them shut
you up. They're trying to shut Trump up, and I
just can't go for it. He never even said to
storm the capitol. All he said was that they stole
an election and Mike Pence could fix it, and he

was in the Capitol building and they need to fight
like hell. And then everybody jumped to the conclusion that
that meant they should storm the capitol.

Speaker 5 (08:56):
Didn't he say, I see y'all down there. I'm on
the way.

Speaker 7 (09:00):
There was different sentences, Robert. I know you're just hearing it.
You're not seeing it printed out in the transcript, honey,
But they were separate sentences. He said, these guys are
down there, Let's go down there. He's in there, he
can fix it. They stole it, period paragraph. And then
he said I'm gonna see you down there. Maybe that's
a different day, honey, he's talking about picnic.

Speaker 4 (09:22):
I just can't believe this man will still be allowed
to run for president.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
I mean, they wouldn't hire you at by.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
Well, if in the job interview you go, oh, by
the way, I might be indicted on a few federal charges.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
That's not true. I literally said that.

Speaker 7 (09:36):
One time I was in Jacksonville and there was a
very strong man and we disagreed about politics. He was
a liberal, a Democrat, but he was strong and he
kept me overnight, two nights in a hotel room.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
I couldn't leave. It felt like prison.

Speaker 7 (09:49):
He tied a T shirt around me, and he'd made
me play Hungry Hungry Hippos for him for about forty
eight hours. Right there in Jacksonville.

Speaker 4 (09:56):
You told me you were going to your great aunt's funeral.
I covered your whole weekend.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
Well, honey, she's in the ground.

Speaker 5 (10:02):

Speaker 1 (10:05):
All right, everybody, squeeze into my office here. Please close
the door behind you. Okay, take a seat, folks, Shilah
Arnold Robert. Now, Shilah, that's my seat. Don't sit in
my that's my that's my wheelie chair. Don't sit there. Okay. Now,
I've brought you in here to question you about the
case of the missing yogurt Arnold. Let's start with you,

my friend.

Speaker 7 (10:27):
Oh, I know you're gonna start with I am gonna
start with you, Arnold, because I know for a fact
that you have been looking for ways to promote better gut.

Speaker 1 (10:35):

Speaker 7 (10:35):
Hell, honey, you're I know what you're I know what
you're saying. Is that because I need to clean it
out more than everybody else, I'm gonna be eating eating
yogurt with fruit on the bottom.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
I would never use the term fruit even to describe
bananas or apples or anything like that. So that's now,
that's why.

Speaker 7 (10:52):
I use the term fruit. Don't come at me like
you don't ever say it. There's fruit on the bottom
and there's nuts on the top. I know how it works.
One of these days, I'm gonna slap you with a
civil rights lawsuit.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
That's why I don't want to get into to fruit
and nuts and things like that with you, Arnold, because
every time we start talking those words, you start you
start threatening lawsuits.

Speaker 7 (11:12):
So, honey, I do not need to be stealing yogurt
from lez and refrigerator.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
I work in the dala.

Speaker 7 (11:19):
If I'm hungry, honey, I just take a little slap
of that turkey. I put some mayonnaise on it, right
on my hand, and I just put it right in.
How do you think I make it from three pm
to seven?

Speaker 5 (11:28):
All right?

Speaker 1 (11:29):
I think I'm satisfied with your answers for now. Arnold Robert,
what let's talk about yogurt?

Speaker 5 (11:36):
Robert, what about yogat? You accusing me of stealing yogurt?

Speaker 1 (11:39):
Well, I just know that on a couple of different
occasions you have accidentally eaten something that belonged to somebody
else in the fridge. Specifically, one time you drank a
sunkissed orange soda that I had specifically earmarked for myself
in the fridge.

Speaker 8 (11:58):
You put a soda in the fridge of a break
room of a store that employs over one hundred damn people,
and you expect that same soda to be in there
when you come back.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
I did, right.

Speaker 8 (12:11):
You don't even be running around like that, like you
don't even lift nothing. I ain't never seen you really
grab nothing heavy, and you want to talk about it.
I know if I was to steal something, I would
take it out the register. You have to understand my
stealing is prioritized.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
Don't say that you would steal out of the register.
I have to as a manager. I'm not allowed to
hear that and just be cool with it.

Speaker 8 (12:33):
You're saying I stole. I'm telling you, if I were
to steal, it wouldn't be No damn Yogurt.

Speaker 5 (12:39):
I'm out of here, all right.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
Okay, don't leave, please, you can't. All right, he's he's gone. Okay,
Let's let's talk, Shilah.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
Jerry, why are you sweating.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
I'm you know, it's a it's an interrogation situation.

Speaker 6 (12:54):
People sweat, Jerry, wipe your forehead before you talk to me.

Speaker 1 (12:58):
Oh my Godna, just eye up here just a little
bit now, Shilah. I gotta be honest. You are my
number one person of interest because according to your employee record,
you have been caught stealing from the store five times.

Speaker 6 (13:12):
Oh wow, Okay, so we're just gonna bring up old shit.
Can I bring up how the old general manager told
me I how to really fit bod.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
Yeah, and we all agreed we weren't gonna bring that
up again. We talked to the administration, and we talked
to corporate and we're not We're not gonna get into
that anymore.

Speaker 6 (13:29):
Jerry, Yogurt is old people food? Are you calling me old.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
Uh No, I'm just saying you.

Speaker 6 (13:37):
You're saying I'm young and supple. Jerry, that's disgusting. What's
wrong with you?

Speaker 1 (13:41):
I wasn't saying. I did not use the word supple
at any point.

Speaker 6 (13:44):
I mean, go look at my locker right now, open
my bag. The only things I've stolen are two things
of eyeshadow and a watch. I bet you feel stupid.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
You just gave me an idea. I think a thorough
search is a good idea, Shilah. So you know what,
I'm just gonna go and see if it's according to
the rules. Okay for me to do that, And when
I get back, we are gonna go through all of
these lockers and find out what's really going on here.

Speaker 8 (14:11):
Bye bye, Hey man, y'all gonna have to start cleaning
up after yourselves. This don't make no sense. There's no
clean cups. It's looked like an episode of Hoarders in here.
And who the hell is eating spaghettios out the coffee bugs?
This ain't even spaghettios, This spaghetti loops. This is the

Bywell brand. They have got to stop playing Taylor Swift
over the pa man.

Speaker 5 (14:38):
I'm a hater and I hate, hate, hate, hate this song.

Speaker 4 (14:43):
Listen, Robert, she's having a moment. I mean, the Era's
tour is happening. It's huge, and I read that she
just passed Barbara Streissan for female artists with the most
number one hits.

Speaker 8 (14:53):
Yeah, it's the Errors tour, all right. You get that
ticket price that you'd be like, there's an error. There's
a financial air right here. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (15:03):

Speaker 4 (15:03):
My daughter's Tory and Annie wanted to go to that
Era's concert, but I told him we don't support Taylor
Swift because she was notably silent on political issues early
in her career, which honestly just sounded better than saying
I can't afford one thousand dollars per ticket, get out.

Speaker 6 (15:17):
Of here with that. I saw her am Pittsburgh and
it was five hundred dollars, but it was totally worth
it just for the Instagram alone. Oh my god, anytime
I can make white women jealous, I am on boy.

Speaker 8 (15:29):
Did you even watch the concert or did you just
look at it through your Instagram?

Speaker 5 (15:33):

Speaker 3 (15:33):

Speaker 2 (15:33):
I did?

Speaker 6 (15:34):
I tape the whole thing on my phone? I got
my money's worth. You guys want to watch look, she's
that little whipe blert. No, that's my finger.

Speaker 7 (15:39):
Now you're not gonna see me there. I'll be at
home watching a Strisand video. I'll just watch Funny Girl
on a loop rather than go waste any money on
Taylor Swift. Damn girls, probably damn near thirty five years old,
still trying to look like she's doing sleepover parties. She's
got no pool with gay people. You know that gay
people don't go for Swift like we did for Barbara

Strice's hand. Hell, Tinky Winky from the Damn Teletubbies has
more gay icon status than Taylor Swift.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
Listen, I'm all for Taylor being a girl boss, but
she's not half as good as Brandy Carlyle or Melissa
Etheridge or the Indigo Girls. We all have to just
realize that lesbians make better songwriters. If huge parts of
society can't handle you kissing in public, that's where the
music comes from.

Speaker 7 (16:25):
Bitch, Now you had to drag this into your liberals shit.
You know, The Indigo Girls is the only concert that
I ever threw tomatoes at. What I was out at.
I was out in Athens, Georgia. I was doing well.
The only damn song they have closer to fine. I
was out in Athens, Georgia. It was supposed to be
a gay festival. We had to sit through that. I

threw the tomatoes. They dragged my ass out.

Speaker 8 (16:48):
But uh huh, Liz, why did you get him started?
You know, lesbian's and gay men is the new age
East Coast West Coast rivalry. They are beefed out.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
You know, Robert is right. I see that.

Speaker 7 (17:00):
I see that it's the lesbians versus the gays, just
like East Coast West Coast with that rap stuff back
in the nineties. And I wouldn't be half surprised if
Melissa Ethrit's got gunned down in Las Vegas and then
they blamed Barry Manilow.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Bye, okay, everybody. I checked with corporate and it is
completely permissible for me to conduct a locker search. So
let's get them open and let's see if we can
find that yogurt.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Yeah, pop those babies open. I'm ready to go in.
I'm gonna find this yogurt. You guys are not going
to get away with this, all.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Right, Liz? Can you back up a little bit? Uh?
You know you're supposed to be the walks into my home.
You're coming in really hot. Okay, so back up here
and I will take care of this. Let's take a
look here, and Arnold, you got your locker open here?

Speaker 7 (17:45):
Mm hmm, Okay, you can see there's nothing in there
you need to worry about. I got my d Culture book. Yeah, yeah,
you can see. I just I got, I.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
Got, I read, I read, I got the up.

Speaker 7 (17:55):
I printed out the Gay Cities Guide, the Fort Lauderdale
and Sandstin.

Speaker 1 (17:58):

Speaker 7 (17:58):
Oh, you don't need to see this, need to see
this when this is just something I'm reading it. It's well,
it's the gaze of the Confederacy, and I'm just reading it.

Speaker 3 (18:07):
I don't agree with it, I'm just reading it.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Sure, there's a lot of drawings in this book, paintings
really well.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
I love history, you know, I love history.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
A lot of anatomy on display, and a lot of
Confederate flash.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
It is a historical novel, all right.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Yeah, I don't see a yogurt carton in here. Let's
take a look over here in Robert's locker. Well, there's
nothing in here at all.

Speaker 5 (18:32):
Yeah. If you don't bring shit, nobody can steal it.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
That's a good point. Guys, listen to Robert. You know,
if you don't bring stuff to the store, there's less
chance that it will be stolen. All right, Well, well,
well what do we have here in Shilah's locker. Here
is the eyeshadow and the watch that you said you took.
So I'm gonna go ahead and take those back. Thank you.

Speaker 6 (18:57):
I mean the case has already broken on them.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
You can't really great, guys, shadow Shilah, this is still
good and what is okay, let's.

Speaker 4 (19:04):
Focus on the crime. Let's focus on the crime. Ahand
Jerry just get back there. Look behind all those what
are those? What are these photos?

Speaker 6 (19:10):
They're not just botos there art. That's fourteen naked pictures
of Robert, Donny, ju Derek.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
Well, now, very interesting, interesting observations that I am collating
in my intellect to try to solve this mystery.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Jerry, can you take the pipe out of your mouth?

Speaker 4 (19:27):
I mean, I want to solve this as much as anyone,
But you look ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
I told you the pipe helps me think. Okay, the
pipe helps me think. All right, let's see, uh, maybe
we could look in Arnold's locker again. I think I
saw a white smear in there, right.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
Enough of everybody's weird photoshopped chotchkey's they have in their lockers.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
Your lockers should look like mine.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
You open it up.

Speaker 4 (19:51):
It's a backpack. It's got all my stuff in it. Here,
look in my backpack, nothing stolen.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
But there is the yogurt. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
Oh damn, I really thought I put that in the fridge. Guys,
My bad, My bad. It is definitely fell out in
my backpack and it has been there and is quite warm.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
Now, well, I don't mind a warm yogurt.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
I'm happy to give it to you, Jerry, And honestly,
thank you very much for taking the investigation seriously and
you know, insinuating that everybody on staff.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Is a thief. It was really really cool of you,
and I appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Hey, I got your back, Liz, All right, no problem.
Let me just take a little congratulatory spoon of this
yogurt here. Okay, that has turned that is it's kind
of burning a little bit, even by well.

Speaker 10 (20:43):
Employees only. Is produced by Imagine Audio and Pretty Fast
for iHeartMedia. Produced by Timothy Farnara. The associate producer is
Wesley Hayes. It is executive produced by Ron Howard, Brian
Grazerkarra Welker, Nathan Kloke and Jared Logan. Editing by Sujit
R and Timothy Furnara, Mixing by Jay Palisi, Casting by

Sherry Henderson. Original music composed by Troy mccobbin. At Alloy tracks,
Liz is played by Kara Kling. Arnold is played by
James Adomian, Shilah is played by Suba Argowall, Robert is
played by Clayton English, and Darry is played by Jared
Logan by
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The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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