All Episodes

May 8, 2024 25 mins

Una mujer dice que los dominicanos tienen una forma de jugar con las mujeres y tienen mucha labia peligrosa.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Ricky Santos podcast, Good Morning, Happy Wednesday, Felice mir college OsO,
the Mayo streaming live and my Heart Radio is Carcalla,
the Stralio and Biotami pot Culture and Santo's podcast channel
the carl Heart Radio Get totalmente gratis.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
One of those Boy Scouts of America Concinto cat and
Ya Vitoria and the Cio camarce Ai.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Telo and Cambiado Scouting America is the Campo is parted,
do not transformationion significant p super aran Carrota theraso Merosas
and nucias, the Abuso Sexuali and fo cars Marsella inclusion,
the pla tradition, a really so important estamolada and lakatas

including the la admission sent almost exualists in inclusion the
ninas and Toto's tone.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
I mean yeah, it was I wou need them number
the girl Scouts ilo boy Scouts, so it was implemented
it dondo boy Scoutypenendo Scrting America to fronto.

Speaker 5 (01:13):
Okay, Gina, you know amost Boy Scouts of America.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
Forget to number of the boys caucus to the cameo
rat ant prolemas no like you want to have sexual
ass in grant sexual boy Scouts and those girl Scouts
and Gina, I guess inclusive loud inclum.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
Scouting of America and right so that everybody is welcome everyone.
Everyone's selling cookies. Now going to see you girls, no
girls Scout cookies and the best my favorite.

Speaker 6 (02:02):
Julid mejor the dons don't tell.

Speaker 5 (02:08):
My marine Yeah and then was not herald Yeah, I said,
get the show you.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
Guitar, the master bay, the o, the Pacific young teras
in la him bassis and think with all Commo amazon Aman,
la Macotamo, compar la marca bas and lo the Pacifico

perritos like infex you okay, young said, and oho the Macotas,
Gina quenta.

Speaker 5 (02:59):
La mail j lamand and and.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Antio commenter Nolo Mo lucky show says, and Republican minicana
n Enrique, who.

Speaker 5 (03:16):
Is your your charges?

Speaker 3 (03:19):
I need your an Elsbeth.

Speaker 5 (03:21):
Tag you yes, he longo.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
To yes, Scientistosias Annuel put coom.

Speaker 5 (03:41):
V be Conca.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
Get to work on jilink and no b promompo l
tom photos.

Speaker 5 (03:51):
They just hugando per sa put.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
Jail and coch mamasters post les let's am las fevers
super Papa so nombrel respond soon a person responsible the quid,
the hery mantena so familia and see presta yel nino
responde sago algunda.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
Mamma, Mamma.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Mam is like va el Carino el qui rado, like
la familia. The casta ciendo jos papa.

Speaker 5 (04:36):
Caa ma exactly.

Speaker 3 (04:42):
Said no so majorest part per im bathers me, Gusta
l O l s bous cando as Anita cariandoo the cal.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
We're talking about and Superman super and a member in.

Speaker 7 (05:11):
One oh yeah, you know Latin reality show, your reality
super A. I'm gonna telephonic one of.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
Creaky santas Hord podcast Creaky santas Hord.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
Podcast one of them also Sally Baby Mama, Get you.

Speaker 5 (05:48):
Made, Trenal, the conf check.

Speaker 8 (05:51):
It out, Joe for Victima, the sus Man Tiras, Thela
Dominicano so Dominican former yea Marie joke, Lama made s.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
House so.

Speaker 8 (06:11):
Barras Jeff Victim Jeoff Victima ju had a friend for Cope.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
Hi yea yeah, yeah, all right, the gappi isla mae Rosa,
So I want to experienced exactly for three, seven thirty

six seventy four The Lapel Rosa, I want to experience Yeah, Yes,
Enrique One Happy Wednesday.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
Creaky Santos.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Podcast, Lisando Lo Baby Mama, The Jota Participanasa is a
Victimashu la Dominicana.

Speaker 8 (07:09):
Jo for Victima, The sus Man Tiras, the su Lavia,
Dominicano so Dominicano forma.

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Yes and Rique f.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Four ninetree seventary, sixth seventy four Segon to experience n
Latino laa mass pros gina, Kulasi per stinat skin.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
Todas parties and loses Pedro Mirake, No Dominicano, pero s won,
miss Amga sa miss Amiga Dominicana, Solos.

Speaker 9 (07:47):
Pees Dominicano, Larrasa Larrasa malaa ma so perosnamaplica Alo Dominicano film.

Speaker 6 (08:02):
Fail Park You Okay, Rich Sombri, Yes, Dominicano Lo Couana

Colombiano and Solano ba.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Provenos Guano Dominica l la.

Speaker 6 (08:40):
Solo sombre.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
Know what better know.

Speaker 10 (08:50):
No jing but.

Speaker 5 (08:53):
Better the better genius genius.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Yes and Rique for four ninety seven thirty six seventy
four telephonos Jose Jose there is.

Speaker 11 (09:15):
Yeah, you say that Porto rio t one and hersity
talky and for Bragg and for liberty in North Carolina.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Okay, port service to Latin. Okay herrising not to service milites.

Speaker 11 (09:29):
So the styah.

Speaker 5 (09:36):
Dio Atlantic to tag Onto. Yes, yes, so.

Speaker 11 (09:52):
See el porto Ricane you have my labios okay, Bory
say Mira too, I said, purkyn hicano.

Speaker 12 (10:04):
Oho to and from the Colombiano Oo.

Speaker 10 (10:14):
El coano.

Speaker 11 (10:17):
A pert Rican pertorican a three corrunquillo and I no
more le take.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
Trunk as you have that bondy. So it's a mass
about bonny no claro, so I said, okay you so

qual co l body qua.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
Quin pro german le me see no qui trunkel pert
poor k nola the Chayan each man can d oil
lavord no no noeo perro c lavard s and loo

eat m Rason v directamos i noriqua perro Laoni to
start drunk lios vea and.

Speaker 5 (11:34):
Los curito William, good morning, Willy Thomas, thank you, Baba.

Speaker 11 (11:57):

Speaker 6 (12:00):
Look what it.

Speaker 5 (12:11):
Turns well to Maripilli and.

Speaker 11 (12:19):
You know.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
Maripilly a premier. So you know what b many like
comp exact TMB the show.

Speaker 11 (12:41):
And I know.

Speaker 5 (12:45):
No creaky Santos podcast I can get and had flag.

Speaker 11 (12:57):
I see that you know.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
La nos sympaticoat Mark Canta see.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
You know, very good looking person and Steve Ye. But
you know the people.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
Know the co promn relation contio planelos ve mana. I know, yes,
last recess savados saix So isn't the lumre no I
chicas play our genes and Benola.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
I'm gonna call louse Dominican and Philip into the Philadelphia
fland baist Latino DNA la la mass pelly grossa gaspans
lose one of.

Speaker 5 (14:01):
Yeah good morning.

Speaker 13 (14:06):
Is the communic pro Dominicans Lavia.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
Lost la la la pel Rossa is a wine the
coca perro Lavia pel grossa. Look at the look at
the cribban La baby Mama, the pel melasms lay mas rosa.

Speaker 6 (14:44):
Ric lo a dominicanol.

Speaker 13 (14:48):
Malaya emperor la.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
So you know a good looking you, okay, personally that
the persona personally that to capraire to lose, you know,
noting a personally po own people are super good looking
thing a personally you know then not.

Speaker 5 (15:24):
Plicanos open.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
Jazz for process.

Speaker 5 (15:34):
See you get the tip channel loose for your mark, Mamonac.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Let's go to jan A Janney Jane, one of the
Alma the Virgin Islands.

Speaker 13 (15:49):
See communit Puerto Rico in.

Speaker 5 (15:57):
Crab yess on to a business.

Speaker 14 (16:05):
No no, no, no no no.

Speaker 13 (16:07):
That was mamsell.

Speaker 15 (16:09):
You know open the ear.

Speaker 13 (16:11):
Okay, okay, that's Rebilion so.

Speaker 5 (16:19):
Okay, wow, okay, yeah. Latino la la Rosa.

Speaker 13 (16:37):
Well Joe fammy Fami.

Speaker 14 (16:43):
Joe sau cal Perro.

Speaker 16 (16:48):
Class the Puerto Rican cialists.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
No Puerto Rico, man, that's where my family from. Better
stap it.

Speaker 14 (17:04):
Lalis Pia Naciaki chistin here bo bosa.

Speaker 13 (17:16):
Both from Salvado.

Speaker 11 (17:18):
I father from Salva.

Speaker 5 (17:24):
Okay, see what you know.

Speaker 14 (17:31):
Sa both some some some some some Sina Marie, I'm
buen okay, Latino mee.

Speaker 16 (17:54):
Remember Na Gina Harold.

Speaker 13 (17:59):
For my whole vida.

Speaker 11 (18:08):
L No.

Speaker 15 (18:13):
Morio major Ca and t wild John. It is your
poem and you know whatcome.

Speaker 5 (18:26):
You Okay, so perando.

Speaker 6 (18:30):
Oilma so.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Twitel fires you is it titually fasing and contralting.

Speaker 13 (18:41):
Comil actually cono travel and am.

Speaker 11 (18:47):
K I do.

Speaker 5 (18:50):
Our sister can oil port chance can mean put her
on X Let's put her on any cloud, McLoud.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
I'm I don't even want only is no no, wait
a minute, I said, okay, Nonymo.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Yeah in the figure and anymore com n I y
o Wolfemore, I can't Wolf.

Speaker 10 (19:58):
I mean.

Speaker 17 (20:00):
We're coming, We're coming on house and going we have
to work and you're going to Rigo three hours and
am prince Jenny.

Speaker 5 (20:17):
I have parents. I'm gonna ta and know yes what
I mean?

Speaker 10 (20:21):
No, no, no, go on, go on, okay, come there,
I went territorial like people.

Speaker 18 (20:38):
Let's yeah, yeah, colorable.

Speaker 6 (20:50):
Well okay, ye.

Speaker 11 (20:52):
Here located place.

Speaker 17 (20:57):
No par made the left one of your moment, miss
baby to your connect.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
You allow that, okay, so you allow my quarring the
single person of the man and who the six parad

J parad not go six Boston.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Boston six ores hamando the Boston nons Yes.

Speaker 17 (21:44):
Many and.

Speaker 5 (21:50):
Being come to six to co J.

Speaker 10 (21:56):
Yeah we had a lot of Minico.

Speaker 19 (21:58):
One of the Dominican had knows some more porfil labioso
the p C vina your your your co wan so
solo maximom par Ganya and into Dominican d n. Then
it was young yesk look like Yama dig a Dominican. Yeah,

it's profundo. He said that my little bar people.

Speaker 10 (22:24):
From look.

Speaker 5 (22:27):
It was a met local dil.

Speaker 10 (22:32):
Oh your.

Speaker 19 (22:39):
Yeah, a little bit more fuel. Meg had on Jeb,
come onlo political amnicano.

Speaker 5 (22:49):
Quart yellows where I got Compani six two?

Speaker 19 (22:58):
You know you know your part. You're don quarrenty peak
or the guys all no pay me?

Speaker 10 (23:08):
What did.

Speaker 5 (23:13):

Speaker 11 (23:15):
You don't he no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 19 (23:17):
You're in a ky your you're having the company. You
in a kula a kilo see me, I meanwards a
party majia and dominicana.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
Jan a six to the quar No.

Speaker 6 (23:37):
No American or rejecting.

Speaker 5 (23:44):
Can mean six so brenda yeah not okay looking.

Speaker 20 (24:04):
No no no, it's a moment yala okay, moment people
to come down the day.

Speaker 11 (24:18):
So bye bye bye.

Speaker 10 (24:21):

Speaker 11 (24:24):
Yeah, it's.

Speaker 15 (24:33):

Speaker 5 (24:36):
So you guys.

Speaker 12 (24:45):
Roma and quatro and yeats.

Speaker 5 (24:51):
On the yugamonga. Hi, Yeah, ma.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
Anders, Hey, Tricky Santos. What podcast
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