Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome, Welcome, guys, was good? Was popping?
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Is your girl Amada? And you're listening to exactly Amada?
A production of iHeart. Thank you once again for tuning
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Speaker 1 (00:24):
Yeah, am one of the Hamasavada. You like the show?
If you don't like to show, what do you want
me to talk about today's episode? I wanted to do something. Okay,
it hits home a little bit.
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Expectations between women and men, who's held to higher standards?
I really want to know. I've been going on social media.
I've been seeing so many comments about how men of value,
you know, valuable men, you know, women that have higher standards,
men that have higher standards. What are the damn standards?
I don't understand anymore at this point. When we talk
about theek and men of value and higher standards, what
exactly does that mean at this point? Because for example,
at one point I was even told that my value
as a woman had You know, I've been kind of
devalued because now I have children and I am unmarried.
Speaker 1 (01:11):
At one point, being married made.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
You be like, oh, you know, you know, you reach
your standards in life or your goals in life. But
since I don't have that, does that mean that I
have you know, my value has gone down? And not
only that, but then there's also when it comes to
the standards and values. I've also heard that once a
woman hits a certain age point and you still haven't
gotten married, or you still haven't gotten a man, or
you still haven't had children, or you still you know, whatever,
then your value has gone down because supposedly, when you're
in your twenties you're at like a hundred, right then,
supposedly based on what men I've heard men say, then
in your thirties, you know you still have a chance.
But once you hit forty and fifty, you know you
kind of get whatever is left. Do you guys believe
in that crap the same way that I've heard the men.
Speaker 1 (02:00):
Man's value change obviously.
Speaker 2 (02:02):
When obviously, you know, according to some women say once
they have a lot of several different baby mamas, if
you have three or four different baby mamas, does your
standard as a man changes, Your value as a man changes,
if you still live at home with your mother and
your father. But let's say you're the one that pays
all the bills. You know, you're holding your family down,
but you're still living with your mom and your dad.
Speaker 1 (02:23):
Does your value of a man go down? I don't know.
Speaker 2 (02:26):
I feel like social media these days has allowed people
to have platforms where they feel that they can just
give their opinions.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
Which is fine.
Speaker 2 (02:33):
Everybody has the rest to give their opinion that I say,
whatever you want. But unfortunately some of these comments, especially
according to who you know, from where they come from,
who says it, it does affect and influence society to
a certain extent because they achieve me and whatever is
that people here, they copy paste and share it and
then all of a sudden, this now has become the truth,
which I disagree on. There's a lot of things that
I disagree on, like who said that your experience is
the truth? And like I said, today's episode is all
about expectations.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
What do we expect?
Speaker 2 (03:06):
You know, do we expect more from men that we
do from women in relationships? Now that's a good point.
What is a high value man or woman?
Speaker 1 (03:14):
Can you guys let me know on YouTube?
Speaker 2 (03:16):
Go there on exactly amount of on the YouTube and
give me your opinion.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
What do you consider a high value woman or man?
Speaker 2 (03:24):
Anyways, I also want to go back to this when
it comes to relationships, right, I don't know. Tell me
if I'm wrong. When it comes to expect to relationships.
Do we expect more from men in a religion or
from a woman? When I say that, I feel like
a lot of women correct me if I'm wrong. A
lot of women are looking for a man that's over
six five. He's speed, he's intellectual, he's respectful.
Speaker 1 (03:46):
He's you know, his high. His hygieneus at a thousand.
Speaker 2 (03:50):
He goes to the gym every day, he wastes up
in the morning, he does his bed, he has a Ferrari.
His bank account is like I don't know how many
millions of dollars. And I feel like that it's expectations
in many occasions from women what they expected a man
sometimes can be a little bit okay, let's be a
little bit more realistic, is it me? But then again,
I also feel like, can you have your cake and
eat it too? There are men out there that are
like that. Bet, you have to mind me. I'm not
go searching. It's like pay the lottery, like the possibilities
of you pointing it. And then on top of that,
a man who's loyal, you know that he's faithful, that
you know he's gonna be with you forever and everything
he's ever gonna cheat. And then you know he loves
your mother, and he loves your children if you have kids,
and then he'd be saygun the pause. Where are these
men that supposedly women have these standards for that you're
supposed to find a lot of women are just out
here sitting around waiting for that guy to come. Where
the hell is he supposed to be at the same
way that I feel that a lot of men are
expecting these women that are fine as hell. You know,
their bodies are perfectly no stretch marks, no selling light,
boobs held all the way up.
Speaker 1 (04:57):
To her freaking chin. You know, her bud is round
and bubbly.
Speaker 2 (05:01):
She cooks, she cleans, she does the bed, she you
know what I'm saying, handles you as soon as you
come from work.
Speaker 1 (05:06):
That she you know, has money, and it takes you
out and pays.
Speaker 2 (05:09):
Where the hell have we gone to the point that
now we both have these high, unrealistic expectations from each other.
Then now I feel like it's so much harder for
women to have real, like realistic relationship in men as well,
I feel like it's harder for men to be in
a stable relationship.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
It's my opinion.
Speaker 2 (05:28):
I also feel that even porn men that watch porn,
women that watch porn whatever. I watch it myself, but
I feel like even that part that has been so normalized,
from only fans to social media to everything, you know,
being overly sexualized, I think that that also has affected
the standards of what we expect in a relationship. We
expect the women to, oh, she's gonna, you know, do this,
and she's gonna be a porn star and she's gonna.
Speaker 1 (05:55):
Circus, so lay me.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
And then the guy is supposed to do this and
do that, and he's supposed to look like this, and
wait a second. I feel like what has happened to
relationships these days?
Speaker 1 (06:06):
I feel that social media has also affected so much.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
And this is only but my opinion, we're so busy
looking at all these fake photoshop, face tuned relationships on
social media, about how everybody has this pertur relationship. The
dinners are so expensive and fabulous, that they're you know,
they're doing TikTok dances all day together.
Speaker 1 (06:24):
They're here a resorts and da da la dah. You
know they they bought a house together.
Speaker 2 (06:28):
I'm not saying that it's not possible, but how much
of it is it truly realistic? How many of these relationships,
how many of these you know couples are posting when
they argue, when they wake up looking you know, crunchy
as hell, when you know the bills aren't being paid.
Speaker 1 (06:44):
When they have disagreements.
Speaker 2 (06:46):
How many of us are really looking at the real
part of what a quote unquote relationship should look like.
So that's why I feel personally that these standards of
what men expect in a relationship and what women expect
are so realistic. Then now everybody just feels so much
more comfortable being single and having all these options. Something
else I've heard is that obviously in your youth you
want to solidify and find a partner, right because the
older you get, Supposedly a lot of people will say.
Speaker 1 (07:15):
That it's harder to find someone.
Speaker 2 (07:16):
Why because now you no longer which is okay, you
can smell and see through the bullshit you no longer
put up with a lot of things. You confront things
straight to the point, and now maybe it'll be you know,
a little bit harder for you to find someone. But
with that being said, I just feel like I don't
know what's happening. I feel like if we don't figure
out ways of even having we don't even listen to
the elderly anymore.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
We don't even listen to our elders anymore for advice.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
Those relationships that used to left in the last forty
sixty years, now it's like you date for a couple
of years, that things don't work out, then you're ready
to step out. It shouldn't be that way. We found
a study by the University of Michigan and the University
of Texas at Austin which measured the expectations and standards
of potential romantic partners.
Speaker 1 (08:08):
And let me tell you what they said.
Speaker 2 (08:11):
I'm gonna read you later, I want you to catch
it up. But what they said was crazy. I also
want to give you, you know, my personal thoughts, like I've
said before, on how I feel about this. But like
I said before, I want you guys to also go
and give me your opinion on the YouTube channel Goal subscribe,
Go right now, go to the YouTube channel exactly a'm
matat and tell me how you feel about it. Have
you ever felt that you've been in a relationship where
your partner has expected too much from you based off
social media, based off TV, based off what their mother,
their father, their friends.
Speaker 1 (08:40):
Tell you, you know, tell them that you should be. Have
they ever compared you to.
Speaker 2 (08:45):
Like Meganita's you know wife or Menganito's you know husband. Oh,
Fulanito does this for her? Fulanita does that?
Speaker 1 (08:52):
Like? Have they ever done that.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
To you that you feel like, yo, their relationship is theirs?
Why are you comparing what we got going on.
Speaker 1 (08:58):
To what they have going on? And just because you
see that part, that doesn't mean that that's the truth
of what their relationship is. That's just part of it.
Is it me or not?
Speaker 2 (09:08):
Speaker 1 (09:08):
I also feel like the physical.
Speaker 2 (09:11):
Attraction for your partner, the standards have also changed so
much because we have these expectations of you know, you're
supposed to have a six pack, and you're supposed to
have you know, your body's supposed to be all this,
But in a real solidified relationship at one point, the
possibilities of your body changing are one thousand percent happening.
Does that mean that you stop loving the person that
you're with? Does that mean that you automatically go out
there and cheat? How are you supposed to handle that?
How are you supposed to stay in love with your partner?
Speaker 1 (09:41):
I don't know. How are you supposed to stay in
love with your partner?
Speaker 2 (09:43):
When you see you know, people on social media consistently
throwing this overly sexualized images of what oh if this
doesn't work out, just go to the next person, Go
to the next person. But all these people that you
see on social media giving you advice on if she
ain't this, then drop her.
Speaker 1 (09:59):
If he is that, then dropper. Then you'll see.
Speaker 2 (10:02):
Those same people ending up being lonely as hell in
their house, still trying to figure it out.
Speaker 1 (10:07):
So no, so they give you do whatever you think.
Speaker 2 (10:10):
That is right, and if you really love somebody, you
work things out physically, you're not you know, you feel like,
oh me, nah, you've let yourself down a little bit.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
Let's talk it out as partners. But don't fall for this.
I am a woman of value.
Speaker 2 (10:22):
Therefore, at this point in my life, if you don't
look like William Levy, if you don't look like rapid
if you don't look like you know Michael B.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
Jordan's Yeah, I can't do it.
Speaker 2 (10:31):
I feel like we're falling into this trap where we're
supposed to women have become so you know, independent. Shout
outs to all the independent feminist women of the shout
outs to you, a to each his own. I'm just
giving my personal opinion. We become so independent and we
don't need no men, and we don't need this, and
we don't need that that at the end, we're we're
finding a lot of like the real conversations that are
happening behind closed doors. We're finding a lot of lonely
you know, I don't want to say bitter, A lot
of lonely, hurt women, you know, the same way that
we find a lot of hurt, angry men. There's just
so much disconnection in this generation that I don't know
where we're supposed to go from here. Financially, let's go
to that too. I find a lot of men that
are looking for women that are financially stable. Yeah, it's
really nice to find you a girl that she's a boss.
She got you know what I'm saying, She got her money,
she got her apartment, her house, she got this, she
got that, Da da da da, But do you know
what that also comes with? And I and I saw
something on social media that I would agree with one
hundred percent. Most women don't want to have masculine energy,
but a lot of us have had to, you know,
get you know, become that masculine energy because we haven't
been able to find someone. And even when you do
find a man, in many occasions, when they don't stand
up to the plate, when they don't stand up to
what a man should be doing, you know, provide protect
all of them out that we already know, then.
Speaker 1 (11:57):
You feel like you have to fill in that void.
Speaker 2 (11:59):
The same way when we have a lot of men
that are being raised by Please forgive me. There's a
lot of mothers out there that do a great job,
but there's a lot of mothers out there get song
om and apolo ad ass everything that your son does.
You're right there to oh, baby, everything's gonna be okay.
You know that he's doing wrong. You see him cheating
on his wife, You see him, you know, cheating on
his girlfriend, doing all types of and you don't say anything.
You're creating a there's a whole generation of a lot
of soft, gentle tender, you know, with a lot of
feminine energy men that are not stepping.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
Up to the plate as well.
Speaker 2 (12:33):
So the roles have somewhat changed, and we find a
lot of men no longer wanting to be providers, no
longer looking to protect. No, they're looking to be protected.
They're looking to be financially you know, and invested in.
And I'm not saying that if you're a good man,
you don't deserve to get treated with gifts and love
and appreciation and a lot of beautiful things and be
treated and be shown you know that I love you,
that I appreciate that I am. I'm not talking about
they could go buy him some socks and some boxers
and some No, go out there and put some effort
into your man as well. If he's holding you down,
if he's tired of working, if he's providing, if when
something is wrong you feel like you can go to
your man and he got your back, or he's going
to stand up to the plate. That man deserves every
little bit of respect and love and appreciation etolo emas.
But then there's also in this new generation a lot
of men that are looking for a woman a's a
boss to just you know, all I got really is
is this piece of a body to provide, you know
what I'm saying. And with that being said, because I
look good, because I'm high, because I'm this, then you're
just supposed to do for me. No, So then that's
what we find so many women becoming financially independent and
no longer feeling that they like they need a man.
We find so many women now that just feel like, oh,
I can just have as many one nine stands, as
many things as I want, and now I'm the one
who's empowering myself. I'm the one taking control and blah
blah blah, all the nonsense that I personally don't believe.
Speaker 1 (14:04):
I don't believe that.
Speaker 2 (14:05):
I hear a lot of women saying it, I do
it because I want to, I do it because I'm empowered,
or do it because of my body. I personally don't
believe that any woman at the end of the day,
realistically just wants to be jumping from one bed to
the other just because you have the power to do it,
you know, because if you give it up, they're gonna
take it.
Speaker 1 (14:21):
Period. If you're out here exposing it. That's just what's
gonna happen.
Speaker 2 (14:25):
The same way that there's men out there that you know,
there's women who if you look good and you're giving it.
Speaker 1 (14:30):
Up, a lot of them would just take it.
Speaker 2 (14:32):
But where is the love, the appreciation, the comfort, the
you know, moral and spiritual and mental support. Where is
where is the foundation of that? Let's talk about being faithful,
the faithful aspect of relationships. Do we expect men to
be more faithful than women in relationships with than men?
I feel like men in many occasions have been caught
more cheating and women are have stayed. And according to
a lot of men, these high value men, we're supposed
to allow men to cheat and not even cheats just
you know, they're in relationship, not even in a relationship. Kay,
you're the main one, and I'm just you know, it's
just sex. It doesn't mean anything. I'm just you know,
I'm hogh and I got money and I'm a high
value man and you know the women want me and
I'm just gonna wait pause. So are we no longer
holding each other accountable for being respectful and loyal into relationships?
Are we just supposed to be you know, what I'm saying,
like just having sex here and there, and what does
that mean? So if you're a high value men and
you're allowed to have several women, does that mean that
high value women can also do the same. Not really,
because if they do it, which they physically can, will
society look at them the same? No, because even then
society has given us their own version of the standards
that we should be held upon. Just like when you
go to social media, the first thing that you see
you see a rich.
Speaker 1 (16:01):
Guy with a whole sack of women.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
Anyways, we've seen many, many occasions where there is marriages
that work, you know, one husband, several wives, one wife,
several husbands.
Speaker 1 (16:12):
But that's not the majority of society.
Speaker 2 (16:14):
And even when you look at that, you see all
the negative comments that men and women have to say
about a woman that you know that is surrounded by
several men. I don't know, I just feel like I
feel like social media affects a lot of relationships. The
things that you see visually every day does affect what
is being programmed and put into your mindset.
Speaker 1 (16:33):
We barely see, you know, a lot of.
Speaker 2 (16:35):
Relationships or people telling you to be realistic with your
standards and I feel like you have the rest that
have as high standards as you want. But when you
see yourself, you know, with're fifty sixty years old, still lonely,
with no relationship, trying to figure it out. Then you know,
I guess that's just on you, because I think we
also have to understand that nobody is perfect, no relationship
is perfect. You gotta work with That's what marriage is,
That's what a relationship is. That's what having a partner
is about. Is working through things. You work things out,
you get to know each other, your partners in life.
You're looking for a partner in life. We're not meant
to my understanding, we're not meant to get you know,
we're born by ourselves, but God has put us so
that we can find someone else.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
Everyone needs that physical affection.
Speaker 2 (17:29):
And it's not just the sexual you know, affection, it's
the emotional affection.
Speaker 1 (17:33):
You know. And I just I don't know, is it me?
Speaker 2 (17:36):
I feel like my mom raised me old school and
I'd be like, but I get don't saying not They
all this crap about morals and respect you to Lina,
when at the end of the day, people.
Speaker 1 (17:44):
Don't even use it anymore.
Speaker 2 (17:46):
Is it just me These expectations may be influenced by
so much, so much of the things that's just around us,
including social media, you know, which I like I said before,
I think it pays a huge part in the way
that people behave their habits, how men and women are
viewed by.
Speaker 1 (18:00):
Those who consume all this action on social media, I
don't know.
Speaker 2 (18:05):
Without also being said, what does it mean these days
to actually be in a relationship? So here goes a question,
what does it mean for us in our you know, generation,
to be in a relationship? What is your definition of
being in a relationship? What it means that we should
be aware of our expectations and standards and how they
may differ from those of our partners.
Speaker 1 (18:29):
I feel like.
Speaker 2 (18:29):
Even now, when you when you date, when you go out,
you have to specify what you're looking for and what
a relationship exactly is, because everybody has their own version
of it. Can we're just going out, We're just talking,
we're just dating, we're getting to know each other, we're
you know, we're just friends. We are in an open relationship,
we are in a committed relationship. So even now you
have to specify what exactly is it that you're in Listen.
I'm not here to judge anyone because I'm only giving
but my opinion.
Speaker 1 (19:01):
And like I.
Speaker 2 (19:02):
Said, I wanted to talk about these high expectations of
men and women because every day I see more videos
on social media Facebook, here and there, all over the
page Instagram where people are talking about what women should
look like, what women should stand up for, what women
should expect from a man in every aspect financially, you know, morally, physically,
all these standards of what we expect men to do
and provide for us. In many occasions, we're no longer
talking about providing as far as I need to to,
you know, take care of the family, take care of
the household, while as a woman, I'm gonna also hold
you down and I'm gonna take care of this. If
you you know you do this, then my role will
be to do that. Or we can discuss it and
then we both do this for each other.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
Speaker 2 (19:45):
Now, I just feel like there's there's so many distorted
versions of we're all expecting and looking for these billionaires,
these millionaires. They're just gonna have us on yachts and
private planes and they're gonna be doing all these things,
and you know, we're we're now giving more importance and
value to a burken bag and Chanel bags and all
these other crap and all the ferraris and the bedleys
and all this other stuff that we're not you know,
we're not really talking about like are you respectful?
Speaker 1 (20:15):
Can you really you know, will you love me and
my family?
Speaker 2 (20:18):
Can you be a good father figure to our children
if we have children, like you know, like looking at
all the other things besides the materialistic part, where does
that go? Do we appreciate man for all the other
things that they can bring to the table, that they
can provide, that they can do, that they that they
are willing and meant to do.
Speaker 1 (20:38):
Are we looking at their potential and.
Speaker 2 (20:40):
The way that they can grow with us in a partnership,
you know, knowing that they're not perfect, but they're willing
to try, that they're willing to love. I feel like
in many occasions we let go of those people that
have truly shown us that they're willing to sacrifice for us,
that they really do love us, But they may.
Speaker 1 (20:57):
Financially not be there.
Speaker 2 (20:59):
They may not physically be as hot or be the
version of men or women that you expect. But at
the end of the day, a lot of those people,
at the long run, I'm sure you've thought about them,
like this person really loved me, this person really cared
about me.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
I'm sure this person today.
Speaker 2 (21:16):
We would have been this far in life because of X, Y,
and Z, but because of your standards that in many
occasions can be unrealistic.
Speaker 1 (21:24):
I'm not saying don't have standards.
Speaker 2 (21:26):
I'm saying, don't let social media, don't let society influence
you to the point that you end up by yourself
because or you end up with the wrong person because
of the quote unquote standards and the value that you
see yourself in there or that you're supposed to hold.
The same thing goes for women. There's so many good
men out there, because unfortunately I haven't found one myself
for me. But I can't discredit and say that there
isn't some men out there that are willing to give
you their last piece of bread, that are not willing
to work and sacrifice and be a good father figure
and love you or respect you and just give you
the world because I have seen it. I've seen that
happen for other women. It hasn't happened for me. Yet,
it doesn't mean that I've lost hope. It doesn't mean
that it's not going to happen. But it also does
mean that I might have to be a little bit
more flexible with my standards, right, I might have to
be a little bit more flexible and not I guess
I don't know if you're saying the word realistic is
the right term, but I might have to be a
little bit more flexible and say, you know what, you
may not have the X, Y and Z that I want,
it that I expect.
Speaker 1 (22:34):
Maybe we can work on that together. Maybe we can
build that together.
Speaker 2 (22:37):
Maybe you have the potential that I'm looking for to
do those things.
Speaker 1 (22:42):
But I don't know. I just see that a lot
of us are getting lost in the mix.
Speaker 2 (22:46):
We're getting lost in the mix looking for this perfect
body and this perfect all this crap and perfection doesn't exist.
We got to be flexible and be aware, you know,
and be also respectful of your partners. You know they're
vision because they also have a vision and they have
their own standards for you as well.
Speaker 1 (23:04):
But I think that communication is key.
Speaker 2 (23:06):
Being able to just communicate and talk and negotiate those expectations,
be willing to figure out you know what, you don't
have this, I don't have that, but we both have
this and we're willing to do that.
Speaker 1 (23:17):
Does that make sense anyways?
Speaker 2 (23:20):
Don't get yourself lost in the mix of this perfection.
Speaker 1 (23:25):
We don't live in a movie. We don't live you
know this TV.
Speaker 2 (23:29):
Like I said before, photoshop, social media, picture this, you
know TikTok version of what a relationship is is not realistic.
Speaker 1 (23:37):
It's not true.
Speaker 2 (23:38):
Remember then, when people show you something on social media,
they're showing you what they want you to see.
Speaker 1 (23:43):
It doesn't mean that that is the truth, you understand.
Speaker 2 (23:46):
Don't let society and social media make you lose someone
that really cares for you because you're trying to be
like on social media or because you're trying to I
saw that. No no, no, no, no no y. What
works for you? Do what's best for you and be honest.
Be honest with yourself as well, because I'm sure that
all the things that you're requesting and that you want
from somebody else, do you have that?
Speaker 1 (24:11):
Can you provide?
Speaker 2 (24:12):
Speaker 1 (24:13):
Do you can't? Those standards that you want? You want X,
Y and Z, But are you that?
Speaker 2 (24:19):
Because I'm sure that the person that wants to be
with you may be also looking for X, Y and Z.
Can you provide those things? Can you be even if
a man is looking even if a woman is looking
for this millionaire that's like this and all these great
things that he comes from a good family, what do
you think that man is looking for. Let's work on
ourselves before we start requesting and asking all types of
crazy things from other people that are coming into our lives.
Speaker 1 (24:45):
Okay, let's be.
Speaker 2 (24:46):
A little bit more realistic with these values and high
standards and not miss out on good opportunities and the
right people in our lives going crazy.
Speaker 1 (24:55):
If you agree or disagree, just go ahead and let
me know. I want to know.
Speaker 2 (24:59):
All you have to the do is go to the
YouTube channel, search for micro through the podcast and just
write exactly a mata And when you see the episode,
give me all your comments because I'll be there to
listen to them. And obviously go and follow me on
social media, specifically on Instagram at Amada al amada A
l end like I always say thank you, thank you
so much for being part of exactly Amana because I
am here because of y'all. And this has been a
production of ihearts micro through that podcast network.
Speaker 1 (25:28):
For more podcasts from iHeart, visit the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 2 (25:31):
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Speaker 1 (25:35):
See ya,