Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Pim Benilo's Welcome guys, Welcome back to your show. I
am your girl, Amarala and you're listening to Exactly Amada,
a production of iHeart and thank you.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
Thank you so much for tuning in as usual.
Speaker 1 (00:15):
Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform,
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
We love to go out.
Speaker 1 (00:23):
There and check it out and read it. And I've
been reading all your comments. Anyways, head over to the
YouTube where you can also watch or listen to the
podcast by searching for micro through that podcast and clicking
on Exactly Amada motive. This is I don't want to
say this is the end, Biddle Mahomedo. We have arrived
to that place in life where we just want to
reminisce and talk about all the great things that has
happened this year, all the great things, good and bad
things that I have lived this year. And to do that,
I first of all want to give him all the
problems in the world. Thank him so much for being
an amazing producer of friend, for giving me amazing ideas,
for being a support system.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
And this show couldn't be possible without Alex.
Speaker 1 (01:06):
Alex, thank you so much for being on my episode,
my last episode of this season.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
How you doing.
Speaker 3 (01:12):
I'm good. It's been a whole year. Can you believe that.
Speaker 1 (01:15):
Nio guy at it? It has been a lot of
and in this year, we've done the most.
Speaker 3 (01:20):
Yeah, it's it's kind of fun to have have all
this time and just you know, think about everything that
you have done and everything that you know you continue
to do moving forward into the new year. We talked
about it last season, and I'm just happy to be
here with you, and I have some great questions that
I'm going to throw your way as well.
Speaker 2 (01:37):
Oh, go for it, go for it, because I'm sure
that the people wants to now.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
And honestly, I'm excited because I feel like I remember
my first episode on exactly Amada my first season. Til now,
we've recorded so many episodes, We've done so many things.
We have grown so much, to the point that I
even have children now, Like, so much has happened since
I started to Now.
Speaker 2 (02:01):
I love the evolution, I love the growth. So definitely
let me know what you have in mine.
Speaker 3 (02:06):
Yeah, for sure. And this season has been very mommy centric.
Speaker 1 (02:09):
Yeah, and Arlene, I can't forget about Arlene. Arlene is
such an important part of my podcast. Yes, and you know,
unfortunately unfortunately for me, but you know, happily for her.
She also became a mother during this season. Yeah, and
so much has happened during this time. I wish her
nothing but the best and her baby. I wish it
I could see her, but I know that she's enjoyed
this moment with her with her baby.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
So anyways, we love you, Arlene.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
Yeah, shout out to Arline. We love you. All right,
I'm going to start off real quick. This is this
is a basic question that I thought would start to
show off. What do you think we're the most significant
milestones or achievements that you reach this year.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Honestly, I think that this year specifically, it's been about
growth for me, growth in my growth as a person,
learning how to choose better my battles or the things
that matter and don't.
Speaker 2 (03:03):
I think maturity.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
This year it's been about a lot of maturity because
a lot of the things that used to matter before
now obviously they don't. And just knowing when to step
in and step out. You know, I think that's been
a big accomplishment for me because sometimes I would take
things too personal.
Speaker 2 (03:21):
I would do the most. Anything could make me fall apart.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
And now it's like, bro, it's not that serious, you know,
like this is not even worth my energy and time.
And I think that just comes with life experience. You know,
that's how you know you're maturing and you're growing. I
definitely would say, but no, obviously, you know, this year
it's really been about, you know, motherhood.
Speaker 2 (03:40):
I didn't when I had my daughters last year.
Speaker 1 (03:43):
It was a thing, but they were just laying there
for the most part, right their baby bottle.
Speaker 2 (03:47):
They lay there, You change the diapers, blah blah blah,
and it's great.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
But now that they jump around and move around and
I have to travel and I have to go to work,
and I have to do my podcast and I have
to do this, and I don't have a nanny anymore,
and it's just like now it's like when I really
sink in, like, you got kids, so doing that and
obviously the financial responsibility of hustling and figuring you know,
other things out to maintain not one but two more mouths.
It's it's a lot. And if any more milestones, well
in my professional life, I would say, you know, I
think that I continue to do you know my music,
I do my podcast.
Speaker 2 (04:23):
I do many other things.
Speaker 1 (04:24):
But I definitely continue to grow my passion for real estate,
for generational wealth. I just signed off on another property.
I just purchased another property, a multifamily. This is another
great way for me to continue the legacy for my children.
And that's where my mindset is right now. You know,
investing is really a.
Speaker 2 (04:42):
Big thing for me.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
I'm grateful to know that in my thirty three years
of life, I have made wise decisions that are looking
good for my future.
Speaker 3 (04:53):
I love that. For you, that's that's excellent, and that's
a huge milestone, especially in today's times. Are you buying
these propert he's hearing the States or in the medical.
Speaker 2 (05:02):
Report hearing the States?
Speaker 1 (05:03):
I well, obviously besides my house, I just bought this
new investment property, which is I was kind of scared
because I was, like I hear in America everything is
more difficult, and they asked for taxes and this and that.
But you know what I said, I'm just gonna do it.
I'm gonna do it. Nobody is born knowing stuff. You
learn through the journey, through the process. There's so many plans,
so many things that we could do. I also think
it's important for me to preach this out to the
people that are listening to me, to the youth. Guys,
while you're young, while you still can't invest your money
because God knows, when you get older, you're not gonna
have the same energy. You're gonna be tired. You're just
gonna want to rest because God knows I do. And
you have to sacrifice while you're young, while you can
while you still have the energy, sacrifice, get your money
up and invest ver.
Speaker 3 (05:46):
That's that's I mean, that's one of the things that
we preach here on your show. So I love that.
Now we talked about the milestones and achievements. Now, did
you have any challenges or setbacks that you thought you
weren't going to be able to handle that you kind
of just plowed through?
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Actually yes, Funny enough, I don't want to get into
too many details, but I was very afraid because I
had to confront a big monster for me, which was
the you know, the father of my children. I think
that because our personal life was exposed and it was
so public, there were so many commons, so many things
that happened. Recently, we did an episode that will be
airing for Love and Hip Hop, where I hadn't seen
him in a very long time. My girls were about
four months the last time I saw him, and I
recently saw him again and we had a conversation in
which I was very scared to confront and see him again.
I didn't know if it was going to, you know,
go zero to a thousand, and it did go zero
to a thousand.
Speaker 2 (06:45):
It was very awful.
Speaker 1 (06:46):
I figured out a way to because as a woman
you have to learn to put your feelings to a
sign and think as a mother and what's best for
your children. I can't say too much, but you know,
some things were had handled and some things will never change.
And I'm just glad that we were able to have
a conversation. Whatever it is that needed to be said
was said. I handled it as maturity as possible in
that moment, and I think I think that was a
very important moment for me in my life at this
moment because it was just a lot. I also think
that I learned and I dealt with the personal backlash
of dating people on social you know, publicly on social media.
Speaker 2 (07:30):
I'm not doing that again.
Speaker 1 (07:32):
Let's be very clear. If you see me with somebody
outside in these streets. Please don't think that I am
dating them, or they're my man or anything like that.
Because I've learned to keep my personal life to myself
as private and as low as possible.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
I'm not never doing that again.
Speaker 1 (07:46):
I think the social media, as much as they can build,
they can also destroy amazing relationships. I no longer want
to do it. So I've learned that privacy is essential.
And I also think that you learned that with maturity
and growth. You know, life experiences teaches you not everybody
needs to know your business, Not everybody needs to know
how happy you are.
Speaker 2 (08:06):
Whatever it is. You just live in that moment and
that's it.
Speaker 3 (08:18):
That's hard to do it is you know, when everyone's
up in your business. Which leads me to this question
for you through all of that, obviously that that was
pretty you know, crazy for you to sit there and
film all this. Did you prioritize any self care, any
mental well being for yourself throughout the year. If you
did or didn't, how do you think you can improve
in that?
Speaker 2 (08:40):
You know what?
Speaker 1 (08:40):
And I love that you asked me that because that's
something I definitely should work on. I don't think that
I give myself enough time. I remember when I was,
you know, single and before having children, I would go
to the gym all the time. I would get facials
all the time. You know, I was taking more care
of me the person. And I've never been the going
out type of girl. Likes been homebody, but I would
take care of more of me I've gotten And now
I understand because I remember that at one point in
life I used to criticize those moms that would abandon
their bodies and you know, get the bassa and now
you've gotten fat and you know, wait, I've me now
more than ever, I understand to be less judgmental because
now that I'm living through it, I haven't completely abandoned myself,
but I do see the difference and I do need
more time for myself. I don't remember the last time
I was in the gym, you know. Sometimes you know,
I'm like, oh, I need a petticr. I forgot to
shave my legs in the past two months. Like you know,
I'm so busy taking care of everybody else, making sure
that everybody else is taken care of, not only financially
handling you know.
Speaker 2 (09:38):
The weight, but emotionally being there for everybody.
Speaker 1 (09:42):
That depends on me, and in that space, I feel
that I have lost myself. I don't remember the last
time I went out on a date or I just
felt myself not only as a person, but as a woman.
Speaker 2 (09:54):
Speaker 1 (09:55):
I think it's important that the human part of you
is important. The mother aspect of you is because you're
supposed to nurture and be there for, you know, to
take care of some.
Speaker 2 (10:03):
Another human being.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
But the woman within me, I feel like I have
lost her a little bit, and I really want to
find her this upcoming year.
Speaker 3 (10:13):
No, that's I mean, listen, you're you're a mother of two.
It's not easy, right, You're also working very hard to
maintain a home and a family. You know, you take
care of mom, so it's not like you know, it's
it's not.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
Easy My mom, my dad, everybody.
Speaker 3 (10:28):
Oh, your dad too? Yes?
Speaker 2 (10:30):
Speaker 3 (10:30):
Right? Did you maintain a good work life balance? You're
kind of a crazy worker. You enjoy being busy a lot?
Or did one aspect dominate over the other?
Speaker 1 (10:45):
I don't think that I enjoy being I'm a workaholic
by nature because I like to feel that I'm being
productive with my life. I don't like to feel like,
you know, a week has passed by and you haven't
done anything productive with your life.
Speaker 2 (10:57):
And being productive doesn't necessarily always mean financially.
Speaker 1 (10:59):
It can be like I'm gonna do yoga, I'm gonna detox,
I'm gonna have fruits and water. I'm gonna, you know,
self care. I am gonna maybe start a business, maybe
make a call. There could be that one call that
can change your life. Maybe I'm gonna call five people
off my phone just to reach out. Maybe I'm gonna
clean my room. Maybe, you know, I just like to
feel productive. But the workaholic aspect of me really comes
because of the financial, you know, weight that I have
on my shoulders because I have several properties. I have
like five mortgages besides the two that I have in Miami,
I have three open mortgages in dr because everything I purchased.
I'm always doing renovations and this and that, and I
have kids, and I have my mom is you know,
unfortunately always in the hospital. There's just so much going
on that it's like if I stop working, everything falls apart.
And I had the opportunity recently when I broke my toe,
I wasn't able to go to a lot of things
to my foot heels, and I just sat there and
realized how everybody was just looking at me. Everybody was
just sitting there looking at me, like, so, what do
we do now? And I'm like, wait, what, no, no, no, no,
if something would have happened to me, what do y'all
do next? Like, So that was one of those moments
that really put even more pressure on me, like I
can't stop working as long, no matter how exhausted I am.
I know that I still have energy within myself that
I won't have when I'm forty five fifty, So push
myself as much as I can because that day will come.
Speaker 2 (12:25):
Then I'm really gonna be like, y'all gotta figure this out.
Speaker 1 (12:29):
My girls are also somewhat working, and I know it's
kind of crazy because they're young, but they do their
little commercials here and there. They have almost like three
hundred thousand followers on Instagram. I'm so grateful that they
love my babies and they're starting to create their platform.
So eventually those start working, creating their own little money too.
But all these things are things that as a mother
and as a woman now I start thinking, like, what
are you gonna do. What are you gonna do? Where
do I get money from here? What happens here?
Speaker 2 (12:53):
You know? Do I have to finish my trust? Do
you have a trust? You know?
Speaker 1 (12:57):
All these are the things that I never thought of
about now. This year is like is a year. This
upcoming year for me is a year of getting organized.
This year, to me was the year of growth. Next year,
to me is a year of getting organized. Organized in
every aspect. Organize your finances, Organize your you know, your vision,
organized your time for yourself, Organize your daughter's schedules. Organization.
This upcoming year is how I see it for myself.
Speaker 3 (13:27):
So you definitely would say that your work life balances
are all jacked up.
Speaker 2 (13:32):
It is trash, It is garbage.
Speaker 3 (13:40):
Yeah, it's it's not easy, especially when you're the head
of the household. You've talked a little bit before about
your relationship with your dad in past episodes. This season,
you just mentioned that you are also taking care of dad. Yeah,
along with your mom. How did your relationship evolve or
cycle through this year with that whole situation, With that
being back in the picture.
Speaker 1 (14:04):
You know, I will say that sometimes God, God has
a funny way of working and he doesn't always give
you what you want, but he'll give you what you need.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
And I don't think that.
Speaker 1 (14:14):
I'm not sure if I needed him as much as
he needed me. God gave me the opportunity of allowing
me to show.
Speaker 2 (14:22):
Him the daughter he missed out on.
Speaker 1 (14:25):
Wow, and he just made things happen in a way
that it was just it just unfolded in that matter,
like he lost his job, he lost his boss through
because of COVID. That forced him to reach out to
me and be like, I have nowhere to go.
Speaker 2 (14:41):
You know, I need your help.
Speaker 1 (14:43):
And in that moment, I felt like, you know, it
was my duty as a daughter, regardless of the situation,
to allow him to come into my home, into my space.
I would never leave him in the streets, because I
would never leave a friend. Nonetheless, you know, he created me,
and him being in my house kind of forced us
into you know, mingling and having to like, you know.
Speaker 2 (15:04):
Talk to each other a little bit creative bond.
Speaker 1 (15:07):
But I really feel that after I gave birth to
my daughters, my daughters really have brought us together a
little bit more, not too much, because I don't feel
that he's an expressive person.
Speaker 2 (15:16):
He's not the type of person that's gonna tell me, oh,
I love you.
Speaker 1 (15:19):
He's not gonna hug me. He never hugs me or
gives me kisses. He'll give me a high five. That's
like his way. He's a very distant person. I've never felt,
you know, a hug from my father or like a
real He's more like, hey.
Speaker 2 (15:34):
How you doing all right? Cool? Boom, all right, you're
doing a great job. You know, do that all right? Whatever?
So anyways, did your mom cook type of thing?
Speaker 1 (15:41):
My daughters and I think he's trying to do right
by them for what he didn't do right by me,
and that has brought us together.
Speaker 2 (15:48):
So you know, we're still working on it. Some things
you have to build.
Speaker 1 (15:52):
Some things are happen and born naturally, and with our situation,
we have to build it.
Speaker 3 (15:58):
That's a lot to take in house, that relationship with
your daughters. Now with Grandpa being in the picture, how
different do you see him acting with your kids as
opposed to how he was with you.
Speaker 1 (16:09):
All the hugs that he doesn't give me and never
gave me, he gives to them. He is very nurturing
to them, not to me.
Speaker 2 (16:17):
He'll call me and be like donad. I'm like, well,
good morning to you too, sir.
Speaker 1 (16:22):
Like you know, it's all about the girls. And I
love to see how my girls love him. You know,
I love because I feel that seeing them is almost
me living through them. I love to see how when
he comes through the door, they run to him, and
that is like real, genuine love. Babies don't know a difference,
you know, they don't know anything, So whatever it is
that they feel, that's what they feel. And I love
to see that they at least are creating that bond
and those memories I never got to do.
Speaker 2 (16:52):
That's why I feel that God's timing is perfect. You know.
Speaker 1 (16:56):
Maybe I didn't need that as much as he needed it,
or as much as my daughters needed that, because that's
the only way I could break that generational curse.
Speaker 3 (17:05):
It's a wonderful thing for you to have that relationship
between your daughters and him, you know what I'm saying,
And for you to be able to see that with
your eyes. It might be a little bit crazy because
you didn't receive it, but you know it's there. You
can see it moving forward. What habits or practices you
think positively impacted your life this year, which ones would
you like to continue moving forward with.
Speaker 1 (17:34):
I don't know if it's a habit, because it's definitely
not a habit because I haven't been able to have
a real life routine and god knows how long, like
I have never had regular You wake up every day
at this time, you do this, you do that. I
don't know what it is to have that because my
life is out okay and got right. But I will
say that this year, most importantly, I have put in
a lot more effort, a lot more effort into creating
more family memories, creating more family moments. I talk about
it all the time because with time I realized how
my parents are getting older. How now as a mother
I am. You know, I gave life to more people
in this planet, in this world. I have to create
those memories, all the things I never had. I want
to build it for them. I want them to look
at albums and see us enjoying each other and laughing
and remembering this was your THEA and this is your
mom and this is your you know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (18:29):
I used to look like this and I want to
create those moments.
Speaker 1 (18:33):
And those moments don't always have to happen being out
and about it could be we're just gonna watch a
movie today, We're gonna watch a movie. I'm gonna put
effort into, you know, getting instacart and I'm gonna big
cookies and I'm gonna and I want us to come together,
even doing friends giving.
Speaker 2 (18:48):
I had never done that.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
I you know, paid for a live Sasaban and I
bought Gothias and you know, poor Gasau, and we we
did so much bat We did so many foods, and
I had my friends bring friends people I didn't even know.
And originally it was supposed to be like ten of us.
It ended up being like forty of us in the house.
Speaker 2 (19:09):
And it was a lot. It was a lot.
Speaker 1 (19:12):
But it was so important to create those those those bonds,
those human connections, because we don't do that anymore, you know,
don't We don't come together anymore, not even to meet
new people. So that was important to me. And I'm
putting a lot of effort into just creating more memories.
Speaker 3 (19:34):
That's great. I mean, that's just the way the way
you talk about it. You genuinely put your foot forward,
you know, to kind of make things work. And it
sounds like it did, especially with your friends. Giving things.
Speaker 2 (19:45):
Oh yeah, we got to.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
Talk about that episode.
Speaker 3 (19:51):
My last question to you is how satisfied are you
with the overall personal and professional growth this year? With
everything that has happened from you know, your own personal
things that have been going on with your family, to
the podcast to your businesses? Are you satisfied with it all?
Speaker 1 (20:11):
I mean, I am more than grateful with God and
life and my fans, the people that support me, the
people that follow me. I am grateful because I always
say that out of a bill and human beings, it's
only very very few of us that get to see
the lights, and I have been able to see the light.
Speaker 2 (20:29):
I am living in the lights as we speak.
Speaker 1 (20:32):
I may have not, you know, touched the light like
Beyonce that she's all the way up there, but I at.
Speaker 2 (20:39):
Least have been able to touch it, live it and be
in it.
Speaker 1 (20:43):
Some people are still dreaming of the possibilities of one
day becoming or being or doing, and I have done
and lived.
Speaker 2 (20:50):
I am grateful for that. You know, obviously I'm only
but human.
Speaker 1 (20:53):
I'm always going to see the negative things, the negative
side to all things. But in this moment, in this opportunity,
I don't want to talk about the negativity because I
have lived this year hasn't been all about positive stuff.
It hasn't been all about great things. I've lived through
a lot of shitty ass moments.
Speaker 2 (21:10):
But I want to.
Speaker 1 (21:11):
Talk about the good because I am grateful, you know,
I think gratitude is so important. I am grateful for
having another season of exactly a mata because I remember
when originally Mike wudud that was just an idea that
I you know, I was having a conversation with him
Rique Santos at his house and it was just an idea.
And now it's been two seasons in I pray to
God we continue to grow this platform where it gives
Latinos latin ex community, it gives people like myself after
Latinos an opportunity to not only bring in other people
to talk about their experiences, to empower, inspire and preach.
But I'm just I'm grateful, you know. And my personal
life has been trashed this year, you know, you know,
we're still not having no sex. WHOA there goes that.
I hope the next year things change. But I don't
think it's even about that. I just think it's about
the human connection of being with someone, of finding a
partner that is worthy. I think that my life has
also changed as far as your mindset. Now, I'm a mother,
I have responsibilities. You can just bring anybody around. It
has to make sense. So in my personal life, nothing
has really evolved or grown in a way that I
can feel like, oh, I'm so proud.
Speaker 2 (22:22):
Not necessarily, but I pray that things change.
Speaker 1 (22:26):
And as far as my career, I pay my bills
in life doing what I love.
Speaker 2 (22:31):
I pay my bills in life.
Speaker 1 (22:32):
Doing with you know, doing what God gifted me with,
you know, And that alone is there's nothing negative I
can say because I get to live my dreams, I
get to live I get to live those things. So
I am happy. I am grateful. I think that that's
something I need to work on more. As much as
I'm talking about it now, I think that next year
and in this moment, I need to be more grateful.
And remember this this is not just for the podcast,
but this should be me more often in real life.
Speaker 2 (23:04):
As far as being more.
Speaker 3 (23:06):
Grateful, well, hopefully see what the future brings here. And
you know, thank you for having me on today and
for allowing me to kind of ask you all these
questions and share you know, all your feelings and everything
that has happened for you in twenty twenty three.
Speaker 1 (23:21):
Thank you guys, so so much, so all the listeners,
thank you so much for subscribing.
Speaker 2 (23:26):
Thank you for sharing my podcast. Thank you for being
part of my life experiences.
Speaker 1 (23:30):
I am so grateful for you. Once again, thank you
guys so much for tuning in too. Exactly Amara, and
like I said before, Alex, thank you. Thank you so much.
For those that haven't watched yet, make sure to find
me on YouTube. Catch my show by searching for micro
do That podcast on YouTube and clicking on exactly Amada.
Follow me on Instagram, Chief Mose Ladra follow me on Instagram.
Speaker 2 (23:50):
Ad Amara a l N. I'm Mada la a l N.
Speaker 1 (23:55):
And remember that this is a production of Ihearts microL
Do That podcast Network. For more podcasts my heart, visit
the iHeartRadio app podcast or wherever you listen to your
favorite shows.
Speaker 2 (24:06):
This is your girl.
Speaker 1 (24:07):
I'm Madala Negra and you just heard exactly Amada